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12 Ways to Make Your Husband Happy

1. Be abundant with happiness.

Be a blissful wife. If you want to make your husband happy, you have to have a heart full of
happiness. He will not be happy if you are always depressed, irritated, and frustrated in life. Thus, be
a more positive and cheerful person. Get rid of things that make your heart sad, such as anger,
discontentment, and bitterness. Fill it with hope, thankfulness, and joy instead.

2. Let him lead.

Let your husband take the stirring wheel of your marriage. It will make him feel that you trust and
rely on him. It will also give him a sense of responsibility, purpose, and direction in life. However, you
have to make sure that while your husband leads your marriage, God is always the center of it.
Never let your husband lead your marriage and family in wickedness and destroy all of your

3. Stop nagging.
If you think nagging will help your husband become a better person and make your marriage grow,
you are thinking it wrong. A nagging wife is every husband’s nightmare. If you want your husband to
do or change something, stop telling him constantly and forcing him to do it. Your nagging will only
make him feel like a hopeless person. It will only make him worse and your efforts will be wasted.

If you want your husband to change, make him happy instead of irritating him. Make him happy by
giving him hope. Trust him and let him do his own way. Just continue working on yourself in silence
to be a better partner for your husband and hope that you inspire him to do the same.

4. Respect him.
Treat your husband as a man and the father of your children. Do not belittle him in front of your
friends, kids, and other people. Seek his advice when you make a decision. Listen to him when he
says something and appreciate his ideas or opinions.

Respect is one of the most important things that will keep your marriage alive and healthy. Hence,
don’t let anyone (including yourself) disrespect your husband. Always respect your husband and
your marriage vows.

5. Be loyal and faithful.

Make your husband happy by giving him confidence that he is your only one. Do not even think
about any act of cheating. Make your husband feel handsome as he also makes you feel beautiful.
And no matter what challenges come into your marriage, be faithful and hold on to your marriage.
Knowing that you will be with him through thick and thin will surely make him feel blessed with your

6. Be kind to your husband.

When your husband makes mistakes or falls short of your expectations, do not easily get mad and be
harsh to him. Men may be a symbol of strength, but we also have a heart that will be broken when
the person we love becomes rude to us.

To make your husband happy, be considerate with him. Be his best friend who knows and
understands him the most. Be generous with him, not only with material gifts, but also with
patience, love, and understanding.

7. Forgive him.
Forgive him for breaking your heart, especially if he sincerely asks for your forgiveness and shows
that he will never repeat the same mistake again. And for petty offenses he has made, learn to just
forgive and forget them even before he asks for your forgiveness.

When you forgive your husband, you do not only make him happy but you also heal your heart and
make yourself happy. You prevent yourself from planting hatred in your heart and you keep the
relationship in harmony.
8. Don’t let pride comes into your heart.
Do not create walls that will block your husband from communicating with you when you are mad at
him. The walls you build will only make the both of you suffer and experience misery. If you want
your husband to be happy every day, always be open to him and talk to him about your complaints
and problems.

Pride is one of the top culprits why relationships fail. Do not be overcome by it. Get rid of pride by
embracing humility. Be humble to forgive, admit your own mistakes, and approach your spouse first
no matter how hurt you are. Remember that humility comforts everyone who receives it. It also
blesses everyone who gives it.

9. Be a responsible wife.
Fulfill your marital duties to your husband. Give him the affection he needs. And above all the
physical and sexual things he needs from you, give him the spiritual things he needs, such as love,
faith, loyalty, trust, and respect.

10. Be a responsible mother.

Women are naturally born to be a responsible mother to their own children. However, being a
mother is not an easy job. It’s even considered the toughest job in the world by many. Thus, make
sacrifices and invest more time and effort to take care of your children. If you want to make your
husband happy, see to it that his offspring are being raised and nurtured by the greatest mom in the
world, you.

11. Love your parents-in-law.

Avoid conflicts with his parents and siblings. No matter where they are, live in harmony and
happiness with them. Your husband will not be happy if you and his parents are always fighting. If
you love your husband, you have to accept his parents and siblings for what they are.

12. Love yourself.

Don’t just be responsible for your husband and children but also be responsible for yourself. Take
care of yourself. Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself. No matter what you do, if you cannot love
yourself, you cannot really love and make your husband happy. Therefore, love yourself as you love
your family. Don’t let yourself fall into sadness, ugliness, and sickness.

Be the first to love and produce happiness

Pain and suffering will normally come into your marriage. It is not easy to make someone happy,
especially your husband. There will be a lot of challenges. Sometimes, you will feel that he is being
unfair and he doesn’t deserve your complete love. Sometimes, you will forget about making him
happy since he’s only causing you misery. However, remember that marriage is not about how your
spouse makes you happy, but how you make him and yourself happy.

As a wife, you are responsible for your husband’s happiness. And as a soul, you are responsible for
your own happiness. Yes, your husband is responsible for making you happy, but it’s not your
responsibility to force him to make you happy.

You cannot control him to make you happy, but you can control yourself to make him and yourself
happy. Therefore, just focus on giving happiness to your husband, your children, and yourself. That’s
what true love meant to be. Love your spouse as you love yourself. Always be the first to love and
produce happiness.

If your spouse will not love you back or make you happy in return, at least you have produced
enough love and happiness for yourself and for your children.

Love truly and be an infinite fountain of joy and happiness!


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