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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar

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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar

The Salient Features & Amendments of the Constitution of 1973

The Constitution of 1973 was passed by the National 6) The President can dissolve the National Assembly.
the Assembly of Pakistan on 10 April 1973. It came But after the approval of the Supreme Court.
into force the on 14 August 1973. This Constitution,
7) Islamabad is as the federal capital of Pakistan.
like the earlier ones, was lengthy and detailed. It
contained 280 Articles divided into twelve parts and 8) Urdu is recognized as national language.
six schedules. It embodied the best possible
9) Independence of Judiciary: Judiciary would join
arrangement to accommodate all segments of society,
full supremacy over the other organs of the state.
political parties and provinces. The Constitution of
1973 was a result of consensus which is ample 10) The system of direct and separate electorate is
evidence of the fact that this Constitution fulfills the adopted for the election of members of the NA. A
demands of all. person is entitled to vote if he’s a citizen of
Pakistan, not less than 18 years. The members of
Although the whole preamble is important but some
Senate would be elected by the members of the
relevant parts have been reproduced: “Wherein the
provincial assemblies.
State shall exercise its powers and authority through
the chosen representatives of the people… Wherein 11) Bi-Cameral Legislature (creation of Senate): It
adequate provision shall be made for the minorities declares that there would be two houses of
freely to profess and practice their religions and Parliament -- Senate (the upper house) and the
develop their cultures...” National Assembly (the lower house). Every
province has equal representation in senate.
Although all Articles of the Constitution are
significant, however the Articles which ensures rights 12) Fundamental Rights: The judiciary is given power
to people are reproduced here: to enforce the fundamental rights and the courts
Article 3. Elimination of Exploitation were to decide if a law is repugnant to any
Article 8. Laws inconsistent with or in derogation provisions of the fundamental rights. But the
with fundamental rights to be void article about preventive detention is still there in
Article 36. Protection of minorities the constitution which is against the basic human
Article 38. Promotion of social and economic well rights.
being of the people
13) It provides the representation of women and
minorities. The constitution reserved 10 seats in
Following are the salient features:
the NA for women with the general seat members
1) It is a written constitution. It comprises of 280 serving as their electoral college.
Articles. It also contains six schedules, which has
14) Under the constitution, the Council of Common
been divided into twelve parts.
Interests (CCI)also came into inception.
2) The constitution of Pakistan 1973 is rigid because
Marshal Law imposed by Zia in 1977: Elections were
amendment procedure is not easy. This
held on March 7 , 1977. The Pakistan People's Party
constitution provides that 2/3 majority of votes
won these elections, but was accused of rigging by
of members National Assembly and Senate, and
their opponents, Pakistan National Alliance. This led
assent of President of Pakistan are necessary for
to protests and then to imposition of martial law by
its amendment.
Ziaul-Haq. The act of imposition of martial law was
3) It is an Islamic constitution. The preamble of the legalized by the Supreme Court in Nusrat Bhutto Case
constitution is based on the objective resolution. under the doctrine of necessity.
4) It provides for a parliamentary form of The Constitution of 1973 is a living example of what
government where the executive authority of the happens when the Constitutional rights are suspended.
state vests with the Prime Minister. The This era witnessed press censorship, violation of basic
President, according to the Constitution, is at the rights, military courts, amendments in the Constitution
apex, representing the unity of the Republic. against its very spirit but at the same time the people,
political forces and civil society stood up against
5) It provides safeguard against its abrogation and
dictatorship. This is also host to depictions of how the
the person who abrogates the constitution would
democratically elected governments were sacrificed at
suffer the punishment prescribed for High
the altar of Article 58-2(b).
Treason. The parliament would provide the
punishment. Presidents Order 21 of 1979: General Zia-ul-Haq
established Military Courts to try political workers who

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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
were struggling for restoration of democracy and rule not refer to this directly. The Referendum Order 1984
of law. The Constitution was amended by him put forward a complex question to the citizens, but in
through the Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO). essence, sought endorsement of the process of
Once a Military Court or Tribunal was established no Islamization initiated by General Zia.
other court including the High Court was competent
Despite the setback of low turnout in the
to grant an injunction, make an order or entertain any
Referendum, General Zia-ul-Haq called for
proceeding in respect of any matter in the jurisdiction
party-less elections in 1985. Muhammad Khan
of Military Court.
Junejo was appointed as Prime Minister: After
The 1977-88 People’s Resistance against Martial having conducted a referendum in 1984, General Zia
Law: With the takeover of General Zia-ul-Haq; the announced elections of the National and Provincial
country saw its worst nightmare. The Constitution Assemblies in February 1985. The elections were held
was amended ridiculously and new laws were on a non-party basis, which was legalized through an
promulgated. These new laws, aimed at legitimizing amendment to the 1973 Constitution. In a nationwide
the Zia regime, and provided the administration with th speech on 12 January, 1985, General Zia also
far-reaching powers to suppress political activities announced various other conditions for the elections.
and of the voice of the civil society. The opposition parties, M. R. D., boycotted the
elections, as their demands for party-based elections
Public floggings became a common sight, political
and restoration of the 1973 Constitution were not met.
parties, trade unions, student unions, all banned;
those who dared to question Zia's legitimacy or The Eighth Constitutional Amendment defaced
actions were tortured to death. The Amnesty the Constitution, transformed it from a
International, in its report dated 15th May 1978 parliamentary form to a quasi-presidential form of
expressed that, "We are very concerned at the use of government: The Eighth Constitutional Amendment
flogging in Pakistan and are disturbed that this was passed in 1985 in the absence of the elected
unusual punishment is also being inflicted on political Parliament. It was drafted and later enforced by the
prisoners for committing acts which often appear to technocratic-military government of General
be no more than exercise of the right of freedom of Zia-ul-Haq. The eighth amendment changed Pakistan's
speech and expression guaranteed in the system of government from a parliamentary democracy
constitution…” to a semi-presidential system. It strengthened the
authority of the President and also granted additional
General elections were postponed indefinitely and
powers to dismiss the elected Prime Minister's
political parties were dissolved. Censorship was
government. These powers included the right,
imposed on print and electronic media. Censorship
expressed in Article 58-2(b), to dissolve the National
during Zia's years was direct, concrete and dictatorial.
Poets like Faraz, Jalib and John Elia were among the
Elected Governments at the altar of Article 58-2(b):
critics of Zia's dictatorial regime. They tried to convey
Then Pakistan entered into an era where democracy
their message to public through poetry, for which
was at altar of Article 58 (2) (b). Elections were held in
they suffered at the hands of the dictator. Jalib wrote
the country in 1988. Mohtarma Benzir Bhutto led PPP
a poem which earned considerable popularity among
won by majority. Her government, however, was
masses. Darkness called light, the hot desert wind
dismissed by the then President in 1990. The elections
called a morning breeze, how can I write that a
that followed were won by PML-N with Mohammad
human being is God?” wrote Jalib in his poem “Zulmat
Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister in 1990. However, he
ko Zia — Darkness called light”.
was also removed from office by the then President
The question asked by the Director in the Ghulam Ishaq Khan in 1993. His government was
Referendum on 19 December, 1984: General restored by the Supreme Court. Mohtarma Benazir
Zia-ul-Haq desired to establish a pseudodemocracy in Bhutto was re-elected as Prime Minister in October
Pakistan, with a continuation of him as President 1993. In November 1996, Bhutto's government was
under a civilian setup. Zia took a number of steps in dismissed by Farooq Laghari.
this direction; the first was the establishment of the
Removal of Article 58-2(b) through 13
Majlis-i-Shoora. The Majlis-i-Shoora was to take the
Constitutional Amendment Act, 1997: The 13
place of the National Assembly, but was to operate
Constitutional Amendment was passed by the
without any legislative powers. General Zia's second
Parliament of Pakistan in 1997. It stripped the
step was to ask the public to endorse his rule. This
President of Pakistan of his discretionary power to
appeal was in the form of a referendum, which was so
dissolve the National Assembly. The Constitutional
worded that a “Yes” meant that Zia himself would be
Amendment was supported by both the government
further endorsed, even though the referendum did
and the opposition. With the enforcing of this

