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(A Descriptive Study at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

in Academic Year of 2015/2016)

Submitted as Partial Requirements
for the degree of Undergraduate in English Education Department









This thesis is dedicated to:

 Her beloved mother (Dwiyati Pujirahayu, S,Pd.)

 Her beloved brothers and sister (Andy, Rizal, Ninda and Hakim).

 Her beloved family who always support with pray, love and patience.

 All of her friends in English Education 2011


“Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God but He. In Him do I put my trust, and

He is the Lord of the mighty Throne”

(Holy Quran At-Taubah, Verse: 129)

“Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in


(Holy Quran Ar-Ra‟d, Verse: 11)

“I will still be myself though others said to be someone else more fun”

(The Researcher)

First of all, Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin for the blessing from Allah SWT

and all giving, guidance and inspiration in writing this thesis entitled



JUMANTONO IN 2015/2016 ACADEMIC YEAR. Peace be upon our beloved

Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of the world


The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be complited without

helps, supports and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would

like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped,supported and

suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir Abdullah, S.Ag, M.Pd, as the Rector of the State Islamic

Institute of Surakarta.

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum., as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher

Training Faculty.

3. Dr. Imroatus Sholikhah, M.Pd., as the Head of English Education


4. Novianni Anggraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the advisor for the guidance,

precious advices, and motivation for the researcher.

5. Endang Wuryandari, M.Pd., as the head master of SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono for giving permission to do this research.

6. Wahyu Suprapti, S.Pd. as the teacher of VIII-C of SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono for helping the researcher to do this research.

7. Her beloved mother, brother and sister who always give their love, support,

and pray.

8. Her beloved friends in English Education Department who always cheer

me up, give helps, supports and motivations.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The

researcher hopes that this thesis useful for the reseacher in particular and the

readers in general.

Surakarta, September12th, 2017

The researcher

Dyan Dewi Nurlaely


Dyan Dewi Nurlaely, 2016. Teaching Reading on Narrative Text Using Jigsaw
Technique at The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in
2015/2016 Academic Year. Thesis English Education Study Program, Islamic
Education and Teacher Training Faculty.

Advisor : Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd

Key words : Teaching, Reading, Teaching Reading, Narrative, Jigsaw

This research focuses on process of teaching reading on narrative text

using Jigsaw technique at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono.
These research are aim to describe the process, the material and the evaluation of
the teaching reading on narrative text by using Jigsaw for the eighth grade
students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in 2015/2016 academic year.

This is a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this research are

the English teacher and the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono
which consist of 27 students. The technique of collecting the data are interview,
observation, and document. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses method that
suggested by Miles and Huberman, namely, data reduction, data display, and

Based on the research finding, the process of teaching reading on narrative

text by using Jigsaw are divided into three parts, namely; (1) pre-reading activities
(the teacher introduces a topic to activate the students‟ knowledge and also gives
apperception by asking question to the students concerning with the topic which
will be discussed); (2) while reading activities (the process of teaching reading,
the teacher asks the students to work in group as a jigsaw group called first group
and second group in order to make the students develop and share their
knowledge); and (3) Post-reading activities (the students must understand about
the material). The students that have mastered in each point explain the material
for other learners. The teacher gives more attention to control the students group.
So this technique is can make the teaching and learning process run well. There
were many component that must be mastered by all students. Those were the
content of the whole text, the pronunciation in reading text, and also the social
function of the narrative text. The teacher took score individually for the students
to measure the students ability. Then the teacher closed the meeting in the end of
the lesson. The students enjoy using of Jigsaw because it helps the students to
comprehend the text, helps students to cooperate the material with others learners,
increase students‟ independence, and increase students‟ responsibility to solve
their duty since the students work in group discussion, but the teacher finds
difficulties to know every student‟s comprehension, because they work in group
discussion helps the students.

TITLE .................................................................................................................. i

ADVISOR SHEET ............................................................................................. ii

RATIFICATION ................................................................................................. iii

ADMISSION SHEET ........................................................................................ iv

DEDICATION .................................................................................................... v

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vi

PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDMENT ........................................................................................ viii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research ................................................................. 1

B. The Limitation of the Problem .............................................................. 7

C. The Problem Statement of the Research ............................................... 8

D. The Objective of the Research .............................................................. 9

E. The Benefit of the Research ................................................................. 10

F. Definition of the Key Terms ................................................................. 11

G. Previous Study ...................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL REVIEW .......................................................... 14

A. Review on The Theory ................................................................................... 14

1. . Theorities of Reading Comprehension ............................................. 14

a. Definition of Reading ................................................................... 14

b. Definition of Comprehension ....................................................... 16

c. Definition of Reading Comprehension ........................................ 17

d. Levels of Reading Comprehension ............................................. 19

e. Models of Reading ...................................................................... 20

f. Skills of Reading Comprehension .............................................. 22

g. Definition of Teaching Reading ................................................. 23

h. The Principles of Teaching Reading ........................................... 25

i. The Assessment of Reading ....................................................... 26

2. . The Theories of Cooperative Language Learning ............................. 28

a. The Definition of Cooperative Language Learning ....................... 28

b. The Benefits of Cooperative Language Learning ......................... 29

3. . Jigsaw ............................................................................................. 30

a. The Definition of Jigsaw ........................................................... 30

b. The Procedures of Jigsaw .............................................................. 33

c. The Benefits of Jigsaw .............................................................…. 35

d. Teaching Reading by using Jigsaw ............................................. 35

4. . Text ............................................................................................. 36

5. . Narrative Text .............................................................................. 39

a. The Definition of Narrative Text ................................................ 39

b. Social Function of Narrative ...................................................... 40

c. Generic Structure of Narrative ................................................... 40

d. Types of Narrative ................................................................... 42

B. Rationale ............................................................................................. 43

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................. 45

A. Research Design ........................................................................... 45

B. Setting of the Research .................................................................. 47

C. Subject of the Research ................................................................. 47

D. Instrument of the Research ............................................................ 48

E. The Data Resource ....................................................................... 48

F. The Technique of Collecting Data .................................................. 49

G. The Technique of Analyzing Data .................................................. 52

H. The Thrustworthiness of Data ........................................................ 55

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION.. ......................... 58

A. The Implementation of Teaching reading ........................................ 58

B. The Teaching and Learning Technique ........................................... 59

C. The Syllabus and Lesson Plan ........................................................ 70

D. Material Used .............................................................................. 71

E. Evaluation ................................................................................... 73

F. Teacher‟s Roles ........................................................................... 74

G. Learner‟s Role ............................................................................. 76

H. Factors Influence Teaching-Reading .............................................. 77

I. . Discussing ................................................................................... 79

J. . Teaching Reaching on Narrative Text ............................................. 80

K. Factors Influence Teaching-Reading of Reaching Narrative Text ....... 87

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................90

A. Conclusions ................................................................................. 90

B. Suggestions ................................................................................. 91

REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 94

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................98

Appendix 01. List of Students VIII-C .................................................................98

Appendix02. The Result of Interviews ...............................................................100

Appendix 03. Field Notes ...................................................................................111

Appendix 04. Syllabus ........................................................................................127

Appendix 05. Lesson Plans .................................................................................143

Appendix 06. Students Reading Score ................................................................168

Appendix 07. The Material of English Lesson ..................................................168

Appendix 08. Photograph ...................................................................................168



A. Background of the Research

There are many languages which are used as a means of

communication by people all over the world. One of them is English, it has a

role as an international language. It is known as the first foreign language

taught in Indonesia. It is started from elementary school up to university.

English is a still considered one of the most important school subject.

Therefore, beginning teachers can find the responsibility of teaching in both

exciting and challenging. Everyone agrees that the subject „English‟ is vitally

important and typically because it is important for developing the science. It

cannot denied again, that the importance of English has gained a lot of

attention from many people all over the world.

People use the language to express their emotions, feelings, and

ideas. No one will be able to communicate internationally without using

English since almost of scientific books are written in English. The

government effort in improving the quality of English can be seen in the

improvement of English curriculum. The improvement are the old style

curriculum (1254), the new style curriculum (1962), the revised new style

curriculum (1968), the 1975 curriculum, the 1984 curriculum, the 1994

curriculum, the 2004 curriculum (CBC) and English for young learner

curriculum and the 2006 curriculum (KTSP). It is also improvement by the

newest curriculum that is the 2013 curriculum.

In learning English there are four skill which are necessary to be

mastered by the learners. Those skills are listening, speaking, reading and

writing. As stated by Nunan (2003:1) the goal of teaching language is

mastering the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. In every subject, students learning activities involve reading. Reading

is one of the important aspect in learning a second and foreign language.

Nunan (2003:68), state that reading is a fluent process of reader‟s combining

information from a text and their own background knowledge to build the


Carrel (1996:1) states that reading is by far the most important of the

four skills in a second language, particulary in English as a second or foreign

language. Carrel adds that reading is the main reason why students learn the

language. Considered as the most important skill, reading gives a big effect to

the success of the learners to master three other skills. Fauziati (2010:32)

states that reading is one of the language skills which needed be taught in

language classroom. It enables us to gain new knowledge, enjoy literature,

and do everyday things that are parts of modern life, such as, reading the

newspapers, job listing, instruction manuals, maps and so on. It means that

the more the student reads, the more knowledge they will get.

This English basic skill is so crucial to learn English. By reading,

students can acquire some knowledge of English, such as vocabulary,

pronunciation, preposition, etc. It can also be used to familiarize students with

the English sentence, which are grammatically different from Indonesian. In

the other words, reading is a basic step in mastering English. It is the first

stone of the knowledge construction.

Comprehension is the important thing in reading activity. Reading

comprehension as the most widely used technique is studied from various

vantage points Arkian (2008:77). Richards et al. (1985:54) say that

Comprehension is the process by which a person understands the meaning of

written or spoken language. So those, the researcher chose the reading

comprehension as the object of research. One thing that affects reading

comprehension is reading habit. Lesesne (1991) in Akanda et al (2013: 61)

observed that elder people can inspire younger people for reading by

increasing their own reading habit and by demonstrating the art of reading to

the younger generation.

Jolliffie (2007:44) stated that cooperative language learning create a

situation in which group members can complete the task if only the whole

group does, every member of the group need put their maximum effort and

help each other to succed. In other words, when the teacher used cooperative

language learning, students are motivated to learn and work hard to support

their team. It means that when teacher used cooperative learning, students

will work together in a group to provide each other understanding they have

not understood. Therefore, in the implementation of teaching reading

narrative text, the teacher gives opportunity to the students to interact and the

hang of opine group if there are not understood yet.

Jigsaw is a teaching technique invented by social psychologist Elliot

Aronson in 1971. Students of an average size class (26 to 33 students) are

divided into competency groups of four to six students, each of which is

given a list of subtopics to research, individual members of each group then

break off to work with the “expert” from other groups, researching a part of

the material being studied, after which they return to their starting group in

the role of instructor for their subcategory. This technique helps the students

to comprehend the text, because they can share idea to others.

Aronson (2000) states that there are some benefits of Jigsaw

technique: 1) Most of teacher finds Jigsaw is easy to learn and enjoy working

with it; 2) Jigsaw method can increase students‟ social skill it can maximize

the students‟ interaction and facilitate the students‟ contributions to each

other learning; 3) The Jigsaw classroom can reduce racial conflict among

schoolchildren, promotes better learning, improves student motivation, and

increases enjoyment of the learning experience.

In this research, the researcher did her research in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono. The reason why the researcher chooses this school are the first,

athe the school has good quality, it can be seen from the total of the students

to join with this school every year and the second the school has good

achievement of their graduations. The subject of the research is English

teacher at the eighth grade. There are three English teacher in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono. Then the students of the eighth grade. The research chooses the

eighth grade because the researcher conducts this research on reading. The

material of reading like descriptive text, recount text, narrative text invitation,

and announcement. It make the students have to practice the reading and they

have different basic knowledge to develop their reading skill.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested to describe

the process of teaching and learning reading especially in narrative text

material. How are the teacher and the interaction between the teacher and the

students, and also the problems found in the teaching and learning process of

reading at SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in 2015/2016 academic year. The result

of the observation and the interview with the students and English teacher in

pre-research shown that in teaching learning process, the eighth students of

SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono had a good motivation in studying English. Thus,

the researcher conducted the research entitled Teaching Reading on

Narrative Text Using Jigsaw Technique at The Eighth Grade Students of

Smp Negeri 2 Jumantono in The Academic Year of 2015/2016.

B. The Limitation of the Research

The researcher wants to limit the research in order to make

understanding between the reader and the writer. The limitation of the

problem is focused to analyze the teaching-learning process of reading

narrative text in eighth grade students of VIII-B class of SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2015/2016.

C. The Probem Statement of the Research

Based on the backgroud, the researcher is going to discuss the

research problems as follows:

1. How is the implementation of teaching reading on narrative text using

Jigsaw technique at the eigth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

in the academic year of 2015/2016?

2. How is the material of teaching reading on narrative text using Jigsaw

technique at the eigth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in the

academic year of 2015/2016?

3. How is the evaluation of teaching reading on narrative text using Jigsaw

technique at the eigth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in the

academic year of 2015/2016?

D. The Objectives of the Research

Based on the formulating of the problem, the objectives of the

research of this research as follows:

1. To know the implementation of teaching reading on narrative text using

Jigsaw technique at the eigth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

in the academic year of 2015/2016.

2. To know the material of teaching reading on narrative text using Jigsaw

technique at the eigth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in the

academic year of 2015/2016.

3. To know the evaluation of teaching reading on narrative text using Jigsaw

technique at the eigth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in the

academic year of 2015/2016.

E. The Benefit of the Research

The researcher hopes the research can give some benefits in English

learning especially in reading of narrative text. Moreover, the result of this

study is expected to give more benefits both theoretically and pratically.

1. Theoretically

The researcher hope the research can give contribution in teaching

learning. The result of the study is expected to enrich the theory of reading

narrative text. Moreover, the researcher hopes the result of the research

can help to solve some problems.

2. Practically

The benefits of research are follows:

a. Students

They can learn how to read and understand the subject matter

of reading without feeling bored and they can increase the confidence

in a way to express their opinions in public. The researcher also hopes

that the research could give motivation to learn English as one of

subject that must be mastered.

b. Teacher

The result of the research can help in teaching activity. The

researcher hope to other teachers can more creative in delivering a

material so the students can receive the material well and interesed to

learn, especially about reading.

c. Researcher and other researcher

The researcher hopes that the research will add knowledge and

experience in teaching reading.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Reading

Aebersold and Field (1997:15) state that reading is what happens

when people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in

that text. In other words, we assume that reading activity is people‟s

activity to read a text, there is interaction between the reader and the text

when people read the text. It can be concluded that reading is a process of

reacting and understanding a written text as a piece of communication.

2. Teaching reading

Heilman (1997:4), he state that Teaching reading is evolve fromthe

best knowledge available in the fields of psychology, educational

psychology, and curriculum planning, from studies in child growth and

development, and from child-guidance and psychological clinics.

3. Narrative text

Pardiyono (2007:9), narrative is a kind of text to tell past activities

which focus on problematic experience and resolution to amuse and give

lesson moral to reader.

4. Jigsaw Technique

Elliot Aronson (1970), he states that Jigsaw strategy is a

cooperative learning technique that reduces racial conflict among school

children, promotes better learning, improve students motivation and

increases enjoyment of the learning experience

G. Previous Study

The researcher find researches related to this this research. The

research conducting by Setyowati (UMS,2008) in A descriptive Study on

Teaching Reading Comprehension using Recount Short Story at the Second

Year of SMP 3 Kartasura. She found that the teaching reading using recount

short story in teaching reading comprehension can solve the students‟ reading

comprehension problems. She found that most of the students made great

progress in comprehending. After some meetings, they also recognize

characteristics features in genre.

There are some similarities and differences between this research and

the previous research. The first similarity is both of this research studied on

teaching reading at the eighth grade students. The second similarity is that

both of these researches concern on the problem found by the teacher in the

implementation of teaching reading. The differences are the technique used in

these researches is jigsaw technique while the previous research did not give

new technique in teaching reading, the genre of the these researches are also

different the previous concerned on recount text, while this research concerns

on narrative text.

The second previous study comes from Farida Ernawati thesis entitled

“Improving students reading skill (A Classroom Action Research at eight

Grade Students of SMP 1 Gondangrejo in the Academic Year of 2013/2014).

