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1.1 Background

The petroleum industry is full high risk which requires high cost and
sophisticated technology. PT EXPRO INDONESIA is one of the companies
engaged in completing oil and gas wells in Indonesia. The expertise and skills of
implementing operators is a mandatory requirement so that process of completing
wells can run safely, Effectively, Efficiently and Environmentally Safly.

Practical work is ine of the Prerequisite Courses in the academic curriculum in

the Petroleum Engineering Department, STT MIGAS Balikpapan which must be
taken by students of the Undergraduate Program in Oil Engineering (S1) at STT
MIGAS Balikpapan. Practical work is an application of all the knowledge that has
been gained in lectures and then applied in the field real conditions.
Development of sience and technology in the increasingly sophisticated word of
Petroleum Engineering, demanding that S1 Petroleum Engineering students
understand the application of theories that have been studied and know the
development of Petroleum technology in every aspect, namely the aspect of
production, as well as in order to improve petroleum scientific insights that support
Increasing the competence of the workforce can be done through education and or
training. Academic education which is supported by the practice of employment
(Practical Work) in the industrial word is one of the efforts so that human resources
are ready to develop.
On that basis. I am as a student at the college of Oil and Gas Technology (STT
MIGAS) Balikpapan intends to do practical work at this company.

1.2 Objectives

1.2.1 The Objectives Of Practical Work

The process of teaching and learning in collage and understanding field

operations are two things that students really need as preparation for work
later on. Therefore, the purpose of doing practical work activities is as follows:

1. Train prospective Petroleum Engineering graduates to have the ability

to apply the knowledge acquired in college the actual conditions
2. Get an overview of the process of Oil and Gas operations as a whole
3. Understand and know the problems about the Subsea Safety System at
4. Understand how the Subsea Safety System.

1.3 Scope Of Job Training

The focus of activities carried out during practical work is activities in the
Subsea Safety Systems function and fields related to oil at PT EXPRO INDONESIA

1.4 Time And Place Of Implementation

This Job Training takes place from 1 February to 30 March 2018 within the PT.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Safety Induction Equipment Pressure test pipe Pressure test
Learning SSV 10.000 psi long 10 ft choke manifold
Introduction of well Learning Learning san flex Learning
test tools Equipment ESD and cross over seperator
Introduction of the Learning Learn to read chart Learning liquid
TCP tool Equipment choke Recorder control valve and
manifold and Daniel valve
sand filter

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Learning host riller Learning SST tubing hanger Pressure test
lubricator and running tool with Ge landing lubricator
retainer valve company valve open-close
Introduction of Learning Connect tubing to Pressure test flow
subsea landing hydraulic control cross over with head swab valve,
string panel Nabors company kill wing valve,
flowing valve
Study work system Maintenance Prepare pressure test
subsea control panel landing string
lubricator vale and
flow head



2.1 Well Control During Subsea Completion and Workover Operations

Subsea completion workover and intervention operations share the same well
control problems that are experienced by those working in land or platform
operations. In addition, there are well control concerns that are unique to the
specialization of subsea operations. Placing the wellhead on the seabed involves
complex control and riser systems for subsea blow out preventer (BOP) and
Christmas trees. The offshore environment is often harsh. Operating in deep water
from a vessel that is continually in motion brings problems that do not effect
operations on land or platform. Anyone working on a drillship or semisubmersible
drilling rig must be awere of these differences.
Expro subsea offers a variety of products for both exploration and production
applications. Subsea systems enable primary and contingency well operations to be
performed safely without detriment to personal, equipment or the environment.
Operations can be performed from either fixed or mobile installations. Expro’s
Subsea safety systems differ depending on the type of mobile rig. Performing
operations in live wells from a floating vessel present a number of challenges
particularly with respect to rig motion and well control. As a consequence subsea
safety systems are more normally associated with Mobile Drilling Units.
The subsea safety systems makes up part of the landing string. The Landing
String (LS) is made up of elements from the-bed to the rig floor. The key
considerations with LS equipment, as always are to provide the main barrier between
the production fluids and the environment to completion string to disconnect safely
upon demand and finally to meet the prevailing legislative criteria with respect to
Emergency Shut Down (ESD) and Emergency Quick Disconnect (EQD) criteria.
All components are designed to withstand the combinations of internal and
external loading possible under all conditions expected during handling, normal and
contingency operations. The materials from which the components are fabricated are
suitable for the duty required and for the fluids with which they may come into

contact. The internal diameters of all components are large enough to allow the
passage of Wireline and Coiled Tubing tool strings used during the operations.
Live well conditions introduce a variety of issues with well control. Governing
bodies and legislation dictate the requirements that operators must abide by during
drilling phases the BOP, drilling fluids, casing and drill string provides the operator
with the necessary barriers to perform operations safely and efficiently. During testing
and development stages of a well, hydracarbons are flowed to surface to establish
reserves and production, and provide data for interpretation. Performing these
operations introduces additional requirements and demands on equipment. Thus
additional safety valves are required to enable the operator to conduct the operations
safely and efficiently.
Expro Subsea offers a range of products for both explorations and production
applications. Subsea system enable primary and contingency well operations to be
performed safely without compromise to the well, personnel, equipment or the
Expro’s Subsea safety systems are tailored to the type of installation. Live well
operations from floating vessels require bespoke solutions to rig motion and well
control. As a consequence Subsea safety systems are more normally associated with
Mobile Drilling Units.
The Subsea safety systems makes up part of the Landing String systems. In case
of MODU operations, the landing string (LS) is made up of elements from the sea-bad
to the rig floor. The key considerations with MODU based LS equipment.

 To provide the main barrier between the production fluids and the
 To establish provision for contolled and emergency well isolation
 To contain riser inventory
 To disconnect safely upon demand
 To meet the prevailing legislative criteria with respect to Emergency Shut
Down (ESD) and Emergency Quick Disconnect (EQD) criteria

Well Testing operations performed from a Jack-up dont require the same degree
of Landing String functionality as Semi-Submersible operations. Expro offer a variety

of products for this application to suit the requirements of the operator. To permit well
control a fail- safe –closed safety valve is situated inside the drilling BOP just below
the rotary table. This safety valve satisfies all the necessary safety requirements
through either a single or dual valve arrangement. Since the drilling unit is fixed there
is no requirement for a disconnect facility or an environmental valve.

2.1.1 Subsea Well Control

Placing the wellhead, BOP, and Christmas tree on the seabed affects the way
well control is managed for subsea wells. The main concerns are:
 Kick detection
 The effect of water depth on fracture pressure
 The impact a riser disconnect will have on hydraulic overbalance
 Kick tolerance is reduced
 Choke and kill line friction
 Pressure changes at the choke when gas enters the choke line
 Trapped gas in the BOP stack
 Intervention riser complexitry

2.1.2 Riser Margin

If a marine riser gails, leaks, or becomes disconnected, the completion or
workover fluid gradient in the riser is replaced by sea water gradient from the seabed,
or point of failure, to ther rig floor. If the loss of well-bore hydrostatic pressure
associated with riser failure is sufficient, the well will flow. Similarly although not as
serious from a well control perspective, is the overbalance condition that can arise
when seawater enters the well fllowing a riser disconnect or failure. This happens
where the workover fluid being used is at a lower density than seawater. The resultant
losses to the formation have the potential to seriously gemage the formation and
postworkover well productivity.
The riser margin is defined as the minimum incremental brine weight required
to maintain a hydrostatic overbalance above reservoir pressure after disconnecting the
riser. The minimum brine weight required to maintain a hydrostatic overbalance
above reservoir pressure agter disconnecting the riser. The minimum brine weight
including a riser margin is calculated as follows.

