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Chapter 1

Comments ko lang dagitoy ah, decision u nu sukatan u or I stay

as ease..


Background of the Study

The rising rate of population growth continues to increase

the population density while global warming has influenced the

climate locally and globally, leading to severe changes in climate

conditions. As a result, a shift in monsoon time and frequency has

been observed which resulted in a water crisis creating a scarcity

of potable water in many parts of the world (Algarni, 2018).

Statistics from 1980–1990, the 5.1% annual urban growth rate

in the Philippines was considered one of the highest in the

developing economies of Asia (Mercado & Manasan, 1998). Such growth

was controlled by a mixture of factors related to the history,

geography, as well as the sector macroeconomic and explicit spatial

policies influencing the development of urban areas (Mercado &

Manasan, 1998; NEDA, 1996). In the Philippines, the explosive and

unabated growth of urban areas is considered as one of the most

The Problem

important indicators that characterizes the country’s development

process (Cariño & Corpuz, 2008). By the early 1990s, the country’s

urban proportion had risen to well over 29 million, or almost 49%

of the country’s population. This rose further to more than 53

million which is over 60% of the population, in 2005. It has been

projected that about 117 million or 84% of Filipinos, will be urban

residents by 2050 (Cariño & Corpuz, 2008).

As the only American hill station in Asia (Crossette, 1999;

Reed, 1999) and the only hill station in the Philippines, Baguio

City, the country’s summer capital has enjoyed economic, political

and social prominence for more than a century. Compared with the

population of 489 in 1903 (OCPDC, 2002), the city is now a home to

301,926 people (NSO, 2007) and is one of the highly urbanized

entities in the country today. The development and availability of

basic essential urban services including facilities have helped

transform the city into a major educational, tourist and government

center in the region. However, rapid urbanization and population

growth are straining the city’s resources. Such developments are

beginning to take a toll on the people’s well-being and the

environment. With Baguio City’s population expected to expand

further in the coming years, the local government needs to find

and devise innovative and effective ways of ensuring water access,

water security, and sanitation for both residents and visitors.

The Problem

An IIED-funded study entitled “Towards Establishing Water

Security and Climate Change Resilience in the City of Baguio”

(Ciencia et al., 2015) conducted by the University of the

Philippines Baguio (UP Baguio), offers baseline information on the

basis of which relevant policy recommendations aimed at addressing

water security issues. From a research perspective, the UP Baguio

study was quite significant for it offers the most updated and

rich information on water insecurity as experienced in the entire

City of Baguio. However, the study still has to draw the attention

of local government officials as an initial step for it to

contribute to finding solutions to Baguio City's water insecurity

and sanitation problems. (kala kurang jy explanation t “offers the

most updated and rich information” tapos kala adadu t flaws na,

mayat nu I balance u) Try u man dytoi…… the study was proven

significant as it provides useful and fresh information in the

current state of water insecurity in Baguio City, except, it did

not provide an attainable solution as it still lacks the ability

to draw the attention of the local government to contribute in

addressing the said problem.

The city’s water supply comes from four (4) sources, namely:

springs, wells, surface diversions and a rain basin (Estoque and

Maruyama, 2013). Managing a relatively extensive water production

and distribution system that consists of 65 pumping stations, 57

deep wells, five (5) spring sources and an estimated 182 kilometers
The Problem

of pipelines (Royeca, 2015), the BWD in 2015 produced on the

average 34,790 cubic meters of water per day (CMD), which was about

86% of the forecasted demand of 40,230 CMD. Apart from the

challenge of meeting Baguio residents’ demand for water, the BWD

is also plagued by problems involving illegal connections,

leakages, water meter inefficiencies, pipeline age, and pilferage

(Royeca, 2016). Ag-ipasuk kau t paragraph exit nga ag-introduce t

fog nga additional source para ita next paragraph u… ex. With

todays population, natural water resources is not enough to supply

the water demand blah blah.. this impression leads to innovative

ideas blah blah.. aside from sanitation, extraction can also be

applied to blah blah.. ipasok ni fog. Tapos next paragraph in.

The Cordillera Region experiences foggy weather regularly

throughout the year. Given this setting, fog harvesting poses to

be a reliable additional water source.

