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Ho Chi Minh City

East West BRT and Greenway

Concept Workshop
4th to 8th july 2011

1 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

©Deso, Dalnoky and Lyon Town Planning Agency, 2011 for all pictures, maps, and drawings, except when

2 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

0. INTRODUCTION TO THE WORKSHOP ............................................................................................................................................... 4

1. SITE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

DENSITIES.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
EXISTING FACILITIES AND GREEN AREAS .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
HERITAGE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
LAND USE PLANS OF DISTRICTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
URBAN PROJECTS, WATER ISSUES ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
SYNTHESIS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

2. THE URBAN CONCEPT ................................................................................................................................................................... 16

THE VOCATION OF THE AREA ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16

THE GEOGRAPHICAL AND URBAN STRUCTURE OF THE AREA .................................................................................................................................. 17
LINES AND POINTS (1) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
LINES AND POINTS (2) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
A DOUBLE POLICY........................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
“THE GREEN ISLANDS VALLEY” ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
ECOLOGICAL VALUE OF THE BRT PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
THE STATIONS, THE IMAGE OF THE BRT .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

3. THE URBAN SEQUENCIES............................................................................................................................................................... 29

SEQUENCE 2, CAU NGUYEN VAN CU: “Y SHAPE BRIDGE SEQUENCE” ..................................................................................................................... 29

SEQUENCE 5: “CHOLON SEQUENCE” .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
SEQUENCE 6, LO GOM: “CRAFTSMEN’S NEIGHBORHOOD SEQUENCE” ................................................................................................................... 31

4. THE BRT SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................................... 32

TRAFFIC PATTERN IN THE CITY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 32

“BOULEVARD” STYLE AND “HIGHWAY” STYLE.................................................................................................................................................... 33
MASS TRANSIT NETWORK ............................................................................................................................................................................. 34
STATIONS AND INTERMODALITY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
CONNECTION WITH EXISTING BUS NETWORK..................................................................................................................................................... 36
BRT POSITION: BUILDING SIDE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
BRT POSITION: CANAL SIDE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
BRT POSITION: CENTRAL POSITION................................................................................................................................................................. 39
BRT POSITION SYNTHESIS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
OPEN PUBLIC SPACES TO ACCESS THE STATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 41
THE FOOTBRIDGES ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 42

5. THE URBAN AND SOCIAL POLICY ................................................................................................................................................... 44

6. THE POLICY FOR GREEN AND OTHER SOCIAL FACILITIES ................................................................................................................ 45

7. THE LAND AND BUILDING STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................................ 46

CONCLUSION OF THE WORKSHOP .................................................................................................................................................... 47




3 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

0. Introduction to the workshop
The main objective of the workshop (4-8th July 2011) was to
develop through a participatory process, an integrated urban
planning and transport concept along the Vo Van Kiet Boule-
vard. This concept would incorporate the city’splans for a fu-
ture Bus Rapid Transit system.
Scope of work (continous line), BRT line, and aerial picture of
HCMC (Google earth, 2011)

The objectives assigned to the consult- The Vo Van Kiet Boulevard, an axis city (e.g.) Tran Hung Dao, but were not
ants for the Workshop (TOR) where to develop a mass transit line. implemented.

The target is to develop preliminary con- The Vo Van Kiet Boulevard is a diame- At the beginning of 2011, the PC, sup-
cept designs and options for the proposed tral “highway” crossing Ho Chi Minh ported through the World Bank, decid-
future development of the East West City from its Eastern Part to its Western ed to launch some studies to imple-
Greenway focusing on: Part. It crosses the central districts ment a BRT on the Vo Van Kiet Boule-
(1,5, 6, and 8) of the city , as well as vard.
- optimizing pedestrian access to the newly developed district 2 (Thu
improve pedestrian capture of the A transport AND urban planning
Thiem) ont the east and Binh Tanh
proposed BRT and surrounding project.
District on the west.
areas The Vo Van Kiet Boulevard is crossing
- improving access to and increase The western part has been recently
many central districts of Ho Chi Minh
the stock of public green spaces completed, where as the tunnel cross-
City (HCMC). The development of a
- developing corridor and station ing the Saigon River and the Thu
BRT on the Boulevard should imply
area landscape plans and strate- Thiem section will be operating soon.
great transformation potential for the
gies The People’s Committee (PC) of Ho urban environment. There is a chance
- developing ‘destination’ areas in
Chi Min City is willing to develop a to take advantage of the project to im-
the corridor, concepts for ‘place-
Public Mass Transit Network to bal- prove accessibility as well as quality of
ance the current mobility pattern, life around the Boulevard.
- integrating public transit into exist-
strongly dominated by the motorbikes,
ing and planned large-scale devel- The PC, with the support of the World
opment with rapid growth in the use of automo-
Bank, is thus considering to develop an
- developing preliminary concepts biles. It thus has considered the Vo
integrated project, encompassing both
and a menu of options for station Van Kiet Boulevard as an option to be
transport and urban planning issues.
designs the support of a Mass Transit Line.
- improving linkages of between The main objectives for this approach
A first study to implement a tramway
both sides of the river is to consider as many issues as ac-
line was conducted in 2008 by ITT with
- incorporating ecological design cessibility to transport for all kind of
the consulting firms COTEBA and TE-
and transit oriented development users, landscape, heritage, public
DI SOUTH. The project is currently
principles, spaces design, improvement of links
stopped for funding purposes.
- optimizing and preserving existing between north and south bank of the
urban assets (commercial river The World Bank with MVA consultants canal, green spaces implementa-
use, cultural heritage, etc). helped in 2005 the PC to study a Bus tion…etc.
Rapid Transit (BRT) network for the
This project, named as East West
whole city. Some lines were proposed
Greenway, is a prioritary project for
on the main central boulevards of the

4 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Views from the Vo Van Kiet Boulevard
The Workshop, the «Charrette » tations by the consultants. and Rhone Alpes cooperation with starting from the end of Thu Thiem
process, and its expected outputs HCMC on urban planning since 20 tunnel towards the west. Indeed, the
The expected outputs were conceptu-
years. Patrice Berger and Gautier Thu Thiem part is not urbanized yet,
The East West Greenway project is still als and visuals tools to “feed” the prep-
at a very early stage. To prepare the Rouhet were the representatnt from and has been designed after interna-
aration stage of the project, expecially
terms of reference of the feasibility LTPA for the workshop; tional competition; the far West part is
the TOR of the BRT feasibility study.
study of the BRT, the World Bank and The two latter (Deso/Dalnoky, LTPA) peri urban; and those extreme sec-
This document is reporting the main tions have a kind of symetrical cross
the HCMC PC, with the assistance have been acting as consultants.
outputs of the workshop. It is the main sections. The central part is dissymet-
from PADDI, decided to organize a
deliverable with the final presentation rical, more complex, and thus more
specific workshop with consultants and
of the workshop. A limited scope of work challenging.
the main local stakeholders of the pro-
ject, which are: Mainly due to time constraints (the - Traffic engineering studies were not
- DTC (Department of Transports and The consultant team: PADDI, DESO whole workshop lasted 5 days, and conducted. They will have to be done
Communications) and Dalnoky, Lyon Town Planning reporting time is limited as well), it was in a feasibility study;
agency (LTPA) proposed and accepted by the different - Most of the drawings are hand made.
- DUPA (Department of Urban Plan-
stakeholders that the scope of work
ning and Architecture), especially The World Bank and the HCMC PC Concentration of time remained a de-
should exclude some items:
ARC (research center for architec- decided to assign a team to lead the manding and exciting challenge for the
ture) activities and prepare the deliverables. - The study area focuses on 9 km out outputs of the work.
This team is composed of: of the 21 of the whole Boulevard,
- UCCI East West Boulevard
- MAUR (Management Authority of - PADDI, a decentralized cooperation
center between Rhone Alpes Region Presentation during the workshop
urban Railways)
(France) and HCMC PC dedicated to
- DPI (Department of Plan and Invest- support Urban Development Man-
ment)/DoF (Department of Finance) agement through trainings, technical
- DoC (Departement of construction) assistance, and communication.
Field visit PADDI is working closely with the de-
- Anti flooding Center
partments of HCMC PC and has thus
- HIDS (HCMC Institute for Develop- been in charge of managing all the
ment Studies) activities of the workshop. Nguyen
- Districts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, Binh Tan, Hong Van, Fanny Quertamp, Jessie
Binh Chanh Joseph, and Laura Petibon repre-
sented PADDI for the workshop;
The objectives of the workshop were to
gather different point of view on the - DESO and Dalnoky: Olivier Souquet,
territory, and to cross opinions and from DESO architects, and Christine
expertise to develop an integrated ur- Dalnoky are respectively senior archi-
ban planning and transport approach tect, and senior landscape architect in
along the axis. France, with a broad experience in
Vietnam (they are the winner of Thu
The workshop, which was held be- Thiem public spaces competition pro-
tween July 4th and July 8th 2011 in ject)
HCMC, was set up as a participative
process. The schedule was divided into - Lyon Town Planning Agency is an
field visits, presentations, comments association of public sector partners
from stakeholders, collective work on working together to realize urban
specific issues, interviews, and prepa- studies and urban observation. It has
ration of the visuals and of the presen- been involved in the Greater Lyon

5 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

HCMC Master Plan for 2025 and the BRT line
Side street connected to the Boulevard

Views from the Vo Van Kiet Boulevard

6 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

7 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
1. Site analysis

Datas available for the study The construction of the Boulevard has already transformed
- Study of the tramway line along the the urban landscape. But many neighborhoods along the Vo
canal by Tedi South/MVA and other Van Kiet Boulevard and the canals are still dense and vibrant
transport studies by World Bank and areas, with traces of the lifestyle along the waterways. The po-
HCMC university tential for mass transport is high, as well as for urban plan-
- Existing bus network ning development.
- A very complete study of the urban
strip along the east-west axis by Existing situation: a dense and pop- - District 8: 366 000 inhabitants
ARC from DUPA ( Department of ulated area along the strip more among which 150 000 on the is-
than 300 inh/ha) lands
planning and architecture from HCMC)
in districts 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, Binh tanh, Binh In the north of the axis, a very densified - District of Binh Tan: 572 000 inhab-
commercial and residential area con- itants
Chanh: existing land use and on going
nected to the 2 more vibrant areas of
projects, environmental analysis, herit-
- District of Binh Chanh : 422 000
HCMC: Ben Thanh area and Cholon
age analysis and proposals for heritage area.
preservation along the strip;
The present density of population on
In the south of the axis, the very dense
both sides of the future BRT is very
district 4 and the islands of district 8,
- Global master plan of HCMC high. The common urban pattern of
one of the low income district of
HCMC leads to high densities of popu-
- Districts master plans ( districts 4, 5,6, HCMC.
8, Binh Tan, Binh chanh) Populations of the concerned districts
In some districts master plans, it is ex-
and densities:
- Result of the 2008 urban design pected to be lowed down by 10 to 20 %
- District 1: 205 000 inhabitants (265 through the processes of urban re-
competition over 900 ha of the city
per ha ) newal, but even though, it will remain
center including the western riverbanks very high (and secure a good ridership
- District 5: 190 000 inhabitants (500
of the Saigon River; master plan of dis- for the BRT, which will less depend
per ha )
trict 1 under study according to the re- upon densities than upon the potential
- District 4: 200 000 inhabitants (487 shift of some motobikers to BRT).
sult of the competition
per ha)
- Environment: except datas from the - District 6: 346 000 inhabitants (345
global master plan, no precise datas per ha)
provided on flooding, quality of the wa-
ter of the canals, sewage systems in the Map of the different districts of HCMC
districts and liquid waste systems to lim-
itate pollutions; some indications of ex-
isting on going projects on sewerage;

 Flood studies : in the master plan , the

study area appears as one of the most
floody area of HCMC

8 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

1. Site analysis Existing facilities along the Boulevard (ARC, 2011)

Existing facilities and green areas

The « ARC » study points out the big A big gap of green in the area
gap of facilities devoted to these dense
There are many streets planting along
areas and the highly advisable preser-
the banks of the islands (district 8) and
vation of ordinary heritage.
along the east–west axis (new plant-
A big gap of social facilities ing) but no green parks or sport area
on both sides of the BRT line.
The “ARC” study identifies existing
facilities but apparently, does not ex- The global map of green areas shows
actly list out the gap of types and num- a global gap of green areas in those
bers of social and educational facilities. districts, both big parks and pocket

Existing and forecasted green areas according to HCMC Master Plan (ARC, 2011)

9 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

1. Site analysis

Shophouses along the canal

The compulsory preservation of or- Views over the canal in 1955
(ARC, DUPA, 2011)
dinary heritage buildings in districts (“Saigon HCMV vu du ciel”, 2005)
1, 5 and 8
Some monuments are protected but
there are still a lot of ordinary heritage
buildings which are not protected at all
and will be soon under economic pres-
sure: “Chinese” shop houses sequenc-
es on the northern riverbank (district 1
and 5) and many warehouses along
the southern bank of the canal (district
8), which provide a specific ambiance
to the islands banks.
Indeed, this lifestyle along the canals is
typical of HCMC, with boats, activities
Samples of renovated and preserved shophouses
and storage along the banks, workers
dedicated to freight and logistics…etc. in Singapore

The protection of these heritage buid-

ings is highly advisable, both to keep
some identity of former HCMC along
the canals, and to attract tourism in this
area, which is next to Cholon.

