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B. A. 1.11 & HI YeaI'" (Economics)

",,,,,m ~.", IrA 'f"l-mk ",,,,'wrF.l (f.'mfiffi 42-5-I~ 50)
<l1.~.~.", O'l Economics First Paper ~ \!Iiero lconomics ?t
B.A. I Year 3:r~ ~ v.'Aq'5l'-~I~ 3{~1 42-'5-"' /«.m~
(f.:rui?ril 50)
Economics Second Papcr- Indian Economy

<l1R. ~ O'l
",mm ~.", 1l'Fl'f"l- -fl'l& 31~ (f.'mfiffi jg I~ SO)
Economics First Paper - Macro Economics
B.A. II Year 3l~ ~ ~ 'Q"5l"fflehiiRiJ> f<l'ro ~ 3jd'(,<It'$;"i:4te~
(2018-19) (f.10 1'1" . I~ 50
Economics Second Paper- Public Finance & international Economics

3l~ J;i\!.fJlmo=r tf?l' -~ 't[ti q:qICl"i°1 3lclm~-'(f.'t<Jli;i'l ~/~nUllUt 50)

<l1.~ ~ O'l ECilnOmics First Papcr- Development & EnviroQP:\enl Economics
U.A. III Year
:llmm ~ 1l'Fl'f"l- 'HiR."l<b1.(f.'mfiffi ~ I~ 50)
Ecunomics Second Paper- Statistics

~Iffi 3i<l> 4'l G1'11

Examination Marking Scheme

~ ~ <i\
't&'ll iq;-;'l (5 3lq; ~ "11R:i <t> ~
Cdv,s '31' Citijf.1fQ WTrl
:: >. 0.5 = 2.5
R:r'1 , 5 3i<n "" 31inftq;
10 3fq; g:lITtT)
>rr-'! q?f ~ 42.5 <fil 3Iqi ~
'Njl:XjItil ~

3iw "" ~
'31' qfijPitQ m9
"* f(;ril ~ srf1 Q?i l'i 50


~ "if c;rg
m~~ ~~ ""'" '.' R'J _flu IrA
5 '>( 3 ::..:15
5" 3 = 15 X3Ju;g' '7('J' trrl ~ W-'I
~o;g ""i1' th:f ~ r;.l~;""'f

M<lrks division 10r prlvute STudents 50 marks for

Intl,'rnal Assessment for rq;ulur ~IUrJCI11 is 15
each question pnper is as 10110v•...
marks (5 marks for qU<ltcrly and 10 marks Cor
Section 'A' ~ Objective Questions
hlilrycarly Assesment).
Marks Division of 42.5 marks for each question 5 x:2 = 10 ~
Section '8' Short answer questions
pap-:r is as follow
S~o,;\iOll'A' - Objective Questions
I 5x3= 15
Sectioll 'C' Long answer questions
5 x .5 = 2.5
5x 3=
'B' Short <Inswer questions

5x 5=
'(" Long nnsw~r questions
25 i

., ,I ~'"
.~--:","/;;----,------,------------- --

. '",.
B.A . .I Year

Subject! f<\"<l<l Economics! 3IolmF.<

~ fm:rr ~, ~ ~ Fm'T'<F Qlqll<:>'""l ~ ~en ~ c:fi
'U"[.i'1~ ~ ~ i'l 3lj~il1i(1 3t'R ~ <i> ~rR mT3ljlj)Pc:t1

Class./<Pm B.A. I (<ft8, I

Title of Subject Group: Micro Economics.

Paper -I

flN<l "'l." q;r -,Mq; , - 3IolmA

Max.Marks/~ &en: (f.\~ m t<D: 42.5
Notej-;fre : CCE -7.5

Ma:<.Marks I~~ 3tit> ~ ur::n tg) : 50

Micro Economics ~ 31efltll'Hi

Unit .I _ Definition, scope and nature of economics, methods of economic analysis-

Inductive and Deductive. Basic Concepts ;.Micro Economics, Utility.
Demand. Supply ,Commooit)', Frt:e goods. Value and Price. Markel
Adniinislered Price

'l'".!t." ~
31T'T'R ~
q\\ ~.
f'!'f'l'! ~.
=""""_ ~
q;r "" ~ •.
q\\ 3!1'lR'j!! ~.
~ f<l""ol q\\ -
BQ,WIe'. '1M.
'jf<l. "'*' <rn]1i. '!!'" '?'i q\\>ffi. mvrn. "'" 111" '!!'" ,

Unit II _ Law of demand and its exceptions. Giffin gO<?ds. Elasticity of demanrl;-
Price, Income and Cross. Law of Supply. Law of diminishing marginal utility
and Equi Marginal Utility. Consumer's Surplus., Indifference curves-
characteristics and consumers equilibriums.