2.1.3 Kick Tolerance
Since the gap between formation pore pressure and formation fracture pressure
narrows as water depth increases, the maximum size of influx that can safely be
circulated out of the well without fracturing the formation will be similarly reduced\

2.1.4 Choke Line Friction

When circulation terurns are taken through the choke, a significant pressure
loss is seen. This is caused by friction lossers in the small diameter choke line
between the subsea BOP and the rig floor. This pressure drop is observed during slow
circulating rate measurements when cinrculating through the marine riser and
increases with water depth.
Choke line friction loss (CLFL) is measured and recorded, and the data used to
enable circulation through the choke without exceeding maximum pressure downhole.
If the normal method of bringing pumps to kill speed is followed (choke manifold
pressure maintained equal to SICP until kill rate s achieved), bottom hole pressure
will be increased by an amount equal to CLFL. The additional back pressure caused
by circulating through the choke could cause losses or fracturing of the formation.

2.1.5 Handling Trapped Gas In The Blow Out Preventer Stack

During a well kill, gas will accumulate in the upper part of the stack, between
the bottom of the closed BOP and the outlet used to circulate out the kick. Trapped
gas released into the has been the cause of several serious incidents, so it must be
removed in a controlled manner severity of the problem depends on the size and
pressure of the trapped gas. If the well kill required a kill fluid density increase, then
once the gas has been removed, the riser will need to be displaced to kill weight fluid.
Gas can be removed from the BOP as follows:

 Close the pipe rams below the choke and kill line outlet spool
(normally lower or middle rams). A flow path across the top of the
closed rams and bac up the choke line must be available to isolate the
well during the stack venting operation.

 Displace the kill weight brine by pumping a lighter fluid, such a water
or base oil, down the kill line and take returns through the choke line
maintain backpressure on the choke equivalent to the hydrostatic
pressure of kill weight fluid (choke pressure should be equivalent to the
defference between the hydrostatic pressure of the kill fluid and the
lighter fluid used to flush the gas from the stack). A kill line pressure
schedule helps. If there is a hydrate risk, the flush fluid must be
properly inhibited to prevent the formation of hydrates.
 When the returns are clear fluid, stop pumping down the kill linne
close the choke, holding the same backpressure as before.
 Close the kill line
 Completely open the choke as quickly as possible to bleed of the
pressure from the choke line, allowing water and gas to escape from
the choke line.
 Once the flow stops, displace the choke line, kill line, and stack with
kill fluid, pumping down the kill line side until the kill fluid returns
from the choke line.

2.1.6 Riser Kill

 Keep the lower pipe rams below the choke and kill lines closed to
isolate the wellbore. Close the diverter, then open the BOP upper rams.
Pump kill weight fluid down the choke and kill lines (and marine riser
boosting line if available) and up the marine riser.
 Once kill fluid is observed at the surface in the marine riser, the well
should be static. Close the fail-safe valve on the choke and kkill lines,
open the lower pipe rams, and monitor the well for flow

2.1.7 Shut-In Procedure

Shut-in procedures incorporated in most well control manuals only seal with
the procedure for heaving drill pipe across the BOP. Shutting-in the well might have
to be handled differently during the running (or pulling) of completion.

2.1.9 General Shut-In Procedures Drill Pipe
When a kick is detected, the well should be closed in on the annular preventer.
After shut-in, drill string reciprocation through the annular preventer is not
recommended, as significant wear may occur on the sealing element, especially if a
tool joint is reciprocated through the element. On floating rigs, heave can cause some
unwanted reciprocation. To avoid this, the workstring should be hung off on a pipe
ram as soon as possible. Additionally a trapped gas bubble will be left in the BOP
stack between the annular preventer and the choke line outlet used to circulate the
well. This trapped bubble may be hazardous to handle at the surface, depending in its
size and pressure. To minimize the risk of annular wear, and the size of the trapped
bubble, the following procedure is followed:
 The well should be shut-in on the annular preventer in the lower
marine riser packge (LMRP), and operation to hang off the string on a
pipe ram begun straight away. Pipe reciprocation should be minimized
to reduce trapped gas and annular element wear. It is acceptable to
hang off on variable bore rams only if a tool joint will rest on ram
blocks, not on the fingers.
 When circulating out the influx, returns should be taken through the
choke or kill line outlet directly beneath the closed pipe rams. Once the
influx is circulated from the wellbore, remove the trapped gas from the
BOP stack, then fill the riser with kill weight fluid. The diverter control
and overboard line should be manned before the well is opened. When
circulation begins up the riser, any residual gas buble will then be
diverted overboard through the diverter lines as necessary.
 Significant quantities of gas can be trapped in the BOP stack for any of
the following reasons
 Failure to hang off the drill pipe on the pipe rams.
 Neglecting to close the well in until gas reaches the BOP stack.
 Pipe rams leak with the annular closed
 Inability to untilize a choke or kill line outlet directly beneath the
hang-off rams.

2.1.10 Shut-In Procedure Whilst Circulating
The annular preventer on the LMRP (upper annular) is normally used as the
initial closing element, absorsing demage until the pipe can be supported oh the ram
preventers. Minimizing reciprocation through the annular preventer should limit any
demage. The annular preventer on the stack (lower annulus) is still available for well
control. The Drilling Representative must always know the relative positions of tool
joints in relation to the annular and ram type preventers.
Closing in the well would typically be as followes

 Sound alarm
 Pick up and position any tool joint clear of the upper annular sealing
element and stop the pumps.
 Close upper annular preventers, Regulate closing pressures so pipe
moves freely
 Open the upper kill line valves and monitor the SICP while hanging
 Space workstring to ensure that a tool joint won’t interfere with closing
pipe rams.
 Close pipe rams with normal operating pressure (approximately 1500
 Close ram locking device, if not automatic.
 Lower workstring slowly until it is supported on closed pipe rams
 Bleed well pressure between annular and ram preventers via kill line.
Observe well to verify rams are holding. Open annular preventer.
 Adjust the motion compensator to mid-stroke and support only the
string weight above the hang off rams, plus a nominal overpull (15-
20,000 lbs)
 Close the upper kill line valve, open the choke outlet just below the
hang-off rams, read and record the SICP.
 Read and record the shut-in tubing pressure, bleed off any trapped
pressure on the annulus, and continue with the kill procedure

2.2.1 Shut-In Procedures Whilst Running Or Pulling A Completion
Special consideration must be given to how to shut-in if a kick occurs when
running or pulling a completion. There are several situations where closing the
annular preventer or pipe rams is ineffective, since they will not seal around some
types of completion equipment.

2.2.2 Running Sand Control Screens Or Slotted Liner

If a kick occurs whilst screens or slotted liner are across the stack, closure of
the annular (or pipe rams) is ineffective. Cutting the pipe will be the only option. If
there are concerns that the screens (or liner) cannot be cut, or the shear rams fail to
cut, the only alternative is to drop the completion. Dropping the string intentionally
must be planned in advance, and the crew properly briefed.
 With the strings latched in the elevators, lower the tubing until the
elevator os close to the rotary table
 Set the compensator to mid stroke
 Close the pipe rams with enogh pressure to support the weight of the
 Slack off the elevator and unlatch the tubing.
 Open the BOP to allow the string to drop.

