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Procrastination according to Abramowski (2014) is an emotionally rooted,

multifaceted construct, but as observed by Scher and Osterman (2002) it is a major

impediment to attain success in academics. Rothblum Solomon also defined this and

Rumakami (1986) as a way to hold up certain tasks until the very last minute or so that

would cause anxiety to the procrastinators while finishing the task off. Moreover it was

explained by Haycock, McCarthy and Skay (1998) as the tendency to defer or put off

responsibilities concerning academic related tasks, such as delaying preparations for

examinations or not finishing assignments on time (Beck, Koons, &Milgrim, 2000). In the

study of Shu (2010), procrastination is determined as the way to postpone or delay the

task that is relative to either pleasurable or less pleasurable types of activities. In some

ways, Ozer (2009) stated that one nature of procrastination, as an explanation is the

postponing factor or inclination to delay the completion of an activity or tasks.

Procrastination was ascertain to arise during secondary school and is believe to

continue until reaching out university, with approximately 50% of the students who

reported constant holdback that causes problems to them (Steel, 2007). For McGhie

(2012) without time management and proper planning, procrastination may happen that

could result to late or non-submission of projects or assignments and being disqualified

from taking examination. A group of researchers did a study on 14 ethnically diverse

students in a public university in America. Compose of 206 participants, the research

found some students who concede that they postpone studying until days or a few

hours before the deadline, yet only several of these students acknowledge that they

intended to do it (Lindt et al., 2014).

Burka and Yuen (2008) insisted that procrastinators have a “wishful thinking” or

the attitude that someone wants to happen will happen even though it is not possible,

which could bring more procrastination to them. This conception supports the planning

fallacy or a false planning idea, which is classify as the common tendency to undervalue

the time that is needed to complete some task (Buehler, Griffin, &Peetz, 2010;

Kahneman&Tversky, 1979). According to Sigall, Kruglanski and Fyock (2000),

procrastinators happen to be as confident to base something on what they wanted or

hoped for about the task because of some twisted expectations and the time they need

to complete it.

Schraw (2007) stated that although behavior is completely common, the writers

emphasize that they really intent to delay that task purposely and it will only be defined

when an individual has a desire to finish the task. Shraw et al., (2007) viewed academic

procrastination as a widely or broadly known phenomenon and considered as delaying

of task on learning context that may brought negative effect on academic efficacy,

learning and quality of life. It was certain how completing a task or preparing home

works depends on procrastination that fails to succeed in a given time. Another

perspective about procrastination is the behavior of a particular person that is lacking on

time management skills, and if it would relate in this manner, it is consider as a task-

specific avoidance behavior. This explanation refers to academic procrastination study

of (Deniz, 2009) where students postpone important works or responsibilities and fails

to finish the assigned task or delaying the time that will be spent studying for the

examinations (Bui, 2007) where it generally creates feelings of dismay somewhere.

It was found in the study of Klassen et al (2009) that procrastination takes place

within a vast group of populations that vary in age, profession and quite a few factors

that can also bring harm to the people. They also found out that 57% of Canadian

college student sample spend 3 or more hours a day procrastinating (Klassen et al.,

2010). Choi (2009) stated how several researches distinguish different types of

procrastination but one explanative study found out that active procrastinators who took

gain from strong motivation actually partake in positive procrastination manners during

high pressure. In this cause procrastination may brought stress, high anxiety and illness

to undergraduate students, thus they seek solution to avoid suffering from this behavior

(Haycock et al. 1998; Onwuegbuzie 2004). The frequency of undergraduate students in

Steel’s (2007) study, engross in this manner is ranging from 80% to 95%. Together with

O’Brien (2002), they have point out how almost 95% of American university students

procrastinate in completing the task or just starting it. The study of McCrea et al., (2008)

they found out how students would understood the task serves as an important factor in

observing the level of procrastination, the range where the task showed originally

remained in curbing procrastination and starting projects.

According to Steel (2000), a lot of descriptive studies about this has been

publicized in the past twenty years that is related to the relationship of procrastination

and other variables, however it certainly vary upon the type of measurement criteria that

is used to it. Steel (2010) also stated how academic procrastination is certainly a

predictor of academic performance, and procrastinators who procrastinates obtains low

grades and low final exam. Academic procrastination is closely related or correlate

positively to fear of failure, self-handicapping, depression, shame, indecision, state and

trait anxiety while self-efficacy, self-esteem, work discipline, self-confidence, and

intrinsic motivation correlates negatively, this was based in a meta-analysis study of

Ferrari (2004). Through the academic life of student, approximately 70% of them

engage themselves to procrastination when doing home works. More than 80% of the

students have unfavorable feelings after procrastination. To include, researchers found

out that the tendency to postpone or delay things brought negative effects on

educational achievement since both quantity and quality of student’s work is limited.

Procrastination also relates in different field of anxiety in the field of academic it is test

and social anxiety (Collins et al., 2008). For Owens and Newbegin (2000) students who

procrastinate more on subjects like math and English is view as having low self-

confidence and that their scores are merely the proven or firm effect on it.

Procrastination is a widely known phenomena in the society. In every part where

education progresses people have to face and deal with deadline of term papers,

projects and other conditions most of the time. Uzun et al. (2011) points out how this

phenomenon comes with a great number of students who constantly involves in

procrastination during their school days or life. Consequently, it is frequently marked

that academic procrastination according to (Akin 2012; Cakir et al. 2014; Cerino 2014;

Katz et al. 2014) may direct to school burnout or academic burnout and this will make

procrastination behavior being watch usually during this time. Despite the fact that this

attitude has been studied mostly (Steel, 2007) it still presents as an unsolved problem to

university students as well as the people in the society.

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