Premier Cleanse

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Advanced, Deep-Seated

Intestinal Cleansing*
The Premier Cleanse
The 7-Day Intensive Cleansing Program

Key Benefits
l Deep-seated intestinal detox: one of the
most important things you can do to reju-
venate the entire body*

l Whole body “download” of putrid debris via

intestinal detox

l Clear many years of old stagnant waste ef-

fectively and rapidly

l Enjoy increased energy levels, improved

digestion and better overall health*

The Premier Cleanse

is the most invigorating and effective
The ultimate deep-cleansing program
means to a completely cleansed body. to detoxify and rejuvenate the entire body*

Detoxifying the Intestines The Premier Cleanse is designed for the “working
When the intestines are toxic-laden, they lose their person” so that the first 5 days can easily be done
ability to function in all their capacities, especially the when following a regular work schedule. The last
downloading and release of toxins dumped in the bowel 2 days are designed to be done on the weekend,
from the blood and various organs. It has long been said so that a more in depth procedure (but with little
that one of the most effective things you can do to im- physical activity and more rest) can be followed.
prove your health is to detoxify the colon. Even if you Overview. During the 7 days, please follow the Re-
are having regular bowel movements, when you under- juvene Diet (see instructions) as much as possible
go the Premier Cleanse, you will be surprised at the (which entails eating about 80% raw food to 20%
amount of “old” toxic waste that will be eliminated. cooked food). During the first 5 Days, Cleansing
Many people are surprised to find that old health con- Drink #1 & #2 are taken twice daily. During Days
cerns (such as a chronically stiff neck or a nagging hip 6 & 7, the Cleansing Drinks are taken 3 times per
issue, etc.) are completely gone after doing the Premier day. A Premier Coffee Enema is taken daily in the
Cleanse. In addition, many people report improved di- AM; an herbal enema is taken daily in the PM for
gestion, better energy levels and often spectacular in- each of the 7 days. Please feel free to take an addi-
creases in overall health. tional enema on any day if you are feeling fatigue,
body aching or other detox concerns.
Premier Research Labs • Distributed by: • 510-653-5050
Components of the 7-Day Cleanse

Cleansing Drink #1 Premier Coffee Enema, Rejuvené Diet

10 oz. – purified water See instruction sheet
½ teaspoon – Medi-Clay
Herbal Enema
1 teaspoon – Cleanse Blend Directions: Simmer one quart water with the following
½ teaspoon – Inflammacidin
supplements by opening up the capsules and then mixed
Optional: 1 tablespoon – Organic Mediterranean into the water: Paracidin (2 Vcaps); Q. Immune Com-

Strawberry Preserves plex

Cleansing Drink #2 (2 Vcaps); Q. Noni (2 Vcaps). Simmer for 5 minutes. Let
10 oz. – purified water cool before use in enema.
1 tablespoon – Premier Vintage Vinegar Cleanse Supplements (per time)
1 teaspoon – Premier Raw Honey Q. Immune Complex – 2 Vcaps
ParaStat – 2 Vcaps
Flax Seed Tea
DHLA Nano-Plex – ½ tsp. in 4 oz. water
Heat ½ cup purified water for 1 to 2 minutes (until very
Liver Nano-Detox – ½ tsp. in 4 oz. water
warm). Turn off heat; add 1 tbsp. Premier Flax Seeds
(rinse first). Let soak in warm water for 15 minutes. Q. C Complex – 12 Vcaps
Xeno-Detox – 5 Vcaps
Then strain and discard seeds. Drink only the liquid.
Q. Digest – 2 Vcaps
E Complete – ½ tsp.
7- Day Schedule for the Premier Cleanse
The 5-Day Schedule (Days 1 - 5) The 2-Day Schedule (Days 6 - 7)
7:00 am – Cleansing Drink #1; 5 minutes later – Cleans- (No additional food than as follows)
ing Drink #2 (see Drink #1 & 2 instructions) 7:00 am – Cleansing Drink #1; 5 minutes later – Cleans-
7:15 am – Premier Coffee Enema (see Premier Coffee ing Drink #2
Enema instruction sheet) 7:15 am – Premier Coffee Enema
8:00 am – Flax Seed Tea (see instructions), Your Regu- 8:00 am – Flax Seed Tea, Your Regular Nutritional Sup-
lar Nutritional Supplements (if you have been plements (if you have been tested) or Super
tested) or the Super Food Trio (if you have not Food Trio and Cleanse Supplements; no other
been tested), and Cleanse Supplements (see food
Cleanse Supplements list) 10:00 am – Cleansing Drink #1;
Breakfast (according to the Rejuvené Diet) 5 minutes later – Cleansing Drink #2
8:15 am – Go to work 11:30 am – Cleanse Supplements and a small amount of
12:00 pm – Your Regular Nutritional Supplements whole fruit (1 – 2 pieces: organic tangerine, or-
(noon) and Cleanse Supplements ange, banana or mango, etc.)
Lunch (according to the Rejuvené Diet) 1:00 pm – Cleansing Drink #1; 5 minutes later –
Cleansing Drink #2
6:00 pm – Cleansing Drink #1; 5 minutes later – Cleans-
2:30 pm – Your Regular Nutritional Supplements and
ing Drink #2
Cleanse Supplements
6:30 pm – Flax Seed Tea, Your Regular Nutritional Sup-
Lunch: A small fresh raw salad (1 – 2 cups) or
plements and Cleanse Supplements 1 – 2 cups of lightly cooked vegetables (above
Dinner (according to the Rejuvené Diet) ground vegetables such as broccoli, okra, etc.)
Cod Liver Oil – ½ teaspoon in water 4:00 pm – Rest, liquids if desired (herbal tea or water)
7:30 pm – Foot Soak (20 minutes) – using Medi-Body 5:30 pm – Flax Seed Tea, Your Regular Nutritional Sup-
Bath (see instructions) – every other day plements and Cleanse Supplements
8:00 pm – Herbal Enema (not a coffee enema; see in- 6:00 pm – Dinner: A small fresh raw salad (1 – 2 cups) or
structions) 1 – 2 cups of lightly cooked vegetables (above
ground vegetables such as broccoli, okra, etc.)
Premier Cod Liver Oil – ½ tsp. in water
7:00 pm – Foot Soak (20 minutes) – using Medi-Body
8:00 pm – Herbal Enema