~ " >ir'I q;r f.'IwI ail<

~ Rra. ~ cnr f.rlrI:l', ~
3lQ<lfG. f'rfilR ""l". '1M <>I'l ~,
~ I3qmfildl
31m ail<
F-fw:J. f1~:nP1kl '3Qmf11HI
<nT ftJirtft 3fR ~ \3QUlfi'lrll, ~ <Ft il"'a"ff. ~ 'Q<I>- fC'iiltH'11~ Jn~


Unit III _ production. Law of Production. Law of Variable Proportions. Returns to

Scalc. Economics of Scale. Iso Product curves. characteristics and
producer's equilibrium. Concepts of Cost and Revenue- Total ,Marginal &

~U") "" .. /1",,$ \ ~~ K~ 12M"'''''I<lI~l..,<-

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~ (Y"'" - _ 5IC"Mi.- ~ 'co," ~ ~..".
~.. \'Q ll";l. ~ -£.<..\ "7 •••• '>Yd••.'" ~G ~.,a.xP!lh I I ~-.~~'~:"'n,J .!> ••• ~
.•.•..•.... 't ~ ..

,0 '_~

... ~_ 3: ~- \3(\11<:"'1 ~ f.1<:rq, qRClrl-lfn("l 3i'jtl'Trn :sf R"Qf. ~ ~ ~ .

itm $1 0fiRf, fpfJ('4l<: <fij): fc'!:i1t:1HIQ ~ \3NI<:4> CfiT ~, ~ ~ Jl'TTTOf
<#r 3~; ~. ~ ~ 31TIRfI

linit JV- Markel Meaning. Type of markets. Demand and Supply .Equilibrium. Price
llnd Output Detennination for Firm and Industry under Perfect Compel ilion.
Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition.

~ 4' """" "" 3M. """" <i; 11'!IT<. 'lM 'I'i 'l!'l ~. ~ 'I'i """"" ""
~. qpf "tM udm <f; 3ffi1m - ~ Slfi'ldiftlctl. ~ >lRll11f1It11 ~
'([d ~ Slf{)lI~flIHII

Unit V _ Factor Pricing: Marginal Productivity Theory, Adt;ling up theorem, Modem

theories of Wages., Interest. Profit and Rent.

~ 50""'" ~ - ""''''''" , ~. '*" Wro. anqf'to> ~ ~.

"""'. "'" 'f'i Rf'ffi fmna ,
Recommended Books :

Ahuja H L : Advance Economic Theory

Jain K P : Advance Economic Theory

Seth M L: Micro Economics

Jhingan M L : Modem Micro Economics

Stonier & Hague - Text Book of Modem Economic Theory.

Varian H R _ Micro Economics-Modem Approach


RA. 1'lear
Subject! fcttnl Economics/ 3l'~

';3'tM ~ ~. ~ m<nR ~ QI~tl$I'l mfit<r>

~m ~ <F;
(fg"o ~ ~ ~ 'f! 3i~ 3fh ~ </; gm
o(1V'QQIH 3lj"l)~t1

Class /'CPMl B.A. II~:S.I

Title of Subject Group: Indian Economy

Paper -II

~!'0arks/~ ~ : (~uRi tw: 42.5 Note /-.rrc' : CCE -7.5

.~lax,Marks/~ 3fq; (mTlfI m?I'I ~: 50

Paper II
Indian Economy ~ 3lvidlCl'ttlT

!!l - Structure of Indian economy. Basic features: Natural Resources:-Iand • water.

forest and mineral resources. Demographic Features: Population. size, sex.
rural-urban classification. Population Distribution. Composition of Gross
Domestic Product.

~ 1.:~ ~ «11litm, ~ ~~qHI'" RICli~(Jj~.~.~."ZA

~ ~. GFliPb<Ct f21;liqdlli. Vi"'lfi'Ml: 3lT'tllJ"!". ftPT, ~-~ qlffCfiO(OI,

Vi"'l<:f'&ll .fcn'Rvr.
m ~ ~ etl ~ 1

Unit II _ Agriculture: Nature and Importance. Land Use Pattern, Changes in Cropping
Panern of Madhya Pradesh, Trends in Agriculture Production and
Productivity. Green revolution. Agriculture Marketing and Mechanisation.