2.2.3 Running Control Lines And Instrument Cables

Subsea completions frequently use multiple lines (bundled into flat packs) for
downhole chemical injection, instruments, and flow control. Electric submersible
pumps are occasionally used in subsea wells. Control line bundles or ESP cables will
prevent both annular and pipe rams from sealing. It may be possible to get a partial
seal if the annular is closed, but this will only likely work on a single nonencapsulated
line if wellhead pressure is relatively low an unlikely combination in a subsea well.
In most circumstances, the only possible response to a kick will be to shear the
tubing and close the blind rams.

2.2.4 Pulling Spent Tubing Conveyed perforating guns

BOP rams will not seal around spent (fired) hollow carrier guns. These will
have to be cut and dropped if the well kicks.

2.2.5 Pulling Damaged Completion Tubing
Closing rams of holed or demaged pipe will be ineffective. Shearing the pipe
and closing the blind rams is the only safe option if the well kicks.

2.3.1 Pre-Workover Planned Well Kill

Most subsea well control manuals and procedures are written by drillers for
drillers, and deal only with well control incidents during the drilling phase of the well
construction process. Well kill is in response to a kick, and is not a planned part of a
workover operation. As such al the procedures are based on the having the drilling
BOP in place, and describe only a forward circulation. None of the manuals cover a
planned well kill using the well intervention equipment. Moreover, manuals that are
written to conform to the international Well Control Forum (IWCF) intervention and
completion well control syllabus make only the briefest mention of subsea equipment,
and rarely include any procedures. Completion and intervention supervisors who work
on floating rigs should be aware of the main differences between a planned well kill
carried out on a fixed installation, and one carried out on a floating rig.

2.3.2 Establishing A circulation Path

In wells equipped with a horizontal tree, the well kill will be carried out once
the tubing hanger running and oreantation tool (THROT), subsea test tree (SSTT), and
landing string are in place, if the well is killed by forward circulation, returns would
be taken through the BOP choke line. For a reverse circulation, kill fluid would be
pumped down the kill line with returns taken back through the wing valve of the
surface test tree (STT).
Killing a well equipped with a conventional dual bore vertical tree takes place
before the tree is removed, and is carried out through the dual bore intervention riser.
Here the path for forward circulation would be down the production side of the dual
bore riser, with returns taken through the annulus bore, reversing is the opposite.
Well kill methods fromm a floating rig sgare many similarities with those used
for land and platform operations. The well can be killed by circulation (forward or
reverse), bullhead, or lubricate and bleed. Performing a bullhead kill or lubricate and
bleed kill does not differ significantly between a floating and fixed intallations.
However for a circulation kill, the flow path is different.

If a horizontal tree is used, returns must pass through a gallery in the tree
block. This restricts flow, and adds to the already significant pressure drop through
the choke line. Similary if a vertical tree is in use, the frictional pressure drop through
the annulus strings of the dual bore riser result in a frictional pressure drop of similr
magnitude to that recorded for the choke line. Pressure drop associated with forward
circulation mean that ECD in subsea wells is normally lower during a reverse
circulation is usually the preferred choice. A secondary benefit is that the lower
density hydrocarbon in the tubing can be easily routed to a well test spread for safe

2.3.3 Handling Hdrocarbons

For any circulating well kill carried out on a floating rig, thought must be
given to the handling of hydrocarbons. When performing a reverse circulation kill on
a land or fixed platform base , it is common practice to leave the flow-line in place,
and route the hydrocarbons into the process facilities. Whilst this option could be
considered for a subsea tree, it would only be applivable if very close cooperation
between the rig and the host facility were possible. In addition, the requirement to
have isolation in place before the well is officially handed over from the host facility
to rig further complicates metters. It is far more common to take hydrocarbons back
through a temporary well test packge on board the rig.
For a reverse circulation well kill, returns from the tubing would be routed
through the flow wing of the subsea surface Test Tree (STT) to the well test choke
manifold. A forward circulating kill through a horizontal tree would require returns to
be routed from the rig choke line to the well test choke manifold. If a vertical tree us
used, the returns would be routed from the STT annulus bore wing valve to the well
test choke manifold

2.3.4 Riser Diconnect

Subsea BOP stack are designed to allow the drilling vessel to disconnect the
riser without compromising well integrity. Riser disconnection will either be a
planned operation, or a response to an emergency. Planned disconnection is often a
response to a poor weather forecast, where sea state (wave height) is expected to be
over and above the rig operational limit. Situation requiring an emergency
disconnection of the riser include loss of dynamic positioning (drive off), loss of well
control suden enexpected changes in the weather, or too long a delay in making a
planned disconnect.

2.3.5 Planned (Nonemergency) Disconnect

 Circulate bootom up, if the string is close to the bottom, it will have to
be pulled back a distance equivalent to the length of the riser, to allow
the hang off toll be run from the rig floor to the BOP stack.
 Figure space out to land hang off toll in the wellhead.
 Make up hang off tool in the string and run it into the hole.
 Land hang off tool inside the wellhead with the compensator stroked
open. Position compensator in mid-strok, and adjust the compensator
to support the pipe weight above the rams.
 Close the appropriate pipe rams and locks.
 Back off the right-hand release sub on the hang off tool.
 Pick up the working above the BOP stack. Chek for flow and close the
blind shear rams. Close the wedge loocks.
 Displace the riser with sea water. Dump the subsea accumulator
bottles, if applicable. Deballast part or all the air cuoyancy tanks on the
riser, if necessary. Adjust the riser tensioners to allow for the difference
between the weights of the fluid is use and seawater.
 Pull the remainder of the drill pipe out of the riser. Disconnect the
LMRP and pull riser.

The hang off tool used during drilling operations is designed to sit in the
wellhead when the wear bushing is in place. During completions and some phases of a
workover, the wear bushing will not be in place, and the hang off tool could demage
the wellhead hanger bowl. The tree/wellhead vendor should be consulted to determine
the best method for hanging off the string.
If there is a need to pull the string back (to space out) it should be remembered
that pulling premium tubing us always going to take longer than pulling back drill
pipe in stands, especially if there are control lines in place.
Many completion, in particular subsea completions, are equipped with
downhole flow control systems and instrumentation that are operated by hydraulic and

electric control lines. A planned disconnect would maeh heaving to cut the lines
before the hang off tool could be run. Where possible, the running of a completions
the is equipped with complex control and instrument cables should only be attempted
if the weather is settled and the forecast for the duration of the installation is good.
Wells with open reservoirs are vulnerable to swabbing and surging during the
running (and later recovery) of the hang off tool, especially if there is a packer in the
well. If weather conditions are deteriorating rapidly and the crew is rushing to deploy
the hang off tool, it is all too easy to exceed safe tripping speed.