The result of her thesis is above is the implementation of CLT technique to

improve students reading skill which had possitive result that the students

became active learners. The objective of her research is to describe the

teaching strategy implemented by teacher by using CLT. The similarity

between studies of research and her reseach is to describe the teaching

strategies but there is the differences study between the researcher and the

research conducted by her. Farida described the teaching strategies by using

CLT for her teaching. This this research describes the teaching Reading

Narrative Text by using Jigsaw strategy at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono. Thus based on previuos researcher above, this research is original

because the researcher aims to study a descriptive study on teaching narrative

text at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in the academic

year of 2015/2016.


A. Review on the Theory

In this section, the researcher presented some theories proposed by

some expert thoeries. There are some parts of theories that will be served by

the researcher. The theory includes theory of reading comprehension, theory

about teaching reading, theory of cooperative language learning, the theory of

Jigsaw and theory of narrative text.

1. The Theorities of Reading Comprehension

a. Definition of Reading

Reading is very important activity in human life. This is due to

the fact that people mostly get information through reading. In this

modern era, moreover, when every aspect of human‟s life develops

faster and faster, it becomes more essential since the development is

recorded and issued through media including printed media. Reading is

seceond language learning is one important skill because by reading

someone will enlarge and increase his/her knowledge. The following

are definition of reading stated by linguistcs based on their own view.

Nuttal (1996:4), reading is a process of communication

between the writer and reader. Wallance (1996:4) states that reading as

interpreting means interacting to a wrtitten text as a piece of

communication. Here, the writer encodes the message in his mind

might be an idea, a fact, a feeling, and argument while the reader

decodes the message from the text. So, reading there is result of

interaction between the perception of graphic symbol that represent

language and the reader‟s langauge skill and knowledge of the world.

Nuttal (1996:168-169), he state that the central ideas behind reading

are: the idea of meaning, the transfer of meaning from one to another,

the transfer of message from the writer to reader, how we get meaning

by reading and how the reader, the writer and the text all contribute to

the process.

Meanwhile, Aebersold and Field (1997:15), they state that

reading is what happens when people look at a text and assign meaning

to the written symbols in that text, further, the text and the reader are

the two physical estities necessary for the reading process to begin. It

is the interaction between the text and the reader that constitutes actual

reading. Granted, the meaning of the reader get from the text wished to

convey. Likewise, the meaning that one reader gets from a text may be

different from one others reader that are reading the same text. Thus,

reading comprehension is differs from one reader to another.

Furthermore, Nuttal (1998:33) gives another definiton that

reading is an interactive process between what reader already knows

about a given topic or subject and what the writer writes. It is not

simply a matter of applying decoding conventions and background

grammatical knowledge to the text. Good readers are able to relate the

text and their own background knowledge efficiently.

William (1984:12) defines reading as a process whereby one

looks at and understand what has been written text. The key word here

is „understand‟. Only reading aloud without understanding does not

count as reading. Understanding is a process in reading

comprehension. Reading can often be a struggle after understanding,

especially where language learners are concerned. Although reading

has been defined as a process whereby one looks at and undersands

what has been written, the reader does not simply a passive object,

faced with letters, words, and sentence, but is actively working at

every letter and words.

Based on the definition above, the researcher takes a

conclusion that reading is a complex process that goes on between the

reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. It means that in

reading a written text, readers require not only ability to recognize

words, but also the ability to comprehend and evaluate the meaning of

written text to assign meaning.

b. Definition of Comprehension

The objective of all readers is comprehension, Burna

(1984:148). It was supported by Pang and Friends (2003:14), who state

that comprehension is an active process in the construction of

meaning. Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from

connected text. It involves word knowledge (vocabulary) as well as

thinking and reasoning.

Therefore, comprehension is not a passive process, but an

active one. The reader actively engages with the text to construct

meaning. The active engagement includes making use of prior

knowledge. It involves drawing inferences from the words and

expressions that a writer uses to communicate informantion, ideas and


Comprehension is the process simultaneously extracting and

constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with

written language. It is clearer that comprehension is a process to get

deeper purpose of a text. If we have read a text using comprehension

process, we will get more detail knowledge that still in general, Snow


From the explanation above explanation above, the researcher

concludes that comprehension is thinking deeply about what they have

read. Thus, the reader could guess, interpret, and predict the text, then

conclude the meaning of the text. Through comprehension, the reader

did know what they read and they could grasp the meaning and

significance of something they read.

c. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is not only gets the information but it needs

understanding and comprehension to get some points from the text. In

this case, reading and understanding are related to each other. Reading

itself contains the activity to understand the text and information in the

text. In order to understand or to get points from text, we need

comprehension for it. Therefore, reading cannot be separated from


Grellet (1981:182), reading comprehension is understood a

written text to extract the required information from it as efficiently as

possible. While, Kennedy (1981:192), he state that reading

comprehension is although process through which reader becomes

aware of an idea, understands it in terms of their experiential

background and interprets it in relation to their own needs and

purposes. Kennedy adds that reading comprehension is not a skill or

ability that can be developed once and for all at any level of

instruction. It is a cumulative process that begins in early childhood

and continues as long as an individual reads for information. On the

other hand Smith and Robinson (1980:54), they state that reading with

comprehension is the understanding evaluation and utilizing of

information and idea through an interaction between the reader and the


From those theories above, it can be concluded that reading

comprehension is a process of understanding, evaluating and utilizing

of information to get an idea of meaning from a written text,

understand it according to experiential background or prior knowledge,

and interpret it with the reader‟s needs and strategies to achieve

message or information from a written text by finding word meaning

of the text, finding detailed information, identifying referent,

identifying main idea, identifying implied information.

d. Levels of Reading Comprehension

Kennedy (1981224) state that the skills of comprehension are

grouped under three major divisions of reading: literal reading,

inferential reading and critical reading.

1) Literal reading

Literal reading is related on what a writer says. It involves

acquiring information that is directly stated in a selection and is

also prerequisite for higher levels understanding. It requires ability


a) Locate specific fact

b) Identify happening that are described directly

c) Find answers to questions based on given facts

d) Summarizing the details expressed in a selection

2) Inferential reading

Inferential reading involves reading between the lines or

making inferences. It is the process of deriving ideas that are

implied rather than directly stated. Skills for inferential reading


a) Finding implied meanings

b) Anticipating outcomes

c) Making generalization

d) Detecting the writer‟s purpose

e) Drawing conclusion

3) Critical reading
Critical reading is evaluating written material, comparing

the ideas discovered with known standard and drawing conclusions

about their accuracy and appropriateness. The critical reader must

be an active reader, questioning, searching for fact and suspending

judgment until he or she has considered all of the material.

e. Models of Reading

The models of reading that is suggested by Barnett (1989) in

Aebersold and Field (1997:17-18) are three main models of how

reading occurs:

1) Bottom-up theory

Bottom theory argues that the readers construct the text

from the smallest units (letters to words to phrases to sentences)

and the process of constructing the text from those small units

becomes so automatic that readers are not aware of how it operates.

Eskey (1986) in Simanjuntak (1988:7) states that the

models assumes that a reader proceeds by moving his eyes from

left to right across the page, first taking in letters, combining these

to form words, then combining the words to from the phrases,

clauses, and sentences of the text. It can be illustrated:

Print  Every latter discriminated  Phonemes and graphemes

matched  Blending  Pronunciation Meaning

2) Top-down Theory

Top-down theory argues that readers bring a great deal of

knowledge, expectation, assumptions, and questions to the text

and, given a basic understanding of the vocabulary, they continue

to read as long as the text confirms their expectations.

Carell and Eisterhold (1987) in Simanjuntak (1988:7) they

denote that top-down processing occurs as the system makes

general predictions based on higher level, general schemata and

then searches the input for information. It can be illustrated:

Past experience, language institutions and expectations  Selective

aspect of print  Meaning  Sounds, pronunciation if necessary

From the explanation above, it is clear that in the top-down

model, the process of comprehension deals with the background

knowledge to predict the meaning of the text. It means that the

reader will read a text by reading the sentences, and the students

tried to find the information by guessing the meaning.

3) The interactive school

The interactive school theorists describe a process that

moves both bottom-up and top-down, depending on the type of the

text as well as on the reader‟s background knowledge, language

proficiency level, motivation, strategy use, and culturally shaped

beliefs about the reading.

f. Skills of Reading Comprehension

The skills lead the students to know through the text they read.

Grellet (1981) posits some main ways of reading to improve student‟s

skill in processing the complex of information as follows:

1) Skimming
Skimming is reading quickly running one‟s eyes over a text

to get the gist of it. The purpose of skimming is simply to see what

a text is about. The reader skims in order to satisfy a very general

curiosity about a text. It also helps the reader to recognize their

thought and specify what information they can get from a book, so

that their subsequent reading is more efficient.

2) Scanning

Scanning is reading quickly going through a text to find a

particular piece of information. Scanning occurs when a reader

goes through a text very quickly in order to find a particular point

of information. It involves these steps:

a) Determine what key words to look for

b) Look quickly through the text for those words

c) When you find each word, read the sentence around it to see if

they provide the information being sought

d) If they do, not read further. If they do not, continue scan

3) Extensive reading

Extensive reading is reading longer texts, usually for one‟s

own pleasure. This is fluency activity, mainly involving global

understanding. In this type, students are usually given more

freedom to choose reading materials that interest them. In this

course, almost all of reading is done outside of class, without

teacher‟s said. The text is always to be read for comprehension of

main ideas, not for every detail word.

4) Intensive reading

Intensive reading is shorter texts, to extract specific

information. This is more an accuracy activity involving reading

for detail. In this course, each text is read carefully and thoroughly

for maximum comprehension.

g. Definition of Teaching Reading

Byrnes in Fauziati (2012:4) mentions that there are three stages

in reading activities in the classroom as described below:

1) Pre-reading

Pre-reading activities are used to prepare students for

reading. The activities during pre-reading may serve as preparation

in several ways, namely: to asses students‟ background knowledge

of the topic and linguistic content of the text; to give students the

background knowledge that the students process; to clarify any

cultural information which may be necessary to comprehend the

passage; to make students aware of the type of text they will be

reading and purpose (s) for reading; and to provide opportunities

for group or collaborative work and for class discussion activities.

2) While-reading

While-reading is to match the activities to the purpose for

reading. In while-reading activities, students check their

comprehension as they read. The purpose for reading determines

the appropriate type and level of comprehension.

3) Post-reading
Post-reading activities function as a closing mark for reading class.

The following are advisable activities for post-reading:

a) Answering questions to show comprehension of message to

multiple-choice or true/false question.

b) Students are given several possible summary-sentences and

asked to say which of them fits to the text.

c) Writing as a follow up to reading-activities related to passages.

We can also students to write a summary with several guided


d) Speaking as follow up to reading activities, for examples;

debate, interview, discussion, role-play, etc, associated with the

passage they read.

h. The principles of Teaching Reading

Harmer (2005:70) states that there are some principles behind

teaching reading, as follows:

1) Reading is not a passive skill

Reading is an incredibly active occupation. To do it

successfully, we have to understand what the words mean, see the

pictures the words are painting, understand to argument, and work

out if we agree with them.

2) Students need to be engaged with what they are reading

As with everything else in lesson, students who are not

engaged with the reading text-not actively interested in what they

are doing-are less likely to benefits from it.

3) Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of

reading, not just to the language.

It is especially important that they should be allowed to

express their feelings about the topic thus provoking personal

engagement with it and the language.

4) Prediction is major factor in reading

Expectations are set up and the active process of reading is ready to

begin. Teacher should give students „hints‟ so that they can predict

what‟s coming too. It will make them better and more engaged


5) Match the task to text topic

Once on decision has been taken about that they reading

text the students are going to read, we need to choose good reading

task- the right kind of question, engaging and useful puzzles etc.

6) Good teacher exploit reading texts to the full

Good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting

class sequences, using the topic for discussion and further tasks,

using the language for study and later activation.

Based on the definition of the principles of teaching reading

are: a) Reading is not passive skill; b) Students need to be engaged

with what they are reading; c) Students should be encouraged to

respond to the content of a reading text, not just language; d)

Prediction is a major factor in reading; e) Match the task to the

topic; f) Good teacher exploit reading text to the full.

i. The Assessment of Reading

Farr in Djiwandono (2001:116), as the equal capability that

more be passive-receptive, the target of reading skill test basically

refers to the same target with scrutinize test in comprehending

discourse which is expressed orally. The difference between them is

located in its medium only, the first is expressed orally, and the other

is in written. In the scrutinize discourse which heard directly or

through a recording, while the discourse of reading test that have to

faced is in the form of discourse delivered through the medium of the

written media.

The Ability of Reading Comprehension in The Levels of

Secondary School

Table 4.1. (Adapted from Farr in Djiwandono (2011:117)


1. Comprehending the meaning of word

which is suitable with the use of


2. Knowing the arrangement of discourse

structure and the relation between its

3. Knowing the main idea which is

expressed in discourse.
4. Students could answer some questions

that its answer is in the discourse


5. Students could answer some questions

that its answer is in the discourse

although it is expressed in different


6. Students could take the inference about

the content of a discourse.

2. The Theories of Cooperative Language Learning

In this part, the researcher takes some theories to explain about

cooperative learning. This is method that makes the students work together

to learn and be responsible for their teammates who were able to make

themselve learn equally. Moreover, to get understanding what is

cooperative learning the researcher also inputs types of cooperative


a. Definition of Cooperative Language Learning

Olsen and Kagan (1999:8) in Fauziati (2009: 164), they state

that cooperative learning language as group learning activity organized

so that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of

information between learners in groups and in which each learners is

held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to

increase the learning of others. Johnson in Hasan in Isjoni (2007:15)

state that Cooperative Learning is the instructional use of small groups

that allows students to work together to maximize their own and each

other as learnng. In another, Slavin (2005:2) argue that Cooperative

Language Learning is a variety of teaching program in which students

work in small groups to help another learn academic content.

Based on the definition of Cooperative Language Learning

above, the researcher concludes that Cooperative Language Learning is

a group of learning activities that there is an interaction of each learner

and it motivates to increase each other learning.

b. The Benefits of Cooperative Language Learning

Fauziati (2009:166-168) Cooperative Language Learning

created a more positive affective climate in the classroom, while it also

individualizes instruction and raises student motivation. Some of the

benefits of Cooperative Language Learning:

1) Academic Achievement

Achievement-related studies which have been reported in

Olsen and Kagan (1997:6) such as those by Johnson and Johnson

(1987) indicates that Cooperative Language Learning promotes

higher achievement than competitive learning across all age levels,

subject areas, and all task. The reseult shows that participants in

Cooperative Language Learning on average, score at about 3/5 a

standard deviation above students in competitive learning, still

other more studies also reported favorable result on Cooperative

Language Learning.

2) Reducing Anxiety

Cooperative learning provides such opportunity to students.

When people are anxious, but allowed to affiliate, their anxiety

level is reduced.

3) Promoting Interaction

Crandal (1999:233) states that in cooperative classrooms

they can learn together, rely on each other so that they will feel

secured enough to express themselves. They have opportunities to

practice or rehearse their task before they are asked to share it with

larger group.

4) Increasing Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Coelho (1997:4) states that Cooperative Language Learning

provides students with free-risk environment in which the students

feel free to express themselves in public as well as in participating

in classroom discussions. Two situations which anxiety are like to

increase and self confidence is most threatened for most language


5) Preparing Students‟ Future Profesional Life

Olsen and Kagan (1997:16) state that through cooperative learning,

students can become real partners in the learning enterprise. Since

most problems are solved via collaboration. Students who learn to

work together in educational setting usually are better prepared to

meet life‟s obligation.

3. Jigsaw

a. The Definition of Jigsaw

Brown (1994:182) defines Jigsaw as special from of

information gap in which each member of a group is given some

specific information to achieve some objectives. He explains that in

Jigsaw, the members of a Jigsaw group are given an application form

with different information provided. The students ask each other

question to complete all the information on a form. Huda (2011:121)

says that Jigsaw is a learning method where students work in group

twice, that is in home group and in expert group. After that, the

students explain their own topic to others in their group, then they are

ready to have quiz individually from the teacher.

Brown (2001:185) he defines jigsaw technique as a special

form of information gap in which each member of group is given

specific information and the goal is to pool all information to achieve

some objectives. The jigsaw structure promotes positive

interdependence and also provides a simple method to ensure

individual accountability.

Jigsaw is a widely practiced teaching that is similar to group-

to-group exchange with one important difference: every single student

teaching something (source or information) the procedure is as

1) Teacher chooses learning material that can be broken into parts.

2) The teacher gives out different assignment (part of the material) to

different groups of students. Each group is assigned to read,

discuss, and learn the material given to them.

3) After the study period, the teacher forms „jigsaw learning‟ groups.