10 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

1. Site analysis

Which kind of protection with which Warehouses along the canal (ARC, DUPA, 2011)
Some has been already done with the
highway project concerning sanitation
and cleaning of the canal, but it needs
to be pursued and enhanced with the
re development of some activities on
the canal and its banks.
The way to protect the heritage build-
ings in the process of urban renewal
has to be cleared up: transfer devel-
opment rights (TDR) policy, proposed
by ARC, or ownership by authorities for
specific public uses?
The single prohibition of destruction will
not guarantee at all the protection of
these buildings.
NB: the canal along the east-west axis
is currently not used for freight like in
the past (but the bigger southern canal
is still used for freight and for feeding
food markets around) Encroachments over the river bank, before the construction of
the Vo Van Kiet Boulevard (Charles Gallavardin, 2005)

11 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

1. Site analysis Land use plan of District 8, 4, and 6 (from
top to down, DUPA 2011)
Land use plans of districts
Information on the land use maps The land use map of district 1 is still under study to integrate
- Present population and population the proposals of the 2008 competition (Nikken Sekkei urban
scheduled in 2015 and 2020 design)
- Limits of the Phuongs The land use maps of districts 4, 5, 6, 8, Binh Tanh and Binh
- Infrastructures (existing roads, to be Chanh have been finalised.
widened, or new, new bridges, major
Fast analysis of the land use maps The land use map of district 5 is more
junctions, mass transit)
of district 4, 6 and 8: mixed use, but with more high rise build-
- Residential area to be developped or ings as far as it integrates the area of
Globally, for instance, the main land Cho lon market
renewed (indications of mini and maxi
use of the areas located both sides of
heights of buildings, high rise buildings) the canal is residential (existing or to The islands of district 8 (phuong 8 to
and list of undergoing projects be renewed) or mixed uses. 16) stay mainly residential, but to be
renewed, apparently without any high
- Mixed use area District 4: it stays mainly residential rise buildings. The height limitation
(with a lot of plots to be renewed) ex- could not be easily read.
- Industrial area
cept on the Saigon river bank devoted
- Light industry or craftsmenship area to mixed use and high rise and along We can observe some existing schools
the first 500 meters of the souhern and a lot to be built along the river
- Commerce and services area bank of the canal. banks. There are some few green areas
(mostly in the western part of the is- The former existing or still existing
- Public Facilities There are a lot of schools existing or lands), some very few sport areas. industrial or light industry areas do
scheduled to be built by 2015 or 2020. Some strips of green areas are sup-
- schools (existing or to be built ), not appear any more, but craftsmen
Wide green areas are scheduled in the posed to exist or to be developped
school for little children, primary areas and services areas can be mixed
school, collège, secondary school
southern part of the district. along the banks of the intermediate ca- in the residential areas.
- sanitary center and hospital nals and all along the southern bank of
District 6: the vocation of the area is
- sport the big southern canal. The land use maps present a lot of
mostly residential (and mixed uses)
- culture reservation for facilities (specifically
with a lot of plots devoted to high rise Concerning the protection of the old
- heritage site schools) but it has to be checked as far
buildings (some of them along the ca- warehouses along the canal between
- tourism as the arithmetic ratio system used for
- municipal nal in Phuong 1 and 3) and big com- the 2 intermediate canals, the land use this planning does not necessarily
- administration mercial areas along the canal in phu- map does not specify clearly the target means that those facilities will be built
- religious ong 7 where are located a lot of awail- of preservation and/or rehabilitation for
- army able plots (former industries). new uses. As for the green areas, we can ob-
serve that most of them are located
- Green areas (existing or to be devel- A lot of schools (existing or new) ap- Conclusion in the eastern or western part of the
opped (2015, 2020)
pear on the land use map and wide
islands (district 4 and 8), and that the
green areas are scheduled along the Those indications of the land use plans
urban concept proposed later could
- Public spaces the Rach log Gom river which connects globally fit (or do not prevent) with the
- Green spaces help balance this repartition.
to the second confluence, in the west- concept of green islands valley devel-
- Sport facilities ern part of the area. No clear indication oped later in this report. As for the ordinary heritage buildings
of preservation of heritage buidings that should be preserved for identity,
(shophouses or wharehouses) is The schedule of population of the
touristic and economic reasons, their
made. different districts by 2020 remains
preservation do not appear in those
globally the same or slightly lowed
maps (apparently).
12 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
1. Site analysis
Urban projects, water issues

On going projects Green areas

Infrastructures - Inner park in the center of district 4
- A new bridge and north south axis - Islands next to bridge Cao Cu y
(crossing the islands) west of the - Demolition of the psychiatric hospi-
Chava bridge tal to be transformed in a park
- Long term metro projects (not yet
funded): one east-west line (line 3)
and 2 north south lines (lines 4 and Facilities
5) - A major cultural center in district 5
- New footbridges
- Canals and sewerage: projects of Renewal projects
improvement of the sewerage sys-
tem and quality of water of the ca- - Many renewal projects, mostly by
nals the private sector

- Projects for limitating flood Existing land use and build-

ings (ARC, 2011)

Flood areas (ARC, JBIC, 2011)

On going drainage projects (ARC, JBIC,

13 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
1. Site analysis

- Negotiate or re- negotiate (if not too some well located (easy to clear up)
1. A much more advanced process
late) with investors some compulso- land and build up facilities on it.
of urban renewal along the north-
ern bank than the southern bank ry achievements of new social and - Modify the land use plans.
of the canal (new shop houses, green facilities in their developments
some tall buildings) projects (including TDR process),
for example the Electric company.
It still gives opportunities to protect
some heritage buildings if a policy is - Find out public budgets to clear up
deciced for this purpose!
2. The projects of green areas are
mostly located in the western and
eastern part of the canal.
It has to be developped as well as in
the western part of the canal, nota-
bly on the islands of district 8
3. A limited flexibility of public
available land to develop public
policies of new facilities for 2 rea-
a) A lot of available or potentially
available plots or land (former
warehouses, silos, slums areas
some located on both banks of the
canal??) but already devoted by
the authorities to private specific
projects mostly mixed uses;
b) Already approved land use
plans of districts (with few urban
design) or detail design studies in
the districts;
It is difficult to know if it would be easy
to modify those land use plans on spe-
cific issues such as the location of
schools, facilities, or new green areas.
According to these considerations, the
gap of facilities in this area could be
fullfilled through several conditions:

14 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

15 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
2. The urban concept
The vocation of the area
Major Waterfront of HCMC: City
center urban planning competition
(Nikken Sekkei, RTKL, 2007)

The major public spaces, metropolitan and leisure areas will

be developed around the Saigon River (Thu Thiem, city cen-
ter). The banks of the canals should remain dedicated to
mixed use and residential functions.

Today, the vocation of the area is accessibility by mass transit in the There is no compulsory need to devel-
mixed use (commercial, residential, future): Northern docks, Ba son, op tall buildings for offices along the
and some industrial and craftsmen ac- southern docks and Thu Thiem river canal. The waterfronts along the canals
tivities) with a very high density and banks. So many iconic lands along the should be devoted, as it is today, to
high diversification on both sides of the Saigon River, will easily reach the mixed use and residential for all in-
canal. needs for developing the CBD (central comes.
However, the northern bank of the ca- business district) and major public and
nal is more commercial because it is recreational spaces of HCMC.
connected with 2 major commercial The different waterfront vocation of HCMC
and mass transit hubs of the city: Ben
Thanh market area and Cholon market
The southern bank of the canal, district
4 and districts 8, the islands, is less
commercial and more residential but
still higly densified.

According to the existing situation, ac-
cording to the trends and to the geo-
graphical position in the city, the 2 ma-
jor commercial areas, Ben Thanh and
Cho lon should integrate some tall
buildings for offices.
But we suggest that the riverfront of the
canal and the islands of district 8
should remain mainly mixed use as it is
HCMC is going to open many iconic
Saigon river waterfronts (with good

16 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
The geographical and urban structure of the

The urban concept is based on the geography of the site, and

relies on a “double line”.

The new BRT line places, public facilities and public build-
The dimension of the new BRT bus ings to become a reflection of the water
transit system - 25 km long – should culture and identity of the City.
contribute to re-design the scale and We are not only looking anymore at a
territory of the city expanding center. corridor East-West but also at a pro-
The BRT Line follows the layout of the posed concept of ‘Green Islands Val-
East-West Boulevard, meeting with the ley’.
canal as a crossroad between all dif- The waterways are a unique part of
ferent means of transport: mass transit, the inherited public estate and a
cars, motobikes, bicycles, pedestrians, good reason to include green public
light boats and barges. spaces in an effort to develop a shaded
and gardened city concept in-between BRT, green and blue line
The canals line: or dividing fast growing building and
real estate development within the ar-
This crossroad within the layout of the ea.
city is very important: we have reached
a valley where the water flows through The Project is therefore structured as a
‘Double-line Concept’:
2 distinct canals running in parallel and
creating a succession of islands. - a Blue line created by the canals
We have reached the city centre where and
city tradition and identity meet as a - a Green line formed by the BRT
Canal-City, based on waterways’ cul- system running in parallel with the
ture. The City expands from its huge Boulevard and the islands.
Saigon River waterfront.
The BRT Project can become the ‘driv-
ing engine’ to a better-controlled urban
development and city improvement
with added ecological values.
The new BRT system is the opportunity
Views from the islands to put in place a strategy for a con-
trolled urban ‘environmental friendly’
development, integrating open public

Island avenue along the canal

17 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
Lines and points (1)

The BRT as a lever project A network of public, green spaces and facilities connected to
the BRT stations
The goal and target of the BRT project is
to first become an efficient public transit
system and secondly to offer the oppor-
tunity to achieve the following goals:
- To implement public spaces,
equipment and facilities as a public
network within the proximity of the
BRT stations; allowing environmental
friendly usage of the waterfronts and
ecological landscaping of the islands.
- To encourage these public spaces
to be planted for a green shaded
garden Canal-City- Islands,
- To propose a controlled urban de-
velopment on the islands to retain the
exclusive position of the valley’s
shaped islands and waterways; to re-
tain the control of the shores and wa-
terfront and to allow the population to
go on living on the islands and to car-
ry on with their current activities.
Therefore, the BRT Project can help in
developing a friendly landscape and
green environment. It shall assist in the
architectural, cultural and social devel-
opment and can underline the ambition
of the City to further develop itself in a
controlled and sustainable manner with-
out losing its primary objective as a con-
venient public transit system.

18 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
Lines and points (2)

Each BRT station (point) is the support of the development of

a green and public spaces and public facilities network.

The BRT Stations are the converg- Each BRT station should become BRT station and public space, Curitiba (Brazil)
ing and exchange points or zones for attractive, not only to get in an efficient
people commutting to various destina- mass transit system but also to get to
tions within the city. connected public spaces in a conforta-
ble way.
Each station is designed as a meet-
ing zone with public spaces from
where other buses shall be organized
towards other BRT stop over stations
and also from where pedestrians want-
ing to reach the islands are guided to-
wards pedestrian’s crossings over or
across the Boulevard and over the ca-
nal to access on the islands.

Each pedestrian bridge over the canal

shall lead to a public space: a park, a
garden or a public facility. The bridges
crossing the canal offer an overview of
the planted and shaded canal water-

Each BRT station becomes an identity

as a green public space with public
equipment and facilities forming part of
Proposal for BRT station and sur- the green valley concept with specific
roundings attractions. The BRT public space con-
stitutes the beginning of the green pub-
lic network of the ‘Islands Valley’.

Each BRT station construction could

be physically and financially connected
to a specific public action that could be
ecological, green or heritage protection
in the area. Tram station and public space, Lyon (France)

19 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
A double policy

The double line is therefore a support for a double policy

1. A policy of development of green A new urban landscape concept

areas connected to socio , educa- Given this opportunity, we can under-
tional and cultural new facilities stand how the city should use the BRT
as we could see before project as a lever for sustainable urban
and development to achieve landscaped
2. A policy for developing Ecology public areas within this fast growing
Indeed, the new BRT system offers the Eco-belt proposal (HCMC Master Plan), with the Boulevard corridor
opportunity to participate in a green
environmental concept within the city
The urban and social development
projects associated to the BRT project
are the futuristic platforms for a sus-
tainable city and add-on to the city’s
decision to proceed with the treatment
and cleaning-up of the canals and wa-
Technically, the proposed system of
green public spaces on the islands will
also act as a baffle allowing rainwater
absorption and possible waterways’
overflow during the Monsoon season
as well as contributing to the well being
of the pedestrians and the embellish-
ment of the areas.
The BRT stations are iconic and peda-
gogic with regard to renewable energy
sourcing and bioclimatology. They are
beacons that illuminate the night like
giant lanterns designating the access
to the green valley.
Green areas along the Boulevard

20 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
“The Green Islands valley”

High rise buildings built respectively on north side of northern canal and south side of
southern side of the canals, as well as limitation of height (G+4 to G+5) on the islands,
define the boundaries of the Island valley.

The islands are heavily planted with trees alongside the streets and the canal banks.
The Green Islands valley concept

Buildings and skyscrapers of various

vertical heights as well as height limita-
tion on the islands set the boundary.

To decide a limited height (G+4 to

G+5) of new building structures on the
islands would increase the view from
the existing buildings currently built and
therefore increase the commercial val-
ue of the land and estate as an appeal-
ing place to live

21 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
“The Green Islands valley”
The islands are heavily planted with trees alongside the
streets and the canal banks

Blocks of buildings are separated by

passages and streets mixing dwellings
and commercial activities. Streets and
passages are shaded by trees.
Public areas are located alongside the
At present, the islands are density built
and inhabited (280 inhabitants per hec-
tare). The height of new buildings
should be limited to G+4 to G+5.
Even though heights on the north and
south banks of the canals could be up
to G+30, it does not necessarily mean
that densities will be higher than in the eu feuguer ostisi sit iure min el utatet nullandre
islands. Height is not always synony- commy nullam dolorperit, sim zzrilisissi bla fa-
mous of high densities. cipit ullut doloreros ectem iliquam irillum
Some streets are forbidden to heavy velenibh ea feugueros eu feuguer ostisi.
traffic, or only accessible on foot and .
Along the canal’s banks and ware- 15- 22 meters

houses, cultural and sport centres

could be found as well as open mar-
kets (eg: ‘Flowers’Market’), supported
by floating platforms or boats using the

22 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Some “green ideas” to be implemented
according to economical feasibility
2. The urban concept
Ecological Power generating devices and rain Ecological value of the BRT project
water collection and treatment would be a visible
and demonstrative city’s proposal meeting with
today’s ecological and energy solutions. THE BOULEVARD
Some “green AND
ideas” could be THEinGREEN
developed connectionISLANDS
with the BRT project, depending on economical
Along the Boulevard, on the canal side where feasibility.
windy open spaces are found, wind power gener-
ating equipment could be erected. Ecological power generating devices could be visible along side the boulevard, showing the city concerns
On the outside walls of the BRT stations, facing for energy savings and water conservation.
the sun, solar panels would supply adequate natu-
ral energy source feeding LED lighting to the BRT Ecological rain water collection and water treatment system could be installed on the islands.

Each BRT Station would be shaded under tropical

vegetation and water steam makers refresh the air
ambient temperature whilst providing irrigation to
the growing vegetals planted on the vertical walls.

Rain water treatment

Rain water flows from the Boulevard to the rain

water treatment micro-system and reservoirs lo-
cated underneath the BRT Stations.

The quality and treatment of the water flowing in

the canals could be separated being apart of the
waste water treatment scheme of the city. The
water level in the canals is subject to the rise and
fall of the sea tides.

Rain water reservoirs and collecting basins locat-

ed on the shore of the islands, totally independent
from the water canals and from the water rain
drainage of the Boulevard, collect rain water off
the islands, which fresh water is then treated and
driven to reservoirs and collecting basins which
could be used as possible swimming basins, foun-
tains, water display….


