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Incidence of Bacterial Endocarditis

in Ventricular Septal Defects

F.R.C.P. (Can.), D.C.H., VERA ROSE, M.B., B.S., B.Sc.,

BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS has been bacterial endocarditis. The present study at-
well recognized as an important compli- tempts to review the available evidence re-
cation of congenital heart disease, although garding the occurrence of this complication
its incidence has been represented by figures in individuals with ventricular septal defect
that lack authenticity. Since the ventricular and to arrive at some conclusion regarding the
septal defect is the most common form of risk in childhood and adult life.
congenital heart defect, it is important to
assess the true incidence of bacterial endo- Previous Literature
carditis in this lesion. The need has become Autopsy Material
more urgent since it has been recommended A major source of data in the literature has
that the surgical closure of a small ventricular been the autopsy figures. Gelfman and Levine,
septal defect be undertaken because of the in 1942,2 reviewed 34,023 autopsied cases from
possible risk of developing bacterial endocar- different centers in Boston and observed 31
ditis at some time in the future. The evalua- cases of uncomplicated ventricular septal de-
tion of the problem requires a full knowledge fect in persons over the age of 2 years. Thir-
of the natural history of the ventricular septal teen of these (42%) had bacterial endocarditis:
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defect. While this is not completely clarified the highest incidence being in the second and
as yet, an approximate estimate can be made third decades. Two of these cases were in per-
on the available data. sons over 40 years of age. Selzer3 gathered
It has been recognized that some patients autopsy data on 73 cases of ventricular septa]
die in infancy; some develop progressive pul- defects published before 1940 and added 12
monary vascular disease (Eisenmenger com- cases from his autopsy records. He reported
plex), and a significant number have spon- that in 18 of the total of 85 cases (21%) death
taneous closure of the defect. Population had been due to bacterial endocarditis after
studies of Rose and Keith' seem to suggest the age of 1 year. More recently Bloomfield4
that in more than half of the population with assembled autopsy findings on 17 cases of
ventricular septal defects the defects persist ventricular septal defect and observed bac-
into adult life and many of these appear to terial endocarditis in five (28%). Of these five
have a benign prognosis at least in the early patients, one had chronic, rheumatic aortic
adult years. Since the majority of patients valvar disease with vegetations on the valve
survive childhood, it is evident that a rel- as well; another had aortic incompetence with
atively large number of such children are aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva; the third
therefore potential candidates for subacute had hypertensive heart disease with renal
failure. Much of the information derived from
these autopsy studies was obtained in the pre-
From the Department of Paediatrics, University of antibiotic era when a fatal outcome was the
Toronto, and the Research Institute of The Hospital rule in virtually all cases of bacterial endo-
for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. carditis.5 In these three studies, the incidence
Aided by grants from the Ontario Heart Founda-
tion and the Department of National Health and of bacterial endocarditis varied from 21 to
Welfare, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 42%. All these figures together indicate that
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, July 1966 127

bacterial endocarditis developed in 36 of the escaped our notice during this period. Fur-
133 autopsied cases of ventricular septal de- thermore, both well and ill patients are re-
fect (27%). ferred to us from the area for diagnosis or
The risk of bacterial endocarditis to a popu- treatment as The Hospital for Sick Children
lation of children or adults with ventricular is the only children's hospital serving this area.
septal defects is difficult to estimate from the The patients less than 2 years of age are not
autopsy data, as these figures lean heavily included as the incidence of bacterial endo-
toward critically ill patients. Obviously the carditis is recognized to be very low in this
figures must be related to the survivors as well group.9
as those that die in order to make a meaning- In terms of follow-up of this group of pa-
ful assessment of the risk of the complication tients, it can be stated that seven cases of
for a given disease. When this is considered, bacterial endocarditis occurred in 8,223 pa-
the incidence of bacterial endocarditis would tient years or approximately 1 in 1,000 patient
be expected to be much lower. years (table 1).
This figure is comparable to that obtained
Clinical Material in a study of the ventricular septal defect at
A number of studies reporting information five pediatric centers which appeared in a
derived from the clinical material have ap- Supplement of Circulation in December
peared. Wood, in 1964,6 did not find a single 1965.10 Among 273 patients with ventricular
case of ventricular septal defect in which bac- septal defect which covered a 9-year period
terial endocarditis developed in 638 patient there were two who developed bacterial en-
years. Griffiths and associates, in 1964, record- docarditis. This represented an incidence of
ed four attacks in approximately 837 patient two in 2,457 patient years or approximately
years. Walker and associates, in 1964,8 re- 1:1,200 patient years, a figure similar to that
ported six cases in 1,407 patient years. Bloom- obtained at The Hospital for Sick Children,
field4 in an 8 to 12-year follow-up study of Toronto.
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21 patients with uncomplicated ventricular

