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Special Education Notes

Diverse Learners Gifted & Talented

Usually significantly greater student
Diverse Learners: A diverse group of
GIFTED: those who excel academically
academic ability
TALENTED: those who have other
Usually exceptional learners and
outstanding skills (music and art)
Big Bang Thinkers vs Mozart
Gifted and Talented
Special Needs
Class enrichment & Self-paced
*Requires special educational
modifications and other services to
Skipping a grade (may cause social
help their abilities and potential*
IDEA & 504 Special schools & Extracurriculars
IDEA: Individuals with disabilities; Pull-out programs & Advanced Classes
Education Act states all children with Accommodations & Modifications
disabilities are entitled to a free
Accommodation: Changing the
appropriate public education
environment (Learning Lab)
504: For a child who has or has had a
Modification: Changing the physical
physical or mental impairment that
paper or instructions to help the student
substantially limits major life activity
modified curriculum resource
(walking seeing hearing speaking etc.)
SPED vs 504:
Hard copy of notes
SPED: specialized instructions, goals,
Extra time
and co-teachers
Preferred seating
504: accommodations
Check for understanding
SST: student support team &
intervention Educational Placement
IEP Mainstreaming: 1+ classes to
IEP: Individualized education plan that perform at expected ability
is developed for a specific student with Inclusion: placed in regular classes
a disability Special Educational: Provides
reviewed at ARD Meeting (annual adapted programs and equipment
review and dismissal)

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