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GE Energy

OC 6000e
Software Function Block
Version No.2.1
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to
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GE Energy
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This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA and
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© 2012 General Electric Company, USA. All rights reserved.
Safety Symbols

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly

observed, could result in personal injury or death.

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly

observed, could result in damage or destruction of

Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that should

be strictly followed in order to optimize these applications.

Note Indicates an essential or important procedure or statement.

Tip Provides essential information that is not normally defined in regular use
but from an experienced user.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Process Control Station and Processor Unit ························································································ 1
1.2 DPU Configuration Process ··························································································································· 2
1.3 DPU Configuration File····································································································································· 2
1.4 Page ··········································································································································································· 2
1.5 Function Blocks ··················································································································································· 3

Chapter 2 I/O Function Block 13

2.1 Analog Input from UDH, XNetAI··············································································································· 13
2.2 Digital Input From UDH, XNetDI ··············································································································· 14
2.3 Analog Output to UDH, XNetAO ··············································································································· 15
2.4 Digital Output To UDH, XNetDO ··············································································································· 17
2.5 Analog Input, XAI ············································································································································· 18
2.6 Digital Input, XDI··············································································································································· 22
2.7 Analog Output, XAO ······································································································································· 23
2.8 Digital Output, XDO········································································································································· 24
2.9 Pulse Input, XPI ················································································································································· 25
2.10 Analog Input between Pages, XPgAI ·································································································· 26
2.11 Digital Input Between Pages, XPgDI ··································································································· 27
2.12 Analog Output between Pages, XPgAO ···························································································· 28
2.13 Digital Output between Pages, XPgDO ····························································································· 29
2.14 Alarm Test, TAlm············································································································································ 30
2.15 Analog Simulation Broadcast, XSimAO ····························································································· 32
2.16 Digital Simulation Broadcast, XSimDO ······························································································ 33
2.17 Digital Channel Simulation, XDISim····································································································· 34
2.18 Analog Channel Simulation, XAISim ··································································································· 35
2.19 Redundant Analog Input, XAI2 ··············································································································· 36
2.20 Redundant Digital Input, XDI2················································································································ 41
2.21 Redundant Analog Output, XAO2 ········································································································· 43
2.22 Redundant Digital Output, XDO2·········································································································· 45

Chapter 3 Analog Function 46

3.1 Two-input Adder, Add ··································································································································· 46
3.2 Multiplier, Mul····················································································································································· 47
3.3 Divider, Div ·························································································································································· 48
3.4 Square Root, Sqrt············································································································································· 49
3.5 Absolute Value, Abs ········································································································································ 50
3.6 Quintic Polynomial, Polynom····················································································································· 51
3.7 8-Input Mathematics Calculator, Sum8 ······························································································ 52
3.8 12-Sector Function Transform, f(x) ········································································································· 54
3.9 Bessel Function, Bessel ································································································································ 55
3.10 Exponential/Logarithmic/Mod Function, Pow/Log/Mod·························································· 56

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual i

3.11 Trigonometric and Inverse Function, TriAng ·················································································· 57
3.12 Boolean Convert to Long Integer, B16ToL······················································································· 58
3.13 Long Integer Convert to Boolean, LToB16······················································································· 59
3.14 Convert Long Integer to Analog Variable, LTOF ··········································································· 60
3.15 Analog Comparison, Cmp ························································································································ 61
3.16 Temperature Calculation Module, FDM ···························································································· 62
3.17 Basic Property of Interzone Algebra, iProp ····················································································· 64
3.18 Interzone Algebra Arithmetic, iBsc ······································································································ 65
3.19 Flow Calculation, CalFlow ························································································································ 66

Chapter 4 Digital Operation 67

4.1 2-Input AND, AND ············································································································································ 67
4.2 2-Input OR, OR··················································································································································· 68
4.3 Reverser, NOT ···················································································································································· 69
4.4 Exclusive OR, XOR ············································································································································ 70
4.5 8-Input OR, QOR8 ············································································································································ 71
4.6 RS Trigger, Rsflp ················································································································································ 72
4.7 Timer, Timer ························································································································································ 73
4.8 Counter, Cnt ······················································································································································· 76
4.9 2-Input Time Delay AND, TDAND············································································································· 77
4.10 First Event Recorder, First························································································································· 78
4.11 Permit to Start Or Stop, PMT ··················································································································· 80
4.12 Eight devices startup sequence select, DSeq ················································································ 81
4.13 8 Transition, SFC ············································································································································ 84
4.14 Eight devices startup status judge, SeqD ························································································ 86
4.15 Boolean Alarm, BAlm ·································································································································· 88

Chapter 5 Control Algorithm 89

5.1 Deviation Computing, Dev ·························································································································· 89
5.2 PID Calculation, EPid ······································································································································ 91
5.3 Block-type PID Calculation, EPid2 ··········································································································· 93
5.4 2-Output Balance, Balan2 ·························································································································· 95
5.5 8-input Balance, Balan8 ······························································································································ 97
5.6 One Out Of Two Selector, TwoSel ··········································································································· 99
5.7 One out of Three Selector, TriSel ··········································································································· 101
5.8 Non-disturbance Shift, SFT ······················································································································· 103
5.9 Digital Selection, DSFT ································································································································ 104
5.10 Multi-Signal Switch, MSFT ······················································································································ 105
5.11 High-low Range Limiter, HLLmt ·········································································································· 107
5.12 High-low Limit Alarm, HLAlm················································································································ 108
5.13 Rate Limiter, RatLmt·································································································································· 109
5.14 Rate Alarm, RatAlm ···································································································································· 110
5.15 Table Lookup Fuzzy Controller, FTAB ······························································································· 111
5.16 Slow Signal Protection, SAIPro ············································································································· 114
5.17 Smith Predictor, Smith······························································································································ 115

ii GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.18 Two Devices Switch Algorithm, DevSwh ························································································ 116
5.19 Three Devices Switch Algorithm, DevSwh3 ·················································································· 118
5.20 Step Controller, Step ································································································································· 121
5.21 Direct Digital Servo, DDS ························································································································· 125
5.22 Software Pulse Series Output, SPO···································································································· 126
5.23 Multi-Device Operation Step Table, DevTab ················································································· 127
5.24 Four Devices Switch Block, DevSwh4 ······························································································ 129
5.25 Extended Multi-Device Operation Step Table, DEVTABEX ····················································· 133
5.26 Special Lock-type PID Calculation, EPidH ······················································································ 135
5.27 Extended Multi-Signal Switch, MSFTH ····························································································· 137

Chapter 6 Operator 139

6.1 Keyboard Analog Increase/Decrease, KBML ·················································································· 140
6.2 Simple Digital Manual Operator, D/MA ······························································································ 141
6.3 Enhanced Type Analog Soft Manual Operator, ES/MA ······························································ 142
6.4 Digital Operator, DEVICE ···························································································································· 145
6.5 Electric Digital Operator, EDEVICE ········································································································ 151
6.6 Electric Digital Operator, EDEVICE2 ····································································································· 154
6.7 Remote Regulator, RMRG ·························································································································· 157
6.8 Remote Controller, RMCT ·························································································································· 160

Chapter 7 Time Process Function 162

7.1 Lead and Lag, LeadLag ······························································································································ 162
7.2 Delay, Delay ······················································································································································ 163
7.3 Differential, Diff ··············································································································································· 164
7.4 Digital Filter, Filter ·········································································································································· 165
7.5 Slope Signal Generator, Rmp ·················································································································· 166
7.6 Section Signal Generator, f(t) ··················································································································· 167
7.7 12-Sector Signal Generator, F(t12) ······································································································· 169
7.8 Signal Generator, Signal ···························································································································· 170
7.9 Time Field’s Statistic for Analog, TSum ······························································································ 171
7.10 Time Field’s Sum for Digital, TSumD ································································································· 173
7.11 Period Timer, CycTime ······························································································································ 175
7.12 Time Processing, TPRO····························································································································· 176
7.13 Time Record, TREC ····································································································································· 177
7.14 Time Transfer, TtoS ···································································································································· 178
7.15 Time Transfer, StoT ···································································································································· 179

Chapter 8 System Module 180

8.1 Text Remark, Text ·········································································································································· 180
8.2 Trend Recorder, Trend ································································································································ 181
8.3 Trigger Event, Event ····································································································································· 182
8.4 Event Capture, Capture ······························································································································ 183
8.5 Quality (state) Test, TQ ································································································································ 185
8.6 I/O Card Test, TCard ····································································································································· 186

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual iii

8.7 I/O Node Test, TNode2 ································································································································ 187
8.8 DPU (state) Test, TDPU2 ······························································································································ 188
8.9 User Defined Function, UDFB-M ············································································································ 189
8.10 Parameter Change, ChgPara ··············································································································· 191
8.11 Latent Selector Of Digital Variable, DxSel ······················································································ 192
8.12 Latent Selector of Analog Variable, AxSel······················································································ 193

Chapter 9 Power Plant Application 194

9.1 Feed-Water Pump Control: Two Running and One Standby, Balance3 ··························· 194
9.2 Water Level Compensation Calculation, LvlComp ······································································ 196
9.3 Flow Compensation Calculation, FlowComp ·················································································· 198
9.4 Thermodynamic Property Calculation, PTCal ················································································· 199
9.5 Valve Protection, Pop ·································································································································· 201
9.6 General Water Level Compensation, GLComp ·············································································· 202

Appendix A--Abbreviation 204

iv GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Process Control Station and Processor Unit

Process control station is a basic unit of GE Energy’s Distributed Control System
(DCS), OC6000e. Apart from self-diagnostic capability and redundancy, it has
functions of data acquisition, data processing, loop control and communication
Distributed Processing Unit, DPU for short, is the core component of process
control station. The main functions of DPU include I/O module control, alarm
checking, close-loop control and process calculation etc.

1.1.1 Node Number

Generally, one process control station has two redundant DPUs. OC 6000e system
recommend: the ranges of DPU node number are 1~70, 101~170 and 201~250.
Among them, 1~50, 101~150, 201~250, are TMR DPUs node ranges, for example,
1/101/201 are three TMR DPUs; 51~70, 151~170 are dual redundancy DPUs node
ranges, for example, 51/151 are two dual redundancy DPUs. The ranges of TMR
DPU also can be used as dual redundancy DPUs.
Node number of HMI station is generally within 71~100 and 171~200.

1.1.2 DPU Operating State

DPU has four main states in operation: active, standby, locking and initial state.
When a pair of redundant DPUs is operating normally, one of them is in active
state, while the other is in standby state. DPU software will switch automatically
according to the CPU state, I/O state and network state, so that standby DPU can
replace the active DPU immediately when the active DPU is in malfunction. In
addition, engineer can manually switch DPU with SystCFG tool.
When a DPU just starts up, it is in initial state. It is indicated by yellow flag in
Diagnostic screen. After it finished starting up, the DPU should be active state or
standby state. If the configuration algorithm in the standby DPU is different from
the active DPU, the standby DPU will be in initial state and the active DPU will be in
locking state. If the DPU has no configuration file, the standby DPU will be in initial
state. The DPU configuration file should be downloaded, or the standby DPU
should be synchronized with the active DPU in order to eliminate the initial state.
More information about DPU states please refers to OC 6000e HMI Software
Manual (GEK-114904) chapter 5.

1.1.3 DPU Configuration Information

User can configure, modify and on-line debug DPU in ENG station.
OC 6000e provides control algorithm language, which complies with IEC1131-3
standard and strengthens in graphic configuration and debugging language with

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 1

function blocks as basic elements, thus making configuration and debugging very
easy and convenient. OC 6000e provides all kinds of commonly used function
blocks. User also can create their own special function blocks using OC 6000e
Internal DPU data can be divided into DPU general description, page and function
block object.
General description includes overview of DPU information and all relevant pages.
Each page object has an appointed execution period. While function block object
can only exist in page, function blocks in same page have same calculation period.
Pages and function blocks are named individually by page number and function
block number; they also have order number, which specifies their execution
sequence in DPU. The page with smaller order number will be executed prior to the
page with bigger order number. In the same page, function block with smaller
order number will be executed prior to the one with bigger order number.
Commonly, page number, block number and order number are assigned
automatically during configuration process. User can change the order number of
page and function block with configuration tools, to adjust execution sequence.
But user cannot change page number or function block number online; they only
can be changed offline.

1.2 DPU Configuration Process

SystCFG is a tool for system and controller logic configuration. In ENG station, user
can run this software only after login MPC with ENG level or higher.
SystCFG provides two configuration modes: offline and online.
In offline mode, user can open a DPU configuration file in ENG station to edit page
and logic, set up I/O and parameters, then save this file to ENG station hard disk.
In online configuration mode, user must first link and login the corresponding DPU
station and get the authorization, then they can read and modify the configuration
data of DPU programs. User can download files created offline to DPU station, and
can also upload the configuration data from the operating DPU to the ENG station
to modify and debug. User can also modify, delete and insert the control Pages
and the function blocks online. And meanwhile, user can check the running data in
DPU and debug them online. User should logout at the end of the operation.
Specific information of SystCFG refers to OC 6000e Engineer Software Manual
(GEK-114905) chapter 2.

1.3 DPU Configuration File

Each process control station corresponds to a DPU configuration file. This DPU file
is stored in ENG station in text format.
User can create a new configuration file in SystCFG, or upload configuration from
online DPU to save as configuration file and modify it offline.

1.4 Page
The Page is commonly represented by “Pg” or “P”.
Page is a basic object in DPU configuration software. Function blocks must exist in

2 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Page includes properties such as: page number, order number, page status, page
size, execution period, page description, etc. Function block instances are also
included in page instance.
 The Page state describes the working status of the control Page. For example,
whether Page has been disabled or not. In addition, the Page state can only be
read and modified online.
 The execution period represents how often the control Page is to be computed.
The period is usually set as 10ms, 20ms, 40ms, 80ms, 200ms, 480ms, 1s, 2s, 5s,
10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 60s, 600s and 0. The 0 selection represents that this page
is not to be computed periodically, and can be executed according to the
special blocks defined by user.
 The order number represents the execution priority of the Page. The control
Pages are executed periodically by the order of the order numbers. The smaller
the order number, the higher the execution priority.
 The size number represents how big the edit area is. The size number is smaller,
and then the size is bigger.
 The description of the Page records the data of the control Page, such as
functions and explanations of this Page and so on, which has nothing to do with
the real-time control.

1.5 Function Blocks

The function blocks are commonly represented by “FB” or “B”.
Function block is a basic element of DPU configuration. OC 6000e pre-defines
function blocks with many kinds of types and functions, for user’s convenience.
Function blocks are a group of sub-programs, which comply with IEC61131-3
standard. When a function block is called, the system will run this sub-program,
and send operation result to the corresponding storage unit of the output that the
connected block could reach.
User definition in function blocks includes three parts: output, input and
parameters. When function block is instantiated, it will include block number, order
number, state and intermediate calculation value. The system seals all these data
together as an object.
In the same page, function block with smallest order number will be executed first.
This manual will introduce in detail the functions and setup method of all kinds of
function blocks.

1.5.1 Function Block Appearance Control Algorithm Function Block

Algorithm block is rectangle generally, as shown in Figure 1.5-1. ① is function
block name; ② is block number and order number in configuration page; ③ is
input signal of block. When input signal comes from other function block, this part
is connecting line or a pin indication (when input line is concealed); if it is an instant
number, that means the number is set inside this function block; ④ is function
block output signal. Spare output pin can be hidden; ⑤ is input signal name or
static parameter of this block.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 3

Function block’s I/O pin can connect to other blocks via lines for the transfer of
point value or state.

Figure 1.5-1 Calculation algorithm block appearance I/O Configuration

There are four kinds of I/O configuration types: Distributed I/O configuration based
on module, I/O channel configuration, network I/O and page I/O configuration.
 Distributed I/O configuration
Distributed I/O configuration is based on I/O module. Any supported distributed I/O
module can be added, deleted, configured and diagnosed. Every module in the
system has parameters, variables, inputs and outputs need to be configured.
Details see the SystCFG tool manual.
 I/O channel configuration
I/O channel function block defines a corresponding relationship between a
variable inside DPU and hardware channel. I/O channel number and conversion
type are indicated below the symbol. As hardware I/O block can broadcast in
network, which can be acquired through other DPUs and HMI stations, point
names connecting to network are shown in symbols, as shown in Table 1.5-1. The
I/O channel configuration is mainly used in OC 4000 system or communication
based on VDPU or other non-standard IO system, such as ETS.
Table 1.5-1 Hardware I/O block
Symbol Name Function description
XAI Analog input block

XPI Pulse input block

XDI Digital input block

XDO Digital output block

XAO Analog output block

 Network I/O block

Network I/O block defines the corresponding relationship between a variable
inside DPU and global point which can be broadcast in network and acquired by
other DPUs and HMI stations, as shown in Table 1.5-2. The letters inside the block
shows the point name that is broadcasted to network; Null means there is no point
in this block.

4 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Table 1.5-2 Network I/O block
Symbol Name Function description
XNetAI Analog value input block, network AI

XNetAO Analog value output block, network AO

XNetDI Digital value input block, network DI

XNetDO Digital value output block, network DO

 Page I/O block

Page I/O block defines the corresponding relationship of variables between pages
inside DPU. In Table 1.5-3, input block shows page number (upper) and block
number (lower) of connected signal, output block shows block number in
configuration page. Page input block can refer to not only page output block, but
all network I/O block and hardware I/O block, while signal type (analog/digital)
must be consistent.
When Page input block refers to hardware I/O point or network I/O point, the left
side of symbol shows point name. When the point does not exist, point name will
be shown as RefNotExist.
Table 1.5-3 Page I/O block
Symbol Name Function description
XPgAI Analog input block between pages

XPgAO Analog output block between pages

XPgDI Digital input block between pages

XPgDO Digital value block between pages Text block

The appearance of Text block is string. User can double click it to edit.

1.5.2 Data Type

There are three types of data transferred between function blocks: boolean (1 byte),
float (IEEE standard 4 bytes) and long integer (4 bytes). But parameter,
intermediate variable and state variable will not among them. Float point and long
integer are called analog in general, they can be mutually transferred and function
block can convert them automatically. But user needs to pay attention to precision
loss during conversion. Boolean value can only be transferred to boolean variable.
When function block is calculating, output variable, state variable and
intermediate variable will be updated, and other function block can access output
variable. Through special function block TQ the user can get the state variable
indirectly (transfer to n boolean values), but no intermediate variable. Output
variable, state variable and intermediate variable cannot be modified by other

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 5

function blocks; only the function block itself can modify these variables by
The output variable can be any one of the three types: the float variable, the long
integer variable and the boolean variable. The state variable is contained in one
word, which records whether this block is in enabled state or disabled state (the
function blocks will not be executed if they are in disabled state), whether this
block has any bad input signals that make this block’s output signals unreliable,
whether the input signals is overtime (such as network blocks and I/O blocks). The
intermediate variables can be any data type permitted and are irrelevant to user,
and they only record the running states of the function blocks.

1.5.3 Order Number

Order number of blocks is a very important parameter for OC 6000e DPU graphic
configuration software. Each page and block of DPU configuration has order
number, which represents its execution order in DPU. DPU software calculates
them one by one according to their order number. The page or block with smaller
number is usually executed prior to that with bigger number. And if the order
number is of same, the page or block with smaller number will be executed first.
The order number of the page or block is given initially according to the order of
their creation. The user can also modify their order number manually by SystCFG
tools. When off line, the blocks can also be rearranged automatically by their
position in the page from the left to the right.
The improper setup of the order number will not only influence the real-time
character of the logical operation but also cause error sometimes. For example:
There are three identical lines of logic composed by block Add. The order number
of block 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 and block 1, 14, 13, 12, 11, 15 increases along signal
flow direction, and the order number of block 1, 9 and 6, 10 also increases along
signal flow direction. While the order number of block 9, 8, 7, 6 decreases along
signal flow direction. Compare the calculation result of these three lines of logic by
referring to Figure.1.5-2:

Figure 1.5-2 Different calculation sequences

Block 1 is the adder and adds 10 each time. It transfers the data to block 2, 9, and
14 respectively.

6 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Block 2 again transfers the data to block 3, 4, and 5 one by one. Because their
order numbers increase along the signal flow direction, block 1 just transfers the
same data to block 2, 3, 4, 5 within this execution cycle.
Block 9 similarly transfers the data to block 8, 7, 6 one after another. Because their
order numbers decrease along the signal flow direction, the latter block is firstly
executed while the former one has not been updated and remains the data of the
previous cycle. And therefore, block 9 has the current new data, block 8 has the
data of the previous cycle, block 7 remains the data of the second previous cycle
and block 6 remains the data of the third previous cycle. So from block 10 the user
can see that the output of block 5 is bigger than that of block 6 by 30, which
matches the difference of three cycles.
Block 14 transfers the data to block 13, 12, 11 one after another, which is similar to
blocks 9, 8, 7, 6. Because their order numbers increase along the signal flow
direction similar to blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, the output of block 11 is identical to that of
block 5. And it can be demonstrated by the output 0 of block 15.
From the case above, we can see that although the logic graph is the same, the
result is rather different. It’s simply because the setting of order number is different,
which causes blocks in the same page to calculate input signals in different cycles.
In order to ensure the accuracy of configuration result and high-efficiency of the
configuration, the user should abide by the following rules:
1) First execute input signal (AI, DI) page, then execute logic operation page, and at
last execute output signal (AO, DO) page
2) In the same page, the order number increases along the signal flow direction
from the left to the right
3) In some special cases, the logic in some loops should be compared with that in
the previous cycle to decide its instant value. At this situation, the user should set
its input order number within the previous cycle.
Besides, the newly added block is always executed at last during modification in
the default case. When the user deletes one block by accident and then adds a
new one to replace it, its order number has also changed so that it will be the last
one to be executed. So the user should pay attention to the modification case like

1.5.4 Function block property

The function block property sheet is shown as Figure 1.5-3.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 7

Figure 1.5-3 Function block property
User can get the information of the block including function description, block
number, order number, working status, quality transfer mode and output save
Each function block has one status word, which describes the running state of this
block. The states of the function blocks can be transferred in a customized way.
Except for some special function blocks, all other blocks can be defined as
No-transfer, And-transfer and Or-transfer by selection list. For example one
function block has three input ports, so the quality state of the output ports of this
block is decided by the quality state of the input ports and the quality-transfer
mode defined by the user. If some input ports of the function block are null, they
will not take part in the quality-transfer. The quality-transfer mode is defined in a
word, 0 means No-transfer, 1 means Or-transfer, 2 means And-transfer and the
default selection is No-transfer.
Output save mode of function block is also defined in list selection. There are two
modes – Save and Not Save, Default is Not Save. Save Output means DPU save
this block output at set intervals; when DPU restarts, its output keeps consistent
with previously saved state before DPU stop running. Generally, this function is
only available to accumulation value.

1.5.5 Input, Output and Parameter

When the function blocks are being initiated, the output value, the running state
and the intermediate variables are all set to initial value. Among them,the initial
value of output can be defined by user.
The running mode and range of the function blocks are defined by the parameters.
The parameters can be different data types. During configuration and online
modification, user can modify the value of the parameters. Once the parameters
are set, they will not change, which means the value of the parameters is set by
user and cannot be changed by the blocks themselves. The parameter setting
sheet is shown as Figure 1.5-4.

8 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Figure 1.5-4 Function block parameter
The definition of the input of a function block can be a pointer, or a constant. We
call it “definition” because it is set by user and cannot be changed when
computing. If it is defined as a pointer, it points to the output of other blocks or its
own, and it is indicated in the form of the conjunction of “B” (the function block)
and “I” (the output foot). The data that it points to can only be three type variables:
the float variable, the long integer variable or the BOOLEAN variable. The output
signals of the BOOLEAN type can only be connected to the input for the BOOLEAN
variables. While the output signals of the float type and the long integer type can
only be connected to the input for the float variables or the long integer variables.
If the source and destination of the connection are in the same page, the pointer
can be represented as <B.I>. When <B.I> is <65535,65535>, it means that the input
point is connected to a NULL pointer and there is no data available from this input
point. The mutual reference of signals among Pages must be performed through
special function blocks such as XpgAI and XPgDI. If they are XPgAI function block
or XPgDI function block, the function blocks referred to must be XPgAO, XPgDO or
other I/O blocks.
The input point of the function block can also be defined as a constant, which also
must be one of the float data type, the long integer data type or the Boolean data
type. The input of any function blocks of the OC 6000e also can be set with the
constant. Simply speaking, the input signals can be the pointers, NULL pointers or
the constants. The input setting sheet is shown as Figure 1.5-5.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 9

Figure 1.5-5 Function block input
The output setting sheet is shown as Figure 1.5-6.

Figure 1.5-6 Function block output

In description, NULL, which is in the form of <65535. 65535>, means empty pointer,
Boolean variable that is in the form of 1/0 or T/F means True or False.
Each input or output has a pin description which can be displayed in configuration
page. There are 32 characters maximumly in the pin description. The user can
define pin description of input or output in Input or Output tab page of function
block property window.

10 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

1.5.6 Point Config
There is Point Config setting sheet in FB property window for the function block
which can contain point, as shown in Figure 1.5-7.

Figure 1.5-7 Function block point config

There are many settings for the point in this sheet. The detailed information about
the settings please refers to OC 6000e Engineer Software Manual (GEK-114905)
chapter 2.11. The simple description is shown in Table 1.5-4.
Table 1.5-4 Point Config settings
Tag Data Type Default Description
Tout 2s Timeout period
Tag Point name
Desc Point description
Attrib ----- Attribute code
AlmGrp ----- Alarm group
Unit (analog) Unit
Format (analog) 7.2 Output format for display and print
(Significant digits. Decimal digits)
MaxY (analog) 100 High limit of engineering value
MinY (analog) 0 Low limit of engineering value
Except T Exception reporting flag
T=Report, F=Not report
ExcDev (analog) 0.1 Exception reporting dead zone (absolute value)
ExDPer (analog) 0.1 Exception reporting dead zone (percent)
ZeroSm (digital) Description of the state 0, logic False
OneSm (digital) Description of the state 1, logic True

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 11

ExcMax 60 Maximum exception reporting interval, Unit: s
ExcMin 500 Minimum exception reporting interval, Unit: ms
Record T History recording flag
T=Record, F=Not record
Cmpres T Data compression flag
T=Compress, F=Not compress
CmpDev (analog) 0.1 Data compressing dead zone (absolute value)
CmDPer (analog) 0.1 Data compressing dead zone (percent)
CmpMax 600 Maximum sampling period of compressing, Unit: s
CmpMin 500 Minimum sampling period of compressing, Unit: ms

1.5.7 Operator
There is Operator sheet in the FB property window for the function block which
can be operated, as shown in Figure 1.5-8.

Figure 1.5-8 Function block operator

Different function block has different operation commands. User can operate the
function block directly in this interface for logic debugging. User also can create
dynamic link between figure and function block by FigEdit tool to operate it from
HMI screen.

12 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Chapter 2 I/O Function Block

2.1 Analog Input from UDH, XNetAI

2.1.1 Icon

2.1.2 Parameter description

Table 2.1.1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 The value of the analog variable taken from UDH
Parameter GID Word FFFFH Point name and Global ID of the analog point
referred to at source node
Parameter T Word 500 The overtime period, between 10~36000 (*10ms)

2.1.3 Algorithm description

This FB receives the value and state of the shared analog variable from other DPU
and save them in the output Y, so that other function blocks of local DPU can read
from it. If the received running state is bad, then the state of this FB is bad. If its
value has not been updated in due time, then this FB is in the overtime state and
the output Y is bad. The subsequent FBs can inherit the bad state.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 13

2.2 Digital Input From UDH, XNetDI

2.2.1 Icon

2.2.2 Parameter description

Table 2.2.1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F The value of the digital variable taken from UDH
Parameter GID Word FFFFH Point name and Global ID of the digital point
referred to source node
Parameter T Word 500 The overtime period, between 10~36000 (*10ms).