~ ~, ~_. Jl\< """. '1 ~ <mfu. ""I"" '"' '""" 'l<lfir " -.
~ ~ 3tR 'd <:<11
<:: <tid 1 <A ~. mm q;fffr. ~ f1ttror-I 'C;ti ti 41 $0( °1 1

Unit III _ Industrial. Policy of 1956. New Industrial Policy of 1991 and changes there
in. Role of Public Sector in industrialization. Industrial Policy of Madhya
Pradesh. Concepts of small scale industries (SSI) and conage industries.
problems and prospects of SSI in Indian economy. Start Up India and Make
In India.

cCr "9l
~ 3: 1956 <1ft aftdlPl$ ~
~diPl$O(ol if t11<41J1~$~ *' ~. ~
1991 3ftE:l~Pl$ ~ 3fR ~ ~.
tf,'r 311t:1~fil$ -4mJ. "HlJ ~
'!jfu =i'if '"' _. ~ ~ " "'.! =i'if '"' ~ Jl\<
~ I RJi 3I'l ~ "" "'" ,.. ~ I
Unit IV_Infraslructure for Indian Economy: Power.. I r;lnsport.Jlion ;md
Communic.ation. India's foreign Trade:- composition and dir~ction. Balance
of Payment. Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Multinalional

~ '<miTo "'~ q~ ~- -. ~ 3IR ""'" ~

"" ~ ''IT'rr< _ ~ 3IR Rmr 1 'rTffR ~. Tl"Rl" ~ f.l<m q\j
~ ~ ••s'<I'4ll1 f.'rlT1:l t
Unit V _ Planning in India:- objectives, strategy, achievemt!htS and failure. NITI
Ayog. Problems of Indian Economy-Poverty. Unemployment, Inflation and
Black Money.
~ __~: ~ it P1d1GH ~, 71f!5 ~, ,tNiC'ltlll{ lZ't FcNi('mll{. ~ (NITI)
amf'rlT. ~ ~ <t't fl14«JIQ- ~, ~(jWII~. jl':lwilfR ~ ~

"" 1
Recommended Books :

Indian Economy: Dutt & Sundaram

'<miTo .~ ' "'" 'C. ¥<'"

'<miTo ",olm= ' til'lT '1<i 'l't

'<miTo ~ ' " 'R """""

'<l<<Il~ ~ ' " <I; ""'
Indian Economy: A K Ghosh

Indian •.:.conomy : Urna Kapila

..=-- -------..--

11'1 •• ~\,_.I.~

B.A ./B.Se II Year


Subject! fil1fll Economics! 3l>!ma

~ tmrr ~, "fUi w~~i~ ~ QliqlJ<i>"l <I"Ififcp Jrtte:IT ~ m-

~ cfR!'nJ ~ ~ ~ 3lj~il1ld .Jl'l;c"lVJ5I~~1 <5 ~1V:UQIC'i &RI 3ljrfl~H

Class/<nan: B.A. /Ut.g IB.Sc./ift.~."ffJ-~

Title of subject Group: Macro Economics

Paper .1

M~x.Marks/~ 3t<n : (f.'nrfim ~ t<p: 42.5 Note/o:l'tc: CCE -7.5

Ma~.Marks..L~ ~ ~ mm ~ : 50

Paper I
Macro Economics ~ 31~~lla

Unit -f _ Concept of Macro Economics. Interrelation between Micro and Macro

Economics., Macro variable -' Siock and Flow. Circular flow of income.
Concept of National Income, Gross National Product (G.N.P.) and Gross
Domestic Product (G.D.P.) National Income Accounting. National Income
and Economic Welfare.

~" "'"'" ~ *' 3!'I'ffiVIT- "'"'" ~."lfl<: ~ '" "'" - I

"'"'" m-_ ~ ~ I """ "" "I'tfa ""'" I ~ """. """" ~

"""" (oil.,!".,;'!.) ~ m <ffi]. = (;;jttl.,;'!.) <fII """""'" I ~ 3lT'l
~&i<fHI~ W13fR ~ ~I

Unit II _ Classical theory of Employment, Keynesian theory of Employment .