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amendment, Pakistan's system of government was was subsequently endorsed in the All-Parties
shifted from a Semi-Presidential system to a Conference.
Parliamentary Democratic Republic system.
Lawyers Movement against the dictator: On 9th
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s Government elected March, 2007, Pervez Musharraf suspended Chief
in 1997 was removed th by Military Coup D’etat Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and
on 12 October, 1999: General elections were held in asked for resignation. The Chief Justice refused to
Pakistan on 3 February 1997 to elect the National resign and choose to defend the charges. The civil
Assembly of Pakistan and the four provincial society, human rights activists, media, political parties
assemblies. Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz got and especially the lawyers' community came out on
majority in the National Assembly and Pakistan roads to protest against the suspension of the Chief
People’s Party was the second largest party with 18 Justice. In July 2007, the Chief Justice was restored to
seats of the National Assembly. Mohammad Nawaz office by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. rd However,
Sharif was re-elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan. on 3 November, 2007 Pervez Musharraf imposed
emergency and sacked the judiciary.
Martial Law imposed by Pervez Musharraf on 12
October, 1999: Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Persident Pervez Musharraf held elections in
Sharif was removed from office as result of a military February, 2008: General elections were held in
coup in 1999 by General Pervez Musharraf. The Pakistan on February th 18 , 2008. The voter turnout
martial law was challenged in Supreme Court which was recorded at 44 per cent. The Pakistan People's
legalized it in Zafar Ali Shah Case under the doctrine Party Parliamentarians won the election. Initially, a
of necessity. coalition was formed and PML (N) was part of that
coalition. Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani was elected as
Now, this provides testimony to the resilience of the
Prime Minister of Pakistan and Dr. Fahmida Mirza as
people of this country, resilience that is in their very
Speaker National Assembly.
nature. It narrates the commitment of the political
leadership backed by the people to bring back essence Resolutions were passed by the Provincial
of the Constitution of 1973. It includes the first ever Assemblies recommending the impeachment of
smooth transition from one democratically elected President Pervez Musharraf: Right after installation
government to another which is the way forward for of a democratic set-up resolutions were passed by the
democracy to flourish in Pakistan. Provincial Assemblies recommending the
impeachment of President Pervez Musharraf; and a
The Ballot Paper of the Referendum held by
Parliamentary Committee also worked on an
General Pervez Musharraf: Referendum was held
impeachment document.
by General Pervez Musharraf on th 30 April, 2002. He
manipulated his legitimacy in office by misusing the Resignation by Pervez Musharraf: After about nine
provision of Referendum. There were no electoral years of rule, Pervez Musharraf finally resigned as
rolls and anyone could vote by merely showing his President of Pakistan. It was considered as a great
National Identity Card. victory of democratic forces. It was mounting pressure
of the political parties and civil society before which
General Pervez Musharraf promulgated the Legal
Pervez Musharraf could not survive.
Framework Order (LFO) st on 21 August, 2002:
General Pervez Musharraf promulgated the Legal st Parliamentary Renaissance in 2009: With the
Framework Order (LFO) on 21 August, 2002. It restoration of democracy, the demands of amendments
provided for the general elections of 2002 and the in Constitution were made by political parties and civil
revival of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, and society. It was stressed that there is need for provincial
added numerous amendments to the Constitution. autonomy, restoration of parliamentary system,
independent and impartial judiciary, etc. In this regard,
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and Muhammad
during the government of Pakistan People's Party,
Nawaz Sharif signing the Charter of the
efforts were made by the Parliament of Pakistan to
Democracy (COD) on 14 May, 2006 in London:
restore democracy, and a Special Parliamentary
Then came the defining moment in the history of
Committee on Constitutional Reforms was constituted.
Pakistan. The Charter of Democracy was signed by
Mohammad Nawaz Sharif and Mohtarma Benazir th In the light of Motions by National Assembly and the
Bhutto on May 14 , 2006 in London. The document Senate, the Committee on Constitutional Reforms
signaled an alliance between two significant political framed its Terms of Reference. It invited suggestions,
parties of Pakistan, outlining steps to end the military proposals and amendments from public at large. Atotal
rule. It was the first time in the history of Pakistan of 982 recommendations/suggestions were received
that political parties agreed on the grund norm for from public. Members from various political parties
consolidation of the democratic process. The COD submitted their proposals. The Private Members Bills

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pending in the Senate were also referred to the of a five year term by a democratically elected
Committee. At the conclusion of proceedings in the government.
Committee, the Chairman of the Committee
The 21st Constitutional Amendment Bill was
presented its report in the National Assembly of
assented to by the President on 7 January, 2015. It
created Military Courts. This Amendment was passed
President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari signing the to deal with the extraordinary situation and
18th Amendment Bill, 2010, on 19 April, 2010: The circumstances which demanded special measures for
18th Constitutional Amendment was unanimously speedy trial of offences relating to terrorism, waging of
passed by all parties. There was a popular demand of war or insurrection against Pakistan and prevention of
the whole spectrum of political leadership to repeal acts threatening the security of Pakistan.
the 17th amendment passed under Musharraf, strike a
The 22nd Constitutional Amendment Bill was
balance between the authorities of the Prime Minister
assented to by the President on 8 June, 2016. It deals
and the President and to provide for provincial
with eligibility criteria for appointment of the Chief
autonomy and lots more.
Election Commissioner (CEC) and members of the
18th Constitutional Amendment: The 18th Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). Previously,
amendment passed in April 2010 was billed as the only retired Judges of the Supreme Court or High
most comprehensive reform package after the passage Courts were eligible for appointment as Chief Election
of the 1973 Constitution. It has undone the impacts of Commissioner or Members, respectively. Now, after
8th Constitutional Amendment and 17th this amendment, in addition to retired judges of the
Constitutional Amendment. The 18th Constitutional Supreme Court or High Courts, retired senior
Amendment has re-defined the shape of the state bureaucrats will also be eligible for the appointment as
through paradigm shift from centralized to a CEC or a member.
decentralized federation. This amendment has also
Military courts were only temporary and ‘exceptional’,
restored the Constitution to its original Parliamentary
after the expiration of the 21st Amendment, on March
form by reversing the amendments made by dictators.
31st, 2017, parliament enacted the 23rd Amendment
Declaration and continuance of laws etc. Martial and amendments to the Army Act to renew military
law of 12 October 1999 by General Pervez Musharraf courts’ jurisdiction over civilians. The amendments
was validated by the Supreme Court in the Zafar Ali were given retrospective effect from Jan 7, 2017, and
Shah case and then by parliament through the 17th were due to lapse two years after their date of
Constitutional Amendment by inserting Article ‘commencement’. According to the law ministry, the
270AA in the Constitution of Pakistan. However, it expanded jurisdiction of military courts will expire on
was for the first time in the history of Pakistan that March 30, 2019 (even though earlier reports suggested
Parliament through the 18th Constitutional the amendments will expire on Jan 6, 2019) — two
Amendment declared that the acts of Pervez years after the date of ‘operation’ of the 23rd
Musharraf were made “Without Lawful Authority” Amendment).
and having “No Legal Affect”. The result of this
On December 19, 2017, the 24th Amendment was
Amendment is that article 6 would be applicable to
passed, which would let the ECP use the provisional
the Martial law of 1999.
results for delimitation of electoral constituencies and
The 19th Constitutional Amendment Bill was and the new delimitations was the first such exercise
assented to by the President on 1st January, 2011. It after the 2002 elections.
deals with judicial appointments etc. The 20th
Article 247 of the constitution excluded the Federally
Constitutional Amendment Bill was assented to by
Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Provincially
the President on 28th February, 2012. It relates to
Administered Tribal Areas (Pata) from the
caretaker setup.
constitutional governance afforded to the rest of
General Elections 2013 witnessed the first ever Pakistan. The 25th Amendment Act was passed in
smooth transition of power between two May 2018 to do away with Article 247 and integrate
democratically elected governments in the these parts of Pakistan into the mainstream.
history of Pakistan: In 2013,General elections were Subsequently, the 26th Amendment Act was passed
held in Pakistan to elect the members of the 14th in 2019 to increase the membership of representatives
National Assembly and to the four provincial from former Fata areas in parliament.
assemblies of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. PML (N) won the elections
and Pakistan witnessed first civilian to civilian FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
transfer of power following the successful completion