Fog is collected using constructing fog - catchers that look

like tall volleyball nets slung between two poles. They are made

up of a polypropylene or polyethylene mesh that is efficient at

capturing water droplets. When the fog rolls in, the tiny droplets

of water cling to the mesh, and as more and more cluster together,

they drip into a gutter under that channels the water to a water

tank. Fog collectors are best suited to high - elevation arid and

rural areas like Baguio City (Pera, 2013).

The Problem

What is essential in the fog collection process is that fog

is composed of tiny liquid water droplets from 1 to 40 micrometers

in diameter. A typical droplet diameter is 10mm.

There is typically 0.05 to 0.5 grams of liquid water in a cubic

meter of fog. One large fog collector, with a 40 sq. m collecting

surface, can produce an average of 200 L per day throughout the

year. On some days there is no water produced. On other days as

much as 1000 L will be generated (Pera, 2013). The variability

depends on the site. Choosing an appropriate site is of utmost

importance. There is a day – to - day variations in fog - water

production as well as seasonal variations.

Some past studies in the Philippines were focused on the

rainwater harvesting as a source of water supply. This study

focuses on the assessment of fog harvesting in three locations

namely: Brgy. Irisan, Baguio, Brgy. Poblacion, Tuba and Brgy.

Paoay, Atok. It aims to contribute additional source of water

supply through fog collection. Finally, it provides a scope for

future research to help in attaining sustainability.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

This portion of the study presents the conceptual and

theoretical framework. This presents the concepts used.

Conceptual framework

The city has experienced shortage of water supply during the

past years giving the researchers the idea of conducting the study
The Problem

of assessing fog harvesting within the area to produce additional


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Shown in Figure 1 is the conceptual framework of the study.

With fog harvesting as an additional source of water, this can add

up to the water supply shortage in the city.

Water supply shortage

Water supply shortage can be defined as insufficiency of water

or not having access to safe water supply. It is the lack of fresh

water resources to meet water demand.

Assessment of Fog Harvesting

Fog harvesting refers to the collection of water from fog

using large pieces of vertical canvas to make the fog-droplets

flow down towards a trough below the canvas, known as a fog fence.

A fog collector, fog net or fog fence is an apparatus for

collecting liquid water from fog, using a fine mesh. It is made up

of a vertically hung mesh net, a frame, and a trough. Water

The Problem

condenses onto the array of parallel wires and collects at the

bottom of the net.pwedeng ilagay para mas elaborate (choice u

ladta). Assessment is something that should be done to address

something. Assessment of fog harvesting is a process that assesses

the procedures needed in establishing relations (or something,

tingin kau ng magandang pang persuade)..

Additional Water Supply

The city needs enough water supply for daily living.

Additional water supply occurs when there is a high demand yet low

The Problem

Theoretical Framework

Figure 2 shows the base principles used in the study and the

subsequent application of it to the desired conclusion.


Fog Water

Weight Water Volume
Computation Density Computation

Volume of

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework

Ikarga u ladta jy equations ijy figures ta part

suna ijy theory..

The figure above shows the procedure and formula used that

guide the researchers in the conduct of the study.

Experimental Method

The best method — indeed the only fully compelling method —

of establishing causation is to conduct a carefully designed

experiment in which the effects of possible lurking variables are

controlled. “The experimental method is the only method of research

The Problem

that can truly test hypotheses concerning cause-and-effect. It

represents the most valid approach to the solution of educational

problems for both practical and theoretical, and to the advancement

of education as a science.

Weight Computation

It is a formula used to determine the weight of fog water

collected. It can be calculated using the Equation 1.

Ww = W2 – W1 Equation 1


Ww = weight of fog water collected

W2 = weight of the container and the fog water collected

W1 = weight of the container

Water Density

The density of water, d, is the weight of the water per its

unit volume, which depends on the temperature of the water. The

maximum density of water occurs around 4 degrees Celsius.

Volume Computation

It is a formula used to determine the volume of fog water

collected. It can be calculated using the Equation 2.

VW = Ww/d Equation 2


VW = Volume of fog water collected

The Problem

Ww = weight of fog water collected

d = density of water

Research Paradigm

The study is guided by a schematic diagram as shown in Figure

3. The study uses the IPO format (input, process, and output) which

outlines the approaches employed in conducting the study.

The inputs include: (1) tools needed in the study; (2) the

location, i.e., Brgy. Irisan, Baguio, Bgry. Paoay, Atok, and Brgy.