The streets, the walkways and the shores of the

islands, as well as the city side of the Boulevard
could be planted with shading trees, I addition to
what already exists. Vegetation, especially foliage
trees, helps actively to clean up air pollution re-
lease by the road traffic. The safe guarding of the
existing vegetation and the plantation of new trees
within the city, shall contribute to maintain an ac-
ceptable level in the air quality, which is mandato-

Floating boats and pontoons moored alongside

the canalways could provide an ideal plateform for
growing gardens and organising open flower mar- 23 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
2. The urban concept
The Stations, the image of the BRT

The BRT Stations are iconic and become identity landmarks

of the Boulevard. Unique in their design, the BRT stations
evoke a water palm tree and on their vertical slops, grow trop-
ical vegetation providing shading and shelter to the public.

By night, they are the lighted landmark of the Boulevard.

BRT Stations

Each structure of the BRT Stations is

light like a filter; they provide shading
and shelter to the users waiting for
transit. Steel and bamboo supports
provide a grid on which plants are ver-
tically grown.
Power and lighting shall be provided by
solar and wind generating technology,
minimizing the usage of traditional
power generation.

24 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
The Stations, the image of the BRT

The BRT Stations are iconic and become identity landmarks

of the Boulevard. Unique in their design, the BRT stations
evoke a water palm tree and on their vertical slops, grow trop-
ical vegetation providing shading and shelter to the public.

By night, they are the lighted landmark of the Boulevard.

BRT Stations

Each structure of the BRT Stations is

light like a filter; they provide shading
and shelter to the users waiting for
transit. Steel and bamboo supports
provide a grid on which plants are ver-
tically grown.
Power and lighting shall be provided by
solar and wind generating technology,
minimizing the usage of traditional
power generation.

25 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

2. The urban concept
The Stations, the image of the BRT

The BRT Stations are iconic and become identity landmarks

of the Boulevard. Unique in their design, the BRT stations
evoke a water palm tree and on their vertical slops, grow trop-
ical vegetation providing shading and shelter to the public.

By night, they are the lighted landmark of the Boulevard.

«Iconic » station

BRT Stations

Each structure of the BRT Stations is

light like a filter; they provide shading
and shelter to the users waiting for «Usual» station
transit. Steel and bamboo supports
provide a grid on which plants are ver-
tically grown.
Power and lighting shall be provided by
solar and wind generating technology,
minimizing the usage of traditional
power generation.

26 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

27 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
3. The urban sequencies

One can identify six different urban and lanscape sequencies

with different assets for development … knowing that five of
them are connected to the islands valley concept:

Five sequencies (all the central and 1) Loi Trung Tam (district 1 and 4) 2) Cau Nguyen Van Cu (district 1 , 5 3) Ben vien nhiet doi (district 5 and 8) center under study
- A very vibrant mixed uses area, and 8) - A specific landscape area due to
western ones) are concerned by the a nice curve of the canal: parks
a part of the city center (banks, - Confluence area which requires 5) Cholon (district 5 and 8)
Islands valley concept. and green areas could be devel-
commerce, residential, tourism, to enhance the natural geogra- - A very vibrant commercial ar-
heritage) next to Ben Tanh ar- phy and green (including the opped. ea, incuding present and fu-
The “islands valley area” is a very spe-
ea; new project of the electric com- ture hubs (regional bus sta-
cific residential area (with local ser- 4) Trung tam van hoa (district 5 and 8)
- Some existing and new projects pany which owns 6 ha of awail- tion, metro stations in the long
vices and shops) which is dense even - An opportunity of a urban project
for tall buidings; able land on the northern bank) term);
if it is totally composed of low buildings. with public facilities ( green ,new
- A major station of the BRT sys- - A major station of the BRT
It is located between the 2 canals and open public spaces) in the frame
tem; system
occupied by middle and low income of the big project of a new cultural
6) Lo Gom (district 6 and 8)
It is characterised by a gap of green - A long residential area charac-
areas and facilities. terised by the importance of
This is a very specific area for identity the waterways in the
of the urban and natural geography of lanscape: 2 canals, perpen-
HCMC dicular canals and a conflu-
ence on the western part
Many warehouses along the bank
- A wide awailable area could
should be preserved through a new
be used as a park which could
be under water for managing
This position and context gives oppor- flood if necessary, or could be
tunity for a whole urban and social pro- used as a relocation site for
ject for 150 000 low and middle income resettled people in the area;
inhabitants. This project could improve - The future construction of the
the quality of life, notably by new facili- new bridge gives opportunity
ties, better accessiblity and by keeping of a whole project with public
the ambiance of some very specific facilities, new open public
cool places along the southern bank of spaces to get to BRT stations
the canal with heritage buildings and
street planting.

28 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

3. The urban sequencies
Sequence 2, Cau Nguyen Van Cu: “Y shape bridge sequence”

This central area of the Boulevard is located at the conflu-

ence of 2 canals which allows an open panoramic view of
the opposite sides.

Green public areas and parks are proposed at the extremi-

ty of those islands to landmark the end of each island.

Y Shape Bridge Sequence

The existing geographical shape of the

canals offers a unique combination in
the landscape of the Boulevard.
The north end point of the island where
is the ‘Y shape Bridge’ offers an easy
access to and from the city to a large
public space. It can be designed as a
public sporting area also accessible
from the canal.
On the eastside of the Boulevard,
large open spaces surround the BRT
stations, alongside the bridges and in
proximity of open markets.

29 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

3. The urban sequencies
Sequence 5: “Cholon Sequence”

The BRT station gives an opportunity to create public areas

connecting one to another with footbridges across the canals.

Those public areas on the islands are connecting to a net-

work of streets and walkways mixing activities and commer-
cial venues.
Sequence Cholon

Boulevard side:
Public squares are located around the
BRT stations and the footbridges lead-
ing to the islands

Canal and island side:

The banks alongside the waterways
between the main canals are the main
centre of public areas.
The streets and walkways of the is-
lands including public squares are
planted with foliage trees creating natu-
ral shades.
The apartment buildings are at a max-
imum height of G+4 to G+5
Along the waterways on the islands’
side facing the Boulevard, the banks
and old warehouses could be convert-
ed into cultural and social facilities.

30 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

3. The urban sequencies
Sequence 6, Lo Gom: “Craftsmen’s neighborhood sequence”

The Boulevard leads to a bridge over the canals. This area al-
lows an open panoramic view while the Boulevard crosses
the waterways. The ‘craftsmen’s neighborhood’ promotes
tourism activities around ceramic and the natural site located
nearby could be used for management of rainwater in the
event of flooding.

Craftsmens’ neighborhood se-


At this crossing of various waterways,

the landscape suddenly contrasts be-
tween the built up area and the natural
The BRT stations are in close proximity
with the footbridges and commercial
This is to become ‘The Gateway to the
City Centre’ and we propose to devel-
op a project of vertical island as an
architectural landmark.

The current cratfsmen’s ceramic area

is located next to a nature site which is
to be kept for ecological balance

31 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
Traffic pattern in the city
The future function of the Vo Van Kiet Boulevard in the traffic
pattern of the city is an important issue that will have impact
on its traffic load, design, and on its urban « ambiance ».

Mobility in HCMC relies on motor- What will be the function of the Vo sure tourism …etc? Ridership for BRT is also to be stud-
Asian cities “common pat-
bikes, with more and more cars Van Kiet Boulevard in the city pat- ied in a feasibility study
tern” for diametral road and The options will have to be discussed
ring road Today, mobility in Ho Chi Minh City is with specific traffic data in a feasibility Density of population and activities
strongly dominated by motorbikes, The main questions concerning traffic study. around the corridor is already high
which represented 78 % of daily trips in and the function of the Vo Van Kiet enough. The potential ridership will
2007 (MVA, 2008). Public transport Boulevard linked with the BRT and mostly depends on the efficacity of the
only accounts for approximately 5 % of urban planning project are the follow- system (speed, comfort, regularity…),
the trips, where as bicycles, cars, taxis, ing: the capacity to promote the shift from
and walking are the other modes of - What kind of pattern for Ho Chi Minh motorbikes to public transport, and on
transport. Car ownership is increasing City road system? More like some the affordability of the BRT for low and
European and Western “common
at a rapid pace of 20 % per year, and Asian cities (Bangkok, Hong Kong, middle income users.
pattern” for diametral boulevard
and ring roads
more than 200 000 cars were already Shanghai…etc.) with highways (ele- HCMC road pattern, Vo Van Kiet Boulevard, and BRT route
owned by private persons in 2007. vated or not) inside the cities centers
and ringroads, or more like in many RING ROAD
The authorities’ main answer to eco-
nomic development and the implied European cities with diametral roads
increase in mobility demand is to de- being non-continuous highways,
velop road infrastructure and a mass linked to ring roads?
transit network to increase modal share - As a consequence, what kind of traffic
of public transport. is allowed to go through the Boule-
By 2025, according to the master plan, vard: trucks, freight, cars, motorcy-
many new roads are forecasted, espe- cle?
cially ring roads and new highways. - What will be the ambiance and thus
Speed and flow pattern (CERTU, 2006) The East West Highway (Vo Van Kiet the speed on the Boulevard? More
Boulevard) is the only “highway style” highway with higher speed? More
SPEED (km/hour) Boulevard with lower speed, traffic
road currently crossing the city in its
core, where as an existing ring road lights, and pedestrian crossings?
already support most of freight and Whatspeed do we want on the boule-
transit of the city’s traffic. Traffic along vard compared to the Ring Road.
the Boulevard is not yet at its most be- The graphic on the left shows that
FLOW even low average speed of 30km/h RING ROAD
cause the Thu Thiem tunnel and the
(vehi- High Way towards Dong Nai are not can accommodate 80 to 90 % of the
cles/hour yet connected to it. maximum capacity of a road.
) (km/h) - How to maximise the links between
the city and the Boulevard, which
goes close to the main historical and
future centers of th city (Cho Lon, Dis-
trict 1…)? How to mix transportation
function with other uses such as
commercial, residential, offices, lei-

32 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
“Boulevard” style and “highway” style

The main differences between the 2 different options could be

sum up as below:

Boulevard Style

- Major support of urban life of a dis-

- Slower traffic (regular traffic lights
and at grade pedestrian walkways)
- At grade connections with perpen-
dicular streets
- Vibrant urban life along façades of
commerce and activities with street
parking and confortable sidewalks

Avinguda Diagonal, Barcelona, Spain (Google Earth, 2011) Boulevard Charles de Gaulle, Lyon, France

Highway style

- Single road non connected with the

urban life of districts around
- Faster traffic: no traffic lights; no at
grade pedestrian walkways
- No at grade connections with per-
pendicular roads
- No parking, no commerce and no
vibrant urban life on both sides

NB: the present east-west axis of HCMC

was designed as an expressway but 12
traffic lights and pedestrian walkways
have been located for a better use of the
road by the districts around.
Urban highway, Shanghai, China Waterloo road, Hong Kong, China

33 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
Mass Transit network

Mass Transit network forecasted

for 2025, with BRT line

BRT connection and consistency

with mass transit network
The HCMC’s PC gave a clear mandate
to MAUR (HCMC metro authority) to
develop a mass transit network com-
posed of MRT and LRT line, and to be
developed in the long term (2025 and

M1 As already indicated, a tram was stud-

ied on the Vo Van Kiet Boulevard. It
should be now replaced by a BRT,
which route connects to at least lines 2,
4, and 5 of the MRT. More potential
connections could be studied such as
with line 1 in Ben Thanh.
Currently, it seems that MRT lines 1
and 2 are the most prioritaries projects
under development.

34 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
Stations and intermodality
BRT could operate on an open mode. 2 kinds of station ac-
cording to connections with other modes of transport could
be designed. Some motorbikes park and ride (P+R) could be
arranged under the bridges close to the stations as it is some-
times the case today.

P+R for motorbikes under the BRT corridor as an « open » system needs of the BRT (and thus need for crosses the bridges), and sometimes and ride for motorbikes) facilities could
bridges, sometimes already existing passing lanes at stations), traffic lights, MRT. be arranged according to those 2
The BRT line is proposed (shared
agreement between the consultants, pedestrian crossings, utilities con- - “B” type, close to footbridges, types.
the World Bank, and the Vietnamese straints, architectural design… which gives access to pedestrians
stakeholders) to be an « open » sys- There are 2 functional kinds of stations: and motorbikes
tem, meaning that some buses will be - “A” type, close to bridges, which Architecture of the stations, opening of
allowed to enter and exit the corridor. gives access to pedestrian, motor- public spaces, link with public equip-
This option seems to be the most bikes, buses (as many bus lines ments and green spaces, P+R (park
promising in terms of ridership. Indeed,
3 enter and exit points could be organ-
ised for those buses: one to Ben
Thanh, one to Cho Lon bus terminal,
and one to Mien Tay bus terminal.This
should maximize the ridership of the
BRT, because the 3 stations men-
tioned are major hubs of transportation
with buses, and will all be connected
with MRT in the (near or long) future.
The main issue for the feasibility study
will be the management of the traffic
congestion between these 3 hubs and
the BRT corridor, and of some critical
points such as the crossing between
Calmette Bridge and the exit from Thu
Thiem tunnel.

2 kinds of stations
The stations were proposed to be lo-
cated close to (existing or future) foot-
bridges and bridges to allow a better
access for pedestrians.
Each station is distant from another of
a range between 400 and 1000 meters.
Of course, this proposal of station loca-
tion should be confronted to a precise
study of street configuration, capacity
35 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
4. The BRT System
Connection with existing bus network

The BRT will be connected to the existing bus network at eve-

ry bridge over the Kinh Tau Hu and the Rach Ben Nghe (the
canal). Indeed, as stations will be located close to the bridges,
it will be an objective to arrange bus stops to facilitate connec-
tions between normal buses and BRT.
Current bus network,
BRT line and stations

36 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
BRT position: building side

3 options are to be considered for the position of the BRT. Existing and projected right of way for the « building side position » option
Herebelow are summarized the advantages and drawbacks of
a location on the building alignment side, between the 2 mo-
torbikes lanes and the private vehicles lanes.


- Link with activities (shops,

baseground floors) of northern

- Priority to Northern shore

- New operational constraints

for private vehicles: right turns
and left turns

- Leave space for «expressway

style » road

- Demolition of central kerb

- Implementation costs (demoli-

tion of kerb and of some mo-
torcycle lanes)

37 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
BRT position: Canal side
3 options are to be considered for the position of the BRT. Existing and projected right of way for the « canal side » position
Herebelow are summarized the advantages and drawbacks of
a location on the “canal” side of the road. The consultants
considered this option with the conditions of the previous
tram study, meaning the BRT operating as a closed system,

- No interference at all with oth-
er private vehicles traffic

- Leaves space for «express-
way style » road (footbridges)

- Available right of way for BRT

is an issue: presence of ob-
stacles such as ramps, road
bridges, electric transformers
-> widening of right of way (2
to 5 m) over the canal is

- Higher costs (widening over

the canal on some areas)

- Slight priority for southern

bank passengers

38 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
BRT position: Central position
3 options are to be considered for the position of the BRT. Existing and projected right of way for the central position
Herebelow are summarized the advantages and drawbacks of
a location on the center of the road.