Premier Research Labs • Distributed by: • “Nutrition that really works”
Pr e m i e r Coffee Enema Procedure
Ingredients Needed:
Typical Foundation Formula
1/2 quart (about 16 oz or 2 cups) - Purified water (not tap water) - for heating
1/2 quart (about 16 oz) - Purified water - for cooling the heated water
2 Tablespoons - Organic Coffee (whole coffee beans) (tested by QRATM for toxicity)
2 capsules - InfectoStatTM
4 drops - AllicidinTM Liquid (optional)
Also add: 2 capsules of a formula specific to your needs
Other Items
Enema bag
Lubricant (for insertion of tube into rectum): a few drops of Premier Olive Oil or Sesame Oil (Avoid petroleum jellies such
as KY or Vaseline)
Old towels (to use when kneeling/laying on the floor); do not use good towels (since any coffee drops will permanently
stain the towels)
Added Options
For the most rapid, deep-seated results, you may add up to 6 Vcaps total (of any formula) per enema
Excellent anti-infective formula choices
2 capsules - ParaStatTM
2 capsules - ParacidinTM
2 capsules - Q. Cat’s Claw Complex 2 capsules - Q. Hyssop Complex
2 capsules - Q. Wild Yew Complex
2 capsules - Q. Noni
Excellent hormone balance formula choices
2 capsules - Q. Fem Balance
2 capsules - Q. Fem-PMS
1. Grind Coffee Beans. Fresh-grind the coffee beans to a fine powder. (Do not do this ahead of time so you will get
the freshest, most active phytonutrients from the coffee). Pre-ground coffee beans are partially oxidized & should not be
2. Simmer Ground Coffee Beans for 5 Minutes. Add the freshly ground coffee bean powder to 1/2 quart of water and
bring to a simmer (small, rolling bubbles) for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat.
3. Let Sit for 5 minutes. Next add InfectoStatTM (empty the capsule contents into the water) and any other capsules into
the hot water. Let sit uncovered for 5 to 10 minutes. (The soak time helps release of the phytonutrients into the water.)
4. Strain Mixture. Strain the coffee-herbal mixture with a fine metal strainer to remove any large particles that could clog
the enema tube. (Or you can pour off the liquid into another bowl, being careful not to pour out the dregs in the bottom.)
5. Add Cool Water to Mixture. Add about 1/2 quart of room-temperature water (cool or room temperature) to the hot
coffee- herbal liquid mixture - then pour into the enema bag. The idea is to cool the hot coffee mixture to a warm temperature
(so it is not too hot when inserting the fluid into the rectum). The final mixture should be warm to the touch (not too hot and
not too cool) - about 100o F. Note: If the temperature is too hot, it can cause damage to the anus or intestines; if it is too
cool, it may cramp the intestines and toxic waste elimination may be poor. However, too cool is better than too hot.
6. Add AllicidinTM Drops (optional). Add the AllicidinTM drops to the mixture.
7. Take Enema. Take an enema as follows. (Although not necessary, an excellent time to take an enema is after a bowel
elimination.) Keep in mind, coffee may leave permanent stains. You may want to wear old clothes -- and use old towels
(or paper towels).
Apply a small amount of oil (such as Olive Oil) to the anal area (for ease of insertion of the enema nozzle). An excellent
position to do the enema is on a rug on the floor (near a toilet) on your knees with your head down near the floor. The
enema bag should be hung on a towel rack (or shower curtain rod) - elevating the liquid is necessary to have enough
pressure for the fluid to flow into the colon.
While leaning on one hand on the floor, with the other hand, gently insert the enema nozzle into the rectum. Be sure
the nozzle is inserted fully. (Be sure to put your head down near the floor so gravity will help the fluid flow downwards
into the colon.) Slowly release the hose clamp to allow the liquid to begin to flow into the colon. (Often you will have the
sensation of warm liquid gurgling or flowing into the colon.)
If the flow seems too fast, close the hose clamp; wait for a minute or two, then open the clamp again. Try to take about
Premier Research Labs • Distributed by: www.TotalHealthSecrets. c o m • “ N u t r i t i o n t h a t r e a l l y w o r k s ”
half of the liquid (about 1/2 quart) into the bowels; then hold for 10 minutes before expelling. (During this time, you may
close the clamp, remove the nozzle from the rectum; then lay on your right side during the 10 minutes - or lay on your
back with legs and pelvis elevated on a pillow - if possible. If desired, you may lay in a bathtub during this time - for
easier clean-up.)
This a great time for reading. After 10 minutes, expel the fluid. Then take in the second 1/2 quart and hold for another
10 minutes. Then expel. You’re done!
Often, if some fecal matter is lower in the rectal tract, you may want to take in about 1/8 or 1/4 of the liquid -- just enough
to expel the fecal matter in the lower tract (in this case, it is not necessary to hold the liquid for any period of time). Then
divide the remaining liquid approximately in half (mentally) -- and hold each portion for 10 minutes -- to allow adequate
soaking time to cleanse hardened fecal material, infectious organisms, other toxins, etc. in the lower rectal tract.
After taking in the liquid and nature calls (i.e. you feel a strong urge to expel the liquid) - even after a minute or two, do
not resist -- go ahead and expel it. At first, it may be hard to hold the liquid for the full 10 minutes (or even a few minutes).
Later, after several enemas (and thus a certain amount of toxic elimination), it will be much easier for the bowels to hold
the liquid for the full 10 minutes.
Best enema time: during the day before 8 pm. Give yourself some time to rest after the enema (20 to 30 minutes). For
about 1/2 hour after your enema, remain at home or near a toilet. This helps ensure that you will be near a toilet if another
small amount of enema liquid needs to come out that was not expelled earlier. (Sometimes, if the enema liquid reaches
higher in the colon tract, it may take longer to move down into the lower bowel to be expelled. So don’t be surprised if
you need to expel another small amount of liquid.)