Poblacion, Tuba; (3) the papers and permits to the following

concerned agency and officials, i.e., Department of Environment

and Natural Resources, barangay captain and kagawad of each

barangay involved.

The process includes the following: (1) collection of data in

the three locations as mentioned using experimental set up of

harvester; (2) weight computation based from the gathered data;

and (3) volume computation in accordance with weight of fog water


Processed inputs yield an output. The following are the output

of this study: amount of volume of water that are collected in

each locations, the collection time where the harvester yields

most, and the assessment of some parameters, i.e., humidity,

temperature, density, wind velocity in the collection of water.

The Problem


Fog Volume
Harvester Experimental

Site Visit Collection

and Weight
Inspection Computation

Paper and Computation

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The Problem

Significance of the Study

Considering that Baguio City’s population is expected to

increase more in the coming years, the researchers believe that

the study could serve local government the need to develop ways of

ensuring additional water sources for the residents and visitors.

There is also the possibility to pave way for the development of

fog harvesters and implementation of fog harvesting.

With the studies presented and proven to be effective in other

foggy urban places around the world, the researchers strongly agree

that it is also applicable within the area (apay nga ag al ala ka

t supports t daduma nga journals, mas maymayat nu jy significance

kit ag originate mismo dtoy study u..) ex. With the Philippines as

a developing country, both establishment of fog harvesters and

results of the study is highly expected to revolutionize blah blah.

. Finally, the assessment result of this study may guide the

implementation of fog harvesting that would probably stand as a

source of additional supply to water shortage in the City of

The Problem

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to assess the possibility

of fog harvesting to produce an additional supply of water and to

apprehend some factors affecting the fog harvester in collecting

of fog water. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following


1. At what location did the harvester yield the highest volume

of water?

2. For each study area, at what particular time of the day (6am-

12nn, 12nn-6pm, 6pm-12mn, and 12mn-6am) the fog harvester

collection most effective?

3. What is the effect of location in terms of altitude,

temperature and particular time of the day to the amount of

water collected by the harvester?

The Problem

Scope, Limitations and Delimitation

The main scope of the study is to technically assess the

potential of fog water collection as a water source to the City of

Baguio. Additionally, the paper attempts to address the theories

behind fog water collection and its related parameters. Finally,

it provides a scope for future research to help in attaining


The time for conducting the research is limited only to the

months of April to September of 2019.

The study focuses on foggy areas in Brgy. Irisan, Baguio,

Brgy. Poblacion, Tuba and Brgy. Paoay, Atok. The researchers used

a prototype fog collector with materials indigenous to the study

area. Only ten trials were conducted in each location because of

the underlying constraints like processing of permit, time

availability of group members for data gathering, varying weather

conditions, location of study site, effect of terrain traversal,

and too costly.

Due to varying weather conditions, factors like water quality

and days with heavy rainfall were not taken into consideration.

Since the amount of time needed to gather data is severely limited,

reliability is relative to the amount of time spent.

The Problem

Operational Definition of Terms

Collection trough

The trough is semi-circular in cross section slightly slope

to drain to one end with an opening at the top that is 1.04 m long

and 15 cm wide with a depth of 5.08 cm below the frame for the

collection of fog water.

Polypropylene mesh

It is a 35% shade thermoplastic polymer net providing good

chemical and heat resistance at a reasonable cost.

Prototype fog harvester

The model use in this study based on the Standard Fog

Collector’s (SFC) dimensions and materials being used.


The quality or characteristic of not permitting any change,

the quality of not being able to bend or be bent.

Standard fog collector (SFC)

It is a small device used in investigative studies to evaluate

the amount of fog water that can be collected in determined sites.

The SFC consists in a standard 1 m x 1 m metal frame usually

covered in polypropylene Raschel mesh, set at 2 m high.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a brief description on the research

methodology of the study. It also includes the research design,

population and locale of the study, data gathering tools and

materials, data gathering procedure, and treatment of data.

Research Design and Methodology

The researchers used the experimental type to measure the

amount of fog water collected by the harvester for a given duration

of time, obtain results and answer the questions being indicated

as part of the study.