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Status of Woman in Islam

Adam was the first man, and Eve the first woman in charity, for men and women who fast (and deny
created by God. Thus, from the beginning of time, themselves), for men and women who guard their
man and woman were a pair and companions for chastity, and for men and women who engage much
each other: "O mankind! We created you from a in Allah's praise for them has Allah prepared
single (pair) of a male and a female..." (49:13) It is a forgiveness and great reward." (33:35)
general belief of the western society that women are A woman being equal to man has along with food,
considered inferior to men in Islam. This belief is so clothing, and shelter, the right to be educated.
maintained because of their ignorance of what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared that it is
Quran and the Traditions state on this matter. As a incumbent on every Muslim male and female to
matter of fact, Islam is the only system that ensures pursue knowledge. It being the touchstone of
equality between the two genders. civilized society, Islam allows no discrimination in its
attainment. The following is a well known Tradition
The most authentic expression of equality in Islam
of the Prophet that describes the significance of
is seen, when unlike other faiths, Islam blames
education for both men and women:
Adam along with Eve for the first sin. They both
"Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said,
gave in to temptation and committed a sin:
'Search for knowledge is compulsory upon every
"We said: 'O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the
Muslim man and woman'." Both men and women
garden; and eat of the bountiful things therein as
have a right to inherit from their parents and near
(where and when) ye will, but approach not this
relatives: "From what is left by parents and those
tree, or ye run into harm and transgression.
nearest related there is a share for men and a share
Then did Satan make them slip from the (Garden),
for women, whether the property be small or large, a
and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which
determinate share." (4:7)
they had been. We said: Get ye down, all (ye people),
A woman's right of inheritance is protected under
with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be
the law. If the deceased wishes to deprive a female
your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood
heir by giving her share to another relative, he will be
for a time.'." (2:35,36)
prohibited to do so under Islamic law. Her right
Men and women are regarded equal keeping in view
though protected, her share is half of that of a man.
their different nature and particular disposition. A
This is because of the quantum of financial
woman's rights and responsibilities are equal to
responsibilities that rest on a man as breadwinner of
those of a man yet not alike. Their roles are
the family. Apart from one or two exceptions, a man
different yet this does not imply that one is inferior
has to provide for his family and needy relatives and
to the other.
has also to make charitable contributions in
In Islam, both men and women can rise in spiritual
accordance with his wealth for the benefit of society
eminence. The greatest honour bestowed on man
at large. A woman is, on the other hand, provided for
by God is Divine Revelation. Along with men,
and is financially secure. As a daughter, the father
women have also received the gift of Divine
provides her for; as a wife the husband provides her
Revelation. "Behold! The angels said: 'O Mary! Allah
for; and as a mother her son is responsible for her
hath chosen three and purified the, chosen the
financial security. Due to this security, and absence
above the women of all nations'." (3:42) "Behold! We
of any financial responsibilities, a woman's share in
sent to thy mother, by inspiration, the message:"
inheritance is half of that of a man. A woman has
(20:38) "So We sent this inspiration to the mother
every right to enter contractual agreements, and
of Moses..." (28:7)
participate in affairs of commerce. She has the right
In Islam, both men and women will be equally
to earn and derive benefit from her earnings: "...To
rewarded for their good and righteous deeds in the
men is allotted what they earn, and to women what
present world as well as in the hereafter:
they earn..." (4:32)
"Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and
has faith, verily, to him will We give a new life, a life History reveals that women were active participants
that is good and pure, and we will bestow on such in public life along with early Muslims. They were
their reward according to the best of their actions." especially active in times of emergency and war,
(16:97) nursing the sick and wounded, preparing supplies,
"For Muslim men and women, for believing men etc. A woman's life, property and honour are sacred
and women, for devout men and women, for true in Islam: "And those who launch a charge against
men and women, for men and women who are chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, (to
patient and constant, for men and women who support their allegation), flog them with eighty
humble themselves, for men and women who give

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stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such
men are wicked transgressors..." (24:4)
The penalty imposed on her for an offence
committed is equal to that of a man. Similarly, her
right to compensation in case of suffering harm is
equal to that of a man. Woman are held equally
liable as men regarding offences of both civil and FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
criminal nature. An example is that of theft liable to
hadd. The charge proved, be it man or woman, the
following punishment is inflicted:
"As to the thief, male or female - cut off his or her
hands: a punishment by way of Allah, for their
crime: and Allah is exalted in power." (5:38) Same is
the case in inflicting punishment for adultery:
"The women and the man guilty of adultery or
fornication, flog each of them with a hundred
stripes; let not compassion move you in their case,
in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah
and the last day: and let a party of the believers
witness this punishment." (24:2)
Women are also entitled to certain privileges, which
have not been granted to the opposite gender. She
is exempted form performing some religious duties,
like praying and keeping fast during menstruation
and in times of confinement. She is under no
obligation to offer Friday prayers in a congregation.
As a mother she is granted more honour: "And We
have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in
travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in
years twain was his weaning...."
Women of western society had to fight for their
rights, and due recognition was given to them after
a long period of perseverance and active tussle with
the opposite gender. They acquired their rights by
force, unlike Muslim women who acquired their
rights by Divine law.
Reach us out on the following links to
Muslim women were not subject to the hardships download these notes for free. Thanks!
their counterparts in the West had to face and
overcome. Protection, education, respect, and
freedom of speech made women prominent
members of Muslim society at a time when women
of the West were captives of ignorance and
exploitation. Islam has preserved their separate
identity and distinct qualities that make them equal
but not identical to men. By now it is clear that the
status of woman in Islam is unprecedentedly high
and realistically suitable to her nature. Her rights
and duties are equal to those of man but not
necessarily or absolutely identical with them. If she
is deprived of one thing in some aspect, she is fully
compensated for it with more things in many other

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Economic Challenges for Pakistan

Pakistan is now in its 70th year of rapid economic of a massive trade deficit, with exports staying flat for
growth. The turnaround of its economic fortunes several years at 25 billion dollars per year, while
since the late 1990’s has been heartening and bodes imports surged to almost 60 billion dollars. The 20
well for the future. But there are storm clouds that are billion dollars in remittances covered some of that
gathering and need to be addressed if Pakistan is to imbalance, but by 2018, Pakistan was draining down its
not only maintain its upward momentum but also to foreign exchange reserves to almost zero to cover the
keep pace with the booming Indian economy. Since import bill. A balance of payments crisis developed,
independence the economic prospects of Pakistan and the only way was to get 6 billion dollars from the
have waxed and waned, driven by two fundamental IMF, but in return they demanded the exchange rate
factors. First has been geopolitics and resultant aid be allowed to move to fair market value. Imran Khan
flows from the United States, and second has been the made the deal with the IMF, and the rupee dropped
quality of economic policies. Three times these two from 105 to the dollar to 155 to the dollar. This was
factors have worked in concert positively, and twice painful and inflationary in the short term, but it has
they have worked negatively. In the 1960’s, 1980’s and worked. Exports have risen 30% in rupee terms and are
in this decade Pakistan benefited from an alliance now rising in dollar terms, while imports have come
with the United States and from good sound down by almost 15 billion dollars per year. The country
economic policies. In each period, the economy grew is no longer bleeding foreign exchange as the Current
rapidly, although in the 1980’s and in particular the Account moved into surplus in October for the first
1960’s Pakistan had a much smaller economy than it time in years. In addition to getting the trade deficit
has today. In the 1970’s and 1990’s Pakistan under control, the budget was also wildly out of
experienced economic stagnation as it was neither balance, with the government spending far more than
seen as very important to the United States nor did it it collected in taxes. This too was fueling inflation,
have good economic management. In the 1970’s we which had surged to over 10% per year. Khan’s
had the socialist wave of Bhutto in which most of the government has taken steps to cut spending and
economy was nationalized, and in the 1990’s we had a increase tax revenues, which needed to be done, but
severe corrupt crony capitalism that left the economy had the effect of slowing the economy.
Finally, the other main lever governments have to
Imran Khan has had a rough go during his first 18 control inflation is the interest rate. Higher rates slow
months in office. Pakistan’s economy was in bad down business activity by making borrowing more
shape when he took over, and dramatic steps had to expensive. In most advanced economies, interest rates
be undertaken to correct major imbalances that had are set by the Central Bank, such as the Federal
built up over the last 10 years. These painful Reserve in the US or the ECB in the Eurozone. Central
adjustments whacked the economy, causing growth banks should normally be kept free from political
to slow down to 3% and the stock market to plunge, interference, as they need to sometimes hand out
while leaving the government little room to pursue harsh medicine that politicians would prefer not to. In
development. But we are finally seeing these efforts Pakistan, the State Bank controls interest rates, but it
start to bear fruit, and Pakistan’s economy is going to has not been traditionally fully independent. Imran
see growth return to a decent rate in 2020. Nawaz Khan made the SBP independent in its policy making,
Sharif, the previous Prime Minister, and Ishaq Dar, and it has raised interest rates to 13% to control
his Finance Minister, made a colossal mess of the inflation. This has held back the economy, but
economy. They had been gifted a massive inflation is going to slow in response to this, and once
infrastructure investment program by China, known it does, the SBP will lower rates and economic growth
as CPEC, that has dramatically increased electric will go much higher. The stock market trades on what
power generation and laid new roads, ports, and other investors are expecting the future to look like. As such
facilities throughout the country. In addition, worker it turns higher when prospects begin to brighten even
remittances from abroad soared in the last decade to before the average person can see that in the street.
over 20 billion dollars per year. This should have Pakistani stocks have been surging since mid-August,
created a vibrant economic environment with growth and they gained 15% in value in November, making the
well over 7% per year. But Sharif made a mess of it. KSE the best performing stock market for that month
His biggest error was keeping the exchange rate in the world. The market is saying that 2020 will be a
grossly overvalued. This had the dual detriment of good year for the economy. The Pakistani political
making Pakistani exports far too expensive to be scene remains turbulent. The traditional parties that
competitive, while encouraging a surge of cheap have dominated the landscape for decades, the PML-N
imports into Pakistan. This had the predictable result led by Nawaz Sharif, and the PPP currently led by