2.2.3 Algorithm description

This FB receives the value and state of the shared digital variable from another
DPU and save them in the output D, so that other function blocks of local DPU can
read from it. If the received running state is bad, the state of this FB is bad. If its
value has not been updated in due time, then this FB is in the overtime state and
the output D is bad. The subsequent FBs can inherit the bad state.

14 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.3 Analog Output to UDH, XNetAO

2.3.1 Icon

2.3.2 Parameter description

Table 2.3.1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input X Float Null Input
Parameter LID Word FFFFH Point name and local ID of analog point
Parameter SH Byte 0 Share flag; 0= Not share, 1= Share
Parameter NAA Byte 0 When alarm resets, whether automatically
acknowledge alarm signal.
0=Automatically acknowledge;
1=Not automatically acknowledge.
For rate alarm, no automatically acknowledge
Parameter T Word 1s Broadcasting period: it can be 480ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s,
same as Page period or not broadcast
Parameter HHH Float NULL The third high limit; If it=NULL, it will be ineffective
Parameter HH Float NULL High-High alarm limit: If it=NULL, it will be ineffective
Parameter H Float NULL High alarm limit: If it=NULL, it will be ineffective
Parameter L Float NULL Low alarm limit; If it=NULL, it will be ineffective
Parameter LL Float NULL Low-Low alarm limit,; If it=NULL, it will be ineffective
Parameter LLL Float NULL The third low limit; If it=NULL, it will be ineffective
Parameter DB Float 0.0 Alarm dead band. Alarm will be reset after the data
go back to the Limit-DB for high limit alarm and
Limit+DB for low limit alarm.
Parameter R Float 0.0 Rate alarm limit
If R=0.0, rate alarm limit does not exist.
Parameter Pri Word 0H Alarm priority; Chosen among 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
0=Lowest alarm level, 7=Highest alarm level
Parameter SSH Boolean 0 Slow signal Protection flag: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
Parameter Filter Float 0.0 Filter time; Unit: second
Parameter Bias Float 0.0 Zero bias
Parameter R0 Float 0.0 Cut-off dead band for small signal
Parameter SQRT Word 0H Square function: 0=no sqrt; 1=sqrt

2.3.3 Algorithm description

This FB broadcasts float point and long integer variables X retrieved from the other
block to the OC 6000e real-time net and takes the alarm checking.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 15

It inherits the quality of the preceding FB. If the quality of input signal is bad, then
the output signal is bad. The broadcasting value equals to the input value.
Among them:
The Alarm On/Off switch in the state word is effective to all the alarm limits.
All the parameters from LID to SSH in XNETAO will be used in the other FB which
has the function to broadcast analog data to UDH, and we call this group of
parameters as PNETAO. In the following function block, it represents this group
parameter if the type is PNETAO.
The first 4 parameters from LID to T in XNETAO will be used in the other FB that has
the function to broadcast packed data to UDH, so we call this group parameter as
PACKAO. In the following function block, The Parameter PACKAO will represent
these 4 parameters.
Parameter SSH is applicable for temperature input, and not for other types of input,
nor analogy output.

16 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.4 Digital Output To UDH, XNetDO

2.4.1 Icon

2.4.2 Parameter description

Table 2.4.1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input Z Boolean Null Input Z
Parameter LID Word FFFFH Point name and local ID of digital point
Parameter SH Byte 0 Share flag; 0=Not share, 1=Share
Parameter NAA Byte 0 When alarm resets, whether automatically
acknowledge alarm signal.
0=Automatically acknowledge,1=Not automatically
Parameter T Word 1s Broadcasting period: it can be 480ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s,
same as Page period or not broadcast
Parameter AA Word 0 Alarm definition
0 = no alarm, 1 = 0 alarm, 2 = 1 alarm
Parameter P Byte 0H Alarm priority
Chosen among 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7
0=Lowest alarm level, 7=Highest alarm level
Parameter TD_On Word 0 Delay period from 0 to 1; for ETS system, unit: ms
Parameter TD_Off Word 0 Delay period from 1 to 0; for ETS system, unit: ms

2.4.3 Algorithm description

This FB broadcasts Boolean variable Z retrieved from the other block to the OC
6000e real-time net and takes the alarm checking.
It inherits the quality of the preceding FB. If the quality of input signal is bad, then
the output signal is bad. The broadcasting value equals to the input value.
Among them:
All the parameters from ‘LID’ to ‘P’ in XNETDO will be used in the other FB which
also has the function to broadcast digital data to UDH, so we call this group of
parameters as PNETDO. In the following function block, it represents this group
parameter if the type is PNETDO.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 17

2.5 Analog Input, XAI

2.5.1 Icon

2.5.2 Parameter description

Table 2.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 The engineering value of analog input
Input X Float Null Compensatory point
It is only valid when Cvt=TC, that is, when signal is
Parameter Addr Word x-xx-xx I/O address
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 Conversion type for input signal: Default =linear
Parameter Word 3840 AD value corresponding to high limit of measure
MaxAD range
Parameter Word 768 AD value corresponding to low limit of measure
MinAD range
Parameter Av Float 0.0 Amplifying multiples.
Detail refers to Table 2.5-2
Parameter R0 Float 0 The standard resistance of Mueller bridge circuit or
the value of constant direct-current source used for
RTD measurement;
The dead zone of small signal when Cvt=linear
(percentage of range);
Parameter MaxY Float 100.0 High limit of measure range
Parameter MinY Float 0.0 Low limit of measure range
Parameter Bias Float 0.0 Zero-bias: Used to adjust the zero point, in the form
of engineering value
Parameter Flt Float 0.0 Time constant of low-pass filter, Unit: s
0.0=No filtering function
Parameter Group parameter of NetAO

18 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Table 2.5-2 List of conversion types for input signal (Cvt )
Cvt Transform type Detail Description
0 Linear K(n)= (AD(n)-MinAD)/(MaxAD-MinAD);
Y(n) = (MaxY-MinY)*K(n)+MinY; Parameter Av is meaningless.
R0 is cut-off limit for small signal, when absolute value of Y(n) <
(R0* Range) , Y(n)=0;
0~10V, 0~5V, 1~5V, 0~10mA, 4~20mA, -5V~+5V, speed value
(=AD value) etc. are all transformed by this type.
AD values range (maxAD and minAD) of I/O module must be
known when setting.
1 Linear extraction K(n) =(AD(n)-MinAD)/(MaxAD-MinAD);
Y(n) = (MaxY-MinY)*SQR(K(n))+MinY; parameter Av is meaningless.
R0 is cut-off limit for small signal, when absolute value of Y(n) <
(R0* Range), Y(n)=0;
If extracted value K (n)<0.0, then output Y(n)=0.0, and the status
is bad.
2 Float (Direct float Y(n) = Av* float point input; Av is a proportional coefficient,
convert) default(Av=0) is 1. Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need
to define, which are used when input signal is IEEE single
precision float point. Because OC 6000e hardware does not
support float point input, this method is generally used in
communication between OC 6000e and third party hardware.
3 Signed word (16bit) Y(n) = Av*AD(n) +BIAS; Av is a proportional coefficient, default
(Av=0) is 1. Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need to
4 Float (L16+H16, Indirect Y(n) = Av*f32+BIAS; Av is a proportional coefficient,
float convert from two default(Av=0)is 1. Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need
adjacent channels) to define. Because OC 6000e hardware does not support float
point input, float point inputs of OC 6000e always use this type:
two 16-bit adjacent channels are combined to form a 32-bit
single precision float input, and low byte is prior to high byte, like
AC sample card.
5 1/ Signed word (16bit) Y(n) = Av/AD(n)+BIAS
Av is a proportional coefficient, default(Av=0)is 1. Parameter
MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need to define.
6 Direct long convert Y(n) = AD(n)
Y(n) is long integer output, generally used as accumulating value
for communication between OC 6000e and third part hardware.
Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need to define.
7 Float (H16+ L16, Indirect 32-bit long integer input signal: same with item 4, but high byte
float convert from two is prior to low byte.
adjacent channels)
8 SAD16 (H8+L8) direct Same with item 3, but high byte is prior to low byte.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 19

convert from 16bits AD Y(n) = Av*AD(n)+BIAS
9 spare
10 RTD-Cu50 If MaxAD=MinAD=0, DPU will adopt default transfer parameter
11 RTD-Cu50 (3mA constant of card.
current source)
12 RTD-PT100
13 RTD-PT100 (3mA
constant current source)
14 RTD-PT10
15 RTD-PT10 (3mA constant
current source)
16 RTD-Cu53
17 RTD-Cu53 (3mA constant
current source)
19 RTD-BAI (3mA constant
current source)
20 TC-K (EU)
21 TC-E (EA)
22 TC-T
23 TC-B
24 TC-K (EU2)
25 TC-S
26 TC-J
27 TC-SK
28 TC-N
29 TC-R
50 RTD-Cu10
51 RTD-Cu10(3mA constant
current source)
52 RTD-Cu100
53 RTD-Cu100(3mA
constant current source)

In above form, items 10-19, 50~53 are for RTD thermo-resistance transformation,
and items 20-29 are for TC thermocouple transformation.
To RTD and TC, range limit and corresponding MaxAD and MinAD value must be
defined. If MaxAD=MinAD=0, DPU will adopt default transfer of card while range
limit is only used for over limit alarming, not for transformation; Default
transformation parameter can be set in DPU configuration file.

2.5.3 Algorithm description

This block can get an A/D value from a definite I/O address and convert it to Y
which is in the form of the engineering value for other blocks to read from it. If

20 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

there is something wrong with the I/O channel, the state of this block turns bad.
The downstream block can inherit the state of it.
For TC sensing, the cold junction compensation should be set. The engineering
value will be added Bias before sending out. The engineering value is limited
between (MinY-range*10%) and (MaxY+ range*10%) for all the conversion types. If
the value reaches or breaks the limit, the state of this block will be set as the
Overflow (OFW) and the quality is bad. After conversion, the block will do the
lowpass again if defined. The transition function of the lowpass is 1/(1+TS), and the
“T” is the parameter “Flt”. After lowpass, the data will be packaged as XNetAO type
and be broadcasted to the UDH.
When the input channel changes from good to bad, the output value will keep the
last available value of the good state.
For RTD or TC sensing, if the parameter Flt<0, the block provides the following
functions and the filter is invalid.
RTD: When Flt=-1, if the input X is connected to the temperature value, the
output is the corresponding RTD resistance;
When Flt=-2, if the input X is connected to the resistance value of the
thermal resistor, the output is the corresponding temperature;

When Flt=-3, if the input X is connected to the temperature value, the

output is the corresponding mV value. According to the linear relationship
between the mV value and the AD value, we can get the corresponding AD

When Flt=-4, the input X is empty and the output is the resistance of the real
signal, not the temperature.
TC: When Flt=-1, if the input X is connected to the temperature value, the output
is the corresponding mV value;
When Flt=-2, if the input X is connected to the mV value, the output is the
corresponding temperature;

When Flt=-3, if input X is temperature value, output is AD value of

corresponding signal;

When Flt=-4, if input X is AD value, output is temperature value of

corresponding signal.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 21

2.6 Digital Input, XDI

2.6.1 Icon

2.6.2 Parameter description

Table 2.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Digital state of appointed address
Parameter Addr Word x-xx-xx I/O address
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 Input method
0=no invert; 1=Invert;
2=SOE no invert; 3=SOE invert; 4=Event
Parameter TD_On Word 0 Delay period from 0 to 1; for ETS system, unit: ms
Parameter TD_Off Word 0 Delay period from 1 to 0; for ETS system, unit: ms
Parameter Group parameters of NetDO

2.6.3 Algorithm description

This block gets a bit from an I/O address and converts it into the Boolean value
according to the Cvt selection. The TD_On or TD_Off filter action will be done
before it can be sent to output point D, so that other blocks can read from it. And
the data will be packaged as XNetDO type and be broadcasted to the UDH.
If there is something wrong with the I/O channel, the state of this block is bad. The
downstream block can inherit the state of it.
If the point is SOE, the system also reads data from the SOE queue based on I/O
driver in addition to normal scan. It ensures that at least one pulse will be sent out
when the SOE happens.
If the point is event, after the event occurs, XDI will output a pulse which width is
set by TD_Off.

22 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.7 Analog Output, XAO

2.7.1 Icon

2.7.2 Parameter description

Table 2.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input X Float 0.0 Input X
Parameter Addr Word x-xx-xx I/O address
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 Conversion type
0=output AD, 1=output float point
2=Float (L16+H16, Indirect float convert to two
adjacent channels)
3=Float (H16+L16, Indirect float convert to two
adjacent channels)
4=Direct long convert
Parameter Word 4095 AD value corresponding to high limit of measure
MaxAD range (20mA)
Parameter Word 819 AD value corresponding to low limit of measure
MinAD range (4mA)
Parameter MaxX Float 100.0 Upper limit of measure range
Parameter MinX Float 0.0 Low limit of measure range
Parameter SafeS Word 0 Reserved
Parameter Group parameter of NetAO

2.7.3 Algorithm description

This block sends an analog value to the AO output terminal with designated
address of the OC 6000e. And the data will be packaged as XNetAO type and be
broadcasted to the UDH.
When Cvt=0, output AD (n)= (X (n)-MinX)*(MaxAD-MinAD)/(MaxX-MinX)+MinAD
When Cvt=1, output=X (n), this type is mainly used in the situation of the
communication drive. And it outputs IEEE single float number directly to the other
When Cvt=2, Float (L16+H16, Indirect float convert to two adjacent channels)
When Cvt=3, Float (H16+L16, Indirect float convert to two adjacent channels)
When Cvt=4, Direct long convert

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 23

2.8 Digital Output, XDO

2.8.1 Icon

2.8.2 Parameter description

Table 2.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input Z Boolean F Input Z
Parameter Addr Word x-xx-xx I/O address
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 The output mode: 0=no inversion, 1=inversion,
2=SOE, no inversion, 3=SOE, inversion
Parameter SafeS Word 0 Reserved
Parameter Group parameter of NETDO

2.8.3 Algorithm description

This block sends a boolean value to the DO output terminal with designated
address. And finally, package data as XNetDO type to real-time net.

24 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.9 Pulse Input, XPI

2.9.1 Icon

2.9.2 Parameter description

Table 2.9-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Long 0 The output of the accounted pulse number
Input Rst Boolean F The input point which connected to the reset signal
in the form of <B. I> or the immediate constant
Parameter Addr Word x-xx-xx I/O address
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 The conversion mode: 0=WORD increment mode,
1=WORD following mode, 2=DWORD increment
mode, 3=DWORD following mode
Parameter Long 65535 The max value of the hardware register
Parameter Group parameter of NETAO

2.9.3 Algorithm description

This block accounts the pulse number of an I/O channel, then changes it to the
engineering format (long integer) and saves it to Y. So that other blocks can read
from it. And the data will be packaged as XNetAO type and be broadcasted to the
When the signal connected to the Rst point changes from 0 to 1, Y (n) will be reset
to 0.
In increment mode, output Y(n) +=((AD(n)-AD(n-1)) mod MaxAD). When DPU starts,
the block needs to track the AD value once. So Save Output Property should be set
as Yes.
In following mode, output Y(n)=AD(n);
If there is something wrong with the I/O channel, then the state of this block is bad.
The downstream block can inherit the state of it.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 25

2.10 Analog Input between Pages, XPgAI

2.10.1 Icon

2.10.2 Parameter description

Table 2.10-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 As the analog value of the function block in
appointed page
Parameter Ref Reference NULL Point name or Page. Block number of the block
referred to.
Input format for Page. Block number is: #Page.Block

2.10.3 Algorithm description

This function block gets the analog value from XPgAO or function blocks can be
broadcasted to UDH (XAI, XAO, XPI, XAI2, XAO2, XNetAI, XNetAO and the VC point) in
other pages in this DPU, and saves the result to the Y. So that other blocks can
read it.
This function block transfers the state of the referenced block. If the referenced
block does not exist or is not one of the above mentioned blocks, then the state of
this block is bad and the output remains unchanged.

26 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.11 Digital Input Between Pages, XPgDI

2.11.1 Icon

2.11.2 Parameter description

Table 2.11-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Take the digital value of the function block in the
different page
Parameter Ref Reference NULL Point name or Page.Block number of the block
referred to.
Input format for Page.Block number is: #Page.Block

2.11.3 Algorithm description

This function block gets the digital value from XPgDO, XDI, XDO, XDI2, XDO2,
XNetDI, and XNetDO of other pages in this DPU, and saves the result to the D. So
that other blocks can read it.
This function block transfers the state of the referenced block. If the referenced
block does not exist or is not one the above mentioned blocks, then the state of
this block is bad and the output remains unchanged.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 27

2.12 Analog Output between Pages, XPgAO

2.12.1 Icon

2.12.2 Parameter description

Table 2.12-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input X Float Null Input X

2.12.3 Algorithm description

This function block saves the analog variable of this page in this block, so that the
XPgAI block of the other page in the same DPU can read it.

28 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.13 Digital Output between Pages, XPgDO

2.13.1 Icon

2.13.2 Parameter description

Table 2.13-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input Z Boolean Null Input Z

2.13.3 Algorithm description

This function block saves the digital variable of this page in this block, so that the
XPgDI block of the other page in the same DPU can read it.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 29

2.14 Alarm Test, TAlm

2.14.1 Icon

2.14.2 Parameter description

Table 2.14-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D3H Boolean 0 State of HHH Alarm
Output D2H Boolean 0 State of HH Alarm
Output D1H Boolean 0 State of H Alarm
Output D1L Boolean 0 State of L Alarm
Output D2L Boolean 0 State of LL Alarm
Output D3L Boolean 0 State of LLL Alarm
Output DR Boolean 0 State of Rate Alarm
Output DSSP Boolean 0 State of SSP Alarm
(If the referenced block has H/L alarm and change
rate alarm, but no HH/LL alarm, and the Ack input of
TAlm block is False, the output DSSP will be set true)
Output D Boolean 0 Output depend on parameter Mode
Input Ack Boolean Null Acknowledge to enable SSP output
Parameter Ref Reference Null Point name or Page.Block number of the block
referred to.
Input format for Page.Block number is: #Page.Block
Parameter Mode Word 0 Output mode
0= any alarm; 1= flash; 2= unAck
3= limit 3 alarm, including HHH and LLL
4= limit 2 alarm, including HH and LL
5= limit 1 alarm, including H and L

30 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.14.3 Algorithm description
This function block gets the alarm state from XAI, XAO, XAI2, XAO2, XNETAI, XNetAO
or XPI in any pages in this DPU, and output alarm state respectively.
If the referenced block does not exist or is not one of the above mentioned blocks,
then the state of this block is bad and the output remains unchanged.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 31

2.15 Analog Simulation Broadcast, XSimAO

2.15.1 Icon

2.15.2 Parameter description

Table 2.15-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Input X Float Null Input X
Parameter Node Word 65535 Node number of simulated analog point
Parameter LID Word 65535 Point name and local ID of simulated analog point

2.15.3 Algorithm description

This function block broadcasts the float or long integer value to target DPU and
other DPUs cannot receive this data. The target DPU will replace the real data of
the point set in this function block with the received data.

32 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.16 Digital Simulation Broadcast, XSimDO

2.16.1 Icon

2.16.2 Parameter description

Table 2.16-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Input Z Boolean Null Input Z
Parameter Node Word 65535 Node number of simulated digital point
Parameter LID Word 65535 Point name and local ID of simulated digital point

2.16.3 Algorithm description

This function block broadcasts the digital value to target DPU, and other DPUs
cannot receive this data. The target DPU will replace the real data of the point set
in this function block with the received data.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 33

2.17 Digital Channel Simulation, XDISim

2.17.1 Icon

2.17.2 Parameter description

Table 2.17-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input IN Boolean Null Simulation Input
Input Enable Boolean True Simulation Enable
Parameter Ref Reference Null The point name or Page.Block number of the
function block or I/O channel be simulated.
Input format for Page.Block number is: #Page.Block

2.17.3 Algorithm description

This Function Block is used to simulate the real IO channel. The FB gets the output
of simulation logic and maps it to the real input channel as shown in Figure 2.17-1.

Set Output and Build Object XDISim Map the Output to

Object Parameter Simulation Model Real Input Channel

Figure 2.17-1 Configuration mode

The output of object simulation should be connected to the input IN of XDISim, and
XDISim will take place the specified real channel input data with the simulation
data. Right click to select the simulated channel in distributed IO, or input the
channel name or page no. and block no. of the specified XDI channel.
The XDISim will not take effect and replace the real input value when the value of
input Enable is False. The XDISim will take effect and use the simulation input to
replace the real input value when the input Enable is true.
Input Enable to control the simulation function block whether or not take effect,
Input IN as the simulation data source of input channel. The simulation will not
take effect when the real input channel is disabled.
The quality of simulation data will be transferred to the real input channel when
simulation taking effect. The simulation will be invalid when the real channel is

34 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.18 Analog Channel Simulation, XAISim

2.18.1 Icon

2.18.2 Parameter description

Table 2.18-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input IN Float NULL Simulation Input
Input Enable Boolean T Simulation Enable
Parameter Ref Reference Null The point name or Page.Block number of the
function block or I/O channel be simulated.
Input format for Page.Block number is: #Page.Block

2.18.3 Algorithm description

This Function Block is used to simulate the real IO channel. The block gets the
output of simulation logic and maps it to the real input channel.

Set Output and Build Object XAISim Map the Output to

Object Parameter Simulation Model Real Input Channel

Figure 2.18-1 Configuration mode

The output of object simulation should be connected to the input IN of XAISim, and
XAISim will take place the specified real channel input data with the simulation
data from In of XAISim. Right click to select the simulated channel in distributed IO,
or input the channel name or page no. and module no. of the specified XAI/XPI
The XAISim will not take effect and replace the real input value when the value of
input Enable is False. The XAISim will take effect and use the simulation input to
replace the real input value when the input Enable is true.
Input Enable to control the simulation function block whether or not take effect,
Input IN as the simulation data source of input channel. The simulation will not
take effect when the real input channel is disabled.
The quality of simulation data will be transferred to the real input channel when
simulation takes effect. The simulation will be invalid when the real channel is

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 35

2.19 Redundant Analog Input, XAI2

2.19.1 Icon

2.19.2 Parameter description

Table 2.19-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 The engineering value of analog input
Input X Float Null Compensation temperature input. It is only valid
when Cvt=TC, namely, when signal is thermocouple.
Parameter Word x-xx-xx I/O address 1
Addr1 Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Word x-xx-xx I/O address 2
Addr2 Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Word 0 0=Average; 1=Low Selection: 2=High Selection
Parameter float 0 The output will maintain the previous value if the
IDB deviation of two inputs is larger than IDB, and
channel status will be set to Over Flow.
Parameter Word 0 Conversion type for input signal: Default =linear,
Cvt refer to table 2.19-2.
Parameter Word 3840 AD value corresponding to high limit of measure
MaxAD range
Parameter Word 768 AD value corresponding to low limit of measure
MinAD range
Parameter Float 0.0 Amplifying multiples for RTD and TC.
Av Detail refers to Table 2.19-2.
System will adopt the default value if Av=0.
Parameter Float 0 The standard resistance of Mueller bridge circuit or
R0 the value of constant direct-current source used for
RTD measurement;
The dead zone of small signal when Cvt=linear,
percentage of range.
Parameter Float 100.0 High limit of measure range.
Parameter Float 0.0 Low limit of measure range.
Parameter Float 0.0 Zero-bias, used to adjust the zero point, in the

36 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Bias format of engineering value.
Parameter Float 0.0 Time constant of low-pass filter, Unit: Second
Flt 0.0=No filtering function
Parameter parameter group of NetAO

Table 2.19-2 List of conversion types for input signal (Cvt )

Cvt Transform type Detail Description
0 Linear K(n)= (AD(n)-MinAD)/(MaxAD-MinAD);
Y(n) = (MaxY-MinY)*K(n)+MinY; Parameter Av is meaningless.
R0 is cut-off limit for small signal, when absolute value of Y(n) <
(R0* Range) , Y(n)=0;
0~10V, 0~5V, 1~5V, 0~10mA, 4~20mA, -5V~+5V, speed value
(=AD value) etc. are all transformed by this type.
Understanding for AD value range (maxAD and minAD) of I/O
module is required when set this parameter.
1 Linear extraction K(n) =(AD(n)-MinAD)/(MaxAD-MinAD);
Y(n) = (MaxY-MinY)*SQR(K(n))+MinY; parameter Av is meaningless.
R0 is cut-off limit for small signal, when absolute value of Y(n) <
(R0* Range), Y(n)=0;
If extracted value K (n)<0.0, then output Y(n)=0.0, and the status turns
to bad.
2 Float (Direct float Y(n) = Av* float point input; Av is a proportional coefficient,
convert) default (Av=0)=1. Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need
to define, which are used when input signal is IEEE single
precision float point. Because OC 6000e hardware does not
support float point input, this method is generally used in
communication between OC 6000e and third party hardware.
3 Signed word (16bit) Y(n) = Av*AD(n) +BIAS; Av is a proportional coefficient, default
(Av=0) is 1. Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need to
4 Float (L16+H16, Y(n) = Av*f32+BIAS; Av is a proportional coefficient,
Indirect float default(Av=0)is 1. Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need
convert from two to define. Since OC 6000e hardware does not support float
adjacent channels) point input, float point inputs of OC 6000e hardware always use this
type: two 16-bit adjacent channels are combined to form a 32-bit
single precision float input, and low byte is prior to high byte, like
AC sample card.
5 1/ Signed word Y(n) = Av/AD(n)+BIAS
(16bit) Av is a proportional coefficient, default(Av=0)is 1. Parameter
MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need to define.
6 Direct long convert Y(n) = AD(n)
Y(n) is long integer output, generally used as accumulating value

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 37

for communication between OC 6000e and third party hardware.
Parameter MaxAD, MinAD and R0 do not need to define.
7 Float (H16+ L16, 32-bit long integer input signal: same with item 4, but high byte
Indirect float is prior to low byte.
convert from two
adjacent channels)
8 SAD16 (H8+L8) Same with item 3, but high byte is prior to low byte.
direct convert from Y(n) = Av*AD(n)+BIAS
16bits AD
9 Spare
10 RTD-Cu50 If MaxAD=MinAD=0, DPU will adopt the default convert coefficient
11 RTD-Cu50 (3mA parameter of IO card.
constant current
12 RTD-PT100
13 RTD-PT100 (3mA
constant current
14 RTD-PT10
15 RTD-PT10 (3mA
constant current
16 RTD-Cu53
17 RTD-Cu53 (3mA
constant current
18 RTD-BA1
19 RTD-BA1 (3mA
current source)
20 TC-K (EU)
21 TC-E (EA)
22 TC-T
23 TC-B
24 TC-K (EU2)
25 TC-S
26 TC-J
27 TC-XK
28 TC-N
29 TC-R
50 RTD-Cu10
51 RTD-Cu10(3mA
constant current

38 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

52 RTD-Cu100
53 RTD-Cu100(3mA
constant current
In the above table, items 10~19, 50~52 are for RTD thermo-resistance conversion,
and items 20-29 are for TC thermocouple conversion.