Through an experiment using the harvester constructed based

on a standard fog collector (SFC) made out of 1 m2 polypropylene

mesh which was erected to a location where frequent fog occurrence

is being observed and to places of high altitude in Benguet, volume

of fog water was gathered to obtain data for this study. Other

information were obtained from different sources such as online

materials, libraries, articles and other source material that are

significant to the study. Lastly, Microsoft Excel Data Analysis

regression function was also used to numerically show the

relationship of the factors affecting volume collection.

Overview ba dytoy t methodology u?? han san nga necessary nga

Design and Methodology

Population and Locale of the Study

The field research was carried out in an accessible foggy

places of considerable altitudes within (napagseparate t baguio

kin benguet…) some parts of Baguio-Benguet, namely; Brgy. Irisan,

Baguio, Brgy. Poblacion, Tuba and Brgy. Paoay, Atok. The said

locations were chosen as representatives given it satisfy the set

criteria discussed in the preceding sections and used as the best

in comparing the different parameters that may affect the volume

collection of fog water in each location.

Figure 4 and Figure 5 below shows the set up location in

Balenben, Irisan, Baguio where it is located 16°25’15.51”N

latitude and 120°33’41.74”E longitude on Luzon Island, Philippines

with an elevation of 1365 meters above sea level.

Design and Methodology

Balenben is one of the foggy areas located in within the said

area as to why the researchers chose this as one of the locale of

the study.

Figure 4. Topographic Map of Balenben Road (Source: Google Maps)

Figure 5. Set – up area at Balenben Rd., Irisan Baguio City

(wow, ganda ng cam quality ah, hiyang hiya naman ung sa amin
pixelated.. haha)
Design and Methodology

Figure 6 and Figure 7 shows the set up location in Mt.

Kabuyao, Brgy. Poblacion, Tuba where it is located at 16°21′28.91”N

latitude and 120°33′57.33”E longitude, at the south-western tip of

both Benguet and the Central Cordillera Mountain Range. It has an

elevation of 1980 meters above sea level.

Figure 6. Topographic Map of Mt. Kabuyao (Source: Google Maps)

Design and Methodology

Figure 7. Set – up area at Mt. Kabuyao, Tuba, Benguet

Tuba's topography is generally characterized by irregular

rugged terrain and steep slopes with several mountain peaks rising

from the table land itself.

Design and Methodology

Figure 8 and Figure 9 shows the set up location in Brgy.

Paoay, Atok where it is located at 16°37′39.69”N latitude and

120°45′27.86”E longitude, situated at the central portion of

Benguet that has an elevation of 2379 meters above sea level.

Figure 8. Topographic Map of Brgy. Paoay (Source: Google Maps)

Figure 9. Set – up area at Brgy. Paoay, Atok, Benguet

The land is characterized as mountainous with many steep

cliffs. The highest point in the Philippine Highway System is

Design and Methodology

located here at Barangay Paoay along Halsema Highway, at 2,255

meters above sea level.

Data Gathering Tools and Materials

Ilauk u pati jy digital balance kasi inusar u…

For the data gathering tools, the researchers used a fog

collector which was accessibly carried out into the study area.

The fog collector consists of a frame that measures 1 m x 1

m on the inside. The frame itself is 1.3 cm width and is made up

of aluminum for rigidity. It is made of aluminum to prevent


Figure 10 below shows the actual picture of the mesh and frame

used in the study.

Figure 10. Frame and Mesh

The mesh used was of the same materials in all of the standard

fog collector to enable direct comparisons to be made between

sites. The material chosen for use will be 35% shade polypropylene

mesh which will be used in double layer. The mesh was placed in a
Design and Methodology

standard collector frame in a double layer, thus slightly more

than 2 m2 of mesh. The mesh was pulled tightly over the frame with

the support lines of the frame oriented horizontally.

The frame is supported by ground rod with its base 2m above

the ground. Immediately below the frame is a collection trough for

the fog water.

Shown in figure 11 is the ground rod used in the harvester.

Figure 11. Ground Rod

The trough used was a semi-circular pipe cross section with

an opening at the top that is 1.04 m long and 15 cm wide. The depth

of the trough was 5.08 cm.

Figure 12 below shows the trough of the harvester being used.

Design and Methodology

Figure 12. Actual Photo of Trough

The trough has a slight slope to drain to one end where there

is an opening connecting to a tube of 8 mm inside diameter. The

tube takes the water to closed plastic storage container of

sufficient volume to allow for the storage and measurement of all

the water collected during the sampling period.