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Benazir Bhutto’s son, remain patronage machines attacks from within and in Afghanistan and Iraq, from
with long histories of corruption. It is important that outside. In our own home, we spent over a decade
the PTI and Imran Khan be given full five years to struggling with, confronting and then battling
correct the errors of the past and prove they can do a terrorism — home-grown it may have been but it was
better job. If Khan does that, he will win reelection in put down at considerable cost, human and material.
2023, and Pakistani democracy will become much Perhaps this internal crisis was one reason the Muslim
more stable. states were unable to see the growing Islamophobia in
the West. The stricter visa regimes; the finger printing;
Pakistan, despite a mixed record of governance since
the profiling at airports for security checks; the stories
its founding, has come a long way in 70 years. Its
of Muslims being offloaded from planes and worse —
economy has grown about 5% per year in the last 70,
the signs were there but little was made of them ‘East
and its standard of living has risen ten-fold since 1947.
of Suez’.
In 2019, 9% of Pakistani households own a car, and
over 50% have a motorcycle, only 1% owned cars 20 The Islamophobia Observatory at the Organization of
years ago. But per capita income is still at about 12% Islamic Cooperation (OIC) defines Islamophobia as ‘an
of the current American living standard. It can reach irrational or very powerful fear or dislike of Islam’. Its
that with another 70 years of 5% growth, and it can do manifestations include prejudice, stereotyping,
so even faster if it can follow good economic policies hostility, discriminatory treatment, denigration of the
that push growth to 7% or higher per year. most sacred symbols of Islam and also non-recognition
of Islam and Muslims by the law of the land. The
FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
Runnymede Trust report defines Islamophobia as:
Rising Islamophobia “…unfounded hostility towards Islam. It refers also to
the practical consequences of such hostility in unfair
What really is Islamophobia? According to the Oxford discrimination against Muslim individuals and
English Dictionary, Islamophobia is an ‘intense dislike communities, and to the exclusion of Muslims from
or fear of Islam.’ In an article in the October 2015 issue mainstream political and social affairs.” Moreover, the
of The Atlantic, Tanya Basu writes that the term was Runnymede Trust identifies eight components of
derived by the French word, ‘Islamophobie.’ It was Islamophobia, which are as follows: Islam is seen as a
first coined by French author Alain Quellien in 1910 to monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change;
criticise the behaviour of French colonial Islam is seen as separate and ‘other’. It does not have
administrators towards their Muslim subjects. values in common with other cultures, is not affected
Islamophobia . Thus, it is rooted in racism and it by them and does not influence them; Islam is seen as
targets expressions of Muslimness. One of the biggest inferior to the Western culture. It is barbaric, irrational,
examples is the recent incident where a racist white primitive and sexist; Muslims are seen as violent,
man beat and stomped on a defenceless Muslim aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and
woman who was 38 weeks pregnant in a cafe in engaged in a clash of civilizations; Islam is seen as a
Sydney, Australia, while shouting anti-Muslim and political ideology and is used for political or military
Islamophobic slurs at her. Another recent, an advantage; Muslims’ criticism of the West is rejected;
anti-Islam rally was held in Normay and a young Hostility towards Islam is used to justify
Muslim man stopped an Islamophobe from burning discriminatory practices towards Muslims and
the Holy Quran. exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society; and
Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural or normal.
Twenty years ago, when the Twin Towers in
Manhattan crumbled on a September morning, it Islamophobia, for Electoral Campaigns
seemed as if Muslim countries were on the defensive.
The decade is coughing its last, it seems in a
It was hard to explain away the religious identity of
particularly glum mood. Protests rage across India as
the attackers entirely or the worldwide networks that
Modi’s republic tries to excise citizenship rights from
facilitated those who had such destructive ideas. No
Muslims. Wars continue to rage in India-held Kashmir,
easier to answer were the questions about why
Syria, portions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Millions are
followers of one religion appeared to have so much
dying on the shores of the Mediterranean as they try to
hatred for the West. Undoubtedly, the answers to
reach whichever European nation possible in search of
these questions implicated states beyond the Muslim
a better life, and even more are dying in the Sahara
world but still the latter was on the defensive and not
trying to get to the shores where they can undertake
without reason. However much we denied it (or even
the dangerous voyage. That it is a perilous and
if it was unwarranted), there was some sort of
unforgiving world is obvious.
collective guilt. The next decade was mostly spent in
crisis management — in the Muslim world. From British people has recently delivered and elected the
Indonesia to Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, there were British Conservative party a huge mandate ensuring

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that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be the top man ‘de-naturalisation’ taskforces have been set up to
in Britain for the first half of the next decade. Johnson investigate anyone the administration deems may have
has made critical remarks comparing Muslim women lied on their citizenship applications. A -second term
who wear burkas to “letter-boxes”. The London Trump administration will undoub-tedly deploy these
attacks that took place on 7/7 in the first decade of mechanisms to further -persecute American Muslims.
the millennium and ensuing ones such as that on The sum of the three elections, and the re-election and
London Bridge a couple of years ago, along with the election of strong-arm politicians with a history of
arrests of hundreds of ‘terror operatives’ of various hating Muslims, should concern everyone. While small
affiliations have undoubtedly provided fodder for his minorities of Muslims may have caused the terror
Islamophobic views. Beyond just that, Johnson’s attacks in these countries, literally millions of Muslims
books — one a novel titled Seventy-two Virgins: A from Los Angeles to Delhi are now going to face the
Comedy of Errors (whose content can be easily consequences of that hatred, their children mistreated
guessed at) and another a historical account of Rome and discriminated against in the only home countries
and his political and historical views (he included a that they know.
special section on the “rise of Islamism”) all point to a
Media Fanning the Fire of Islamophobia: The
man who is deeply anti-Islam. British Muslims are
western media is also equally biased towards Muslims.
likely to bear the brunt of this belief that is likely to
It has played an instrumental role in shaping the
be echoed in the policies the Johnson administration,
anti-Muslim minds. The media have consistently been
that now has an absolute majority, will enact.
using value-loaded and inaccurate language to portray
The Indian election delivered an incontrovertible Islam as a dangerous religion rooted in violence and
majority to Narendra Modi. Just like Mr Johnson’s irrationality. The media portrays Islam as profoundly
hatred evolved in the post 9/11 years, PM Modi has different from and a serious threat to the West on the
repeatedly made Indian Muslims the scapegoats on world stage and Muslims within Britain as different
which to pin every failing. In the years during which from and a threat to ‘us’. The Mayor of London,
he has been in power, the entire Indian populace Kenneth Robert Livingstone, who commissioned the
seems to have been whetted into a Nazi-like fervour study, said the findings showed a “hostile and
bent on excluding and excoriating Muslims. Rising scaremongering attitude” towards Islam. “Facts are
since the Mumbai attacks, this desire to exclude frequently distorted, exaggerated or oversimplified…
Muslims has of late taken the bizarre form of actually The tone of language is frequently emotive,
denying citizenship to hundreds of thousands of immoderate, alarmist.” To prove that media coverage
Muslims in Assam. Living close to the Bangladesh is having an influence on attitudes, the Report quotes a
border, the poor people often do not have access to U.K. survey, which establishes that “74 percent of
the trove of documents that the government now Britons… claimed that they know ‘nothing or next to
demands as “proof” that their forbears and themselves nothing about Islam’.” Of these, 64 percent claimed
were born in territorial India. Even as the Modi that their knowledge of Islam and Muslims is gained
government has passed this law, it has also through the media. The media in US and Europe is also
introduced another which will make it easier for dancing to the same tune as played by U.K. Sam Harris
specifically non-Muslim citizens of adjoining of Washington Times commented that “It is time we
countries to take refuge in India. The ‘Hindu’ nation, admitted that we are not at war with ‘terrorism’. We
with over 250 million Muslims, seems to be — under are at war with Islam… The only reason Muslim
Modi — determined to use every legal, social, military fundamentalism is a threat to us is because the
and political method to isolate and castigate its fundamentals of Islam are a threat to us…” Dr. Suad
Muslims. Joseph and her team of researchers systematically
analyzed news reports in the New York Times, the
The third election in the world’s transformation will
Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal for the
take place in November next year. On the first
period of 2000-2004. They found, among others, that
Tuesday in November 2020, Americans will go to vote
the media regularly represents Arab – and
and decide whether they want to keep President
Muslim-Americans as more attached to their country
Donald Trump for another four years. Mr Trump’s
of origin than to the U.S. The media imply that Arab
Islamophobia, his constant referral to Muslims as a
and Muslim-Americans are more linked to Muslims in
‘problem’ people, his demonising of Muslims at his
other countries than to other people in the U.S. and
regular rallies, not to mention his administration’s
that Muslims around the world are seen as so devout
travel ban that continues to bar individuals from
that they are on the verge of becoming fanatical.
mostly Muslim nations, make clear exactly what his
According to Suad, distorted press coverage “narrates
views are. If elected for another term, a Trump freed
Arab and Muslim Americans in ways that enable racial
of -concerns over re-election could easily crack down
even harder on American Muslims. Already,