Aggregate Demand Function and Aggregate Supply Function . EOeclive
Demand. Propensity to consume. save and invest, Principles of Multiplier
and Accelerator.

~ 2' ..roern '"' ll!llf'O<! fu6ffi. fllRl "" ..roern fu6ffi- wro 'fM 'liM'! ~
'l!'! 'liM'!. """"l."i 'fM I "'""".
Wi! ~
,. .... ,
r.nm o<[fffi. '.l""'" ~ ""'"

Unit III _ Investment Function and Marginal Efficiency of Capital (M.E.C.) ractors
alTectmg Investment Function. Keynesian th~Of Liquidity Preference and
UquidityTrap.DiscountingRate. ~~';--fa.~~.
~ /
@~ I. . & 'L[,'L I,'
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_J 3: f¥rn """" 'I'i ~ '"' _ ~1jOJ ('I'l.t<1l) f.mT """" 'iii I<'llf<m m
"'" ffi'!. <tR< "" <ffiffiT, ~ "" fuofu am <ffifffi VITR, «<;t <1\l"" I

Unit IV _ Money;- Meaning and Functions. Stock of Money and its mcasurcs- M"
M~. M3. M4• Quantity Theory of Money- Cash Transaction and Cash Balance
Approach, Inflation, Deflation and Recession- Definition ,causes and effects
uf various segments of economy.

~ m, 'JOT ""
.' 'JOT- 01'1 am _ am ""'" 'll'R M" M,. M" M" 'l'" <I;
m- fuofu - ""'" "'"'"' am ""'" m fuofu I 'JOT -, 'l'" ~
"It< *!l _ ~, """" am ~ <I; fllflA 'l7IT 'R m I

Unit V _ Bank - Meaning and types, Central Bank and ils functions with special
reference (0 Reserve Bank of India. Credit .Control- Qualitative and
Quantitative Methods, Objectives and limitations of Monetary Policy.
Functions of Commercial Banks. Process of credit creation. MUDRA and Jan
Dhan Yojana.

~ 50 "'" - 01'1 ",t< lI'l>R, ~ "'" am ""'" m (fl;;l<! "'" - ~ <I;

~ ~ 'll) ~ ~- lj"'IIt'"'lCh 3lR q~lilullfflq;; ~. ~ ~ ~
~ am ~, "''''~''' "'" <I; m, m<Jl f'r'lfuJ <tt J@l>ml 'JOT
(MUDRA) 'I'i VR <A 'liVRl1

Recommended Books:

Hcijdra B J and Ploeg F V : Foundation of Modem Macro Economics. Oxrord

lJniversoilY Press.

Lewis M K and Mizan PO: Monel1l:ry economics. Oxrord University Press. New

Hanson A H : A Guide to Keynes. Me Graw Hill. Newyork

Gupla S B : Monetary Economics. S Chand New delhi.

'I'l '1M fWR ' "'"'" 3MTTR

~ 'I'i Q<!R , 'JOT ~ ai<!"'l!\o 3MTTR
61 7(J1ffiR m :3itf;;:l~ll:l 31~ lJCt fctm'
;; '.

R.A- .!B.Se Par1l1


Subject! ~ Economicsl 3ld'ma

~ Rw1 ffNrrT. ~ m<fi"R Fm'f<J'l Qrqll<t>"'I ~ trl'len ~ ~

~ ~ 3r~ ~ il 3l'j~iRifi3lh ~ <f'; "'I1;;;;UQ1R GRT ~

C13SS/~ : 1J.~..J;figf!tsc.[;ft.~.:R'l.II
Title of Subject Group: Public Finance and International Economics.

Paper -II

Notc/~ : CCE -7.5

/ ~ -3t$ : (f.l~ -msif tq) : 42.5

M,r:<,Ma&-s/~;J{q; ~ tJr-ir ~: 50

Paper II
Public Finance and International Economics.fll4G1Piififcffi vet 3id'tI"'!lll