Thermometer and electronic weighing scale were used for

determining of temperature and weights needed, respectively.

Data Gathering Procedure






Design and Methodology

Figure 13. Data gathering procedure for the conduct of the study

Shown in figure 13 is the methodological flowchart of the

study. In starting the study, the researchers surveyed a couple of

locations as possible collection sites as shown in figures (see

Appendix A). The sites were evaluated by the researchers using

ocular inspection with the following criteria: frequency of fog

occurrence, elevation and accessibility to roads and nearby

communities. The researchers concluded with three locations namely

Irisan (Baguio), Kabuyao (Tuba) and Paoay (Atok). (nag all over

the place ngy dytoy, ada ijy intro u t pop & loc of study based t

altitude tapos dtoy met kit nagintroduced kau manen t baru nga

criteria, sunga in rephrase ko jy last sentence ijy pop &loc)

After deciding on the study area, the researchers processed

the needed documents such as letters to barangay captains and

permit from DENR to start the study (see Appendix B).

Simultaneously, as the documents are being processed, the

researchers assembled a fog collector with a frame consisting of

a 1m by 1m polypropylene mesh with 5mm perforations, sewn inside

an aluminum frame as shown in Figure 14.

Design and Methodology

Figure 14. Assembly of Fog Harvester

Figure 15 below shows the picture of an actual fog harvester

that have been already set up.

Figure 15. Fog Harvester

The frame is then mounted on two metal rods that are connected

via a hollow tube welded at the sides of the frame. A trough was

connected at the base of the frame to serve as a catchment for the

Design and Methodology

fog water, which is then connected to a bottle container via a

plastic tube.

After all the documents were processed, the researchers

started with the first location, Balenben Road, Irisan, Baguio

City, the harvester was mounted on a relatively flat surface (see

Figure 16). The collection time was divided into a 6-hour interval

each day, the intervals were 6:00 pm-12:00 midnight, 12:00

midnight-6:00 am, 6:00 am-12:00 noon and 12:00 noon-6:00 pm. After

every intervals the collected water was kept and the containers

were changed. The researchers also, set up camp so as to guard and

record the whole collection process. Same procedures were applied

in the following locations namely: Tuba (see Figure 17) and Atok

(see Figure 18).

Figure 16. Set-up of Harvester at Balenben Rd, Irisan

Design and Methodology

Figure 17. Set-up of Harvester at Mt. Kabuyao, Tuba

Figure 18. Set-up of Harvester at Brgy. Paoay, Atok

Finally, all the data gathered were collated and tabulated,

ready to be used as a basis for the conclusions and

Design and Methodology

recommendations. Locations and elevations were obtained using the

Google Maps.

Treatment of Data

After conducting the collection proper, the researchers

recorded the amount of water collected as shown in Figure 19. The

data will be subjected to the following statistical treatment for

the computation of volume.

Figure 19. Weighing of Data Gathered

In getting the weight of the water, the researchers used a

container to store the fog water collected in a span of 6 hours

and this formula was used:

Ww = W2 – W1 Equation 1
Design and Methodology

In order to get the volume of water, Ww will be divided by

the density (from table 2).

VW = Ww/d Equation 2

Table 1 shows the temperature with its equivalent density of

water that was adopted in the computation of the volume of water.

If the temperature is in between the values presented in the table

below, interpolation was used to get the exact value of density

needed to solve the volume.

Table 1: Temperature and Density (Source: United States

Geological Survey)

For the computation of water volume in liters, the use of

conversion unit (1 cm3 = 0.001 L) was used.

Through Microsoft Excel with regression data analysis

function, the relationships between the factors that affect the

Design and Methodology

volume collected were numerically observed before proceeding to

analysis of results. (kailangan ba nga iregression u?? mayat samet

nga I discuss u individually ta mas persuasive kin nabibiit nga i-

identify jy factors.. unless isu na-instruct kenyau edi

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the

data gathered from the harvesting of fogs through the use of fog

collector within the three locale of the study namely Baguio, Tuba

and Atok. (apay agfocfocus kau ijy fog harvesting, chapter 3 dapat

kit discussion amin t inaramid u han nga diretso t answering t

objectives i-followm jy format nga inted ni sir d ps1) try mo nu

kayat mo dytoy..