For RTD and TC, MaxAD and MinAD value must be defined according to
corresponding range limit. If MaxAD=MinAD=0, DPU will adopt the default convert
coefficient parameter of IO card, the range limit is only used for over limit alarm, not
for the conversion. Default convert coefficient parameter is set in DPU configuration

2.19.3 Algorithm description

This function block can get two A/D values from two appointed I/O address and
convert them to Y output by the method defined by parameter mode (average, low
selection, high selection). Y output is in the format of the engineering value and can
be read by other function blocks. If two I/O channels fail to work correctly or the
deviation of two signals is larger than parameter IDB, the status of this function
block turns bad. The downstream block can inherit its status. If only one I/O channel
fails, the output will select the other channel’s value and send out an alarm.

For TC sensing, the cold junction compensation is necessary. Bias will be added to
the engineering value. The engineering value is limited between (MinY-range*10%)
and (MaxY+ range*10%) for all the conversion types. If the value reaches or breaks
the limit, the state of this block will be set as the Overflow (OFW) and the quality is
bad. After conversion, a low-pass filter will carry out if defined, the transfer function
of the low-pass is 1/(1+TS), and the “T” is defined by parameter “Flt”. After low-pass
filter, the data will be packaged as XNetAO data type and be broadcasted to the
real-time data network.

When the input channel changes from good state to bad state, the output value will
keep the last available value in the good state.

For RTD or TC sensing, if the parameter Flt<0, the function block provides the
following functions and the filter is invalid.
When Flt=-1, if the input X is connected to the temperature, the output will be the
corresponding RTD resistance;
When Flt=-2, if the input X is connected to the resistance of the thermal resistor, the
output is the corresponding temperature;

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 39

When Flt=-3, if the input X is connected to the temperature, the output is the
corresponding MV value. According to the linear relationship between the MV value
and the AD value, we can get the corresponding AD value;
When Flt=-4, the input X is empty and the output is the resistance of the real signal,
not the temperature.

When Flt=-1, if the input X is connected to the temperature, the output is the
corresponding MV value;
When Flt=-2, if the input X is connected to the MV value, the output is the
corresponding temperature;
When Flt=-3, if input X is temperature value, output is AD value of corresponding
When Flt=-4, if input X is AD value, output is temperature value of corresponding

40 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.20 Redundant Digital Input, XDI2

2.20.1 ICON

2.20.2 Parameter description

Table 2.20-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Digital state of appointed address
Parameter Word x-xx-xx I/O address 1
Addr1 Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Word x-xx-xx I/O address 2
Addr2 Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Word 0 Input method
Cvt 0=no invert; 1=Invert;
2=SOE no invert; 3=SOE invert; 4=Event
Parameter Word 0 Delay period from 0 to 1; for ETS system, unit: ms
Parameter Word 0 Delay period from 1 to 0; for ETS system, unit: ms
Parameter Parameter group of NetDO

2.20.3 Algorithm description

This function block gets a bit individually from two I/O addresses and converts it into
Boolean value according to the Cvt selection. After TD_On or TD_Off filter action, the
result will be handled by the following method and then sent to output D for other
function blocks’ reference. And finally, packages the data as XNetDO data type and
broadcasts it to the real-time data network.

If both IO channels work correctly and the value is the same, the value of the
channels will be sent to output D. If both IO channels fail to work correctly or the
value is different between the two IO channels, this function block will turn to bad
status and send out an alarm. The downstream block can inherit its status. If only
one IO channel fails, the output D will select the other IO channel value and send out
an alarm.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 41

If parameter Cvt is set to SOE, the system will read data from SOE queue of these
two channels’ I/O driver in addition to normal DI scan. It ensures that at least one
pulse for XDI2 will be sent out when the SOE happens.

If parameter Cvt is set to event, XDI2 will output a pulse which width is decided by
TD_Off when the event occurs.

42 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.21 Redundant Analog Output, XAO2

2.21.1 ICON

2.21.2 Parameter description

Table 2.21-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input X Float 0.0 Input X
Parameter Addr1 Word x-xx-xx I/O address 1
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Addr2 Word x-xx-xx I/O address 2
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 Conversion type
0=output AD, 1=output float point
2=Float (L16+H16, Indirect float convert to two
adjacent channels)
3=Float (H16+L16, Indirect float convert to two
adjacent channels)
4=Direct long convert
Parameter MaxAD Word 4095 AD value corresponding to high limit of measure
range (20mA)
Parameter MinAD Word 819 AD value corresponding to low limit of measure
range (4mA)
Parameter MaxX Float 100.0 High limit of measure range
Parameter MinX Float 0.0 Low limit of measure range
Parameter SafeS Word 0 Reserved
Parameter Parameter group of NetAO

2.21.3 Algorithm description

This function block sends an analog value to two appointed AO channels. And finally,
packages data as XNetAO data type and broadcasts it to the real-time data
When Cvt=0, output AD (n) = (X (n)-MinX) * (MaxAD-MinAD) / (MaxX-MinX) + MinAD

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 43

When Cvt=1, output=X(n), this case is generally used in the communication drive
with 3rd party system. And it outputs IEEE Single-precision floating-point directly to
the 3rd party system.
When Cvt=2, Float conversion (L16+H16, Indirect float convert to two adjacent
When Cvt=3, Float conversion (H16+L16, Indirect float convert to two adjacent
When Cvt=4, Direct long convert

44 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

2.22 Redundant Digital Output, XDO2

2.22.1 ICON

2.22.2 Parameter description

Table 2.22-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input Z Boolean F Input Z
Parameter Addr1 Word x-xx-xx I/O address 1
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Addr2 Word x-xx-xx I/O address 2
Station number-Card number- Channel number
Parameter Cvt Word 0 The output mode: 0=no invert, 1= invert
2=SOE no invert; 3=SOE invert
Parameter SafeS Word 0 Reserved (power-off protection mode of I/O module)
Parameter Parameter group of NetDO

2.22.3 Algorithm description

This function block sends a Boolean value to two DO channels with designated
address. And finally, packages data as XNetDO data type and broadcasts it to
real-time data network.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 45

Chapter 3 Analog Function

3.1 Two-input Adder, Add

3.1.1 Icon

3.1.2 Parameter description

Table 3.1-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Add output
Input X1 Float 0.0 Input 1
Input X2 Float 0.0 Input 2
Parameter k1 Float 1.0 Proportional constant X1
Parameter k2 Float 1.0 Proportional constant X2
Parameter C Float 0.0 The bias of ADD

3.1.3 Algorithm description

This function block adds or subtracts two float variables, and outputs one float
Y ( n ) = k1 X 1 ( n ) + k 2 X 2 ( n ) + C

46 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.2 Multiplier, Mul

3.2.1 Icon

3.2.2 Parameter description

Table 3.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Multiplier output
Input X1 Float 1.0 Input 1
Input X2 Float 1.0 Input 2
Parameter k1 Float 1.0 Gain of X1
Parameter k2 Float 1.0 Gain of X2
Parameter C1 Float 0.0 Bias of X1
Parameter C2 Float 0.0 Bias of X2

3.2.3 Algorithm description

This function block multiplies two float variables, and outputs one float variable.
Y (n) = [k1 X 1 (n) + C1 ][ K 2 X 2 (n) + C 2 ]

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 47

3.3 Divider, Div

3.3.1 Icon

3.3.2 Parameter description

Table 3.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Division output
Input X1 Float 1.0 Input 1
Input X2 Float 1.0 Input 2
Parameter k1 Float 1.0 Gain of X1
Parameter k2 Float 1.0 Gain of X2
Parameter C1 Float 0.0 Bias of X1
Parameter C2 Float 0.0 Bias of X2

3.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block divides two float variables, and outputs one float variable.
When [ K 2 X 2 ( n) + C 2 ] ≠ 0 , Y ( n) = [ k1 X 1 ( n) + C1 ] ÷ [ K 2 X 2 (n) + C 2 ]

When [ K 2 X 2 ( n) + C 2 ] = 0 , Y ( n) = Y (n − 1) and set OVERFLOW.

Y (n) is limited to the valid range. If it exceeds the limit, the overflow bit OFW will be
set in the status word.
In other cases, this block inherits the state of the preceding blocks according the
quality transfer mode set by the user.

48 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.4 Square Root, Sqrt

3.4.1 Icon

3.4.2 Parameter description

Table 3.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Extracting output
Input X Float 1.0 Input X
Parameter k Float 1.0 Gain of X
Parameter C Float 0.0 Bias of X
Parameter DB Float 0.0 The cut-off value of the small signal, DB≥0.0

3.4.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts square root on input float variables, and outputs a
float variable.

When KX ( n) + C ≥ DB , Y ( n) = KX (n) + C ;
When KX ( n) + C 〈 DB , Y ( n) = 0 and set OVERFLOW.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 49

3.5 Absolute Value, Abs

3.5.1 Icon

3.5.2 Parameter description

Table 3.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Absolute value output
Input X Float 0.0 Input
Parameter k Float 1.0 Gain of X
Parameter C Float 0.0 Bias of X

3.5.3 Algorithm description

This function block output a float absolute value of a float variable input.

Y (n) = KX (n) + C

50 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.6 Quintic Polynomial, Polynom

3.6.1 Icon

3.6.2 Parameter description

Table 3.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Polynomial output
Input X Float 0.0 Input X
Parameter C0 Float 0.0 Constant of polynomial
Parameter C1 Float 0.0 Coefficient 1of polynomial
Parameter C2 Float 0.0 Coefficient 2 of polynomial
Parameter C3 Float 0.0 Coefficient 3 of polynomial
Parameter C4 Float 0.0 Coefficient 4 of polynomial
Parameter C5 Float 0.0 Coefficient 5 of polynomial

3.6.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts polynomial calculation on float variable, and outputs
a float variable.
Y ( n) = ∑ C i X i ( n)
i= 0

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 51

3.7 8-Input Mathematics Calculator, Sum8

3.7.1 Icon

3.7.2 Parameter description

Table 3.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Output
Output Cnt Float 0.0 Number of analog input which absolute value > DB
Input X1~X8 Float NULL Input X1~X8
Input BitDis Long 0 Bit prohibition
Function block convert this input to binary, Bit0~Bit7
correspond to X1-X8; when =1, corresponding input
does not participate in calculation.
Parameter Mode Word 0 Calculating mode
0=Sum, 1=Average, 2=Max, 3=Min
Parameter k1~K8 Float 1.0 Gain of X1~X8
Parameter C1~C8 Float 0.0 Bias of X1~X8
Parameter DB Float 0.0 Dead band of zero

3.7.3 Algorithm description

This function block adds or subtracts 8 float variables, and outputs a float variable.
Output Y(n) is the Sum, average, max or min of inputs according to definitions.
When Mode=0, Y ( n) = ∑[ K i X i ( n) + C i ]
i =1

1 8
When Mode=1, Y ( n) = ∑[ K i X i (n) + C i ]
8 i =1
When Mode=2, Y ( n) = max[ K i X i ( n) + C i ]
i =1...8

When Mode=3, Y ( n) = min[ K i X i ( n) + C i ]

i =1...8

52 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Null pin or input which corresponding bit of BitDis is 1 will not participate in
Output Cnt(n)= the number of X(n) which meets fabs ( k * X ( n ) + C ) > DB
This block can prevent bad point from anticipating calculation; when this property
is defined, inputs with bad point property will not participate in calculation.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 53

3.8 12-Sector Function Transform, f(x)

3.8.1 Icon

3.8.2 Parameter description

Table 3.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Transform function output
Input X Float 0.0 Input X
Parameter Float 0.0, 0.0 No.1~No.12 coordinate point
(x1,y1) ~ (x12,y12)

3.8.3 Algorithm description

F(X) is decided by 12 coordinate points (X1, Y1)… (X12, Y12), and x1<x2<…<x12. The
curve is shown as Figure 3.8-1.

Figure 3.8-1 Curve of F(x)

As above drawing: F(X) is a 12 sectors line, like X≤X1, Y=Y1; X≥X12, Y=Y12.
The values of parameters x1~x12 should be filled increasingly. If not, the effective
curve will be ended before the point lowers than the preceding point.
y i +1 − y i
When X i ≤ X ( n) ≤ X i +1 , Y ( n) = [ X ( n ) − xi ] + y i
xi +1 − xi

54 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.9 Bessel Function, Bessel

3.9.1 Icon

3.9.2 Parameter description

Table 3.9-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Function output
Input X Float 0.0 Input X
Parameter Mode Word 0 Function type
0= the first type Bessel function BJ;
1= the second type Bessel function BY.
Parameter Rank Word 1 The function rank, 0~n
Parameter k Float 1.0 Gain of X
Parameter C Float 0.0 Bias of X

3.9.3 Algorithm description

This function block calculates Bessel function.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 55

3.10 Exponential/Logarithmic/Mod Function,

3.10.1 Icon

3.10.2 Parameter description

Table 3.10-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Function output
Input X Float 1.0 input variable X
Input B Float 10.0 input variable B
Parameter Mode Word 1.0 Calculation method
0=Exponential calculation, 1=Logarithmic
calculation, 2=Mod calculation
Parameter k1 Float 1.0 Gain of input variable X
Parameter k2 Float 1.0 Gain of input variable B
Parameter C1 Float 0.0 Bias of input variable X
Parameter C2 Float 0.0 Bias of input variable B

3.10.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts exponent, logarithm or mod on float variable, and
outputs a float variable.
[ K1 X ( n ) + C1 ]
When Mode=0, Y ( n) = [ K 2 B( n) + C 2 ]

When [ K 2 B ( n) + C 2 ] = 0 , set OVERFLOW.

When Mode=1, Y ( n) = log [ K 2 B ( n ) + C2 ] [ K 1 X (n) + C1 ]

When [ K 2 B ( n) + C 2 ] = 0 , this function is natural logarithm ln

When Mode=2, Y ( n) = [ K 1 X (n) + C1 ]MOD[ K 2 B (n) + C 2 ]

When [ K 2 B ( n) + C 2 ] = 0 , set OVERFLOW. Mod calculation will automatically get

the integer of calculated numbers before mod.

56 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.11 Trigonometric and Inverse Function, TriAng

3.11.1 Icon

3.11.2 Parameter description

Table 3.11-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y float 0.0 Triangle function output
Input X float 0.0 Input X, unit: radian
Parameter word 0 Function type
Mode 0=sin, 1=cos, 2=tan, 3=asin, 4=acos, 5=atan
Parameter k float 1.0 Gain of input variable X
Parameter C float 0.0 Bias of input variable X

3.11.3 Algorithm description

This function block calculates trigonometric function and its inverse function
according to Mode. Both input and output are float. All angles unit is radian.
When Mode=0, Y ( n) = sin[ kX ( n) + C ]

When Mode=1, Y ( n) = cos[kX ( n) + C ]

When Mode=2, Y ( n) = tan[kX ( n) + C ]

When Mode=3, Y ( n) = α sin[ kX ( n) + C ]

When Mode=4, Y ( n) = α cos[kX ( n) + C ]

When Mode=5, Y ( n) = α tan[kX (n) + C ]

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 57

3.12 Boolean Convert to Long Integer, B16ToL

3.12.1 Icon

3.12.2 Parameter description

Table 3.12-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Long 0 Long integer variable output
Input Z1~Z16 Boolean Null Input1~Input16

3.12.3 Algorithm description

This function block transforms 16 boolean variables to the long integer variable,
and Z1 to Z16 is saved by sequence to the b0~b15 bit of Y. If some Z input is null,
then the corresponding bit of Y is set “0”, and this will not affect the quality of Y.

58 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.13 Long Integer Convert to Boolean, LToB16

3.13.1 Icon

3.13.2 Parameter description

Table 3.13-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Z1~Z16 Boolean F Output1~Output16
Input X long Null Input value

3.13.3 Algorithm description

This function block transforms long integer variable to 16 boolean variables, and
b0-b15 bit of X will be transferred and saved to Z1-Z16 respectively.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 59

3.14 Convert Long Integer to Analog Variable, LTOF

3.14.1 Icon

3.14.2 Parameter description

Table 3.14-1 Parameter descriptions
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Output after transform
Input X Long 0 Input X
Parameter Mode Word 0 Convert mode. Detail refers to Table 3.14-2

3.14.3 Algorithm description

The transformation between long variable and float variable in OC 6000e is done
opaquely and the transforming mode is to keep the value equivalent. This block
transforms the long integer analog variable value to the float variable according to
the other defined modes, so that it can be used to special computation or
broadcasting. The convert mode description is shown as Table 3.14-2.
Table 3.14-2 Conversion mode description
Mode Value Description
Mode=0 Transform to float by unchanged binary system, used to packing digital point
Mode=1 Take long integer as BCD number and transform to float point, used by BCD
number input on terminal bar.
Mode=2 float → long → float, float → long transform by unchanged binary system,
long → float transform by unchanged value method
Mode=3 BCD → Long
Mode=4 long → Grad
Mode=5 Grad → Long
Mode=6 Get Integer
Mode=7 Round
Mode=8 High-low byte exchanging (byte 1<-> byte 3, byte 2<-> byte 4)
Mode=9 4 bytes exchanging (byte 1<-> byte 4, byte 2<-> byte 3)
Mode=10 2 bytes exchanging (byte 1<-> byte 2, byte 3<-> byte 4)
Mode=11 Move 1bit to right
Mode=12 Move 1bit to left

60 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.15 Analog Comparison, Cmp

3.15.1 Icon

3.15.2 Parameter description

Table 3.15-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F The output of the comparison result
Input X1 Float 0.0 Compared variable input X1
Input X2 Float 0.0 Compared variable input X2
Parameter Mode Word 0 Compare method
0: =, 1: ≠, 2: ≥, 3: ≤, 4: >, 5: <

3.15.3 Algorithm description

This block compares the input variables X1 and X2 according to the mode selected
by the parameter Mode (the operational formula is X1 Mode X2), and outputs one
Boolean number D. The value of the output D equals to the operation result.
If the data type of input X1 and X2 is long integer type, then this block first changes
them to float and do the calculation next.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 61

3.16 Temperature Calculation Module, FDM

3.16.1 Icon

3.16.2 Parameter description

Table 3.16-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output TN1~20 Float 0.0 Node temperature 1-20
Output TAvg Float 0.0 Average temperature of cubage
Output Valid Boolean 0 Valid calculation: 1=Valid, 0=Invalid
Input TSrnd Float 20.0 Border temperature
Input alfa Float 1.0 Border exchange-heat coefficient
Input StrC Float 1.0 Stress coefficient
Input Tinit0~2 Float 20.0, 0.0, 0.0 Initial temperature coefficient 0~2
Input TReset Boolean 0 Initialization
Input FdmEn Boolean 0 Calculation start-up: 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Parameter Ro Float 0.4 Outside diameter calculation
Parameter Ri Float 0.1 Inside diameter calculation
Parameter iR Word 15 Number of sections
Parameter Float 7800, 0, 0 Density coefficient 0~2
Parameter Float 41.413, Heat coefficient 0~2
Nmda0~2 -0.0085,
Parameter Float 554.04, Specific heat coefficient 0~2
Cp0~2 -0.0809,
Parameter Word 1 Algorithm selection: 0=Robin, 1=Dirichlet

62 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual


3.16.3 Algorithm description

This function block is used to calculate the temperature of turbine dangerous
section in fluctuant operating condition as the basis of ATC. This algorithm is based
on standard 2D axial symmetry finite difference method.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 63

3.17 Basic Property of Interzone Algebra, iProp

3.17.1 Icon

3.17.2 Parameter description

Table 3.17-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output M Float 0.0 Middle inter zone
Output W Float 0.0 Width of inter zone
Output S Float 0.0 Length of inter zone
Output Lx Float 0.0 New lower limit of inter zone
Output Ux Float 0.0 New upper limit of inter zone
Input iVal1L Float 0.0 Lower limit of inter zone
Input iVal1U Float 0.0 Upper limit of inter zone
Input Trim Float 0.0 Width limit

3.17.3 Algorithm
Basic property of inter zone:
M=( ival1L + ival1U)/2;
W=( ival1U - ival1L)/2;

64 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

3.18 Interzone Algebra Arithmetic, iBsc

3.18.1 Icon

3.18.2 Parameter description

Table 3.18-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output L Float 0.0 New lower limit of inter zone
Output U Float 0.0 New upper limit of inter zone
Input L1 Float 0.0 Lower limit of inter zone 1
Input U1 Float 0.0 Upper limit of inter zone 1
Input L2 Float 0.0 Lower limit of inter zone 2
Input U2 Float 0.0 Upper limit of inter zone 2
Input f Float 1.0 Exponent value
It is exponent when power calculation, others is
proportionality coefficient.
Parameter Word 0 0=Plus “+”, 1=Minus “-”, 2=Multiplication “*”,
OpCode 3=Division “/”, 4=Power “^”
Parameter Word 0 0=Improved arithmetic, 1=Standard arithmetic,
Mode 2=Improved arithmetic 2

3.18.3 Algorithm description

This function block can do inter-zone arithmetic as below:
Plus, Minus, Multiplication, Division, Power

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 65

3.19 Flow Calculation, CalFlow

3.19.1 Icon

3.19.2 Parameter description

Table 3.19-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output rao Float 0.0 Density (kg/m3)
Output Qnf Float 0.0 Flux of conduit (kg/h)
Output ReD Float 0.0 Conduit rainuo number
Input PG Float 13.112 Pressure (KPa)
Input t1 Float 242.0 Temperature (℃)
Input dP Float 8.5 Differential pressure (Kpa)
Parameter Ph Float 101.28 Local barometric (kPa)
Parameter Df Float 1112.0 Diameter of conduit (mm)
Parameter K Float 81.621 Coefficient of meter
Parameter mu Float 0.02699 Degree of sticky (mPa.s)
Parameter k Float 1.38506 Equal entropy index
Parameter Ed Float 17.32 Constant
Parameter ED Float 12.78 Constant
Parameter f4 Float 1.01454 Constant
Parameter f5 Float 1.00782 Constant
Parameter Mode Word 0 Spec of product: 0=25, 1=28d2

3.19.3 Algorithm description

This function block is the flow calculation for the special device of Nanding project.
In other projects, recommend not to use this function block.

66 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Chapter 4 Digital Operation

4.1 2-Input AND, AND

4.1.1 Icon

4.1.2 Parameter description

Table 4.1-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean T AND output
Input Z1 Boolean T Input Z1
Input Z2 Boolean T Input Z2

4.1.3 Algorithm description

This function block is 2-input AND algorithm block.
Algorithm rule is: only when two input signals Z1 and Z2 are all 1, output D is 1. If
one input signal is 0, then output D is 0.
When Z1 or Z2 is null, the default input value is 1.

Calculation formula can be: D( n) = Z 1 ( n) ∩ Z 2 ( n) or D( n) = Z 1 ( n) × Z 2 ( n)

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 67

4.2 2-Input OR, OR

4.2.1 Icon

4.2.2 Parameter description

Table 4.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F OR output
Input Z1 Boolean F Input Z 1
Input Z2 Boolean F Input Z2

4.2.3 Algorithm description

This function block is 2-input OR algorithm block.
Algorithm rule is: when only two input signals Z1 and Z2 are all 0, output D is 0. If
one input signal is 1, then output D is 1.
When Z1 or Z2 is null, the default input value is 0.
Calculation formula can be:

D(n) = Z 1 (n) ∪ Z 2 (n) or D(n) = Z1 (n) + Z 2 (n)

68 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

4.3 Reverser, NOT

4.3.1 Icon

4.3.2 Parameter description

Table 4.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean T NOT output
Input Z Boolean F Input

4.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block output reverses input signal.
Algorithm rule is: if input signal is 1, output is 0; if input signal is 0, output is 1.

Calculation formula can be: D ( n) = Z ( n)

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 69

4.4 Exclusive OR, XOR

4.4.1 Icon

4.4.2 Parameter description

Table 4.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Exclusive or output
Input Z1 Boolean F Input Z1
Input Z2 Boolean F Input Z2

4.4.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts “Exclusive OR" on 2 input signals.
Calculation formula can be: D( n) = Z 1 (n) ⊕ Z 2 ( n)

Or D (n) = [ Z 1 ( n) ∩ Z 2 ( n)] ∪ [ Z 1 ( n) ∩ Z 2 ( n)]

The truth table is as table 4.4-2,
Table 4.4-2 truth table

Z1 Z2 D
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

70 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

4.5 8-Input OR, QOR8

4.5.1 Icon

4.5.2 Parameter description

Table 4.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F 8-Input calculation output
Output Y Long 0 Output
Input Z1 Boolean F Input1
Input Z2 Boolean F Input2
Input Z3 Boolean F Input3
Input Z4 Boolean F Input4
Input Z5 Boolean F Input5
Input Z6 Boolean F Input6
Input Z7 Boolean F Input7
Input Z8 Boolean F Input8
Parameter Num Word 1 When number of “1” input ≥ Num, Output D=1

4.5.3 Algorithm description

This function block is an OR logic calculation block with number limits.
This function block judges boolean variables of 8-input, when number of input
signal 1≥Num, output D(n)=1; otherwise D(n)=0. Output Y(n) stores number of input
signal 1.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 71

4.6 RS Trigger, Rsflp

4.6.1 Icon

4.6.2 Parameter description

Table 4.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input S Boolean Null Set signal
Input R Boolean Null Reset signal
Output D Boolean F Trigger output
Output D1 Boolean T D1 = D

4.6.3 Algorithm description

This function block is a level RS trigger, and outputs 2 boolean values.
True table is as follows:
Table 4.6-2 Truth table
S(n) 1 0 1 0
R(n) 0 1 1 0
D(n) 1 0 0 Hold
D1(n) 0 1 1 Hold

72 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

4.7 Timer, Timer

4.7.1 Icon

4.7.2 Parameter description

Table 4.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output dT Float 0.0 Internal counting time which is Started by Set signal:
unit is second and its maximum value is DT
Output D Boolean F End indication Output
Input Set Boolean F Set signal
Input Rst Boolean F Reset signal
Input DT Float 1.0 The counting time: unit is second
Parameter Mode Word 0 Working mode: 0=time setter, 1=single pulse, 2=
delayed on, 3=delayed off, 4= delayed on and hold

4.7.3 Algorithm description

This function block is timer function block, according to different Mode parameter,
there are 5 types of timers:
Mode=0: basic Timer. Its logic sequence figure is shown as Figure 4.7-1.

Set Start

Output D

Figure 4.7-1 Mode0 Schematic diagram
The description of the character is as the following: when the input Set changes
from 0 to 1, after time interval DT, output D is set and kept only in one computing
period. When input Rst changes from 0 to 1, the counting timer stops and resets
the output D. The timer waits for the next starting signal.

Mode =1: signal pulse timer PULSE. Its logic sequence figure is shown as Figure

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 73

Set Start

Output D

Figure 4.7-2 Mode1 Schematic diagram
The description of the character is as the following: If the input Set changes from 0
to1 and the input Rst does not appear, output D will keep the pulse signal with the
width DT. If the rising edge of the Rst signal appears during the time counting,
output D is reset immediately, until the next rising edge of the Set signal.

Mode=2: delayed on timer TD_ON. Its logic sequence figure is shown as Figure

Set Start

Output D

Figure 4.7-3 Mode3 Schematic diagram
The description of the character is as the following: when the input signal Set
changes from 0 to 1, after time interval DT, the output signal D ascends to
high-level voltage and changes to 0 following the reset of the input signal Set.
When the width of the Set signal is less than DT, the output D keeps being zero.
When the up-range of the Rst signal appears during the time interval DT, the
output D is reset immediately.
If the first computation is done after DPU downloading or restarting, output D=1 as
long as the input Set=1.