Such groups contain a representative of every study group in the

class. The member of each group then forms jigsaw learning

groups with students from other groups. In this group everyone has

learned or studies different segment or parts of the whole materials.

4) Members of the jigsaw group teach other what they have learned.

5) The teacher finally reconvenes the full class for review and the

remaining questions to ensure accurate understanding, Silberman

(2000:111-112); Olsen and Kagan (1997:22-23).

While Arends (2001:323) said that in the jigsaw model, each

team member is responsible for mastering part of the learning

materials and then teaching that part to the other team member. He

explained that students are assigned to five or six member

heterogeneous study teams. Academic materials are presented to the

students in text form, and each student is responsible for learning a

portion of the material. And then members from different team with

the same topic (sometimes called the expert group) meet to study and

help to each other learn the topic. Then the students return to their

home teams and teach other members what they have learned. The
relationships between home groups (jigsaw groups) and expert groups

can be drawn as follows: Arend (2001)

Home Teams
5 or 6 members heterogeneous grouped


Expert Teams


(Each expert team has 1 member from each of home teams)

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

jigsaw technique is applied by designing the students to make a home

group and expert group to achieve the goals or objectives in learning

reading. In the home group the students get specialization in the

aspects of learning unit. Then they meet the other students of same

specialization in the expert groups should achieve the full

understanding of the subject matter they discuss. Students are then

back to their home group to share the information and the

understanding they achieve from their expert group.

b. The Procedures of Jigsaw

Sugiyanto (2008:16-17), the procedures of Jigsaw are as


1) Students are divided into several groups where the member of a

group consists of 4-5 students with heterogeneous characteristics. It

is called home group.

2) Topic is given to the students in text form and each student has

accountability to study it.

3) Each member from different group has responsibility to study the

topic and then he/she gathers to help each other in identifying the

topic. It is called expert group.

4) Each student in expert group comes back to the home group to

explain other member about the material that has been studied in

expert group. After the material is discussed in home group, the

teacher evaluates the students individually about the topic. Slavin

says that the students who get high score will be given a reward by


Kessler (1992) in cooperative learning, Jigsaw is differentiated

but predetermined-evaluated and synthesis of facts and opinions.

1) Each group member receives a different piece of information.

2) Students regroup in topics group (expert group) to master the


3) Students return to home group (Jigsaw group) to share the

information with each other.

4) Students synthesize the information through discussion.

5) Each students procedures an assignment or a part of group project,

or takes a test to demonstrate synthesis of all the information

presented by all group members.

6) This method of organization requires team building activities for

home groups and topic groups, long-term group involvement and

rehearsal of presentation method.

7) This method is very useful in the multilevel class. Allowing for

both homogenous and heterogeneous grouping in term of English


From the explanation above, it can be conclude that Jigsaw is a

technique in which the students learn in groups form, and each

member has different information. Then, he/she shares the information

to complete all the information on a form.

c. The Benefits of Jigsaw

According to Aronson (2000) states that there are some

benefits of the jigsaw technique:

1) Most of teacher finds Jigsaw is easy to learn and enjoy working

with it

2) Jigsaw method can increase students‟ social skill. It can maximize

the students‟ interaction and facilitate the students‟ contributions to

each other learning.

3) The jigsaw classroom can reduce racial conflict among

schoolchildren, promotes better learning, improves student

motivation, and increases enjoyment of the learning experience.

d. Teaching Reading by using Jigsaw

The jigsaw reading is an activity that can adapted in any

classroom create active learning among students. First, teacher divides

students in to competence groups. Each group is given a text to

analyze. Students try to unify the whole information of the text by

discussing or sharing what they had discussed with the expert group

before. Based on the former elaboration, jigsaw reading technique is

really appropriate if it is applied in teaching reading. besides it will

sharpen their skill of communication through sharing or discussing

each part of information from the topic . Teacher has the real role as

facilitator here and learning process will be a live.

In addition, the activity of jigsaw reading calls for each

students within a groups to develop a good understanding of one

reading form an assigned set to explain it to other in the groups . when

all the pieces of stories are put together, the students in the groups

should have the whole part of the stories . Explaining material to each

other helps students to understand the material in a way that is far

deeper then when they read material on their own or when they simply

discuss it Conley,(2002:20). The steps for structuring jigsaw reading

technique are: 1) Organizing students in to small groups. The size of

the group will depend on the number of the reading materials to be

covered; 2) Assigning each group member on of the sets of reading; 3)

Asking each group member to become an expert on the specified

reading, and to post a summary of their understanding of the material

for material for other in the group; 4) Assessing the group

understanding of all material, set question on the assigned, which all

students must complete; and 5) Sharing some members of each group

to other and ask the mixing group to discuss and find a good

arrangement of all paragraphs by answer the questions.

4. Text

Mark and Kathy Anderson (2003:11), human being lives in a world

of words. When these words are put together to communicate a meaning a

piece of a text is created. When speaking or writing to communicate a

message, there are constructing a text. When reading, listening, or view a

piece of text, there are interpreting its meaning.

Hartono (2005:4) states that text is a unit of meaning which is

coherent and appropriate for its context. When the words are put together

to communicate a meaning, a piece of text are created. Human can express

their ideas and expression that can be understood by others through the


Human can use a text as one of the ways to express their own. It

means that when the writer uses language to write, he is creating and

constructing a text. When the reader reads a text, he is interpreting texts.

Moreover, creating and interpreting text also occur when they are talking

and listening, Helmi (2012:5)

Pardiyono (2006:163) states several genre texts as below:

a. Narrative text

Narrative text tells about informative and entertaining worlds

events, narrative can be past world events or present happenings.

b. Recount text, also called as narration text

Recount text is used to reconstruct past experiences. It is used

to inform and entertain. It is concerned on events that happened on the

past times.

c. Procedure text

Procedure text is used to show the manner to do something

correctly. It is concerned on operating the tools and recipe on cooking.

The example of procedure text is about how to operate tools.

d. Description text

Description text is used to illustrate the process. It is used to

illustrate something with using definition and classification. The

example of description text is about the process and the progress on


e. Report text, also called as classification text

Report text is used to show the result of observation. It is used

to classify about something according to its characteristic. The

example of report text is about animal, likes mammals, bird, and fish.

f. Explanation Text

Explanation text is used to explain “how things are as they are”

or “how things do as they do” and even “why things are as they are” or

“why things do as they do”. This text related with the other one, such

as report text. Report text is used to describe something and its relation
according with the characteristic. The example of the explanation text

is about the reason how desert remain dry.

g. Exposition text

Exposition text is used to serve ideas or opinions from a single

point of view. The text is used to convince the receiver(s) who read

about ideas or opinions and the acceptance depends on its

argumentation. For academic purposes, this text is used to write on

essay. The example of exposition text is about the author‟s expectation

on GAM (Free Aceh Movement) that break the agreement.

h. Discussion text

Discussion text is used to serve ideas or opinions with double

point of view. This text is used to write on article or scientific paper.

The strength of this text lays on argumentation both sides who involve.

The first side agree with the theme, but the other one disagree. The

example of the discussion text is about using nuclear energy.

Generally, there will be 2 side who agree and disagree with using

nuclear energy.

5. Narrative Text

a. The Definition of Narrative

Pardiyono (2007:94) he states that Narrative text is the type of

text which is very appropriate to recount past activities or events,

which high light the problematic experience and resolution with the

intention to amuse and often intended to give moral lessons to the

Whereas Anderson and Anderson (2003:8), they state that

narrative is a piece of the text which tells a story and entertains or

informs the reader. Some examples of narrative text are fantasy novels,

bed time stories (spoken), historical fiction, and stories. In others,

Djuhari (2008:41) states that narrative text is kind of text about story

or fairy tale which has purposed to entertain the reader. The main

characteristic of a narrative text is about the problem and how to solve

the problem, which is like a solution. Narrative text content is about

fantasy or event true story which has been added some engineering


Based on the definitions above, narrative text is type text to

telling the story past and its plot consist of climax of the story

(complication) then followed by resolution.

a. Social Function of Narrative

The social function of narrative is to entertain to amuse,

entertain and to deal with actual or various in different ways. Linda

Gerot and Eignell (1994) says that the function of narrative text is to

amuse entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in

different ways. Narrative deals with problematic events which lead to a

crisis or tuning point of some kind, which I turn finds a resolution.

It means that narrative text has functioned to entertain or to

amuse the reader and to deal with actual or imaginative experience in

different ways which shows by problem and resolution as the way to

solve the problem and resolution as the way to solve problem before.
b. Generic Structure of Narrative

A narrative can be fictional or true, as long as the story is clear

and has correct grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. It also needs the

writer to be focused and excited on the narrative for it to look good.

Narrative deals with problematic events, which lead to a crisis or

turning of some kind. Anderson and Anderson (1997:8), they state that

the generic structure of narrative text consist of four parts. There are

orientation, complication, sequence of events, and resolution. This is


1) Orientation

Orientation is introducing of the text. It includes what is inside the

text, what the text talks in general, who involves in the text such as

the character, when and where it happen.

2) Complication

In complication, the text talks about what happens with the

participants. Complication is the main element of narrative.

Without complication, the text is not narrative. The conflict can be

shown as natural, social, or psychological conflict.

3) Sequence of events

Sequence of event is where the narrator tells how the characters

react to the complication. The events can be told chronological

order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The

audience is given the narrators point of view.

4) Resolution
Resolution is the end of narrative text. This is the phase where the

participants solve the problem aroused by the conflict. It is not

matter whether the participants success or fail. The point is the

conflict becomes ended.

Based on the explanation of generic structure narrative text

are: 1) Orientation is introduction in which the participant and

informing the time and place; 2) Complication is describing the rising

crises which the participant have to do with; 3) sequence of events is

the narrator tells how the characters react to the complication; 4)

Resolution is showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better

or worse.

c. Types of Narrative Text

1) Legend

Legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived

both by teller and listeners to take place within human history.

Typically, a legend is a short, traditional and historicized narrative

performed in a conversational mode. Some define legend as

folktake. The example of legend in narrative text are:

a) Malin Kundang

b) Sangkuriang

c) The Story of Toba Lake

d) The legend of Tangkuban Perahu

2) Fairy Tale
Fairy tale is an English language term for a type of short

narrative corresponding to the French phrase “conte de fee”. A

fairy tale typical features such folkloric characters as fairies,

goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants or gnomes, and usually magic

or enchantments. The examples of fairy tale in narrative text are:

a) Cinderella

b) Pinocchio

c) Beauty and The Beast

d) The Story of Rapunzel

e) Snow White

3) Fable

Fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point,

traditional by means of anial characters that speak and act like

human beings. The example s of fable in narrative text are:

a) The Smartest Parrot

b) Mouse, Deer, and Crocodile

c) The Story of Monkey and Crocodile

d) The Ants and The Grasshopper.

B. Rationale

The researcher found problems of students at the eighth grade. There

were about some difficulties in English learning process. The students‟

problems came from less motivation to learn English language. The teacher

use Cooperative Language Learning to solve the problem. It makes the

students have motivation to learn English language and pay attention with the

material. Based on the problems that are found by the researcher, the

researcher wants to know the process of teaching reading on narrative text in

SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono. When the teacher uses Cooperative Language

Learning, the students work cooperatively in group to learn together. When

the students want to join in a group and can enjoy as long as Cooperative

Language Learning method, it means that mehod was useful. So that, through

Cooperative Language Learning method, it makes the students have higher

score more than other class.



In chapter three, the researcher discusses research methodology covering

Research Design, Setting of The Research, Subject of The Research, Instrument

of The Research, The Data Resources, The Technique of Collecting Data , The

Technique of Analyzing Data, and The Thrustworthiness of The Data.

A. Research Design

The research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative

research is a descriptive research. Bodgan and Blinken (1928: 28) state that

“The data collected is in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers”.

Qualitative research is a research that produces the analysis procedure which

does not use statistic analysis procedure or the other quantitative way.

Qualitative research is aimed to get deep understanding about

organization or particular event rather than describing in surface of large

sample from a population. Futhermore, qualitative research is aimed to reach

the basic understanding through researcher experience that is directly

processed and integrated with the subject and location that is in the form of

real report with no additional or reduction and factual field note.

B. Setting of the Research

1. Place

The researcher conducted the research in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono. It is one of Junior High Schol in Karanganyar. It is located is

Jl. Tugu Jumantono. There are 12 classroom consist of seventh grade is

devided into 4 classes in that VIIA, VIIB, VIIC and VIID. And then the

eighth grade which is devided into 4 classes namely VIIIA, VIIIB, VIIIC,

and VIIID. The last, the nineth grade consist of 4 classes: they are IXA,

IXB, IXC, and IXD. The researcher chooses the eigthth grade, especially

VIII-C to do the research.

2. Time

The time of the research was takenn on Februari-Agustus 2015,

this is the schedule of research:

No Activity
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Oct Nov Des Jan Feb Mar Apr
1 research
proposal X X
2 thesis
proposal X X
3 examination
Doing the
4 research
5 the research
6 thesis

C. Subject of the Research

The research was conducted to the students of eighth grade of SMP

Negeri 2 Jumantono, the researcher used class VIII-C as the subject of

research which consist of 12 females and 15 males. Based on observation, the

teacher made the students interested in the process of learning English used

some technique. The researcher takes this class as the subject of research.

D. Instrument of the Research

Creswell (2007:261), the instrument of qualitative research is the

researcher itself. It means that instrument of this research is the researcher

herself, because the researcher has function to decide the focus of research,

determine source of the data, collect the data, analyze the data, and make


Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the

researcher is the main instrument and the main part in the qualitative research.

Beside, the other instrument which can be used is the data of demotivation

factors in learning English and how to overcome it, can make easier to analyze

the data of the research.

E. The Data Resource

Sutopo (2002:50-54) states that the data source in the descriptive

qualitative research can be humans, events or activities, place or locations,

things, various picture, and records, documents and archives. Another

statements comes from Lofland which quoted by Moleong (2001:112), he

states that the main sources of the data in qualitative research are words and

actions and other things are as the additional data like documents and many

others. The object and the informant of this research are:

1. Object

The object of this research is the implementation of teaching reading of

narrative text at SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono in the academic year of


2. Informant

Informant in desriptive qualitative research is often called as respondent,

which means people who give the information for the research. Related to

this research, the informants are the English teachers of eighth grade

students (to get information about English teaching activity), and the

eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono (to know the students‟


F. The Technique of Collecting Data

Researcher has to know well the procedure of data collection in

qualitative research. Cresswell (1994:148), “The collection step involve a)

setting the boundaries for the study, b) collecting the information through

observations, interviews, documents, and visual materials, and c) establishing

the protocol for recording information”. It means that in data collection, the

three steps used to collect the information are observation, interview,

documentation and visual materials, and deciding the protocol of information


From the assumption above, the technique which researcher used in

this research is as follow:

1. Interview
Arikunto (1996:155) states that there are two types of interview. in
structured interview, the interviewer set own problems and questions will
be asked. Whlie, unstructured interview, question is not prepared and
adapted to the circumstances and the unique characteristics of the
respondents. The implementation of this interview flows as in every day
In this research, the researcher used unstructured interview when
the researcher interviewed the English teacher. The researcher used
structured interview when the researcher interviewed the students. On
January 24, 2016, the researcher interviewed the English teacher related to
the reason when the teacher choose the technique and the material. the
interview conducted in order to determine the material being taught, the
technique used, and the advantages and disadvantages of the technique
used. After interview the English teacher, the researcher made interview
with students about their interested in English learning by using jigsaw
technique. The interview conducted in VIII-C classroom on January 20,
2. Observation

Observation is a method to observe something as object seriuosly

and continuously done by the researcher. Moleong (2001:125-126), he

state this technique depends on the direct observation and also watches the

object doing by researcher his/herself continually, and then notes the

behavior and the real event which is happened.

The researcher used kind of non-participant observation as

tachnique to support the data from interview. in observation, the researcher

observed the activity of the students and teacher during learning process.

The data that is observed by researcher in the research is the English

teaching activity, the condition of classroom, and the other data related to
this research, and also to observe the physical environment of SMP Negeri

2 Jumantono.

3. Documentation

Lincoln (1985) in Moleong (1988:216) states that “document is

any written material or film that is not prepared because of the request of

an investigator”. She uses the document for several reason, as proposed

by Lincoln (1985) in Moleong (1988:217), as follows:

a. A document used as a source of stable, rich and encouraging.

b. Useful as evidence for a test.

c. Match to qualitative research because it is natural, match to the

context, was born and is in the context.

d. Document is not reactive, so elusive to study engineering content.