septal defect noted one who developed bac- City Population
terial endocarditis in 222 patient years. Thus, We have approached this problem from yet
in combining the clinical experience of these another point of view. It is obviously impor-
four reports, the incidence of bacterial endo- tant to obtain figures on the incidence of ven-
carditis would appear to be 11 cases in 3,104 tricular septal defect in various groups of the
patient years or 1 in 282 patient years. population. Rose and Keith' have done this
for the pediatric age group in the city of
Clinical Material from Toronto and Results Toronto and found that during the early years
Hospital for Sick Children of life the incidence of the ventricular septal
At The Hospital for Sick Children in Toron- defect is approximately 0.8 in 1,000 (popula-
to, we have seen 1,041 patients between the
ages of 2 and 17 years with uncomplicated Table 1
ventricular septal defect during a 15-year peri-
od (1950 to 1964). During the same period, Patients (Age 2 to 17 Years) with Ventricular Sep-
tal Defect in The Hospital for Sick Children in
only seven cases of bacterial endocarditis were Toronto in 15 Years (1950-1964)
observed from among this group. In five of
these, the diagnosis was established with posi- Total patients 1,041
tive blood cultures, and in two, it was made on Age, mean 7.9 years
Range 2-17 years
clinical grounds. Since close contact has been Bacterial endocarditis,* patients 7
maintained with the majority of the patients Incidence for 15 years 0.67%
with ventricular septal defects, it seems likely *Positive blood cultures were obtained in five cases.
that only an exceptional case could have Adequate clinical data in other two.
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, July 1966
tion: birth to 5 years). Study of the city of A resident of Toronto suffering from bacterial
Toronto school population (5 to 15 years of endocarditis is almost certain to be treated as
age) indicated the incidence to be approx- an in-patient at one of these hospitals.
imately 1 in 2,000. The initial figure corre- The patients residing in the city of Toronto
sponds well with that reported by Hoffman and in metropolitan Toronto proven to have
and Rudolph in 1965,11 who found an inci- bacterial endocarditis clinically or at autopsy
dence of 1 in 1,000 among children in the first were separated into different age groups in
year of life. relation to the age at the time of infection.
We have reviewed the case notes of all in- These were then correlated with the popula-
patients with ventricular septal defects seen tion derived from the Dominion Census of
in the 10-year period (1955 to 1964) in all 1961. The results are shown in the accom-
major Toronto hospitals. These include The panying tables (tables 2 and 3).
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto General The school children in the city of Toronto
Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, East have periodic examinations by school medical
General Hospital, St. Michael's Hospital, St. staff (Rose and Keith)-' In a population of
Joseph's Hospital, and Sunnybrook Hospital. 96,397 children between the ages of 5 and 14
years, at least 47 had good evidence of this
Table 2 anomaly, approximately 1:2,000 (table 4).
City of Toronto: Population in 1961 and Patients In this age group only one patient devel-
with Ventricular Septal Defect and Subacute oped bacterial endocariditis in a 10-year pe-
Bacterial Endocarditis in 10 Years (1955-1964) riod (1 in 470 patient years). This would
place the risk of infection at 2.1 per 100 cases
Patients with
VSD and SBE Population census per 10 years. An extension of this approach
Age group (1955-1964) (1961)
would indicate that a 5-year-old child has a
5-14 1 96,397 13.6% risk of developing bacterial endocarditis
15-24 2 88,470
until the age of 70 years, and the calculated
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25-34 1 109,964
35-44 0 94,556 risk of a 15-year-old to a similar age would be
45-54 0 80,128 11.5%. It must be pointed out that this pro-
55-64 0 66,336 jection of the estimated risk assumes that the
65-69 0 26,283 incidence of bacterial endocarditis in ventric-
Total ular septal defect would be unchanged over
(5-69 yr inc.) 4 562,134 the years. That the risk may decrease with
increasing age is suggested from the data in
Table 3 the older population.12
Metropolitan Toronto: Population in 1961 and Risk
Patients with Ventricular Septal Defects and The accompanying tables also show the
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis in 10 Years number of cases of bacterial endocarditis in
Table 4
Patients with
VSD and SBE Population census City of Toronto: Children, Age 5 to 14 Years
Age group (1955-1964) (1961)
5-14 4 276,999 Cases
15-24 3 202,741 Ventricular septal defect 47*
25-34 1 266,610 Bacterial endocarditis in 10 years
3544 0 245,623 (1955-1964) 1
45-54 0 188,605 Estimated risk over 70 patient years
55-64 0 131,744 for child of 5 years 13.6%
65-69 0 47,726
Total *Observed incidence in the population of school
(5-69 yr inc.) 8 1,360,048 children age 5-14 years in 1961-62. Similar incidence
(1:2,000) also noted for 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65.1
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, July 1966
persons over the age of 15 years along with appear that the risk that a 5-year-old patient
the population figures for each decade (tables with uncomplicated ventricular septal defect
2 and 3). One cannot arrive at any clear esti- would die as a result of bacterial endocarditis
mate of the risk of infection as the incidence over the next 65 years would be approximate-
of ventricular septal defect in the population ly 2.7% and a similar risk for a 15-year-old
at these older age periods is not known. patient over the next 55 years would be 2.3%.
However, from the data in the city of Toronto This is certainly no higher than the operative
