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A Simpler Spell Point System

The basic rules for 5th edition give an alternate spell point system to use instead of the usual spell slots used
in the game. However, I have found these rules to be cumbersome in play. The cost of the spell per level is
hard for players to remember without a chart and the various class spell slot recovery abilities are
incompatible with the system. As a result I prefer the following system instead...

• Each pool of spell points equal the amount of spell slots the character would have gotten at that
level. So a character with two 1st level spell slots and one 2nd level slot would have 4 spell slots

• The cost to cast each spell equals the spell’s level. So to cast a 3rd level spell cost 3 spell points. If
you wish to make a spell stronger by using a higher level spell slot just read slots as points. For
example to cast fireball at a higher level the damage increases by 1d6 for every spell point spent
above the 3 points needed to cast it. Cantrips (0 level spells) are free and cost no points to cast.

• Spell points are regained as normal for just read points for slots. For example a 3rd level Wizard
using Arcane Recovery you can regain 2 spell points on a short rest. Unlike normal you can get
more than 6 spell points using this feature but that is the only mechanical difference.

• Multiclassing; simply follow the rules for multiclassed characters and use the Druid/Wizard spell
point list in the chart below after doing the necessary math to find your equivalent level as stated
in the Player’s Handbook. Warlock spell points er level are added to the final total.

Three rules that are easy to remember and do not need any additional charts or players aids to use as it is
simply a modification of the base spell slot rules. In addition you have the bonus of all magic working the
same in the game easing bookkeeping. For ease of use here are the spell points gained per level for each of
the classes given in the Player’s Handbook.

Level Bard Cleric Eldritch Paladin/ Arcane Sorcerer Warlock Druid/

Knight Ranger Trickster Wizard/

1 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 2
2 3 3 0 2 3 3 1 3
3 8 8 2 3 3 8 4 8
4 10 10 3 3 3 10 4 10
5 13 13 3 8 8 16 6 16
6 16 16 3 8 8 19 6 19
7 20 20 8 10 8 23 8 23
8 24 24 8 10 10 27 8 27
9 33 33 8 16 10 36 10 36
10 38 38 10 16 10 41 10 41
11 44 44 10 19 10 47 15 47
12 44 44 10 19 10 47 15 47
13 51 51 16 23 16 54 15 54
14 51 51 16 23 16 54 15 54
15 59 59 16 27 16 62 15 62
16 59 59 19 27 19 62 15 62
17 68 68 19 36 19 71 20 71
18 72 73 19 36 19 71 20 76
19 78 78 23 41 24 77 20 82
20 85 84 23 41 24 84 20 89

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