The researcher gathered variety document to support the research

such as student‟s material, lesson plan, syllabus, and student‟s score.

G. The Technique of Analyzing Data

Bogdan and Taylor (1975:79) define data analysis as a process which

details an effort formally to find the theme and to formulate the work

hypothesis. From the definition above, the conclusion is that the data analysis

is a process to organize and to arrange the data into a structure, category, and

unit of basic explanation so that it can be found the theme and can be

formulated by the data.

By principles, data analysis of qualitative research is done together

with the process of data collecting. The technique of analysis which is used in
the qualitative is by using technique of data analysis that suggested by Miles

and Herberman (1992:19-20). This technique consist of three events: 1) data

reduction; 2) data presentation; and 3) a conclusion of data (verification of


1. Data Reduction

Reduction of data means a process of choosing, centering attention,

abstracting and tranforming the hard data which is took from field of

research. This process is run since the research happened, from the

beginning of the research to the end of research. In the process of data

reduction, the researcher has to find the real valid data. When the

researcher knows the trustworthiness of data is still less, the data will be

rechecked to other informant as the source of data.

Reduction of data is done as a process of selecting, focusing,

shortening and abstracting the data collected from the research location.

Making a note, summary and coding the data source, and focusing in

collecting data are needed when the researcher doing the research. It

means that the process aims to reduce, to shorten, and to reject which one

is important data and which one is not. Then the researcher analyzes with

detail to get conclusion of data.

2. Data Presentation

Presentation of data is arranged information which gives occasions

to get conclusion and do an action. This step is effort to rearrange and to

reintegrate all of data collection from the researh‟s field. The data are data
that have been selected, shorted, and coded int he step of reduction of data.

The presentation of data is done by arranging the information

systematically in a description from that explains about the researcher‟s

conclusion. The researcher‟s conclusion is in a logical and systematical

sentence so that is can be understood by reader.

3. Conclusion of Data (verification of data)

In this step, firstly, the researcher makes a formulation of

propositions related with the logical principal, becoming the proposition as

the finding of research, and then doing so deep analysis to the data for

times. For the next step, the researcher report her research finding in detail

that shows the new finding different with the other research.

Based on the explanation above, it can be drawn as the diagram


Collecting of Presentation of
data data

Reduction of
Conclusion of
Diagrams 1.1

Data Analysis of interactive model from Miles and Buberman (1994)

H. The Thrustworthiness of Data

In analyzing the data, the researcher also needs to analyze the validity

of the data sources to get the valid data. To prove and to check the data

validation of a data scientifically and respondibly, qualitative research must

use the relevant technique of data analysis. To get the validity and reliability

of the research, the researcher used triangulation is a technique analysis of

data which is benefitted something out of data itself in order to check the

result of data or as a data comparer, Moleong (2001:178).

In this research, the researcher employs data triangulation that is data

gathering from the various sources of data to attempt data validity, which

consist of informationthat can answer the research problem from some

informants and activities seen from observation. The process of teaching and

learning reading comprehension by the English teacher is exposed through

data gathered from class observation, documents related to teaching and

learning process such as the text book, lesson plan and syllabus, student‟s

score, and interview with the English teacher and some students.


A. Research Finding

This chapter presents the research finding. The purpose is to

answer the research problem in the first chapter. There are three objectives

in this research, namely; the implementation of teaching reading on

narrative text using Jigsaw technique at the eighth grade students of SMP

Negeri 2 Jumantono, the material of teaching reading on narrative text

using Jigsaw technique at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono, and the evaluation of the teaching reading narrative text in

SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono.

1. The implementation of teaching reading on narrative text using

Jigsaw technique at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2


In the research field, the researcher got the data about the

implementation of reading narrative text in teaching-learning activities

in the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono especially in

VIII-C. The researcher collected the data by observation, interview,

and document. The detail of classroom observations and interview are

stated on the field note of the research in appendic while the document

is stated in the lesson plan document. The researcher took all of the

data of the study relating the reading narrative text teaching learning
process technique in the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono especially in VIII-C.

The teaching learning activities will be described into several

points, such as: (1) The teaching and learning technique of teaching

reading on narrative text, (2) The syllabus and lesson plan, (3) The

teacher‟s role, (4) The student‟s role

a. The teaching and learning technique of teaching reading on

narrative text

In this part, the researcher discussed the model of

teaching-learning activities which consist of the description of the

teaching-learning procedure.

1) The Procedure of teaching-learning activities

Based on the observation and the data found from the

lesson plan, the procedure of teaching-learning activities in

English subject of the eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono is devided into three steps; opening, main

activities, and closing.

First is opening, the teacher opened the meeting by

saying basmallah together. It is one of the religious aspects in

the character education. Because all of the students in this

class are Muslim one to say basmallah, wished all of the

activities would be easy by the grace of God.

After opening, the teacher checked the students‟

attendance list and asked the activity of previous meeting. In

checking attendance, the teacher did not check name one by

one because calling 27 students need much time.

In the beginning of the lesson, the teacher usually

gave warming up to the students. It is also the way of the

teacher in giving motivation to the students. The warming up

can be like giving question related to the topic of the study

that will be discussed. Sometimes, the teacher uses power

point to build the students‟ concentration.

During the teaching-learning activities, the teacher

and the students used English and Indonesian language in

their communication. It is one of the teacher rules that have

been agreed by the students since the first time they meet on

the first meeting.

In the main activities, the teacher showed the theme of

the meeting, then the teacher the main topic of the material

directly. After that, the teacher gave the exercise to the

students by making them into several groups discussion.

Then the last activity is closing. Before closing, the teacher

reviewed what the students discussed on that day, then

concluded and gave an exercise based on the material that

discussed in teaching-learning activities.

In teaching grammar, the teacher showed the models

of sentence that almost the same but in the different example.

The sentences were showed on power point view with such

modification in every step arranged the sentence. In this

activitiy the students got chances to pay attention, builded

understanding, discussed with group, and guessed the

paragraph. Then, together with the teacher made conclusion

about the content of the paragraph. After that the teacher

divided them into six groups consisted of five students in

each group. The students sat down with their groups, then the

teacher gave five different themes in a group. (A,B,C,D,E,F).

After the students got the piece of paper consisted of theme,

the student who got theme A, moved to the students who got

the theme A and made a group. The students who got the

theme B also moved to the student theme B, and so on. After

they gathered with the students who got the same theme, they

discussed the theme to discuss the content, grammar, and

vocabulary. After they clearly enough with their themes, the

student A, B, C, D, E, F came back to their first group, thus

in each group consisted of six students with six kinds of

themes. After that they explained their theme one by one to

their group. In the end of the meeting they clearly understood

the six theme of the day. I additional, the teacher gave tips to

memorize the vocabulary.

Based on the observation on reading narrative text

class the teacher made a teacher role to begin the teaching in

the class. The teaching-learning process of reading narrative

at the eight grade students VIII-C in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono above include, such as:

a) Pre-Reading Activity

Pre-reading activity lasted for five minutes. The

teacher asked the students about the topic. He asked some

questions related to the topic and let the students respond.

b) While-Reading Activity

While-Reading Activity took for fifty minutes.

First, the teacher asked the students to open guided book

in page 23 and 24. The teacher told to the students that

today and also the first meeting is playing jigsaw reading

material. Then the teacher made the students into four

group, which is each group consisted of six students. Thus,

the students called student A,B,C,D,E,F. It called first

group. Then the teacher asked them to look for the other

student who had the same code, such as code A with code

A, and student code B with students code B and they had

to move with the same code students, it called second


The ilustration is such as bellow:

After the students gathered with the students in the

second group, the teacher gave the theme and material of

that day. The themes were:

A Meaning the text Cinderella

B Tenses and General Function of Cinderella

C Pronunciation each word

D Meaning the text Snow white

E Tenses and General Function of Snow white

F Pronunciation each word

The students with the same code in second group

had to discuss the point that must be mastered, because

each student had the duty to master their point herself /

himself. The discussing in this step needed 40-50 minutes

to discuss in second group. They made the note and the

important point related to their theme. In this step, the

teacher walked around in each group and helped them if

they had difficulties in discussing their theme. So, in the

end they fully understood about their themes.

After they had done with the second group, the

came back the their first group. So, in the first group

consisted of six students with six kinds of point. In this

step, each student explained theis point one by one. Thus,

the student A explained point about meaning of cinderella,

students B explained about Tenses and General Function

of Cinderella, and student C explained Pronunciation each

word. The student who explainded the point, she or he had

obligation to answer what the other student asked to her or

him. It took 40 minutes till the end of meeting on that day.

Because each meeting is only 90 minutes, so it would be

continued in the next meeting, in the end the teacher said

about what they will explained next meeting.

In the second meeting, after opening the teacher

asked the students to gather with their group in First

After the teacher gave the short explanation, the

students moved to their group (first group), then the

students D explained Meaning the text Snow white, then

the student E explained Tenses and General Function of

Snow white, and the student F explained Pronunciation

each word. The teacher did the same treatement with the

previous meeting, the teacher walked around and paid

attention with their ways of discussing. The teacher also

gave the score to the students.

After 50/60 left, the discussing was done. The

students had had the six point and note of the theme

discussed. It is time for the teacher to resume what they

have been discussed. In this step, the teacher gave many

questions related to the material included 6 points. The

teacher gave the question randomly to the students. If the

students have a question, she or he can asked to the

teacher. So that, the second meeting was done to continue

the discussion on the first meeting then continued with

first scoring time to know the students understanding of

the material.

Based on observation of activity the researcher

concludes that the teacher asks the students to work in

group as a jigsaw group called first group and second

group in order to make the students develop and share

their knowledge. The students that have mastered in each

point explain if for other learners. The teacher must

control by walking around in controling the students. The

teacher gives more attention by doing it in this step. So

this technique is hoped can make the teaching and learning

process run well.

c) Post-Reading activity

Post-Reading activity is doing exercise. It was

done in the third meeting, the teacher took score about the

material of reading on narrative text. The student were

given the text that must be read, analized, and answered

the questions. The ilustration of the text was such as


Long ago, in the Nederlind, there lived a very
beautiful princess, Snow White. The quenn was her
stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty. So she
wanted her to die.
Snow White knew about her evil plan. She escaped
into a forest. There she met a friend with seve dwarfs.
The queen turned into a witch. Snow White did not
realized it. The witch gave her poisoned apple. As a result,
Snow White was put into sleep for years.
Fortunetely, in the end Princes Charming received
her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever after.

In the post reading, the students must understand

about the material. There were many component that must

be mastered by all students. Those were the content of the

whole text, the pronunciation in reading text, and also the

social function of the narrative text. The teacher took score

individually for the students to measure the students


The last step is closing. The closing session is the

teacher closed the meeting in the end of the lesson. First

she asked the students whether they had difficulty or not

and let them to pray together.

Teacher : Any question?

Students : No Mom
Teacher : OK. Let‟s pray together. Thank you for
your attention. See you next meeting. Good

b. The Syllabus and Lesson Plan

Before implementing teaching-learning activity, the

teacher made a planning. Planning is early stage of teaching that

is the activity of arranging syllabis and lesson plan. Syllabus and

lesson plan are prepared to be the basis of teaching procedure.

The syllabus moded used in the eighth grade of SMP

Negeri 2 Jumantono is still based on the implementation of KTSP

curriculum. Based on the syllabus the teacher made lesson plan

and the teacher conducted the teaching reading narrative text

activities. From analysis of the documents, the syllabus and the

lesson plan contain the subject identify, basic competence,

standard competency, indicator, main materials, teaching

vocabulary, evaluation or assessment, time allocation and

completed with the source of the material used.

Based on the interview, the teacher‟s reference in

arranging the syllabus and lesson plan are standard of competence

and the basic competence, then the teacher developed them by his

creativity and students‟ ability. The content of syllabus involve

the achievement of four English skills (listening, speaking,

reading, and writing) language components (vocabulary and

grammar) and expression. Based on the document study, it was

found that syllabus and lesson plan of reading used Indonesian

language. The researcher concludes that syllabus made by the

teacher is suitable with the format based on KTSP curriculum. It

means that the teacher understand and has capacity to make a

syllabus correctly.

The other consideration in developing the syllabus and

lesson plan is the available in school. SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono is

one of school that rather has appropriate in facility. The teacher

used the facility to support in the teaching learning process, like

multimedia and internet access.

Related to the consideration above, in taking score or

assesment, there is midterm test, daily test, and final test. It could

be individual group assesment that could be practical in oral test,

performance or written test, in easy or multiple choice.

c. Teacher’s Roles

Based on the observation and interview, it implies that the

roles in teaching-learning process are as:

1) Teacher as Motivator

Motivator is someone who inspires students to study

well or keep good spirit in learning. In the good way to

motivate the students is giving reward for their works or oven

only for their participation. This is stated by the teacher:

According to me, the teacher need to give

understanding that the students participation must
be given a reward, even they make little error.
Because I think making mistake in learning is ok. No
matter they make mistakes in learning steps.
Sometimes I ask the students to present their study
result in front of the class in a piece of paper. So,
they will always be ready and motivated to be brave
in delivering their ideas or presenting their
assignment in front of their friends. If they use
jigsaw, the students are also taught to be brave in
telling their ideas, brave to explain the material in
front of their friend even in a group. So, the main
point they can increase their ability.

2) Teacher as facilitator

The teacher is as facilitator of the communication

processes in the classroom activities. She provided

everything needed in the teaching learning process and

helped the students to understand the material, the activity

could be seen as the following example: the teacher focuses

in the text: “Snow White and Cinderella” in this activity, the

students were asked to discuss those text and answering the


3) Teacher as an organizer

Teacher organized student to occupy some various

activities and also performs in every instruction. For their

instance, teacher makes a group and divides group of whole

class. The group of students consists of five or six students.

d. Learner’s Role

In learning process, the students had two roles. The roles

were as follows:

1) The students as the listener

It means that the students listened when the teacher

explained the subject to them. The students were expected to

listen attentively to the teacher and the other students when

they explained in jigsaw group, but all of this student‟s

activity as listener is depend on the teacher‟s order, when

they had to listen and when they had to be active.

2) The students as the performer

The students as the performer means that (a) the

students was a planner of his or her own learning program

and thus ultimately assumes responsibility for what he or she

did in the classroom; (b) the students was monitor and

evaluator of his or her own progress; (c) the students was a

member of a group and learn by interacting with others; and

(d) the students were participant of activity. The classroom

showed their activity that teacher may be sure that the

students who were not achieve to be more active in

responding teacher question.

The students were also expected to do certain

activity as the part if their performance such as, repeating

utterances without hesitation, writing the note given by the

teacher, read the book when they asked to, for instance:

a) The teacher asked the students to practice what they have

learnt with their group in front of class or in a peace of


b) The teacher asked the students to answer the question.

c) The teacher asked the students to make note from the

previous explanation.

d) The teacher asked the students to imitate what the

teacher said.

e) The teacher asked the students to read the text before the

teaching and learning process started.

2. The Material of teaching reading on narrative text using Jigsaw

technique at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2


The material should be appropriated to the competencies

because it must be able to increase the student‟s skill and knowledge

in reading narrative text. The material should be enable for the

students to express their ideas, words and imagination; this condition

could create the students high respond and activity. The material

should be appropriate with the syllabus. It must be able to develop the

students‟ competence and knowledge. The material should help the

students understand the lesson easily. The lesson of the material

reflected the decision concerning with the primary goal of the


This directive could be one of the main reasons that textbooks

are used excessively and every single item in the text is followed

exactly in the same order as it is presented in the book. This is

contrary to the principle underlying the current English curriculum

which gives more opportunities to the teacher to make their own

decisions in classroom implementation. The prescription of the

textbook limits teacher‟s freedom and independence, especially

because of the statement in the foreword. It suggests that teacher or

schools that disobey can be penalized severely; hence their teaching

proceeds exactly according to its contents. An alternative explanation

for requiring strict textbook use might be that the government is not
confident of teacher‟ English and teaching skill, and therefore has put

a very directive program in place. Indeed, for several years now

teachers can use, as supplementary books, books produced by private

publishers, but these books should follow the national curriculum and

obtain license from the Department of Education.

Based on the researcher observation, the researcher found that

the result is to develop the students straight forward in studying

English. The printed materials used in SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono are

handbook, worksheet and handout.

The handbooks used by teacher are adapted from Erlangga

Publisher. They are involved handbooks and additional books. The

worksheets are sheet of paper or on computer which involves sheet of

question, close procedure text maps to aid the students with their

exercise. The students often uses worksheet to review what has been

taught in class. Worksheet also has a role in developing the ability of

student in learning activities. The worksheet is published by English

Teacher Association (MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTS) in

Karanganyar Regency.