- Right balance between
Northern and southern pas-

- 6 more traffic lights (12 al-

ready existing) to have pe-
destrian crossings at each
station, allow « boulevard
style » (different road mate-
rials on BRT right of way)

- Low construction cost (no

demolition of central kerb)

- Leave spaces for pedestri-

ans along the canal, in front
of the « valley side »

- Operational constraints for
private vehicles :left turns on
West-East direction (as to-

- Some punctual demolition of

kerb and street re-planting
for stations?

39 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
BRT position synthesis

The following matrix summarizes the advantages and draw-

backs of each solution. These will have to be studied during
feasibility study to properly decide whether the BRT should be
located along the canal, or in the middle of the road, as the
building side was dismissed at an early stage of discussions.
The consultants’ arguments give advantage to the central po-
No solution has fully convinced the
stakeholders, except that the building
side is no longer a relevant one.
And, of the canal or central one, there
can be pedestrian crossings or foot-
bridges in both cases. We considered
in our analysis that the canal side solu-
tion was as it was studied in the former
tramway feasibility study, e.g. with
closed operating system, highway style
of road, and footbridges.
Out of all the criterias mentioned in
the matrix, traffic management,
costs, and potential to use the canal
banks for public spaces will be the
most important for final decision during
the feasibility study. Each crossroad
and station wil indee be a different

40 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
Open public spaces to access the stations

Each BRT station must ease the (pedestrian) connection to its

surrounding environment and to the social and green facilities
linked with the urban concept proposed. Public spaces allow-
ing easy travel for pedestrians must then be implemented
close to the BRT stations.

Proposals for new open public spaces

Existing difficult accesses to the Boulevard and future stations

from perpendicular streets along the ramps of the bridges

41 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

4. The BRT System
The Footbridges
The footbridges will have a visual impact on the views of the “B” option for footbridges


2 options should be considered.

A. High, heavy built, wide span footbridges crossing the

canal and the Boulevard.
B. Low and light span footbridges connecting to walkways
crossing the Boulevard and possibly requiring set of
The use of footbridges by pedestrians to traffic lights, slowing down the road traffic.
link northern and southern riverbanks is
currently very low.

Large span footbridges across the canal

and Boulevard would encourage high-
speed expressways versus slow speed
urban city Boulevard.

Large span footbridges are often difficult to

build in restricted area due to the lack of
ground surface for adequate structural
supports. Ramps and staircases require
minimum slope and lots of steps to make it
convenient to old people and youngsters.

The choice between the 2 options will

largely depend during the feasibility study
on 2 main criterias: security for pedestri-
ans, and traffic management around BRT “A” option for footbridges
stations and crossroads.
42 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
43 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
5. The urban and social policy

The BRTproject should give the opportunity to develop an ur-

ban and social project on the northern part of the district 8,
the ‘islands valley’, where 150 000 middle and low income
people live in a very specific area, where the presence of ca-
nals provides the typical former urban geography of HCMC
and gives opportunity to develop a real good quality of urban

This area is not necessarily devoted to The BRT system could involve more
tall buidings and CBD developments attractiveness for living, for services
under pressure of the demand of inves- and commerce and generate an accel- “Chinese shophouses”
tors or real estate (sometimes for eration of urban renewal and relocation opment projects typically require reset-
speculation), as already explained in of local people through private pro- tlement – so it is critical that any possi-
the report. cesses. Improving the networks and ble interventions in the study area
facilities of the existing districts will would ensure that current residents all
This exceptionnal landscaped area require public money. benefit from, and are better off as a
gives the unique opportunity for a true result of the project.
social project of development: social, These 2 targets should be clearly
educational, cultural facilities, sport and linked to the BRT project and support-
green facilities, both for people of ed at the city level because they con-
HCMC and for the local people already cern major stakes of the city such as
living on site. developing areas for public facilities for
a better quality of life in HCMC.
This urban and social project includes
2 targets: Indeed, one can observe presently in
HCMC that financial profitability is cur-
- Maintain low and middle income rently the unique priority for most of
people living there investments.
- Improve their living conditions by
upgrading of roads, networks and The development of a social mass
creation of facilities for those people transit project gives the opportunity to
but also for people living on both push in the process other major social
sides of the riverbanks projects, validated by the local authori-
ties, by the local communities and by
These 2 targets are not easy to reach the funders of the BRT project.
in the present context of urban renew-
al, achievement of the east-west axis Social concerns
and preparation of public projects for a
better accessiblity. All these projects This concept does not advocate for
Views inside the islands improve the area and increase its at- resettlement of existing communities in
tractivity and the land prices. the study area. However, urban devel- Social facilities and upgrading the existing urban pattern

44 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

6. The policy for green and other social

In harmony and coordination with the project of the BRT sys-

tem and the concept of the islands’ valley, a wide policy of
public and green facilities should be developped in this area.

There are already some projects, Which kind of uses of public and - football playgrounds, handball and - Socio-medical centers for elder
scheduled by local authorities, to de- green facilities? volley ball playgrounds, other sports people
velop facilities, such as the green are- platforms and buildings ..
This policy of public facilities could in- - Cultural centers for young people
as (inner district park in district 4 , clude: - rowing bases to develop rowing on
transformation into green of the psy- the canals .. )
- Projects of green spaces
chiatric hospital, and the new cultural Where to locate those facilities and
Connected to these green areas, the
center. - Parks for families and elder people green?
project should develop facilities both
But this policy could be emphasized in - Local green spaces. (pocket gar- for families and children and for elder As it has been said before, most of the
this area. dens). for local communities people in cool places along the water- awailable lands has been already re-
ways: served for private projects of housing,
The BRT system should improve the Many projects of sports connected to
services. Some facilities to be devel-
accessiblity to this area and the users the parks: - Playgrounds for kids
opped by the private sector could be
of these facilities could improve the - jogging along the canals , - Kindergardens and primary schools still negotiated in the process.
ridership of the BRT.
The best location for the green facilities
are situated along the canals or along
the intermediate canals which connect
the 2 canals in district 8.
Such locations could be reached:
- By clearing up some land and
relocate people on the spot in new
housing projects
- By slightly reducing the in-
termediate canals (or find some un-
used space on their banks) ,if solu-
tions could be found not to increase the
floods in this area;
- By creating floating platforms
(small for facilities and wide for play-
Green and social facilities dis-
grounds) which do not make the flood
patched along the canals and the
question becoming worse
BRT stations

45 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

7. The land and building strategy
The present context of HCMC (increase of land value, increase of construction costs of tall build-
ings, some speculative projects) requires a very strong political commitment at the City level (Peo-
ple‘s Committee) as well as at the districts level to implement the proposed concept around the BRT

Institutional conditions to implement This strong political commitment of the through the TDR (transfer of develop- from operation of shops, restau-
the strategy local authorities should be supported ment rights) system. Some extra taxes rants, or tourist facilities along
by the funders of the BRT system. (indexed on floor space) could also be the canals.
implemented for all new construction or
This political commitment should be real estate transaction around the BRT
1) A dedicated perimeter could be delim-
strong enough to elaborate some rules line.
ited (including both the riverbanks of the
islands valley and the islands valley it-
and tools to combine in order to im- The land and building height strategy
self ) plement the strategy. Indeed, many of 3. Use this money:
those tools are unusual in HCMC. - to upgrade the roads and net-
2) A public specific body could be creat- works on the islands,
ed: an urban development company The main objective would be to cap- - to develop the facilities and the
(non profitable with social targets), un- ture land value around the BRT line green areas on the islands (buy
der the authority of HCMC People’s (through taxes or means to be defined) and clear up some land with only
Committee and districts, and inside the to invest it on public or green spaces on site resettlement, build some
perimeter, could be assigned to develop and social facilities. floating platforms, build the facili-
the projects through its different as-
Here is a proposed scenario: ties)
- Financial management of the TDR
- to compensate the loss of de-
system 1. Fix a maximum height (G+4 to velopment of district 8.
- Upgrading of networks of the islands G+5) of buildings on the islands,
- Land clearance and resettelement for social and scenery reasons; this 4. Support the local communities,
on the spot limitation, without any overpassing living on the islands, to develop
- Development of green, sport, educa- right, even by negociation, should their own renewal process on
tionnal and social facilities low down pressure for construction their owned land for instance
- Support of local communities for self through the cooperative housing
of tall buidings. This limitation allows
help cooperative system to renew
to keep the present grid of roads system developed in many coun-
the housing stock of the islands with
without widening them and keep the tries (Italy, Germany, Argentina) to
the same communities
present ambiance fight consequencies of increasing
3) An agreement between districts 5 , 6 value of land and construction costs.
and 8 for the compensation system and 2. Fix a maximum height on both
development of green areas and facili- banks of the valleys (G+15) and 5. Generate some other revenue
ties in district 8 sell to investors the right to over- dedicated to public equipments
pass this limitation according to the
additionnal storeys.

NB: the sales of building rights could be

done by different ways to be analysed:
local authorities, a specific body in charge
of development, local communities, inves-
tors …

The 2 first steps can be developed

46 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Conclusion of the workshop

This workshop with many stakeholders But at the same time, we could ob- As a conclusion, this workshop is to cial, environmental and urban policy
in charge of the urban development of serve some differences of apprecia- be considered as a brainstorming emphasizing the unique water scenery
the Vo van Kiet Boulevard has provid- tion of some stakeholders about the exercise bringing all stakeholders to and way of living of this part of the city
ed a lot of shared outputs: evolution of the Vo Van Kiet Boule- the same level of knowledge of the of HCMC.
vard: situation and potentials projects.
- Shared knowledge of the past
projects targets (east-west axis “Keep it as much as possible as an But the implementation stage will prob-
and tram) highway” as it was scheduled from the ably be the most challenging stage due
- Shared knowledge of the existing beginning, that is to say a speedy di- to the improved coordination it will im-
situation and potentials of the ar- ametral axis crossing HCMC (the cur- ply between the different stakeholders.
ea (ARC study) rent way of some Asian cities like
- Shared analysis of the comparai- Shanghai, Hong Kong, or Tokyo, but Nevertheless, starting on this common
son of advantages and draw- through elevated systems and not at basis, it should be easier to define the
backs of the different location of grade) right solution to implement the BRT
the BRT: canal side location, canal system and connect to it a whole so-
location, building side location ac- or
cording the main criterias, but still “Transform it into a true Boulevard”
some different opinions about the
including at least 6 more at grade pe-
right choice?
destrian crossing (and equivalent traffic
- Shared agreement of the oppor- lights to get to the BRT stations and
tunity to take advantage of the cross the canal) bringing a slight slow
BRT project to emphasize the ge- down of the speed (at least 20%) of the
ographical and urban qualities of
trafic along the axis but not reducing
these 9 kms of riverbanks (green
that much the traffic capacity (the cur-
islands valley concept between the rent way of most european cities ..)
2 canals): this specific historic fea-
ture of HCMC (water culture identity, Some vietnamese stakeholders agreed
and rare public spaces heritage) on the central position fo the BRT, but
could disappear but still exist in this would prefer to develop renewed and
area widened footbridges overcrossing both
- Shared agreement to take ad- the Boulevard and the canal and
vantage of the BRT project to providing facilities, restaurants and
promote an ECO 2 city develop- waiting areas of stations. But empha-
ment bringing innovative solutions sizing the role of the footbridges
for environment and quality of life. strenghten the “Highway style” of living
along the axis, which is not so profita-
ble for pedestrian and city life.

47 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

48 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
Summary translation of Memo No. 2427/BCL-SQHKT-SGTVT dated August 19, 2011 of Department
of Urban Planning and Architecture (DUPA) and Department of Transport (DOT) sent to the People’s
Committee of Ho Chi Minh city regarding the Results of “East-West BRT and Greenway concept

Following the guideline on the use of ODA funding from the World Bank in fiscal years car speed up to 40km/h would be ideal for socio-economic, environmental devel-
2012-2014, for city’s projects among which is the East-West highway BRT, as stated opment and optimal land-use for the areas around the corridor.
in the official letter No. 1068/UBND-DTMT of the city’s PC dated April 15, 2011; b. Urban design concept for E-W corridor and the design for BRT: The consultants
proposed several concepts for urban design, BRT location and technical solutions
DUPA in cooperation with DoT and with the supports of PADDI and the World bank to help people living on the north and south banks of the corridor and Ben Nghe –
had organized “East-West BRT and Greenway concept workshop” from July 4 to July Tau Hu canal as well as commuters from other areas to have easy access to the
8, 2011 at DUPA office. future BRT (BRT stations, foot-bridges, over-canal bridges; location of main BRT
The workshop was attended by representatives of various departments and agencies stations to enable integration with transit hub of other public transport systems),
ideas on land fund arrangement (reserve, protection of lands) to help investment
in HCMC including DUPA, DOT, UCCI, MAUR, TEDI South, HIDS, PC of districts 5 &
6. Joining the workshop were also PADDI specialists, ECO2 cities specialist from the in green open spaces – the public spaces having a great importance in ensuring
World bank and the group of specialists from Lyon Town Planning Agency and DESO sustainable development of the areas.
The idea of preserving the waterfront identity of Ho Chi Minh is especially valuable
DUPA and DOT would like to report to the PC of HCMC on the results of the workshop and should be further explored/studied to be incorporated into the Urban design
as follows: proposal for Vo Van Kiet Boulevard.