8. After the Enema. Drink 1/2 cup Quantum Aloe Drink mixed with 1/2 cup purified water. (If the somewhat sour taste
is objectionable [as with Vata body types], then add 1 - 2 tsp. of organic Italian Strawberry or Black Cherry Preserves.)
The aloe dramatically promotes elimination of released toxins and helps prevent reabsorption.

Special Notes
Regarding Nausea during the Enema. During your first few enemas, you may experience some nausea during or after
the enema process. This is often due to the release of internal stagnant, putrefied toxins. Do not let this deter you from
continuing with a series of coffee enemas. Over time, most people will find that the nausea clears within in a short time.
If you do experience nausea, you may want to follow the enema with a warm cup of tea (such as green tea or hyssop

Recommended Number of Coffee Enemas. The condition of the colon (and its relationship with the liver/gallbladder) of
an average American adult contains high levels of toxic, stagnant waste. Therefore, we typically recommend a series of
coffee enemas as follows: one coffee enema per week for 4 weeks; then 2 coffee enemas per week for 4 weeks. After
completing this series, we recommend a “maintenance” coffee enema once every 60 days. This is a magnificent, highly
efficient procedure to eliminate ongoing, but still bio-accumulating toxic residues from exposure to dietary (especially
restaurant eating) and environmental toxins.
***Currently, we can recommend the following coffee brand
for use with coffee enemas:

Allegro Kenya Grand Cru Coffee (PLU 356) (Available from Whole Foods)

Plastic Enema Bucket - Key Features

l 1 1/2 quart size – easily accommodates l Durable construction – will last

the amount of fluid needed for an enema indefinitely

l Open bucket top – allows for easy l Easy to clean – just clean
pouring of enema fluids into the bucket with soap and water
(such as coffee, herbal teas, etc.)
l Nontoxic polyethylene tubing
l See-through bucket sides – allows for (not toxic polyvinylchloride tubing)
easy viewing of liquid levels while taking
an enema
l Easy to use clamp to gently
regulate fluid flowing through the tubing
 Copyright 2006
PR Labs
Rev. 7-15-06
Premier Research Labs • Distributed by: www.TotalHealthSecrets . c o m • 510-653-5050
The Rejuvené Eating Plan
The 80/20 Healthy Eating Rejuvenation System
Starving To Death. Currently in the U.S., now over one (such as Bulgarian feta made from the milk of healthy
half of all Americans are chronically ill. Yet many studies cows that have not been administered anti-biotics, growth
show the majority of physical problems can be eliminated hormones, or other forms of dangerous toxins).
and excellent health reinstated simply by returning to a
The New You. Although this Eating Plan may be very
healthy diet with quantum-state, cell resonant, nutritional
different from the way you are used to eating, once you
supplements. Most people are starving to death on full
get established into a daily routine, you will find it very
stomachs as the nutritional value of commercial foods
easy — not to mention deliciously enjoyable. After be-
continues to plummet, in large part due to the fact that
ing on the Rejuvené Plan for only a short period of time,
our planet’s topsoil is nutritionally exhausted, worn out
many people say that there’s “no turning back” to their
from decades of chemicalized farming. Worse yet, up to
old ways of eating. Why would they want to, now that
85% of the value of food is lost in the process of cooking
they have found a whole new dimension of living? Folks
it — the higher the heat, the less nutrients it contains.
marvel at what they thought was impossible, achieving
Simple Yet Elegant. The Rejuvené Eating Plan is a what they have seldomly experienced before — even in
simple, yet elegant, healthy their youth: an unmistakable and
eating plan designed to help clear sense of health, energy and
quickly restore health and rejuvenation.
rejuvenate the body. Its key The Daily Diet.
concept is built on eating those The first two meals of the day
foods which are extremely are preferably 100% raw, which
well-grown (we call them allows the body to continue in its
quantum-state), nutrient dense cleansing mode throughout the
and without the commonly day as well as the unhampered
detected residues of toxic uptake of unspoiled, naturally
chemicals and pesticides. occurring nutrients and enzymes
The Rejuvené Eating Plan is as found only in raw food. If
designed to contain a minimum you get hungry between meals,
of 80% raw (unheated) food have a handful of goji berries,
which naturally has abundant enzymes, vitamins and an extra piece of fruit, some raw, soaked nuts or other raw
minerals that are all fully intact. The remaining 20% snacks.
(or less) may include cooked foods (usually chosen as The evening meal preferably begins with raw food (such as
complex starches such as potatoes or grains). After being a large salad or a raw veggie entree) because research shows
on the 80/20 ratio for a period of time, you may want to that when raw foods are eaten first, they help minimize or
move to the ultimate diet — l00% raw, uncooked foods. even eliminate the toxic blood leucocyte response that al-
This diet is easier than you might think. There are only ways occurs after eating highly cooked food. The evening’s
two key steps: first, go through the cleansing transition, raw cuisine may then be followed by a cooked food, such
then locate high quality sources for the foods you enjoy as buckwheat, brown rice, cooked potatoes, etc.
most. You may want to go on the 100% raw foods diet
for short periods of time, such as 7-10 days. Instinctive Nutrition
Food Sources. On the basic Rejuvené Eating Plan, you Listen To What Your Body Tells You. Enjoy practicing
will enjoy a broad array of delicious, plant-based foods instinctive nutrition. That is to say, listen to what your body
and learn how to create exciting food combinations. is telling you, what it intuitively wants you to eat. (This
Although animal flesh (i.e. meat, poultry, fish) and eggs inborn intuition works only with desires for raw foods, not
are strictly not on the Plan, raw dairy such as homemade for cooked foods, which are in an unnatural state and for
kefir (made with healthy milk from approved sources), which our abnormal cravings can be endless.) For example,
organic raw cream, organic raw milk (if available) and you may typically eat homemade kefir for breakfast every
a limited amount of approved cheeses are recommended day, but on a particular day, you may feel like eating some-
Premier Research Labs • Distributed by: • “Nutrition that really works”
thing entirely different — maybe only raw olives -- and All vegetarian diets should include some nuts and seeds
perhaps an entire jar or two! Maybe you feel like eating to allow the body to retain strength and stamina.
only apples. Or you may not feel like eating breakfast 2) Mushrooms: organic portabella, shitake, maitake, etc.
at all. Nevertheless, it is very important to listen to your Category IV: Fresh, Organic Vegetables
body’s own intuitive wisdom; it is often telling you what 1) Large, organic, mixed, leafy green salad (no head let-
is best for your body to eat — or what not to eat. tuce)
The Body’s Inner Wisdom. Pay attention to your body’s 2) Raw vegetables (alone or added to salad) such as: avo-
inner wisdom, which can help direct you to those foods cado, grated carrot, tomato slices, celery, raw olives
most needed to help rebuild and strengthen your body, (3 types), chopped onion, grated garlic or other raw
as well as to guide you through wonderful cleansings veggies such as cauliflower, broccoli, okra, etc.
to eliminate old, deep-seated toxins. If you do not feel 3) Cooked vegetables (cooked no longer than 5 to 10
like eating a particular food at any particular time, then minutes)
avoid it. Do not force yourself to eat because you feel Optional Additions:
you should. In fact, avoid eating unless you are truly a) Mushrooms: 1/2 sliced, raw portabello; 4-8 sliced,
hungry. medium, raw shitake mushrooms
A Word of Caution. When following instinctive nutri- b) Dairy: 2 tbsp. of crumbled Bulgarian feta cheese or 2
tion, it is important to have a good variety of different tbsp. of aged cheese (see approved cheese list)
raw foods on hand. Otherwise, you may not have a broad c) Salad Dressing: 2 to 4 tablespoons of Q. EFA Oil
enough variety from which to select the foods your body Blend or Premier Olive Oil, Premier Pink Salt to
most wants and needs. taste, seasonings to taste (such as Q. Turmeric, Q.
Main Categories Tomato Concentrate, organic herbs such as cilantro,
oregano, basil, etc.)
In the Rejuvené Plan, the basic meal components are
broken down into the following main categories: Category V:

Category I: Raw Dairy 1) Grains and tubers such as cooked starch, buckwheat,
1) Homemade kefir (ask for Kefir Starter Kit.) (Although potatoes (which can be made into mashed potatoes or
the milk must be brought to a quick boil to kill off chopped into potato salad), brown rice, quinoa, millet,
competing bacteria, the kefir is indeed a raw food since nonhybrid Italian whole wheat pasta, etc.
the microorganisms within it feed on the boiled milk to 2) Beans, especially those that are easy to digest (such
multiply, thus producing an outstanding raw food.) as lentils)
Eat kefir alone or with whole fruit (such as apples, Daily Meals
figs, mangoes, etc.) If desired, mix in 1 or 2 tsp. of
Supplements: Take your regular supplements (if you have
raw, unheated honey. been QRATM tested) at each meal or the Super Food Trio
2) Raw organic cream, raw organic milk; eat alone or (if you have not been tested).
combine with organic fruit or raw, unheated honey. Breakfast
3) QRA -tested cheeses (see approved cheese list) Foods (100% raw): Select from Categories I, II, III or IV.
Category II: Whole, tree-ripened fruit: usually eat one Our favorite for breakfast is Category I, 1 and 2.
type only for best digestion or two types of fruit which Lunch
are compatible (i.e. don’t mix sweet fruit and sour fruit Foods (100% raw): Select from Categories I, II, III or IV.
at the same meal). Our favorite for lunch is Category IV.
Category III: Organic Protein Dinner
1) Raw organic nuts and seeds (such as almonds, ca- Foods (100% raw or raw and cooked): Select from
shews, pecans, sunflowers seeds, etc.) prepared in Categories IV and V. For dinner, we usually begin with
one of 3 ways: Category IV and may add some foods from V.
a) Soaked for 1-2 hours or overnight Other Healthy Essentials
b) Ground to a powder (to blend their enzymes thor- Exercise: Stretching exercises upon arising. Get 20 min-
oughly to neutralize enzyme inhibitors), then mixed utes of cardiovascular exercise daily, such as
with fruit, fruit juice or organic preserves walking outside.
c) Treated with a Q-Mag coil for 2-3 seconds Sunshine: Get 20 minutes of sunshine outdoors daily.
© Copyright 2001 Rev. 11/27/06

Premier Research Labs • Distributed by: • 510-653-5050

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