2.3.6 Emergency (Unplanned) Disconnect

 Pick up and space out to hang of string on closed pipe ram.
 Close hang off ram. Closure pressure should be specified in the rig
procedure, but is typically 1500 psi. close wedge locks
 Close lower pipe rams for a backup
 Adjust compensor to support string weight above rams plus
approximately 10,000 lbs (time permitting). Applying tension to the
string will ensure is lifts when sheared.
 Shear the string with full ram operating pressure
 Disconnect the LMRP aand pull the riser if possible. If not able to pull
the riser, move the vessel off location while dragging the riser. Stay
clear of shallower water and away from the BOP stack.

Shear ram limitations. There may be components in a completion string that

are difficult to shear. For example, sand control screens made from high yield
material (and with a wash-pipe) could be difficult, even impossible to cut. Shear
capability should be confirmed before deploying high yield completion components
thorugh a subsea stack.
Hang off with completion tubing couplings. Drill pipe has lange tapered upsets
that allow it to be hung easily within the pipe rams. The different profile of most
completion tubing may not make them suitable for hanging in the rams. This is
certainly the case if flush joint tubing is across the stack. Moreover, if there are
control lines across the rams, this will prevent sealing. Situations arise where cutting
and dropping a completion string is the only option available.

2.3.7 Reentering A Well Following A Disconnect
After disconnection, gas can migrate toward the stack. In addition, the cooling
effect from circulating before the rig moved off means that the wellbore can warm
during the rigs absence, causing a rise in pressure. When reentering the well, a
pressure increase should be anticipated, and measures taken to remove the trapped
gas. This can be accomplished as follows:

 After reconnecting the LMRP, open the lower pipe rams (if closed),
upper kill line valves, and the lower choke line valves. Check pressure
on the choke line for indicators of trapped gas. Attempt to bleed off
any pressure.
 Circulate the proper weight fluid down the kill line while taking returns
through the choke. Displace the riser with this same fluid using the
 After clearing the well of any trapped gas, open the blind shear rams.
 Screw into the hang off tool. If the pipe was sheared, dress off the top
of the workstring and latch with an overshot
 Open the middle pipe rams and monitor the well for flow
 Pull the hang off tool (or overshot if pipe was sheared) out of the hole.
 Trip to the bottom, circulate and condition fluid as required.

2.3.8 Wellbore Acces: Horizontal Trees

When working on a well equipped with a horizontal tree, the retrievable ceown
and tubing hanger plugs must be removed to again acces to the wellbore. These plugs
are nearly always pulled using wireline

Picture 2.1 Picking the surface test tree. The bails and elevator seen in the
picture are connected to the base of the limit
(Copyright Figure 14.10 Well control for completions and intervention Howard Crumpton)

Picture 2.2 Making up a dual ram blow out preventer inside the coiled
tubing lift frame.
(Copyright Figure 14.11 Well Control for completion and intervention Howard Crumpton)

Although coiled tubing could be used. Once the first (crown) plug has been
removed, there will only be one mechanical barrier in place between the reservoir and
the surface. One or both lubricator valves in the Subsea Test Tree (SSTT) must be
used to isolate the wellbore and provide double barrier isolation when venting and
opening the wireline lubricator.

Picture 2.3 Wireline pressure control rig up with the coiled tubing lift
(Copyright Figure 14.12 Well Control for completion and intervention Howard Crumpton)

Once the tubing hanger plug has been removed, there are no barriers to flow in
the bore of the tree. Insolation of the wellbore is achieved by closing at least two of
the valves in the SSTT, almost always the lower and upper lubricator valves, Where
toolstring length allows, the gate valves on the STT will be shut when breaking out
the wireline lubricator.
ALL subseaquent intervention work, whether it be wireline, coiled tubing,
flow testing, or pumping (stimulation) will use the valves in the SSTT to isolate the
well, and where possible the valves on the STT would be used as well.
Pict. 2.4 is representative of the valve configuration used when a SSTT is
positioned across a drilling BOP and the tubing hanger running tool latched to the
high pressure internal tree cap (or tubing hanger). The main points to note are:

 No valves in the bore of the horizontal tree. Isolation is achieved by closing the
lubricator valves (marked as UBV and LBV)

(Picture 2.4 Valve status drawing: Horizontal Tree Completion

(Copyright Figure 14.13 Well Control for completion and intervention Howard Crumpton)


Company Profile

PT. EXPRO INDONESIA Company located on the street .Mulawarman, Lamaru,

Balikpapan Timur , Kalimantan Timur. PT. EXPRO INDONESIA, Leading companies
that provide services, Well Test, Wireline, Subsea Safety System As a distribution of
equipment and components in the Oil and Gas sector. Expro has set a clear commitment
to the hydrocarbon industry to provide cost effective solutions to subsea field
developments. Expro leads the industry in the development of Monobore and Dual-Bore
safety systems, particularly with well testing, interventions and completions in both
shallow and deeper water environments. As the leading developer and supplier of subsea
landing string technology in the areas of Well Test, Extended Well Test, Horizontal or
Spool Subsea Trees, and Dual Bore subsea completions, Expro provides the key to
accessing tomorrow’s efficiencies today.

For over two decades Expro Subsea has delivered value-added solutions to the
demanding well intervention market. Expro has clearly demonstrated commitment to the
E & P sector to provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective solutions. Expro is now able to
boast a comprehensive range of unparalleled subsea tooling and systems essential to
accessing the latest subsea completions. In addition, our development engineering
capability is geared towards delivering the next generation of subsea technology through
product differentiation to meet the demands of the industry.

Picture 3.1 Expro Balikpapan Base

(Copyright Expro House Rules)

Expro House Rules Balikpapan Base

Picture 3.2 Expro House Rules

(Copyright Expro House Rules)

History Of Expro

Picture 3.3 History Expro

(Copyright Expro 2007)

o 1973 – Founded by Jhon Trawella, Jim Ross and Humphrey Green in Great
Yarmouth as Exploration and Production Services (North Sea) Ltd.
o 1974 – Expro set up well Testing business and a PVT Laboratory
o 1975 – Expro production operators produced the first UK Oil on from the
Argyll Field, British North Sea
o 1978 – Expro opened its base in Holland
o 1979 – Sale of shareholdings by New Court Natural Resources to an
investment consortium.
o 1979 - The US oil embargo created opportunities for Expro to work offshore
in Yemen, Indonesia, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Ivory Coast.

o 1983 - Expro gained work in China, Tunisia, Pakistan, Thailand, Libya,
Kuwait and Malaysia.
o 1986 - Flextech became an 84 per cent shareholder.
o 1987 - Expro made its first acquisition, buying Exal, a data acquisition and
sampling company.
o 1988/91 - Expro continued to grow and add new service lines to its portfolio
whilst opening a new base in Brunei.
o 1991 - Flextech put Expro up for sale in 1991. That same year, a new range of
electronic bottom hole gauges (Exal Sure) was launched.
o 1992 - A £52.3 million management buy-out (MBO) was completed, with the
support of CIN Ventures
o 1993 - The US welcomed Expro to its shores, with an office being opened in
Houston, Texas. Expro was also awarded the Offshore Achievement Award
for Technology from Scottish Enterprise
o 1995 - Expro was floated on the London Stock Exchange on March 27th with
a £103 million market capitalisation. The same year, Expro Americas was
established to service the US Gulf and Central and South American countries.
The company also established a base in Beijing.
o 1996 - Expro re-organised its regional structure with five region teams being
supported by the central Marketing and Technology development team
o 1997 - The Extreme and Exal Hot range of Downhole Monitoring instruments
were introduced and the first office based in South Africa opened
o 1998 - Expro acquired Tronic Ltd, Oilserv Australia Ltd and Saltus Sub
Surface Services Ltd. New production logging technology was also introduced
o 2003 - Graeme Coutts was appointed CEO and a new Management team was
o 2005 - Expro acquired Read Matre Instruments AS and DHV Inc. Expro
opened a new technology centre in Aberdeen on September 6th and also
opened offices in Sakhalin (Russia) and Calgary (Canada).
o 2005 - Expro were recognised as leaders in Safety, being awarded the
prestigious Royal Society for the Prevention of Accident (RoSPA) Gold
Award for Occupational Health and Safety, covering all Expro’s operations
and support activities.