1. Foreign specialists’ concept for urban design and BRT system along Vo Van 2. Comments from the city’s agencies
Kiet boulevard axis (formerly known as East-West highway): The group of in-  During the workshop, DUPA and DOT received many valuable ideas and contribu-
ternational consultants and specialists had worked with Architecture Research tions from various agencies, departments and consultant firms of the city. Ideas
Center (ARC) to collect data, maps on natural conditions, technical infrastruc- focused on urban design experience, road transport solution and public transport
ture, socio-economic conditions, current architectural status of the city, urban (Tramway design by TEDI South), policy arrangement and solution to mobilize dif-
master planning, detailed urban planning, etc. Together with DUPA and DOT ferent resources to invest in feasible and sustainable development of the corridor.
specialist, the consultants also had a site visit to the boulevard. Technical dis- All the ideas and contributions are well recorded by the consultants and further in-
cussions were held from July 5-7, 2011 to seek solution ideas for 2 main top- depth discussions helped stakeholders to find suitable proposals.
ics:  Study and discussion content is comprehensive from city-wide perspective cover-
a. From transport perspective, E-W highway is an integral part of the city’s ing issues like urban design, technical infrastructure, the need for close collabora-
main transport system, and as such need s to have a public transport tion between government agencies (regulators) and the district PCs, scientists,
link to go along the corridor: There has been a common agreement be- developers, communities, and especially the strong and consistent guideline of the
tween stakeholders about the need to indentify the transport nature of city government. Recommendations on supporting policies to help the city getting
the corridor because of its great impacts on the overall development of the consensus in feasibility study phase.
the area. The initial design of the corridor was of a highway connecting
 The results of this urban design and transport planning TA workshop, the issues
the city’s East with West and accommodating car speed of 80km/h, but
discussed during the workshop are highly relevant for the city and are worth further
the current actual car speed at present is only 50-60 km/h. Looking at
study by the city agencies, consultants to help city and district authorities to make
the corridor as an integral part of the city comprehensive transport net-
decision and organize implementation.
work and in consideration of the urban planning of the whole area , it
was agreed that the E-W corridor as an inner-city boulevard allowing

49 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop


To achieve a feasible urban design planning for the E-W corridor (BRT system
included), the followings should be considered:

 Design concept proposed by the international consultant are opening ideas

to help local design firms to work further on issues like spatial planning,
construction height limit for north and south banks of the E-W corridor.
Green spaces, open public spaces are important basis for sustainable de-
velopment of the areas and living standard improvement.
 Technical solution for BRT shall be studied in relationship with other modes
of transport, as well as EIA and investment funding.
 Financial exchange arrangements (responsibility-benefit) for inner- district
and intra-district land-use are necessary to help the city to secure funding
and effectively use the land reserves.
 Program to develop social, affordable houses/accommodation for local
people (people living along the corridor).
 Setting up a special agency in charge of the corridor urban development

The memo is co-signed by Mr. Duong Hong Thanh, Vice Director of DOT and
Mr. Ho Quang Toan, Vice Director of DUPA

50 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Minutes of the presentations and of the dialogues with stakeholders

Written by PADDI

51 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Background Objectives of the mission: Urban designs preliminary concepts
Project framework: Context and background of public transport projects on the East-West boulevard It’s about elaborating preliminary concepts on the East-West boulevard urban composition by proposing
various options. These concepts are aimed at promoting a new image of the project, making it as consen-
At the beginning, ITT, a Vietnamese group (Thanh Danh Titanium Group: mainly banks and property de- sual as possible in order to facilitate its future implementation. Those concepts should be able
velopers) and a French company TRANSHLOR had conducted a study on a tram line. TRANSHLOR wishes to  to optimize pedestrians’ accessiblity to ensure that BRT can collect pedestrians from the surrouding
build tram on this line. An agreement has been signed between this company and ITT group in April 2008 areas.
and a feasibility study, funded by ITT has been entrusted to COTEBA company. The study was finalised late  to increase the availability of public greeneries and their access
2008. However, the project has not been implemented due to fundings shortage (but it appears that it is  to implement landscaping plans and strategies for the corridor and stations
not officially cancelled).  to develop « destination » zones of the corridor and concepts of « spaces production »
 to integrate public transit in the development of existing zone and large scale-planned zone
Together with MRT projects, the World Bank has funded a feasibility study (commissioned to MVA) in  to develop preliminary concepts et options of stations design
2005 to identify which corridors should be equiped with a BRT-type bus line. If no studied project has been  to improve links to and from canal
carried out so far, it has become ever relevant In fact, amid increasing congestion and while waiting for  to integrate ecological design and transit oriented development principles
MRT projects to be implemented (which, in the best case will only begin in 2014), the BRT projects shall  To optimize and preserve existing urban keys (canal, heritage, etc)
help bring about a first solution while improving the capacity and quality of ground public transport offer.
Institutional stakeholders
However, this type of project is impeded by inadequate public roads, which are often too narrow to ac-  DTC (Department of Transport)
commodate a bus lane, insufficient un number and which already have very busy traffic. In this situation,  MAUR (Management Authorities for Urban Railways) => subway, tram
the questionable tram project is an opportunity for the city to build a first BRT line.  DUPA (Department of Urban Planning and Architecture), ARC (Centre of architecture research)
 UCCI : East West Boulevard PMU
Officially, following a meeting on February 22, 2011, the People’s Committee has allowed DTC to conduct  DPI (Department of Planning and Investment), DOF (Department of Finance)
studies and to build a BRT line on the East-West boulevard as soon as possible.  DOC (Department of Construction)
That BRT project with its feasibility study being funded from local source (the PC has assigned Teddi South  Centre for flood control
to implement: TOR being drafted) would be financed by the World Bank (project registered in the list of  HIDS (HCMC Institute for Development Studies)
MPI/WB projects: official letter dated April 15, 2011) which should be implemented over a period of 3  Districts 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 2, Binh Tan, Binh Chanh

Related areas: East-West Boulevard

2 sections:
 14 km in the existing urban area, districts 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, Binh Tan, Binh Chanh
 8 km Thu Thiem, district 2

East-West Greenway Project: Transport-Urban planning integrated approach

Regarding the transport project (BRT) and the objective of improving traffic in HCMC, transformation and
arrangement of the East-West Boulevard is a major potential for urban and economic development. It’s a
project that HCMC authority wishes to promote. Landscaping of canals banks with trees planting and
green space as well as improvement of water quality are projects carried out by the DTC (green space and
cleaning up). Improving built environment, environmental quality, architectural heritage and the search
for an optimal multi-modal system require an integrated urban planning. More precisely, it requires to
plan the surrounding areas for pedestrians and non-motorised means of transport
- to take into account the places identity from history and tradition of these spaces
- to prioritise a landscaping approach of arteries, bridge (footbridge), parcs and greeneries
- and finally to facilitate densities and usages diversity

52 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Workshop report Integration of transport and urban design is the key
« Transfer development rights »:
Spatial analysis of the existing based on SIG: new residential quarters, high-rise residential complex, her-
Monday 4: Kick-off Meeting itage to be preserved, public and industrial buildings, religious shrines, warehouses

8:30 Tram-related work help emerge:

Opening speech  Service by station and large equipment projects. Help facilitate decision in favour of change to
Ho Quang Toan, Deputy Director of Department of Urban planning and Architecture adopt BRT system
 Three proposals already suggested by Spanish consultants: along the canal, aerial in the centre of
8:40 - 8:50 the corridor, built side
Introduction and Objectives Built side proposal: best access and best security to users but more expensive and more difficult in terms
Andre Bald (World Bank), Fanny Quertamp (PADDI) of construction
Fanny Quertamp: This working week is aimed at addressing institutional (technical departments, institu-  An analysis of transport networks: waterway, road, junctions, bridge, footbridge in order to con-
tions) and geographical issues (coordination between city and districts (among them). Technical solutions nect the corridor to other city transport networks
could be skipped as institutional relations and urban governance relations are often major impeding fac-  A limited access of footbridge and bridge, themselves are seldomly connected to the corridor,
tors. One of the mission’s objectives is to create understanding and favourable conditions for the project which is a challenge to draw the network
formulation and implementation.  Studies on cultural and heritage apsects, SWOT analysis
 Attention to mixed use areas and study of their integration in the network
André Bald: There is real need for institutional coordination at every level and for conceptual work on ur-  1/5000 scale detail maps have been already approved for these sectors and used for the corridor
ban issues, mainly with regard to transport. As the DTC has decided to work on the East-West boulevard, it work. The key issue is to integrate urban design in the district detailed plans, which had already
appears essential for us to work with DUPA to optimize the project. Technical solution (physical installa- been done
tion of BRT line) is not a problem. The challenge is to ensure that BRT can work, that it is used and con-
nected to other transport networks while treasuring heritage and public spaces. Strenghts: diversity of crossed areas, large public areas which can be attractive, major transport artery,
The objective of this week is to study the function and the link between this BRT line and the environment strong political will.
where it is introduced. Weaknesses: plans already approved at district level, integration taking place after inter-modal connec-
8:50 - 10:00 tions and urban issues, no good connections between the water front and hinterland, urban gaps
Overview of East West Greenway Project Area Opportunities: Major investment potential to become a city showcase (new development area of new
8:50 – 9:20: Urban Planning and Urban design, tech), to develop a major open area, to develop cultural and tourism aspects.
Nguyen Anh Tuan (ARC-DUPA) Threats: design considered after road construction, institutional fragmentation.
The East-West link is the transport network backbone that connects several districts to the city centre and
Thu Thiem by the tunnel. The artery crosses districts 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 and Binh Tan, then the Trung Luong The project is to be approved by the government
9:40- 10:00: Green spaces (DTC)
Objectives of the study: Boulevard on-going trees planting project features
- to link BRT with existing transport network  Areas difficult to be designed due to narrow pavement at places.
- to work on landscaping quality  Planting of trees typical of South-East Asia region, towards Cat Lai sector, choice of species related to
- to integrate space and land sustainable use the Eastern part of VN
- to improve urban space surrounding the corridor  Choice of diversity along the artery : Green grass all along the water front
Method:  120 trees planted after Thu Thiem tunnel, 3,200 trees planted since the launch of replanning work of
- diagnostic, the artery.
- « best practices », Expectations: Study on the water front, urban design concept linked to the BRT corridor, best practices, …
- consultation with national and international experts Goal: To add the most of green space, better management….
- proposal of urban management
10:10-10:30: Brief presentation on Urban “Catalyst” Projects/Eco2
Combination of several methods Hiroaki Suzuki, Lead Urban Specialist, Word Bank
« 3D »: Summary
- density: existence of a dense urban tissue,  WB’s initiative to help growing metropolises to address relations between various components
- diversity: taking into account of several centres and a considerable diversity, which are: economy, environment, integration with means of transport, urban forms and social
- design: good integration of transports and conservation of heritage. equity. That requires a very good governance of strong leaders as background
53 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
 Integrated approach emphasizing on the importance of: Objectives of the project
o Governance and and leadership. 1. To develop a well connected and highly accessible mass transit line
 consensus surrounding the project which involves all the stakeholders: consensus, shared approach 2. BRT project as a lever effect for an urban renewal project
for efficient, clear and quick decision making. 3. Landscaping as support for environmental improvements
- Inputs
10:30-10:50: Brief Presentation on benefits of Concept Planning and Charrette process Data analysis
Ryoko Iizuka, World Bank « Charrette » system
Summary PC HCMC: DTC, DUPA = data use, work based on existing elements
Charrette: common work, collaboration, cooperation - Process
A collaborative design and planning workshop, inclusive of all stakeholders at critical decision making points, Global approach
to produce a feasible plan Sequences
It is one phase of dynamic planning process that requires extensive preparation and follow-up Themes
Summary of Charrette Benefits Zoom
- Best solution reflecting ideas, needs and feasibility from all perspectives Very limited scenarios (short time)
- Suitable for complicated urban issues Deliverables
- Achievable plan 2 Delivering meetings:
- Help reduce costly rework - Wednesday, 6th: first DRAFTS, first comments
- People engaged will support the outcome (smoother implementation) - Friday , 8th: second DRAFTS presentation
What’s relevant to this Workshop? 10th August: sending of FINAL conceptual drawings and report (soft and hard copies)
- Value of Participation: Get ideas and comments from all the participants to come up with a best solu- Report
tion Landscape format A3 report
- Feasible plan: Consider feasibility from various angles and make it as feasible as possible BREAKDOWN
1. Objectives, datas, methodology (charrette)
Presentation by Mr Victor Vergara 2. Global concept: landscape, urban design, heights, renewal, heritage, environment/ WIDE MAP
Example of Seoul (Cheong Gye Cheon highway and boulevard project). The lesson of Seoul: future is not to 3. BRT concept: connection to mass transit system, open public spaces, major transit stations and hubs
be compromised even in strong economic growth periods, it is very difficult and costly to go back to the (pedestrian, motorbikes (P+R?), focus on North South Links across the river/WIDE MAP
original strengths of a given site 4. Development of different sequences, focus on iconic places, key areas / CROSS SECTIONS, HAND
10:50-11:00: BRT Corridor Planning, Global Best Practice Some ambiance sketches and guidelines for stations, (if time)
Gordon Neilson, Consultant for World Bank Scope of work: facts
Summary  Focus on the 15 km west of Saigon river
Key Issues of BRT  No work on traffic congestion issues: mass transit, BRT engineering, and cars
- Capacity Required – passengers /hour/ direction  Hand made maps for Friday 8th deliverables
- Need for Overtaking at Stations Scope of work: questions
- Open or Closed System  Which use of this work for TOR and project?
- Central or Lateral Stations  Is BRT location between E W Highway and river bank totally fixed on the right of way? Why this loca-
- Ticketing System tion?
- Safe Pedestrian Access to Stations  Which use of the canal (river bank park, public spaces, local freights, events, leisure, restaurants on
- Coordination with Existing Bus Network boats…)? Which water treatment and flooding control?
- Positive impact on the city  Which priority for schedule of this week?: Charrette dialogue with partners or production of maps
and drawings? Charrette system limited on Monday and Wednesday?
11:00-12:00: Presentation by PADDI’s Experts of Objectives and Approach
Patrice Berger, Gautier Rouhet (agence d’urbanisme pour le développement de l’agglomération lyonnaise  More drawing or more talking?
Lyon Town Planning Agency), Olivier Souquet (DESO), Christine Dalnoky
Summary Answer by Mr. Toan, vice-director of DUPA:
Presentation by the team of Olivier Souquet architect and Chrisitine Dalnoky, landscape architect Dupa and ARC work on urban design and DTC on BRT
Presentation by Lyon Town planning agency, Gautier Rouhet and Patrice Berger => 80 pers – 15 work with We wish to join two approaches. We would like to discuss while exchanging on the subject, and in the mean
cities worldwide time to design
54 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
Answer by Mr. Bald, the World Bank
It is needed to idenfity a balance between dialogue and drawing, while prefering flexibility. Need to be flexi- DTC representative
ble, we shouldn’t expect extremely precise responses but above all exchanges and share of view points. Thu Thiem tunnel management: motorbikes are allowed from 5am to 9pm and will have to pay toll. Trucks
are allowed from 9pm to 5am (general policy of traffic regulation on trucks traffic within the city).
Tuesday 5: discussion on central questions
OBSERVATION/ASSESSMENT: If highway is retained, footbriges will provide access to BRT. If East-West
Key questions asked artery is to be transformed into a urban boulevard, surface crossing will be used for the pedestrian cross-
- Location of BRT: 3 options: Central, canal side, built side? ing. There is a major difference in terms of cost and access by BRT users. Looking at the artery reality, it
- What type of city, of urban form ? would be easier to put BRT in the middle of the road so that other planning already achieved is not demol-
- Transport artery in which form: highway, urban boulevard ? ished, (which raises the question of access by footbridge or surface crossing)
Planning of highway is in harmony with a motorbike based transport network but if part of the traffic is
with public transport, efficient pedestrian traffic networks will be needed.
Questions on the nature of the road: this choice is key for urban quality and impacts on the integration of
Mr.Thanh (UCCI): The East-West corridor has potential to become a tourism artery. Too many footbridge
BRT and related clearance
would do harm to the setting.
1) Highway: high speed, minimum of traffic red lights, pedestrian footbridges. This is the solution for Thu
Thiem sequence
Olivier Souquet: It is a nice space as the view is not blocked and helps see the skyline of Saigon. It is im-
2°) Boulevard: traffic, pedestians’ access, traffic lights, etc
portant not to « pollute » with too many bridge and footbridges.
The vocabulary (wording) is different among corridor/boulevard/highway: we need to agree on and to use
the same term
M. Nguyễn Tiến Dũng (ARC Director):
 What is the regulation level of footbridge height for boats to pass ? The vertical clearance could be
The sections crossing central districts correspond to a boulevard. Many intersections exit (43 intersections
modified and transform the atmosphere, if there are for instance bridges from 1 to 2 metres
and 12 traffic lights)
 Height/aesthetic question of bridges. Currently, they’re too high, to my opinion, it would be more
relevant to prefer lower bridges, or « Chinese bridge » type
Mr.Thanh (HIDS): Raise a question on the advantages of highway and appears in favour of the boulevard
The issue of bridge and footbridge height is key
Shortage of a lot of infrastructures for a highway to take shape
Mr.Thanh (UCCI): National regulation on height is 4.5 m
The boulevard solution appears to be more practical and achievable, which helps better connections with
ways crossing the corridor and more accessible to pedestrians.
Mr. Hai (Tedi South): BRT should be located in the same place of tram. We need to choose between an
Speed on this artery is currently limited. The corridor also receives traffic from other cities
open or closed BRT network. For me, the road should be a boulevard not a highway for it is located in the
city centre. The road should be opened to non-motorised persons. It would be needed to build 6 addition-
Patrice Berger: There are footbridges to cross the canal but no footbridge to cross the boulevard, so the
al footbridges to cross the canal and provide access to BRT stations. The choice of location for existing
need for footbridge to connect districts located on either side (D1-D4 /5-8) and pedestrians to access the
footbridges is poor and it’s hard to use them to link stations
If access is to be made to station every 500 m, we’ll need to build 6 new footbridges.
The pedestrian crossing provides easier access than footbridge. However, its height is discouraging and is
not accessible to elderly people. The issue of pedestrian comfort is important.
With traffic lights, the speed is reduced from 60 to 40 km/h. It will take more time to travel from the West
ring road to the Hanoi road. The question here is to give priority to pedestrians and life quality rather than
Mr. Thanh (UCCI): At formulation stage, the highway speed is scheduled at 80 km/h with an aim to reduce
needed traveling time. Major function of this artery is to be a highway, aimed at reducing the East-West
transit time within the city (from 1h30 to 40 minutes). We want to reduce the number of traffic lights and
heighten the speed. There is no reason to cross the road and the canal. The speed is currently limited to
60 km/h. For slower speed, it is possible to take the road on the other side of the canal. Traffic will in-
crease with the tunnal opening
BRT sations should be located close to bridge and footbridge to facilitate access. The artery has been de-
signed for trucks and motorbikes but the whether trucks are allowed to operate or not depends on DTC.
Currently, trucks are not allowed under the rule but it can change. Road toll is levied on trucks and not

