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A Business Research Methodology

“ Effect of Reality Shows on Youth”

Submitted by:
Sheetal Kurup (11035)
Leena Chellani (11015)
Nikunj Gajara (11046)
Chandan Pahelwani (11047)
Sanni Bhuva (11010)

Submitted to:
Dr. Bhavesh Vanparia
Tolani Institute of Management Studies, Adipur

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We hereby declare that the project work entitled “Effect of Reality Shows on
Youth” Submitted to Tolani Institute of Management Studies, Adipur.

Is a record of an original work done by us under the guidance of

Dr. Bhavesh Vanparia (Lecturer at TIMS), a n d t h i s p r o j e c t
w o r k i s s u b m i t t e d i n t h e p a r t i a l f u l f i l m e n t o f t h e requirements for the
award of the degree of PGDM.

The results embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any other University or
Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Place: Adipur
Date: 16/4/2012
Name: Sheetal Kurup (11035)
Leena Chellani (11015)
Nikunj Gajara (11046)
Chandan Pahelwani (11047)
Sanni Bhuva (11010)

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Wall needs support of the pillars to be strong, the pillars need the base of the plinth to
stand and the plinth needs the blessing of mother earth to exist. Its time we thank them who
acted as the walls the pillars and the plinth of our project

We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individuals and our organization. I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Tolani Institute of Management Studies, Adipur, for their
guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the
project & also for their support in completing the project.

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to

Dr. Bhavesh Vanparia for giving attention and time.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleague in developing the project and
people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.

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Table of contents

Sr No. Topic Page no.

1 Declaration 2
2 Acknowledgement 3
3 Chapter 1
Introduction 5-7
Research questions 8
Research Objectives 8
4 Chapter 2 – Literature Review 9-20
5 Chapter 3 – Research 21
6 Chapter 4 – Data Analysis 22-25
7 Chapter 5 – Findings 26-33
8 Chapter 6 – Conclusion 34-36
9 Chapter 7 – References 37
10 Chapter 8 – Appendix 38-39

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Chapter 1


Reality shows are the trump cards of the producers of the television Industry. Common audience have
become bored watching the never ending melodramatic daily soaps. From the urge for something new the idea
of reality shows sprang up.

Simultaneously they generate good revenues for Television Industry and create a very good platform for
thousands who want to achieve great things in their field of interests.
The popularity of the Indian reality shows lies in the fact that these are short termed yet these present the
perfect dose of entertainment. The characters that are part of the Indian reality shows are for real. As a result it
becomes easy for the audiences to relate to the participants.
The stardom associated with the reality shows is enough drawing attention of common mass. But there are other
shows also the idea of which is not praiseworthy like Swambar.
The Indian reality shows make the most of the emotional quotient of the viewers. However, not all the shows
have been equally successful. Whilst some of the Indian reality shows achieved unprecedented success, others
were rejected by the viewers despite being hosted by the celebrities. Another reason for the popularity of the
reality shows is that these are the only alternatives to the melodramatic daily soaps.

Moreover there are more believable than the episodes of the daily soaps which have somehow reached
a saturation point. The Indian reality shows have also been consistently successful in offering a wide variety.
Reality TV shows are selling like hot cakes. All you have to do is huddle up a handful of average people or
small time starlets create a dramatic situation and whoa, your reality TV show is ready to go on air! The best
part about reality TV shows is that they give quick fame and recognition even to average people like you and
me. Besides, the viewers get a kick out of all the emotional drama (which is scripted in most cases) that
happens on sets. There is really no dearth of reality TV show ideas, but most revolve around similar concepts.
So, in case you wish to air your own TV show some day, then you may have to come up with really good ideas
for TV shows. Given below are some interesting ideas for a reality TV show.

The Indian Reality Shows flourished itself in various fields such as singing, dancing, comedy, quiz, modelling,
hard core stunts and many other talents. The exciting amount of prize which has hardly been assumed by the
common people made a marked difference in the popularity of the Indian Reality shows. The presence of
popular celebrities has also contributed in raising interest of the commonmass.

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The boom in the Indian reality shows occurred right after the success story of Kaun Banega Crorepati, anchored
by Amitabh Bachchan. This show offered a maximum cash prize of Rs.1 Crore. The unprecedented success of
this reality show opened up numerous avenues for such shows on Indian television. The sponsors were ready to
invest and to top it all there were no dearth of participants. While Kaun Banega Crorepati changed the way
people looked at reality shows.