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policing of Arab and Muslim Americans as marginal, Supporting the UN secretary general’s plans to
suspect citizens. develop a system-wide plan of action against
hate speech and crimes; Proposing a
Western Intellectuals Instilling the Hatred The
comprehensive overhaul of the UN
western literati, notably islamophobes, have also put
counter-terrorism listings framework “that goes
their fair share in portraying the negative image of
beyond Al Qaeda to include terrorists all
Islam and Muslims through their writings. Pat
Robertson, a Christian evangelist, called Islam a
2) Creating a united front against Islamophobia by
“bloody, brutal type of a religion” and referred to
engaging not just governments but also civil
Muslims, who protested against controversial
societies, religious and community leaders,
cartoons, as “motivated by demonic power.” Charles
academia and the public at large, and
Krauthammer, the American political columnist,
countering ‘alternate facts’ by presenting real
wrote about “an Islamic World united under the
facts and creating support within western
banner of Iranian-style fundamentalism in an
existential struggle with the infidel West.” Daniel
3) Strengthening collaborative partnerships with
Pipes, Director of the Middle East Forum, warned that
social media platforms to prevent dissemination
“Keeping Islam at bay was Europe’s preoccupation
of anti-Islam content. Time to steadfastly resist
from 1359, when Gallipoli fell to the Turks, until the
all attempts by purveyors of hate to spread their
last occasion in which the Ottoman soldiers stood at
toxic message in any garb or guise.
the gates of Vienna, in 1683. Islam is once more a
4) Strengthening OIC’s own regimes to monitor
preoccupation in the face of the Islamic Revolution.”
and counter anti-Islam, anti-Muslim
Bernard Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern
propaganda. It can be done so by scaling up OIC
Studies, Princeton University, cautioned of “the
Observatory Reports to collect data and identify
perhaps irrational but surely historic reaction of an
perpetrators in real time. OIC must then: Spell
ancient rival against our Judeo-Christian heritage, our
out specific corrective and pre-emptive
secular present, and the worldwide expansion of
measures required to be taken; Call out
both.” This, he called, “a clash of civilizations”, a
Individuals, entities and states that consciously
notion popularized by Samuel Huntington, a
and consistently orchestrate hate; Leverage our
Professor at Harvard University, who has set an
collective economic potential to sanction
example of an Islamophobic mindset by clearly
articulating his hatred for Islam. Huntington wrote:
5) Institutionalising mechanisms within OIC to
“The underlying problem for the West is not Islamic
report and safeguard rights of Muslim
fundamentalism. It is Islam, different civilisations
minorities. The OIC must publish regular
whose people are convinced of the superiority of their
reports mapping large scale atrocities on
culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their
Muslims in non-OIC countries and occupant
power…” To encapsulate, the rightly guided Muslims
territories, and sanctioning state-sponsored acts
scholars should come forward with their written and
of terror.
verbal contributions to project the true image of Islam
6) Continuing to root out hate, extremism and
that stands for peace, pluralism and universal
terrorism within our own ranks and in our own
brotherhood and develop a well-knit strategy to
societies. And it should be ensured not to attack
counter the growing Islamophobia across the globe
Islam, we must ensure, in our own interests,
particularly in the west.
that our countries are not used to attack others.
Pakistan’s counter measures on Islamphobia:
Pakistan’s FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi at an On 26th September, 2019, Pakistani PM Imran Khan
emergency meeting of the Organisation of Islamic announced that he would join hands with Turkey
Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers in and Malaysia to launch a new English language
Istanbul on 22nd March 2019 suggested a Islamic television channel. The main objective of the
comprehensive global strategy to tackle rising TV channel will be to confront challenges including
Islamophobia. Pakistan proposed the following Islamophobia faced by the Muslim world.
1) Championing strengthening of international “Islamophobia is creating divisions, hijab is
obligations enunciated in existing UNGA and becoming a weapon; a woman can take off clothes
OIC Resolutions on Religious Intolerance. This but she can’t put on more clothes. It started after 9/11
includes calling for a plenary meeting of the and it started because certain western leaders
UNGA to seek, among other things, a equated Islam with terrorism,” -- PM Imran Khan
comprehensive regime outlawing Islamophobia; said while speaking at the 74th United Nations
General Assembly on 27th September 2019.

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Islamic Concept of Human Rights

Understanding the Western Philosophy of their human rights, these nations had to struggle for
Human Rights: The evolution of human rights in the prolonged periods. This dichotomy between the rights
West is often traced back to the Magna Carta of 1215 – of the individual and the rights of a people continued
a contract between the Barons and the King of Great to be a major problem in many countries even after
Britain – which allowed the protection of some rights their political independence from their colonial
to the Barons. The British Parliament passed a law in masters. The rise of individualism and focus on rights
1355 under which no one could be deprived of his life, of the individual also tacitly helped in building the
liberty or land without following a prescribed capitalistic system. Emphasis on individual liberty also
procedure. The concept of natural rights took several reduced religion to a “personal matter” and ethics and
centuries to evolve until its formulation in the morality to cultural relativism. One victim of this
seventeenth century. John J. Rousseau’s Social relativism was the institution of the family. Individuals
Contract, 1762, sheds ample light on the process and were allowed to observe conventional ways of married
evolution. The American Declaration of life or become single parents or even conduct
Independence of July 12, 1776, reflects another same-gender marriages. The concept of individual
significant effort in this direction. In 1948, after rights and liberty was regarded as a symbol of
another two centuries, Europe came up with the idea enlightenment and a major achievement of the
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights under post-Christianity secular European mind. A holistic
the aegis of the United Nations. This was perhaps a view of human rights, to a great extent, was yet to be
natural consequence of the horrors the West comprehended.
originated and experienced in 1941–42. On December
Understanding the concept of Human Rights in
16, 1966, certain provisions of the Declaration were
Islam: The first major contribution of Islam is a
incorporated in the international Convention adopted
paradigm shift towards human rights. Overcoming the
by the UN General Assembly. The unanimous
tension between the Barons and the King on the
agreement of the nations who signed the Declaration
“rights” of the former, it offers a holistic view in which
and later endorsed the International Convention,
the rights and obligations of human beings over one
however, has not resulted in a voluntary observation
another help in forging a social reality reflective of
of these human rights by many of the players involved
commitment to and a sense of social responsibility.
in state terrorism globally. The most recent example
The individual, without being marginalized, becomes
is that of the USA, a leader in state terrorism that is
part of a whole. The key terms used by the Qur’an and
violating the right to sovereignty of the Iraqi and the
the Sunnah in this regard are huquq Allah and huquq
Afghan people. Israel is another example, with 54
al-‘ibad, the rights due towards the Creator and the
years of continuous violation of human rights of the
Sustainer and the rights of Allah’s servants, i.e., human
Palestinians. The right to self-determination of the
beings. Rights, in their conventional Western sense,
Kashmiris is similarly violated repeatedly by India.
are sometimes conferred by the Crown and at others
The basic issue we need to consider at this point in
acquired through some other source of political force.
history, perhaps, is not what human rights are
In the Islamic world view, rights are not subject to any
allowed, but why – in the presence of one or another
class struggle or a favors by authorities, but a matter of
charter, covenant, convention or declaration – such
one’s own fulfillment. These rights are not determined
outrageous violations of human rights keep taking
in view of the social status or the politics of majority
place. Another crucial issue is how to realize and
and minority; nor are they linked to any racial or
implement human rights in the unstable world we
gender considerations. The Qur’an and the Sunnah
live in today. The first and foremost aspect to
declare all human beings as the progeny of Adam.
consider, in our view, is the conceptual problem. In
Therefore, all humans, irrespective of their gender and
the West, the evolution of human rights has taken
color, are declared essentially equal.
place in the context of rights of the individual as
reflected in general doctrines of individualism and These rights are founded on seven universal ethics that
narcism. The political liberty of the individual was the are not exclusive to Muslims. The Prophet, according
focus. With all the philosophical and doctrinal to the Qur’an, is sent to the whole of humanity
contributions made towards political liberty in (Kaafatan lin nas). The universal Islamic call for the
European thought, however, European nations did unity of mankind (Kanan nasu ummatan wahidah) is
not see any wrong in violating the same rights of also based on these non-variables. The rights and
nations in Asia and Africa when they colonized them, obligations of an individual help in the social
subjugated them and denied them of their political, construction of reality on the principles of justice and
cultural and economic rights for centuries. To regain equity. Man’s social interaction and the evolution of