3. The Evaluation of Teaching Reading on Narrative Text using

Jigsaw Technique at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2


Evaluation or examinations are commonly used in the

educational word to measure students‟ achievement after a given

period of instruction and learning. The English word „examination‟ is

equivalet to the Indonesian words ulangan and ujian that basically

have similar meaning. However, ulangan is only used in primary,

secondary, and tertiary levels of education. However, at the primary

and secondary levels of education, the ujian, now is rarely used. The

invention of UAS (Ujian Akhir Semester, „Final Semester

Examination‟), which refers to final examinations administered at the

end of these levels of education are the primary evaluation criteria.

Evaluation is the goal or purpose of the lesson are being

achieved, namely whether the lesson is effective. In evaluating the

students, the teachers have set some criteria of the students which

want to be assesed, such as their daily performance and periodic test

conducted by the teachers.

Based on the interviews conducted with the teacher in SMP

Negeri 2 Jumantono, it can be said that the teachers have some ways

in evaluating their students. It can be seen that the teacher does not

only evaluate the students‟ learning trough periodic tests but also the

students‟ daily performance.


In the research finding, the researcher discusses four main points of

research findings considering with the teaching and learning of reading

narrative text by using jigsaw technique at eight grade students SMP

Negeri 2 Jumantono which was observed from various dimensions. The

teaching learning in reading narrative text by using jigsaw technique at

eight grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono has some point that must

be analyzed such as: (1) The teaching and learning technique of teaching

reading on narrative text, (2) The material used, (3) Evaluation.

The other aspect that has to be analyzed is, the factors supporting the

success in teaching and learning process.

1. Teaching reading on narrative text using Jigsaw technique

The goal of teaching reading narrative text at the eighth grade of

SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono is to enable the students to understand the

English text ecpecially in narrative text. It is as a means of

comprehending and to anable the students in being active in practicing

English reading especially comprehending the text and answering

question related to the text.

The process of teaching reading comprehension is the teacher

asks the students to make a group consisted of six students then they

will discuss the theme that has been given by the teacher. After they

discussed the theme the students will be given question related to the

theme and the teacher took the score of it. Based on the result of the

observations, the researcher found that the teacher did the jigsaw

technique in teaching reading especially in narrative text. The the

steps in jigsaw application are pre-reading, while reading and post

reading. This is in line with Abbot, et al (1981:85). He stated that to

teach reading, the teacher should follow three stages called pre-

reading before reading, whilst reading, and post reading. Each stage
had an important role to achieve the objective of teaching. Because of

that, in the next discussion the researcher divided into three points;

pre-reading, whilst reading, and post-reading.

a. Pre-reading activity

In this stage, the teacher focused on the students‟ attention

first. The teacher gave a little description what they were going to

study. For example, the teacher told the students the topic and gave

the background knowledge related to the topic. Those were quite

useful for the students. They had an idea about the topic before

they started the lesson.

The teacher told the purpose of the reading before he gave

the material. At the first meeting, the purposes were making the

role of learning, then making groups (first group and second

group), doing the jigsaw technique in general. What the teacher did

in the pre-reading stage, focusing in the students‟ attention

proposed by Robinson (1977). He offered nine ways to do pre-

reading stage. In this case, the teacher did two tecniques; giving

background knowledge and focusing on the students‟ attention. The

teacher gave little explanation about what we will learnt in the class

related to the materials. So that, when the students gathered with

their group, they will have known about what they have to di in the

learning process.

Practically, the use of pre-reading activity is an appropriate

teacher way that can be implemented in the classroom. It is also

impliednthat during the implementation of using pre-reading

activities in the teaching-learning process, there are some benefits

for the students, those are:

1) Pre-reading activity can improve the students‟ learning skill.

Students learn the text easily and enjoyably. By using the pre-

reading activities, they can build their prior knowledge related

to the material. They can also predic what will be discussed in

the classroom.

2) Pre-reading activity can improve the students‟ motivation. The

pre-reading activities provide various activities that attract the

students‟ interest to joint the lesson from the beginning until

the end of the lesson. Therefore, during teaching and learning

process, they followed all activities conducted in the class


b. Whilst Reading Activity

In whilst reading text, the teacher asked the students to

practice with their group. The first meeting on whilst reading

activity the students gathered with the first group to prepare

everything before they went to the second group to discuss the

point. In the next day, they came back to their second group to

continue the discussing. Afer they had discussed their point, the

students came back to the first group until the each group had six

students which had different point that would be described. Then,

each students had the opportunity about what they had learnt just
now from the second group. This stage was the difiicult stage also,

because the students mast explained with their friend. The student

A and D explained about the meaning of each paragraph. It could

be done by looking for the meaning each sentences by reading

together. So that the students A and D will guide the other students

in the group to find out the points.

The student B and E guided in Tenses and General Function

of the text. After understanding the meaning each word and

sentence, they were guided to leart about tenses and general

function, beacuse understanding the tenses and general function of

the text can help the students to master reading comprehension. In

the end the students understand what kinds of tense that must be

used when they made or read the kinds of text.

The students C and F guided the students in pronunciation.

They guided by reading aloud. Reading aloud was useful to train

students having good pronunciation (Abbott, et al: 1981). Thus in

this stage, the student B and E checked the students‟ pronunciation.

One by one after reading aloud. So that in the end the students in

those groups understood how to pronounce well in each sentences.

c. Post-Reading Activity

Post reading was important to notice the student‟s

understanding. Here, the teacher evaluated them by asking some

questions. She asked the students to answer questions. Then she

gave correct answer. After that she concluded the material that had
been discussed by the students with their groups. In teaching

reading eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono, the

reading activity is the important stage. In this stage, the teacher

took the students‟ score. If the students can answer the question,

they will get score.

Jigsaw technique is used in teaching reading in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono. This technique is a technique of teaching and learning

process where the activity and the classroom focus on the students

as the centre of the teaching learning process. Abbot, et al

(1981:89) stated that pre reading, whilst reading and post reading

activities will help the students learn to read efficiency and develop

their reading comprehension, and makes the students as the central

activities in the classroom. So, the students of SMP Negri 2

Jumantono have to be more active in the teaching and learning


In the teaching and learning process, the teacher used media

as the supporting in teaching reading narrative text. It can take the

students attention and make the teaching and learning process not

so boring. The teacher used power point slide with appropriate

design to make the material easier to understand and memorize

after the students discussed in jigsaw team with their group or

team. The teacher used handbook and the other materials,

sometimes the teacher used video short story to build concerning

the students. The multimedia and media that used in the class can

support the student‟s reading narrative text.

The syllabus and lesson plan design that teacher made are

still based on the format of KTSP curriculum because the format of

final examination still used KTSP. Based on the research finding,

the teacher made lesson plan before conducting the teaching

learning process. Making lesson plan for planning give some

benefits for each other:

1) It save time: the teacher can adapt the plan for the future use,

the teacher can get quicker at preparing at work with

experiences, the teacher can become aware of how much time

activities take.

2) It allows the teachers to use more of their energy and

enthusiasm to enjoy what they are doing instead of worrying

about what to do next, or looking at the text page of the book.

3) As pupils get older, they become more arer of how well prepare

the lesson is, and they like to have well prepared lesson.

(http:/www.lessonpage.com/writelessonplan.htm, 21December


The teacher used lesson plan as the guide of teaching and

learning reading narrative text. Based on PP no 99 tahun 2015 pasal

20, lesson plan is a plan that shows the teaching procedure and the

teaching organization to achieve one basic competence stated in

standard isi in the syllabus. In this case, the lesson plan has covered
all of things related to the teaching and learning process in order to

reach the nasic competence. The teacher made lesson plan based on

“Panduan Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran”

based on the “Panduan Pengembangan Pelaksanaan

Pembelajaran” in that guidance that format of the lesson plan is

determined. The format of lesson plan that the teacher made consist

of the standard competence, basic competence, instructional

objective, learning material, teaching and learning process,

student‟s worksheet and evaluation.

Instructional material has an essential role in teaching and

learning process. The teacher used the material to build student‟s

ability and the knowledge. It should help the students to

comprehend the lesson plan esily. Therefore, the instructional

material should be suited to syllabus.

The material of students at SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono is

available in the worksheet and handout. The textbook involves

exercises and activities for teaching and learning process. English

teachers are selective and creative enough to choose the material.

They also have downloaded from internet. It is usually done to get

interesting material.

The teaching teachnique that teacher used is based on the

material discussed. It is interesting to create the effective teaching

learning reading narrative text. In research finding the researcher

found technique of teaching reading narrative text in SMP Negeri 2

Jumantono is relevant to the teaching technique stated in Heidi

theory. Heidi Bymes (2010:34) there were some techniques for

teaching reading comprehension, named reading aloud.

In evaluation of the lesson, the teacher used test on the mid-

term test, final test and daily test. It is based on the interview with

the teacher. The daily test is not often taking every meeting because

the time of the study is not enough to do that. In giving assigment,

the teacher took from individual and group discussion in the end of

every chapter.

English teacher in eighth grade students VIII-C of SMP

Negeri 2 Jumantono can evaluate well agree with the expert‟s

theory. The teacher can know students achievement in reading

narrative text.



Based on the analyze of the data in the previous chapter including

discussion of the findings, the researcher can draw:

1. The process of teaching reading comprehension by using Jigsaw in the

eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono is the teaching and

learning activities divided into three parts, they are: pre reading activities,

while reading activities, and post reading activities. The teacher has

implemented lesson plan, so the students are ready to read the passage and

comprehend the lesson.

The process of teaching reading comprehension by using Jigsaw in

the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono is in line with the

theory of behaviorism. The leader of the group can influence the other

learners to comprehend the material

2. The material of teaching reading comprehension by using Jigsaw in the

eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono is available in the

worksheet and handout. The textbook involves exercises and activities for

teaching and learning process. English teachers are s

elective and creative enough to choose the material. They also have

downloaded from internet. It is usually done to get interesting material.

3. The evaluation of teaching reading comprehension by using Jigsaw in the

eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono, the teacher used test on
the mid-term test, final test and daily test. It is based on the interview with

the teacher. The daily test is not often taken every meeting because the

time of the study is not enough to do that. In giving assigment, the teacher

took from individual and group discussion in the end of every chapter.


The researcher has some suggestion for the teacher, students, and

other researcher. The suggestions are follow:

1. For the teachers of VIII-C Class

a. The teacher should develop the technique, preparation, and evaluation

in the teaching and learning by increasing the good conditions in the

classroom. It will be useful to make the students interested in teaching

and learning reading.

b. The teacher gave reward for the students actively in their group.

c. The teacher should give more variation in teaching English. So, the

students will be more interested in learning English.

d. The teacher should give more exercise to the students not only from

text book, but also from other sources such as from television, novel or

newspaper. By so doing, the students will be more creative and

independent to learn language.

2. For the students

The students are expected to be more active in participating the group

discussion, paying attention to the teacher‟s explanation in the teaching

and learning process, and practicing English at school and at home to

master English subject.

3. For other researcher

The researcher realized that this research paper was not perfect yet.

There were still many weaknesses dealing with the theory or technique

because of the limited skill of the researcher. The researcher also

understood that this research paper only gave a little contribution in

implementation teaching reading of narrative text.

For those who were interested in doing research should be able to

do the research deeply. The research would be beneficial for the

development of education especially in teaching English. The researcher

hoped that this research might be useful as a reference.


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Place : Teachers’ Office

Time : Friday, 8th January 2016 / 08.00 WIB
Interviewer : Dyan Dewi Nurlaely
Interviewee : Wahyu Suprapti, S.Pd.
Code : APP6/1

The : Asssalamu‟alaikum.
The Teacher : Wa‟alaikum salam. Silahkan duduk mbak dewi. Ada apa
ya mbak?

The : Terima kasih bu wahyu, maaf sedikit mengganggu

Researcher waktunya. Saya mau meminta waktunya untuk interview
dengan jenengan untuk melengkapi penelitian saya.

The Teacher : Iya mbak ndak apa-apa. Silahkan

The : Menurut ibu, hal apa saja yang menentukan keberhasilan
Researcher mengajar?

The Teacher : Yang pertama itu dari siswanya dulu. Kemauan siswa
sendiri untuk mau menerima materi tentang Bahasa
Inggris, kan kalau siswanya mau menerima materi dengan
baik maka akan terdorong dengan sendirinya tentang
pemahaman yang diajarkan.
Yang kedua itu dengan menggunakan beberapa teknik
pembelajaran itu akan menentukan keberhasilan suatu
pelajaran mbak.
The : Jadi suatu teknik pembelajaran itu berpengaruh ya bu?
Researcher Kalau ibu menggunakan teknik pembelajaran apa saja ya
bu dalam proses pembelajaran?

The Teacher : Iya mbak. Jadi dalam menentukan teknik itu, kita harus
sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Misalnya, saya mengajar
reading dengan menggunakan teknik Jigsaw. Kenapa saya
menggunakan teknik pembelajaran itu dalam mengajar
reading bukan listening, speaking atau writing? Jigsaw itu
kan modelnya berkelompok, jadi misalnya saya pake
metode itu di pelajaran writing, bsa bisa hasil tulisan 1
kelompok sama semua dong mbak. Kalau reading kan lain.
Murid bisa berdiskusi mengenai bacaan, jadi metode itu
bisa diterapkan mbak.
The : Jadi dalam mengajar reading, ibu menggunakan teknik
Researcher Jigsaw ?

The Teacher : Iya mbak.

The : Menurut ibu apa saja ya kelebihan dan kekurangan
Researcher menggunakan teknik Jigsaw sendiri?

The Teacher : Menurut saya kelebihan menggunakan teknik Jigsaw itu

lebih efektif mbak. Dengan waktu satu jam pelajaran saja
bisa selesai satu teks dan anak-anak lebih aktif dalam
menerima pelajaran.
Kalau kekurangan teknik Jigsaw itu mungkin Cuma waktu
membagi keompok itu mbak. Soalnya anak-anak itu gaduh
sendiri mbak. Jadi saat pembagian kelompok itu saya yang
harus membaginya.

The : Menurut ibu dari 4 skill bahasa inggris itu, yang paling
Researcher lemah diterima oleh siswa itu skill apa ya bu?

The Teacher : Skill speaking mbak. Soalnya siswa kesulitan dalam

pronounciation dan menentukan kosakatanya.
The : Ada tidak ya bu upaya untuk meningkatkan kosakata
Researcher siswa dalam Bahasa Inggris?

The Teacher : Sebenarnya sudah ada upaya mbak, biasanya sebelum

materi dimulai gitu saya beri pre-test 5-10 kosakata gitu

The : Bagaimana situasi dikelasya bu saaat pembejalaran

Researcher berlangsung?

The Teacher : Namanya juga anak SMP mbak, jadi saat proses
pembelajaran ya sok kadang ramai sendiri, ada yang
memperhatikan, ya begitu lah mbak.
The : Masalah apa saja yang dihadapi saat proses pembelajaran
Researcher berlangsung ya bu?

The Teacher : Masalahnya ya itu tadi mbak, ramai. Dan akibatnya dia
belum paham dan saya harus mengulang materi kembali.
The : Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, upaya apa yang ibu
Researcher lakukan?

The Teacher : Biasanya saya kasih soal mbak biar pada diem. Terus kalau
masih ramai saya ancam kalau nilainya akan saya kurangi
jika tidak memperhatikan.
The : Oh begitu bu. Bagaimana dengan nilai siswa bu? Apakah
Researcher sesuai dengan KKM yang ditargetkan?

The Teacher : Kalau nilai ya standar mbak. Ada yang masih dibawah
KKM mbak tapi untuk meningkatkan nilainya biasanya
saya beri tugas dirumah mbak.
The : Ada nggak sih bu yang udah dikasih tugas atau PR tapi
Researcher tidak dikerjakan?

The Teacher : Ya tetap ada kan anak-anak juga. Tapi kalau untuk
pelajaran saa biasanya ada sistem denda mbak, jadi untuk
memberi efek jera itu saya sanksi sebesar 2500 terus
uangnya dimasukkan ke kas kelas, kalau masih belum jera
biasanya saya suruh mengerjakan PRnya dikantor guru
mbak, biar malu dengan guru-guru yang ada dikantor.
Soalnya kalo tidak diberi sanki anak sekarang itu suka
nyepelekan guru kok mbak.

The : Apakah ada reward kepada siswa yang mendapatkan nilai

Researcher yang baik bu?

