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Policy Cer ficate

GoSecure Travel Insurance
Agent / Broker: OMAR AVIATION Policy No. PL-20190702145311-013917
Issue Date: 02/07/2019 Total Premium(PKR): 3,311
Policy Details Insured Details
Type: Single Trip Name: ELYAN ILYAS MR
Plan: Schengen Basic CNIC No.: 1730149068057
CNIC Issue Date: 07/12/2016
Plan Type: Individual Passport No.: BK1748053
Travel Des na on: Schengen Countries / Worldwide Date of Birth: 21/09/1987
Travel Des na on 2:
Geographical Limit: Outside Pakistan Age: 31
Purpose of Visit: Leisure Gender: Male
Period of Insurance: 31 Days Contact Detail: 03481962426,
Policy Date: From: 08/08/2019 To: 07/09/2019 Address: 12 RACE COURSE GARDEN MC ROAD PESHAWAR
Name: ILYAS RAZA MR Rela onship with Insured: Father
Address: SAME
Name Passport Rela onShip DOB
Plan Type: Schengen Basic
SUM INSURED PER PERSON (All Amount are in US $)
Medical Benefits Travel Inconvenience Benefits
Emergency Medical Expenses - Accident & sickness 50,000 Baggage Loss - Checked In (Limit of 10% per item) -
Emergency Dental Care 300 Baggage Delay - Checked In (Excess First 8 Hours) -
Deduc ble on Medical & Dental 100 Flight Delay (Excess First 12 Hours) -
Emergency Medical Evacua on INCLUDED Passport Loss (Excess $25 EEL*) -
Compassionate Visit - Credit Card Loss - Cash Advance -
Repatria on of Mortal Remains INCLUDED Trip Cancella on & Curtailment -
Return of Dependent Child - Personal Liability (Excess $1,000 for TPPD) -
Delivery of Medicine INCLUDED
24/7 Worldwide Assistance Service INCLUDED
Personal Accidental Benefits
Accidental Death 5,000
Accidental Death(Common Carrier) 5,000
Premium Details (Amounts in PKR)**
*For policy verifica on, please visit h p:// NET PREMIUM 3,200
*All plan types fulfill Schengen Visa requirement, except Care Plan. Advance Tax 111
*Maximum 90 days per trip is covered in Annual Mul -Trip plans of Elite, Bliss & Schengen Delight.
**Maximum 60 days per trip is covered in Annual Mul -Trip plans of Schengen Basic & Care.
***Premium amounts are inclusive of all applicable taxes and stamp duty.
****This Travel Insurance Policy is not valid in the country where the insured is a na onal of or has a permanent resident status declared by
the Government.
*****Medical treatment related to any pre-exis ng condi on, cancer or pregnancy fall under exclusion and is not covered.
******This travel insurance policy is only valid when the insured’s departure is from Pakistan on or a er the policy start date.

ADAMJEE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. This is a computer generated E-Policy and does not require signature.
Medical emergency hotline number 00971 4601 8823.
A 24/7 emergency medical & travel assistance service is operated by interna onal SOS through our call center
for the benefit of the insured persons. If you are admi ed in a hospital as an inpa ent, Interna onal SOS must
be no fied within 24 hours of your admission in order to confirm the condi on of coverage, and arrange
approval for direct payment if case is covered.
*By receiving this cer ficate the insured person(s) declare to agree to the terms and condi ons, exclusions and limita ons of this Travel Insurance policy. For
policy terms and condi ons or detailed benefits, Please visit or ask your travel agent.
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