Mode=3: delayed off timer. TD_OFF. Its logic sequence figure is shown as Figure

Set Start

Output D

Figure 4.7-4 Mode4 Schematic diagram
The description of the character is as the following: when the input signal Set
changes from 0 to 1, the output D follows to be 1. After down-range of the last Set
signal, if the time interval DT elapses, then the output D is reset. When the

74 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

up-range of the Rst signal appears during the timing period, the output D is reset
If the first computation is done after DPU downloading or restarting, output D=0 as
long as the input Set=0.

Mode=4: delayed on hold timer TD_ON SELF-HOLD. The logic sequence figure is
shown as Figure 4.7-5.

Set Start

Output D

Figure 4.7-5 Mode5 Schematic diagram
The description of the character is as the following: when the up-range of the input
signal Set has appeared once, after time interval DT, the output signal D ascends
to high-level voltage and holds it till the up-range of the Rst signal arrives. After the
output D is reset, even if Set is still in high-level voltage, D will not be set again until
the up-range of the next Set signal appears.
If the first computation is done after DPU downloading or restarting, output D=1 as
long as the input Set=1.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 75

4.8 Counter, Cnt

4.8.1 Icon

4.8.2 Parameter description

Table 4.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Long 0 Count output
Output D Boolean 0 Indication output of count end
Input Z Boolean 0 Input signal of count
Input Rst Boolean 0 Reset signal
Parameter Mode Word 0 Count method
0=plus, 1=minus
Parameter Y0 Long 1000 Maximum value of Y

4.8.3 Algorithm description

This function block is to count and accumulate digital signals. Counting method
has accumulating count and subtracting count. Accumulating count begins from 0,
when one digital input comes, count value increases 1. When count value reaches
set value Y0, count finishes and stops. Subtracting count begins from set value Y0,
when one digital input comes, count value decreases 1. When count value reaches
0, count ends and stops. When count stops, output D is set to 1. In addition,
function block has a reset signal Rst. When Rst=1, current count value Y is forced
to be 0 (accumulating count) or Y0 (subtracting count), at the same time, output D
is forced to reset to 0.
Input signal of count is digital signal Z, and it takes rising edge as trigger signal.

Pulse width of digital input should be bigger than execution

period; otherwise, this input signal will not be counted.

76 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

4.9 2-Input Time Delay AND, TDAND

4.9.1 Icon

4.9.2 Parameter description

Table 4.9-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean T Output of 2-input TD_AND
Input Z1 Boolean T Input Z1
Input Z2 Boolean T Input Z2
Parameter TD Float 5 TD_OFF Parameter of input, unit is second

4.9.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts time delay on two boolean variables before AND
calculation, and outputs a boolean value.
Output D(n)=TD_OFF(Z1(n)) AND TD_OFF(Z2(n))

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 77

4.10 First Event Recorder, First

4.10.1 Icon

4.10.2 Parameter description

Table 4.10-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Long 0 The serial number of digital input (1~16) that
changes from 0 to 1 first.
0=No input changes from 0 to 1;
Output D Boolean F Signal change indication
0: No input changes from 0 to 1
1: One or more inputs change from 0 to 1
Output D1 Boolean F If the number of “1” inputs ≥ Num, D1(n)=1;
otherwise D1(n)=0.
Input Z1~Z16 Boolean F 16 digital inputs
Input R Boolean F Reset all output to 0 when no input from z1 to z16 is
Parameter Group PACKAO
The group parameter of VC
Parameter Num Word 1 When number of “1” inputs ≥ Num, D1=1

4.10.3 Algorithm description

This function block can identify the serial number of the first DI that jumps from 0
to 1 from 16 input signals. The priority of former input is higher than that of later.
This Algorithm block is generally used to indicate MFT first cause.
FIRST receives the following operation commands:

78 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

FIRST Reset;
VC point definition of function block output is as below.
Table 4.10-2 VC definition
Bit0~Bit15 State of input Z1~Z16
Bit16 State of input R
Bit17 State of output D
Bit18 State of output D1

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 79

4.11 Permit to Start Or Stop, PMT

4.11.1 Icon

4.11.2 Parameter description

Table 4.11-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean T If the number of “1” input =16, Output D(n)=1;
otherwise D(n)=0
Input Z1~Z16 Boolean T 16 digital inputs
Parameter Group PACKAO
The group parameter of VC

4.11.3 Algorithm description

This function block is used to check all the input to decide whether or not the
condition is permitted to stop or start some devices.
VC point definition of function block output is as table 4.11-2.
Table 4.11-2 VC definition
Bit0~Bit15 State of input Z1~Z16
Bit16 State of output D

80 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

4.12 Eight devices startup sequence select, DSeq

4.12.1 IOCN

4.12.2 Parameter Description

Table 4.12-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output vc long 0 Packaged point
Output N1 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start firstly
Output N2 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start
Output N3 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start thirdly
Output N4 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start fourthly
Output N5 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start fifthly
Output N6 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start sixthly
Output N7 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start
Output N8 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start eighthly
Output float 0.0 The quantity of devices that select to start
Output D Boolean F The logic or of Z1~Z8 input
Input Z1 Boolean F device #1 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z2 Boolean F device #2 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z3 Boolean F device #3 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z4 Boolean F device #4 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z5 Boolean F device #5 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z6 Boolean F device #6 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z7 Boolean F device #7 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input Z8 Boolean F device #8 select to start,1=select,0=cancel select
Input R Boolean F Reset input
Input Hold Boolean F Hold input

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 81

4.12.3 Algorithm description
This function block is used to select the start sequence for 8 devices. It is generally
applied in APS logic with SeqD function block together.

Input Z1~Z8:
The input for device #1~ device #8 that select to start.

Output N1~N8:
N1: Record the sequence number of device that select to start firstly.
N2: Record the sequence number of device that select to start secondly.
N8: Record the sequence number of device that select to start eighthly.

If Zx turns to false from true, sequence number x will be deleted automatically

from the record serial N1~N8.

When input R turns to true, N1~N8 will output the devices sequence numbers in
increasing order.
When input Hold turns to true, N1~N8 output will maintain unchanged regardless
of the state of input Z1~Z8.
Input R has priority over input Hold.

For example:
If the sequence of turn to true: Z1、Z3、Z6、Z5、Z2、Z4、Z8、Z7.
Then output N1~N8 will be:1、3、6、5、2、4、8、7,namely the start sequence
of devices is device #1、device #3、device #6、device #5、device #2、device #4、
device #8、device #7.
If input Z6 turns to false, the output N1~N8 will be:1、3、5、2、4、8、7、0.
If input Z6 turns to true again, the output N1~N8 will be:1、3、5、2、4、8、7、
If input R turns to true, the output N1~N8 will be:1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8.

VC point definition of function block output is as table 4.12-2.

Table 4.12-2 VC definition

Bit0 State of input Z1
Bit1 State of input Z2
Bit2 State of input Z3
Bit3 State of input Z4
Bit4 State of input Z5
Bit5 State of input Z6
Bit6 State of input Z7
Bit7 State of input Z8

82 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Bit8 State of input R
Bit9 State of input Hold
Bit10 State of output D

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 83

4.13 8 Transition, SFC

4.13.1 IOCN

4.13.2 Parameter Description

Table 4.13-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output S Boolean F The indication for transition active
Output T1 Boolean F Transition 1 output
Output T2 Boolean F Transition 2 output
Output T3 Boolean F Transition 3 output
Output T4 Boolean F Transition 4 output
Output T5 Boolean F Transition 5 output
Output T6 Boolean F Transition 6 output
Output T7 Boolean F Transition 7 output
Output T8 Boolean F Transition 8 output
Input Set Boolean F Set the transition to active, activated by rising edge of
Input D1 Boolean F The permission of transition 1, has priority over D2
Input D2 Boolean F The permission of transition 2, has priority over D3
Input D3 Boolean F The permission of transition 3, has priority over D4
Input D4 Boolean F The permission of transition 4, has priority over D5
Input D5 Boolean F The permission of transition 5, has priority over D6
Input D6 Boolean F The permission of transition 6, has priority over D7
Input D7 Boolean F The permission of transition 7, has priority over D8
Input D8 Boolean F The permission of transition 8, has the lowest priority

4.13.3 Algorithm description

This function block is generally used in sequence control, can transit in 8 actions. It
will find out the Dx which priority is highest and value is true when the input Set
turns to true, then send out a pulse in S pin and corresponding Tx pin. If D1~D8 all

84 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

are false when Set turns to true, S will keep true until a Dx input turns to true, then Tx
will send out a pulse triggered by Dx.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 85

4.14 Eight devices startup status judge, SeqD

4.14.1 ICON

4.14.2 Parameter description

Table 4.14-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output vc long 0 Packaged point
Output float 0.0 The quantity of running device that selected to start
Output D1 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start firstly
Output D2 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start
Output D3 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start thirdly
Output D4 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start
Output D5 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start fifthly
Output D6 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start sixthly
Output D7 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start
Output D8 Boolean 0.0 The running status of device that selected to start
Input N1 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start firstly
Input N2 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start
Input N3 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start thirdly
Input N4 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start
Input N5 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start fifthly
Input N6 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start sixthly
Input N7 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start

86 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Input N8 float 0.0 The device’s sequence number that select to start
Input NV Long 0 The running status of eight devices

4.14.3 Algorithm description

This function block is used to judge the running status of 8 devices. It is generally
applied in APS logic together with DSeq function block.

The N1~N8 input of this block can link to the output N1~N8 of DSeq. NV input can
link to a value of long data-type, and the Bit0~Bit7 of NV indicates the running
status of device #1 to device #8 individually.

Firstly, this function block will check Bit(y-1) of NV according to input Nx’s value ‘y’;
then set output Dx to 1 if Bit(y-1)=1.
Output Num = the quantity of Dx that which value is 1.

VC point definition of function block output is as table 4.14-2.

Table 4.14-2 VC definition
Bit0 State of output D1
Bit1 State of output D2
Bit2 State of output D3
Bit3 State of output D4
Bit4 State of output D5
Bit5 State of output D6
Bit6 State of output D7
Bit7 State of output D8

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 87

4.15 Boolean Alarm, BAlm

4.15.1 IOCN

4.15.2 Parameter Description

Table 4.15-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Alm Boolean F The alarm output. This output will go true after the delay
time (dt) elapses, if the input (IN) is true and the OVRD is
false. The output (Alm) will stay true until the input goes
false and RST is applied.
Output Boolean F The horn output. This output will go true after the delay
Horn time (dt) elapses, if the input (IN) is true and the OVRD is
false. The Horn output will go false when acknowledge
(AckN) is set true regardless of the state of the input.
Input IN Boolean F The alarm input. This input turns on the latching outputs.
Input Boolean F The override input. If the override input is true, the Alm,
OVRD Horn outputs cannot go true, regardless of the state of
the Input.
Input RST Boolean F The reset input. The reset input will reset all of the
outputs as long as the input is false.
Input AckN Boolean F The acknowledge input. The acknowledge input will reset
the horn (Horn) output regardless of the state of the
Input dT float 0.0 The delay time input. This is the delay time (in seconds)
before the latching outputs are latched. The input must
be true longer than dt time before the Alm, Horn outputs
will go true.

4.15.3 Algorithm description

The Boolean Alarm block can latch the alarm output with special features built in.
There are 2 outputs Alm, Horn which can be used to indicate that an alarm has
occurred. The input can be delayed or bypassed all together. The latching output
can be reset if the input is false.

88 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Chapter 5 Control Algorithm

5.1 Deviation Computing, Dev

5.1.1 Icon

5.1.2 Parameter description

Table 5.1-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Deviation output
Output D Boolean F Limit exceeding indication
Output D1 Boolean F High limit exceeding indication
Output D2 Boolean F Low limit exceeding indication
Input X1 Float 0.0 Input signal X1
Input X2 Float 0.0 Input signal X2
Input DH Float 100.0 High limit variable
Input DL Float -100.0 Low limit variable
Parameter DB Float 0.0 Input dead band, DB ≥0.0
Parameter DDB Float 0.0 Alarm dead band, DDB ≥0.0
Parameter K1 Float 1.0 X1 Gain
Parameter K2 Float 1.0 X2 Gain
Parameter C1 Float 0.0 X1 bias
Parameter C2 Float 0.0 X2 bias

5.1.3 Algorithm description

This function block is a control block with non-linear magnification coefficient.
Firstly, this function block conducts magnification and bias on two input signals X1
and X2, that is K 1 * X 1 + C1 and K 2 * X 2 + C 2 .
Then calculate deviation between processed input signals:
X ( n) = [ K1 * X 1( n) + C1] − [ K 2 * X 2(n) + C 2] .

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 89

Control algorithm is to magnify deviation X non-linearly. Non-linear features
include dead band and saturation. Input-output relationship is shown as Figure

Figure 5.1-1 Input-output relationship

 DH X ≥ DH + DB
 X − DB DB < X < DH + DB
Y = 0 − DB ≤ X ≤ DB
 X + DB DL − DB < X < − DB

 DL X ≤ DL − DB
DDB is alarm dead band for high limit X=DH+DB and low limit X=DL-DB.
When X>high limit, D1=1; when X≤high limit - DDB, D1=0; when high limit-DDB < X
≤ high limit, D1 keeps unchanged;
When X<low limit, D2=1; when X≥low limit +DDB, D2=0; when low limit ≤ X < low
limit +DDB, D2 keeps unchanged;
If there is one alarm of D1, D2, then limit exceeding D alarms.

90 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.2 PID Calculation, EPid

5.2.1 Icon

5.2.2 Parameter description

Table 5.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 PID output
Input E Float 0.0 Deviation input
Input YH Float 100.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output low limit
Input TR Float 0.0 Tracked variable
Input TS Boolean F Tracking shift switch
Input FF Float 0.0 Feed-forward variable
Input Kp Float 1.0 Proportional factor
If Kp=0.0, no proportion function
Input Ti Float 0.0 Integral time, the unit is second
If Ti=0.0, no integral function
Input Td Float 0.0 Differential time, the unit is second
If Td=0.0, no differential function
Parameter Kd Float 0.0 Amplifying coefficient of differentiator
Parameter Edb Float 0.0 Deviation limit when integrator stops, if E>Edb>0,
stop integrating.
Parameter Dk Float 0.0 The modified Kp value when integrator stops,
Kp=former Kp + Dk after modified

5.2.3 Algorithm description

This function block is PID regulator.
The Laplacian transfer function of the EPID is:

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 91

1 K *T * S
When in auto mode, Y ( s ) = ( K p + + d d ) E ( s ) + FF ( s)
Ti * S Td * S + 1
When in tracking mode, Y ( s ) = TR ( s )
This function block has anti integral saturation function.

92 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.3 Block-type PID Calculation, EPid2

5.3.1 Icon

5.3.2 Parameter description

Table 5.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 PID Output
Output DH Boolean F The indication of PID Output exceeds high limit
Output DL Boolean F The indication of PID Output exceeds low limit
Input E Float 0.0 Deviation input
Input YH Float 100.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output low limit
Input TR Float 0.0 Tracked variable
Input TS Boolean F Tracking shift switch
Input LI Boolean F Switch to block increasing. During block-increasing
period, if the output decreases and its decrease is
more than (YH-YL)*0.5%, the threshold value of
block-increasing will decrease to current output
value, otherwise, the threshold value will maintain
Input LD Boolean F Switch to block decreasing. During block-decreasing
period, if the output increases and its increase is
more than (YH-YL)*0.5%, the threshold value of
block-decreasing will increase to current output
value, otherwise, the threshold value will maintain
Input FF Float 0.0 Feed-forward variable
Input Kp Float 1.0 Proportional factor
When Kp=0.0, no proportion function
Input Ti Float 0.0 Integral time, the unit is second
When Ti=0.0, no integral function

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 93

Input Td Float 0.0 Differential time, the unit is second
When Td=0.0, no differential function
Input Kd Float 0.0 Amplifying coefficient of differentiator
Parameter Edb Float 0.0 The threshold value where integrator stops
integrating. If E>Edb>0, integrator stops integrating.
Parameter Dk Float 0.0 The amendment of Kp when integrator stops
integrating. After amendment, Kp=original Kp+Dk
Parameter Mdb Float 0.0 Fine control range
If Mdb>E>0, proportional factor Kp= Kp*Mk
Parameter Mk Float 1.0 Coefficient of fine control region, 1≥Mk>0

5.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block is increment type PID controller (feed-forward is also increment
type) with increasing/decreasing block functions and anti-integral saturation
function as well.
The Laplacian transfer function of the EPID2 is:
1 K *T * S
When in auto mode, Y ( s ) = ( K p + + d d ) E ( s ) + FF ( s)
Ti * S Td * S + 1
When in tracking mode, Y ( s ) = TR ( s )

94 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.4 2-Output Balance, Balan2

5.4.1 Icon

5.4.2 Parameter description

Table 5.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y1 Float 0.0 The balanced output Y1
Output Y2 Float 0.0 The balanced output Y2
Input X Float 0.0 The input variable
Input DB Float 0.0 The deviation input
Input TR1 Float 0.0 The tracked variable of first channel
Input TS1 Boolean T The tracking switch of first channel
Input TR2 Float 0.0 The tracked variable of second channel
Input TS2 Boolean T The tracking switch of second channel
Input YH Float 100.0 The high-limit of Y1 and Y2
Input YL Float 0.0 The low-limit of Y1 and Y2

5.4.3 Algorithm description

This function block is often used with manual operator. It has two select switches
TS1 and TS2, working as tracking shift switches.
Logic drawing and practical configuration application are shown as Figure 5.4-1.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 95

Figure 5.4-1 Schematic diagram
Logic relationship of this function block is as follows:
If TS1 = 1 , TS 2 = 1 , then Y 1 = TR1 , Y 2 = TR 2 ;
If TS1 = 0 , TS 2 = 0 , then Y 1 = X + DB , Y 2 = X − DB ;
If TS1 = 1 , TS 2 = 0 , then Y 1 = TR1 , Y 2 = 2 X − Y 1 ;
If TS1 = 0 , TS 2 = 1 , then Y 2 = TR 2 , Y 1 = 2 X − Y 2 ;
When Y1 or Y2 reaches high limit, block increasing; when Y1 or Y2 reaches low limit,
block decreasing.

96 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.5 8-input Balance, Balan8

5.5.1 Icon

5.5.2 Parameter description

Table 5.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 The balanced output
Output S Boolean F Balance block manual/auto indication
0=Auto, 1=Manual
Input YH Float 100.0 Output Y high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output Y low limit
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Input TR1~TR8 Float Null Tracking value 1~8
Input TS1~TS8 Boolean Null Tracking shift switch 1~8

5.5.3 Algorithm description

This function block is often used with manual operator.
The number of the couples of the tracked variables and the tracking switches can
be eight at most. The number of real working couples equals to the total amount
of the couples whose input ports are not NULL and this number is marked as N.
Among these N valid couples, if the tracking switch is 1, then this couple is in
manual state. The number of the couples in auto state is marked as K (N≥K≥0).
If K>0, the average output Y is as the following:
N −K
N * X (n) − ∑ TR ( TS = 1) −B
i =1
Output Y (n) = , Digit output point S=0,

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 97

Among them: X is input signal, TR is tracking signal value, TS is tracking switch.
B is the sum of the deviation, B = ∑ [TR
i =1
( TS = 0 ) − Y (n − 1)] .

If K=0, that is, all the inputs are in tracked state. Now the output Y equals to

∑ TR
i =1
average value of all the tracked variables, that means Y = . Digit output
point S=1.

98 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.6 One Out Of Two Selector, TwoSel

5.6.1 Icon

5.6.2 Parameter description

Table 5.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Selector output
Output Md Long 0 Real output method
0=Average, 1= Low, 2= High
Output LDB Boolean 0 Deviation high alarm of two inputs
Output QM Boolean 0 Inputs bad quality alarm
Input XA Float 0.0 Input signal XA
Input XB Float 0.0 Input signal XB
Parameter Group parameter for Packed AO
Parameter MODE WORD WORD Selection mode
0=Average, 1=Select High, 2=Select Low
Parameter DB Float 0.0 Deviation limit
Parameter DY Float 0.0 Output changing rate limit when output mode
changes, unit is value/minute.
If DY=0.0, no changing rate limit.

5.6.3 Algorithm description

This is a selector function block, only two input signals. Parameter Mode is
selection parameter of function block, which outputs result according to Mode
When Mode = 0 , Y ( n) = [ XA( n) + XB ( n)] / 2

When Mode = 1 , Y ( n) = min[ XA( n), XB (n)]

When Mode = 2 , Y ( n) = max[ XA( n), XB (n)]

1) If two input points are both bad, then output is bad point, output holds on,
output QM=1;
2) If one input point is bad, then output is equal to the good point;

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 99

3) If both input points are good, then:
a) If difference between two points exceeds limit, then output is bad point,
outputs hold on, output QM=1 and LDB=1
b) If difference between two points does not exceed limit, then function block
outputs average, max or min according to Mode.
Operation Command:
1) TWOSEL Disable input1/Enable input1/Disable input2/Enable input2
VC point definition of function block is as table 5.6-2.
Table 5.6-2 VC definition
Bit0 Input XA Disable/Enable status indication
Bit1 Input XB Disable/Enable status indication
Bit2 Reserved
Bit3 Quality of XA
Bit4 Quality of XB
Bit5 Reserved
Bit6 LDB status indication
Bit7 QM status indication
Bit8~Bit9 Selection mode: 0=Average, 1=Select High, 2=Select Low

100 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.7 One out of Three Selector, TriSel

5.7.1 Icon

5.7.2 Parameter description

Table 5.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Result output
Output Md Long 0 Selected output mode
0=Average, 1=Low, 2=High, 3=Middle
Output LDB Boolean 0 Deviation high alarm of any two inputs
Output QM Boolean 0 Input bad quality alarm
Input X1 Float 0.0 Input signal X1
Input X2 Float 0.0 Input signal X2
Input X3 Float 0.0 Input signal X3
Parameter VC PACKAO Group parameter for Packed AO
Parameter Mode WORD 0 Selection mode
0=Average, 1=Min, 2=Max, 3=Middle
Parameter DB Float 0.0 Deviation limit between inputs
Parameter DY Float 0.0 Output changing rate limit when output method
changes, unit is value/minute.
When DY=0.0, no changing rate limit.

5.7.3 Algorithm description

This is a selector function block for three input signals. Function block selects
according to parameter Mode.
When Mode = 0 , Y ( n) = [ X 1(n) + X 2( n) + X 3( n)] / 3

When Mode = 1 , Y ( n) = min[ X 1( n), X 2( n), X 3( n)]

When Mode = 2 , Y ( n) = max[ X 1( n), X 2( n), X 3( n)]

When Mode = 3 , Y ( n) = middle[ X 1( n), X 2( n), X 3( n)]

1) If all three inputs are bad, then output holds on, output is bad. Output QM=1.
2) If two inputs are bad, then output is equal to the good quality input.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 101

3) If one input is bad, then:
a) If difference between the other two inputs exceeds limit, then output is bad
point, outputs hold on.
b) If difference between the other two inputs does not exceed limit, then output
will be average, min, max when Mode=0, or 1, or 2, or 3. Middle same as average.
4) If three inputs are all good, then:
a) If only one pair of inputs does not exceed deviation limit, then output is taken
from these two inputs according to Mode parameter, LDB=1 and QM=0.
b) If only one pair of inputs exceeds deviation limit, then output is equal to the
third input which is not over limit, LDB=1 and QM=0.
c) If differences among three inputs all exceed limit, then output holds, LDB and
QM is both 1.
d) If differences among three inputs all in limits, then output will be average, min,
max or middle according to Mode. And LDB=0, QM=0.

Operation Command:
2) TRISEL Disable1/Disable2/Disable3/Enable1/Enable2/Enable3
VC point definition of function block is as table 5.7-2.
Table 5.7-2 VC definition
Bit0 Input X1 Disable/Enable status indication
Bit1 Input X2 Disable/Enable status indication
Bit2 Input X3 Disable/Enable status indication
Bit3 Quality of X1
Bit4 Quality of X2
Bit5 Quality of X3
Bit6 LDB status indication
Bit7 QM status indication
Bit8~Bit9 Selected Mode: 0=Average, 1=Select High, 2=Select Low, 3= select mid
Bit10 X1 over deviation limit
Bit11 X2 over deviation limit
Bit12 X3 over deviation limit
Bit13~Bit15 Current Mode: 0=Average, 1=Low, 2=High, 3=Middle, 4/5/6=Select A/B/C;

102 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.8 Non-disturbance Shift, SFT

5.8.1 Icon

5.8.2 Parameter description

Table 5.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Non-disturbance shift output
Input X1 Float 0.0 Input signal X1
Input X2 Float 0.0 Input signal X2
Input Z Boolean F Shift signal
If Z=0, then Y=X2; if Z=1, then Y=X1
Input DY Float 0.0 The changing rate of Y from X1 to X2 when Shift
signal Z changes from 1 to 0. Unit is value/minute.
If DY=0.0, there is no rate limit.
Input DY1 Float 0.0 The changing rate of Y from X2 to X1 when Shift
signal Z changes from 0 to 1. Unit is value/minute.
If DY=0.0, there is no rate limit.

5.8.3 Algorithm description

This is a non-disturbance shift function block. When shift signal Z changes, output
of function block can shift between X1 and X2. When difference between X1 and
X2 is bigger than the setup value, block output can limit changing rate, so as to
realize Non-disturbance or small disturbance in shift.
When DY=0, Z jumps from 1 to 0, then Y(n)=X2(n); when DY1=0, Z jumps from 0 to 1,
then Y(n)=X1(n).
If DY1≠0, Z jumps from 0 to 1, that is Y shifts from X2 to X1, at this time Y changing
rate is limited by rate limit DY1, till Y=X1. After that, no matter how big the
changing rate of X1 or X2 is, output Y will not be limited by rate limit DY1, and is
always equal to X1.
If DY≠0, Z jumps from 1 to 0, that is Y shifts from X1 to X2, at this time Y changing
rate is limited by rate limit DY, till Y=X2. After that, no matter how big X2 changing
rate is, output Y will not be limited by rate limit DY, and is always equal to X2.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 103

5.9 Digital Selection, DSFT

5.9.1 Icon

5.9.2 Parameter description

Table 5.9-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Selection result output
Input Z1 Boolean F Input 1
Input Z2 Boolean F Input 1
Input Z Boolean F Select switch

5.9.3 Algorithm description

When Z=0, D=Z1; when Z=1, D=Z2。
For quality pass, if Z is good, the quality of D will be same as the chosen switch’s

104 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.10 Multi-Signal Switch, MSFT

5.10.1 Icon

5.10.2 Parameter description

Table 5.10-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Output
Output D Boolean F QOR4 (Z1~Z4) output
Input X0~X4 Float 0.0 Input0~Input4
Input Z1~Z2 Boolean F Input switch 1~4
Input DY0 Float 0.0 Output change rate limit when Y switch to X0; unit is
value/Minute (No rate limit when DY=0.0)
Input DY1 Float 0.0 Output change rate limit when Y switch to X1; unit is
value/Minute (No rate limit when DY=0.0)
Input DY2 Float 0.0 Output change rate limit when Y switch to X2; unit is
value/Minute (No rate limit when DY=0.0)
Input DY3 Float 0.0 Output change rate limit when Y switch to X3; unit is
value/Minute (No rate limit when DY=0.0)
Input DY4 Float 0.0 Output change rate limit when Y switch to X4; unit is
value/Minute (No rate limit when DY=0.0)

5.10.3 Algorithm description

The output Y is selected from the 5 analog inputs (X0~X4) according to the value of
input switch Z1~Z4 (if all these 4 switches are FALSE, X0 will be selected). The
output Y will change to X1, X2, X3, X4 and X0 with the transfer rate of DY1, DY2,
DY3, DY4 and DY0. The output will be selected based on the priority from Z4 to Z1
(Z4>Z3>Z2>Z1) if more than one input switch is TRUE.
The output D is the OR result of all input switch.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 105

The relation table of the input and output is as table 5.10-2:
Table 5.10-2 relation table of input and output
Z4 1 0 0 0 0
Z3 -- 1 0 0 0
Z2 -- -- 1 0 0
Z1 -- -- -- 1 0
Y X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
D 1 1 1 1 0
Rate DY4 DY3 DY2 DY1 DY0

(-- in the Z1~Z4 rows represents any state of input.)

