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Content Standard: The learner is able to demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sets and

the real number system.

Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and
real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: The learner performs fundamental operations on integers.
Quarter: ___1___ Week: ___3____ Day: ___2___

I. Objectives
At the end of 60 minutes, 80% of the students are expected to:
1. perform fundamental operations on integers specifically on addition;
2. solve real-life problems involving addition of integers; and
3. appreciate the value of adding integers in real-life scenarios.

II. Content
Subject Matter: Addition of Integers
Integration: Exhibit accuracy, precision, mastery and understanding in solving
problems involving addition of integers.
Learning Area: English, Science, MAPEH
Strategies: Collaborative Approach
Materials: Laptop, chalkboard, chalk, eraser, marker, bond paper, flash cards,
color counters
Reference: Mathematics - Grade 7 Learner’s material page 17, Our World Math 7
pages 25-27

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities:
o Prayer
o Housekeeping
o Checking of Attendance
A. Elicit
 The teacher will give a review on the concept of opposites using flashcards. The
teacher will then show the words using flashcards and students are tasked to give
the opposite/antonym of each word.

above negative

right overweight

earn increase

Possible Answer:

Words Synonyms Antonyms

Above Overhead, up, aloft Below
Right Exact Left, wrong
Earn Gain Loss
Negative Bad, Good, Positive
Overweight exceed Underweight
Increase Enlarge, expand, Decrease, diminish

B. Engage
 Group Activity: Using bond papers provided by the teacher ask the students to
represent each expression by using colour counters.
Note: Black for negative and red for positive.

3° drop in temperature a depth of 7 meters

A gain of 5 kilograms 4 blocks to the left
8 km down a discount of 3%
12 steps backward an increase of ₱ 5.00 in daily allowance
6 steps downward an overweight of 2 kilograms

Possible Answer:
3° drop in temperature
A gain of 5 kilograms
8 km down
12 steps backward
6 steps downward
a depth of 7 meters
4 blocks to the left
a discount of 3%
an increase of ₱ 5.00 in daily allowance
an overweight of 2 kilograms

C. Explore
 Group Activity: The class will be divided into 5 groups. Using colour counters,
ask the students to add the following integers.
Note: Black for negative and red for positive.

1. +5 and -6 6. +7 and -6
2. +4 and -7 7. -9 and +2
3. -2 and -3 8. -3 and +7
4. +6 and -3 9. -9 and -4
5. -6 and -1 10. +2 and -6

1.) +5 and -6
2.) +4 and -7
3.) -2 and -3
4.) +6 and -3
5.) -6 and -1
6.) +7 and -6
7.) -9 and +2
8.) -3 and +7
9.) -9 and -4
10.) +2 and -6

D. Explain:
 The teacher will let the students explain their group work.
 The teacher will ask the students the rules on how to add integers based on
their work.
E. Elaborate:
 The teacher further elaborates the rules on how to add integers.
 To add integers with the same sign, add their absolute values and use the
common sign in the answer.
 To add integers with different signs, get the difference between their
absolute values and use the sign of the integer with the greater absolute
value in the answer.
Practice Activity: Find the sum of the following integers using the rules on
how to add integers.
1. 13 + 29 6. (-52) + 51
2. 43 + 17 7. 92 + (-64)
3. -8 + 18 8. 49 + (-87)
4. 14 + (-8) 9. (-91) + 61
5. (-11) + (-41) 10. (-66) + (-49)
1.) 6.)
2.) 7.)
3.) 8.)
4.) 9.)
5.) 10.)

F. Evaluate
 Solve the following problems.
1. Mrs. Bernardo owed ₱ 670.00 on her bank credit card. She charged another
item costing ₱ 1,070.00. Find the amount that Mrs. Bernardo owed the bank?
2. Mr. Pascual charged ₱ 1,938.00 worth of groceries on his charge card. Find
his balance after he made a payment of ₱ 1,120.00?
3. Japhet hiked 958 m down the Kennon Road. He climbed back up 496 m and
then rested. Find the distance from where he started hiking?
1.) ( ) ( )
2.) ( ) ( )
3.) ( )

G. Extend
1. An airplane 2 475 m above sea level drops an objects into the ocean. It settles
at a point 586 m below sea level. How far did the object fall?
2. A boy carries a load of 386 kg in his cart. He finds it too heavy, so he removes
some with a mass of 79 kg. What is the mass of the remaining load?
1.) 2475
2.) ( )

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

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