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Swami Vivekananda was a great social reformer and a very inspiring personality of India.
Vivekananda was called by the name Narendranath Datta.. He was born in Kolkata on 12
January 1863 to Vishwanath Datta and Bhuvaneshwari Devi. His father was a successful
attorney. At the threshold of youth Narendra had to pass through a period of spiritual crisis
when he was assailed by doubts about the existence of God. In November 1881, Narendra
went to meet Sri Ramakrishna who was staying at the Kali Temple in Dakshineshwar.
Narendra became a frequent visitor to Dakshineshwar and under the guidance of the Sri
Ramakrishna, he made rapid strides on the spiritual path. He decided to attend the World
Parliament of Religions in order to spread his message in the West which was schedule to be
held in Chicago in 1893. On the eve of his departure, he adopted the name of Swami


1.Dedication to work:- Swami vivekananda deeply dedicated to his work. It doesn’t matter
what he is doing, but how he is doing it that makes the ultimate difference. Great
opportunities are always possible for the one who is dedicated to what he is doing.

2.Face the problem:- A true leader will always have a mission and purpose in life. He will
be ready to fight the world for it. You cannot solve problems by running away from them.
Sooner or later, you will need to face the problems and conquer your fears. Leaders inspire
people to face problems and find solutions for the benefit of all.

3.Stay disciplined:- Swami Vivekananda’s life and selfless leadership, he once said “This
life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live who live for others, the
rest are more dead than alive.”

4.Motivator:- He empower their people by believing in them, trusting them and they rise to
greatness as a result. A leader instills belief in others where they can accomplish things that
they never thought were possible. Swami Vivekananda preached about the infinite power that
resides in each of us and how it unleashes itself to help us achieve anything we want.

5.Focus on the goal:- A true leader will always have a mission and purpose in life. He will
be ready to fight the world for it. You cannot solve problems by running away from them.
Sooner or later, you will need to face the problems and conquer your fears. Leaders inspire
people to face problems and find solutions for the benefit of all.

6.Never ending wining spirit:- Swami Vivekananda was a man who never gave up on
anything and always had this never ending winning spirit.

The key leadership strategies of swami Vivekananda that can be used by today leaders are the

The Concept of Servant Leadership : Many years ago, Swami Vivekananda said, "Shiva
Jnana Jiva Seva." which means,"Worship the God in man."He also said,"Unselfishness is
more paying in the long run.You vacate the air out of this room. Fresh air will come
automatically. Once you start giving charity, more will come to you."The unselfishness and
giving back to the society is a must.

In today's world Most of the highly educated & experienced employees at the workplace is
very high on IQ. It's not easy to control them through power and position and through order.
But one can control them through love and the attitude of service. That is the new concept of
management that is called as Service Leadership. This is, not taking the credit as a leader.
You inspire your colleagues, you inspire your subordinates,not by preaching, but by your
own example.The phrase “servant leadership” was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970.
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve
human beings selflessly.The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and
helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. This is very similar to what Swamiji
had said long back.

Action-centered Leadership : Swami Vivekananda says :"Jo Sirdar, woh hi Sardar. Kaun
sardar ban sakta hai…jo sir de sakta hai."

One who sacrifices his ego, one who sacrifices his selfishness, one who can sacrifice his
prejudices, he alone can become a successful leader.

Similarly in Today's world , The famous management Guru, John Adair introduced
the Action Centered Leadership . An effective leader has to be enthusiastic, have integrity,be
tough & fair,have humility and be confident. John Adair found effective leaders pay attention
to Task, Team & Individual.The Task, Team and Individual needs overlap. To achieve the
common task , maintain network in team & satisfy the individual .


You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you none can make you spiritual. There is
no other teacher but your own soul.

Talk to yourself once in a day, Otherwise you may miss meeting an intelligent person in


Swami Vivekananda was not only a multi-faceted personality but was also far ahead of his
times. Swamiji understood the problems facing humanity. Through the cause and effect
method he traced the problems and provided solutions which served beyond immediate relief
and farther into the future.

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