o 2006 - Expro took its most significant step forward with the acquisition of
PowerWell Services, a leading supplier of well and other flow management
products and services to the global oil and gas industry
o 2008 - Expro was acquired by the private equity consortium Umbrellastream
Ltd. made up of Goldman Sachs and Alpinvest. This consortium has an
outstanding track record of creating value in the services industry and remains
fully supportive of current Expro strategies and its management.

Picture 3.4 History Expro

(Copyright Expro 2007)



On this practical work opportunity, I had the opportunity to review the activities at the
workshop, including knowing the working system of the Subsea Safety System. Based on the
results of the review, the process and working of the Subsea Safety System can be analyzed

4.1 Understanding SubSea Safety System

Completion tubing string is required to be run in after oil and gas well perforating in
order to pump oil and gas to the surface. Blowout accidents may often be generated during
production due to contingencies such as blowout from high pressure oil and gas reservoirs,
failure of casing or tubing, failure of packer, contingencies clamitry, fire hazard and flood
water, and contingencis under lake, river, and sea water. These factor should be considered
in the completion tubing string design in order to ensure oil and gas well safety, personal
safety and anvironment sanitation.

Considder an in intervention on an easily accresible land well. All that is required to

carry out a simple slickline operation is a wireline unit,a hoist to rig up some pressure
control equipment, and a competent slickline crew consisting of no more than two or three
people. They would be perfectly capable of performing a range of operations with little or
no assistance from operator company personnel. Depending on the type of intervention,
the operation could be completed in a few hours.
Performing the same task on a subsea well needs substantially more time,
equipment, and support. A rig would have to be moved to location and the intervention
riser system deployed.

This seemingly simple slickline operation requires a fully crewed semi-submersible

rig, and all of the logistical support that goes along with it. In addition, equipment
specialists from multiple vendors are needed to prepare, deploy, operate, and recover the
subsea intervention acces systems. However, omce yhe intervention riser is in place, the

actual wireline run will be essentially the same as the land-based equivalent. Similarly,
many of the procedures and practices that are used for ;and and platform operation can be
equally as well applied to operations carried out on subsea rigs. There are, however, some
fundamental differences. Principally with pressure containment during live well
interventions, but also with the way equipment is rigged up.

Expro subsea offers a variety of products for both exploration and production
applications. Subsea systems enable primary and contingency well operations to be
performed safely without detriment to personnel, equipment or the environment.

Operations can be performed from either fixed or mobile installations. Expro’s subsea
safety systems differ depending on the type of mobile rig. Performing operations in live
wells from a floating vessel presents a number of challenges particularly with respect to
rig motion and well control. As a consequence subsea safety systems are more normally
associated with Mobile Drilling Units (MODU).

The subsea safety system makes up part of the landing string. The Landing String
(LS) is made up of elements from the sea-bed to the rig floor. The key considerations
with LS equipment, as always, are to provide the main barrier between the production
fluids and the environment to establish provision for controlled and emergency well
isolation to contain the fluid in the completion string to disconnect safely upon demand
and finally to meet the prevailing legislative criteria with respect to Emergency Shut
Down (ESD) and Emergency Quick Disconnect (EQD) criteria.

All components are designed to withstand the combinations of internal and external
loading possible under all conditions expected during handling, normal and contingency
operations. The materials from which the components are fabricated are suitable for the
duty required and for the fluids with which they may come into contact. The internal
diameters of all components are large enough to allow the passage of Wireline and Coiled
Tubing tool strings used during the operation.

4.2. Development Of The System

Before an appropriate deepwater subsea safety system design can be developed,

operator requirements must be determind. The data required for development of this
system are listed below.

1. Wellhead and Blowout Preventer Systems (BOP)

 Wear bushing this is the position at which the subsea safety systems are lended
in the wellhead. The position of the wear bushing in relation to the datum line
controls the locations of the subsea tree in the BOP stack.
 Wellhead profil angle – This information is needed to insure that the proper
fluted hanger profile is selected according to the wear bushing.
 Internal diameters of the BOP stack – These measurements are needed to
properly select the subsea equipment needed for the job
 Size and type of rams – This information ensures proper sealing of the variable
or fixed-type rams on the slick joint
 Arrangement of BOP stack – The location of the rams and kill lines is very
critical in knowing where to place the subsea test tree. At least one pipe ram
must be able to close around the slick joint of the subsea test tree and have a
kill line below the closure. The shear must be in the event all other alternatives
to closing in the well are exhausted.

2. Enviromental Factors
 Maximum expected well pressure
 Wellbore temperature
 Fluid produced
 Wellbore environment

In addition to the above, a knowledge of well test proceduresto be performed is

necessary to ensure that the simulator program develops a system in which all individual
subsea safety-system tool are compatible.
The above variables are necessary to design a subsea safety system that will maintain
proper control of the well and provide operational flexibility. A typical ultra deepwater
hydraulic system.

3. Systems Design
The following design parameters, specific to the marine riser system of the
Jack Bates floating rig. With the above parameters defined, Wellhead and BOP
data supplied, and technical specifications such as the volumes and pressure to
operate the retainer valve and subsea test tree determined, the next step was the
actual designing of a deepwater actuator system that would comply with
operational parameters. Although traditional systems could be used at the required
depth, they could not provide the necessary response times for this application.
Therefore the decision was made to employ the new deep-water actuator.

4. Development Of The Hydraulic

The first phase of the process concerned the development of the most efficient
hydraulic circuit apply different operating sequence or procedures to anticipate
how the system will perform with different operational criteria. Each one of the
pilot valves is an individually – engineered model. In this situation, pressure is
changed on the different line (latch, retainer, etc) each pilot valve will react
individually, based on the information each valve receives. As discussed above,
this method was used to simplify the hydraulic circuit in the deep-water actuator
that allowed the subsea safety equipment to operate efficiently and safely.
All the surface pressure and downhole actuator pressure could be seen to
determine if a specification. Each one of the subsea safely tools could also be seen,
if a more detailed look at the subsea test tree was needed, the testing operator could
select the tree (as the simulator was running) to determine the functionality of the
tree. Each of the tools could be selected and examined in greater detail, if needed.
The simulator was also instrumental in conveying information during defferent
job procedures. If AGIP enginners and operations personnel had questions
concerning a particular procedure or tool, the simulator would provide real-time
information. Once the simulator model reviewed the procedure, the same
operations could be applied to the actual tools. In capability of the simulator to
project results and allow real-time viewing of these result and allow real-time
viewing of these results also helped, in this case, to cross language barriers.