55 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Urban group Gautier: If you put BRT along the canal, there are entrance ramps for cars and motors. Problem: either to
have lanes or access ramps ?
Themes to address Teddy South: The solution is to remove escalators
1) Major functions in accordance with sequenc-
es 5) Stations design, open/closed system
2) Large projects reviewed Gordon: Inter-stations for BRT or 1km are too long, it would be better at 600-700 m. According to Gordon
3) Key sites (WB consultant), forecast on the use of BRT is needed. Where does it go afterwards, in the tunnel ? 12
4) Land clearance, possibility to clear land for normal stations and 4 exchanges centre on 14 km
new public urban projects (green spaces, pub- Closed system:
lic services - A BRT line with transfer (transit) to use the system
5) Identification of heritage elements - but: long transfer may kill the trip, control on traffic,
6) Need for sports, market facilities, other public - easy to passengers, one gate
facilities - like a train
7) Canal: flood benchmark, water quality Open system :
- buses which can use the corridor in BRT
- buses which start on street, take the corridor and leave it. No long transfer is needed and lines
Transport group
could enter urban tissue,
- but there is a need for two gates (right and left) to have a compatibility between centre stations
Themes to address
and « normal » bus stations, located to the right on the road side
1) Traffic organization (North and East-West boulevard), mode capacity, role of traffic lights
- hard to control the arrivals of buses in lanes
2) Passengers attendance and profitability forecast with regard to Thu Thiem tunnel opening and data
TS and DTC: prefer the « open system » for it integrates several lines and connection with the urban tis-
3) Capacity of vehicles to spread at the tunnal exit
4) BRT location, pedestrian access
6) Land expropriation,
5) Stations design, open/closed system
Gordon: Regarding the urban planning part: to make the canal banks nice and attractive: not to put BRT in
6) Land expropriation
this place
7) Qualité de service Service quality
If central: 3m+4m (station) + 3m (=10m in total) and if interconnection: 3m more: to this end, identify a
8) Park and Ride
place with larger space on the banks. There are many places where central land measure up 3 metres.
4) BRT location, pedestrian access
Towards downtown, lanes must be diverted towards (canal) banks.. We take two car lines to make BRT,
Tedi South: Along the canal since this position re-
we can not really take the banks (landscape)
quires the least of works and intervention on the
TS: we remove the option on the street
existing: to build two new lanes (tram: 5.2 m for two
Gordon: on the banks, there isn’t enough room
lanes). If BRT is located along the canal, we take the
If BRT is in the centre, gates will be on the left side. If the sytem is « open » (buses can enter classic
motor lane and pavements on the river banks, then
streets), gates of the right side will also be needed. So, more special buses and stations floor are needed
we build footbridges. Access in this configuration is
There may be a two side stations system: requires more rooms but special buses are needed. Gordon be-
easier for D4 et D8 sections
lieves central station system is the most efficient
Gordon: We talk about another 10 m more for D4
TS: separated lanes ?
and D8 residents to go…, the importance here is the
Gordon: It depends on the discipline and respect of the road traffic code
footbridge height, which facilitates the crossing and
Honk Kong: Just two white lines are needed, in India, and barriers are needed
not the distance (length). The most important: foot-
Saigon is surely in between the two
bridge height, then the pedestrian crossing. Distance
TS: this solution will impact on the traffic if we remove two lines
is not the most important. BRT is for whom: cars or
Gordon: that’s why I asked for traffic forecast at the beginning. We can make a service road (side lane) on
future users ?
the building side with motors in two ways
Teddy South: We’ll install lifts
Gordon: if pedestrian crossing = easier. If we maximize the system, we can limit the number of pedestri-
7) Service quality
ans crossing (For instance: guangzhou: the system has the world’s highest capacity in a very dense envi-
Gordon: BRT: high quality, high rythm, medium or high capacity would not matter much, what matters is
ronment on major artery, success as the pedestrians access is made easy). In certain places, if it is not pos-
the service high quality.
sible to cross on foot, escalators will be needed to access to footbridges.
8) Parc and Ride
56 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
PB: which stations will be equiped with park and ride for motorbikes ? Wednesday 6: presentation of preliminary proposals/comments/discussion
TS: park and ride for 4 or 5 major stations, located underneath the bridges.
Parking subject to be paid ? yes
Intermediary proposals consultants team
A participant: need to to connect BRT and the existing bus system
Binh Tay: people coming from afar
Current situation
Gordon: parkings at terminuses West of the artery, for people having to travel a long distance by BRT,
 Heritage areas in the Western part of the canal which may become museum and shops
need to organise multi-modal way with motor-taxi
 Nature sequence at the confluence of canals: two confluence sites, two major vibrant areas
Mien Tay: station, Cho Lon and Ben Thanh as well
(calmette bridge/cha va bridge)
Integrate geography, follow or make a fork towards district 1, BRT would be more attractive. The ware-
house terminus should ideally be located in an industrial area  New bridges
 Tube houses
 High Buildings

2 majors comments:
- Urban renewal is more complete on the north bank than on the south one, the population earn
very low income on these islands. Presence of many makeshift houses areas
- Little flexibility for public projects along the artery for two reasons:
 2/3 of the « mutable » land appear to be reserved for private projects, no green space
planning with the exception of the area surrounding the grain elevator (South-East island)
 district planning system, no compensation possible if construction of high-rise building is
authorised on one bank and not on the other (for instance D5/D8)

 All the green space projects are located in the East of the project
 Limited choices and potentials for tourism development
 Barren land already reserved for projects
 Limited perspectives for infrastructures development, with the exception of an area on island
 Weak flexibility as district planning system restricts the possibility of inter-district arrangment

Development of many waterfront projects in parallel : Thu Thiem, Ba Son, port…

The most typical projects in the next 20 years are located along the Saigon river
The market will adjust these predictions but we propose to maintain along the canals and the islands
mixed uses with mainly residential function.

Concept: double linear, double line

- canal

 Support a linear policy for a public space policy

 Support ecological connections
 Green pearls: could link public facilities and ecological connections in string along waterway
Restrict density of the 5 floor green valley in order to:
- Conserve the social blend of current spaces
- Bring about a particular identity of this valley/island

We suggest to make this area denser while conserving the street network and to develop street urban
planning (modern chop houses) and not high-rise buildings

Focus on North bank: the overpasses leading to the North bank are narrow and congested. We suggest to
widen these ends by creating rooms to connect these districts to BRT.
57 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
Proposals for green space, floating platform: Northern side tree line + street side, grass canal side - Most difficult solution: Purchase of land on the most interesting land and resettlement of popula-
tion on the site => Difficulty of relocating new households after relocation of 8,000 households
Southern part: floating platform, tree-line walk Critical point: Land policy:
Green planning on highway: iconic and ecological BRT station Plots of land are sold at high price to investors to develop public spaces along the stations or to rehabili-
Low footbridges to connect among islets tate public spaces on D8 « island »
Low height on islands help create a windy and airy corridor for the centre This policy should associate D5, D8
For instance: The psychiatry hospital is supposed to become a green space. It is imagined that the land is
Focus on « iconic and ecological » stations sold to a private investor with a PPP for the construction of a building programme, etc. Money earned by
To bring in freshness and shade by trees that cover stations facilities and let air to move in the stations D5 may be reinvested in D8 for parcs and public facilities development.
(plus design and night lighting)
BRT line/Blue line  BRT is a new symbol for the city that seeks a strong identity for continuous public spaces. Canals
Very congested N/S cross arteries are the only opened public space continuity as the city grows quickly. BRT stations may be consid-
Suggestion: ered a new public space linking the city to canals => to facilitate pedestrian access along the canal
- To optimize accessibility by widening current access roads to bridges level  A simple picture of BRT on the boulevard should help to recognize HCMC.
- To locate green space along the intermediary canals  To link new stations with « the island » provides new possibilities
- To install floating platform for sports facilities …  To create shades along the built area
- To duplicate alignment on the Northern bank, along the banks  To create dissymmetry
- To set up Ecological stations: shade with fresh air brought in  The most identifiable public space is water => change of the « corridor » name into « valley »
- To facilitate atmospheric movement in stations

BRT arteries
Access from BRT to major stations on the Northern part (also on the Southern part’s future intersections).
Connections with key metro arteries
M. Toan, vice-director DUPA
To indentify 12 stations located in proximity to bridges or existing footbridges or under projects which
3 options have been proposed on Monday morning regarding location of BRT on the road, can you devel-
help access to the two banks.
op proposals on the two other options, in particular along the canal as the central location creates usages
conflicts for traffic.
Pedestrian accessibility is enhanced by pedestrian crossing and junction
M. Vice Tedi south director
Central location of BRT along the boulevard:
During the feasibility study of tram, 3 options have been considered. In the end, choice has been made
 To minimize destruction of current works: most flexible solution
with location along the canal to avoid conflicts between traffic modes and to facilitate acess by districts 4
 Existing traffic lights 12 right now and 6 new to be installed
et 8: most important potential users.
 To gradually transform highway into a boulevard
 The current motor lane is proposed
 To bring down the current 3 lanes to 2 for vehicles
 Problem to traffic direction
 The motor lane along the banks needs to be moved along the built area (linkage with trades and
 Otherwise, if 6 traffic lights are added, speed will be limited, creating congestion problems at inter-
shaded spaces)
 To propose a new design for lower and more accessible footbrides.
 Accessiblity by bridges and footbridges not by already available pedestrian crossing or those under
3 types of stations:
 Location of stations along bridges and existing footbridges or construction of new footbridges
A- Stations which are not linked to footbrdige/bridge (extremely rare or non-existent)
B- near footbridges
Mr. Thanh, HIDS
C- near bridges
Very comprehensive proposal addressing many aspects including land policy. But poses contradictions and
Parc and Ride / Pedestrians spaces
1/ Medium and long term vision: shift in transport mode from private to public: behaviour change: com-
Policy on public facilities: how to create a string of green space/public spaces?
Existing solution:
Connections and accessiblity for people
- To develop existing in the Eastern part (D4)
Clear connection between city and stations but for Southern districts => to make clear access by Southern
In D8, 2 new solutions:
- To develop the floating platform along the canal: Connection among footbridges and plateforms
58 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
Connections for people coming from Binh Chanh to downtown ? What are other means of transport, pub-  Personal point of view: support central location, we can create two new lanes to separate motors
lic or combining with private transport ? from cars in order to reduce number of accidents.
Parc and Ride ?
Ensure accessibility to BRT ? Mr. Thanh UCCI
2/ Land policy must be very strict: from the authority side: The PC is the leader for this project type, dis- 1. I welcome the proposal of green valley, beautiful landscape. There is already green spaces on these
tricts have a secondary power islands
Institutional problems between central/local level 2. The general policy in Vietnam is to reduce all the the projects’ cost. BRT issue to come first, the ur-
Support for land policy proposal ban design issue can be addressed later for we run the risk of not having enough resources.
3/ Identity, the canal has been a trading artery, how to keep this activity and identity? 3. I favour the location of BRT along the canal to avoid conflicts at the junctions. Land clearance (7m)
Support the idea of limited height => Lower the height limit is available along the canal, plus the 3 m wide grass field on the canal banks. This location doesn’t
Local people-driven uses disturb landscape as BRT does not always pass by. Technical installation of stations along the canal
=> public spaces, green space for uses by local population. Local population: What are advantages and will be much easier than at the centre. Steps are already there for footbridges
inconveniences to them ? The bridge height can not be lower as the regulation rules that vertical clearance is at 3,5 m

Hanh, Planic, DUPA Mr. Tuan, Arc, DUPA

1/BRT/valley => Support this idea  Very interesting ideas: connections, facilities and green systems make a good match with city’s pol-
Project Identity /city identity, icy to improve the area’s identity. We have learnt new approach with integrated urban design and
The city is not only a city on water but it includes various districts, combination of various local identities, transport
people, history, actitvity identity  Lack of identification and characterization of key points you mentioned. You can present in a more
Monotone along an artery if height is the same -> there must be different sequences in accordance with detailed way the linear, points and connections concepts. Sectors surrounding point are also im-
their characteristic portant
For instance: Cho Lon, market identity … informal sector, D1 = formal and major buildings
2/ motor usage: to keep two motor arteries, is it enough in the future ?
3/ footbridges /bridges
What regulations
Green space fundings
4/ water way transportation to be developed