and metropolitan Toronto, two interesting as- mortality for ventricular septal defect in most
pects emerge: (1) In the city of Toronto aged centers.
5 through 69 years with a population of 562,- It must be pointed out that the surgery it-
134, there were four cases of ventricular septal self may initiate the occurrence of bacterial
defect with bacterial endocarditis in a 10-year endocarditis. Linde and Heins15 reported five
period, while in metropolitan Toronto with a cases in which bacterial endocarditis devel-
population of 1,360,048, there were eight oped in the early postoperative period out of
cases. (2) We did not find a single case of 205 cases of heart pump surgery for congenital
ventricular septal defect with bacterial endo- heart disease. Three of these had isolated
carditis above the age of 35 years in the popu- ventricular septal defects. Our experience at
lation of 267,303 in the city and of 613,698 in The Hospital for Sick Children is somewhat
the metropolitan Toronto. This forms nearly similar. Surgical closure of ventricular septal
half the total population in either group and defects has been undertaken in 200 patients.
must include a good proportion of patients Three of these developed bacterial endocar-
with small ventricular septal defects. The de- ditis in the early postoperative period. The
velopment of progressive, pulmonary vascular surgery appeared responsible for precipitat-
disease is unlikely to occur in this group, and ing the infection since the infective organism
from our data it is obvious that bacterial endo- was Staphylococcus pyogenes in each case.
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carditis has been a rare complication. The These three cases are, therefore, not included
fate of patients with ventricular septal defect in the overall hospital figures referred to in
over the age of 40 years provides a mystery in which seven cases of bacterial endocarditis
cardiology. The possibility that many of were seen in 8,223 patient years. If these
these may close spontaneously in adult life three additional cases are included, the inci-
may be reasonably considered, but whatever dence would be approximately 1 in 800 (or
the explanation is, it must be emphasized that 10 in 8223 patient years) as against 1 in 1,000
bacterial endocarditis is not a significant patient years. It is not known whether the
cause of death in this age group. patients with a successful closure of ventric-
It is perhaps more difficult to assess the ular septal defect (with or without the use of
actual risk of death from such an infection. a patch) face any risk of bacterial endocar-
The seven patients seen at The Hospital for ditis. This is a distinct possibility although
Sick Children were cured of the infection with only a long period of follow-up will indicate
no apparent deterioration of cardiac function. the true picture.
In the metropolitan Toronto population stud- Another factor that must be considered is
ies, all but one of the eight persons recovered the influence of the advent of antibiotics on
from the infection. The one death was in a the incidence of bacterial endocarditis. The
26-year-old patient who also had chronic incidence of bacteremia has certainly lessened
rheumatic heart disease affecting the mitral with the prompt use of antibiotics during in-
and aortic valves. The recent studies also fections and with dental care. Most of the
show that with prompt and adequate therapy autopsy figures are derived from material be-
the mortality of bacterial endocarditis lies fore 1940. These data would not appear to be
below 20%. 134 From these figures, it would applicable in this day and age since the means
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, July 1966
of prevention and early effective treatment References
of bacteremia are now available. 1. ROSE, V., AND KEITH, J. D.: To be published.
2. GELFMAN, R., AND LEVINE, S. A.: Incidence of
Discussion acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis in
There are obvious grounds for criticism in congenital heart disease. Amer J Med Sci 204:
any study based on general population figures. 324, 1942.
3. SELZER, A.: Defect of the ventricular septum:
The flux of population in a growing city may Summary of the twelve cases and review of
distort the figures somewhat. These figures, the literature. Arch Intern Med 84: 798, 1949.
however, appear to indicate a more realistic 4. BLOOMFIELD, D. K.: Natural history of ventricu-
incidence of bacterial endocarditis than the lar septal defect in patients surviving infancy.
ones previously derived from either the au- Circulation 29: 914, 1964.
topsy studies or the clinical material. On the 5. RABINOVICH, S., EVANS, J., SMITH, I. M., AND
JANUARY, L. E.: Long term view of bacterial
basis of these data, it is our opinion that sur- endocarditis 337 cases-1924 to 1963. Ann
gery should not be advised for small uncom- Intern Med 63: 185, 1965.
plicated ventricular septal defects merely to 6. WOOD, P.: As quoted by Bloomfield, D. K.: Nat-
eliminate the risk of bacterial endocarditis. ural history of ventricular septal defect in
patients surviving infancy. Circulation 29:
Summary 914, 1964.
In summary, the population figures pre- A. E., ELLIS, K., MORGAN, B. C., AND MALM,
sented place the risk of bacterial endocarditis J. R.: Ventricular septal defect: Survival in
for cases of ventricular septal defect in the 5 adult life. Amer J Med 37: 23, 1964.
to 14-year age group as 1 in 470 patient years, 8. WALKER, W. J., GONZALEZ, E. G., HALL, R. J.,
or 2.1 per 100 cases in 10 years. The estimated CZARNECKI, S. W., FRANKLIN, R. B., DAS,
risks for the 5-year-old and 15-year-old pa- S. K., AND CHEITLIN, M. D.: Interventricular
septal defect. Analysis of 415 catheterized
tient up to the age of 70 years would be 13.6% cases, ninety with serial hemodynamic studies.
and 11.5% respectively. In the city of Toronto, Circulation 31: 54, 1965.
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on January 19, 2020