The Teacher : Saya biasanya memberikan reward mbak, setiap murid itu
saya beri bintang 1 kalau nilainya mencapai 90. Jika
bintang itu terkumpul 10, saya akan memberikan hadiah
mbak. Hadiahnya itu biasanya saya beri alat tulis mbak.
Kan kalau siswa diberi hadiah gitu kan bakal berebut untuk
mendapatkan hadiah.
The : Ya sudah bu mungkin hanya itu yang saya tanyakan.
Researcher Terima kasih atas waktunya

The Teacher : Iya mbak ndak apa-apa.


Place : Class VIII-C

Time : Thursday, 14th Januari 2015 / 09.00 a.m.
Interviewer : Dyan Dewi Nurlaely
Interviewee : Muhammad Rizky
Code : APP7/1

Interviewer : Halo dek, boleh minta waktunya sebentar?

Interviewee : Iya mbak.
Interviewer : Kenalan dulu ya dek, nama saya dyan. Nama adek siapa?
Interviewee : Namaku mbak? Namaku Muhammad Rizky
Interviewer : Eh dek rizky kalau pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu rasanya gimana
sih? Takut apa sebel apa gimana dek?
Interviewee : Seneng mbak, soalnya bu gugurnya lucu kok mbak. Terus bu
gurunya sabar juga.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu bahasa inggris it sulit nggak dek? Kalau sulit
kenapa terus kalau mudah kenapa?
Interviewee : Sulit-sulit gampang mbak. Sulitnya karena aku nggak tahu
artinya mbak sama nggak tau maksudnya mbak. Gampange
kalau pas aku ngerti artinya mbak.
Interviewer : Jadi kalau paham artinya bahasa inggris itu mudah ya dek?
Interviewee : Iya mbak.
Interviewer : Dari semua skill Bahasa Inggris (Reading, Speaking, Writing
dan Listening) yang menurutmu yang paling sulit itu yang
mana dek? Alasannya apa?
Interviewee : Yang susah itu speaking mbak. Soalnya nggak bisa ngomong
Bahasa Inggris mbak.
Interviewer : Kamu lancar belum dek dalam membaca teks Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Belum mbak. Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris itu susah
dibacanya mbak.
Interviewer : Oh gitu ya dek. Biasanya kamu sering mengulang pealajaran
Bahasa Inggris dirumuah tidak dek? Kasih alasan ya?
Interviewee : Enggak mbak. Lha disekolah saja bingung kok apalagi dirumah
Interviewer : Menurut kamu, caranya bu guru menyampaikan materi Bahasa
Inggris itu gimana sih dek?
Interviewee : Asik kok mbak. Biasanya bu guru njelaskannya diselingi
guyonan mbak jadi aku nggak bosan mbak pas memperhatikan.
Interviewer : Terus kalau disambi guyonan gitu kamu paham nggak dek
sama materinya?
Interviewee : Ya sok-sok paham mbak. Pas nggak memperhatikan aku ya
nggak paham mbak.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu metode yang bu guru pakai saat memberikan
penjelasan tadi kamu suka nggak?
Interviewee : Iya mbak aku suka, soalnya seru bisa kerja kelompok gitu.
Interviewer : Kamu ada kesulitan tidak dek dalam Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Ada mbak. Sulitnya karena aku nggak tahu artinya mbak sama
nggak tahu cara bacanya.
Interviewer : Ok dek. Terima kasih ya atas waktunya.
Interviewee : Iya mbak sama-sama.

Place : Class VIII-C

Time : Thursday, 14th Januari 2015 / 09.00 a.m.
Interviewer : Dyan Dewi Nurlaely
Interviewee : Pebri Agus
Code : APP7/2

Interviewer : Halo dek, boleh minta waktunya sebentar tidak? Ngobrol-

ngobrol aja dikit dek.
Interviewee : Iya mbak.
Interviewer : Nama kamu siapa dek?
Interviewee : Namaku Pebri mbak.
Interviewer : Eh dek Pebri Menurut kamu bahasa inggris it sulit nggak dek?
Kalau sulit kenapa terus kalau mudah kenapa?
Interviewee : Bagiku bahasa Inggris itu susah banget mbak. Soalnya aku
nggak tahu artinya kalimat bahasa inggris terus nggak bisa cara
baca nya mbak. Pokoke susah mbak sama nggak tau
maksudnya mbak.
Interviewer : Susah banget ya dek? Susahnya itu dari kamu kelas 1 atau
susah di materi kelas 2 ini dek?
Interviewee : Ya dari kelas 1 mbak. Menurutku bahasa Inggris lebih banyak
bacaan bahasa Inggirs nya terus aku gak tau artinya. Terus itu
lho mbak suruh buat kalimat gitu juga susah.
Interviewer : Dari semua skill Bahasa Inggris yang menurutmu yang paling
sulit itu yang mana dek? Alasannya apa?
Interviewee : Maksudnya apa mbak? Skill itu apa aja mbak?

Interviewer Oh maksud aku itu lho dek dibahasa Inggris itu ada Membaca,
Menulis, Berbicara, sama Mendengarkan. Yang paling susah
itu yang mana?
Interviewee Oh itu mbak...
Yang susah itu speaking mbak. Soalnya nggak bisa ngomong
Bahasa Inggris mbak.
Interviewer Hmm...
Dek gimana perasaan kamu kalau nanti ada pelajaran bahasa
Interviewee Rasanya ya biasa aja mbak. Guru nya asik kok jadi pas
pelajaran agak santai gitu.
Interviewer : Kamu lancar belum dek dalam membaca teks Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Belum mbak. Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris itu susah
dibacanya mbak. kadang lidah ku sama otak nggak sinkron?
Jadi salah-salah terus pas baca teks bahasa Inggris.
Interviewer : Oh gitu ya dek. Biasanya kamu sering mengulang pealajaran
Bahasa Inggris dirumah tidak dek? Kasih alasan ya?
Interviewee : Enggak mbak. Lha disekolah saja bingung kok apalagi dirumah
Interviewer : Menurut kamu, caranya bu guru menyampaikan materi Bahasa
Inggris itu gimana sih dek?
Interviewee : Asik kok mbak. kalau njelasin jelas kok mbak.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu metode yang bu guru pakai saat memberikan
penjelasan tadi kamu suka nggak?
Interviewee : Iya mbak aku suka. Pokoknya neranginnya jelas mbak.
Interviewer : Kamu ada kesulitan tidak dek dalam Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Ada mbak. Sulitnya karena aku nggak tahu artinya mbak sama
nggak tahu cara bacanya.
Interviewer : Ok dek. Terima kasih ya atas waktunya.
Interviewee : Iya mbak sama-sama.

Place : Class VIII-C

Time : Thursday, 14th Januari 2015 / 09.00 a.m.
Interviewer : Dyan Dewi Nurlaely
Interviewee : Yiping Yuliana
Code : APP7/3

Interviewer : Halo dek, boleh minta waktunya sebentar nggak?

Interviewee : Iya mbak boleh kok silahkan.
Interviewer : Kenalin ya dek, nama ku dyan. Nama adek siapa?
Interviewee : Yiping Yuliana
Interviewer : Eh dek, kalau pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu rasanya gimana sih?
Takut apa sebel apa gimana dek?
Interviewee : Biasa aja mbak, sama seperti mata pelajaran lain.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu bahasa inggris it sulit nggak dek? Kalau sulit
kenapa terus kalau mudah kenapa?
Interviewee : Sulit-sulit gampang mbak. Sulitnya karena aku nggak tahu
artinya mbak sama nggak tau maksudnya mbak. mudahnya
kalau pas aku ngerti artinya mbak.
Interviewer : Jadi kalau paham artinya bahasa inggris itu mudah ya dek?
Interviewee : Iya mbak.
Interviewer : Dari semua skill Bahasa Inggris (Reading, Speaking, Writing
dan Listening) yang menurutmu yang paling sulit itu yang
mana dek? Alasannya apa?
Interviewee : Yang susah itu speaking sama writing mbak. Soalnya nggak
bisa ngomong Bahasa Inggris, aku juga gak bisa translate kan
kalimatnya mbak.
Interviewer : Kamu lancar belum dek dalam membaca teks Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Ya agak kesulitan mbak kalau pas ketemu kata yang susah
dibaca gitu mbak.
Interviewer : Oh gitu ya dek. Biasanya kamu sering mengulang pealajaran
Bahasa Inggris dirumuah tidak dek? Kasih alasan ya?
Interviewee : Enggak mbak. Tapi kalau pas ada PR baru dibuka mbak.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu, caranya bu guru menyampaikan materi Bahasa
Inggris itu gimana sih dek?
Interviewee : Asik kok mbak. menjelaskan materinya itu sangat jelas, terus
menjelaskannya dicampur pakai Bahasa Indonesia mbak jadi
paham pas dijelaskan.
Interviewer : Terus kamu paham nggak dek sama materinya?
Interviewee : Ya paham mbak. soalnya diulang-ulang mbak sampai paham.
Interviewer : Kamu ada kesulitan tidak dek dalam Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Ada mbak. sulitnya pas suruh translate ke ke bahsa inggris
Interviewer : Ok dek. Terima kasih ya atas waktunya.
Interviewee : Iya mbak sama-sama.

Place : In front of VIII-C Class

Time : Thursday, 14th Januari 2015 / 09.00 a.m.
Interviewer : Dyan Dewi Nurlaely
Interviewee : Desma Asti Pramudita
Code : APP7/4

Interviewer : Halo dek, boleh minta waktunya sebentar nggak?

Interviewee : Iya kak. tapi aku lagi makan tu kak?
Interviewer : Iya dek nggak apa-apa kok dek, santai aja kan memang lagi
istirahat. Aku yang ngganggu waktumu ini. Hehe... Boleh tahu
nggak dek namanya siapa?
Interviewee : Iya kak nggak apa-apa. Namaku Desma. Kakak namanya siapa
Interviewer : Namaku Dyan. Eh dek kalau pas mau pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris, perasaanmu giman dek? Takut apa sebel apa gimana
Interviewee : Aku seneng kak.
Kenapa dek kok bisa seneng?
Soalnya pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan kak. Bu
guru nya juga asik kak. Jadi seru aja saat pelajaran Bahasa
Interviewer : Oh gitu ya dek. Menurut kamu bahasa inggris it sulit nggak
dek? Kalau sulit kenapa terus kalau mudah kenapa?
Interviewee : Menurutku sih ada susahnya ada mudahnya kak. Sulitnya kalau
aku nggak paham maksud dari kalimat Bahasa Inggris itu kak.
Terus mudahnya saat bu guru udah menjelaskan apa maksud
nya itu, hehe.....
Interviewer : Hmm....Dari semua skill Bahasa Inggris (Reading, Speaking,
Writing dan Listening) yang menurutmu yang paling sulit itu
yang mana dek? Alasannya apa?
Interviewee : Yang susah itu speaking sama writing mbak. Soalnya di bahasa
Indonesia sama bahasa Inggrisnya struktur katanya di bolak-
balik kak. Jadi saya bingung.
Interviewer : Kamu lancar belum dek dalam membaca teks Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Lumayan kak.
Interviewer : Oh gitu ya dek. Biasanya kamu sering mengulang pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris dirumah tidak dek? Kasih alasan ya?
Interviewee : Iya kak. Buguru kan kadang juga memberi PR jadi sampai
rumah sama pelajari lagi mbak kalau tidak segera dikerjakan
keburu saya lupa kak.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu, caranya bu guru menyampaikan materi Bahasa
Inggris itu gimana sih dek?
Interviewee : Asik kok mbak. Biasanya bu guru menjelaskannya diselingi
guyonan kak jadi bikin nggak bosan kak waktu pelajaran.
Interviewer : Terus kalau disambi guyonan gitu kamu paham nggak dek
sama materinya?
Interviewee : Paham kok kak.
Interviewer : Menurut kamu metode yang bu guru pakai saat memberikan
penjelasan tadi kamu suka nggak?
Interviewee : Iya mbak aku suka kak, soalnya seru bisa kerja kelompok gitu.
Interviewer : Kamu ada kesulitan tidak dek dalam Bahasa Inggris?
Interviewee : Ada kak. Paling pas disuruh berbicara bahasa inggris sama
menulis tadi. Soalnya bingung sama struktur kalimatnya benar
apa salah gitu kak.
Interviewer : Ok dek. Terima kasih ya atas waktunya.
Interviewee : Iya kak sama-sama.

Sekolah : SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

Kelas : VIII ( Delapan )

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Semester : 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional
dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Indikator Penila
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran

1.1 Merespon Teks fungsioanl pendek 1. Tanya jawab 1. Mengidentifikas Tes Melengkapi
makna yang berupa : tentang i tertulis rumpang
terdapat berbagai hal informasi yang
dalam teks terkait terdapat dalam
lisan 1.Undangan topik/tema teks fungsional
fungsional Contoh: yang akan pendek berupa
pendek dibahas undangan.
sederhana Dear Rio,
2. Membahas
secara akurat, I want you to come to kosakata yang Menjawab
lancar, dan my house for lunch on terkait 2. Mengidentifi-
berterima Sunday at 12 a.m. tema/topik/und kasi ciri
untuk angan (noun kebahasaan
berinteraksi Thanks. phrase, verb dalam teks
dengan Mona phrase) fungsional
lingkungan pendek berupa
3. membahas
sekitar. Undangan.
2. Short Messages ungkapan-
ungkapan yang
Contoh : sering muncul
-Dear Intan, dalam
Meet me after undangan:
school - I want you to
come to.......
- Please come to
3. Kosa Kata .....
- Kata Terkait tema - Don’t forget to
dan jenis teks come to......
4. Mendengarkan
teks fungsional
Indikator Penila
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
4. Tata bahasa pendek
- To Invinitive (undangan)
5. menjawab
- What... for?
5. Ungkapan Baku : berbagai
informasi yang
- Please.......! terdapat dalam
teks fungsional,
6. Mendengarkan
lainnya dari
7. Mengidentifikas
i ciri
teks fungsional
pendek :
- invitee
- occasion
- time
- place
- Invitor
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

1.2 Merespon 1. Teks lisan berbentuk 1 Eliciting 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes lisan Pertanyaan
makna yang kosakata terkait Informasi/makna lisan
 descriptive
terdapat tema/topik/ yang terdapat
dalam  recount jenis teks dalam teks
monolog 2 Membahas tata berbentuk
pendek 2.Langkah retorika teks bahasa terkait descriptive dan
sederhana jenis teks yang recount
secara akurat, akan dibahas 2. Mengidentifikasi
lancar, dan  descriptive tujuan
(identification – 3 Mendengarkan
berterima komunikatif dan
descriptions) teks monolog
untuk langkah retorika
Indikator Penila
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
berinteraksi  recount ( descriptive / teks deskriptif Tes tulis PG
dengan orientation events – recount dengan dan recount.
lingkungan reorientation) topik tertentu
sekitar dalam 4 Menjawab
teks pertanyaan
berbentuk 3.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan
descriptive teks descriptive dan
dan recount recount. informasi
terkait teks
yang didengar
4. Tata Bahasa
5 Menjawab
 Past continuous pertanyaan
 Conjunctions tentang tujuan
- when...... komunikatif
- while ...... teks yang
5. Kosakata terkait
dg jenis teks
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional
dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Indikator Penil
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk

Mengungkapkan 1. Percakapan 1. Review 1. Bertanya dan Unjuk Uji Petik

makna dalam singkatan kosakata dan menjawab kerja Berbicara
percakapan ungkapan- tentang
memuat Bermain pe
transaksional (to ungkapan meminta,me
get things done) ungkapan – terkait materi mberi,
dan interpersonal ungkapan. dan tema menolak jasa
(bersosialisasi) 2. Tanya jawab 2. Bertanya dan
sederhana dengan Contoh : menggunakan menjawab
menggunakan  A; Let me help ungkapan- tentang
ragam bahasa you. ungkapan meminta,me
lisan secara B: Thank you so tersebut mberi,
akurat, lancar, dan menolak
much. 3. Bermain peran
berterima untuk barag
percakapan 3. Bertanya dan
dengan  A: Can I have a bit. yang menjawab
lingkungan sekitar
B: Sure. Here you disediakan tentang
yang melibatkan
are. guru mengakui,
tindak tutur:
4. Bermain peran mengingkari
melakukan fakta
memberi,  A: Did you break
menolak jasa, percakapan 4. Bertanya dan
the berdasarkan menjawab
memberi, glass? situasi /gambar memberi
menolak barang, yang pendapat
mengakui, disediakan
mengingkari fakta, 5. Menggunakan
dan meminta dan B: Yes, I did / ungkapan yang
memberi No, it wasn’t telah dipelajari
pendapat me. dalam real life
Indikator Penil
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk

 A: What do you
think of this?
B: Not bad.