The rising popularity of the reality shows on television channels has added a new dimension to the production
of TV programs. These shows give opportunities to the prodigies residing in the interiors of the country to
showcase their talent. These shows have not only changed the destinies of many television channels but also of
many ordinary people. Celebrity reality shows are another aspect of reality television that has become
extremely popular with the audience.

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Research Questions

1. What is the perception of the viewer’s towards reality shows and daily soaps?
2. What is the behaviour of the viewer’s towards reality shows?

3. What is the future of reality shows?

Research Objectives.

The main objectives to do this research are as following:

1. To study the perception of the viewer’s towards reality shows and daily soaps.
(That is to know whether the viewers see reality shows as an opportunity.)
2. To study the behaviour of the viewer’s towards reality shows.
(That is to study how do viewers related their life with reality shows. Do they relate their characters
or their dreams with reality shows? Do they prefer voting for these reality shows or do they think
that voting is fair in reality shows.)
3. To know the future of reality shows.
(Whether it should be banned or encouraged.)

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Chapter 2
Literature Review

Sr. Author (Year) Title of paper Country Samp Analysis Findings &
No le Tools Conclusion
. Size
1. Anthony Patino, The Appeal of United 1098 Descriptive In this research,

States of Analysis the authors

Velitchka D. Reality Television
America identified
kaltcheva, For Teen and Pre-
Michael F. Smith Teen Audiences demographic
(2011) variables related
to connectedness
with reality
among preteens
and teens. The
showed that young
people who strove
for popularity and
were more likely to
feel connected to

2. Mohammad DEVELOPING A Bangladesh 400 Exploratory This research

MULTI-ITEM factor has identified
R Haq,
MEASUREMENT analysis and tested the
Syed H
SCALE multi-item
Rahman. FOR DEVELOPING measurement
(2011) TEENAGERS’ scale for the
teenagers’ RTV

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RTV being a
vehicle in the
media area,
such findings
may or may not
of other TV
3. Kimberly Lynn A QUALITATIVE AND USA - Mixed Reality
Reynolds QUANTITATIVE methodology, television, in
(2010) ANALYSIS OF which general, is
COUNTERNORMATIV includes a geared toward
E BEHAVIOR content young adults
EXHIBITED IN analysis aged 18-34.
REALITY TELEVISION identifying Though the
PROGRAMMING both episodes were
quantitative chosen in a
and strategic
qualitative manner, more
data. powerful
evidence of the
themes may be
available by
analyzing all
twelve episodes
in the season.
4. Anaghe Shukre Reality television India 150 Factor Analysis The audiences
(2010) shows: entertaining, have become
money minting & or tired of the never
tantalizing ending saga of

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 10

family dramas
and most of
them are
switching over to
the reality shows.
The popularity of
Indian reality
shows lies in the
fact that these
are short termed
yet these present
perfect dose of
From findings it is
clear that there
are mainly five
factors because
of which people
like to watch
reality shows.
These are
celebrity and
5. Dr. Debashish Reality shows : the India - - Reality shows
Sengupta new marketing tool have had their
(2009) share of
along with their
Surprisingly, even

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 11

have benefited
the marketers.
The advantages
of using reality
shows as a
marketing &
vehicle outweigh
most of the
mediums. And in
the years to
come, we may
see a spurt in
using reality
shows as a huge
marketing tool.
6. Manali Celebrity endorsed India - - Having
Bhattacharya reality TV shows: A celebrities in
(2009) new marketing tool reality shows
adds more value
and glamor to
the brand.
Whatever be the
reason of
from the
perspective, it
actually helps in
getting the
attention of the
consumers. The
endorsed reality

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 12

shows is
undoubtedly an
effective medium
to promote
7. S John Gabriel The impact of India 100 Sampling Youngsters are,
television method without doubt,
advertisements on adopted was attracted to
youth : A study convenient & advertisements.
random So the onus is on
sampling. Chi- the advertisers,
square not to produce
technique was any
used to advertisement
analyze and which will
interpret data. mislead the
Knowing the
impact of
on youth, the
advertisers must
which are both
realistic and
8. Joanne Reality TV, Faking It, USA - - Morreale
Morreale and the argues
(2005) Transformation of that the
Personal Identity contents and
performance of
the show
intensify the
link between

