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Severe DRESS Syndrome Managed With Therapeutic

Plasma Exchange
AUTHORS: Thomas Alexander, MD, MPH,a Edward Iglesia
BA,b Yara Park, MD,c Daniel Duncan, MD,c David Peden, MD, abstract
MS,a,d Saira Sheikh, MD,a and Maria Ferris, MD, MPH, PhDa
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syn-
Departments of aPediatrics, cPathology and Laboratory Medicine,
drome is a rare but increasingly described phenomenon of immune
and dMicrobiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and bRobert Wood activation and organ dysfunction in association with a wide variety of
Johnson Medical School, Piscataway Township, New Jersey medications. This reaction shows a broad spectrum of clinical pre-
KEY WORDS sentation and severity, ranging from mild to lethal. Treatment strat-
adverse drug reaction, plasma exchange, drug hypersensitivity, egies of immune suppression appear be helpful in some cases, but
lamotrigine, bupropion
treatment failures occur frequently with reported mortality rates of
5% to 10%. We present a pediatric case of DRESS syndrome associ-
DRESS—drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms ated with either lamotrigine or bupropion, leading to multiorgan in-
EBV—Epstein-Barr virus volvement and life-threatening complications of respiratory failure
HHV—human herpes virus and cardiac arrest. After failing to improve with removal of these
IVIg—intravenous immunoglobulin
PLEX—plasma exchange medications and administration of systemic corticosteroids, our pa-
TNF—tumor necrosis factor tient showed dramatic, sustained clinical response to therapeutic
Dr Alexander wrote the description of the case and portions of plasma exchange. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case
the discussion; Mr Iglesia wrote portions of the discussion; Dr of therapeutic plasma exchange used for life-threatening DRESS syn-
Ferris developed the treatment plan and reviewed the case
drome in a pediatric patient. This case suggests needed research for
report and discussion; Dr Park consulted on the treatment plan
and contributed to the discussion; Dr Duncan wrote portions of this therapeutic option in life-threatening DRESS syndrome resistant
the discussion; Dr Peden consulted on the treatment plan and to high-dose steroids. Pediatrics 2013;131:e945–e949
reviewed the case report and discussion; and Dr Sheikh
contributed to the initial discussion and reviewed the discussion
write up.
Accepted for publication Nov 5, 2012
Address correspondence to Thomas Alexander, MD, MPH, 3516
Keats Place, Raleigh, NC 27609. E-mail: thomasbalexander@yahoo.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e945

