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To: Director of Community Services, Manager of Aquatic Services, and Manager of Asset

Management via email

Copied: Matt Allard, City Councillor

From: Norwood Flats Residents' Association

Subject: Norwood Flats Residents' Association Norwood Pool enquiry

Date: June 4, 2019

The Norwood Flats Residents' Association had its founding meeting on May 7th (please see attached
minutes for more information). At the founding meeting, a steering committee was struck and was
charged with putting in place a formal structure for the Association and act in the interests of the
community. The steering committee met last night and unanimously passed the following motion,

"The Norwood Flats Residents' Association Steering Committee is requesting an update

from the City of Winnipeg about its plans for the Norwood Pool following demolition."

At our founding meeting, recreation infrastructure was identified as a top priority, and we are
optimistic that we can make a positive contribution to this discussion. Please do not hesitate to
contact us should you have any questions.


The Norwood Flats Residents' Association Steering Committee

attached Minutes from founding meeting and list of Steering Committee members
Received on Mon, Jun 10, 2019 via email:

Good Afternoon

Please see the following timeline of events scheduled for the Norwood Pool site:

• A contract has been awarded for the demolition of the building and pool basin with anticipated
start in late June.

• The existing pool area will be backfilled with clean fill and allowed to settle for one year before
the area is re-sodded.

• The former pool area can be used as greenspace or additional athletic field space, as deemed
appropriate by Norwood Community Centre, who program the site.

• Community Services has extended the Norwood Wading Pool hours of service to operate
Monday – Sunday from 11 am – 6:30 pm.

These outline the City’s immediate plans.

Director of Community Services

City of Winnipeg

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