Representative Green space Office, DTC,

 Support lines and string concept: details of the concept to be developed as it is an innovative pro-
 I support BRT central location since it helps preserve the waterfront beauty. The management
problem of traffic/BRT is technical and can be solved by DTC experts, which is much more compli-
cated with aesthetic considerations
 Design concept of the corridor had been made in 2002, which had too little room for green spaces
 The boulevard crosses many districts, landscape should be specifically addressed in individual dis-
 This boulevard is not straight (rectilinear), there may be a diffrent sequence after each turning
 Proposal for land acquisition is bold for it requires important budget and a strong political will. Al-
ready many relocations and land is very expensive in this area

DTC Representative
 DTC official point of view: Methodologically, it would be better to present two scenarios with in-
depth analysis of advantages and inconveniences, then suggest a solution. Plots of land have been
planned for tram or two lanes of the canal side can be added, that is to be taken into considera-
 To study traffic on the boulevard as traffic will be intensive and two lanes would be insufficient for
smooth traffic on the boulevard

59 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Friday: Final conclusions
Other exchanges
Patrice Berger
Our proposals result from our field visit on Monday and from our discussions on Tuesday morning Presentation
Questions on the along-the-canal-solution: existing 3m for motors, why not the 6m as planned ?
along the canal: access ramp to footbridges are in two places scheduled site expropriation + all the transformers … to be Themes to address:
moved ?
 How to fit BRT project into the urban development ?
Mr. Thanh, UCCI
These questions have been raised in the TS tram feasibility study (ramps, transformers)  E-W Bld => better accessiblity
16 tram stations scheduled.  BRT future project
The People’s Committee has approved the tourists boat project on the canal. Boat stop and BRT stations can be combined
We have presented the along-the-canal location to the PC. The interruption of tram project is due to contractor’s financial ca- We propose to present a social and environmental integrated project. The issue is not only to build a BRT
pacity shortage.
but also about the potential to improve urban quality of this area (Approximately 1.5 million people)
Patrice Berger The fact to move from 2x3 to 2x2 lane would be tedious ?
Mr. Thanh , UCCI: The boulevard objective has been to facilitate traffic, to quickly cross the city centre, thus removing the most
of traffic lights possible. Then the number of traffic lights increase by 7 to 12. Analysis: focus on 9 km (entry point of the tunnel-canal end)
The only security solution is to cross by a footbridge as no body respects traffic code here
Olivier Souquet: The higher the speed, the lower the security. Traffic lights will provide security to the boulevard while reduc-
ing the speed Site analysis
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: All this will exacerbate congestion. 1) Heritage
Christine: In Europe, highway that cross cities are nowadays transformed into urban boulevard as they don’t function. In San 2) Green spaces
Francisco, destruction of the sea front highway contributes to a nicer city and more efficient traffic in the peripheral area 3) Urban renewal with new tube houses (essentially on the Northern part), this process is more devel-
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: This artery is not really a highway for highest speed is 60 km/h. It is not a real diametrical (radial line).
oped in D5 than in D4 and D8
Patrice Berger: There are two worldwide schools on these issues
- Asian school which makes ring and radial roads High rise buildings are restricted (2 in D4 D8)
- European school: used to make ring and radial roads, nowadays, radials are removed to give priority to the dense city and 4) Makeshift houses (slums) => in the major part, land is not available (freed) since it belongs to private
urban boulevards. projects. Potential for public project development => key issue of land clearance
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: in Asia, we prefer rapid city.. Will BRT hava to stop at red traffic lights ?
Gautier Rouhet: When the bus arrives, with GPS and information transmission system, light turns green for BRT.
The area is meant to become: essentially residential (mixed) => proposal on keeping this key function re-
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: Here people ignore traffic lights
Patrice Berger: In Europe, today, the autorities are transforming highways on river banks into boulevards. For instance, in Paris, lated to the development of CBD in D1, D2 and development of waterfront. Local policy for local popula-
rapid radial roads are no longer built. tion.
Gordon I’m not sure you have enough room on the canal side for two lines plus station space, but this can probabaly be stud-
ied more precisely. This should be evaluated in the feasibility study. Not many places like it here: along the two canals. Unique potential in HCMC
Patrice Berger: Many of you seem to appreciate the valley idea, is it realistic to you ?
Need to capitalize on the this unique asset for the city development
participants: Yes in principle, but should be considered to match with the city policy and budget
Patrice Berger: Is it possible to acquire land and resettle on the site for facilities and green spaces ? It’s a major challenge. Is it Major concept: Green valley in the heart of the two canals
politically feasible ?
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: If it’s of small size, land on island will be expensive, people will not afford to buy apartments on the site and 2 lines and some points: these two lines can serve as base for two policies
the city will have to compensate: it is impossible  To take advantage of BRT to develop a string of green spaces/public spaces/public facilities
Agrees with the concepts but more discussions on financial aspect are needed.
Gordon: financial issues are essential and need to be discussed
 To develop an environment: urban quality, water quality, quality of biomass and of public trans-
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: As for valley project, we can make a financial proposal to the city. Currently, they are shantytowns so land is ports …
not expensive. When BRT is in place, we can resell it at higher price to investors for trading purposes, etc
HIroaki: impossible to make people respect the height limit in that case The points correspond to the stations: the idea is to make stations attractive with a strong identity linked
Mr. Thanh, UCCI: There exists a nice valley with green space and private projects, we can make several scenarios for the valley: to the place. For instance: green space related station, opportunity to preserve a number of heritage ele-
opened spaces and development
ments, opening to major N/S connection stations

Valley: 150,000 people currently living in difficult conditions.

Absence of parcs, public facilities
Their asset is to live in a unique area

Proposal to restrict the height of buildings for landscaping and social reasons.
 That provides for a landscape harmony
 To keep the local population on the site without increasing land value

60 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

To facilitate linkages between the Nothern bank and the valley André:
This week is to raise one/several visions => not decisions
Analysis of 6 sequences: Need for a feasibility study
1) central quarter
2) Confluence DTC
3) To make one side densier or to distribute Central location
4) cultural centre project = > opportunity to develop public spaces Bridges can be aesthetic
5) Cho Lon: vibrant area, historical area, main hub => market, traditional medicine, tourism site with
large potentiel Mr. Dung, ARC
6) double canals and canal branches Time is short: great effort

Discussions Need to work more on:

 Environmental assessment
Anh Dung, ARC Director:  Social assessment
 General impression: professionnalism  Land use capture value
 Appreciate in general the concept
 Comprehensive and complete concept
 Support the general concept
 Widen the perimeter
 Support the idea of green valley
 Coordination among various stakeholders: city/districts/investors/researchers/population
 Need of public policy for feasibility
 BRT = improvement of general urban network Good solution to replace tram

Idea: footbridges are of little use day and night and poorly located. Can be used to make cafe, shops, foot-
brige/station, widening the footbrige to 8m

Mr. Thanh (UCCI)

 Ideas on the use/functions of footbriges (necessary widening)
 Connections with Mien Tay major stations

An efficient BRT should be able to ensure no waiting at the stations
The last section is easier to study (land reserve, easier transport structure)
Mien Tay: opened BRT system

Mr. Hiro
Idea of coffee shops is good

Tedi South
Compare the options
 Canal location does not mean that BRT is closed => technical problem which can be solved + or –
 A criterion forgotten: traffic congestion
 To make clear the costs issue

 design: existence of major hurdles (transformers, streetlight…) creating important problems
61 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Friday 8

Kick-off Meeting with Key Stakeholders and Site Tour Discussions/Output 2nd phase of intermediary dia- Discussions/Outcomes Output/comments collection
Kick-off Meeting , DUPA Analysis/discussions Reflexion/Output Design concept of key se- Output finalised
Analysis/discussion quences/analysis
8:30 9:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 am 8:30 am: Design concepts for all
Opening speech Discussion meeting on trans- Site visit on bridges/land re- sequences according to differ-
Ho Quang Toan, Deputy Director of Department of Urban planning and portation issue different working groups,) serves on lateral position ent situations, analysis and pro-
Architecture All participants posals ( some scenarios if justi-
Design concepts for all se- fied ) / Cross sections, perspec-
8:40 - 8:50 quences according to differ- tive views, design on pictures
Introduction and Objectives ent situations, analysis and
Andre Bald (World Bank), Fanny Quertamp (PADDI) 10:00 AM proposals ( some scenarios if 11:00 AM preparation of official
2 different working groups, justified ) / Cross sections, presentation with WB officials
8:50 - 10:00 with a representative from perspective views, design on
Overview of East West Greenway Project Area the city in each group pictures
8:50 – 9:20: Urban Planning and Urban design, (transport, planning, econom-
Nguyen Anh Tuan (ARC-DUPA) ic development, etc)
9:20 – 9:40: Transport Perspective (DTC) 1/ Transportation Group
9:40- 10:00: Green spaces (DTC) 2/ Urban design, landscaping
10:10-10:30: Brief presentation on Urban ‘Catalyst’ Projects/Eco2 Group
Hiroaki Suzuki, Lead Urban Specialist, Word Bank
10:30-10:50: Brief Presentation on benefits of Concept Planning and
Charrette process
Ryoko Iizuka, World Bank
10:50-11:00 : BRT Corridor Planning, Global Best Practice
Gordon Neilson, World Bank
Presentation by PADDI ‘s Experts of Objectives and Approach
Patrice Berger, Gautier Rouhet (agence d’urbanisme de l’agglomération
lyonnaise), Olivier Souquet (DESO), Christine Dalnoky

Site Visit (1:30 to 5:00) Reflexion/Outcome Presentation/discussion Brainstorm/Output Official presentation at PC (DUPA)
East-West Boulervard and District 2
3pm: 2:00 PM: presentation of prelimi- Design concepts for all se-
photos/video… nary proposals quences according to differ-
Identification of key features (transport, economic, new developments, ent situations, analysis and
cultural heritage assets, livelihoods, green space, etc) 3pm: Comments and discussion proposals ( some scenarios if
justified ) / Cross sections,
perspective views, design on

62 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop


Data Format Date Acquisition
1 Aerial photos ?
2 Photos Ch. Gallavardin JPEG 2005 x
NEIKKEN SEIKEI (central city
3 Crossed sections old maps JPEG multiples x
4 Base map (au 1/10000e at least, can be more precise) DUPA/ARC (reference ?) BD MAPINFO multiples ? x
5 Regulation on the use of land in a radius of 500 along the corridor DUPA ?
6 Major facilities. trading facilities (markets) DUPA multiples x
To address (incomplete)
7 If possible, current situation report of green and public spaces … DTC Inexistant P /
8 Eventual heritage elements DUPA ? ? ?
9 Worshipping places DUPA x
To address (incomplete)
10 Uses and constrains (cleaning up, floods) related to canal DUPA ?
11 Traffic, station data, DTC/FS TEDI south COTEBA Study FS paper (vn)-summary (eng) Nov.2008 x
12 Topographic data (banks, highway, urban front) DUPA/ARC points cotesPA MAPINFO x


1 Project plan with access DUPA/ARC MAPINFO x

2 City urban master plan DUPA JPEG 2010 X
3 Detailed urban plan of 4 crossed districts DUPA/ARC MAPINFO x
4 Transport master plan DTC Paper report + JPEG maps 2007 x
5 Other sectoral plans HIDS powerpoint 2010 x
6 Planned bus/metro network et related urban projects MAUR Paper report + JPEG maps 2007 updated 2010 x


1 On-going urban projects close to the line DUPA ?

2 Land which can be cleared DUPA ?
3 On-going major construction licence DUPA ?

4 Elements (2008 contest, other proposal since…) on the city centre planning project DUPA ?

5 Infrastructures projects (road, bridge, widening…) DTC on-going

6 Projects TC (tram…) DTC/FS TEDI south COTEBA Study FS paper (vn)-summary (eng) X
7 TOR BRT project along the East West highway DTC/WB Word/ 2011 on-going
Eventually lighting planand norms forecast by HCMC normes prévues de la ville
8 DTC Word/paper on-going

63 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Plan of major stakeholders involved in the implementation of BRT network project


services pricing

Funding Transports planning,
Métros, Tram network Implementation and man-
agement of project
HIDS Bus operation Centre
(former E/W Bld PMU)
Socio-economic strat-

egy and master plan

DoNRE PADDI: Training/Technical assistance

Land reserve PROJECT BRT - Training => Urban design / planning

along the arteries
Est West Boulevard - Technical assistance => Pilot line

BRT/urban design along the N1

Urban planning

ARC => Urban design

of Est-Ouest Blvd


MVA => BRT network (2005) - Transport master plan

DONORS PADDI: BRT pilot line - University of Transport, Institute of Transport Planning and
Agence d’Urbanisme pour le déve- Management
- World Bank: projet financing
loppement l’Agglomération Lyon- - BRT network => Technology nstitute of HCMC, Transports
- Programme Eco2cities Department, M.Mai
naise/DESO => Bld Est/West urban
- Tedi south => Tram feasibility study along the Est-West
design boulevard…
- ARC => Est-West Blvd urban design
DoNRE: Department of Natural Resources and Environment
DPA: Department of Planning and Architecture Participation / direct involvement

DPI: Department of Plan and Investment Collaboration

DTC/F: Department of Transport and Communication Communication / information

DOF : Depatment of Finance

HIDS: HCMC Institute for Development Studies

MAUR: Management Autorities for Urban Railways

MPI: Ministry of Plan and Investment 64 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

PADDI: Centre de Prospective et d’Etudes Urbaines

Organization chart of DTC


Mr. Phuong

Vice-Director Vice-Director Mr. Thanh Vice-Director Vice-Director

Urban services Industrial transport Mr. Tinh Navigation license

Major projects
directive waterway
and water service
Transport manage-
Industrial transport
ment office (traffic East-West area, rivers Waterway transport ma-
management office
lights…) and canals management nagement authority
Bus stations mana- Adminis- In-
Green space manage- gement authority tration vestment Navigation license
ment office de- office service
partment Environment & hy-
Urban areas manage- Bus (and taxis) mana- giene (waste) mana-
ment office gement centre gement authority Water service (safe
water, drainage

Public enterprises Hinterland waterway

Vehicles registra-
(port, ferry-boat, green transport port
tion centre
space, lighting
Human re- Finance & ac-
source Waterway means of
counting de-
transport registration

Legal Department Inspection Department

Urban drainage enter-

65 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Monday July 4 ; 8h30 - 12h30
Session chaired by Mr. Hồ Quang Toàn, DUPA deputy director