106 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.11 High-low Range Limiter, HLLmt

5.11.1 Icon

5.11.2 Parameter description

Table 5.11-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Limiter output
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal X
Input H Float 0.0 High limit variable
Input L Float 0.0 Low limit variable

5.11.3 Algorithm description

This function block limits output between H and L.
If X>H, then Y=H;
If X<L, then Y=L;
If H≥X≥L, then Y=X.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 107

5.12 High-low Limit Alarm, HLAlm

5.12.1 Icon

5.12.2 Parameter description

Table 5.12-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Alarm indication
Output D1 Boolean F Over high limit alarm indication
Output D2 Boolean F Over low limit alarm indication
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal X
Input H Float 0.0 High limit value
Input L Float 0.0 Low limit value
Parameter HDB Float 0.0 High limit alarm dead band (HDB≥0.0)
Parameter LDB Float 0.0 Low limit alarm dead band (LDB≥0.0)

5.12.3 Algorithm description

This block checks whether the input variable X exceeds the high or low limit, and
sets the corresponding digital output point.
When input signal is higher than high limit H, this function block will give out a high
limit alarm signal D1; only when input signal is lower than or equal to H-HDB, D1
alarm signal will disappear. HDB is called high limit alarm dead band. When input
signal is lower than low limit alarm value L, this function block will give out a low
limit alarm signal D2; only when input signal is greater than or equal to L+LDB, D2
alarm signal will disappear. LDB is called low limit alarm dead band. The
advantage of alarm dead band is to decrease alarm frequency, but dead zone size
should be reasonable.
When high or low limit alarm that is D1 or D2 is set to 1, alarm indication D will also
be set to 1.

108 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.13 Rate Limiter, RatLmt

5.13.1 Icon

5.13.2 Parameter description

Table 5.13-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Rate limiter output
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal X
Input PL Float 100.0 Positive rate limit, the unit is change value/minute
Input NL Float 100.0 Negative rate limit, the unit is change value /minute

5.13.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts positive or negative limit on input changing rate.
X (n) − X (n − 1)
Changing rate of input signal X (n) is R( n) = , at this
moment, positive changing rate of n is PL(n) , while negative changing rate is
NL(n) .
When X ( n) < X ( n − 1) , input signal decreases, negative changing rate limit
NL will be adopted, if | R(n) |≤ NL(n) / 60 , the changing rate of input is within
the limitation, and function block output Y ( n) = X ( n) ; if | R ( n) |≥ NL( n) / 60 ,
that means the changing rate of input exceeds the limitation and function block
output will be Y ( n) = Y ( n − 1) − NL( n) * T / 60 .

When X ( n) > X (n − 1) , input signal increases, positive changing rate limit

PL will be adopted; if R (n) ≤ PL(n) / 60 , function block output Y (n) = X (n) ; if
R (n) ≥ PL(n) / 60 , the changing rate of input is relatively big, function block
output Y ( n) = Y ( n − 1) + PL ( n) * T / 60

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 109

5.14 Rate Alarm, RatAlm

5.14.1 Icon

5.14.2 Parameter description

Table 5.14-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Rate exceeding limit indication
Output D1 Boolean F Positive rate exceeding limit indication
Output D2 Boolean F Negative rate exceeding limit indication
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal X
Input PL Float 100.0 Positive rate limit, the unit is change value/minute
Input NL Float 100.0 Negative rate limit, the unit is change value /minute

5.14.3 Algorithm description

This function block will alarm for input signal exceeding positive or negative
changing rate.
X (n) − X (n − 1)
At moment n, changing rate of input signal X ( n) is R ( n) = .
When X(n)>X(n-1) and R(n)>PL(n)/60, positive rate exceeding alarm signal D1 is set
to be 1. When X(n)<X(n-1) and |R(n)|>NL(n)/60, negative rate exceeding alarm signal
D2 is set to be 1. Corresponding to rate limit, function block has no dead zone.
When D1 or D2 is set to 1, function block output D is also set to be 1, indicating
that input signal changing rate exceeding limit.

110 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.15 Table Lookup Fuzzy Controller, FTAB

5.15.1 Icon

5.15.2 Parameter description

Table 5.15-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Control output
Input E Float 0.0 Deviation input
Input EC Float 0.0 Deviation rate input
Input YH Float 100.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output low limit
Input TR Float 0.0 Tracked variable
Input TS Boolean F Tracking shift switch
Input K Float 1.0 Adjust Gain
Parameter Word 0 Working mode
Mode 0=Increment type (interpolation value),
1=Absolute type (interpolation value)
2=Increment type (mid value),
3=Absolute type (mid value)
Parameter Float 0.0 (E value) segment value, -6~+6, 13 totally
Parameter Float 0.0 (EC value) segment value, -6~+6, 13 totally
Parameter Float 0.0 (E value, EC value) corresponding value in table,
u(-6,-6)~u(+6,+6) -6~+6, -6~+6, 13x13=169 totally

5.15.3 Algorithm description

Core of fuzzy logic control is rule of fuzzy relationship between controller input and
output. It output fuzzy variable according to inputted fuzzy variable, with some
fuzzy deduce synthesizing rule. Generally, deviation E between fuzzy controller
input and output has some relationship with deviation changing rate EC,
describing by fuzzy control table. Fuzzy control table can be created through fuzzy

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 111

statistics, expert assessing etc. Function block of table lookup fuzzy controller can
find fuzzy controller output from defined fuzzy control table.
According to control rule of fuzzy control, since deviation E and deviation changing
rate EC are accurate value, they should be transferred to be fuzzy before
calculating corresponding fuzzy deviation EF and fuzzy deviation changing rate
Suppose E changing range is [ EL, EH ] , EC changing range is [ ECL, ECH ] ,
E (6) − E (−6) ( EH + EL)
EF = *[E − ];
EH − EL 2
EC (6) − EC (−6) ( ECH + ECL )
ECF = * [ EC − ].
According to fuzzed EF and ECF , control output value U = U (i, j ) can be
get in table. Generally there are two methods as the following:

Max membership value method: take U * with max membership value in fuzzy
control table as fuzzy controller output. This method has easy, practical and real
time etc. feature. But this method does not take other points with small
membership value into consideration, and does not distinguish membership
function width, distribution and other control effect on judge. When there are
several elements with max membership value, their average value is output.
Weighted average method: take µ ( µ i ) as weighted coefficient, and calculating

∑ µ (µ ) * µ i i
formula for output U * is U = i =1
∑ µ (µ )
i =1

Weighted average method is similar with mathematics expecting value in

probability. Weighted coefficient directly affects output feature, user can choose
proper weighted coefficient to improve system responding feature. So this method
is widely used.
Generally, this fuzzy controller model is called 2-input/1-output control model.
When function block is in auto mode, output Y of real function block can be
calculated according to increment type or absolute type processed output U.
Increment type calculation: Y ( n) = Y ( n − 1) + K * [U (n) − U ( n − 1)]

Absolute type calculation: Y ( n) = K * U ( n)

Increment type calculation the changes value at original position each time,
mostly suits for actuators like step engine. Absolute type calculation is called
position type calculation; each time calculates absolute position of actuator, and
suits for digital actuator.
This function block can work in automatic mode or tracking mode which is set by
TS tracking switch. When TS=1, function block is in tracking control method,
function block output is directly consistent with tracked variable, that
is Y ( n) = TR ( n) . At the same time, judged output is forced to be 0, that
is U ( n) = 0 .

112 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

For fuzzy control rule, 169 table values should be set up properly. The setting of
gain K will influence control quality, so it should be noted specially. Fuzzy control
generally has saturation feature, which can improve control system stability. But it
is difficult to eliminate residual error of controller completely, so it is often parallel
connected to integrator to form compound controller.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 113

5.16 Slow Signal Protection, SAIPro

5.16.1 Icon

5.16.2 Parameter description

Table 5.16-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output D1 Boolean T Quality alarm indication of input X
Output D2 Boolean F Protection action output
Input X Float 0.0 Signal input
Input Ack Boolean F Acknowledge signal
Parameter PL Float 30.0 Positive rate limit. Unit: variance/minute
Parameter NL Float 30.0 Negative rate limit. Unit: variance /minute
Parameter H Float 100.0 X high limit
Parameter L Float 0.0 X low limit
Parameter HH Float 110.0 X high high limit
Parameter LL Float 0.0 X low low limit
Parameter TD Float 60.0 TD_ON time constant. Unit: second

5.16.3 Algorithm description

This algorithm is only used to judge the high or low limit and the changing rate of
slow-varying signal, and outputs the judging result.
When input analog signal X reaches high limit H or low limit L and delays set time
TD, function block will output a protection action signal D2, to protect signal X.
When input signal X exceeds high high limit HH or low low limit LL, or input signal
changing rate exceeds set positive rate limit PL or is lower than set negative rate
limit NL, function block outputs alarm signal D1 and lock protection action signal
D2. Operator can use Ack to acknowledge alarm, and eliminate D1 alarm, wait for
next warning or alarm event. Algorithm logic drawing is shown as Figure 5.16-1.

Figure 5.16-1 Algorithm drawing

114 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.17 Smith Predictor, Smith

5.17.1 Icon

5.17.2 Parameter description

Table 5.17-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 SMITH output
Input SP Float 0.0 Setting value
Input PV Float 0.0 Process variable
Input C Float 0.0 External reference ratio signal. it is PV of sub-loop in
cascade control mode.
Input TR Float 0.0 Tracked variable
Input TS Boolean F Tracking switch
Input YH Float 105.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float -5.0 Output low limit
Input K Float 1.0 Gain of process module
Input D Float 0.0 Time dead zone of process module
Input L Float 0.0 Time delay constant of process module
Input T Float 9.2e+18 SMITH predictor adjust time, must>0; initial T=D+L,
unit: s
Parameter CF Word 0 External reference ratio signal.
If CF=1, C is valid; if CF=0, C is invalid.

5.17.3 Algorithm description

The Smith predictor is a lead-lag controller basically and can estimate the
disturbance value by subtracting the module output from the real measuring
processing value. In the Smith predictor, the one-rank inertia loop with dead zone
is used to simulate the real process. If the deviation of the process module and the
real processing system is zero (namely the process model equals to the processing
system), the process output is: PV(S)=F(S)SP(S)-[1-F(S)]U(S)
Among them: F(S)=exp(-SD)/(TS+1)

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 115

5.18 Two Devices Switch Algorithm, DevSwh

5.18.1 Icon

5.18.2 Parameter description

Table 5.18-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D1 Boolean F Startup command for device 1
Output D2 Boolean F Startup command for device 2
Output MOD Boolean F Interlock state: 1=On, 0=Off
Output MDev Boolean T Master device status
1=Device 1 is master; 0=Device 2 is master
Output FAIL Boolean F Device startup fails indication
Input On Boolean F Interlock On
Input Off Boolean F Interlock Off
Input Start Boolean F Start command
Input Crit Boolean F Switch condition of backup device
Input FB1 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 1
Input Trip1 Boolean F Device 1 fault
Input FB2 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 2
Input Trip2 Boolean F Device 2 fault
Parameter Group parameter for VC
Parameter TCrit Float 5.0 Waiting time parameter, unit: second. When CRIT is
true, after delaying Tcrit, if standby device is not
running, standby device will be started.
Parameter TWait Float 5.0 Startup waiting time, Unit: second. When START
command is on, start master device first; After
delays Twait, if master device still does not run,
standby device will be started.
Parameter TSwh Float 5.0 Switching waiting time, unit: second. When
operating device is fault, after delaying TSwh, start
another device.

116 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.18.3 Algorithm description
This function block switches two devices to be standby mutually, which has the
following functions:
(1) Sequence control start: when this function block is interlocked, it can receive
program control start command, automatic starts one device (master device first).
(2) Fault switch: when this function block is interlocked, if operating device failed
(Trip1 or Trip2), after delaying TSwh, start another device automatically.
(3) Process parameter start: when this function block is interlocked, if devices are
operating but failing to comply with process parameter (switching condition Crit is
true), after delaying TCrit, start another device automatically.
This function block can receive the following command:
DEVSWH TagName ON/OFF/Start/DEV1/DEV2/ACK (Interlock on/ Interlock off/
Start device/ device 1 is master device/ device 2 is master device/ operation failure
The command On/Off will be invalid when input On or Off is 1.
The input “On” is more privileged than input “Off”, The input “Off” will be invalid
when input “On” is 1.
VC point definition of function block is as table 5.18-2.
Table 5.18-2 VC definition
Bit0 Input ON state indicator
Bit1 Input Off state indicator
Bit2 Input START state indicator
Bit3 Input CRIT state indicator
Bit4 Input FB1 state indicator
Bit5 Input TRIP1 state indicator
Bit6 Input FB2 state indicator
Bit7 Input TRIP2 state indicator
Bit8 Output D1 state indicator
Bit9 Output D2 state indicator
Bit10 Output MODE state indicator: 1 Interlock On; 0 Interlock Off
Bit11 Output MDev state indicator (1:device 1 is master)
Bit16 Output FAIL state indicator

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 117

5.19 Three Devices Switch Algorithm, DevSwh3

5.19.1 Icon

5.19.2 Parameter description

Table 5.19-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output MDev Long 1 Master device number
Output D1 Boolean F Device 1 startup command
Output D2 Boolean F Device 2 startup command
Output D3 Boolean F Device 3 startup command
Output MODE Boolean F Interlock state: 1=On; 0=Off
Output FAIL Boolean F Device startup fails indication
Input On Boolean F Interlock On, trigger by rising edge
Input Off Boolean F Interlock Off, trigger by rising edge
Input Start Boolean F Start master device command
Input Crit Boolean F Switch permission of backup device
Input FB1 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 1
Input Trip1 Boolean F Device 1 fault
Input FB2 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 2
Input Trip2 Boolean F Device 2 fault
Input FB3 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 3
Input Trip3 Boolean F Device 3 fault
Parameter Group parameter for VC
Parameter Word 1 Device number in running situation
Parameter TCrit Float 5.0 Waiting time parameter, unit: second. When CRIT is
true, after delaying Tcrit, if standby device is not
running, standby device will be started.

118 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Parameter TWait Float 5.0 Startup waiting time, unit: second. When START
command is on, start master device first; After
delays Twait, if master device still does not run, then
standby device will be started.
Parameter TSwh Float 5.0 Switching waiting time, unit: second. When
operating device is fault, after delaying TSwh, start
another device.

5.19.3 Algorithm description

This bolck switches three digital devices to be standby mutually, which has the
following functions:
(1) Sequence control start: when interlock is on and no device is running or no
enough device (defined in parameter DevNum) is running, this function block can
start one device (master device first) automatically when start command is
(2) Fault shift: when interlock is on, if one device fails, after delaying TSwh, it can
start one backup device automatically.
(3) Process parameter start: when interlock is on, if devices are operating but fail to
comply with process parameter (switching condition Crit is true), after delaying
TCrit, it can start one backup device automatically.
(4) The start-up sequence of backup devices:
If device1 is set to master device, device2 will be set to first backup device and
device3 second. If device2 is set to master device, device3 will be set to first
backup device and device1 second. If device3 is set to master device, device1 will
be set to first backup device and device2 second.

This function block can receive the following commands:

DEVSWH TagName ON/OFF/Start/DEV1/DEV2/DEV3/ACK (Interlock on/ Interlock
off/ Start device/device 1 is master/ device 2 is master/ device3 is master/
operation failure acknowledge).
The command On/Off will be invalid when input On or Off is 1.
The input “On” is more privileged than input “Off”. The input “Off” will be invalid
when input “On” is 1.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 119

VC point definition of function block is as table 5.19-2.
Table 5.19-2 VC definition
Bit0 Input ON state indicator
Bit1 Input Off state indicator
Bit2 Input START state indicator
Bit3 Input CRIT state indicator
Bit4 Input FB1 state indicator
Bit5 Input TRIP1 state indicator
Bit6 Input FB2 state indicator
Bit7 Input TRIP2 state indicator
Bit8 Output D1 state indicator
Bit9 Output D2 state indicator
Bit10 Output MODE state indicator: 1=Interlock on, 0=Interlock off
Bit11 Output MDev state indicator: 1=device 1 is master
Bit12 In crit delay
Bit13 In Crit action
Bit14 In trip action
Bit15 In trip delay
Bit16 Output FAIL state indicator
Bit17 Device 1 in starting process
Bit18 Device 2 in starting process
Bit19 Device 3 in starting process
Bit20 Input FB3 state indicator
Bit21 Input TRIP3 state indicator
Bit22 Output D3 state indicator
Bit23 Output MDev state indicator: 1=device 2 is master
Bit24 Output MDev state indicator: 1=device 3 is master
Bit25 Device 1 in standby
Bit26 Device 2 in standby
Bit27 Device 3 in standby

120 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.20 Step Controller, Step

5.20.1 Icon

5.20.2 Parameter description

Table 5.20-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Step Long 0 Current step number
Output Trun Long 0 Current step proceeding time
Output Trst Long 0 Current step remaining time
Output Run Boolean 0 Step logic running indication
Output Fail Boolean 0 Step logic malfunction indication
When any step is overtime, this signal is 1
Output End Boolean 0 Step logic end indication
When the step finishes the maximum steps set or
the 8th step, this signal is 1
Output Boolean 0 Step command
Output M/A Boolean 0 Manual/Auto status: 1=manual, 0=Auto
In auto mode, the step will go to next step and
continue running when the condition to next step is
satisfied; In manual mode, the step will go to next
step and stay in pause mode until received the
continue command even the condition to next step
is satisfied.
Input Start Boolean 0 Start command
It starts or restarts the step logic
Input Pause Boolean 0 Pause command

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 121

Step logic will be paused when it receives this
command. And it will be resumed to work after
receives start command.
Input Track Boolean 0 Setting step switch
When this signal is 1 and the input Tmode is not 0,
the certain step defined by the input Tmode will be
executed directly.
Input Tmode Long 0 Step that will be set
When the input Track is 1, the block switches the
step logic to execute the step which defined by
Input Boolean 0 Feedback of the step command and the permission
FB1~FB8 of the next step command.
When the feedback signal of the step gets to the
maximum step, the ending signal End will be set 1.
Input BitDis Long 0 Step forbidden setting
The function block convert this value to an 8-bit
binary number, Bit0~Bit7 are corresponding with
Step1-Step8, if any bit is 1, the corresponding step
will be skipped.
Input Rst Boolean 0 Reset command
All outputs will be reset to 0 when Rst changes from
0 to 1
Input EnS Boolean 1 Start command permission
1=Permit, 0=forbid
Parameter VC PACKAO Group parameter for Packed AO
Parameter MaxS Word 8 The maximum number of step
1≤MaxS≤8, when the block is used in cascade mode,
there is no limit
Parameter Long 999999 Time setting of step
Tset1~Tset8 When the step execution time gets to this time, the
next step will be executed automatically. When
Tset is bigger than limit time Tlmt, it will be invalid.
Unit: second.
Parameter Long 999999 Time limit of step
Tlmt1~Tlmt8 When the step execution time overlaps this time, the
step malfunction signal Fail is set to 1 and the step
logic is paused. When the start command comes
again, the step will be executed again. Unit:

122 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.20.3 Algorithm description
The step logic algorithm and the device control algorithm provide the standard
implementation methods of the group and the sub-group sequence control. It can
accept the upper sequence-control logic or the operator’s starting command, and
set the corresponding device running in the sequence-control mode. The condition
to next step is its feedback or time defined by its parameter Tset. After the former
step’s operation is ended successfully (the feedback signal arrives or the set time
Tset is reached), the program moves to the next step automatically. If any
malfunction happens and does not disappear in certain time or the operation has
not been finished when the limit time Tlmt is reached, the step controller will be
stopped. After the sequence-control is initiated, the operator can pause/reset the
program, skip to next step ignoring the condition, and select to jump steps or set
step at any time. The operation of jumping steps or setting definite steps should be
executed in the condition of the safe running of the devices on site.
Every step logic algorithm can implement no more than 8 steps automatically. In
cascade using, several step logic algorithms can accomplish the complicated
sequence-control logic. In cascade using, the output point END of the previous
step controller must be connected to the input point START of the following step
controller. All working state outputs come from the first step controller while the
corresponding step commands come from different step controllers. In the same,
the feedback, the set time Tset and the limit time Tlmt are set in different step
controllers, others are set in the first step controller. The Maxs is set in the first step
(no 1~8 limit) and in order to be compatible with the former editions, all the Maxs
of the following step controller must be set to 0.
STEP receives the following operation commands:
STEP TagName Start/Pause/Reset/Skip/Auto/Manual
When input of start permission EnS is 0, start command will be invalid.
Pause is toggled with Continue.
The priority of Step input and HMI command is as following (from high to lower):
(1) EnS: Start/Skip/Track/Continue is forbidden When EnS is False.
(2) Pause: The STEP is always paused when input PAUSE is true. HMI command
PAUSE will also make the step pause. The STEP will continue to run when receiving
the next HMI PAUSE command. When the step is in paused state and the input
pause is false, the step block will jump to next step to run when it receives the HMI
skip command.
(3) Track: The STEP will jump to the step defined by Tmode.
(4) Skip: Jump to the next step when in paused status and no pause command.
(5) Start: Start the STEP from step 1 when the step is the reset status.
(6) Reset: Reset the step to initial status.
VC point definition of function block is as table 5.20-2.
Table 5.20-2 VC definition
Bit0~Bit7 Feedback indication of FB1~FB8
Bit8~Bit15 Command output indication of Step1~Step8
Bit16 Run indication
Bit17 Fail indication
Bit18 End indication

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 123

Bit19 Start command indication
Bit20 Pause command indication
Bit21 Track command indication
Bit22 Rst command indication
Bit23 EnS permission indication

124 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.21 Direct Digital Servo, DDS

5.21.1 Icon

5.21.2 Parameter description

Table 5.21-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output INC Boolean F Increase command output
Output DEC Boolean F Decrease command output
Input X Float 0.0 Analog input
Input AI Float 0.0 Analog feedback
Input Dis Boolean F Output disable command
When it is 1, output INC and DEC are forced to be 0
Parameter DB Float 2.0 The dead band: there is no output if the deviation of
X and AI is in this dead area
Parameter MB Float 5.0 The pulse adjusting area: If the deviation of X and AI
is in this area, the output will be pulse
Parameter T Float 1.0 The pulse period, unit: second
Parameter Ton Float 0.5 The width of high voltage of pulse, unit: second

5.21.3 Algorithm description

This function block converts analog deviation signal to digital control signal.
According to analog value, digital output can be divided to increase command
output INC and decrease command output DEC, and send to digital driving step
type servo accumulation device.
Deviation K=X-AI.
When |K|<DB, no increase/decrease demand output;
When DB≤|K|<MB, if K>0, INC outputs pulse series defined by parameter T and
Ton; on the contrary, DEC outputs such pulse series.
When |K|≥MB, if K>0, INC outputs constant 1; otherwise, DEC outputs constant 1.
This block quality is always good. If feedback input signal “AI” quality is bad, then
INC/DEC output will be forbidden, INC and DEC would be forced to 0.
The definition of parameters should follow the rules below:
0≤DB≤MB, Ton<T

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 125

5.22 Software Pulse Series Output, SPO

5.22.1 Icon

5.22.2 Parameter description

Table 5.22-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F The pulse series output
Input Z Boolean F The control command input
Parameter T Float 2.0 The pulse period, unit: second
Parameter Ton Float 1.0 The No.1 high-level width per pulse, unit: second
Parameter T1 Float 0.0 The time interval for switching to the No.2 high-level
width, unit: second
Parameter Ton1 Float 1.0 The No.2 high-level width per pulse, unit: second

5.22.3 Algorithm description

This function block can change output pulse width with time length of control
input signal Z. Output pulse signal has two different widths whose pulse period are
the same, all set by T. When input signal Z holding time <T1, pulse’s high voltage
width is Ton , called No.1 pulse high voltage width. When input signal hold time ≥T1,
pulse high voltage width is Ton1 , called No.2 pulse high voltage width. If pulse
width T1 is set to 0.0, two pulses have same widths. At this time, parameter Ton1 is
When input signal Z jumps from 1 to 0, pulse series output will be finished and
output D is set to 0.

All time will be digitalized to be multiple of page execution


126 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.23 Multi-Device Operation Step Table, DevTab

5.23.1 Icon

5.23.2 Parameter description

Table 5.23-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output TRun Float 0.0 Elapsed wait time
Output TRst Float 0.0 Wait time left
Output Boolean 0 Device 1 open command, Device 1 close command
D1O,D1C~D16O,D ~Device 16 open command, Device 16 close
16C command
Output Boolean 0 Feedback of Step1~Step16 completion
Input Step Float 0.0 Step setting
Input En Boolean F Function Enable
Input Boolean T Feedback of device 1 open, Feedback of device 1
FB1O,FB1C~FB16 close ~ Feedback of device 16 open, Feedback of
O,FB16C device 16 close
Input Float 0.0 Time needed to be waited after step completion
Parameter Binary 0B Device status setting in step 1 to step 16.
TAB1~TAB16 Bit0~Bit15 in TABn corresponding to the status of
device 1 to device 16; 1=On, 0=Off.

5.23.3 Algorithm description

This function block defines the operation step table of 16 steps and 16 devices.
Together with function block STEP it is used to control the chemical water
processing workflow in power plant.
For example:
If the input STEP is n(1~16) and En is 1, the output command from (D1O,D1C) to
(D16O,D16C) will follow the Bit0~Bit15 of parameter TABn. If Bit(m) is 1, the D(m)O
will be 1 and D(m)C will be 0; if Bit(m) is 0, the D(m)O will be 0 and D(m)C will be 1.

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When all feedbacks are same as its corresponding output command, the step n
completion flag S(n)FB will be true after waiting Twaitn time.