2. Tata Bahasa
- Yes/No
- QW-Questions

3. Kosa kata
- Kata terkait
dan jenis teks
4. Ungkapan Baku
- Sorry
- I Think so
- I don’t think so
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Memahami dan 1.Percakapan 1. Review 1. Bertanya dan Unjuk Uji Peti

merespon singkatan memuat kosakata menjawab kerja berbicar
percakapan ungkapan – terkait tema, tentang Bermain pe
transaksional (to topik mengundang,
get things done) sebelumnya menerima,
dan interpersonal 2. Memperkenalk menolak
(bersosialisasi)  A: Would you an kosakata ajakan
sederhana dengan come to baru / 2. Bertanya dan
menggunakan ungkapan- menjawab
ragam bahasa ungkapan yang tentang
lisan secara B: I’d love to / I akan dibahas menyetujui.tid
akurat, lancar, dan wan’t to, but ak menyetujui
3. Tanya jawab
berterima untuk ......... menggunakan 3. Bertanya dan
ungkapan- menjawab
Indikator Penil
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk
lingkungan sekitar  A: I do agree. ungkapan tentang
yang melibatkan B: Thanks for the terkait materi memuji
tindak tutur: 4. Menirukan 4. Bertanya dan
mengundang, Support.
percakapan menjawab
menerima dan  A: No, way, ... yang diucapkan tentang
menolak ajakan, B: It’s O.K. I guru memberi
menyetujui/tidak selamat
understand. 5. Melakukan
memuji, dan  A: You have yang diberikan
memberi selamat beautiful
6. Melakukan
hair. tanya jawab
B: Thank you. menggunakan
 A: Happy birthday. ungkapan
B; Thank you.
2. Tata Bahasa
 Adjective Phrase
 Noun Phrase
3. Kosa Kata
 Kata terkait
tema dan jenis
4. Intonations
 Falling
 Raising
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
4. Mengungkap kan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan
monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan
recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Indikator Penilaia
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk

4.1 1. Teks fungsional 1. Mendengarkan 1. Mengungkapa Unjuk Uji petik

.Mengungkapka pendek berupa : teks fungsional n secara lisan kerja berbicra
n makna dalam pendek: teks
 Undangan undangan fungsional
bentuk teks
Contoh: 2. Tanya jawab pendek
lisan fungsional berbentuk
Dear Rio, tentang isi teks
pendek undangan.
sederhana I want you to
3. Tanya jawab
dengan come to my Pertanyaan
tentang 2. Bertanya dan
menggunakan house for lunch struktur teks Tes lisan lisan
ragam bahasa on Sunday at 12 secara lisan
4. Membuat
lisan secara a.m. kalimat berbagai
akurat, lancar, Thanks. sederhana informasi
dan berterima terkait jenis tentangteks
untuk teks bentuk fungsional
undangan pendek
 Pesan Singkat, - I want to berbentuk
dengan undangan
lingkungan Contoh : come to....
sekitar Intan, - Please come
Meet me to ........

after school. 5. Berlatih

Aya. seseorang
secara lisan
2. Tata Bahasa
- I want you to .... tertentu
- Don’t Forget to .... Contoh:
A: Hi Guys, I
3. Kosa kata want you
- Kata terkait tema all to
dan jenis teks come to my
Indikator Penilaia
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk
4. Ungkapan Baku B: We’d love
- Ungkapan to! When?
pembuka A: Tomorrow,
- Dear....... at 4.00
- Hi,....... 6. Secara
- Ungkapan penutup atau dalam
- Yours kelompok
- Love mengungkapka
n undangan
yang diberikan
7. Secara mandiri
n undangan

1. Bertanya dan kerja Uji petik
1. Teks menjawab berbicara,
pendek berbagai bertanya dan
berbentuk infmasi secara
lisan dalam teks
descriptive 1. Tanya jawab pendek Unjuk
4.2. dan recount. berbagai hal berbentuk : Uji petik
Mengungkapka terkait topik kerja
2. – - descriptive berbicara
n makna dalam tertentu (
informasi faktual - recount mendeskripsi
monolog peristiwa,
- informasi rinci kejadian, an sesuatu
pendek 2. Melakukan
- gagasan utama pengalaman ) monolog
- gagasan pendek dalam
dengan Uji petik
pendukung bentuk Tes lisan
menggunakan 2. Mengembangk berbicara,
dalam teks - descriptive
ragam bahasa an kosakata, menceritakan
pendek tata bahasa
lisan secara berbentuk - recount kejadian
terkait topik /
akurat, lancar, recount jenis teks
dan berterima 3. Ciri descriptive dan
untuk kebahasaan teks recount
berinteraksi descriptive dan 3. Mengidentifika
Indikator Penilaia
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk
dengan recount si kejadin,
lingkungan 4. Langkah retorika peristiwa,
sekitar dalam pengalaman
teks descriptive
yang pernah
teks berbentuk dan recount. dialami melalui
descriptive dan tanya jawab
5. Kosa kata terkait
tema dan jenis 4. Melakukan
teks monolog dalam
6. Tata Bahasa
descriptive dan
- Adverb phrase recount
- Conjunctions
- and
- but
- or etc
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang
berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Indikator Penila
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran

Membaca nyaring 1. Teks fungsional 1. Brain storming  Membaca Tes lisan Membaca
bermakna teks tulis pendek berupa: tentang dengan nyaring nyaring
fungsional dan esei berbagai hal dan bermakna
 Undangan
terkait teks teks fungsional
berbentuk descriptive Contoh :
fungsional pendek
dan recount pendek pendek
Dandi,  Mengidentifikas Tes 1. Melengka
dan sederhana berbentuk
Please come i berbagai tertulis
dengan ucapan, “undangan” informasi dalam
tekanan dan intonasi to our meeting /pesan pendek teks fungsional
yang berterima yang Day : Saturday 2. Mendengarkan pendek
Indikator Penila
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
berkaitan dengan Date:March undangan yang 2. Pilihan
lingkungan sekitar 1st,2008 dibacakan oleh ganda
Merespon makna Time : 10.00
3. membaca
dalam teks tulis Place : Osis Reuni nyaring teks  Mengidentifikas
fungsional pendek fungsioanl i fungsi sosial
Don’t be late !
sederhana secara pendek teks fungsional
Budy 3. Uraian
akurat lancar dan tentang pendek
berterima yang Secretary undangan/pes Mengidentifikas
berkaitan dengan an pendek i ciri
lingungan sekitar 4. menjawab kebahasaan
 Pesan Singkat teks fungsional
1. Teks Lia, pendek
tentang isi teks
fungsional I’m out for fungsional
pendek shopping pendek
berupa “undangan”
your meal is in
- Undangan /pesan pendek
- pesan refrigerator 5. Menyebutkan
singkat Mom tujuan
2. Tata Bahasa komunikatif
teks fungsional
- Request
3. Kosa kata “undangan”
2. Teks esei
- kata terkait – /pesan pendek
berbentuk descriptif
tema dan recount
dan jenis 6. Menjawab
teks pertanyaan
1. Teks tulis
4. UngkapanBaku tentang ciri
berbentuk kebahasaan
- Don’t be late !
- Don’t miss it ! descriptive dan teks fungsional
Merespon recount
makna dan  Makna gagasan /pesan pendek
langkah retorika
 Makna tekstual 1. Tanya jawab
dalam esei
dalam teks berbagai hal 1. Menjawab mau
descriptive dan terkait tau
sederhana Tes tulis PG
recount tema/topik
secara akurat, pertanyaan
2. Langkah retorika bacaan
lancar dan tentang :
berterima yang teks 2. Review
berkaitan kosakata dan 3. Makna gagasan
descriptive dan
dengan tatabahasa 4. Makna tekstual
recount terkait jenis dalam teks T/F
teks descriptive dan
Indikator Penila
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
sekitar dalam 3. Tujuan descriptive/rec recount
teks berbentuk komunikatif teks ount 5. Langkah
descriptive dan descriptive dan 3. Membaca teks retorika teks
recount descriptive/rec descriptive dan
ount recount
4. Ciri kebahasaan
4. Menjawab 6. Tujuan
teks descriptive dan
pertanyaan komunikatif
recount tentang teks descriptive
informasi yang dan recount
terdapat 7. Ciri kebahasaan
dalam teks teks descriptive Tes lisan Membaca
5. Menjawab dan recount
pertanyaan 8. Membaca
tentang tujuan nyaring teks
komunikatif descriptive dan
tdan langkah recount.
retorika teks
descriptive /
6. Menyebutkan
teks yang

7. Membaca
nyaring dan
bermakna teks
descriptive /
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab (reponsibility)

Berani ( courage)
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei
pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Indikator Penilaia
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran

6.1. Mengungkapk 1. Tanya jawab 1. Melengkapi Melengkapi

an makna 1. Teks fungsional berbagai hal rumpang rumpang
dalam bentuk terkait tema/topik teks
teks tulis pendek berupa : teks fungsional fungsional
fungsional  Undangan yang akan dibahas pendek
 Pengumuman 2. Penguatan 2. Meyusun Menyusun
sederhana kembali kosakata kata
 Pesan Singkat kata acak
dengan dan tata bahasa menjadi
menggunakan 2. Tata Bahasa terkait jenis teks teks
ragam bahasa  Kalimat fungsional fungsional
tulis secara sederhan 3. Menulis kalimat yang
akurat, lancar a bermakna
sederhana terkait
dan berterima Essay
- mengundang jenis teks 3. Menulis Tes tulis
4. Menulis teks teks
berinteraksi -
fungsional pendek fungsional
dengan mengumumkan
berdasarkan pendek
- menyampaikan konteks
3.Kosa kata
- Kata terkait
dan jenis teks
4.Tanda baca
5. Spelling
Indikator Penilaia
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
Tes tulis 1. Completion
1. Review
1. Teks rumpang ungkapan-
ungkapan yang
6.2. Mengungkapk berbentuk terkait jenis 1. Melengkapi
an makna dan - descriptive teks descriptive rumpang teks Tes tulis
langkah dan recount. essai pendek
retorika dalam - recount berbentuk 2. Jumbled
2. Menulis kalimat
esei pendek 2. Tata bahasa descriptive sentences
Kalimat berdasarkan
sederhana yang terkait 2. Menyusun
jenis teks kalimat menjadi
ragam bahasa - Simpel present
descriptive dan teks yang
tulis secara tense recount bermakna Tes tulis
akurat, lancar
- Simpel past tense gambar/realia. dalam bentuk
dan berterima 3. Essay
untuk - past cont tense 3. Melengkapi descriptivedan
berinteraksi 3. Kosa kata rumpang dalam recount.
dengan teks descriptif
lingkungan - kata terkait tema dan recount
3. Menulis teks
sekitar dalam dan dengan kata
essai dalam
teks berbentuk jenis teks yang tepat.
descriptive dan 4. Menyusun
- kata a. descriptive
recount kalimat acak
penghubung menjadi teks dan
and, then, after descriptif dan recount .
that, recount yang
before dsb
5. Membuat draft
4. Tanda Baca, teks descriptive
Spelling dan recount
secara mandiri.
6. Mengekspos
teks descriptive
dan recount
yang ditulis di
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab (responsibility)

Indikator Penilaia
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
Berani (courage)

Jumantono, Juli 2015

Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Ekoresmi Harliastuti,S.Pd., M.Pd.

Wahyu Suprapti, S.Pd.

NIP. 19620623 198112 2 002

NIP 19700510 199702 2 004
Sekolah : SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

Kelas : VIII ( Delapan )

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Semester : 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

Merespon 1. Percakapan yang 1. Eliciting 1. Merespon Tes tertulis 1. Isian singkat

makna yang memuat ungkapan- kosakata terkait ungkapan
terdapat dalam topik yang akan meminta,
ungkapan berikut:
percakapan dibahas (noun, memberi,
transaksional (to Contoh : verb, adjective, menolak jasa
get things done)  A: Do you mind adverb) 2. Merespon
dan 2. Menentukan ungkapan
lending me some
interpersonal makna kata dan meminta,membe Tes lisan 2. Jawaban
(bersosialisasi) money? menggunakanny ri, menolak singkat
pendek a dalam kalimat barang
B: No Problem / I
sederhana secara
want to, but ... 3. Mendengarkan 3. Merespon
akurat, lancar,
guru dan ungkapan
dan berterima  A: Can I have a menirukan meminta, Tes tulis 3. Pilihan
bit ungkapan- memberi,
berinteraksi ganda
B: Sure, here you ungkapan mengingkari
terkait materi informasi
lingkungan are
terdekat yang 4. Mendengarkan 4. Merespon
melibatkan  A:Here’s some percakapan ungkapan
tindak tutur: money for you tentang materi meminta,membe
meminta, terkait ri, menolak
B: I can’t take this, pendapat
memberi, 5. Menjawab
menolak jasa, sorry berbagai 5. Merespon
meminta,  A: Do you like it? informasi yang ungkapan
memberi, terdapat dalam meminta,meneri
B: Yes I do
menolak barang, percakapan ma, menolak
dan meminta,  A: Have you done 6. Merespon tawaran
memberi dan it? ungkapan-
mengingkari ungkapan yang
B: Sorry, I haven’t
informasi, terkait materi
meminta,  -A: Do you think it’s
memberi, dan good?
pendapat, dan B: I think so / Sorry,
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
menawarkan / I can’t say
menerima / anything
menolak sesuatu
 A: Would you like
B: Yes, please /
No, thanks

2. Tata Bahasa
Do you mind ....?
Present Perfect
3. Kosa kata
Kata terkait tema
dan jenis teks
4. Ungkapan Baku
- No Problem
- Sorry
- Yes, Please
- No, Thank you
1. Tanya jawab
berbagai hal
1. Percakapan yang terkait
Merespon memuat ungkapan- tema/topik yang 1. Merespon
ungkapan berikut: akan dibahas ungkapan Tes lisan Merespon
makna yang
terdapat dalam - A: What if it I do it 2. Mendaftar ungkapan
ri persetujuan
percakapan again. kosakata yang
transaksional (to digunakan 2. Merespon
get things done) B: Fine, with me. dalam ungkapan
dan - A:I have to go percakapan pernyataan
interpersonal 3. Menentukan 3. Merespon
now. Merespon
(bersosialisasi) makna kosakata ungkapan Tes lisan
pendek B:Do you have to? memberi ungkapan
dalam daftar
sederhana secara - A: .......... perhatian
4. Menggunakan
akurat, lancar, terhadap
B: Right / I see / kosakata dalam
dan berterima pembicara
untuk Hm...m. 4. Mengawali, Melengkapi
5. Tanya jawab Tes tulis
berinteraksi memperpanjang percakapan
dengan menggunakan
an menutup
lingkungan - Hello, excuse me ..... ungkapan –
terdekat yang ungkapan
- Did you? / Were
melibatkan terkait
you ? Pilihan ganda
tindak tutur: 6. Menirukan 5. Merespon
meminta, - Thanks/ Bye.../ See ungkapan yang ungkapan
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
memberi you. diucapkan guru mengawali,
persetujuan, 7. Mendengarkan memperpanjang
merespon percakapan dan menutup
pernyataan, - Could I speak to .... percakapan
8. Menjawab
memberi please? telepon
- Well, I’m calling tentang
pembicara, to....
mengawali, - Nice talking to you
dan menutup
percakapan, dan 2. Tata Bahasa
- Have / Has to
dan menutup - Could I ...?
percakapan - Past form of be
telepon 3. Kosa kata
Kata terkait tema
dan jenis teks
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
8. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog
pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