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culture and
the fabrication
of identity by
teaching that
comes from
rather than
having, a
Faking It thus
puts on display
the processes
of fabrication
whereby the
self is created
and is best
through the
logic of
rather than
9. Traci Inouye, Youth Media’s USA 224 Descriptive Specifically,
Johanna Lacoe, Analysis
Impact on coming up with
Audience & a sampling
Frakes. Channels of frame that is
(2004) Distribution: An both reflective
of youth
media’s target
audiences, as
well as small
enough to be

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 14

reflective of
likely youth
media audience
would present a
10. KRISTIN L. REALITY TV USA 406 Factor analysis Reality TV
CHERRY AND shows are
(2008) INTERPERSONAL influencing
RELATIONSHIP people in many
pervade our
popular culture.
You cannot hide
from reality TV;
it is
everywhere: in
discussions with
others, in
magazines or
newspapers, on
the Internet,
and even on
billboards. This
suggests that
reality shows
might even
affect the
manner in
which people

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There are many
other factors
that go into an
ideology, but
this study
concluded that
reality TV is
related to an
11. Steven J. Kirsh Cartoon violence USA - - Children are
(2005) and aggression in exposed to
youth violence in
cartoons in a
frequency than
in live-action
Although adults
rate these
cartoons as
containing little
suggest that

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 16

the negative
effects of
violence on
youth may be
as simple as
making an
during viewing.
12. Rachel M. WHEN IS India 78 Descriptive One of the
Potratz REALITY REAL?: analysis most
(2007) YOUTH fascinating, and
PERCEPTIONS OF potentially
MTV REALITY impactful
results of this
research is
the ways in
which viewers
learned from
watching these
realism was
said to play a
role in how my
what they were
watching, as
they said that

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 17

on a
program would
not have had
the same effect.
13. Dr. Kaoruko Can Television be USA 121 Descriptive This paper has
Kondo good for Children? Analysis looked at the
& Professor potential
Jeanette Steemers beneficial impact
of children’s
television on
children’s lives.
Television is
neither good nor
bad for children,
but its impact is
complex in the
way it affects
beliefs and
values. Debate
usually centres
on television’s
negative effects
but, as
across a range of
different studies,
it is clear that
television can
academic skills
such as school
readiness and
vocabulary, as

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 18

well as pro-social
behaviours and
critical thinking
14. Affect, Inc. Exploring How to USA - - Tweens appear
(2000) Motivate Behavior to be happy,

Change Among confident and

optimistic about
Tweens in America
their futures.
fantasize about
achievement and
including the
desires to be
rich, famous,
and successful.
• Researchers
recommend that
Tweens learn a
lot watching TV.

15. Christopher The Effects of USA - - After reviewing

Travers Reality vs. Fantasy the literature,

there was no
Based First-Person
evidence found
Shooting Video
on the different
Games on
types of first-
Adolescent Behavior person shooter
games. Today’s
youth are
everyday with
new violent
media. School

Tolani Institute of Management Studies Page 19

aggression, and
video game
violence are all
interrelated for
video game
violence affects
aggression, and
aggression is
related to school
Therefore, violent
video games have
an extremely
important impact
on the effects of
behavior and
school violence.

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Chapter 3
Research Methodology.

Research Objective.
Primary objective:
i. To study the behaviour of the viewer’s towards reality shows.
ii. To know the future of reality shows.
iii. To study the perception of the viewer’s towards reality shows and daily soaps.

Secondary objective:
I. To know the effect of reality shows on TRP.
II. To know how reality show owners are earning via votes and sms.

Type of data required.

For doing this research we have used both secondary and primary data.
Primary data in the form of questionnaire and secondary data in the form of journal, literature and data from

Data collection method.

Data was collected through different means some of them are as following:
1. Personal administration of questionnaire.
2. Secondary data collected from websites and journals.
3. Informal inter5view, survey with individuals who use to watch T.V regularly.

Target population.
Due to the nature of our research title we had focused for youth between 15 to 30 years of age as target

Sampling method.
Non probability convenience sampling.

Sample size.
The sample size for our research was 100 respondents.
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Chapter 4
Data Analysis.

