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Test 4

Part 2

You are going to read a newspaper article about a sport. Six paragraphs have been removed from
the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is one extra
paragraph which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

After the Frisbee

It used to be as simple as a bit of fun in the pork. Now the Frisbee is bock - ond this time it's
serious business. Simon de Surton reports.

Until recently, the name 'Gucci' was synonymous seven players, and the aim of the game is to score
with expensive handbags and jewellery. Now goals by passing the disc to a player standing or
however, the company's 'G-force' slogan has taken running inside the opposition's 'end zone'.
on a whole new meaníng, with the introduction of
the Gucci Flying Disc, a 20-centimetre diameter
cirele of serni-flaccíd rubber that retails at a smooth ~--------------------------
[35. This piece of flying fun has literally taken off, But Ultirnate's rules do not seem to give rise to the
leaving Gucci's main stores with a waiting list of díssension, fouls and gamesmanship that sorne,
customers that grows longer by the day. more prestigíous, sports suffer from. A key
Ultimate phrase is 'the spirit of the game', which

0'---- _
The difference now is that flying discs are no longer
refers to the sport's basic code of conducto Even at
world championship level, referees or linesmen are
not needed.
the exelusive domain of college students. Frisbee-
throwing has developed into a range of serious sub- ~L- ~
sports, from a team game called Ultimate to the
unlikely-sounding disc golf, with dístance, The names of Frísbee-related sports are a little
accuracy, discathon and freestyle Frisbee falling in more accessible. An individual version of Frisbee-
between. throwing known as 'disc golf has also grown up,
courtesy of financial expert Derek Robins. Robins,

0'---- _
Assistant librarian and disc-throwing fanatíc, Brian
Chairman of the British Disc Golf Association,
charges just f3 for a round at his course beside the
River Avon.
Dacourt may not quite fit in with the trend in this
respecto He is, however, chair of the World Flying
Disc Federation and established the first Ultimate ~~-------------------
world championships in 1986 when just six teams Therefore, when players reach the spot on the
took parto This year there were more than 100. 'It course where their last throw has landed, they can
has become a sport played predorninantly by choose a disc which is the most appropriate one for
professional people,' he says. 'After graduatíng, the next throw - in much the same way that golfers
they have progressed up the career ladder into might use a driver from the tee - with the aim of
powerful jobs before returning to disc sports much 'holing out' the disc, into an iron basket held up by
more seriously in their free time.' a chain, in the rninimum number of throws.
It is all a far cry from the early days of the Frisbee
0'----- _
The team version of Frisbee-throwíng, the game of
in the 1870s, when William Russell Frisbie
patented his Frisbie pies, in the disc-shaped tins
that college students so delighted in throwing to
Ultímate, is currently enjoyed by around 700 each other, after eating the pies.
serious players in the UK. Teams are made up of

Paper 1 Reading

A In keeping with this air of gentlemanly E But íf all this sounds a little too energetic, and
camaraderie and enthusiastic innovation, a you are happy just to chuck a Frisbee to a
whole new language has evolved among the friend in the park, you wíll be in good
game's devotees. Words such as 'force', company. Old-style Frisbee fans can still
'hammer', 'poach', and 'stall' are used to count among their numbers several famous
describe the various moves, throws and tactics names, including a leading Hollywood movie
which the game demands. star and a Formula One driver.

B Even a top-class competitor in se~eral of these F The rules are similar to those of the famous
disciplines would not have to fork out much sport from which it is derived, the obvious
on equipment compared to other sports. difference being the use of flying discs instead
However, the relative cheapness is somewhat ofballs and clubs. Players walk the course
at odds with the nature of its devotees: more with a range of five or more special discs
and more it tends to be high-earníng lawyers, which have special edges and are made of
stockbrokers, bankers and IT professionals denser material than an Ultimate disc, thus
who make up the core of serious players. allowing them to fly further.

e Once in possession of the dísc, a player is not G Indeed, the sport very much reflects the
allowed to run with it; it has to be worked up lífestyles of the people who play it. It is a11
the pitch through a series of tactical passes. If about working together with one's side against
it touches the ground or is intercepted, the opposition; competitiveness and
possession passes to the opposition. camaraderie are of the utmost importance.

D The popularity of this particular brand of disc

bears testament to the fact that the fun-filled
summers ofthe 1970s, when Frisbees in parks
were a common sight, are enjoying something
of a revival.


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