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SHRM Competency Model Story Analytics in SHRM MODEL

Communication 1 Define business challengeAnalytics and project

Relationship Management 2Understand analytics domaAssess yourself
Ethical Practise 3 Establish an Effective Tea Evaluate your data
HR Knowledge (expertise) 4 Form your hypothesis choose your HR Metrics
Business Acumen 5 run basic analysis Identify your stakeholders
Critical Evaluation 6 Explore complex analyses Develop your hypotheses
Global-Cultural Effectiveness 7 Use data to inform your d Choose your statistical test
Leadership and Navigation 8 Communicate your findingWrite your analysis plan
Consultation 9 evaluate your interventionSummarize your findings
Tell yoursotry
Plan your evaluation
Communicate your plan
HR Functional Areas Setup an analytics function

People HR Expertise 1
HR Strategic Planning
Talent Acquisition
Employee Engagement & Retention
Learning& Development
Total Rewards

Organization HR Expertise 2
Structure of the HR Function
Org. effectiveness and Development
Workforce Management
Employee &labor relations
Technology Management

Workplace HR Expertise 3
HR in global context
Diversity & Inclusion
Risk Management
Corporate social responsability
US Employment Law Regulations
SHRM USA Talent Functional Chiavenato
People HR Expertise 1
HR Strategic Planning Planificación estratégica RRHH
Talent Acquisition Reclutamiento y selección
Employee Engagement & Retention Satisfacción y retención del talento
Learning& Development Desarrollo Organizacional Capacitaciones
Total Rewards Retención del personal incentivos

Organization HR Expertise 2
Structure of the HR Function Estructura organizacional
Org. effectiveness and Development Efectividad de la organización
Workforce Management gestión de la fuerza de trabajo indicadores
Employee &labor relations relaciones laborales (sindicatos)
Technology Management

Workplace HR Expertise 3
HR in global context
Diversity & Inclusion
Risk Management
Corporate social responsability Responsabilidad Social
US Employment Law Regulations Legislación laboral chilena
People Management UK


People/Business/Data A
3. Your annual engagement survey has consistently shown that your
managers and employees are dissatisfied with the performance appraisal
Dive intoInData
system. particular, it is perceived as unfair, as demonstrated by the
ID score for that survey item. You implement a new performance A
1. A system and want to compare the average fairness score in the
2. Ancompany
survey employee wanted
to determine
resource group
prior wants
to the
conduct an
cost of its employees.
toinclusion survey.
the average It A sample
Mean of twenty-five employees were in
wants to begin
score after with a simple random
the administration. sample
You realize thatofyour
employees. Which of
violate the
the following survey methods will produce a simple random
assumption of normality. Which of the following tests could you use to sample?
evaluate where fairness perceptions improved after the new system was a. Survey the first sixty employees to arr
Paired-Samples T-Test

4. A bubble chart is best used for which of the following? Change in value of a consist

5. The primary goal of principal component analysis is to Divide a set of multivariate

6. Which of the following is typically the first step in data cleaning? a. Examinine frequency distr

7. Data mapping is a critical step in which of the following data processes? a. Cleaning

8. In SQL programming language, you can use the conditional expression "ORa. create records
9. You are working with an employee data set and identify those cases without an employee
a. Logic check ID in the record. This is

10. As part of a workforce-planning initiative, you want to predict whether the employees inanalysis
a. discriminant a particular program wi

Domain Items
People 2,6,7,10,14
Business 4,8,9,12,13
Data 1,3,5,11,15
Median Mode Range Variance

b. Survey every tenth emp

c. Use random numbd. Number the cafetere. Number the employees in the HRIS system

Mann-Whiney Chi-Square MANOVA

the distribution of data Dhow a subset of dahow two or more values compare to each other in relative magni

Assign a particular multi Characterize the corFind the variable amon

Explain the variability in a large set of varia

b Standardize your variabc. test statistical a d impute missing values

b. transformation c. extraction d. visualization

b. find records c. rearrange recordsd. select records

b. Hash total c. Uniqueness chec d. presence check e. range check

b. Bivariate regression c. Two-Factor ANOVd. Effect size

Score 5-15 Rank 1-3

My Answers Correct

the employees in the HRIS systemE E X


e to each other in relative magni D D X

variability in a large set of varia D E





4 10
Template to evaluate

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