The total number of respondent for our research was 100 respondents out of which 53 were male and 47 were

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Male 53 53.0 53.0 53.0
Female 47 47.0 47.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Out of these 100 respondent majorities of them that’s 79% were watching televisions from 1 to 3 hours.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 4-6 hrs 21 21.0 21.0 21.0
1-3 hrs 79 79.0 79.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Most of respondent that is 37% preferred watching MTV channel may be due this channel offers both music
and reality shows.

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Multiple responses for best channel

Percent of
Responses Cases

N Percent N
best Colors 8 7.9% 8.0%
channel star plus 5 5.0% 5.0%
zee tv 19 18.8% 19.0%
Sony 27 26.7% 27.0%
Mtv 37 36.6% 37.0%
channel V 5 5.0% 5.0%
Total 101 100.0% 101.0%

Out of these 100 respondent 7 male and 5 female that is a total of 12 respondent were not watching reality
shows and rest 88 respondent were watching reality shows.

Multiple responses for best type of shows

Percent of
Responses Cases

N Percent N
type of Dramas 11 3.9% 11.2%
show Music 67 23.8% 68.4%
Animated 13 4.6% 13.3%
Documentaries 11 3.9% 11.2%
reality shows 88 31.2% 89.8%
Comedies 50 17.7% 51.0%
quiz shows 24 8.5% 24.5%
daily soaps 18 6.4% 18.4%
Total 282 100.0% 287.8%

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Cross tabulation for gender and channel

Sony Total
No Yes No
gender Male 40 13 53
Female 33 14 47
Total 73 27 100

Colors Total
No Yes No
gender Male 49 4 53
female 43 4 47
Total 92 8 100

zee tv Total
No Yes No
gender Male 43 10 53
female 38 9 47
Total 81 19 100

channel V Total
No Yes No
Gender Male 49 4 53
female 46 1 47
Total 95 5 100

Mtv Total
No Yes No
gender Male 34 19 53
female 29 18 47
Total 63 37 100

star plus Total

No Yes No
Gender Male 49 4 53
female 46 1 47
Total 95 5 100

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Cross tabulation for gender and type of shows

Music Total
Comedies Total
no Yes No
No yes No
Gender male 19 34 53
gender Male 22 31 53
female 14 33 47
female 28 19 47
Total 33 67 100
Total 50 50 100

daily soaps Total Documentaries Total

No Yes No no Yes No
Gender male 49 4 53 Gender male 49 4 53
female 33 14 47 female 40 7 47
Total 82 18 100 Total 89 11 100

Animated Total
No Yes No
Gender male 47 6 53
female 40 7 47
Total 87 13 100

Dramas Total
no Yes No
Gender Male 49 4 53
female 40 7 47
Total 89 11 100

reality shows Total

no yes No
Gender Male 7 46 53
female 5 42 47
Total 12 88 100

quiz shows Total

No yes No
Gender Male 41 12 53
female 35 12 47
Total 76 24 100

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Chapter 5


Different measures used for 8 statements of likert scale.

One-Sample Test for statements of likert scale.

Test Value = 3
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference of the Difference

Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper

Enjoy Watching 7.543 99 .000 .790 .58 1.00
Involve .429 99 .669 .050 -.18 .28
Share 3.113 99 .002 .380 .14 .62
Guess 2.875 99 .005 .350 .11 .59
good mood 3.761 99 .000 .400 .19 .61
Miss -.472 99 .638 -.060 -.31 .19
Unexpected 2.613 99 .010 .310 .07 .55
Appearance 2.184 99 .031 .290 .03 .55

There are 8 statements we have used for our likert scale in questionnaire. We have future calculated 1 sample t-
test with the help of given data.
Ho stands for null hypothesis and Ha stands for alternative or scientific hypothesis.
Ho for first and rest of the statement are.
Ho = there is no significance difference between opinion of the said statement and reality in audience.
Ha = there is significance difference between opinion of the said statement and reality in audience.
The significance value for the above statement can be obtained from the given table above that is .000 whereas
if significance value of any analysis is less than 0.05 then we always reject the null hypothesis that is Ho.
Therefore we will reject the null hypothesis.
Like for the following statement the Ho will be reject that is there is no significance difference between reality
and the said statement.
1. I enjoy watching reality TV shows.
2. I like to share & talk about reality shows.

