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The Communication Revolution

By: Diego Q

The story of telecommunication began with the use of smoke signals. During the
nineteenth century a series of devices has changed the communication history,
one of these device was the telegraph, it was developed by Francis Ronald in
1816, but the most popular telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in 1836.
Another device that changed the style of communication was the phone, this
device was created in 1876 by Antonio Meucci, many people believe
that Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone, but he didn’t invent the phone.
Other important device that was created a long time ago was the radio, it was
invented by Nikola Tesla, the radio allows to know news immediately, after the
develop of the radio another invention changed the style of communication, this
invention was the tv, the transmission of information by tv in Ecuador began in
1960. Telecuatro was the first Ecuadorian channel

The picture 1 shows the telegraph and the telephone.

Pict 1

With the internet’s revolution, the style of communication changed. Nowadays

the social networking are the most important communications mediums. The
principal social networking are Facebook, twitter and Google +
Facebook alllows upload photos and videos also it allows send messages,
facebook is the most important social networking in Ecuador.
Twitter allows broadcast short posts called “tweets”, i think twitter is the most
important communication medium in the world. Another important social
networking are Linkedin, and Google +

The picture 2 shows the logo of facebook and twitter.

Picture 2

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