128 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.24 Four Devices Switch Block, DevSwh4

5.24.1 Icon

5.24.2 Parameter Description

Table 5.24-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Pri1 Long 1 The priority for device x. The value can be 0~4, 1=the
Output Pri2 Long 1 highest priority, 4=the lowest priority, 0=the device x is
Output Pri3 Long 1 not in standby. The devices have the same priority will

Output Pri4 Long 1 start up synchronously. Priority can be set by DevSwh4

operation command.
Output D1 Boolean F Device 1 startup command
Output D2 Boolean F Device 2 startup command
Output D3 Boolean F Device 3 startup command
Output D4 Boolean F Device 4 startup command
Output Mode Boolean F Interlock state: 1=on; 0=off
Output Fail Boolean F Device startup fails indication:
1=Fail; 0=Null
Output SOK Boolean F Interlock startup successfully indication:
1=Successful; 0=Null
Output NR Boolean F Standby devices indication:
1=any device in standby; 0=no device in standby
Input On Boolean F Interlock on, activated by rising edge of pulse
Input Off Boolean F Interlock off, activated by rising edge of pulse
Input Start Boolean F Command to start the master device, activated by
rising edge of pulse
Input CRIT Boolean F Condition to start the standby device, activate by
continuous signal

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Input FB1 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 1, link to ‘FB1’
output pin of Device FB
Input TRIP1 Boolean F Device 1 trip, link to ‘trip’ output pin of Device FB
Input FAIL1 Boolean F Device 1 fault, link to the ‘or’ logic output of ‘Device’
FB‘s ‘OpFL’ and ‘Forbid’ output pin
Input FB2 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 2, link to ‘FB1’
output pin of Device FB
Input TRIP2 Boolean F Device 2 trip, link to ‘trip’ output pin of Device FB
Input FAIL2 Boolean F Device 2 fault, link to the ‘or’ logic output of ‘Device’
FB‘s ‘OpFL’ and ‘Forbid’ output pin
Input FB3 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 3, link to ‘FB1’
output pin of Device FB
Input TRIP3 Boolean F Device 3 trip, link to ‘trip’ output pin of Device FB
Input FAIL3 Boolean F Device 3 fault, link to the ‘or’ logic output of ‘Device’
FB‘s ‘OpFL’ and ‘Forbid’ output pin
Input FB4 Boolean F Operation state feedback of device 4, link to ‘FB1’
output pin of Device FB
Input TRIP4 Boolean F Device 4 trip, link to ‘trip’ output pin of Device FB
Input FAIL4 Boolean F Device 4 fault, link to the ‘or’ logic output of ‘Device’
FB‘s ‘OpFL’ and ‘Forbid’ output pin
Parameter Long 1 The quantity of devices that need to run in normal
DevNum status.
Parameter Float 5.0 Interlock waiting time, unit: second. When ‘CRIT’ is true,
TCrit start command will sent to standby device. If standby
device can’t start up successfully in TCrit seconds, the
device with lower priority will start up.
Parameter Float 5.0 Startup waiting time, unit: second. When ‘START’ is on,
Twait start command will send to master device. If master
device can’t start up successfully in Twait seconds, the
standby device will start up.
Parameter Float 5.0 Switch waiting time, unit: second. When an operating
TSwh device fails, the standby device will start up after TSwh

5.24.3 Algorithm description

DevSwh4 manages the interlock between four devices, which has the following
(1) Sequence start:
If interlock is on and the quantity of running devices is less than parameter
‘DevNum’, DevSwh4 will start one device (highest priority device first) automatically
when start command is effective.
(2) Trip interlock-start:

130 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

If interlock is on and one device fails (status from on to off), DevSwh4 will start
standby device automatically after TSwh seconds delay. If the standby device can’t
start up successfully in TWait seconds, DevSwh4 will start the device with lower
(3) Parameter interlock-start:
If interlock is on and the running devices can’t meet the process parameter (Input
‘Crit’ is true), DevSwh4 will start the standby device after TCrit seconds delay. If the
standby device can’t start up successfully in TWait seconds, DevSwh4 will start the
device with lower priority. If the standby device start up successfully but input ‘Crit’ is
still true, DevSwh4 will also start the device with lower priority in TWait seconds.

The input ‘On’ has the priority over input ‘Off’. The input ‘Off’ will be invalid when
input ‘On’ is 1.

Success meaning for Output ‘SOK’:

In the trip interlock-start, ‘SOK’ will be true if one standby device starts up

DevSwh4 can receive the following operation commands:

DEVSWH4 Tag Name ON/OFF/Start/DEV1 p/DEV2 p/DEV3 p/DEV4 p/ACK
(Interlock on/ Interlock off/ Start the top priority backup device/set device 1 priority
as p/ set device 2 priority as p / set device 3 priority as p / set device 4 priority as p /
acknowledge operation failure).
DevSwh4 will reject the ON/OFF operation command when its input pin On/Off =1.

VC point definition of DevSwh4 is as table 5.24-2.

Table 5.24-2 VC definition
Bit0 Input On Status
Bit1 Input Off Status
Bit2 Input Start Status or set to true in one period after operation command start
Bit3 Input Crit Status
Bit4 Input FB1 Status
Bit5 Input Trip1 Status
Bit6 Input FB2 Status
Bit7 Input Trip2 Status
Bit8 Output D1 Status
Bit9 Output D2 Status
Bit10 Output Mode Status
Bit11 Output SOK Status
Bit12 In Crit Delay Status
Bit13 In Crit Action Status
Bit14 In Trip Action Status
Bit15 In Trip Delay Status
Bit16 Output Fail Status

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 131

Bit17 Device1 Starting
Bit18 Device2 Starting
Bit19 Device3 Starting
Bit20 Input FB3 Status
Bit21 Input Trip3 Status
Bit22 Output D3 Status
Bit23 Input Fail1 Status
Bit24 Input Fail2 Status
Bit25 Input Fail3 Status
Bit26 Input Fail4 Status
Bit27 Output NR Status
Bit28 Input FB4 Status
Bit29 Input Trip4 Status
Bit30 Output D4 Status
Bit31 Device4 Starting

132 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.25 Extended Multi-Device Operation Step Table,

5.25.1 IOCN

5.25.2 Parameter Description

Table 5.25-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output TRun Float 0.0 Elapsed wait time, unit second
Output TRst Float 0.0 Wait time left, unit second
Output Boolean 0 Device 1 open command, Device 1 close
D1O,D1C~D32O,D32C command
~Device 32 open command, Device 32
close command
Output S1FB~S16FB Boolean F Completion feedback of Step1~Step16
Input Step Long 0 Step No. input
Input En Boolean F Function Enable input
Input Boolean T Opened feedback of device 1, closed
FB1O,FB1C~FB32O,FB32C feedback of device 1 ~ Opened feedback of
device 32, closed feedback of device 32
Input Twait1~Twait16 Float 0.0 Time needed to be waited after step
completion, unit second
Parameter SXDY Word 0H The operation table of device Y in step X.
X=1~16, Y=1~32 Hex input, ABCDH, D is Bit0~Bit3, C is
Bit4~Bit7, B is Bit 8~Bit11, A is Bit 12~Bit15.
Bit0~Bit3 is the operation direction of
device Y in step X, 1=On, 0=Off. Bit4~Bit7 is
safety operation direction of device Y in
step X when En input turns to false, 0=keep,
1=Off, 2=On. Bit 8~Bit15 is the operation
sequence of device Y in step X.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 133

5.25.3 Algorithm description
This function block defines the operation table of 32 devices in 16 steps. Together
with function block STEP, it is generally used to control the demi-water process
control system in power plant.
If Step input turns to n(1~16) and En input is true, this block will operate devices
through output D1O,D1C~D32O,D32C according to parameter SXDY. For example, if
S5D3=611H, device 3 will on in step 5, device 3 operation sequence is 6 in step 5,
and device 3 will off if En input turns to false in step 5.
When all devices feedback are the same as its corresponding output command, the
step n completion flag, S(n)FB, will be true after waiting time defined by parameter

134 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.26 Special Lock-type PID Calculation, EPidH

5.26.1 IOCN

5.26.2 Parameter Description

Table 5.26-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 PID Output
Output DH Boolean F The indication of PID Output exceeds high limit
Output DL Boolean F The indication of PID Output exceeds low limit
Input E Float 0.0 Deviation input
Input Ei Float 0.0 Additional deviation input for integration
Input YH Float 100.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output low limit
Input TR Float 0.0 Tracked variable
Input TS Boolean F Tracking switch
Input LI Boolean F Switch to block increasing. During block-increasing
period, if the output decreases and its decrease is more
than (YH-YL)*0.5%, the threshold value of
block-increasing will decrease to current output value,
otherwise, the threshold value will maintain unchanged.
Input LD Boolean F Switch to block decreasing. During block-decreasing
period, if the output increases and its increase is more
than (YH-YL)*0.5%, the threshold value of
block-decreasing will increase to current output value,
otherwise, the threshold value will maintain unchanged.
Input FF Float 0.0 Feed-forward variable
Input Kp Float 1.0 Proportional factor. When Kp=0.0, no proportion
Input Ti Float 0.0 Integral time, the unit is second. When Ti=0.0, no integral
Input Td Float 0.0 Differential time, the unit is second. When Td=0.0, no

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 135

differential function.
Input Kd Float 0.0 Amplifying coefficient of differentiator.
Parameter Float 0.0 The threshold value where integrator stops integrating. If
Edb E>Edb>0, integrator stops integrating.
Parameter Float 0.0 The amendment of Kp when integrator stops integrating.
Dk After amendment, Kp=original Kp+Dk.
Parameter Float 0.0 Fine control range. If Mdb>E>0, proportional factor
Mdb Kp= Kp*Mk
Parameter Float 1.0 Coefficient of fine control region, 1>=Mk>0

5.26.3 Algorithm description

This function block is increment type PID controller (feed-forward is also increment
type) with increasing/decreasing block functions and anti-integral saturation
function. It has an additional deviation input to strengthen integration. It can be
used in some special situation, hydro control etc.
The Laplacian transfer function of the EPidH is:
In auto mode,

1 K *T * S
Y ( s ) = K p * E ( s) + * [E ( s) + Ei ( s )] + d d * E ( s ) + FF ( s )
Ti * S Td * S + 1
In track mode,

Y ( s) = TR( s)

136 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

5.27 Extended Multi-Signal Switch, MSFTH

5.27.1 IOCN

5.27.2 Parameter Description

Table 5.27-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 The set point output
Output Pos Long 0 The corresponding channel number for current Y
Output Up Boolean F The indication for Y increasing
Output Dn Boolean F The indication for Y decreasing
Output Boolean F The indication for Y reaches the set point of
Lim1~Lim16 current active channel
Input SEL1~ Boolean F The switch input for 16 channels. The priority
SEL16 sequence is SEL1>SEL2>…> SEL16.
Input SP1~ SP16 Float 0.0 The set point input for 16 channels.
Input R Float 10000.0 The rate limit for output Y. Unit: value/second

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 137

Input Y0 Float 0.0 The initial value for Y after controller powers on.
Input DFTY Float 0.0 The default value for Y when SEL1~SEL16 are all

5.27.3 Algorithm description

This function block’s output can switch in 16 channels without disturbance. When
switch input SELx is ture and the other switch inputs which priority is higher than
SELx are all false, Y will change to SPx with the transfer rate R. When Y reaches SPx,
Limx will be set to true.
The priority of switch inputs is SEL1>SEL2>…> SEL16.

138 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Chapter 6 Operator

The operators described in this Section have the following common properties:
The quality of all the operators is always good. The quality transfer mode of the
operator has different meanings. 0 means that the operator will not switch to the
manual mode whether the quality of the input point is good or not; 1 means that
the operator will switch to the manual mode when the quality of any input point is
bad (OR); 2 means that operator will switch to the manual mode when the quality
of all input points is bad (AND).
All operators have four parameters: LTD, SH, NAA and T. Each operator is identical
to be attached with an XNetAO block, so each operator can define a real-time
point, which is called virtual point (VC point). VC point is unique identifier to an
operator. Any operative command can be sent to VC point, and it is not necessary
for operative command to search by algorithm address P.B. VC point can be
referred to between pages. VC point is defined as analog point, means packing
digital point, VC point record occupied 6 bytes, first 2 bytes is real time status, last
4 bytes are packing value. VC point status word Bit0=Bit5=1, BIt1~Bit15 of state
word has same definition with analog point. 0-32bit of VC packing point value has
different meanings in different algorithm.
All operators are in track status when DPU starts. The output tracks signal TR, and
the working mode is manual; while the initial value of set output is invalid, unless
the pin of track signal TR is null. The output of ES/MA function block will track the
value of FB.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 139

6.1 Keyboard Analog Increase/Decrease, KBML

6.1.1 Icon

6.1.2 Parameter description

Table 6.1-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Analog output
Output D Boolean F Output indication; issue one positive pulse when one
command reaches.
Input TR Float 0.0 Tracking value
Input TS Boolean F Tracking switch
If TS=1, Y = TR;
If TS=0, Y does not track TR.
Input YH Float 100.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output low limit
Parameter Group PACKAO
The group parameter of VC

6.1.3 Algorithm description

This function block outputs one operable float variable, receives increase/decrease
and set value command, increase/decrease rate is adjusted by operative
command. Magnitude of output can be limited. One positive single pulse will be
output from D, once it receives an operative command.
KBML receives the following commands: KBML Tagname Inc/Dec/Set Value
Value in increase/decrease command is percentage of high and low range limit.
When value is negative, it is decrease.
VC point output of function block is defined as table 6.1-2:
Table 6.1-2 VC definition
Bit0 Output D indication
Bit13 Tracking switch TS indication

140 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

6.2 Simple Digital Manual Operator, D/MA

6.2.1 Icon

6.2.2 Parameter description

Table 6.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Output
Input TR Boolean F Tracking value
Input TS Boolean F Tracking switch input
Parameter Group PACKAO
The group parameter of VC

6.2.3 Algorithm description

This function block outputs one Boolean number that can be operated and
accepts the command.
DMA receives the following operative command:
DMA Tagname Pulse/Set/Reset/Topple
1) Pulse:Generate a pulse with one period width or designated width
2) Set:Set the output to 1
3) Reset:Reset the output to 0
4) Topple:Change the output to the inverse state
When the command is ‘pulse’, a float number can follow the command keyword
that appoints pulse width. For example, 1.2, 0.3 and so on, which represents the
pulse width is 1.2 s or 0.3 s. When the command is not followed by a parameter, its
pulse width is the execution period of the D/MA’s page. ‘Pulse’ always outputs the
positive pulse, if D is already “1”, after the pulse width, it changes to ‘0’. If the pulse
of the former command has not finished, another command comes, then the pulse
width can only extend to the width appointed by the later command. When in
track status (TS=1), the operational command is not accepted, and the value and
quality of output D track the value and quality of input point TR.
VC point output of function block is defined as table 6.2-2:
Table 6.2-2 VC definition
Bit0 Output D indication
Bit13 Tracking switch TS indication

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 141

6.3 Enhanced Type Analog Soft Manual Operator,

6.3.1 Icon

6.3.2 Parameter description

Table 6.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Operator output
Output SP Float 0.0 Setting value output
Output YBo Float 0.0 Current bias value
Output M/A Boolean T Status output: 1=Manual, 0=Auto
Output Inc Boolean F Manual increase command
Output Dec Boolean F Manual decrease command
Output L Boolean F Local indication
Input X Float 0.0 Regulating command input
Input OV Float 0.0 Override value
Input OS Boolean F Override switch
Input TOM Boolean F The switch to manual mode
Input TOA Boolean F The switch to auto mode
Input SPH Float 100.0 SP high limit
Input SPL Float 0.0 SP low limit
Input YH Float 100.0 Output high limit
Input YL Float 0.0 Output low limit

142 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Input YR Float 100.0 Output change rate limit, unit: value/scan period
Input YB Float 0.0 Bias value input
Input SPTR Float Null The tracked setting value
The output SP tracks the input SPTR in manual state
(the set value tracks the real value)
Input FB Float Null Local feedback signal
Input TOL Boolean F Switch to local
Input APSTR Float 0.0 Auto set point
In Auto mode, SP=APSTR when APSTS=1
Input APSTS Boolean 0 Auto set point switch
In Auto mode, SP=APSTR when APSTS=1
Input LINC Boolean F Increase command forbidden switch
In auto mode, the decrease output will be forbidden
if LINC is true
Input LDEC Boolean F Decrease command forbidden switch
In auto mode, the decrease output will be forbidden
if LDEC is true
Parameter VC PACKAO Group parameter for VC
Parameter Word 0 Working mode
Mode 0=Imbalance mode, 1=Balance mode

6.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block can be the soft operator for loop control.
When Mode=0, it is unbalance method. In auto mode, YB0 = YB , Y = X + YB0 ;
in manual mode, YB0 = YB and Y decided by command

When Mode=1, it is balance method. In auto mode, YB0 = YB , Y = X + YB0 ; in

manual mode, YB0 = Y − X , YB = YB0 ;

The disturbance when switching from manual to automation need be avoided by

additional logic.
Input TOM&TOA are applied for FB mode (Manual/Auto) selection. TOA is prohibited
when TOM is TRUE and is only effective on rising-edge.
This function is in manual mode when DPU starts, and Y = FB .
In tracking mode, the quality of Y tracks TR’s. Magnitude and rate of output can be
limited, and bias can be added.
The Priorities of all working conditions are: Local>Override>Manual>Auto. Override
does not change former mode – manual or auto. Local mode will switch the block
to manual.
If the function block changes to local mode by device position (TOL=1), it will
change back to un-local mode when device position changed to un-local (TOL=0).
If the function block changes to local mode by command (To Local Set), it will
change back to un-local mode after command also (To Local ReSet).
ES/MA receives the following operation command:

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 143

1) ES/MA Tagname Auto/Manual/Local: switch to auto/manual/local mode; Local
is a toggled command.
2) ES/MA Tagname Out/SP Value +/-: output/set value increase/decrease; Value
is the percentage of high and low limit separately, output increase/decrease is
increase/decrease pulse with 1s width in local mode.
3) ES/MA Tagname SetOut/SetSP Value: set Output/Setpoint value; Value is
absolute value
4) ES/MA Tagname Open/Close/Stop: The forced increase/decrease/stop
command in local mode.
5) RemoteSP: switch to RemoteSP mode, same as APSTS, disabled after A/M/L
VC point of function block ES/MA Output is defined as table 6.3-2:
Table 6.3-2 VC definition
Bit0 Forced increase output indication (when output INC=1, this bit=1)
Bit1 Forced decrease output indication (when output DEC=1, this bit =1)
Bit2 Override switch indication (when input OS=1, this bit =1)
Bit3 Auto state indication (when output S=0, this bit =1)
Bit4 Switch to manual indication (when input TOM=1, this bit =1)
Bit5 Switch to auto indication (when input TOA=1, this bit =1)
Bit12 Switch to local indication (when input TOL=1, this bit =1)
Bit13 Local state(When output L=1, this bit=1)
Bit14 Local command state switch by operator
Bit15 Status of LINC
Bit16 Status of LDDC
Bit17 Status of remote SP
Bit18 Status of APSTS

144 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

6.4 Digital Operator, DEVICE

6.4.1 Icon

6.4.2 Parameter description

Table 6.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Out1 Boolean F Open/On command output
Output Out2 Boolean F Close/Off command output
Output Out3 Boolean F Stop command output
Output M/A Boolean F Manual/Auto mode indicator
0=Manual, 1=Auto
Output FB1 Boolean F Feedback indication of device, same as input FB1
Output FB2 Boolean F Feedback indication of device, same as input FB2
Output FL Boolean F Device malfunction indication
FL=1 when both FB1 and FB2 are 1, otherwise FL=0
Output Trip Boolean F Device trip indication
When there is no command and the device is not at local,
while the feedback signal of the running state of the device
changed, then this signal is 1; and at the same time the
sequence-control and manual operation are both
forbidden. After the function block is acknowledged by Ack
command, this signal is reset to 0.
Output OpFL Boolean F Operation failure indication
After the output command (The width of command pulse is
defined by parameter SetT) has been sent out and delayed
for certain time (device running time defined by parameter
Tover), the feedback signal is yet not received, in this case, it

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 145

will be regarded as operation failure. The sequence-control
and manual operation are both forbidden. After the function
block is acknowledged by Ack command, this signal is reset
to 0.
Output Boolean F Operation forbidden indication
Forbid Forbid set by HMI command/ input Loc/ input FBat/ input
FDev. Output command will be invalid in forbidden status.
Output OpFL1 Boolean F Output1 operation failure indication
Output OpFL2 Boolean F Output2 operation failure indication
Input Emd1 Boolean F The override Open/On command
If this command is 1, no matter the device is in the manual
or the automatic mode and no matter the allowing
condition is met or not, it will output the command Out1,
and locks the other commands that are inverse with it, and
switch the device to the default mode. When this command
keeps 1, the inverse operation of the sequence-control and
manual control is invalid.
Input Emd2 Boolean F The override Close/Off command
It outputs the command Out2, and the other properties is
the same as Emd1.
Input D1p Boolean T Out1 permission
The sequence-control or the manual control command for
Out1 is allowed when D1p is true.
Input D2p Boolean T Out2 permission
The sequence-control or the manual control command for
Out2 is allowed when D2p is true.
Input D3p Boolean T Out3 permission
The sequence-control or the manual control command for
Out3 is allowed when D3p is true.
Input ToM Boolean F Switch to manual mode
Input ReqA Boolean F Request to auto mode
The priority is lower than ToM. Command to Manual from
HMI is refused when ReqA is true.
Input Dmd1 Boolean F When device is in auto (sequence control) state, and the
corresponding permission D1p=1, this signal will trigger
corresponding output Out1.
Note: After the failure acknowledge, if it is still in the auto
state, the command will continue to output.
Input Dmd2 Boolean F When device is in auto (sequence control) state, and the
corresponding permission D2p=1, this signal will trigger
corresponding output Out2.
Note: After the failure acknowledge, if it is still in the auto
state, the command will continue to output.
Input Dmd3 Boolean F When device is in auto (sequence control) state, and the

146 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

corresponding permission D3p=1, this signal will trigger
corresponding output Out3.
Note: After the failure acknowledge, if it is still in the auto
state, the command will continue to output.
Input FB1 Boolean F Feedback of device operating state, corresponding to Out1.
Input FB2 Boolean F Feedback of device operating state, corresponding to Out2.
Input FB3 Boolean F Feedback of device operating state, corresponding to Out3.
Input Loc Boolean F Switch function block to local mode
The priority is highest. If Loc=1, the device outputs are all
forbidden, and the block switches to the default running
mode, all inputs are invalid.
Input FBat Boolean F Control power lost indication
The priority is equal to Loc. If FBat=1, the device outputs are
all forbidden, and the block switches to the default running
mode, all inputs are invalid.
Input FDev Boolean F Device fault state indication
The priority is equal to Loc. If FDev=1, the device outputs are
all forbidden, and the block switches to the default running
mode, all inputs are invalid.
Input ToTP Boolean F Trip (protection) signal
When this signal is 1, the output appointed by parameter
Tout is set to 1; any inverse output is forbidden and the
block switches to the default running mode. Its priority is
only inferior to the Loc.
Parameter Group PACKAO The group parameter of VC
Parameter Word 0 Output (Out1, Out2, Out3) mode
OutM 0=Single pulse output with constant width
1=Pulse Array output;
2=Maintained output.
Parameter Word 0 Output reset mode
ResetM 0=Reset by feedback;
1=Not Reset even feedback comes true;
2=Ignore feedback, It can output even the corresponding
feedback is true, No OPFL.
Parameter SetT Word 5 The setting time of output
It defines the valid length of the output signal (unit: second).
It is only valid when the output command is the single pulse
with constant width or the pulse array.
If output mode is 0, SetT is the high level width of pulse.
If output mode is 1, SetT is the period of one pulse.
Parameter ResT Word 0 The low-level width of output pulse
It defines the low-level voltage ratio of the period of output
signal (unit is second). It is only valid when the output mode

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 147

is the pulse array. The period of each pulse is SetT and the
low-level width is ResT. If ResT=0, the actual ResT=SetT/2.
Parameter Word 1 The default mode of the device
DefaultM It defines the default mode of the device when DPU is
restarted or the device is in local control, in malfunction, in
override, in inter-locking and so on.
0=Manual, 1=Auto
Parameter Word 1 The output mode priority
OutPri 0=Out1 in high priority
1=Out2 in high priority
2=Out3 in high priority
Parameter STP Word 0 Valid mode of Out1/Out2
0=Normal, no limit on Out1 and Out2;
1=Out1 and Out2 is valid when the device is in stop state;
2=Inverse command is regarded as the STOP command.
PARAMETER STOR Word 0 Stop command (Out3) Enable/Disable switch when override
command existing.
0=Enable stop command
1=Disable stop command
Parameter MP Word 0 Whether or not the output commands from HMI are valid
and can switch the device to the manual mode directly.
0=Cannot switch but the output command is valid;
1=Can switch and the output command is valid;
2=Cannot switch and the output command is invalid.
Parameter FLB Word 0 The malfunction lock parameter: it defines if or not the
malfunction signal FL, the trip of the device Trip and the
operation fail OpFL can lock the output command.
0=Any signal will lock output command;
1=Any signal will not lock output command.
Parameter Tout Word 1 The trip setting parameter: it defines the output command
corresponding with the trip input signal ToTP or appoints
the feedback signal for the trip judgment.
0=The ToTP signal’s corresponding output is Out1, or the trip
condition is FB1 changes from 1 to 0 or FB2 changes from 0
to 1 without corresponding command output;
1=The ToTP signal’s corresponding output is Out2, or the trip
condition is FB2 changes from 0 to 1 and FB1 change from
1 to 0 without corresponding command output;
2=The ToTP signal’s corresponding output is Out3, or the trip
condition is FB3 changes from 0 to 1 without corresponding
command output;
3=Trip on any feedback changes without corresponding
command output.
Parameter Word 10 The action time of the device: In Tover time after the

148 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Tover command is sent out, the corresponding feedback signal is
not 1, then the operation fails. Usually Tover≥SetT. If
Tover<SetT, then Tover=SetT. If command is the pulse array
output and Tover=0, then the real Tover=5.
Parameter Boolean F Enable local mode
EnLoc 1=Loc enable, 0=Loc disable
Parameter Boolean F Enable control power lost protection
EnFBat 1=EnFBat enable, 0=EnFBat disable
Parameter Boolean F Enable device fault protection
EnFDev 1=EnFDev enable, 0=EnFDev disable

6.4.3 Algorithm description

DEVICE block affords the basic control and inter-locking protective logic of single
device. It can be controlled and operated by the upper sequence-control
command or by the operator from HMI. The control algorithm of the device can
accomplish all kinds of devices’ control by properly definition. Including: the
6KV/400V one-direction electromotor, the two-direction electromotor, the direct
current electromotor, the single coil electromagnetism valve, and the dual coil
electromagnetism valve, and so on. DEVICE has three running modes: automatic,
manual, malfunction. The manual/auto mode can be selected by means of the
logic or the Auto, MAN button on the HMI soft-operator. The malfunction mode
judged comprehensively by the logic and can be eliminated after the operator
acknowledges it.
DEVICE gets into the Auto or manual mode depending on parameter DefaultM
when DPU is started.
The priority of device input is as following (from high to lower):
1) OPFL: Cannot output any command until the OPFL be acknowledged.
2) Forbid: Cannot output any command before reset the forbid, forbid can set by
HMI command\Loc input\FBat input\FDev input.
3) ToTP: The output will decided by Tout, output out1 when Tout=0, output out2
when Tout=1 and output out3 when Tout=2;
4) Override input Emd1 and Emd2: Emd1/Emd2 can output the command
out1/out2 even the d1p=0/d2p=0.
5) HMI command/Dmd input: These commands will be restricted by operation
permission D1p/ D2p/ D3p.
DEVICE receives the following operative command:
DEVICE Tagname Open/Close/Stop/To Auto/To Manual/Ack/Forbid
Forbid is a toggled command.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 149

VC point definition of function block output is as table 6.4-2.
Table 6.4-2 VC definition
Bit0 Out1 output indication
Bit1 Out2 output indication
Bit2 Out3 output indication
Bit3 Stop enable indication
Bit4 ToM input indication
Bit5 M/A indication (1=Automatic, 0=Manual)
Bit6 ReqA input indication
Bit7 Trip indication
Bit8 Real status of Open enable
Bit9 Real Status of Close enable
Bit10 Fault output FL indication
Bit11 FB1 indication
Bit12 FB2 indication
Bit13 FB3 indication
Bit14 Trip (protection) input ToTP indication
Bit15 Operation fail output OpFL indication
Bit16, Bit17 Status of Out1 to Out3, according to the value 2*Bit17+Bit16,
0=No output, 1=Out1 is 1, 2=Out2 is 1, 3=Out3 is 1
Bit18 Local input Loc indication
Bit19 State of manual forbidding command
1=Operation forbidden, 0=Operation permitted
Bit20 Control power lost input FBat indication
Bit21 Device fault input FDev indication
Bit22 Output Forbid indication
Bit23 Override input Emd1 indication
Bit24 Override input Emd2 indication
Bit25 Sequence control input Dmd1 indication
Bit26 Sequence control input Dmd2 indication
Bit27 Sequence control input Dmd3 indication
Bit28 Auto request: Auto command (open/close/stop) exists while the device is
on Manual mode and the corresponding feedback is not coming.
Bit29 Input D1p indication
Bit30 Input D2p indication
Bit31 Input D3p indication

All bits are expressed in positive logic.