L1nit I _ Public Finance- Meaning, Nature and Scope. Public, Private and Merit
goods.. Principle of Maximum Social Advantage. Sources of Revenue .Tax
Revenue and Non Tax Revenue. Kinds of Taxes- Direct and Indirect,
Goods and Services Tax(G.S,T.). Taxable Capa~ity in India,

l' m<l_ .
fltm- 3!'l, ,","", om zlr;, ~1''''f'I"" f'Njl 3lTi """'". "'l'
~ -"-1'1~11tI~'"-~ <FT tmrtn. 3JrlTTI m ~- Q'R 3WfI'1 ~ ~ <iR
J!Wl, "'" '" """'_ ""''' 3lI< """""', "'\! ~ WIT "'" (;;i\.~.i\.).

~~~""'" I

Unit II _ Budget- Definition and Preparation, Fiscal Deficit, Fiscal Policy. Deficit
Finance, Central- State Financial Relation, Recommendations of Latest
Finance Commission.
~ 2: <rVR:- ~ ~ f.rl:rtuT. "'IIVliflHhl -meT. "'I1Vl<t»t(j:t:j oftfR, ~ ~.
~ _ ~ ~ "#<ia. 016'1"'1("1'1~ amiflT <Ii't ;wjti't1l~ I

Unit III _ Meaning and importance of International Economics. Intrd and
Intem'ational Trade, importance of Intemational Trade in Economic
Development. Theories of International Trade ;- Absolute and Comparalive
~Advantage. Factor endowmcnt ;- Heckschcr. Ohlin. -

@"-"",",,,,4J>~ . ~,I~ .>-

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~~ ~ ",,Jma <PI ",01 aI!< """'. 3!iI aI!< ~'" "''''''.
f<Jm if 3tffil~ v.ntiR em ~, 3i('\'<1~1l czrl"tlTt * fuirtff.
Ptq~ef 3tR

m-hlC"l<b 'Rr." ~ l:l'm"'i'n: ~ ~ I

> ' -"'"
Unit I V Terms of Trade- Concepts .and Types. Tariff and Non-Tariff in International
rrudc. World Trade Organization (W.T.O.) Ohjectives and its functions_
Balance of Trade. Concept and Types. Compositions and Structure of
B,l1ancc of Trade (B.o.T). and its relationship with Balance of PaYnlent.
Methods of Correction of Imbalance of Payment, Intemational Capital

!l'q>I~ 4: ~ mt ~. ti<i><"G"'11~ ~. 3icl,(l~ll ~ <Cl ~ 3fR 1R ~

~. flliro <2lT'IT< """" (WTO) ~ aI!< <PJ'l. ~ ,",- ,;"'''"'' oIR
lr<liR • <2lT'IT< '"' q\\ m..rr aI!< ""'" "'" ~ <iWR <Ii '"" -.
~ ~ il W"" <Ii <R\<Ii. 3i<i",,"," 'i.v1lm

Unit V _ Trends and directions of India's foreign trade. Exchange talC. Theories of
Exchange Rate, Mint Par Parity Theory. Purchasing Power Parity Theory.
Concept of Appreciation and Depreciation of Currency and its effects on
Foreign Trade .

...m_~'_' _eChfllH" G"' ~

<2lT'IT< <>It ~
ft:r6ffi. q;1J
'1'i ~.
WffiT ~.
"" ~ '" <Ii fffi;i<l -
:JeT CFT ~ -c;ti

~ '1'i - """" "" ""'" I

Recommended Books i

H G Mannur : International Economics.

Kindleberger: International Economics_

'" <T'ffiR >1'l\ , 3i<i,,'\fI" ",ot.m '1'i fito

<ll ,j) fWt<! ' """ fito
<r'l '1M'iftm , """ f<tm

B.A .IB.Sc Part III

(2019-2020) .

SubjectJ flm! Economics! ~

~ lYTe,"T ~. l:J'CU!ie:~1 Y1'm "FfTi'lCl1 q!q!l<t>"'I <n~ ~ffi ~ cf;

'fI'f,(f ~ 3IUl1F1 ~ "ft ~ 3fh' ~ <Ii '{IV'll ql(1 GR1" 3lj&i)~('l

C1assjq;au : B.A. j<flX IB.5c. j-fl.l0l.~. III

Title ofsubj"ecl Group: Development and Environment Economics.