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DRESS syndrome is a type of drug hy- erythematous skin rash, high-grade circulation. At the time of cardiac arrest,
persensitivity defined by a constellation fevers, and lymphadenopathy. She magnesium level was 1.9 mg/dL, and
of findings associated with hyperin- presented to an emergency depart- potassium level was 5.0 mmol/L. Her QTc
flammation related to a medication ment, where she was prescribed was prolonged to 521 ms hours before
exposure. The syndrome or a variation clindamycin for acute lymphadenitis. the cardiac arrest. Her QT interval was
has been described in the literature Two weeks later, she was admitted normal on admission to the tertiary care
since the 1950s under the names to the hospital with fever, rash, diffuse center and normal on follow-up as an
drug-induced pseudolymphoma, an- tender lymphadenopathy, painful ex- outpatient. The etiology of her QT pro-
ticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome, udative pharyngitis, and glossitis. longation, torsades de pointes electrical
drug-induced delayed multiorgan hy- Laboratory investigation revealed trans- rhythm, and cardiac arrest is not clear
persensitivity syndrome, and drug- aminitis, eosinophilia, and atypical lym- but could have been secondary to sys-
induced hypersensitivity syndrome.1–5 phocytes, leading to concern for an temic inflammation or myocarditis or
Kardaun et al describe the following adverse drug reaction. Lamotrigine possibly medication effect. She did not
general features of hypersensitivity and bupropion were stopped, and the receive any known QT prolonging med-
syndrome/DRESS syndrome1: drug- patient improved with supportive care. ication on the day of the arrest.
induced immunologic background, later She was discharged, only to return In light of her rapidly progressive
onset than other drug reactions, longer twice with generalized pain, fever, severe clinical deterioration in the setting of
duration than common “drug rashes,” painful exudative pharyngitis, and glos- DRESS syndrome and incomplete re-
multiorgan involvement, lymphocyte acti- sitis. Workup was negative for antinu- sponse to IV corticosteroids, we elected
vation, eosinophilia, and frequent virus clear antibody; double-stranded DNA; to proceed promptly with plasma ex-
reactivation. HIV; Epstein-Barr virus (EBV); cytomeg- change (PLEX), although we also con-
Although it was initially reported in alovirus (CMV); hepatitis A, B, and C; sidered intravenous immunoglobulin
association with anticonvulsant medi- streptococcal pharyngitis; urinary tract (IVIg), immunomodulators, and the con-
cations,2 it has since been associated infection; bacteremia; human herpes tinuation of high-dose steroids. PLEX was
with most medication classes.6 Bocquet virus type 6 titer; and mononucleosis. performed every other day for a total of
et al first presented the name DRESS She was transferred to a tertiary care 4 procedures. One plasma volume was
during a review of what was previously center for management of acute kidney exchanged with each procedure, and 5%
termed hypersensitivity syndrome.3 As
injury 46 days after the initiation of albumin was used as replacement. She
initially defined by Bocquet et al, DRESS
lamotrigine and bupropion. Around tolerated all the procedures well. Within
diagnostic criteria required cutaneous
the time of transfer, she had improve- 12 hours of the first PLEX session, her
drug eruption, hematologic abnormal-
ment in her skin rash and hepatitis course improved dramatically. She fi-
ities, and systemic involvement.3 The
but suffered from volume overload, nally became afebrile, her pancreatic
nomenclature DRESS may cause con-
anemia, pancreatitis, kidney injury, and enzymes decreased by 50% from 6059 to
fusion because eosinophilia is not re-
thyroiditis. A percutaneous ultrasound- 3051 U/L. C-reactive protein fell rapidly,
quired to make the diagnosis. The
assisted renal biopsy revealed severe and she was extubated without compli-
diagnosis is particularly challenging
acute and subacute tubulointerstitial cation 4 days after initiation of PLEX. Her
because of delayed symptom onset, the
nephritis with granulomatous inflam- endomyocardial biopsy performed 4
wide spectrum of clinical presentation
mation. Systemic steroids (intravenous days after initiation of PLEX did not show
and organ involvement, and the variety
of nomenclature for the syndrome.7,8 methylprednisolone 250 mg daily) were signs of inflammation or eosinophilia.
started on day 49, and her renal func- Her liver function, renal function, and
tion began to improve. However, on day eosinophilia continued to trend posi-
50, she developed respiratory distress, tively and she was discharged on day 68
A 14-year-old African American girl with necessitating intensive care. Two days with a slow prednisone taper over 2
no significant medical history was ad- later, on day 52, she was intubated for months in attempt to continue to sup-
mitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit hypoxic respiratory failure. Much later press inflammation. In follow-up 3 weeks
for suicidal ideation, diagnosed with in the same day, she had a 6-minute after discharge, she showed continued
bipolar disorder, and treated with cardiac arrest secondary to torsades de clinical and laboratory improvement. At
lamotrigine and bupropion. pointes. She received 1 dose of epineph- 3 months, she was asymptomatic, with
Seventeen days after initiation of these 2 rine and 1 episode of cardioversion normal laboratory values except for
medications, she developed a generalized with subsequent return of spontaneous treated hypothyroidism (Figure 1).

e946 ALEXANDER et al
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DISCUSSION meeting diagnostic criteria, our patient’s of her cardiac arrest remains unclear
asynchronous timing of clinical mani- because her endomyocardial biopsy
Using the RegiSCAR scoring system festations made the diagnosis difficult. and cardiac enzyme levels were nor-
proposed by Kardaun et al, our patient Her skin rash and hepatitis were im- mal. Notably, our patient had evidence
had a “definite” case of DRESS.1 Addi- proving when she first showed signs of of inflammation in 6 organ systems in
tionally, our patient met the criteria acute kidney injury. The exact onset of addition to the hematologic and skin
for the diagnosis of DRESS or “atypical thyroid and pancreatic involvement is abnormalities.
drug-induced hypersensitivity syn- unclear. Her pulmonary and cardiac The pathogenesis of DRESS remains
drome” under the criteria set forth by symptoms did not present clinically incompletely understood. At least 44
Bocquet et al and the Japanese con- until her rash had resolved and hepa- drugs have been reported to be asso-
sensus group, respectively.3,9 Despite titis was improving. The exact etiology ciated with DRESS, including, most
frequently, aromatic anticonvulsants.6
Lamotrigine is a well-described medi-
cation leading to DRESS syndrome.10–12
Bupropion has not been shown to
cause DRESS but has been associated
with mild serum sickness reactions.13
Clindamycin has not been associated
with DRESS and is temporally unlikely
to be the culprit medication in our case.
Suggested mechanisms for DRESS and
other hypersensitivity syndromes in-
clude reactive metabolites leading to
stimulation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells
through a variety of mechanisms,14–17
and interleukin-5 and tumor necrosis
factor (TNF)-a release from CD4+ and
CD8+ cells, resulting in activation of
eosinophils and inflammation.18,19 In
DRESS syndrome specifically, studies
have shown an oligoclonal prolifer-
ation of activated virus-specific and
nonspecific T cells resulting from se-
quential reactivation of the herpes vi-
ruses HHV-6, HHV-7, EBV, and CMV,15,20–23
especially in the setting of drug-induced
hypogammaglobulinemia permitting
viral reactivation.24,25 Parvovirus B19
and mycoplasma can lead to findings
similar to DRESS syndrome.26–28 Our
patient had negative EBV, CMV, and
HHV-6 titers. We did not assess for
HHV-7 reactivation, mycoplasma infec-
tion, or parvovirus B19 infection.
The management of DRESS calls for
early recognition and withdrawal of
offending medications. Current treat-
FIGURE 1 ment is variable, and reports are
Timeline of events (symptoms, laboratory markers of organ dysfunction, presentation to medical care,
transfer to tertiary care center, and therapeutic interventions). **Exposure to lamotrigine and conflicting. It is unclear if other
bupropion. drug reactions have similar enough