150 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

6.5 Electric Digital Operator, EDEVICE

6.5.1 Icon

6.5.2 Parameter description

Table 6.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output C1 Boolean F Pre-close command
Output O1 Boolean F Pre-open command
Output C2 Boolean F Close command
Output O2 Boolean F Open command
Output M/A Boolean T Device auto/manual state, 1=auto, 0=manual
Output Stat Boolean F Device open/close state, 1=close, 0=open
Output FL Boolean F Device fault indication
If C1 and O1 or C2 and O2 are both 1, it will be 1.
Output Trip Boolean F Device trip indication
Output Bs Boolean F Device lock
Logic refers to the CF, OF, CW, OW description.
Input AC Boolean F Auto close signal
Input AO Boolean F Auto open signal
Input CP Boolean T Close permission
Input OP Boolean T Open permission
Input ToM Boolean F Switch to Manual mode
Input ReqA Boolean F Request to Auto mode
Input ToAck Boolean F Acknowledge signal, trigger by rising edge
Input CF Boolean F Close feedback
When close command is issued, but no feedback
is received in a certain time, device is locked.
Input OF Boolean F Open feedback
When open command is issued, but no feedback
is received in a certain time, device is locked.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 151

Input CW Boolean F Close verification
When pre-close command is issued, but there is
no verifying in a certain time, device is locked.
Input OW Boolean F Open verification
When pre-open command is issued, but there is
no verifying in a certain time, device is locked.
Input Local Boolean F To local mode. All outputs will be forbidden in local
Parameter PACKAO The group parameter of VC
Parameter Float 0.3 Pulse width of pre-command output, unit: second
Parameter Float 0.3 Pulse width of command output, unit: second
Parameter Word 0 Device Default mode, 0=Manual, 1=Auto
Parameter Word 0 Acknowledgement mode
AckM 0=Both auto/manual commands need Ack;
1=Manual command needs Ack, automatic
command need not Ack;
2=Both auto/manual commands need not Ack.
Parameter Float 0.5 Ack timeouts, unit: second
Parameter BsM Word 0 Device locked mode
0=Device doesn’t enter lock state in CW/OW state;
1=Enter lock state.
Parameter Word 1 Whether operation will be locked when device is
FLB in fault (FL=1); 0=No, 1=Yes.
Parameter Word 0 Generating mode of Stat output
StM 0=Generated by CF/OF;
1=Generated by CF/OF and Ack.
Parameter Float 0.5 When C1/O1 is active, the time waiting for
Tover1 CW/OW, unit: second
Parameter Float 0.5 When C2/O2 is active , the time waiting for CF/OF,
Tover2 unit: second

6.5.3 Algorithm description

The function block accomplishes the interface between the inputs and outputs of
the electrical device and other inter-locking signal, the manual/sequence-control
operation and the monitoring protect logic of the electrical devices. The control
algorithm of the EDEVICE is designed to meet the interface of all kinds of electrical
The control algorithm of the EDEVICE includes the basic control and protective
logic of the single electrical device. It can be controlled and operated by the upper
sequence-control demand or the operator through HMI stations. The algorithm

152 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

can accomplish the control of all kinds of electrical devices, including breakers,
isolation switch, etc.
The block EDEVICE has three working modes: auto, manual and malfunction.
Among which the manual/auto can be selected by the ‘AUTO’, ‘MAN’ button in the
HMI operator. And it can also be switched automatically by logic control.
The malfunction mode is judged comprehensively by the logic and can be
eliminated after the operator acknowledgement. The highest to the lowest level of
the malfunction mode include local, the feedback malfunction, the trip protection,
the trip and the operation failure, and so on. These states can be gotten directly
from the VC points and displayed on the CRT’s soft-operator.
This function block receives the following operation command:
EDVICE Tagname Auto/Manual/Close/Open/Ack
VC point definition of function block output is as table 6.5-2.
Table 6.5-2 VC definition
Bit0 C2 close command output indication
Bit1 O2 open command output indication
Bit2 C1 pre-close command output indication
Bit3 O1 pre-open command output indication
Bit4 Device position indication
Bit5 Mode indication (1=Automatic, 0=Manual)
Bit6 Device lock Bs indication
Bit7 Trip position alternating indication
Bit8 Close permission CP indication
Bit9 Open permission OP indication
Bit10 Device fault FL indication
Bit11 Close feedback CF indication
Bit12 Open feedback OF indication
Bit13 Close verification CW indication
Bit14 Open verification OW indication
Bit15 Local indication
Bit16 Auto close signal AC indication
Bit17 Auto open signal AO indication
Bit18 External set manual signal ToM indication
Bit19 External request automation signal ReqA indication
Bit20 External acknowledge signal ToAck indication

All bits are expressed in positive logic.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 153

6.6 Electric Digital Operator, EDEVICE2

6.6.1 Icon

6.6.2 Parameter description

Table 6.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output C Boolean F Close command
Output O Boolean F Open command
Output M/A Boolean T Device auto/manual mode; 1=Auto, 0=Manual
Output Stat Boolean F Device open/close state; 1=close, 0=open
Output FL Boolean F Device fault
If C and O or AC and AO are both 1, FL=1.
Output OPFL Boolean F Operation fail
Output Trip Boolean F Device trip
If the device opened without command, Trip=1.
Input AC Boolean F Auto close signal
Input AO Boolean F Auto open signal
Input CP Boolean T Close permission
Input OP Boolean T Open permission
Input ToM Boolean F Switch to manual signal
Input ReqA Boolean F Request to Auto signal
Input CF Boolean F Close feedback
When close command is active, but no feedback
is received in a certain time, device is locked.
Input OF Boolean F Open feedback
When open command is active, but no feedback
is received in a certain time, device is locked.
Input POpe Boolean T Device in operation position
The force command is invalid when POpe=1
Input Remote Boolean T Device in Remote position

154 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

All outputs will be forbidden if Remote=0
Input FDev Boolean F Device fail signal
Input FPwr Boolean F Control power fail signal
Input FSpr Boolean F Spring is not charged signal
Parameter PACKAO The group parameter of VC
Parameter SetT Float 3.0 Pulse width of command output, unit: second
Parameter AckT Float 5.0 Ack overtime time, unit: second
Parameter Float 5.0 When C, O are valid, the time waiting for CF, OF,
Tover unit: second
Parameter Word 1 Device Default mode
Mod0 0=Manual, 1=Auto

6.6.3 Algorithm description

The function block accomplishes the interface between the inputs and outputs of
the electrical device and other inter-locking signal, the manual/sequence-control
operation and the monitoring protect logic of the electrical devices. The control
algorithm of the EDEVICE2 is designed to meet the interface of all kinds of
electrical device.
The control algorithm of the EDEVICE2 includes the basic control and protective
logic of the single electrical device. It can be controlled and operated by the upper
sequence-control demand or the operator through HMI stations. The algorithm
can accomplish the control of all kinds of electrical devices, including breakers,
isolation switch, etc.
The block EDEVICE2 has three working modes: auto, manual and malfunction.
Among which the manual/auto can be selected by the ‘AUTO’, ‘MAN’ button in the
HMI operator. And it can also be switched automatically by logic control.
The malfunction mode judged comprehensively by the logic and can be eliminated
after the operator acknowledgement. The highest to the lowest level of the
malfunction mode includes local, the feedback malfunction, the trip protection, the
trip and the operation failure, and so on. These states can be gotten directly from
the VC points and displayed on the CRT’s soft-operator.
This function block receives the following operation command:
EDEVICE2 Tagname Auto/Manual/Close/Open/Ack/ Force/ Forbid/Execute

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 155

VC point definition of function block output is as table 6.6-2.
Table 6.6-2 VC definition
Bit0 C close command execution indication
Bit1 O open command execution indication
Bit2 C is waiting for acknowledgment
Bit3 O is waiting for acknowledgment
Bit4 Device position signal Stat indication
Bit5 Mode indication (1=Auto. 0=Manual)
Bit6 Force Status indication
Bit7 Trip position alternating indication
Bit8 True Status of close permission
Bit9 True Status of open permission
Bit10 Device fault signal FL indication
Bit11 Close feedback signal CF indication
Bit12 Open feedback signal OF indication
Bit13 Close permission signal CP indication
Bit14 Open permission signal OP indication
Bit15 Local Status indication
Bit16 Auto close signal AC indication
Bit17 Auto open signal AO indication
Bit18 External set manual ToM indication
Bit19 External requesting automation ReqA indication
Bit20 Operation position signal POpe indication
Bit21 Remote signal indication
Bit22 Device fail signal FDev indication
Bit23 Control power lost signal FPwr indication
Bit24 Spring is not charged signal FSpr indication
Bit25 Flash indication
Bit26 Operation fail signal OPFL indication
Bit27 Close Waiting overtime indication
Bit28 Open Waiting overtime indication

All bits are expressed in positive logic.

156 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

6.7 Remote Regulator, RMRG

6.7.1 Icon

6.7.2 Parameter description

Table 6.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Output command
Output TW Float 0.0 Waiting time to following operation
Output S Boolean F Device auto/manual state
1=Auto, 0=Manual
Output Lock Boolean F Device lock indication
Fault, Hang, lock input
Output OPFL Boolean F Operation fail
Output FL Boolean F Device fault
If the quality of feedback signal is bad, FL=1
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Input IncP Boolean T Increase permission
Input DecP Boolean T Decrease permission
Input SetP Boolean T Set value permission
Input ToM Boolean F Switch to manual from external
Input FB Float 0.0 Remote regulation feedback
Input YH Float 100.0 High limit of output
Input YL Float 0.0 Low limit of output
Parameter PACKAO The group parameter of VC
Parameter Float 5 Time of Ack timeout judgment, unit: second
Parameter Word 1 Whether operation will be locked when device is
FLB in fault (FL=1); 0=No, 1=Yes.
Parameter Word 0 Manual/Auto switch mode
MAMode 0=Normal mode;

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 157

1=Following mode (ToM=0 Auto, ToM=1 Manual).
Parameter VT Word 0 Output data type
0=Normalized, 1=Scale, 2=Float
Parameter Float 1.0 Scale setting
Parameter Word 0 Pulse width
PW 0=Default, 1=Long, 2=Short

6.7.3 Algorithm description

This function block mainly fulfils operation on remote regulating signal.
In remote controller and regulator, it adds the conception of communication
address, and a function to send character type command to IO driver. Channel
communication addresses of remote adjusting and controlling are composed with
two parts: IO driver number in configuration page property and communication
address parameter – Addr in function block. IO driver number must consist with
driver configuration in DPU configuration file. Remote regulator and controller in
same page must be designed for one drive. If Addr=0xFFFF, same to former, when
DPU receives commands from HMI station, this function block automatically
explains and executes command, and output by output signal of function block. If
Addr≠0xFFFF, when DPU receives command from HMI station and sends them to
IO driver, driver will explain and execute command and feedback execution result
at last.
This function block mainly used for lifter operation. When difference between twice
sampling FB >1, that is tap sliding, device is automatic locked.
This function block receives below operative command:
RMRG Tagname To Auto /To Manual /Ack /Cancel /Lock /Unlock /Hang value
/Unhang /Set value/Inc /Dec /PreSet /PreInc /PreDec. Value in Inc/Dec commands
is percentage of high/low measure range. If Value>0, Inc is chosen. If Value <0, Dec
is chosen.
VC point definition of function block output is as table 6.7-2.
Table 6.7-2 VC definition
Bit0 Indication of increase command execution
Bit1 Indication of decrease command execution
Bit2 Indication of pre-increase command execution
Bit3 Indication of pre-decrease command execution
Bit4 Reserved
Bit5 Manual/Auto state output S indication (1=Automatic, 0=manual)
Bit6 Device lock output Bs indication
Bit7 Set permission indication
Bit8 Increase permission indication
Bit9 Decrease permission indication
Bit10 Device fault signal FL indication
Bit11 Set command execution indication
Bit12 Pre-set command execution indication
Bit13 Reserved

158 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Bit14 Reserved
Bit15 Operation fail signal OPFL indication
Bit16~Bit19 16 kinds of hang states indication
Bit20 Reserved
Bit21 Set permission input indication
Bit22 Switch to manual signal ToM indication
Bit23 Increase permission input indication
Bit24 Decrease permission input indication
Bit25 Lock state indication

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 159

6.8 Remote Controller, RMCT

6.8.1 Icon

6.8.2 Parameter description

Table 6.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Type Default Description
Output TW Float 0.0 Waiting time to following operation
Output Close Boolean F Close command
Output Open Boolean F Open command
Output S Boolean F Device auto/manual state
1=Auto, 0=Manual
Output Stat Boolean F Device open/close state; 1=close, 0=open
Output Lock Boolean F Device lock indication (Fault, Hang, lock input)
Output OPFL Boolean F Operation fail
Output FL Boolean F Device fault indication
If Open and Close or CF and OF are both 1, FL=1.
Output Trip Boolean F Device trip
If the feedback status changed without
command, Trip=1.
Input AC Boolean F Auto close signal
Input AO Boolean F Auto open signal
Input CP Boolean T Close permission
Input OP Boolean T Open permission
Input ToM Boolean F Switch to manual mode
Input CF Boolean F Close feedback
Input OF Boolean F Open feedback
Parameter PACKAO The group parameter of VC
Parameter Float 5.0 Time of Ack timeout judgment, unit: second
Parameter Word 1 Whether operation will be locked when device is

160 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

FLB in fault (FL=1); 0=No, 1=Yes.
Parameter Word 0 Generating mode of Stat output
StM 0=Generated by CF/OF;
1=Generated by CF/OF and Ack.
Parameter Word 0 Pulse width
PW 0=Default, 1=Long, 2=Short
Parameter Word 0 Manual/Auto switch mode
MAMode 0=Normal mode;
1=Following mode (ToM=0 Auto, ToM=1 Manual).

6.8.3 Algorithm description

This function block mainly operates on remote control signal.
Concerning communication address conception and function to send character
type command to IO driver, please refer to above description about RMRG.
This function block receives the following operation command:
RMCT Tagname To Auto /To Manual /Close /Open /Ack /PreOpen /PreClose /Lock
/UnLock / Hang Value /UnHang /Cancel
VC point definition of function block output is as table 6.8-2.
Table 6.8-2 VC definition
Bit0 Indication of close command execution
Bit1 Indication of open command execution
Bit2 Indication of pre-close command execution
Bit3 Indication of pre-open command execution
Bit4 Stat indication (1=close, 0=open)
Bit5 Manual/Auto state output S indication (1=Automatic, 0=manual)
Bit6 Device lock output indication
Bit7 Trip alternating indication
Bit8 Close permission indication
Bit9 Open permission indication
Bit10 Device fault signal FL indication
Bit11 Close feedback
Bit12 Open feedback
Bit13 Pre-close feedback (close verification)
Bit14 Pre-open feedback (open verification)
Bit15 Operation fail OPFL indication
Bit16~Bit19 16 kinds of hang value state
Bit20 Auto close signal AC indication
Bit21 Auto open signal AO indication
Bit22 Switch to manual signal ToM indication
Bit23 Close permission input indication
Bit24 Open permission input indication
Bit25 Lock state indication

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 161

Chapter 7 Time Process Function

7.1 Lead and Lag, LeadLag

7.1.1 Icon

7.1.2 Parameter description

Table 7.1-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Lead-lag output
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Input TR Float Null Tracked value
If TR is null , output Y does not track TR.
Input TS Boolean F Tracking shift signal
When TS=1, Y=TR;
When TS=0, Y does not track TR.
Parameter H Float 100.0 High limit of the output
Parameter L Float 0.0 Low limit of the output
Parameter LD Float 1.0 The lead time constant
If LD is 0, then the block only has the lag function.
Parameter LG Float 1.0 The lag time constant number
LG ≥ T/2 (T is sampling period)
Parameter GN Float 1.0 Gain

7.1.3 Algorithm description

When TS=1, Y ( n) = TR ( n) * GN
When TS=0,
(2 * LG − T ) (T + 2 * LD ) T − 2 * LD
Y ( n) = * Y (n − 1) + GN * * X (n) + GN * * X ( n − 1)
(T + 2 * LG ) (T + 2 * LG ) T + 2 * LG

T is the sampling period and the final stead value: Y=GN*X.

162 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.2 Delay, Delay

7.2.1 Icon

7.2.2 Parameter description

Table 7.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Delay output
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Input TR Float Null Tracked value
If TR is null , output Y does not track TR.
Input TS Boolean F Tracking shift switch signal
When TS=1, Y=TR;
When TS=0, Y does not track TR.
Parameter DT Float 0.0 Pure lag time constant, unit: second.
Parameter K Float 1.0 The proportional gain; k>0
Parameter LT Float 0.0 Inertia time constant, unit: second
LT≥0; When LT=0.0, it is pure lag function.
Special function: when LT=-1、-2、-3、-4, output
means the average, min, max of input moving value
and amplitude of fluctuation respectively in DT time.

7.2.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts pure lag calculation on input, and Laplacian transfer
function of calculating formula is as follows:
Y (s) = * e ( − DT *S )
LT * s + 1
Deducing formula is:
a = k*T/(T+L), b =L/(T+L), L= int(DT/T), T=Calculating period
P(n) = a*X(n) + b*X(n-1), Y(n) = P(n-L);
Since buffer length is 120, when L>120, some outputs are the result of linear
interpolation value.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 163

7.3 Differential, Diff

7.3.1 Icon

7.3.2 Parameter description

Table 7.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Differential output
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Input YH Float 100.0 High limit of output
Input YL Float -100.0 Low limit of output
Parameter Kd Float 1.0 Gain
Parameter Td Float 1.0 The differential time constant
Unit: second; Td ≥ 0

7.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block has real differential function, its Laplacian transfer function:
K d * Td * S
Y (s) = ( ) X ( s)
Td * S + 1
Output formula of differential function block is:
Td Kd
Y ( n) = * Y (n − 1) + * [ X (n) − X (n − 1)]
(T + Td ) (T + Td )

164 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.4 Digital Filter, Filter

7.4.1 Icon

7.4.2 Parameter description

Table 7.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Result output after filter
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Parameter k1 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 1, k1<1.0
Parameter k2 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 2, k2<1.0
Parameter k3 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 3, k3<1.0
Parameter k4 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 4, k4<1.0
Parameter k5 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 5, k5<1.0
Parameter k6 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 6, k6<1.0
Parameter k7 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 7, k7<1.0
Parameter k8 Float 0.125 Filter coefficient 8, k8<1.0

7.4.3 Algorithm description

This function block conduct 8-rank digital filter to input analog, calculating formula
Y (n) = ∑ Ki * X (n − i + 1)
i =1

In formula, K i is filter coefficient. Generally, ∑ Ki = 1
i =1

When K i = 0.125(i = 1,⋅ ⋅ ⋅,8) , it is called average filter; when

K 8 ≤ K 7 ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≤ K1 , it is called forgotting filter.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 165

7.5 Slope Signal Generator, Rmp

7.5.1 Icon

7.5.2 Parameter description

Table 7.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Ramp generator output
Output D Boolean F The digital output is set 1 after Y reaches end point
Input Base Float 0.0 Base point value
Input End Float 100.0 End value
Input Hold Boolean T Hold signal
Input Rst Boolean F Reset signal
Parameter DY Float 1.0 The changing rate: the unit is second

7.5.3 Algorithm description

This function block is to generate ramp signal. It has two control signals, one is
reset signal Rst, and the other is hold signal Hold. Ramp changing rate is decided
by parameter DY. Ramp signal starting value is decided by input signal Base, called
base point value. Ramp signal end value is decided by input signal End, called end
value. Signal generating process is as follows:
When the reset signal Rst is changed from 0 to 1, then the output Y equals to the
value of the base point and the output D is set to 0. After that, Y will vary from the
base point to the end point at the rate DY. When the end point is reached, D is set
to1. All the outputs will be frozen at the objective points. In this process, if Hold is
set from 0 to 1, then the output Y keeps unchanged. Unless Hold is changed from 1
to 0 again, then the output Y will vary to the end point at the rate DY again. If the
reset signal Rst is from 0 to 1 again, then this process will start again.

166 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.6 Section Signal Generator, f(t)

7.6.1 Icon

7.6.2 Parameter description

Table 7.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Signal generator output
Output D Boolean F The digital output is set to 1 after Y reaches
objective point (T5)
Input Hold Boolean T Hold signal
Input Rst Boolean F Reset signal
Parameter Y1 Float 1.0 Y value of node 1
Parameter Y2 Float 1.0 Y value of node 2
Parameter Y3 Float 1.0 Y value of node 3
Parameter Y4 Float 1.0 Y value of node 4
Parameter Y5 Float 1.0 Y value of node 5
Parameter T1 Float 1.0 Time between node 1 and base point (second),
Parameter T2 Float 1.0 Time between node 2 and base point (second),
Parameter T3 Float 1.0 Time between node 3 and base point (second),
Parameter T4 Float 1.0 Time between node 4 and base point (second),
Parameter T5 Float 1.0 Time between node 5 and base point (second),

7.6.3 Algorithm description

This function block is often used in sequence signal generator, with 5-sector signal
parameters Y1 ~ Y5 whose corresponding time is T1 ~ T5 .

At moment t, function block's output Y has relationship with time section

(Ti , Ti +1 ) and this section parameter (Yi , Yi +1 ) , the relationship is as the following:
Yi +1 − Yi
Y (t ) = (t − Ti ) + Yi , (Ti < t < Ti +1 )
Ti +1 − Ti

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 167

When the reset signal Rst is set from 0 to 1, then output Y equals to the value of
the base point and output D is set to 0. After that, output will arrive Y1 on time
T1 , arrive Y2 on time T2 , …, arrive Y5 till on time T5 ; at this time, digital output
D is set to 1, and the analog output holds on at Y5 . In this process, if Hold is set
from 0 to 1, output Y holds on, inner timer stops, till Hold is set from 1 to 0; output Y
changes according to the former regulation. If reset signal – Rst changes from 0 to
1, this process will start again.
If parameters T1~T5 fail to comply with the rule of 0 ≤ T1 ≤ T2 ≤ T3 ≤ T4 ≤ T5 ,
then section signal generation process will stop at the first position violating this
rule, The block regards that it has reached the final point, so the output D is set to
1 and the output Y holds on the last effective Y value.
The function curve is show as Figure 7.6-1.

Figure 7.6-1 Function curve

168 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.7 12-Sector Signal Generator, F(t12)

7.7.1 Icon

7.7.2 Parameter description

Table 7.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 The output of signal generator
Output Sy Long 0 Current section number; begin with 0
Output Sd Boolean F Current section ending indication (single pulse)
Output D Boolean F Ending indication of all section (long pulse)
Input X Float 0.0 The cascade input X, Y increases from X
Input Sx Long 0 The cascade input section number
Sy increases from Sx
Input Hold Boolean F Hold signal
Input Set Boolean F Set signal
Parameter Float 6.0 Time between node 1~node 12 and base point
T1~T12 Unit: second; T1≤T2≤……≤T11≤T12
Parameter Float 1.0 Y value of node 1~node 12
Y1~Y12 It reaches Y(n) from X after T(n) seconds

7.7.3 Algorithm description

When the input signal Set keeps at 0, the output Y equals to input signal X (the
base point value), Sy equals to Sx, Sd equals to 0 and D is set at 0. When the input
signal Set varies from 0 to 1 and be kept at 1, then output point Y of this function
block varies from the base point to Y1 in time period T1 and Sy+1 and Sd point
sends a pulse signal, its output point Y arrives at Y2 after time period T2 and Sy+1
and Sd outputs a pulse single, until the point Y arrives at the end Y12 and
Sy=Sx+12 and Sd output a single pulse. At last output point D output a long pulse
and the output point Y keeps on the value Y12. In this process, if the input point
Hold is set from 0 to 1, then the output value Y is frozen and the inner timer stops.
Until Hold changes from 1 to 0, then the output value Y changes according to the
former regulation again. If the input signal Set changes from 0 to 1, the process is
restarted again. The parameters T1 and T12 must be equal to or bigger than 0. If
Ti<0, the section signal will stop after travelling i-1 sections and judge that it has
arrived at the end by the function block itself, so it will set output point D to 1 and
the output point Y will keep the last effective value.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 169

7.8 Signal Generator, Signal

7.8.1 Icon

7.8.2 Parameter description

Table 7.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Signal output
Output D Boolean F Periodic output indication (single pulse)
Input Pause Boolean F Pause the signal
Input Rst Boolean F Reset the signal
Parameter Mode Word 0 Signal type
0=Random signal; 1=Rectangle Wave;
2=Triangle Wave; 3=Sin; 4=Cos; 5=Tan
Parameter Amp Float 1.0 Amplitude of signal
Parameter Period Float 10.0 Period of signal (Unit: second)
Parameter Bias Float 0.0 Zero-bias; Used to adjust the zero point

7.8.3 Function description:

This function block generates the standard signal for some application.

170 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.9 Time Field’s Statistic for Analog, TSum

7.9.1 Icon

7.9.2 Parameter description

Table 7.9-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Statistic result output
Output Yj Float 0.0 Last statistic value
Input X Float 0.0 Input signal
Input Set Boolean F Setting switch
When jumping from 0 to 1, statistic begins;
When jumping from 1 to 0, statistic ends.
Parameter Mode Word 0 Calculation mode
0=Accumulation sum, 1=Average, 2=Max,
3=Min, 4=Trapezoid accumulation
Parameter Y0 Float 0.0 Y initial value, when Set jumps from 0 to 1
Parameter Cj Float 1.0 Conversion factor

7.9.3 Algorithm description

This function block calculates time integral, average, max or min etc. of analog
inputs in a period.
This function block controls timer start and end with Set signal. When Set jumps
from 0 to 1, calculation begins; when Set jumps from 1 to 0, calculation ends. This
block chooses calculating method by parameter Mode. Calculating formula is as
Mode=0 means conducting time rectangle integral on input signal, that is:
Y (n) = Y0 + ∑ X (n) * T
i =1

1 n
Mode=1 means calculating average, that is: Y ( n) = [Y0 + ∑ X (n) * T ]
nT i=1

Mode=2 means calculating max, that is: Y ( n) = max[ X (i )]


Mode=3 means calculating min, that is Y ( n) = min[ X (i )]


Mode=4 means conducting time trapezoid integral on input signal, that is

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 171

n T
Y (n) = Y0 + ∑[ X (n) + X (n − 1)] *
i =1 2
In formula, sampling period T is execution period of the page that this block
locates. Parameter Y 0 is initial output value when Set input signal jumps from o
to 1.
In time field statistic calculation, conversion coefficient C j is set, and used to
memory conversion on statistic result. That is to multiply the statistic result
with C j , then take the result as function block output Y j . In flow accumulation
calculation, generally, C j is a time conversion constant.