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society and culture are directly linked, in a gestaltian violation of human rights) and taghut (rebellion and
manner, with these principles. These principle-based excess) in all its forms and shades is to be eliminated
values are meant to be translated in the socio-political, from individual and social life. ‘Adl, therefore, stands
economic, cultural and international behavior and for providing what is one’s right and due. At a personal
rights of man. level, it is unethical and consequently unlawful to
deprive one’s own self of rights: “Your nafs has a right
The Seven Global Ethical Principles
on you” (Hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him).
The first global ethical principle is the principle of Similarly unethical conduct towards others, in Islam,
Unity in life. Coherence and not contradiction and calls for not only an ethical censor but legal
conflict have to be the objective of life. Contradictions intervention. ’Adl also refers to fair and sincere
in one’s personality, family and social life, observance of human rights even for those one may
professional dealings or international relations are to not like. The Qur’an reminds its followers: “O you who
be avoided. Realization of a unified personality, believe, be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity, and
irrespective of color, creed and ethnicity, leads to a let not hatred of any people deviate you from justice
unified vision of life. It liberates a person from double that you deal not justly. Deal justly that is near to your
standards, contradictions and fragmentation in life. duty (taqwa). Observe your duty to Allah. Lo Allah is
Its realization at the level of the family inculcates informed of what you do…” (al-Ma’idah 5:8). It
fidelity, mutual trust, honesty, complementarity, elsewhere tells us that absence of ’adl invites Allah’s
sacrifice and a commonly shared quality in life. displeasure and punishment on people. To benefit and
Similarly, application of one and the same criterion in enjoy justice in society one does not have to be a
one’s economic activities results in total quality Muslim. As a universal ethical value it is to be realized
management of resources, with the highest standards at individual and collective level irrespective of color,
of fairness and transparency in transactions. In the denomination, culture, or economic and political
Islamic framework of thought and culture, the term status. Social justice, fairness, and equity lead to
used for unity in life is tawhid. In its wider generic creation of an unbiased, honest, open, and reasonably
connotation, it stands for unity in the cosmos, in global human community.
society, and in humankind, as well as in the life of the
The third global ethical principle on which human
individual. The resultant coherence and order is
rights in Islam are founded is the value pertaining to
realized with a clear vision of meaning and purpose of
protection of life. Perhaps nowhere has the sanctity of
life and without a conflict between the individual
human life been so emphatically established as in the
interest and the collective good. This unitization has
Qur’an, which says: “Whosoever killed a human being
remarkable importance for a Muslim, for it is the core
for other than manslaughter or corruption into earth,
of religious experience in Islam. The whole edifice of
it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso
Islamic teachings – from human behavior to the
saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the
functionality of the entire universe – revolves around
life of all mankind…” (al-Ma’idah 5:32). Sanctity of life,
and is encompassed by tawhid. Unitization carries an
in the Qur’anic context, is not particular to any
equal relevance for the non-Muslim as far as the
cultural, religious or ethnic group of people.
principles are concerned. Contradictions create
Preservation, protection, and promotion of life is a
disorder, injustice and violation of human rights,
universal value to be observed at global level.
while unitization in life contributes towards a just
ethical order and realization of dignity and honor for The fourth global ethical basis for realization of human
the individual in a civil society. rights in Islam is the value of “religious” freedom,
tolerance and pluralism. Religion in its Western
The second vital principle, which provides an
common-sense understanding has often been
axiological basis for human rights in Islam, is the
interpreted as a pre-scientific thinking reflected in
value of equity, “’adl” or justice. It begins from the
dogmas, rituals, and ceremonies. In the global family
point that a human being must act with justice
of world religions, we find different emphasis on
towards and cause no harm or danger to his/her own
aspects of religious experiences. The contemporary
self. It also requires the observance of justice towards
discussions on religious fundamentalism, nevertheless,
parents, spouses, children, servants, neighbors, even
do not draw a line between one and another religious
strangers who may be in need of help and assistance.
tradition. Honest and sincere observance of all
Observance of ’adl or justice as the second pillar of
religious teachings is generally categorized as religious
the Islamic concept of human rights implies fair and
fundamentalism in the West. The Islamic approach
equitable fulfillment of one’s duties and obligations
towards religious freedom and tolerance is founded on
and not simply demand of certain rights. ’Adl in the
its concern for plurality. Islam begins with a normative
Qur’an is a positive and substantive value. The
human rights approach that religious freedom is a
purpose of human presence on earth, in the Islamic
human right. “There is no compulsion in din (the
world view, is to realize ’adl in individual life, family,
complete code of life). The right direction is,
society, economy, polity and culture, or observance of
henceforth, distinct from error…” (al-Baqarah 2:256).
human rights. Zulm (injustice, oppression and

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While Islam recognizes the right for others to observe Their universal application makes these values
their religion, in a pluralistic world, it also emphasizes transcend the categories of space and time, as well as
the right of a Muslim to apply the Qur’an and the race, religion and ethnicity.
Sunnah in everyday life. Islamic teachings are
The specific human rights identified by Islam translate
universal and not bound by space and time. Therefore,
the philosophy of these seven values in tangible human
a Muslim, male or female, whether living in a Muslim
conduct and behavior (’amal and taqwa). Very briefly,
or non-Muslim environment, is ethically obliged to
the basic universal human rights given by the Qur’an
conform to Islamic teachings. These teachings are not
and the Sunnah include the following:
confined to matters of ritual or worship. These are
essentially social ethical teachings involving economic, 1. Equality of all humans: “And of His signs is
political, and cultural rights of mankind. The value of this: He created you of dust and you are now
religious liberty also means that an inter-religious and human beings dispersed everywhere…”
intra-religious tolerance, acceptance and recognition (ar-Rum 30:20); “O mankind Be careful of your
of others (al-Kafirun 109:6) is to be realized through a duty to your Lord (Rabb) Who created you from
civilizational process. a single soul and from it created its mate and
from them both has spread abroad a multitude
The fifth primary global ethical foundation of human
of men and women. Be careful of your duty
rights in Islam relates with the dynamic role and value
(taqwa) toward Allah in whom you claim (your
of the intellect (’aql). ’Aql, as a faculty, stands for
rights) of one another…” (An-Nisa 4:1).
responsible rational conduct confirming the need and
2. Right to Life: “And that you slay not the life
transcendence of wahy (revealed knowledge) as well
which Allah has made sacred, save in the course
as legitimacy of intellect. Many rationalist approaches
of justice. Thus He has commanded of you in
uphold ultimacy of reason, but, with all their calls for
order that you may discern…” (al-An’am 6:151).
rationalism, some lead to skepticism and agnosticism
“…Whosoever kills a human being for another
– denial of knowledge as such. Islam, however, is very
than manslaughter or corruption (fasad) in the
clear about the limits of human knowledge. In Islam,
earth it shall be as if he had killed all mankind,
it is intellect and reason that discover their own
and whoso saves life of one it shall be if he had
limitations and arrive at the justification for wahy.
saved the life of all mankind…” (al-Ma’idah 5:32).
The promotion of the intellectual attitude or exercise
According to a hadith of the Prophet (peace be
of reason in ethical judgments liberates a person from
upon him): “The greatest sins are to associate
the grip of skepticism, agnosticism and from the
someone with Allah and to kill human beings.”
finitude of experiences. It promotes an environment
3. Right to “Religious” freedom: “There is no
of dialogue, understanding, coexistence, cooperation
compulsion in religion…” (al-Baqarah 2:256);
and interaction. Respect for human rights and for
“Revile not (wala tasubbu) those unto whom
difference of opinion creates a friendly and conducive
they call (pray) beside Allah…” (al-An’am 6:109).
environment for sincere and meaningful realization of
Also: “For you your religion, for me my way of
justice and human rights.
life…” (al-Kafirun 109:6).
The sixth global ethical value relates to preservation 4. Right to Basic needs: “And in their wealth the
of honor, dignity and lineage of humankind in order seeker and the deprived has due share…”
to maintain, secure and sustain the identity of the (al-Dhriyat 51:19); “Give the Kinsman his due,
members of a society. Islam insists on the human and the needy and the wayfarer, and do not
rights of the child to be identified and known through dissipate your wealth extravagantly…” (Bani
his biological relationship and genetic lineage. It even Israil 17:26).
refers to the sanctity and human right of the gene. 5. Right to chastity, dignity and lineage: “And
Therefore, it does not permit confusion of a gene come not near unto adultery. Lo it is an
except through the ethical and legal bonds of abomination an evil way…” (Bani Israil 17:32).
marriage. The first family on earth is recognized and 6. Right to sanity and intellectual freedom: “O
honored by Islam in the person of Adam and Eve. you who believe, liquor and gambling and idols
and divining arrows are only infamy of satan’s
Last but not the least is the global ethical principle of
handwork, so keep away from them in order
sanctity of ownership and property (mal). No human
that you may succeed…” (al-Ma’idah 5:90).
being is, consequently, allowed to deprive a person of
7. Right to justice: “And if you judge between
property in any way. This right to ownership of the
mankind, that you judge justly…” (an-Nisa 4:58).
men and women in a society applies equally to the
8. Right to property: “And eat not up your
resources of nations. No one is allowed to deprive
property among yourselves in vanity…”
others of their economic independence by imposing a
(al-Baqarah 2:188).
so-called economic world order.
9. Right to protection of reputation: “O you
These seven global, universal and primary ethical who believe, shun much suspicion, for some
values provide the basis for human rights in Islam.