5. Deepwater Hydraulic Actuator
In developing the new systems, primary design effort was focused on the
deepwater hydraulic actuator, which consists of two nitrogen-charged
accumulators. That would operate the retainer valve and subsea test tree without a
compromise of rig safety.
In the past, development would have been accomplished through an interative
process of designing the valve configuration through somewhat of a trial and error
method. This involved the process of predetermining multiple hydraulic-circuit-
design possibilities and then evaluating each design satisfactorily. This was
particulary tedios because of calculation of nitrogen charging and operating
pressures. When a workable solution was finally found, the trial process stopped.
In some instances however, the systems although determined to be satisfactory,
was not the most efficient possible. The same tedios procces was required for each
water depth in which a system was to be used.

The new simulator program has the capability to mathernatically model the
subsea equipment accurately and calculate the compressibility factor for nitrogen at
a particular temperature, pressure, amd volume within a time frame of seconds.

With this new simulation device in place, an optimum hydraulic circuit for the
deepwater subsea systems was proposed. The simulator program is capable of
selecting specific subsea safety equipment. Each one of these individual tools has
an engineering model, which duplicates the functioning of a real tool. Operating
areas and volumes are included in the models so that when pressure is applied to
the control or balance lines, the model so that when pressure is applied to the
control or balance lines, the model will react, based on enginnering calculations.
Which can be changed to obtain new operating and nitrogen charging pressures for
the tools. Accumulator pressures are also calculated to provide the pressures
necessary to operate the equipment.

The simulator program is as a multi-tasking systems that allows the operator to

set up a systems and pilot valves, and the fittings and tubing necessary to connect

the pilot calves to the accumulators. Since the main priority of the subsea systems
is to complete a successful unlatch in the event of an emergency, one of the
accumulators supplies the necessary volume and pressure to the latch line of the
subsea test tree. The other accumulators is dedicated to the lock (close) libe of the
retainer valve, which is shut inn just before unlatching. For these accumulators to
operate and supply the necessary operating pressure for each piece of equipment,
the corresponding pilot valve for each accumulator must be shifted by pressure
initiated from the control manifold.

The control manifold, which contains nitrogen-charged accumulators, has the

primary function of shifting the downhole pilot valves and supplying pressure for
the downhole accumulators via the control hoses. Also included in the design of
the deepwater actuator the two pilot valves assigned to the control (open) lines of
the subsea test tree and retainer valve. When operated from the surface, these
valves exhaust the pressure from each control line. The control (open) lines provide
a means of holding the retainer and subsea test tree in the open position. This
pressure has to be removed before the tools will close. Also there is a valve on the
control manifold for the balance (close) line, which is used as a backup to close the
tree. Once the tree is closed, the balance line provides a hydraulic lock to prevent
the subsea test tree from opening.

6. Testing Procedures
Upon completion of the manufacture of the actuator system, which consists of
the downhole accumulator, control manifold, and hose reels, laboratory verification
tests were performed to insure that all operating requirements were met. The first
series of test validated the pressure rating and downhole accumulator rating of
10,000 psi [68.96MPa], which were the pressure requirements specified by the
operator. The pressure requirements specified by the operator. The pressure
integrity of the components in the control manifold and the approximate 3,300 feet
[1005.8 m] of hose reel were also tested verifivation of the 10,000 psi [68.95 MPa]
pressure requirement.
Since the pressures established by the operator had been satisfactorily defined,
the next series of tests were conducted to confirm that the response times required
to shift the pilot valves were within the parameters set. The results of these test
were conclusive enough to warrant a full function test of the entire deepwater

4.3. Well Control During Subsea Intervention Operations

Interventions carried out from rigs are rigorously planned and should be the subject
of an extremely detailed and comprehensive work program. The Coastly and complex
nature of subsea intervention demands this.

It is common for intervention activities on land wells or offshore platforms to be

supervised by well intervention specialist. In mant of those cases, the supervisor will be
the person ultimately responsible for the safe conduct of operations at the wellsite. When
a semisubmersible rig or drillship is used to support well intervention activities, the senior
operating company person on board will almost always be the drilling representative. In
the past, there have been incident resulting from lack of clarity.

4.4. Planned Disconnection With Intervention Tools In The Well (Coiled Tubing Or

If there is no time recover wireline or coiled tubing from the well, a planned
disconnection can still be made. The ball valve in the SSTT is designed to cut slickline,
braided cables (e-line), and some diameters of coiled tubing (normally up to and
including 2). The coil tubing cutting capabilities of the tree valves must be confirmed
with the vendor before any intervention are implemented.

Picture 4.1 Subsea Safety System

4.5. Leak Between The Subsea Test Tree And The Surface Test Tree

If there is a leak in the landing string between the SSTT and the STT oil and gas will
be seen at surface and there will be a trip tank gain

 The driller should instruct the well test crew (who operate the SSTT) to
immediately close in the SSTT. If there is a remote ESD station at the rig
floor, the driller can initiate the close in.
On land, jack up or platform drilling operating the control of the BOP is easily
achieved in a conventional manner by coupling each BOP function directly to a source of
hydraulic power situated at safe location away from the wellhead.
Operating of particular BOP functions is then accomplished by directing hydraulic
power from the control unit back and forth along two large bore lines to the appropriate
operating piston.

4.6. SubSea Safety System – Main Component

Picture 4.2 Main Component

 Control System (DH/EH)

Provides Control of Subsea Safety System, THRT and downhole Functions
 Surface Flow Tree (SFT) or Flowhead
Primary means of Surface Pressure Control

 Lubricator Valve (LV)

Facilitates Longer Slickline/CT assemblies

 Annular Slick Joint (ASJ)

Termination point for Umbilical / Facilitates Secondary Disconnect Function

 Retainer Valve (RV)

Provides Landing String Isolation in the event of disconnect

 Shear Sub (SS)

Shearable tubular for emergency well isolation

 Subsea Test Tree (SSTT)

Provides Disconnect/Reconnect capabilities, Dual Barrier well isolation and
Cutting Capabilities

 Tubing Hanger Running Tool Adapter (THRT Adapter)

Interface from Expro System to THRT/TLT, Facilitates downhole functions

4.7 Subsea Test Tree (SSTT)

The Subsea Test Tree (SSTT) is the primary safety barrier. It provides a dual fail-
safe-close operable pressure barrier within the landing string, mimicking the BOP stack
and LMRP. The SSTT controls well pressure in event of an emergency disconnection of
the rig from the well, without requiring the BOP to shear the landing string.

The Tree interfaces with the tubular Slick Joint at the lower end, and with the tubular
Shear Sub at the upper end. Its external profile allows it to be installed inside the BOP
stack. The Tree comprises two parts.

The lower part of the Tree remains fixed in relationship to the DST string, and
contains a dual barrier capable of containing the expected shut in well pressure. The
upper barrier in the 3” version is capable of cutting wireline and coiled tubing conveyed
wireline. The lower barrier in the 5” version is the cutting device. In the failed closed
condition the primary barrier and the cutting device permit the passage of kill fluids at
high flow rates.