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3. I enjoy trying to guess what will happen next in the reality show.
4. Reality shows keep me in good mood.
5. I like when some unexpected thing happens in reality shows.
6. Appearances is more important than intelligence in reality shows.
The significance value of 2 statements is greater than 0.05 therefore we will accept Ho and these statements are
as follows:
1. I get so involved that I don’t change the channel.
2. I hate when I miss an episode of reality show.
T value of only statement is on neutral level that is all are on disagree side. Rest all statement are above neutral
level that is all are on agree side.

Reliability analysis.

Reliability analysis is a measure to check the internal consistency of an instrument constructed with multiple
item scale. The null and alternative hypothesis for Cronbach’s Alpha are:
Ho = the test is not reliable, that is, the observed score is not related to the true score.
Ha = the test is reliable, that is, the observed score is related to the true score.
Cronbach’s Alpha is greater than 60 % then we reject Ho. The Cronbach’s Alpha value for data is 85 %.
Therefore we will reject Ho and accept Ha that is, the test is reliable.
Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.850 8

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Factor Analysis

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling


Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 285.690

Sphericity Df 28
Sig. .000

The KMO and Bartlett’s test table displays the result for interpreting the adequacy of the data for factor
analysis. Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) is a measure of sampling adequacy and its value should be greater than
0.6 for the sample to be adequate to undertake factor analysis. Also, the p-value of Bartlett’s test of spherically
should be less than 0.05.

In our research the value of KMO test is 0.842 that is higher than 0.6 and the p-value of Bartlett’s test is .000
that is less than 0.05, therefore factor analysis can be undertaken using this dataset.

Scree Plot


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Component Number

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The scree plot determines the optimal number of components. It plots the eigenvalues of each component. The
number of component which fall on the steep slope are extracted because the eigenvalues of those components
are greater than 1.

Component Matrix(a)


Share .767
good mood .764
Involve .738
Guess .736
Miss .733
Enjoy Watching .695
Unexpected .660
Appearance .518
1 component extracted.

The component matrix table shows the component that are extracted. The first factor is more highly correlated
with the variables than the second factor, and second factor is more highly correlated than the third factor and
so on.


Enjoy Watching .483
Involve .544
Share .588
Guess .542
good mood .583
Miss .537
Unexpected .435
Appearance .268

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Different measures used for types of shows.

Chi- Square.
Chi-square is used to examine the association between two or more variables measured on categorical scales.
Chi-square tests the hypothesis whether two or more samples drawn from the same population have similar
characteristics or not.
The Chi-square test is a statistical technique to examine the association or statistical independence between the
row and column variables in a tow way table.
The null and alternative hypothesis for Chi-square test are:
Ho = there is no association between the type of show and gender.
Ha = there is association between the type of show and gender.
Chi-Square Tests for drama shows and gender.
The value of Pearson Chi-square is 1.373 and associated significance value is 0.241 (which is greater than 0.05)
therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we say there is no association between drama type shows and
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.373(b) 1 .241
Continuity Correction(a) .725 1 .394
Likelihood Ratio 1.380 1 .240
Fisher's Exact Test .340 .197
1.360 1 .244
N of Valid Cases 100

Chi-Square Test for music shows and gender.

The value of Pearson Chi-square is 0.414 and associated significance value is 0.520 (which is greater than 0.05)
therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we say there is no association between music shows and gender.
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .414(b) 1 .520
Continuity Correction(a) .185 1 .667
Likelihood Ratio .415 1 .519
Fisher's Exact Test .532 .334
.410 1 .522
N of Valid Cases 100

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Chi-Square Test for animated shows and gender.
The value of Pearson Chi-square is 0.281 and associated significance value is 0.596 (which is greater than 0.05)
therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we say there is no association between animated shows and

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .281(b) 1 .596
Continuity Correction(a) .054 1 .816
Likelihood Ratio .281 1 .596
Fisher's Exact Test .767 .407
.278 1 .598
N of Valid Cases 100

documentary shows and gender.

The value of Pearson Chi-square is 1.373 and associated
significance value is 0.241 (which is greater than 0.05) therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we
say there is no association between documentary shows and gender.

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.373(b) 1 .241
Continuity Correction(a) .725 1 .394
Likelihood Ratio 1.380 1 .240
Fisher's Exact Test .340 .197
1.360 1 .244
N of Valid Cases 100

Chi-Square Test for reality shows and gender.