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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
guesswork is a sin, and spy not, neither We provide for you and for them…”
backbite one another…” (al-Hujrat 49:12). (Al-An’am 6:151); “Slay not your children, due to
10. Right to privacy: “O you who believe enter fear of poverty! We shall provide for them and
not houses other than you own without first for you, killing them is certainly a great
announcing your presence and invoking peace wrong…” (Bani Israil 30 – 31).
(salam) upon the folk thereof. That is better for 21. Right to identity for child: “The child belongs
you that you may be heedful…” (an-Nisa 24:27). to the marriage-bed and the violator of the
11. Right to enjoin virtue and eradicate wedlock shall be stoned. And reckoning of their
evil: “Those who if we give them power in the deeds rests with Allah…
land establish worship (religious freedom) and He, who attributes his ancestry to other than his
pay their due (Zakah) and enjoin good (ma’ruf) father or claims his clientship to other than his
and forbid indecency (munkar)…” master, the curse of Allah is upon him …” (The
(al-Hajj 22:41). Last Sermon of the Prophet, PBUH).
12. Right to protest: “Allah likes not the 22. Right to rejection of racism and ethnic
utterance of harsh speech save by one who has discrimination: “Allah says: ‘O people! We
been wronged, Allah is ever Hearer, Knower…” created you from one male and female and
(an-Nisa 4:148). made you into tribes and nations, that you are
13. Right to peace making: “And if two parties of known to one another. Verily in the sight of
believers fall to fighting then make peace Allah, the most honored amongst you is the one
between them and if one party of them does who is the most God-conscious.’ ” (The Last
wrong to the other, fight you that which does Sermon of the Prophet, peace be upon him).
wrong till it returns unto the ordinance of 23. Right to political power: “Allah has promised
Allah; then, if it return, make peace between such of you as believe and do good works that
them justly, and act equitably for Allah loves He will surely make them succeed (over the
the equitable…” (al-Hujrat 49:9). present rulers) in the earth even as He caused
14. Right to conscientious abstention: “It is not those who were before them to succeed (over
permissible to disobey Allah in obedience to others); and that He will surely establish for
the order of any human being…” them their din which He hath approved for
(Prophet’s Hadith, Musnad of Imam Ahmad). them, and will give them in exchange safety
15. Right to participate in public affairs: “Allah after their fear. They serve Me, and do not
has promised such of you as believe and do associate anyone with Me. Those who disbelieve
good deeds that He will surely make them henceforth, they are the miscreants…”
succeed (liyastakwlifannakum) in the earth (Al-Nur 24:55).
even as He caused those who were before them 24. Right to inheritance for both women and
to succeed over others …” (an-Nisa 24:55). men: “Unto the men (of a family) belongs a
16. Right to social and legal equality: “There is share of that which parents and near kindred
no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and leave, and unto the women a share of that
far a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for a white which parents and near kindred leave, whether
over a black nor for a black over the white, it be little or much – a legal share. And when
except in piety. All mankind is the progeny of kinsfolk and orphans and the needy are present
Adam, and Adam was fashioned out of clay…” at the division (of the property), bestow on
(The last Sermon of the Prophet, PBUH). them therefrom and speak kindly unto them…”
17. Right to association: “And there may spring (an-Nisa 4:7-8).
from you a community who invite to 25. Right to brotherly treatment: “The believers
goodness (al-khayr) and enjoin right conduct are but a single brotherhood: So make peace
(ma’ruf) and forbid indecency (munkar). Such and reconciliation between your two
are they who are successful…” (contending) brothers; And fear Allah, that you
(Al-i-Imran 3:104). may receive mercy…” (Al-Hujurat 49:10).
18. Right to struggle for just social order: “And 26. Right to protection of trusts: “Beware that
the believers, men and women, are protecting you go not astray after me and strike one
friends one of another, they enjoin the right another’s necks. He who (amongst you) has any
and forbid wrong…” (Al-Tawbah 9:71) trust with him, he must return it to its owner…”
19. Right to personal responsibility: “He who (The Last Sermon of the Prophet, peace be upon
finds the right path does so for himself; and he him).
who goes astray does so to his own loss; and no
one who carries a burden bears another’s
27. Right to refuse obedience to oppressive
rulers: “But fear Allah and obey me; Do not
load…” (Bani Israil 17:15).
follow those who are extravagant; Who make
20. Right to life for the unborn child: “And that
mischief in the land, and mend not (their
you slay not your children because of penury.
way)…” (Al-Shu’ara 26:150-153).

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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan-US Relations security agencies and their attacks in Afghanistan are
planned by his network in Pakistan.
When Donald Trump became president of America In September 2018, Trump appointed Zalmay
he announced new Afghan Policy in which he Khalilzad—an Afghan American diplomat who has
highlighted his government‘s plan to get the success served as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, and
in war on terror against terrorists groups in the United Nations—as special representative for
Afghanistan. He also explained direction of his future Afghanistan reconciliation. The president charged the
strategy towards Pakistan. American government envoy with helping him fulfill a signature election
insisted on that Pakistan should play effective role promise: extricating thousands of U.S. troops from an
and to support the US efforts to crush the Taliban. 18-year-long war that few in Washington believed
Trump also alleged that Pakistan is providing safe could be won. The effort resulted in nine rounds of
haven to Afghan Taliban. It is said by policy statement direct talks between the United States and the Taliban,
by US official that it is the right of Pakistan to accept and it raised the prospect that an Islamic movement
or reject the American offer. But in case of denial notorious for harboring Osama bin Laden and
serious consequences will be faced by Pakistan executing women in public for so-called moral crimes
President, Vice president and many American officials would regain the political power it lost during the U.S.
in their statements explained the nature of invasion. The talks neared their endgame this
consequences that it may be cut of economic and September, when Khalilzad announced he had an
military aid to Pakistan and raised doubt regarding agreement in principle with the Taliban: the phased
safety of Pakistan nuclear assets. Pakistan warned by withdrawal of 14,000 U.S. troops over 16 months in
American officials that Pakistan should destroy the exchange for a commitment from the Taliban to
sanctuaries of terrorists from her territory otherwise prevent terrorists from using Afghan territory for
American could unilaterally do this in Afghanistan attacks against the United States. All it needed was the
adjacent areas with Pakistan. Donald Trump declared support of the U.S. president and some arm-twisting to
the India as strategic ally in Afghanistan. Trump pressure Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to offer his
revised his previous stance on presence of American grudging endorsement of a power-sharing deal that
military forces in Afghanistan because he convinced would likely weaken his presidency. The pact proved
by his security advisors that hasty withdrawal of hugely unpopular with the Afghan government, which
military will damage American interests regionally had been largely sidelined in the talks; key U.S.
and globally. Therefore, Trump announced to deploy Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, a critical
more troops in Afghanistan to support Afghanistan Trump ally; and Trump’s then-National Security
security forces and government against Taliban with Advisor John Bolton, who felt the Taliban could not be
justification that quick withdrawal will create vacuum trusted to hold up their side of the bargain. But Trump,
that would be fill by ISIS and al Qaeda. He further eager to notch a foreign-policy victory on the eve of an
said that US troops will be remained there until election year, was on board… until he wasn’t. Trump
unless their need for it and assured at last victory will initially backed Khalilzad’s plan and made
be left for American. He explains that we are not preparations to invite the Taliban to a signing
interested in nation building in Afghanistan instead ceremony at Camp David on the anniversary of al
our focused will be on to crush the terrorists. This Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on New York and Washington, D.C.
statement conveyed the message to Taliban that they But in an abrupt reversal, Trump announced he was
should themselves in peace talk otherwise ready to calling off meetings, citing a Taliban attack that
fight for as long as it require as well American strong resulted in the death of one U.S. service member and
urge regarding rooted out the terrorism. His eleven other people. Less than three months later,
statement regarding Pakistan received more Trump paid an unannounced Thanksgiving visit to
appreciation from Afghan and Indian government. He Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to greet American
charged that Islamabad is busy in supporting the soldiers and to open the door to continue talks with
enemies of US and Afghanistan and stressed Pakistan the Taliban. In the meantime, Trump appears to be
to revise its policies regarding terrorists groups. He planning to announce the withdrawal of 4,000 U.S.
declared Pakistan as agents of pandemonium and troops, a decision that could signal to the Taliban that
criticized one side Pakistan is taking billions of dollars they may be able to wait out a president who has
and other side damaging the American interests staked his reelection on bringing U.S. troops home
through supporting of terrorists that is unbearable for from the United States’ so-called endless wars.
US to avoid any harmful consequences. Pakistan
should immediately change her policy. Like his The Afghanistan Factor: Historically, Pakistan-US
predecessor Trump government’s policy towards relations– which are as old as Pakistan itself– have
Pakistan does not revolve around on religious never been consistent. There exist various episodes of
extremism or terrorism within Pakistan instead convergence and divergence with regard to the
demanded to abolish Haqqani network top of the list. national interest of the two countries. From being the
Because according to US this is backed by Pakistan’s ‘most allied ally’ of the USA in the 1950s, 1980s and in

