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Ex. No.

1 17BEI0063
Date: 11-12-19 Krishna Srivathsa
EEE4035 Virtual Instrumentation
Dr. Abhishek G


AIM: To implement the Arithmetic, Boolean and Comparison operations using LabView.

Arithmetic operation:
• Using compound arithmetic operator find sum of different results of Sum, Diff, Mul and Div.
• Finding average
• Finding slope
• Conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit
• (A+B)^2
Boolean operations:
• Logic gates AND, OR, XOR, XNOR, NOT, ~XOR, ~AND, ~OR
• ~(((x AND y)~XOR y2)OR y3)
• (a AND b)OR (c OR d)OR(e XNOR f)OR(g XOR h)
Comparison operations:
• Take random numbers rom range providing upper limit and lower limit and compare both using
greater than or less than or equal to and if any one is true LED will glow.
• Find maximum and minimum using MAX MIN BLOCK FROM COMPERASION OPERATOR
• To find if in range or not using the same block from COMPERASION OPERATOR BLOCK

o Select a blank VI
o In the block diagram right click in the blank space and select NUMERIC block
o In the NUMERIC block select the required arithmetic blocks like add, subtract, multiply, divide,
compound operator and place in the block diagram
o Select required number of control and indicator blocks int the front panel by right clicking in
empty space
o Do the proper wire connections according to the logic
o Press the run button and get the result from the indicator block.
o For Boolean operations select Boolean in the block diagram right click menu and select the
required logic gates
o In the front panel select the control switch and LED to display on/off output.
o Connect the logic gates according to the logical equation and press run button
o The output is shown as LED switching on and off
o The input can be given in front panel by typing desired number in the control block or by
toggling the switch for Boolean operations.
o For Comparison operations select the comparison block in the right menu in the block diagram
select the required comparison operators like greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (=) and so
Picture of Software connection:
Sample input and output:
Inference / Result:
Using the various blocks from the Arithmetic, Boolean and comparison block from the block diagram
menu we can perform many arithmetic, logical and comparing operations.
Various Arithmetic, Boolean and comparison operations are performed and verified.

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