No Full name Office Fonction

1. Lê Trung Tính DTC Head of public transport office
2. Dương Hồng Thanh DTC Vice-directeur
3. Ngô Hải Đường DTC Vice-Head of technical infrastructures office
4. Văn Công Điểm DTC Vice-Director of Centre for public transportregulation
5. Nguyễn Thị Nhi DTC Vice-Head of trees and parcs office
6. Nguyễn Khắc Dũng DTC Head of trees and parcs office
7. Lê Phùng Vĩnh An DTC Trees and parcs office
8. Nguyễn Đức Linh DTC Trees and parcs office
9. Lương Minh Phúc UCCI Director
10. Vương Hoàng Thanh UCCI Vice-director
11. Hà Quốc Linh UCCI Vice Head Project management office
12. Phạm Minh Hoàng MAUR Vice-Head Plan and investment office
13. Võ Thanh Danh MAUR Plan and investment office
14. Olivier Souquet DESO Architect
15. Christine DALNOKY DALNOKY Landscape architect
16. Gautier ROUHET Agence d’Urbanisme pour le développement de l’agglomération lyonnaise Engineer - urbanist
17. Chu Quang Tôn PADDI Interpreter
18. Huỳnh Hồng Đức PADDI Interpreter
19. Patrice BERGER Agence d’Urbanisme pour le développement de l’agglomération lyonnaise International Relations Director
22. Gorden NEILSON WB Expert BRT
23. Ryoko JIZUKA WB Urban sp
24. Hiooaki Suzuki WB Urban sp
25. Victor Vergara WB Urban sp
26. Nguyễn Tiến Dũng ARC Director
27. Lê Quang Phú Flood control centre Vice Head of Project management Board
28. Lê Trần Kiên DoC
29. Trương Trung Kiên DUPA Head of Centre planning office
30. Lương Thu Anh DUPA
31. Phan Ngọc Trân DUPA
32. Nguyễn Đình Luân DUPA
33. Hà Lộc DUPA
34. Vũ Hạnh Nguyên DUPA
35. Nguyễn Trí Bửu DONRE
36. Nguyễn Ngọc Tuấn DONRE
37. Phan Diệu Chi HIDS
38. Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Vân HIDS
39. Hoàng Kim Oanh HIDS
40. Trần Thanh Truyền District Binh Chanh Urban management office
41. Huỳnh Thiện Triết D.5 Vice Head urban management office
42. Nguyễn Thanh Minh D.8 Urban management office
43. Trần Hữu Đình Du D. Binh Tan Urban management office
44. Đoàn Minh Đức D.2 Urban management office
45. Phạm Thị Trúc Nghi D.6 Vice Head Urban management office
46. Đặng Minh Hải TEDI SOUTH Director design workshop
47. Cao Văn Tỉnh TEDI SOUTH

66 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Wednesday July 6 ; 14h - 17h30
Session chaired by Mr. Hồ Quang Toàn, Vice-Director of DUPA

No Full name Service Fonction

1. Phạm Đình Đức DTC Vice Head of Ground transport office
2. Trịnh Tuấn Hùng DTC Ground transport office
3. Ngô Hải Đường DTC Vice Head Technical infrastructures office
4. Lê Hoàn DTC Vice-Head Public transport regulation centre
5. Nguyễn Khắc Dũng DTC Head Trees and parcs office
6. Lê Phùng Vĩnh An DTC Trees and parcs office
7. Đỗ Văn Tâm DTC Trees and parcs office
8. Vương Hoàng Thanh UCCI Vice-director
9. Hà Quốc Linh UCCI Vice Head project management office
10. Phan Ngọc Lan UCCI
11. Olivier Souquet DESO Architect
12. Christine DALNOKY DALNOKY Landscape architect
13. Gautier ROUHET Agence d’Urbanisme pour le développement de Engineer - urbanist
l’agglomération lyonnaise
14. Chu Quang Tôn PADDI Interpreter
15. Huỳnh Hồng Đức PADDI Interpreter
16. Patrice BERGER Agence d’Urbanisme pour le développement de Director of International relations
l’agglomération lyonnaise
19. Gorden NEILSON WB Expert BRT
20. Ryoko JIZUKA WB Urban sp
21. Hiooaki Suzuki WB Urban sp
22. Victor Vergara WB Urban sp
23. Nguyễn Tiến Dũng ARC Director
24. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn ARC
25. Đặng Minh Hải TEDI SOUTH Director design workshop
26. Cao Văn Tỉnh TEDI SOUTH

67 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

Friday July 8 ; 14h30 - 17h30
Session chaired by Mr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, ARC Director

No Full name Service Fonction

1. Dương Hồng Thanh DTC Vice-director
2. Đậu An Phúc DTC Head Traffic organization office
3. Nguyễn Kiên Giang DTC Technical infrastructures office
4. Văn Công Điểm DTC Vice Director Public transport regulation Centre
5. Phạm Đình Đức DTC Vice Head ground transport office
6. Trịnh Tuấn Hùng DTC Ground transport office
7. Nguyễn Thị Nhi DTC Vice head Trees and parcs office
8. Nguyễn Khắc Dũng DTC Head Trees and parcs office
9. Trần Thị Kiều Oanh DTC Trees and parcs office
10. Đinh Thị Như Hoa DTC Trees and parcs office
11. Lê Phùng Vĩnh An DTC Trees and parcs office
12. Đặng Văn Tâm DTC Trees and parcs office
13. Vương Hoàng Thanh UCCI Vice-director
14. Hà Quốc Linh UCCI Vice Head Project management office
15. Phạm Minh Hoàng MAUR Vice Head Plan and investment office
16. Võ Thanh Danh MAUR Plan and investment office
17. Olivier Souquet DESO Architect
18. Christine DALNOKY DALNOKY Landscape architect
19. Gautier ROUHET Agence d’Urbanisme pour le développement Engineer - urbanist
de l’agglomération lyonnaise
20. Chu Quang Tôn PADDI Interpreter
21. Huỳnh Hồng Đức PADDI Interpreter
22. Patrice BERGER Agence d’Urbanisme pour le développement Director Internatinal relations
de l’agglomération lyonnaise
25. Gorden NEILSON WB Expert BRT
26. Ryoko JIZUKA WB Urban sp
27. Hiooaki Suzuki WB Urban sp
28. Victor Vergara WB Urban sp
29. Nguyễn Tiến Dũng ARC Directeur
30. Vũ Trung Hưng DUPA
31. Bùi Quốc Cường DUPA
32. Phan Diệu Chi HIDS
33. Nguyễn Ngọc Nam HIDS
34. Huỳnh Thiện Triết D.5 Vice Head urban management office
35. Đặng Minh Hải TEDI SOUTH Director design workshop
36. Cao Văn Tỉnh TEDI SOUTH
37. Nguyễn Bá Sơn « Tuổi Trẻ » Newspaper Journalist

68 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

HCMC Greenway BRT: proposition (by PADDI, DeSo, and LTPA) for further feasibility studies

The East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop allowed developing some ideas and concepts - BRT route insertion and connections into the whole present and future network of mass transit in
for urban planning that were presented at the end of the week, and further detailed in the present report. HCMC;

But, to go further, some feasibility studies would be needed to explore the implementation poten- - Thorough analysis of BRT position : canal or central;
tial and constraints of all the ideas developed during the workshop. To the consultants’ point of
view, 4 main items should be furher studied: transport, urban planning, environment, and econ- - Ridership and Operating
 Appraisal of BRT ridership and demand with O/D matrix
Of course, the “urban valley” concept and associated urban studies are not compulsory to study further  BRT operating principles: headways, speed, capacity, rolling stock, ticketing….
and implement with the BRT. Their implementation will depend upon the will of HCMC authorities to  Thorough analysis of “open” or “closed” system
associate a social and urban development project to the BRT project.  Connections with current bus routes

Indeed, the question of the densification of the strip along the BRT route, to increase the ridership, is not - BRT insertion
critical in this case in HCMC: there is already a very high density of population along those 9 kilometers
of corridor and on-going renewal project developing tall buildings should keep this pattern.  Precise exact location of stations of the BRT
 Provide good accessibility to stations: sidewalks , crossroads, , traffic lights,(This work
But there could be a strong link between the BRT and the island valley concept implementations: the requires a whole policy of improvement of open public spaces for pedestrian in the area
dynamic of the BRT project could help to promote and to start implementation of the social and urban to improve the confort and efficiency of their access to BRT stations .)
project and the social and urban project could enhance the attractivity of the BRT project (both its image  Precise location of new footbridges connected to stations
and accessibility to green, social and cultural facilities).  Optimise connection transfer from other bus stations to BRT stations
 Fix parking organization principles ( for motorbikes park and ride ) at the 1/1000e scale
The following list of studies to be done is composed of:
- Stations
- Compulsory studies to implement the BRT project (1/Transport)
- Studies to implement the socio-urban project (2/Urban Planning, 3/Environment,  More details on BRT stations organization (some benchmarking on BRT systems notably
4/Implementation-economy); some of them could or should be linked to the BRT project , Guangzhou)
according to the political will of HCMC people ‘s committee and concerned districts  More details on stations architecture ( iconic ones, usual ones)
-  Environmental approach

NB: Paddi, Deso and LTPA could eventually , if required , contribute to some of these studies , accord- - 1st cost estimation for investment and BRT operation
ing to their respective skills …
 Costs analysis of investments
 Operating costs: analysis of BRT operating costs and potential revenues / analysis of
demand elasticity to prices
1. Transport: BRT feasibility studies  Project phasing
A) Vo Van Kiet Boulevard function - Institutional organization
- Global function of Vo Van Kiet Boulevard in the private vehicles traffic pattern (including freight)  Management of the BRT project
of the city;  Management of some parts of the urban project directly connected to the first the BRT
- Some traffic surveys (O/D, cordon line) and countings; project

- Appraisal of traffic charges;

69 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
2. Urban planning: How to implement a social and urban development project connected to - Global urban design and some focus on important areas
the BRT project?  Global urban design project and division of the urban design project into different se-
quencies according to the proposals of the report for better urban design and landscape
 programming of new facilities studies adapted to the identities and main targets of each sequency and for better man-
 urban design and regulations agement of implementation;
 open public spaces  Study urban design map at 1/2000 scale, consistent with BRT and traffic: street adjust-
 landscape ment, buildings lay out, heights, land use proposal, with some focus on 1/500 scale on
 architecture specific important areas : around the bridges and next to BRT stations;
 identities of the areas
 process of implementation ….(see 4.)

- Heightsof buildings:
 Fix minimum and maximum heights on both sides of the valley and conditions (after dia-
A) Further analysis of missing social and green facilities for the future logue with authorities) for overpassing the maximum: financial participation of investors in
Starting on the ARC analysis of the gap of facilities and on the planned facilities in the land use plans of the whole project , building of facilities by the investor or TDR process …
the districts (4, 5, 6, 8) through field visits and dialogue processes with the concerned districts:  Limitation of the height of buildings to G plus 4 storeys in the islands of district 8 to im-
plement the islands valley concept
- Identify the parks, ponds, floating gardens, sport playgrounds and floating platforms, notably
next to BRT stations - Heritage area and buildings in the different sequencies
- Identify social and cultural facilities to develop, notably next to the BRT stations  Identification of heritage sequencies or buildings or craftman’s area ‘s ( Chinese
- Fix precise location proposal for green spaces, social and cultural facilities according to existing shophouses, former wharehouses (see Arc Study ): characteristics, potential for re-use ,
planning, easy renewable areas and land acquisition possibilities existing regulation for protection and new specific regulation/policies to fix for protection,
- Fix main objectives of programming and landscaping of parks upgrading and re-use: public acquisition, transfer of development rights ..
- Estimate cost of these facilities: parks and local greens, sport platforms, schools, social facilities,  Development of tourism in this part of the city (next to Cholon)
cultural facilities  Lighting proposals for enhancing heritage and identity of the area …

- Analysis of need for existing land use regulations adjustments (Heights ,facilities , heritage
B) Open public spaces and landscape project preservation ..

(to be connected to 1/B) “BRT insertion”)

3. Environmental approach
- Fix a whole policy of open public spaces to improve pedestrian mobility in the area and access
to BRT stations: - Short evaluation of the present environmental status regarding topographic conditions: flood,
- Sidewalks along the street , potential squares on specific squares next to station , pedestrian natural landscape and social and cultural conditions linked to this reality
connections of bridges and footbridges to sidewalks and BRT stations
- Provide confortable spaces for the “park and ride” process of motorbikers to get into BRT - Hydraulic studies, flood analysis: see exisiting studies (the east-west axis platform has taken this
- Clear up a landscape policy in the area emphasizing the identities of the areas (floating gardens, question into consideration)
alignment of trees)
- Give some references and proposals for street and furniture materials, tree species… - Water quality analysis: see existing studies and on going projects; identification of wastewater
and rainwater network. Locations and sizes of rainwater and wastewater treatment facilities;

- Renewable energy implementation potential,

C) Urban design and regulations
- Potential use of vegetation for water treatment, for air regeneration, for shadowing buildings and
In the framework of existing land use plans, some additionnal regulations and urban policies should be streets,
fixed to implement the island’s valley concept:
- Greenhouse gas emission gains appraisal,
- Short analysis of land, residential, commercial, and industrial estate market, to clear up the phys-
ical and financial principles of the urban development project NB: Possible analysis and forecast of positive and negative impacts on the environment; pro-
posed system of environmental protection criteria for identifying optimal space and technical in-
frastructure planning solutions for the planned zone. Proposed measures to reduce and remedy
impacts on the urban environment when the plan is implemented:
70 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
4. Urban Project implementation: economy, financial and institutionnal

Analysis of implementation constraints and potential: physical, economical, financial, juridical, tech-

- Physical

 Propose adequate perimeter of the urban project

- Financial

 Costs analysis of all components (investment and operation costs):, streets, public spac-
es, parks, facilities, networks, resettlement…
 Revenue analysis: TDR, commerce operation, land revenues….(see report p.42 and 43)
plained on page 42 Clear up the best financial procedure to promote PPP , starting on
ideas ex
 Analysis of PPP with stakeholders and ways to implement the project

- Institutional ( see p 42 and 43 of the report )

- Institutional change or adjustment proposals

 Cross district policies to be cleared up (see report p.42): shared agreement on the urban
project; common delegation to a specific body to manage the project; financial share .
 if necessary, some benchmarking of public bodies experiences to manage big urban pro-
ject implementations in other big cities of Asia

- Urban Project Phasing

 Short term: What could be directly connected to the BRT process of implementation ( for
instance : open public spaces policy, some facilities, local greens , commerce and restau-
rants , specific urban action connected to each of the BRT stations )
 Middle term: second phase of the socio-urban project

71 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

72 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
73 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop
August 2011

74 I HCMC East West BRT and Greenway Concept Workshop

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