Picture 4.3 Subsea Test Tree
(Copyright Expro 2007)

Latch assembly

 Hydraulicaly controlled piston disengages ring or latch dogs to unlatch

 Hydraulic stingers seal control lines upon disengagement
 Passive Orientation – 15k System only

Valve section

 Fail-safe’ (closes) ball valves

 Lower ball with coil tubing cutting capability
 Pump through capability for circulating or bull-heading
 Chemical injection between the ball valve

Integral Slick Joint
 9 5/8” OD Standard
 (Can be varied depending on rig BOP rams)


 Primary Hydraulic control pressure via umbilical

 Secondary Annular pressure via BOP Choke/Kill line

4.8 Surface Flow Tree (SFT) or Flowhead

Generally, the Surface Flow Tree (SFT) has a 7.375” full bore with a fully hydraulic
valve mechanism (Swab, Master, Flow and Kill Valves). However, depending on
availability the SFT may be provided with manual Swab, Kill, and Master Valves.

The Surface Flow Tree is supplied complete with a drill floor sited pneumatic /
hydraulic control panel, with an Emergency Shut Down (ESD) system for the Flow Wing
Valve. The ESD system includes remote stations for placement in safe areas. The panel
is designed to operate the actuated Valves on the SFT.

The Hydraulic Control Panel is skid mounted, self-contained, providing the necessary
hydraulic power for all functions. The panel features an operator interface with all
manually operated valves and pressure gauges, mounted on a labelled stainless steel
mimic panel. The unit’s pumps are powered by the rig air supply.

Picture 4.4 Surface Flow Tree

Surface Flow Tree
 Featurs
 Facilitate the well control of reservoir fluids at surface.
 Facilitate fluids to be pumped into the tubing string
 Facilitate well control during rig up of Wireline or Coiled Tubing
 Option for Hydraulic or Manually operated gate valves

 Surface Flow Tree Continued

Swab Valve

Kill Wing Valve Flow Wing Valve

Master Valve

Picture 4.5 Surface Flow Tree Continued

(Copyright Expro 2007)

 Master Valve: A safety barrier mainly used to test surface equipment

 Kill Wing Valve: Is connected to the rig cement unit to allow fluids to be
pumped into the well. It well normally have a check valve on it to stop any
flowback to the cement unit
 Swab Valve: is used to isolate and test equipment connected above it Wireline
or coiled tubing
 Flow Wing Valve: Is connected to the well test equipment. Normally a “Fail
Safe Close Valve.

 Swivel
The Surface Flow Tree is supplied complete with a Swivel assembly to allow
rotation/orientation the landing string

Picture 4.6 Swifel

4.9. Lubricator Valve

The purpose of the Lubricator Valve (LV) is to establish an operable fail-as-is

barrier in the Landing String capable of maintaining pressure control. It
simultaneously allows the deployment of the well eliminating the requirement for
long stack-ups of Wireline Lubricator Sections.
Pressure can be contained eitherside of the valve to facilitate intervention to
the well. In the close positon well pressure can be contained below without
application of control line pressure. To perform a pressure test frome above. Close
line pressure must be applied to override the pump through feature.
Its external profile enables it to be installed within the internal profile of the
marine riser, and facilitates the protection and termination of the umbilical bundle(s)

needed to operate the tools below. Normally the LV is situated 100ft below the
Rotary Table.
Industry regulations demanda dual barrier prior to the introduction of
intervention tools to the well bore. The LV can be deployed in several different
configurations, Deep Set, High Set, The Lubricator Valve is the work valve of the
Landing String.

The position of the Lubricator Valves is normally driven by the Client’s

intervention programme. If long tool strings are not required and there is sufficient
height above the SFT to rig up wireline lubricator, the required two bariers can be
provided by the master Valve and single Lubricator Valve. If long strings are
planned but there is insufficient height above the SFT for lubricator dual Lubricator
Valves should be deployed.

Chemicals can be injected above the ball through a bespoke Chemical

injection Sub, The injection line is protected with dual metal sealing check valves in
the sub body.

The LV has a primary mode of operation using hydraulic fluid conveyed via
an umbilical bundle of hydraulic lines, in the failed closed condition the LV permits
the passage of kill fluids into the well.

Picture 4.7 Lubricator Valve
(Copyright Expro Landing String)

 Located +/-90’ Rig Floor

 Pump-through capability for well control
 For testing of surface equipment when wireline tools are deployed
 Can be pressure tested from above with assist close control line pressure
 Fail-as-is”, holds pressure from below
 Separate Umbilical

4.9.1. Retainer Valve

The Ritainer Valve (RV) minimizes the time taken to problem an emergency
disconnection of the rig from the well. It achieves this by containing the riser inventory
by means of a fail-as-is operable barrier prior to disconnecting the EDP

Before disconnecting the EDP the Landing String must be de-pressurised. Oil wells
can be de-pressurised quickly, but Gas wells can not. Therefore with the inclusion of the
RV in the string it negates depressurization minimizing the disconnect time of the rig
from the well.

If the riser inventory contains high-pressure gas, the RV prevents the gas from
discharging into the Marine Riser. If the RV is not present any discharged gas would
expand as it migrates to surface displacing the contents of the Marine Riser. In deep-
water applications this could result in the collapse og the Marine Riser due to external

RV comprises:

 Closure of the ball – containing riser inventory

 Venting of any trapped pressure between the RV and closed SSTT
 Opening a hydraulic path to the SSTT latch disconnect function
During re-connection the operating sequence is reversed. Firstly the SSTT latch re-
connects, then the Vent Sleeve closes and finally the ball opens. The RV has a primary
mode of operation using hydraulic fluid conveyed via an umbilical bundle of hydraulic
lines. It is capable of supporting pressure from above only. It is not provided with a
pump through facility. In the failed closed condition,the barrier does not permit the
passage of kill fluids into the well.
The RV can also provide additional through ports for downhole functions. The RV
can also be configured for completion operations providing additional through ports to
operate the THRT.

Picture 4.8 Ritainer Valve

(Copyright Expro Landing String)

 Located above Shear Sub/Shear Rams

 Contains Landing String Fluids in event of emergency disconnect enabling
a quicker response
 Vent sleeve provides a means for the controlled venting of Landing String
pressure into Marine Riser allowing a safe disconnect.
 Mechanical and Hydraulically safety interlocks with SSTT
 “Fail-as-is”, hols pressure from above

4.9.2 Annular Slick Joint (Optional)
The Annular Slick Joint allows an annulus seal to be estabilished by closing the
BOP cavity. The seal will be adequate to maintain pressure control in the annular void
below the element (Note Joint.)

The annular slick joint has interfaces with the Shear Sub at the lower end and the
Ritainer Valve at the upper end. Conduits in the wall of the Annular Slick Joint convey
control fluid to the tool (s) below Slick Joint.

Picture 4.9 Annular Slick Joint

Slick Joint – is configured to sit across the Pipe Rams of the B.O.P it has a external
diameter compatible with the size of ram fitted to the B.O.P During operations, the rams
are closed and provide a seal on the Slick Joint allowing the annulus below to be

4.9.3. Shear Sub
The purpose of the Shear Sub is to enable the BOP shear rams to saver the Landing
String in case of an emergency disconnection of the rig from the well. The Shear Sub has
interfaces with the Primary Safety Barrier (SSTT, SAFE Valve or CLV). It is positioned
within the BOP stack such that the shear rams straddle its shearable wall section.