This chapter presents all data obtained, their analyses and

interpretation. Tuloy ko bgat turugak py..

Water Volume Collected

For every six – hour data collection interval at each

location, ten trials were conducted to pave way for a more precise

and reliable result.

Table 2 below presents the quantity of fog water collected at

three (3) locations. The data presented below were the average fog

water volume collected for each location at every time interval.

The total volume collected at Brgy. Irisan, Brgy. Poblacion and

Brgy. Paoay were 0.196L, 0.343L and 0.915L respectively.

Table 2. Water Volume Data

Altitude and Temperature

Time Interval 1 (6PM – 12MN)

Time Interval 2 (12MN – 6AM)

Time Interval 3 (6AM – 12NN)

Time Interval 4 (12NN – 6PM)

Effectivity of Fog Harvester at a Particular Time of the Day

With the data results presented, the period of the day with

the highest collection was said to be the time where the fog

harvester collection was most effective.

Table 5 shows the average quantity of fog water collected in

every six hours of the day. From the data gathered, the period

with the highest collection at Tuba was during 12 MN to 6 AM with

0.086 liters of fog water.

Relationship of Particular Time of the Day with respect to Altitude

and Temperature
The following tables and graphs presented below shows the

relationship of altitude and temperature with respect to a

particular time of the day with an interval of 6 hours for every

study area.

Table 8 shows the 6PM – 12MN time interval in which Atok has

the lowest temperature having 14 degrees Celsius at an altitude of

2379 meters above sea level followed by Tuba and Baguio.

Relationship of Volume and Temperature

The table below shows the volume and temperature gathered at

Mt. Kabuyao, Santo Tomas. With 12MN – 6AM trials, the volume with

the highest quantity of 0.084 and 0.087 liters for trial 1 and 2

respectively has the lowest temperature of 14 degrees Celsius.

Linear Regression Interpretation

From the regression analysis performed, the only values

significant to the study are the R square or covariance and the

adjusted R square or adjusted covariance since these values

describes how much of an effect the independent variables are to

the volume collected by the fog collector. Given that the two

values are much alike, the researchers considered only to use the

adjusted R square as it takes into consideration the sample size.

The average adjusted covariance of the following factors

namely temperature, humidity, and wind speed are 70%, 19% and 4%
respectively. To put it simply, the adjusted covariance values

represent how much, in percentages, the volume of water collected

is affected by the said factors. Based on the values, temperature

has the most significant effect among the three factors with

humidity being second and wind speed having the least significance.

This implies that in finding a suitable location for fog harvesting

the biggest factor to consider is temperature.

Presentation, Analysis and
Interpretation of Data

Chapter 4

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations

drawn from the results of the study.


The total volume collected at Mt.Kabuyao was 0.194 liters;

0.151 liters at Balenben, Irisan; and 0.806 liters at Paoay, Atok.

The location where the fog collector yield the highest volume

collected was in Atok.

The most effective collection of fog harvester from all of

the study area was during 12 midnight to 6 am.

The volume, altitude and particular time of the day

relationship were in terms of temperature. At a particular time of

the day (12MN – 6AM) having the lowest temperature among the 6-

hour time interval, the volume collection was at its greatest.

Also, the highest altitude among the three study area got the

lowest temperature all throughout the time collection intervals.

This means that volume collected is directly proportional to

altitude and inversely proportional to temperature.

The collection of water by fog harvesting varies from the

temperature and altitude where it was conducted. The altitude of

the place is a factor that affects the collection of water through

fog harvesting, the higher the altitude and lower the temperature

of the place the greater volume collected.

Presentation, Analysis and
Interpretation of Data


1. To have a comparison, a future study considering the

effects of humidity and wind velocity to the volume of

fog water collected should also be conducted.

2. Use of other materials like nylon is recommended to be

more effective in collecting of water by fog harvesting.

3. Collection of data must be done for weeks, months, and

most probably years for a greater quantity.

4. Larger dimensions of frame to be used in collecting of


5. Seminars, information drive and education campaign

lectures should be conducted in the places where fog

harvester will be set up to cope up the awareness and be

able to drive the willingness of people to help during

gathering period in the area.

6. For further study, the quality of fog water collected

must be conducted to assure the classification of water

as an additional supply.

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