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Names: Myriam Lopez; Karolina Villegas; Juan Canchig; Evelyn Caceres

Articles about Method silent way

Budiharto, A. (2018) carried out an investigation whose main objective was to develop the skills
of writing, speaking and pronunciation in the foreign language in first grade students in an
Islamic school, color bars (Cuisenaire) are used are small wooden rods of different lengths and
colors, The Cuisenaire rods are used in Silent Way, a teaching methodology associated with
humanism to encourage autonomous learning of students by creating speaking, writing, and
pronunciation skills. Used data collection instruments with observation and grammatical
patterns, Cuisenaire color bars). The main findings show that through the teaching of colored
bars, students learned to formulate small sentences using the grammar presented by the
teacher and improve their pronunciation.


Budiharto, A.(2018).the role of silent way method to English teaching in a private Islamic middle
school.Journal Solma. Vol. 7(2): 161-167. recovered from :

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