Gambar 4.10 Shear Sub

(Copyright Expro 2007)

 As well as the valves, the landing string also has tubular component
between,which are designed to interact with the B.O.P stack

 Shear Sub – is configured to sit across the Shear Rams of the B.O.P and is
designed to be cut in the unlikely event of no other form of well control

The Shear Sub is normally classified as a Rig Specific. It forms an integral part of
the subsea landing string intervention operations. It is situated between the bottom of the
Retainer Valve and the top of the subsea Intervention Tree, and is designed to suit the
well parameters and rig BOP Shear Rams. Its basic functions are as follows:

 To be sheared by the Shear Rams in the event of an emergency situation.

 To maintain a pressure tight berrier between the Retainer Valve and the
Subsea intervention Tree
 To provide a bore large enough to accommodate plugs or tools string
specified by the customer
 To provide a slick section for a rapid response Block (fast SSTT ball
closure) and a RV Override Facility. (ELSA option only)

A shear Sub rigidizing mechanism may be required pending the system

configuration. This is normally used to keep the Shear Sub rigid during lifting operations
as a result of the large bending moments associated with lower landing string assembly.

4.9.4. THRT/TCRT Adapter Joint Assembly

The THRT/TCRT Adapter Joint Assemblies are normally classified as a Rig
Specific item. The THRT/TCRT Adapters are an integral part of the Subsea landing
string and is is the main interface crossover between the SSTT and Tubing
Hanger/Tree Cap Running Tool.

Picture 4.11 Tubing Hanger Runing Tool

Its basic function are as follows:

 To provide a tubular that serves as the interface between the Expro SSTT
and the Tubing Hanger/Trap Cap Running Tool and aids the correct space
out of the Slick Joint across the Pipe Rams
 To allow the correct hydraulic communication between the SSTT and the
Tubing Hanger/Tree Cap Running Tool.
 To provide a pressure-tight barrier between the SSTT and the relevant
Running Tool.
 To provide a pressure-tight barrier between the wall the wall bore and BOP
 To provide a bore large enough to accommodate plugs or tool strings
specified by the customer.
 Alternatively the TCRT or THRT Adapter is used in conjuction with the
Auxiliary Slick Joint, Which is deployed on drill pipe. For intervention the
TCRT Adapter is integral to the main Subsea landing string assembly and
interfaces with the SSTT and Tree Cap Running Tool.

4.9.5. Umbilical Reeler Unit

The lower landing string hydraulic umbilical and jumper assemblies are provided
to connect the hydraulic control panel to the subsea equipment used during well
operations. A separate Umbilical and jumper assembly to serve the High Set
Lubricator Valve assembly will also be supplied.
The lower landing string Umbilical Reeler consists of a fully endclosed drum and a
drive mechanism housed within a box section frame. There are pressure lock-in
isolation valves to isolate critical functions during deployment. The unit is powered
by an air driven motor with a breaking system and is driven motor with a braking
systems and is driven through a chain drive with pay-in/pay-out controlled by a
manually operated Valve

Picture 4.12 Umbilical Reeler Unit

(Copyright Expro 2007)

 Provides connection from surface to subsea tools via hydraulic hoses or a

combination of hydraulic hoses and electrical conductors
 Lengths vary depending on water depth and number of connections vary
depending on required functions.
 Pneumatically driven with adjustable back tension to protect-the umbilical
during retrieval and deployment operations

4.9.6. Hydraulic Control Panel

Expro scope of supplys includes a hydraulic control panel/s for controlling Expro
supplied subsea equipment.
The control panel/s area skid mounted, self-contained, providing the necessary
hydraulic power for all functions. The panel features an operator interface with all
manually operated valves, regulators, flow meters, and pressure gauges, mounted on a
labeled stainless steel mimic panel.
The unit’s pumps are powered by the rig air supply and deliver the necessary
power to subsea tools.
A hand pump is available in the event that the hydraulic pump fails. To enhance
the response times of the SSTT the unit includes an accumulator bank that can deliver
instantaneous pressure to emergency functions.

Picture 4.13 Control Unit

(Copyright Expro 2007)

 The Hydraulic Control Panel is designed to generate hydraulic power to

control the subsea equipment.
 The control Panel is enclosed within a stainless stell housing incorporating
the control panel fascia, pneumatic operated hydraulic pump and fluid



1. The Subsea Test Tree is spaced out so as to sit within the BOP stack
2. Subsea Safety System they provide the well control and disconnection facility
required for safe operations from an anchored or dynamically positioned (dp) rig
3. For operations from either an anchored or dynamically positioned drilling rig, you
require a means for close in the tubing string, and if required disconnect and then
reconnect to it
4. Testing operation conducted from an offshore vessel has potential hazard due to
the relative movement of the vessel with reference to the well center.
5. Mobile Offshore Drilling units tend to drift away from is position in the event of
an emergency such as rough weather, failure is positioning system or a drive off

5.2. Way Forward

As the offshore drilling industry expanded, so did the requirement for more mobile
floating drilling vassels with increased water depth capability. Self-propelled ship shaped
vessels were custom designed and built. Large self-propelled semi-submersibles became
more popular, partularly in areas where sea conditions were known to be severe the North
Sea. Conventional anchoring systems are used to anchor drill ships and semi-submersibles
in position.
The semi-submersible tends to offer a more stablebase to drill from than a drill ship.
This result from the fact that the buoyancy for the semi-submersible is provided by large
pontoons that are submerged 70-100 below the water line which puts them mostly out of the
main zone of wave action. The supporting columns extending up from the pontoons are
subject to wafe movement, but the volumetric displacement is small when compared with
the mass of the semi-submersibles. Therefore the semi-submersible tends to move up and
down less and rol slower than a drillship in similar operating conditions.
As offshore drilling locations moved into deeper waters, theuse of conventional
anchoring became prohibitively more expensive and time consuming any water depths

greater than 3000 hace usually been drilled by dynamically positioned drill ships and semi-
submersibles. These drilling units are held on locations by powerful thrusters that are keyed
into the satellite navigational system now available. The theory is that vessels can be held
on a these dynamically positioned vessels appears to verify the theory. Wells have been
drilled in water depths exceeding 7000 using these specialized units and guideline less
drilling systems.

1. American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice. API RP 53. 4th ed.; 2007.
2. API RP 2Q. Recommended practice for design and operation of marine drilling riser
systems. 2nd ed.; 1984.
3. Lopez RH, Mansell M, Stewart AA. The spool tree: first application of a new subsea
wellhead/tree configuration. 7427-MS OTC conference paper, 1994.
4. OTC 7517 Case History; Development of a Realiable Subsea Safety Systems for
Deepwater Drillstem Testing
W.R. Allred amd J.A Clark, Halliburton Energy Services, and Pretto Lorenzo and
Roberto Lorefice, AGIP SpA
5. Well Control For Completions And Interventions
Howard crumpton
6. Well Control During Subsea Completion and Workover Operations
Chapter Fourteen B978-0-08-100196-7.00014-2
7. Introduction to Expro and the Oilfield
8. Intro to Expro Subsea section 6 Completions and Section 7 Landing string
9. Advanced Well Completion Engineering / by Wan Renpu. – 3rd ed.
Chapter 9 well completion tubing string
10. Well Control For The Rig-Site Drilling Team Aberdeen Drilling Schools Ltd.,
50 Union Glen, Aberdeen, AB11 6ER.
Section 9 : Subsea BOP Contol Systems And Marine Riser Systems



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