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e947

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pathogenesis that therapeutic trials of Increased circulating cytokines likely withdrawal for .2 weeks and 250 mg
Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic contribute to the pathogenesis of DRESS, of methylprednisolone IV for 4 days.
epidermal necrolysis should directly and we reasoned that reduction of She was intubated, had a 6-minute
inform treatment of DRESS. Systemic circulating cytokine levels would result cardiac arrest, and remained persis-
corticosteroids are the current cor- in prompt clinical improvement. PLEX tently febrile with continued signs of
nerstone of treatment of DRESS.29,30 reduces systemic cytokines in other multiorgan dysfunction. We therefore
Options that have been successfully settings of acute systemic inflamma- proceeded with PLEX based on the
used in the face of clinical deterioration tory disease. In a study of patients with above thought process and a previ-
include pulsed methylprednisolone,31 life-threatening meningococcal infec- ous report of using PLEX in the set-
other immunosuppressive agents such tions, PLEX accelerated the decline in ting of DRESS and myocarditis.39 Our
as cyclosporine and cyclophospha- TNF-a as well as TNF soluble recep- patient showed marked improvement
mide,32–34 and IVIg.35–37 Acute pancre- tors.40 Similarly, PLEX has lowered cir- of systemic inflammation and clinical
atitis dampened enthusiasm for using culating concentrations of TNF-a and condition coincident with our use of
pulse corticosteroids in this patient. interleukin-6 in patients with acute PLEX.
Although adverse effects may accom-
liver failure.41 Finally, a prospective trial We feel that this outcome supports the
pany PLEX and IVIg administration,
comparing PLEX to standard of care hypothesis that PLEX can effectively and
we favored these interventions be-
for patients with sepsis and multiorgan rapidly reduce morbidity and mortality
cause of their rapid onset of action.
system failure demonstrated a sig- in patients with inflammation like that
We chose PLEX over IVIg because a re-
nificant increase in survival of septic encountered with DRESS that are re-
cent description of 6 patients with
patients receiving PLEX.42 The reported sistant to corticosteroids. Further-
DRESS treated with IVIg suggested
that risk outweighed benefits.38 Fur- action of PLEX to rapidly remove circu- more, PLEX has fewer toxicities than are
thermore, we were concerned about lating cytokines in a nonspecific fashion encountered with many other immu-
volume overload with IVIg infusion. We and improve survival of septic patients nosuppressives. Given the paucity of
were finally concerned that the cardiac was the basis for our decision to use PLEX evidence regarding treatment of acute
arrest may have been due to myocar- in our patient. systemic drug reactions, we advocate
ditis, and a recent reported case of In summary, our patient showed un- for a multicenter prospective random-
DRESS with myocarditis responded to questionable clinical deterioration ized study of the efficacy of PLEX in
PLEX plus rituximab.39 despite lamotrigine and bupropion DRESS and similar diseases.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e949

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Severe DRESS Syndrome Managed With Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
Thomas Alexander, Edward Iglesia BA, Yara Park, Daniel Duncan, David Peden,
Saira Sheikh and Maria Ferris
Pediatrics 2013;131;e945; originally published online February 18, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-2117
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Severe DRESS Syndrome Managed With Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
Thomas Alexander, Edward Iglesia BA, Yara Park, Daniel Duncan, David Peden,
Saira Sheikh and Maria Ferris
Pediatrics 2013;131;e945; originally published online February 18, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-2117

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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

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published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
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