The value of Pearson Chi-square is 0.156 and associated significance value is 0.693 (which is
greater than 0.05) therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we say there is no association between
reality shows and gender.

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Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .156(b) 1 .693
Continuity Correction(a) .007 1 .931
Likelihood Ratio .157 1 .692
Fisher's Exact Test .765 .468
.154 1 .695
N of Valid Cases 100

Chi-Square Test for comedy shows and gender.

The value of Pearson Chi-square is 3.252 and associated significance value is 0.071 (which is greater than 0.05)
therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we say there is no association between comedy shows and gender.

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 3.252(b) 1 .071
Continuity Correction(a) 2.569 1 .109
Likelihood Ratio 3.270 1 .071
Fisher's Exact Test .109 .054
3.219 1 .073
N of Valid Cases 100

Chi-Square Test for quiz shows and gender.

The value of Pearson Chi-square is 0.114 and associated significance value is 0.736 (which is greater
than 0.05) therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and we say there is no association between quiz type of
shows and gender.
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .114(b) 1 .736
Continuity Correction(a) .011 1 .918
Likelihood Ratio .114 1 .736
Fisher's Exact Test .816 .458
.113 1 .737
N of Valid Cases 100

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Chi-Square Test for daily soaps and gender.
The value of Pearson Chi-square is 8.348 and associated significance value is 0.004 (which is less than 0.05)
therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and we say there is association between daily soaps and gender.
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value Df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.348(b) 1 .004
Continuity Correction(a) 6.909 1 .009
Likelihood Ratio 8.666 1 .003
Fisher's Exact Test .004 .004
8.264 1 .004
N of Valid Cases 100

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Chapter 6

Consider the scenario of the Indian television around seven-eight years before. What comes to our mind
when we think of that time? I think Simplicity and yet pure entertainment was the main focus of Indian
television of that time. Each channel provider had something different to provide according to variety of tastes
of different people. With limited number of providers and limited number of serials, the quality of both was
maintained at its best. Reality shows emerged as the new found idea that interested many who despised Serials.
Many got a fresh lease of life from the boring and repetitive serials .But now the situation has even got worse.
The number of reality shows in the television has even gone past the number of serials.

Reality shows to find the best singers, best dancers, best comedians, best quizzers and even shows to
find the luck of a person has captured the minds of persons. Almost all the languages in India and almost every
channel in the country will have their own reality shows.

With Big Boss and Swayamvar ruling the TRP ratings, it is time to analyze the consequences of these
shows. Big Boss is just crap show, so is the much hyped Roadies show in MTV. The contestants in these shows
are encouraged to use the bad words which directly or indirectly impact the viewers. Such shows inculcate a
degrading personality among the youth of the country. A child gets affected far worse due to this. Moral aspects
are left out and an India with morally degrading youth is on the verge of emergence.

The need for special boards to stop such vulgarities in the television seems to be the need of the hour.
Let us make our old Mahabharata and Ramayana to come back . Though boring, it can instil values amongst the
youth and children. The acceptance of western culture among the youth can be widely being attributed to these
shows which dignify the western culture.

Reality television has come to dominate the television industry. There are educational reality shows and
non educational reality shows. They both have their entertainment values. The difference is one is productive
television, and one is counterproductive. There is good and bad in everything, and everything is good in
moderation, but counterproductive TV is taking over productive TV.

The time slots to watch educational reality shows are generally later in the evening.

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These prime time shows for non educational reality shows target youth, but they do not teach lessons. In
fact, they do the opposite, since many young people think it okay to emulate these reality show stars.

TV is the greatest gift of science and technology. Our ancestors used to get the information from the radio or
newspaper, but today’s generation can get that information more clearly by watching it or even live telecasting.
But in our opinion, whatever our surroundings, we learn to adapt it in our daily life. Same happens with us
while watching TV. Television has both its pros and cons. It depends on us how we use it.

There are many serial which shows bad things like crime, glamour etc which has very bad impact on our
society. While watching these shows they get involved in the fantasy of that character and try to be like that in
their day to day life. Television is considered as a source entertainment rather than source of knowledge.

So it misleads our youth they are diverting from their study specially the school going children. So
parents should have a check on them so that their child will learn to have a balance between his studies and
entertainment. The young people must understand that watching is one thing and implementing what you've
seen on the screen is a totally different one. And it has bad results too.