Paper -1

fWfo """" '"' -.I\to; , fO<!;m '!'i ""1",, ~

Notejrfrc: : CCE -7.5
Ma_:.c.~l'!fks/~ 3i<n : (~1J'P.if ~c;):42.5

,t:t1ax.Marks/~ 3t<P ~ tmfr ~: 50

Paper I
Development and Environment Economics. ~ 'Q<t qtjlCl'<Uj ~

Unit I _Economic Growth and Dcve.lopment - Concept, Cha'ractcristics of Developing

Countries. Factors of Economic Development and Growth- Capilal. Physical
and Human Recourses. Research & Development and Technology.

-..mI,' 3!1flh>; WI: 3l'h fO<!;m - JI'l'lF."IT. f<1""~>\I,, tm <!\l f<1~'dl".3lTI'f<Ii WI:
3l'h fO<!;m '" "",_ ij,u\\ . ~ 3l'h ""'" """'". ~ ail'< fO<!;m '!'i .

""'""" 1
Unit II _ Theories of Economic Dcvelopment - Adam Smith. Karl Marx and
Schumpeter. Stages of Economic Growth. Invcslmcnt Criteria of Economic
Development, Capital _ Output Ratio. Capital - Labour Ratio. and Human
Resource Development.
~2' 3!1flh>;fO<!;m '" ftr,:id __ -.. """ "'"". ~ 1 3lTI'f<Ii f1r.I;m <tI
. ~ 1 3!1flh>; fll<Iirfl '" I'\mI ..- 1 .pl-"""" ""f'Td. .pl--W1
"'J"T" <im>A fll<Iirfl
1 ""'"
In _ Balanced vs. Imbalanced Growth- Theories of Rodan .. A.Lewis.
!l.nil Herschman. Leibenste;n. Gunnar Myrdal. and Harrod-Damar.

~_'" ~ """ ",,;~d fll<Iirfl- -.'l<:R, ~.~_ """". ~f<1~eH,'F'"

\lltFI. tm-iPR 1
ynit IV _ Economic Development and Gender Equality. Women EmpowerrnenL
Techniques of Development-Capital Intensive and Labou'r Intensivc\ •...,..:..\.I-_ .------
Techn;qu<:~Human Developmenllndex . ~~~' -

.~if-~~ K""""""' ~,:oJ,~~:~' 7K~~

F-.<.<;I",,~-') l0." ..;~.-->;> ••. A •.•• ~_ot:
~ 4: 3rrf2:tq; ~ 3l'R ~ ~ I llfgm mTf<klCf,'IYI. fiR;rn <tt ~
~ ~ tM I}fii w.l"A' ~ I~ ~>fI ~<1iiq> I.

Unit V _ En\'ironment~Ec()nomy Linkage. Environment as a necessily and lu.xury.

Popubtion ~Environment linkage. Market Failure for Environment Goods,
The Common Probkms. Concept of Sustainable Dc\'clopmenl , Valuation of
Environmental Damages :~ Land. Water. Air. and Forest. Prevention. Control
and Abatement of Pollution

s:: q lliq ~01 ~ ~ , JlI C1¥ll'N11 3fR e~"'''~I'''~~"~1

cj'; -;;q if q zrl<RuT.
\1f"'lfi<S41 qllhFlol~, <t
iITVl1'( f<);q>t1<'11 ~ l) qlliq~o'i'Ill Cffij, ~
tl"'lfUll{, anuftll tmPm ~ .JJtll:lRUIT. qllill'lof!lI Mfct <!'iT ~- ~. ;:m;r
~ oil< <R I '"""" " 'O'l\. f.\mIuI """' ~ I
Recommended Books:

M L Jhingan : Economics of growth and development.

Hayami Y : Development Economics. Oxford University Press.

Karpagam M : Environmental Economics

~"?T m : qlliq'(ol l;[Cl'

~9' Fci<f;rn - ~ qft.c;rm', ~
a'! ~ ftRq : f<t<t,-rn ~ qnla'lo?,ll ~ - 't[fl -QI tfr -g'f GT1t1~I'I f,1\311; 3l1'T'<T

tfr ~ ~ I Tfftqr "TOT - 'l tii q '10I 3lUTlA ~ 311m t!4'i1'I q P.WJ>:tI"'l. ~

<ftf?ft '!lJld I~ ~ - qn\q'lOI l,fit +iRt<tiI'R - ~ 'lPclflill. ~

~Q~¥l ~ 1N ~ <t; ~.kIJj WJim'i

7", ,

kL L

." ."

\ •...

B.A .!B.Se Part m
Subject/ f'itlro" Eeonomics/ 3!'l:ma