172 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.10 Time Field’s Sum for Digital, TSumD

7.10.1 Icon

7.10.2 Parameter description

Table 7.10-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Statistic result output
Output Yj Float 0.0 Last statistic result
Input Z Boolean F Input signal
Input Set Boolean F Set signal
Parameter Mode Word 0 Calculation method selection
0=Calculation when z equals to 0;
1=Calculation when z equals to 1.
Parameter Y0 Float 0.0 Y initial value, when Set=1
Parameter Cj Float 1.0 Conversion factor

7.10.3 Algorithm description

This function block conducts time statistic on digital input signal Z.
Set signal switches this function block on/off. When it changes from 0 to 1,
function block begins to statistic digital input signal Z; when Set signal changes
from 1 to 0, statistic ends.
Parameter Mode is to control statistic method:
Mode=1 means to statistic digital input signal Z with logic 1 signal,
Mode=0 means to statistic digital input signal Z with logic 0 signal.
The time unit of statistic is execution period and sampling period of the page
where this function block exists, the unit is second.
Statistic formula is as follows:
when Mode=0, Y ( n) = Y0 + ∑ [ Z (i) == 0] ∗ T
i =1

When Mode=1, Y ( n) = Y0 + ∑ [Z (i) == 1] ∗ T
i =1

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 173

Parameter Y0 is initial output when Set jumps from 0 to 1. So output Y shows
time length when digital input signal is logic 1 or logic 0, that is time length of logic
1 or logic 0 equal to their sampling frequency multiply execution period.
In digital time statistic calculation, conversion coefficient C j is set to conduct
memory conversion on statistic result. Output of function block Y j is statistic
result multiplying C j .

174 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.11 Period Timer, CycTime

7.11.1 Icon

7.11.2 Parameter description

Table 7.11-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output D Boolean F The single pulse output
Parameter Mon Byte FFH Month setting
Parameter Day Byte FFH Day setting
Parameter Hour Byte FFH Hour setting
Parameter Min Byte 0H Minute setting, taken from 0~59
Parameter Sec Byte 0H Second setting, taken from 0~59

7.11.3 Algorithm description

This function block is used to output single pulse periodically. This block has
parameters Mon, Day, Hour, Min and Sec, to set month, day, hour, minute and
second. Function block compares current time and set time, when current time
first reaches or exceeds set time, it will output a single pulse whose width is
execution period. If Mon, Day, Hour are set to be FFH, the block will output a single
pulse at appointed moment (Min:Sec) of each hour. If Mon, Day are set to be FFH,
the block will output a single pulse at appointed moment (Hour:Min:Sec) of each
day. And so on, any set time within a year can be defined. The parameters Min and
Sec cannot be set as FFH and must be within 0-59.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 175

7.12 Time Processing, TPRO

7.12.1 Icon

7.12.2 Parameter description

Table 7.12-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Tday Long 0 The number of days for output T
Output Tms Long 0 The number of MS for output T
Output D Boolean F The comparison output
Input Tday1 Long 0 The day number input of T1
Input Tms1 Long 0 The MS number input of T1
Input Tday2 Long 0 The day number input of T2
Input Tms2 Long 0 The MS number input of T2
Parameter mode Word 0 The disposing mode of T1 and T2

7.12.3 Algorithm description

When Mod=0, T=T1 + T2; D=0;
When Mod=1, T=T1 - T2; D=0;
When Mod=2, T=0; When T1=T2, D=1, otherwise D=0;
When Mod=3, T=0; When T1≠T2, D=1, otherwise D=0;
When Mod=4, T=0; When T1≥T2, D=1, otherwise D=0;
When Mod=5, T=0; When T1≤T2, D=1, otherwise D=0;
When Mod=6, T=0; When T1>T2, D=1, otherwise D=0;
When Mod=7, T=0; When T1<T2, D=1, otherwise D=0.

176 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.13 Time Record, TREC

7.13.1 Icon

7.13.2 Parameter description

Table 7.13-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Tday Long 0 The number of days for the output T
Output Tms Long 0 The number of MS for the output T
Input Tday1 Long 0 The day number input of T1
Input Tms1 Long 0 The MS number input of T1
Input Z Boolean F Control switch

7.13.3 Algorithm description

When Z changes from 0 to 1, output T equals to input T1.
If the input value of T1 or Tms1 is an empty or illegal pointer, the function block will
record the current time of DPU into output T. The base time is 2000 year 1 month 1
day 0 hour 0 minute 0 second.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 177

7.14 Time Transfer, TtoS

7.14.1 Icon

7.14.2 Parameter description

Table 7.14-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Year long 2000 Year
Output Mon long 1 Month
Output Day long 1 Day
Output Hour long 0 Hour
Output Min long 0 Minute
Output Sec long 0 Second
Output MSec long 0 Millisecond
Input Tday1 long 0 Output day number of T1
Input Tms1 long 0 Output ms number of T1

7.14.3 Algorithm description

This function block transforms OC 6000e inner time to normal expressing mode of
7 analog points.

178 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

7.15 Time Transfer, StoT

7.15.1 Icon

7.15.2 Parameter description

Table 7.15-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Tday1 Long 0 Output day number of T
Output Tms1 Long 0 Output ms number of T
Input Year long 2000 Year
Input Mon long 1 Month
Input Day long 1 Day
Input Hour long 0 Hour
Input Min long 0 Minute
Input Sec long 0 Second
Input MSec long 0 Millisecond

7.15.3 Algorithm description

This function block transforms normal expressing Time of 7 analog points to OC
6000e inner time.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 179

Chapter 8 System Module

8.1 Text Remark, Text

8.1.1 Icon

8.1.2 Algorithm description

This function block is used to add text remark. User can add content by double
click it.

180 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.2 Trend Recorder, Trend

8.2.1 Icon

8.2.2 Parameter description

Table 8.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Input X1 Float 0.0 Input 1
Input X2 Float 0.0 Input 2
Input X3 Float 0.0 Input 3
Input Z4 Boolean F Input 4
Parameter H1 Float 110.0 High limit of X1 trend
Parameter L1 Float -10.0 Low limit of X1 trend
Parameter H2 Float 110.0 High limit of X2 trend
Parameter L2 Float -10.0 Low limit of X2 trend
Parameter H3 Float 110.0 High limit of X3 trend
Parameter L3 Float -10.0 Low limit of X3 trend
Parameter H4 Float 110.0 High limit of Z4 trend
Parameter L4 Float -10.0 Low limit of Z4 trend

8.2.3 Algorithm description

This function block can record the trends of four inputs. X1~X3 are analog value,
Z4 is digital value.
Trend limits can be set by H(n)/L(n) for each input.
This function block is used to monitor the trend of certain variable. User can open
the trend in right click menu of the function block in logic configuration page.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 181

8.3 Trigger Event, Event

8.3.1 Icon

8.3.2 Parameter description

Table 8.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input Z Boolean Null Input Z
Parameter Word 0 Trigger mode
Mode 0=Rising edge, 1=Falling edge,
2=high-voltage level, 3=low- voltage level
Parameter Word 0 Event object type
Parameter Word 0 The data of the event
Edata The meaning changes with the type of the event

8.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block checks the input variable Z according to the Mode selection
and triggers the appointed event with the predefined type.
When Mode is 0 or 1, one event is triggered in every rising edge or falling edge.
When Mode is 2 or 3, if the condition is satisfied, one event is triggered in every
execution period.
Etype=0, empty event, and nothing will be done;
Etype=1, jumps to the appointed page (the execution period is 0), now Edata = the
appointed page number;
Etype=2, jumps to the function block whose number is Edata and execute it and its
following blocks by order;
Etype=3, jumps to the No. Edata function block after this block and execute it;
Etype=4, jump to the No. Edata function block before this block and execute it.

Pay attention to faults such as infinite loop, object not

existing etc. in using this function block; otherwise serious
mistakes will be caused.

182 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.4 Event Capture, Capture

8.4.1 Icon

8.4.2 Parameter description

Table 8.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output PreM Float 0.0 Memory usage before trigger (K)
Output AtM Float 0.0 Memory usage After trigger (K)
Output PrePnts Long 0 Recorded points before trigger
Output AtPnts Long 0 Recorded points After trigger
Output Status Word 0 Status of recorded module
0=waiting, 1=recording, 2=completed,
3=Uploading data, record locked
Output Done Boolean F Record finish
Input Boolean Null Trigger input 1 to 16
Input DIN1~DIN8 Boolean null Boolean event input 1~8
Input AIN1~AIN24 Float null Analog event input 1~24
Parameter Group parameter for Packed AO
Parameter Long 100 Point number to be recorded before Trigger
Parameter Float 20.0 Recorded period before trigger, unit: ms
Parameter Long 100 Point number to be recorded after trigger
Parameter Float 20.0 Recorded period after trigger, unit: ms
Parameter Word 0 Trigger Mode of Channel 1 to Channel16:
Mode1~Mode16 0=No trigger, 1=Up Edge Trigger, 2=Down Trigger,
3=Status Change Trigger

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 183

8.4.3 Algorithm description
This function block can receive 16 trigger commands Trig1~Trig16. When any
trigger command comes with the defined trigger mode, function block starts to
record the values base on the settings of parameter PreNum and AtNum. The
record objects are AIN1~AIN24, Trig1~Trig16 and DIN1~DIN8. The recorded data
can be checked through event review function in trend program, details please
refer to chapter 8.3 of OC 6000e HMI software manual (GEK-114904).

184 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.5 Quality (state) Test, TQ

8.5.1 Icon

8.5.2 Parameter description

Table 8.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Q Boolean T Quality indication
0=Good, 1=Bad
Output EN Boolean T Enable/Disable indication of former block
1=Disable, 0= Enable
Output OFW Boolean T Overflow indication
1=Overflow, 0=No overflow
Output IOB Boolean T I/O error indication
0=Right, 1=Error
Output TOUT Boolean T Network receive timeout indication
0=No timeout, 1=timeout
Input X Float/Boolean Null Input X

8.5.3 Algorithm description

This function block acquires the states of the block that the input variable belongs
to, and changes them to the boolean output. When the input variable X is null, the
outputs are all set to 1.
The input X can either be analog variable or digital variable.

The state of this function block changes with the quality of


GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 185

8.6 I/O Card Test, TCard

8.6.1 Icon

8.6.2 Parameter description

Table 8.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output STAT Word 0 State of I/O module
105=Spare (No communication with controller)
0= I/O Net fault
Output Q1 Boolean F State of I/O Net1
0X01=Normal, Other=Fault
Output Q2 Boolean F State of I/O Net2
0X01=Normal, Other=Fault
Output Q Boolean T State of I/O data
0=Good, 1=Bad
Parameter Node Boolean 0 Node number
Parameter Card Word 0 Card number

8.6.3 Algorithm description

This function block gets the state of the appointed IO card in appointed IO node.

186 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.7 I/O Node Test, TNode2

8.7.1 Icon

8.7.2 Parameter description

Table 8.7-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Q Boolean T A I/O Channel fault state
0=Normal, 1=Fault
Output Q1 Boolean T B I/O Channel fault state
0=Normal, 1=Fault
Parameter Node Word 0 Node number

8.7.3 Algorithm description

This function block gets the state of the appointed IO node, and is used for
OC 4000 I/O series.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 187

8.8 DPU (state) Test, TDPU2

8.8.1 Icon

8.8.2 Parameter description

Table 8.8-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Temp Float 0.0 CPU temperature of controller
Output CLOAD Float 0.0 CPU Load of controller
Output MLOAD Float 0.0 CPU memory usage of controller
Output main Boolean F Status of controller
1=Main, 0=Standby
Output Anet Boolean F A Network state
0=OK, 1=OffLine
Output Bnet Boolean F B Network state
0=OK, 1=Offline
Output AIO Boolean F A I/O Channel state
0=OK, 1=Offline
Output BIO Boolean F B I/O Channel state
0=OK, 1=Offline
Output First Boolean F Output a single pulse when this DPU computes
firstly, and the pulse width is the computing period
of this page
Input N Long 0 Node No.

8.8.3 Algorithm description

This function block gets the state of the appointed DPU.

This function block is always in good state.

188 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.9 User Defined Function, UDFB-M

8.9.1 Icon

8.9.2 Algorithm description

Figure 8.9-1 Menu of UDFB-M

The block is designed for user to define his own function block when the designed
logic cannot be fulfilled with provided function block by system. It is recommended
not to use the UDFB.
UDFB can drag into logic page and right click on it, the menu listed in the left will
be popup as Figure 8.9-1. Then click on the menu item “Modify UDFB” and the
dialog box “Modify UDFB Property” will popup.
User can add and delete the input and output pin, edit name and type of pin for
the UDFB. For example, add two input, one is “ai” and the other is “di”. Add two
output, one is “do” and the other is “ao”. It’s shown as Figure 8.9-2

Figure 8.9-2 Input/Output definition

After define, a new FB is looked as Figure 8.9-3.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 189

Figure 8.9-3 Function block with I/O definition
Program interface will pop up as Figure 8.9-4 by double click the block. User can
type code in the edit area according to the C language rule.

Figure 8.9-4 Program interface

Supported operator: +, -, *, /, %, ^, &, |, ~, !, &&, ||, ++, --, (, ), >, ≥, <, ≤, ==, !=, <<, >>,
+=, -=*=, /=, %=, &=, |=, >≥, <≤, &&=, ||=.
Supported commands: “if-else”, “for”, “while”, “do-while”, “switch-case”, “goto”.
Supported function: "abs", "acos","asin", "atan", "atan2", "ceil", "cos", "exp", "floor",
"log", "max", "min", "pow", "rint", "round", "sin", "sqrt", "tan".
Support self-defined function: Float pinai (int pinnum), Boolean pindi (int pinnum),
Long pindi (int pinnum), pinao (int pinnum, Float value), pindo (int pinnum, Boolean
value), pinlo (int pinnum, Float value), Float pageai (int page, int fun), Boolean
pagedi (int page, int fun), pageao (int fun, Float value), pagedo (int fun, Boolean
Any value in function can be used with expression and direct value.

190 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.10 Parameter Change, ChgPara

8.10.1 Icon

8.10.2 Parameter description

Table 8.10-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Input X Float 0.0 The objective value
Input AxB Float 0.0 The analog output of a FB which parameter need to
be changed if the FB has analog output.
Input DxB Boolean F The Boolean output of a FB in which parameter
need to be changed if the FB has Boolean output.
Parameter Item Word 0 The index number of parameter need be changed
(begin with 0)

8.10.3 Algorithm description

The block changes the parameter value of a FB whose output links to ChgPara
block. The input can be either analog or Boolean output. The parameter item
defines the parameter index need to be changed.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 191

8.11 Latent Selector Of Digital Variable, DxSel

8.11.1 Icon

8.11.2 Parameter description

Table 8.11-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output D Boolean F Selector output
Input P Long 0 Page number; If P≤0, P is current page
Input B Long 1 Block number
Input I Long 0 Output pin number, start from 0

8.11.3 Algorithm description

This function block output the objective output of objective function block defined
by P/B/I and inherit the quality. If the objective output dose not exist or is wrong
type, this function block will be bad quality and D will keep the last effective value.

192 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

8.12 Latent Selector of Analog Variable, AxSel

8.12.1 Icon

8.12.2 Parameter description

Table 8.12-1 Parameter description
Tag Data type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Selector output
Input P Long 0 Page number; If P≤0, P is current page
Input B Long 1 Block number
Input I Long 0 Output pin number, start from 0

8.12.3 Algorithm description

This function block output the objective output of objective function block defined
by P/B/I and inherit the quality. If the objective output does not exist or wrong type,
this function block will be bad quality and D will keep the last effective value.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 193

Chapter 9 Power Plant Application

9.1 Feed-Water Pump Control: Two Running and

One Standby, Balance3

9.1.1 Icon

9.1.2 Parameter description

Table 9.1-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output YS Float 0.0 Command output
Output YT Float 0.0 Average of three pumps command for track
Output M/A Boolean F Manual/Auto mode: 0=Auto, 1=Manual
Output DH Boolean F YS over the high limit indication
Output DL Boolean F YS below the low limit indication
Input X Float 0.0 Feed water command
Input TR Float Null Tracked value
Input TS Boolean F Single/Triple element switch
0=Triple element, 1=Single element
Input TRA Float Null Tracked Value A: Pump A control command (%)
Input TRB Float Null Tracked Value B: Pump B control command (%)
Input TRC Float Null Tracked Value C: Pump C control command (%)
Input TSA Boolean Null Track switch A: Pump A on Manual
Input TSB Boolean Null Track switch B: Pump B on Manual
Input TSC Boolean Null Track switch C: Pump C on Manual
Input TMA Boolean Null Pump A stop: 0=Running, 1=Stop

194 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

Input TMB Boolean Null Pump B stop: 0=Running, 1=Stop
Input TMC Boolean Null Pump C stop: 0=Running, 1=Stop
Parameter YH Float 90.0 High limit of YS
Parameter YL Float 20.0 Low limit of YS

9.1.3 Algorithm description:

This function block is specially designed for feed water pump control system,
which has 3 feed water pumps, two running and one standby.
1) Have balance function same as normal balance function when in automatic
2) No influence on the balance function of other two automatic pumps if
operation on the pump which stop running over 60s.
3) Solve the disturbance in normal balance function block when switching from
one element control to three elements control. The command will follow the one
element adjustor when booting pump is in one element control mode.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 195

9.2 Water Level Compensation Calculation,

9.2.1 Icon

9.2.2 Parameter description

Table 9.2-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output LvOut Float 0.0 Compensation water level output
-0.5LX~+0.5LX (mm)
Output HH Boolean F High high limit exceeding indication
Output LL Boolean F Low low limit exceeding indication
Output H Boolean F High limit exceeding indication
Output L Boolean F Low limit exceeding indication
Input Lv Float 0.0 Measured water level (mm)
Pressure difference (∆P), unit: mmH2,O
Input P Float 15.0 Drum pressure(MPa), valid within 0~30MPa
Input T Float 20.0 Compensation temperature at balancing container’s
valid measuring terminal (℃), valid within 0~700℃
Parameter VMS Float 0.0 Valid measuring segment(mm)
Parameter Bias Float 0.0 Zero water level bias(mm)
Parameter HH Float 0.0 High high limit(mm)
Parameter LL Float 0.0 Low low limit(mm)
Parameter H Float 0.0 High limit(mm)
Parameter L Float 0.0 Low limit(mm)

9.2.3 Algorithm description

This block calculates actual drum water level of single chamber balance container
through drum water level measuring value and drum pressure etc. Please refer to
the following equation and figure 9.2-1.

196 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

LvOut = [VMS ∗ F (x1 ) − Lv]/ F (x2 ) − (0.5VMS + Bias)
F (x1 ) = ( ρ c − ρ s ) ∗ g
F ( x2 ) = ( ρ w − ρ s ) ∗ g
ρ c − − − Density of water inside balance container,unit kg/m3
ρ w − − − Density of saturated water, unit kg/m3
ρ s − − − Density of saturated steam, unit kg/m3
g − − − gravity acceleration , unit m/s2

Figure 9.2-1
1)Actual zero level: Normally actual zero level is X mm below the drum’s center
line, X value please refers to drum’s manual
2) Valid zero line: the middle line of valid measuring segment
3) Zero water level Bias: If valid zero level is above actual zero level, Bias is a
negative value; otherwise, Bias is a positive value

Temperature of balance container valid measure sector is designed for improving

measure precision, if there is no this measuring point on site, it is assumed to be
If input P exceeds 0~30MPa or input T exceeds 0~700℃, the FB will set overflow.
This function block is designed for water level compensation of single chamber
balance container, and it does not suit for other type balance container

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 197

9.3 Flow Compensation Calculation, FlowComp

9.3.1 Icon

9.3.2 Parameter description

Table 9.3-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Fc Float 0.0 Compensated Flow.
Output d Float 1000.0 Actual density
Input Fm Float 0.0 Measured flow value
Input P0 Float 1.0 Standard pressure (MPa)
Input T0 Float 0.0 Standard temperature (℃)
Input Pm Float 1.0 Measured pressure (MPa)
Input Tm Float 0.0 Measured temperature (℃)
Parameter Mode Word 0 Type of liquid: 0=Water, 1=steam, 2=Air

9.3.3 Algorithm description

This function block calculate the compensated flow from measured flow, the
equation is as following:

Flow quality: Q1, ρ1 is actual mass flow and density,Q is measured flow and ρ is
standard density.
Flow volume: V1, ρ1 is actual volume flow and density,Q is measured flow and ρ is
standard density.

198 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

9.4 Thermodynamic Property Calculation, PTCal

9.4.1 Icon

9.4.2 Parameter description

Table 9.4-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y float 0.0 Thermal parameter calculation output
Input P/S/H float 0.0 Pressure (Mpa)/Entropy/Enthalpy, 0<P≤30
Input T/S/H float 0.0 Temperature (℃)/Entropy/Enthalpy, 0≤T≤700
Parameter word 0 Calculation mode
Mode Refer to the corresponding list of Mode & calculation

Corresponding list of mode and calculation method

Table 9.4-2 Mode and calculation list
Mode Calculation method
0 Calculate water or steam enthalpy (KJ/Kg) with appointed pressure (MPa)
and temperature(℃)
1 Calculate water or steam specific volume (M3/Kg) with appointed
pressure (MPa) and temperature (℃)
2 Calculate water or steam entropy (KJ/Kg*K) with appointed pressure
(MPa) and temperature(℃)
3 Calculate water or steam temperature(℃) with appointed pressure (MPa)
and entropy (KJ/Kg*K)
4 Calculate water enthalpy (KJ/Kg) with appointed pressure (MPa) and
5 Calculate water specific volume (M3/Kg) with appointed pressure (MPa)
and temperature(℃)
6 Calculate water entropy (KJ/Kg*K) with appointed pressure (MPa) and
7 Calculate water or steam pressure (MPa) with appointed temperature(℃)
and entropy (KJ/Kg*K)
8 Calculate steam enthalpy (KJ/Kg) with appointed pressure (MPa) and
9 Calculate steam specific volume (M3/Kg) with appointed pressure (MPa)
and temperature(℃)

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 199

10 Calculate steam entropy (KJ/Kg*K)with appointed pressure (MPa) and
11 Calculate water boiling point temperature or pressure with appointed
pressure (MPa) or temperature(℃)
Calculate pressure when P pin is null; calculate temperature when T pin
is null.
12 Calculate water or steam temperature(℃) with appointed pressure (MPa)
and enthalpy (KJ/Kg)
13 Calculate water or steam pressure (MPa) with appointed temperature(℃)
and enthalpy (KJ/Kg)

9.4.3 Algorithm description

This function block is used to calculate enthalpy of water and steam.
Mode=0~2, separately calculate water or steam’s enthalpy, specific volume and
entropy with appointed pressure and temperature; the block will distinguish the
gaseity and the liquid state automatically;
Mode=4~6, separately calculate water’s enthalpy, specific volume and entropy
with appointed pressure and temperature; when only one input is available, and
the other input is null, the water will be regarded as saturated water.
Mode=8~10, separately calculate steam’s enthalpy, specific volume and entropy
with appointed pressure and temperature; when only one input is available, and
the other input is null, the steam will be regarded as saturated steam.

200 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

9.5 Valve Protection, Pop

9.5.1 Icon

9.5.2 Parameter description

Table 9.5-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output Y Float 0.0 Valve Command output
Input X Float 0.0 Valve Command input
Input En Boolean T Valve protection function enable
Parameter CV Float 5.0 High limit of minimum valve position zone
Parameter CL Float 1.0 Low limit of minimum valve position zone

9.5.3 Algorithm description

The block defines a minimum valve position zone to prevent the valve hitting valve
base frequently when valve command input is in this zone. For example: if CV=5.0
and CL=1.0, the output will follow the input when the command above 5% and the
output will close the valve completely when the command below 1%. The output
will always follow the input when the Input En is false. The function diagram is
shown as figure 9.5-1.

Figure 9.5-1 Function diagram

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 201

9.6 General Water Level Compensation, GLComp

9.6.1 IOCN

9.6.2 Parameter Description

Table 9.6-1 Parameter description
Tag Data Type Default Description
Output LvOut float 0.0 Compensation water level output:
Bi-direction -0.5LX~+0.5LX (mm); Single direction
Output HH Boolean F High high alarm indication
Output LL Boolean F Low low alarm indication
Output H Boolean F High alarm indication
Output L Boolean F Low alarm indication
Input Lv float 0.0 Measured water level, differential pressure (dP), unit:
mmH2O or mH2O, full range 0~LX, no need migration
Input P float 15 Drum pressure(MPa), valid within 0~30MPa
Input T float 20 Compensation temperature at balancing container’s
valid measuring segment (℃), valid within 0~700℃
Parameter float 0.0 Valid measuring segment, the maximum range LX, unit
VMS mm or m
Parameter float 0.0 Zero water level bias, unit mm or m
Parameter float 0.0 High high limit, unit mm or m
Parameter LL float 0.0 Low low limit, unit mm or m
Parameter H float 0.0 High limit, unit mm or m
Parameter L float 0.0 Low limit, unit mm or m
Parameter Boolean F 0: single direction; 1: Bi-direction. Bi-direction is used
Mode for drum and single direction for other vessels.
Parameter Boolean F 0: mm; 1: m

202 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

9.6.3 Algorithm description
This block calculates actual drum water level of single chamber balance container
through drum water level measuring value and drum pressure etc. Please refer to
the following equation and figure 9.6-1.

LvOut = [VMS ∗ F (x1 ) − Lv]/ F (x2 ) − (0.5VMS + Bias)

F ( x1 ) = ( ρ c − ρ s ) ∗ g
F ( x2 ) = ( ρ w − ρ s ) ∗ g
ρc − − − Density of water inside balance container,unit kg/m3
ρ w − − − Density of saturated water, unit kg/m3
ρs − − − Density of saturated steam, unit kg/m3
g − − − gravity acceleration , unit m/s2

Figure 9.6-1
1)Actual zero level: Normally actual zero level is X mm below the drum’s center line, X
value please refers to drum’s manual
2) Valid zero line: the middle line of valid measuring segment
3) Zero water level Bias: If valid zero level is above actual zero level, Bias is a positive
value; otherwise, Bias is a negative value
Temperature of balance container valid measure sector is designed for improving
measure precision, if there is no this measuring point on site, it is assumed to be 50℃.
If input P exceeds 0~30MPa or input T exceeds 0~700℃, the FB will set overflow.
This function block is designed for water level compensation of single chamber balance
container, and it does not suit for other type balance container compensation.

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 203

Appendix A--Abbreviation

DPU, Distributed Processed Unit

BCNET, Bitbus Communication Net

UDH, Unit Data Highway

HMI, Human-Machine Interface

INFONET, Information Net

OPU, Operator Unit

ENG, Engineer Unit

CAL, Calculating Unit

HSU, Historical Data Unit

GTW, Gateway

VDPU, Virtual Distributed Processing Unit

DAS, Data Acquisition System

MCS, Modulating Control System

SCS, Sequence Control System

FSSS, Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System

DEH, Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System

MEH, Micro-Electro-Hydraulic Control System

BPC, Bypass Control System

SIS, Supervisory Information System

204 GEK-114906 OC 6000e Software Function Block Manual

GPS, Global Position System

SOE, Sequence of Event

ETS, Emergency Trip System

NTP, Network Time Protocol

GEK-114906 OC6000e Software Function Block Manual 205

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