Merespon makna 1.Teks fungsional 1. Eliciting kosakata 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Melengkap
yang terdapat dalam pendek berbentuk: terkait topik yang berbagai informasi rumpang
teks lisan fungsional akan dibahas dalam teks
- Notices
pendek sederhana (noun, verb, fungsional pendek
secara akurat, lancar, - Iklan adjective, adverb) - Notices
dan berterima untuk 2. menentukan - Iklan
berinteraksi dengan makna kata dan
2. Tata Bahasa 2. Mengidentifikasi
lingkungan sekitar menggunakannya
- Kalimat perintah tujuan komunikatif Benar / Sala
dalam kalimat.
teks fungsional
- kalimat ajakan 3. Mendengarkan pendek
guru dan
3.Kosa kata
- terkait tema dan ungkapan terkait
jenis teks materi
4. Mendengarkan
teks fungsional
4.Ungkapan Baku 5. Menjawab
- Be ware berbagai
informasi yang
terdapat dalam
1.Teks monolog teks.
pendek berbentuk : 6. Menentukan
- narrative makna teks
fungsional yang
- recount
2. Tata Bahasa
Merespon makna
yang terdapat dalam - Simple past tense 1. Tanya jawab
monolog pendek -Past Continuous berbagai hal
sederhana secara tense terkait tema/topik
akurat, lancar, dan yang akan 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes tulis
berterima untuk 3. Kosa kata dibahas. berbagai Pilihan gand
berinteraksi dengan - kata terkait tema 2. Mendaftar informasi dalam
lingkungan sekitar dan kosakata yang teks monolog
dalam teks berbentuk digunakan dalam narative dan
narrative dan recount jenis teks
percakapan recount.
4. Ungkapan Baku Melengkap
3. Menentukan rumpang
- It’s terrific ! makna kosakata 2. Mengidentifikasi
- It’s wonderful dalam daftar. tujuan
4. Mendengarkan komunikatif teks
teks narrative / naratif dan
recount yang
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
dibacakan guru. recount
5. Tanya jawab
informasi tentang
teks yang dibaca
6. Mendengarkan
teks narrative /
recount lainnya.
7. Menjawab
tentang teks
narrative /
recount yang
didengar secara

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

9.1. Mengungkapkan 1.Percakapan singkat 1. Mengembangka 1. Bertanya dan Unjuk kerja Uji petik
makna dalam memuat ungkapan – n kosakata menjawab berbicara,
percakapan ungkapan : terkait dengan tentang Bermain pera
transaksional (to jenis ungkapan meminta,member
get things done) Contoh : dan tema/topik i,menolak jasa
dan -.A: Do you mind yang terkait 2. Bertanya dan
interpersonal lending me some 2. Tanya jawab menjawab
(bersosialisasi) money? tentang tentang
pendek berbagai hal meminta,member
sederhana B: No, problems
menggunakan i,menolak barang
dengan -.A: Can I have a bit? ungkapan terkait 3. Bertanya dan
menggunakan materi/topik.te menjawab
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
ragam bahasa B: Sure, here you are. ma yang di pillih tentang
lisan secara -.A: Here is some 3. Menirukan meminta,member
akurat, lancar, ungkapan- i dan mengingkari
money for you.
dan berterima ungkapan terkait informasi
untuk B: Sorry, I can’t take materi yang 4. Bertanya dan
berinteraksi this. diucapkan guru menjawab
dengan tentang
-.A: Do you like it ? 4. Latihan bertanya
lingkungan meminta,member
B: Yes, I do. dan menjawab
terdekat yang i dan menolak
melibatkan -.A: Have you done it? pendapat
ungkapan yang
tindak tutur:
B:No, I haven’t. telah dipelajari
memberi, -.A: Do you think it’s
menolak jasa, good? 5. Bertanya dan
meminta, 5. Bermain peran
B: I think it is / Sorry I menjawab
memberi, melakukan
menolak barang, can’t say any thing percakapan
meminta, berdasarkan
-.A: Would you like erima,menolak
memberi dan situasi yang
some .....? sesuatu
mengingkari diberikan
informasi, B: Yes, please / No,
meminta, Thanks
memberi, dan 2.Tata Bahasa
pendapat, dan - Do you mind ....
menawarkan / - Present perfect
menerima / tense
menolak sesuatu 3. Kosa kata
- Kata terkait tema
dan jenis teks

4. Ungkapan Baku
- No Problem
- Sorry
- No, thanks
- Yes, Please
1. Teks percakapan
memuat ungkapan
Contoh :
- A: what if I do it
B: Fine with me.
1. Tanya jawab
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
- A: I Must go now berbagai kosakata Unjuk kerja
dan ungkapan
9.2. Mengungkapkan B: Do you have to? yang telah Uji petik
makna dalam dipelajari 1. Bertanya dan berbicara
percakapan menjawab
2. Mendengarkan Bermain pera
transaksional (to  Right. tentang
yang memuat
get things done)  I see. meminta,member
 Hm...m yeah ungkapan yang i persetujuan
telah dipelajari 2. Bertanya dan
3. Menjawab menjawab
pendek  Hello,excuse me
sederhana pertanyaan tentang
 Did you? / Were tentang isi merespon
dengan you?
menggunakan percakapan pernyataan
ragam bahasa  Thanks/ Bye / see 4. Menjawab 3. Bertanya dan
lisan secara you pertanyaan menjawab
akurat, lancar,  Could I speak to ..? tentang makna tentang memberi
dan berterima  Well,I’m calling to dan fungsi perhatian
untuk ...? ungkapan terkait terhadap lawan
berinteraksi 5. Menggunakan bicara
 Nice talking to you.
dengan ungkapan –
lingkungan ungkapan terkait 4. Mengawali,memp
terdekat yang 2. Tata Bahasa berdasarkan erpanjang
melibatkan konteks
- Past form of be menutup
tindak tutur:
6. Bermain peran percakapan
memberi 3. Kosa kata ungkapan yang
- Kata terkait tema telah dipelajari
dan jenis teks 5. Mengawali,memp
memberi 4. Spelling and menutup
intonation percakapan
dan menutup
percakapan, serta
dan menutup
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan
monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

10.1 Mengungkapka 1.Teks fungsional 1. Review 1. Mengungkapkan Unjuk kerja Uji petik
n makna dalam pendek : kosakata dan secara lisan teks berbicara
teks lisan ungkapan yang fungsional :
- Notices
fungsional digunakan - Pengumuman
pendek - Iklan dalam teks - Undangan
sederhana fungsional
- Pesan singkat
dengan pendek terkait
menggunakan 2. Tata Bahasa materi 2. Bertanya dan
ragam bahasa - Imperatives 2. Membuat menjawab secara
lisan secara kalimat lisan berbagai
- Comparison
akurat, lancar sederhana info dalam teks
dan berterima untuk: pengumuman,
untuk 3. Kosakata undangan, pesan
- Memberi
berinteraksi singkat
dengan - Kata terkait tema perhatian
lingkungan dan jenis teks (Notice)
- Menarik
4. Ungkapan baku seseorang
- attention, please membeli /
produk terten-
3. Membahas
yang sering
muncul dalam
teks fungsional
4. Membuat
secara lisan:
- Notice
- Iklan

1. Review kosakata
dan tata bahasa - Melakukan monolog
10.2 Mengungkap
terkait jenis teks
kan makna pendek sederhana Unjuk kerja
recount dan
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
dalam monolog 1.Teks monolog narrative dngan dalam bentuk Uji Petik
pendek berbentuk recount tema yang narrative dan recount berbicara
sederhana dan narrative. dipilih
dengan 2. Membuat
menggunakan kalimat
ragam bahasa 2.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan sederhana
lisan secara teks narrative dan secara lisan
akurat, lancar, recount. terkait ciri-ciri
dan berterima kebahasaan teks
untuk recount dan
berinteraksi 3.Langkah retorika narrative
dengan teks narrative dan
sekitar dalam - simple past
teks berbentuk - past
recount dan 4. Tata Bahasa continuous
narrative - temporal
- Simple Past tense
- Past continuous
tense - connective
- temporal
- adverbs
- adjectives
- Connective words
3. Melakukan
- Adverbs percakapan
- Adjectives terkait kegiatan
yang dialami
atau cerita
5.Kosa kata populer di
- kata terkait tema kotanya
dan jenis teks menggunakan
yang sesuai.
6.Ungkapan baku Contoh: Really?
- Really? That’s terrible!,
- That’s terrible How then?,
First,...., then....,
- How Then ?

4. Menceritakan
kegiatan /
atau teks
narative yang
pernah didengar
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
foto atau
Gambar cerita

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk
recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

11.1 Membaca
nyaring 1. Teks Essai 1. Tanya jawab  Membaca nyaring Tes lisan Membaca
bermakna berbentuk mengembangkan dan bermakna nyaring
teks narrative / kosakata teks essai
fungsional recount berdasarkan berbentuk
dan essai gambar / cerita
2. Ciri kebahasaan narrative /
pendek popular recount
sederhana Teks Essai
berbentuk 2. Tanya jawab  Mengidentifikasi Pilihan ganda
recount dan menggali berbagai makna Tes tulis
narrative narrative / informasi dalam teks narrative /
dengan recount cerita recount
ucapan, berdasarkan
3. Tujuan
tekanan dan gambar
komunikatif teks
intonasi yang essai narratif / 3. Mendengarkan
berterima recount teks narrative /
yang recount yang
4. Langkah retorika
berkaitan dibaca guru
narrative /
dengan 4. Membaca
lingkungan nyaring teks  Mengidentifikasi
sekitar 5. Spelling, stress, tujuan
narrative /
komunikatif teks Tes Tulis Isian singkat
intonation recount dengan
ucapan dan narrative /
11.2 Merespon recount
intonasi yang
makna dalam
teks tulis
fungsional 5. Menjawab
pendek berbagai
pertanyaan  Mengidentifikasi
tentang langkah retorika
secara akurat,
informasi dalam dan ciri Tes Tulis Pertanyaan
lancar dan
teks yang di baca kebahasaan teks tertulis
narrative /
yang 6. Menentukan
berkaitan tujuan
dengan komunikatif teks
lingkungan narrative /
sekitar recount yang di
7. Menentukan
langkah retorika
dari teks
narrative /
recount yang di
8. Menentukan ciri
kebahasaan teks
narrative /
recount yang di
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
9. Membaca teks
narrative /
recount lainnya

1. Mencermati teks
fungsional pendek
terkait materi
2. Menyebutkan
jenis teks
1.Teks fungsional : fungsional yang  Mengidentifikasi PG
dicermati berbagai
- undangan Tes tulis
3. Membaca nyaring informasi dalam
11.3 Merespon - pengumuman teks fungsional
teks fungsional
makna dan - pesan terkait materi Jawaban singka
langkah retorika 4. Menjawab
- iklan Tes tulis
dalam esei pertanyaan
pendek tentang informasi  Mengidentifikasi
2.Tujuan komunikatif yang terdapat tujuan Jawaban singka
dalam teks komunikatif teks
secara akurat, Tes tulis
lancar dan 5. Menyebutkan ciri-
3.Ciri kebahasaan
berterima yang ciri teks fungsional
yang dibaca  Mengindentifikasi
6. Membaca teks ciri kebahasaan
fungsional pendek teks fungsional
lainnya dari
sekitar dalam berbagai sumber
teks berbentuk
recount dan

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei
pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran

12.1. Mengungkapk 1. Teks fungsional : 1. Review tujuan Menulis teks Tes tulis Essay
an makna - Notices komunikatif fungsional pendek
dalam bentuk dan ciri-ciri berbentuk : -
teks tulis - iklan kebahasaan
fungsional teks fungsional Completion
pendek pendek terkait - Iklan
2. Tata bahasa
sederhana materi
dengan - Imperratives 2. Menulis kalimat
menggunakan - Getting attention sederhana Product Penugasan
ragam bahasa untuk -memberi
tulis secara - Comparison
himbauan /
akurat, lancar peringatan
dan berterima
3. Kosa kata - mengiklan-kan
berinteraksi Kata terkait tema sesuatu
dengan dan jenis teks 3. Melengkapi teks
lingkungan fungsional
sekitar pendek
4. Tanda baca, Spelling
4. Menulis teks
1. Review ciri
kebahasaan teks
12.2. Mengungkap
kan makna dan 1. Teks Essai 2. Membuat
Tes tertulis Uraian
langkah narrative / kalimat Menulis teks pendek
retorika dalam recount sederhana dan sederhana dalam
esei pendek terkait teks
2. Ciri kebahasaan bentuk recount /
sederhana narrative/
teks narrative / narrative dengan
dengan recount
recount langkah retorika yang
menggunakan 3. Mengembangka
3. Langkah retorika benar
ragam bahasa n langkah
teks narrative /
tulis secara retorika teks
akurat, lancar recount dan
dan berterima 4. Tatabahasa narrative
untuk - Simple past 4. Membuat draft
berinteraksi - Past continuous teks recount dan
dengan narrative
5. Kosakata
lingkungan Proyek Penugasan
- Kata terkait 5. Menulis teks
tema dan jenis recount dan
recount dan teks
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian
Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk
Dasar Pembelajaran
narrative 6. Tandabaca, berdasarkan
spelling draft yang dibuat
6. Memajang hasil
tulisan di dinding

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Jumantono, Januari 2016

Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Ekoresmi Harliastuti, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

Wahyu Suprapti, S.Pd.

NIP. 19620623 198112 2 002

NIP 19700510 199702 2 004

( RPP )

: SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII / 1I (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi : 12 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan

essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan
narative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Dasar : 12. 2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika essay

pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkunan sekitar
berbentuk recount dan narative

Indikator : Menulis teks pendek dan sederhana dalam bentuk narative dengan
langkah retorika yang benar

Jenis Teks : Teks tulis

Aspek / Skills : Menulis

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat menulis text pendek dan sederhana dalam

narative dengan langkah retorika yang benar

B. Materi Pembelajaran : a. Text narative

_ Social function

_ Generic structure

_ Lexico grammatical features

b. Vocabulary yang berhubungan dengan text narrative

_ Mental processes

_ Material processes

_ Temporal conjunctions

c. Past tense

C.Metode Pembelajaran : PPP , JIGSAW, Dictionary skill

D. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

* Kerja keras

* Mandiri

* Tanggung jawab

E.Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran :


1.Kegiatan awal

a. Salam dan tegur sapa

b. Presensi siswa

c. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

2.Kegiatan inti

* Eksplorasi
a. Guru membuat 5 kalimat Past Tense
b. Siswa menganalisa pola kalimatnya
c. Tanya jawab terkait dengan kalimat Past Tense
* Elaborasi

a. Guru meminta siswa membuat kalimat past tense

b. Siswa membuat kalimat Past Tense secara berkelompok

* Konfirmasi

a. Siswa menuliskan kalimat Past tense di papan tulis

b. Bersama-sama siswa mengevaluasi kalimat past tense

c. Guru bersam-sama siswa menyimpilkan materi pembelajaran

3. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama mengikuti KBM

b. Menugasksn siswa membuat kalimat-kalimat past tense dalam situasi nyata


1.Kegiatan awal

a. Salam dan tegur sapa

b. Presensi siswa

c. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

2.Kegiatan inti

* Eksplorasi

a. Guru memperdengarkan wacana narrative

b. Mereview social function, generic structure, cirri-ciri kebahasaan teks
* Elaborasi

a. Guru memberikan contoh teks narrative “ Snow White” untuk dipahami


b. Guru mengambil kata-kata penting dari teks

c. Guru meminta siswa untuk menulisksn kembali wacana “ Snow White”
dalam bahasa tulis

* Konfirmasi

a. Siswa menempelkan hasil tulisannya

b. Guru memberikan reward pada kelompok yang kinerjanya bagus

3. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama mengikuti KBM

b. Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran

c. Menugasksn siswa membuat kalimat-kalimat past tense dalam situasi nyata

F.Media, alat, dan sumber bahan pelajaran

i. Buku text yang sesuai

ii. Text narrative “Snow White”
G. Penilaian :

 Teknik : Tes Tulis

 Bentuk : Tes uraian
 Instrumen :

I. Make a short fairy story consisting three paragraphs; orientation, complication,

and resolution. Each of paragraph is 3 or 4 sentences.

Tingkat Kebenaran Judul dan Isi Bahasa Struktur Teks Tampilan

1. Sempurna 5 5 5 5

2. Cukup Sempurna 4 4 4 4

3. Kurang Sempurna 3 3 3 3

4. Tidak Sempurna 2 2 2 2

5. Salah tdk Terhubung 1 1 1 1

Nilai : Jumlah Score X 5


Jumantono, Januari 2016

Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Jumantono.

Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ekoresmi Harliastuti,S.Pd., M.Pd. Wahyu Suprapti, S.Pd.

NIP, 19620623 198112 2 002

NIP.19700510 199702 2 004












10. 3456 DWI SANTOSA M





15. 3461 HARYANTO M










25. 3471 TRI SUWARNI F





1. 3445 ABDUL BASID 85



4. 3450 DADAN PRAYOGA 80




8. 3454 DIKI INDRAWAN 75


10. 3456 DWI SANTOSA 80





15. 3461 HARYANTO 75




19. 3465 MUHAMMAD RIZKY 85






25. 3471 TRI SUWARNI 80

26. 3472 YIPING YULIANA 75

27. HENDRIK 80

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