~ tmrr ~. ~ "ff~ F't'l1"I<l'> 4Iqlli$"l ~ tR'len ~ <i;

~ ~ 3l'mll"'l ~ it 31:pintd 3th" ~ <i; '('lVUqm GRT 31jBl~t1

Class/q>W " Il"~./~.s_m


Paper -II

Tille of subject Group: Statistics

f<l"" ''''IF "" 'lfi<!q; , ~iR\ll<A

MU'I:.Marks /~ 31'q; : (~"I:ffiit ~: 42.5 Notc/~ : CCE -7.5<lrks /~ J.tij; (fC1IUlI~ tmiT my : 50

Paper II
Statistics _,,~iJRR\Il~Jj',

Unit I _ Meaning :md" Definition of Statistics, Nature and Scope Functions,

Importance and Limitations of Statistics. Universe and Samplc.,Tcchniques
of Data Collection. Classification, "Tabulation, Graphic Representation of
Data, Frequency Distribution, Cumulative Frequency,.

~1' ~ '1>' 31"<ri ~. JI"iiflI. <ri sr.. ~;illoo\1 <t "iln'l. 'lm. <ri ~.
~ ~ ~, ~ ~ <A fclf?n:rt, el'th,j'('0l. 'fI1'IcfllFi. ~ cr>T
liWcl1• ImR .• f<\<Rul.<\\ 3W!f<l1

Unit II _ Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median. Mode. Geometric Mean and
Hamlonic Mean. Measures of Dispersion ;. Range. Mean Deviation.
Standard Deviation. Coefficient of Variation. Quartile Deviation.

~, ~ WJfffi "" 'IT'R - _. ~. "SR"'. ".,[i1<\l. 'llUl. """""' _.

3!'!f<lRuT "" 'IT'R _ flrm. """ ~""'.,. Il'lf'I ~. ~ ~. "\j,jo;

Unillll- Correlation _ Karl Pearson's co-efficient of Correlation, Spearman's Rank

Correlation. Rank Sign Test. Regression Analysis .Regression Equation. Co-
efficie~t of Regression. Use and Application of RegrcssiOtl Analysis.

~ 3: ~ _ ~ ~ll'ltl"1 <f)l~ ~, ~1l'(~'1 <f)l~ 31m ~

_. ~, ~ ~ ~. gfflQ.P1'1 finiAf(VT, Q8l'q'li1"'i tl4'luHOI, gfl'WI"l';:j

@-- 'VI \~~2

~ ~ .• <\lq','l'l
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•••••. •• ~ .• - 1 •. _ /". • • - -
Unil tV - Time Scr.ics Analysis, Concept and Component Auditive and
Multiplicative Model. Method of Moving Averages. Inde.'\( Numbers
Concept Type Importance. Problems In The Construction of Index Number
nnd their limitations. Laspaire"s. Passche's and Fishcr"s Indc.\: Numbers.

~ :4:: m o::rrm C1>Tfu~HtjO'. fiCf.lF<Hl ~ tJCCf.I, 111'lll'flih ~ 'julr<""l<1i ~. 'tl\"I

:qrm <Cr~. 'liti<tiiCf.l <t'r~. ~. ~. '/iqq;fq> ~ '*r ~
-rd ~. ~ . ~. ~ ~ q,f '1ilQiiCfi I

~ .Probability: Concept, Rules of Probability ,Conditional Probability, Binomial

Distribution, Research. Concept and Types, Selection of Research
Problems. Hypothesis-- Concept and Types, Testing of Hypothesis, Research
Report Writing.

~ s: Sj!l1Il/'1d1 : ~. Sl'1~Cfidl <J; . -mm l'llfbl/'ldl. ~ ~.

~ ~ l?'i Sl<PR, ~ "t:I1Fl" <t't ~ IqR<b("Q"'!! - 3iWRVIT
"t!'i \T<I'i"R, ~ 'ffl tRlF.TUT. ~ QRI~<:"1 c%m I

Rccommcnded BooJ-.s :

Statistics: Elhance 0 N

Research Methodology: CoR. Kothari

fli!lro<t\1 <Iiflr;;rn , ill trl 'J"'IT

fli!lro<l>1 <Iiflr;;rn , '1'" Ql fu.

"i!lro<l>1 , '!f'K'IT 'I'i """"

~ QiT tlftim : Qh!'fHI\!f WQ

~ H "'" _.,-4\ <Ii 'f'lAnq Jm'R

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