only four cases were seen in 10 years in the 9. ZAKRZEWSKI, T., AND KEITH, J. D.: Bacterial
general population of over half a million, endocarditis in infants and children. J Pediat
while in metropolitan Toronto with the popu- 67: 1179, 1965.
lation of 1.3 million, eight cases were seen 10. RITTER, D. G., FELDT, R. H., WEIDMAN, W. H.,
AND DUSHANE, S. W.: Ventricular septal
in a similar period. If the clinical experiences defect. Circulation 32 (suppl. 3): 42, 1965.
of the various authors reported in the litera- 11. HOFFMAN, J. I. E., AND RUDOLPH, A. M.: The
ture are pooled with that at The Hospital for natural history of ventricular septal defects in
Sick Children in Toronto, one would have 21 infancy. Amer J Cardiol 16: 634, 1965.
cases of bacterial endocarditis in 11,328 pa- 12. COOLEY, D. A., HALLMAN, G. L., AND HAMMAM,
tient years. This would place the incidence as A. S.: Congenital cardiovascular anomalies in
approximately 1 in 500 patient years. adults. Amer J Cardiol 17: 303, 1966.
It is suggested that the surgery for ventric- 13. FRIEDBERG, C. K., GOLDMAN, H. M., AND FIELD,
ular septal defect may itself initiate bacterial L. E.: Study of bacterial endocarditis. Arch
Intern Med (Chicago) 107: 6, 1961.
endocarditis as noted in three of our cases. 14. BLOU,NT, J. G.: Bacterial endocarditis. Amer J
On the basis of the available data, there is Med 38: 909, 1965.
insufficient evidence to designate the risk of 15. LINDE, L. M., AND HEINS, H. C.: Bacterial endo-
future bacterial endocarditis as an adequate carditis following surgery for congenital heart
reason for surgical closure of the defect. disease. New Eng J Med 263: 65, 1960.

Circulation, Volume XXXIV, July 1966

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