(Gyne 2) Notepad Review - Climacterium

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what is climacterium

what is perimenopause

WHO definition of perimenopause

elevated ____ accelerates growth of granulosa cells

initial endocrine change that signals onset of menopause (3):

clomiphene challenge (change in hormone levels):

requested for ___:

menopause: [duration] of [SSx] due to [physiological change]

decreased [hormone] -> increased [hormone]

Average Filipina age of menopause:

Most important determinant of age at menopause:

E2: [aromatization]
E1: [aromatization]

Cardinal sign of menopause:

Definition of premature ovarian failure:

Features of POF (3):

Confirmatory diagnosis of POF:

Iatrogenic causes of POF:

Treatment of POF:

Surgical menopause: [definition]

First symptom of menopause:

Etiology of Vasomotor symptoms:

[population]: not prone to vasomotor symptoms due to _____:

Strongest indicators of cognitive decline and mood changes:

Estradiol acts mainly on ER [alpha/beta]

detection of osteopenia and osteoporosis:

Indication of MHT (give 2)

Contraindication of MHT (give 2):

Androgen production [continues/ceases] because of []

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