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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
the wake of the September 11 tragedy in 2001, Pakistan legitimate security issues. During this context, the
have at times moved to also being a country against trust deficit has remained the underlying facet of
which considerable US pressure has been exerted in Pak-US ties. Still, peace in Afghanistan remains the
the form of sanctions, threats, blame-game or the common goal for both Pakistan and the USA. So far,
need to “do more,” so it can be said that the relations one fact that has been established is that without
of the two countries are not all-weather. Even though Pakistan, the USA cannot resolve the Afghan problem.
national interest remains a defining feature of Pak-US Pakistan was urgently required once the USA decided
ties, one factor that has always been underscored in to seek a military answer to the Afghan problem and
the US foreign policy and which no country can deny, Pakistan additionally has a crucial role to play within
is the geostrategic position of Pakistan. By the late the Afghan social process, both because it is home to
1970s, Pak-US relations had deteriorated to a so many Afghan refugees, and because of its large
considerable extent, reaching the bottom ebb, Pashtun population. Whether Afghanistan could be a
because the USA opposed Pakistan’s nuclear quest source of convergence or some extent of divergence in
strenuously and was also suspected of being Pak-US relations is a subject which will be debated
concerned in the attack on the Holy Kaaba in Makkah. upon and weighed. However, what remains
It was only when the Soviet Union invaded noteworthy is that the indisputable fact that because of
Afghanistan in 1979, that there was a notable the Afghan issue, Pakistan has been ready to assume a
modification in the US policy towards Asian counties. vital role for the US government and has become a
The foreign invasion had taken place in Pakistan’s vital player within the international arena.
immediate neighbourhood within the northwest, and
Future of Pakistan-US relations: President Trump’s
with that Asian country it shares a 2430 km-long
remarks calling for the expansion of Indo-US
border, referred to as the Durand Line. Because of its
cooperation in security and other fields at Indian
geopolitical position, in such a tense regional
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with the
atmosphere, Pakistan was the Asian country whose
Indian expatriates at Houston on 22 September was the
support as a frontline state was required for the
latest reminder of the rapidly growing strategic
United States. Thus Pakistan fought a US-aided war
partnership between the two countries. This
by acting as a middleman in providing weapons,
partnership, promoted by four successive American
training and funds to the Mujahideen, who fought
Presidents, is firmly rooted in the convergence of their
against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Following the
strategic interests and, according to Trump, in their
defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan, its ultimate
shared democratic values. India has now become part
disintegration, and the end of the Cold War between
and parcel of the American strategy to contain China.
the two superpowers, the USA emerged as a sole
By way of contrast, Pakistan, which used to be
superpower in the new international system. It no
America’s close ally during the Cold War era despite
longer required Pakistan’s support. But in the wake of
occasional ups and downs in their relationship, is
the September 11, 2001 destruction of the Trade Center
gradually losing ground to India in the competition for
twin towers, that a new chapter was initiated in
influence in and cooperation with the US.
Pak-US relations. Pakistan became a key US ally in
the War on Terror. In return for its assistance, there Undoubtedly, Pakistan’s unwillingness to be a party to
was restoration of military and economic aid for American policy of containment of China has been a
Pakistan and sanctions that had been imposed against major factor for pulling the two countries in different
Pakistan’s possession of nuclear explosive devices directions. But this divergence is not the only factor
were lifted. From George W. Bush to Barack Obama responsible for the growing estrangement between
and now Donald Trump, the Afghan War has been a them. Misunderstandings between the two countries
protracted journey for each Asian nation and also the on Afghanistan and the issue of terrorism have played
USA. Participation in the extended Afghan war has their own role in widening the gulf of mistrust and
grave short and long term repercussions for Pakistan. alienation between them. Pakistan has also failed to
Varied issues in this regard, still beset its political, cultivate methodically American foreign policy and
strategic, social and economic landscapes. security establishment, media, academics, and other
Additionally, Pak-US relations became a lot of opinion makers with a view to conveying to them
complicated than ever. The USA has always suspected effectively its point of view on important bilateral,
Pakistan of providing safe havens to the militants regional and global issues. Further, it has not
targeting American soldiers in Afghanistan. To boot, adequately mobilized Pakistani expatriates in the US
it maintained pressure on Pakistan to “do more” and for the promotion of its national interests. Finally,
has suspended security help to Pakistan. Pakistan’s slow rate of economic growth, its scientific
and technological backwardness, and its failure to
The other facet of the coin is that Pakistan has been
develop a stable political system on democratic lines
systematically registering its security concerns to the
have also had negative repercussions on Pakistan-US
USA over the presence of anti-Pakistan militants on
relations. The US blundered into the war in
Afghan soil and has expressed its annoyance with the
Afghanistan after 9/11 under the mistaken assumption
USA even though it has taken very little notice of its

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FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
that, after decimating Al Qaeda, it could impose a remarkable similarity of the views of India and the US
government of its choice on Afghanistan on a on the issue of terrorism. Of course, Ms. Wells also
long-term basis through military means, that durable expressed US concern over widespread detentions (by
peace and stability could be restored in Afghanistan the Indian authorities) of local leaders and the
while excluding the Afghan Taliban from the restrictions on the residents of Jammu and Kashmir.
government in Kabul, and that it could re-shape the There is no denying the fact that PM Imran Khan
conservative and tribal Afghan society in accordance during his bilateral visit to the US in July and the more
with its own cultural values. The result of this flawed recent visit to New York to attend the UN General
Afghanistan policy was an unending American war Assembly did a good job in presenting to his American
with the Afghan Taliban and constant US demands on interlocutors Pakistan’s point of view on Pakistan-US
Pakistan to do more in fighting the Taliban, who had relations, Kashmir, growing Hindu bigotry in India
taken refuge in its tribal areas, so as to lighten the under the Modi-led government, India’s negative
burden of fighting on its own forces. Pakistan’s response to Pakistan’s repeated overtures for the
willingness to oblige the Americans made it the resumption of dialogue to resolve outstanding disputes
battleground against terrorism at enormous cost in and promote peace in South Asia, and other important
blood and treasure. However, Washington, instead of regional and global issues. However, while what has
correcting its Afghanistan policy and appreciating been achieved is commendable, it is not enough.
Pakistan’s support, made Pakistan the scapegoat for Essentially, the talks during IK’s visit to Washington
its own policy failures. The net result was growing were transactional rather than strategic in nature. We
misunderstandings, mistrust and strains in agreed to assist the US in Afghanistan in return for
Pakistan-US relations. The US operation in May 2011 limited relief in the economic and military fields
to take out Osama bin Laden from Abbottabad, while bilaterally and further support from the World Bank
keeping Pakistan in the dark, reflected the gulf of and its allied agencies to overcome Pakistan’s
mistrust which separated the two countries. The economic difficulties. The reality is that in the modern
strains in bilateral relations finally led to the power-driven international political system, it is the
termination of US military and economic assistance to economic, technological and scientific advancement
Pakistan. Afghanistan issue remains a source of and strength of a country more than anything else
tension in Pakistan-US relations despite Pakistan’s which determines its relative power and influence in
helpful role in the initiation of talks between the the comity of nations. Of course, one cannot ignore
representatives of the US and the Taliban at Doha. It political stability and the element of military power in
is a pity that the talks process was cancelled last assessing a country’s national power. Therefore, for
month by President Trump before it could lead to a Pakistan’s voice to be heard in Washington and other
formal agreement between the two sides. After 9/11, capitals, it must emerge as a country enjoying political
the US raised the issue of terrorism to the top of its stability, a high level of economic, technological and
international agenda. Afghan Taliban, who had scientific advancement, and a credible security
nothing to do with 9/11 terrorist attacks, were branded deterrent. Mere statements and media campaigns,
by the US as terrorists just because they had given important though they are, will not serve our purposes.
shelter to Al Qaeda. Pakistan, which had supported In the case of the US, we should also mobilize
the Taliban in the civil war in Afghanistan in 1990’s, Pakistani expatriates in the US and cultivate effectively
also became a suspect in the American eyes. New American foreign policy and security establishment,
Delhi took full advantage of the American suspicions media, academics and other opinion makers to
to malign Pakistan for the sake of its own nefarious produce greater impact on American policy makers.
designs. Pakistan’s flawed Kashmir policy of the 1990’s Unfortunately, India is far ahead of us in all of these
was exploited by India to the hilt to brand Pakistan as areas as even a short visit to the US brings home. It is
a supporter of terrorism. New Delhi also blamed worth reiterating, however, that China’s containment
Pakistan for the Mumbai terrorist attack and the remains the overarching US strategic goal for the
American sympathy for the Indian point of view had foreseeable future. For this purpose, India rather than
the effect of further aggravating Pakistan-US mistrust. Pakistan is the natural US ally. Therefore, while trying
to promote our national interests in the US as best as
Significantly, at the Houston meeting, President
we can, we must remain conscious of both the
Trump called for Indo-US cooperation in fighting
potential and the limitations of Pakistan-US relations.
“radical Islamic terrorism” to a loud applause from the
Pakistan should beware of the real Indo-US game plan
audience. On 27 September, US Acting Secretary of
which aims at weaning it from its close strategic
State Alice G. Wells in her opening statement at a
cooperation with China as partly reflected by CPEC
press briefing in New York stated, “Prime Minister
and bringing it within the Indo-US orbit. If this game
Khan made important public commitments regarding
plan succeeds, Pakistan will be reduced to the status of
the need to prevent cross-border terrorism and
an Indian satellite.
sanctuary for terrorist organizations, which if
FPSC Descriptive Tests’ Notes by Aamir Mahar
implemented fully, would provide a strong basis for
(Pakistan-India) dialogue.” These remarks reflected a

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