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Therefore, it is conclude that Values Education played a vital role in honing one's self in this

academic year. Students were able to showcase their full potential in knowing thy self leading to
the achievement of the qualities, manners, mindset, and acts of an individual ready to cater the
triumphs of the society. It is through this course that the students were able to free their own
thoughts without the need to sacrifice academic matters. Also, through the exemplary effort of
the professor, learning has been more interactive and participating. It is reckoned by the students
that an outcome based learning should come along with the traditional manner of teaching to
enable a more productive learning environment.

In addition, the students jointly agreed that the execution of Values Education in the tertiary level
should be maintained and in the future be innovated further. It has been instilled to the minds of
the students that values is a stepping stone for one's development. It is through academic year
that the students were able to determine the other side of the stairs towards their goals. Also,
the said execution of Values teaching in tertiary level, allows Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
Muntinlupa to put action to its desired and stated Mission and Vision including its Core Values
that the subject Values Education focused the entire semester. It is with great minds and fulfilled
hearts, through Values Education that the students under this subject will enter the next phase in
their academe journey,

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