There’s no doubt that the different reality shows aired on various channels are doing wonders for the
channels and its producers. People like these shows and with good TRP’s the channels are collecting huge
funds through commercials. Even the singing based kids reality shows like Zee’s Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lill Champs
and Star Plus’s Chotte Ustad are receiving huge amount of viewers. But are we doing justice with the future of
these innocent kids? Where, every year the rate of students committing suicide due to syllabus pressure is
increasing at a tremendous rate, the kids participating in these kind of shows lose a lot of their valuable
schooling as their time is been wasted rehearsing for these competitions.

“It surely has, as for six months I didn’t get time to study. But I have always been good in studies and
score above 90%. So, I am sure I would recover my studies pretty soon,” speaks Anamika Chodhary, the
winner of Zee’s Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs second season. We hope that this young kid copes up with her
lost syllabus. But what again the question arises that about the kids who aren’t as brilliant as Anamika in
studies? Being six months away from your schooling isn’t at all an easy thing to recover with.
Zee TV’s marketing head Tarun Mehra believes there’s nothing wrong if the kids are losing out on their
studies. “See, in the past also when there wasn’t any reality show, parent has to encourage their kids who had
special talents. Ultimately you have to choose a career. I think it’s fine if they lose on some months of their
schooling to do what they really love to do,” speaks Tarun.

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Whereas, Veteran music-director-singer Bappi Lahiri too encourages kids based reality shows but also
accepts that some measures should be taken so they don’t lose out on their valuable education. “Singing,
dancing, etc are god-gifted talent and the kids with these talents should be encouraged to showcase their talents
in front of the viewers. Education is also very important and I accept that these shows do has an effect on it, but
I feel the schools should co-operate by giving such students special privilege as after all their even their school
is getting famous. They should held special exams for the kids by giving them time to recover their lost time,”
believes Bappi Lahiri.

In the past the glamour industry has seen many cases of stars suffering from depression after them loose
their stardom. Even these kids achieve instant but brief fame by participating in reality shows, but have we
really analyzed the after effects of it.

“Here the parent’s role is of uttermost important. They are the ones who can understand and groom their
kids in a way that the success doesn’t affect them. I have seen once the kids achieve fame participating in these
competitions they start doing various stage shows which in a way affects their voice due to excessive singing,”
feels Bappi Lahiri.

“See these kinds of things happen in every industry and that’s all I want to say,” says Tarun Mehra in an
angry tone. It may be happening in every industry, but children don’t work in those industries. Are these small
kids matured enough to cope up with downfalls of life at such tender age when it’s even difficult for us adults
to cope up with.

Well, we too want to see these kids performing, but we feel that certain measures should have to be
taken so that their education doesn’t gets affected and also the limelight doesn’t take over their innocent

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Chapter 7

Gabriel, J. S. (2006). The Impact of Television Advertisements on Youth: A Study. The ICFAI Journal of Marketing
Management , 5 (3), 70-79.

Shukre, A. (2010). Reality Television Shows: Entertaining, Money Mining or Tantalizing ? Indian Journal of MARKETING ,
40 (7), 8-20.

Bhattacharya, M. (2009). Celebrity Endorsed Reality TV Shows: A New Marketing Tool. Advertising Express , 9 (7), 41-45.

Sengupta, D. (2009). Realtiy Shows: The New Marketing Tool. Indian Journal of MARKETING , 39 (1), 17-19.

Keane, M., & Moran, A. (2008). Televisions' New Engines. Television & New Media, Sage , 9 (2), 155-169.

Kumari, D. (n.d.). Reality Shows on the Indian Television: Implications for the channels and advertisers. Changing
paradigms in management Practices , 130-135.

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Chapter 8
Questionnaire for “Effect of Reality Shows on Youth”
Please spare few minutes and fill this questionnaire.

 How many hours a day do you watch T.V (daily)?

0 4–6
1–3 7 – 10

 What kinds of TV shows do you watch? (can tick more than 1 options}
Dramas Reality Shows
Music Comedies
Animated Quiz Shows
Documentaries Daily Soaps

 If yes, what are your most favored Reality shows?(rank the more preferred show as 1st an least as 8th
Show name Rank Show name Rank
Roadies Dance India Dance
Big Boss Indian Idol
Spiltsvilla India’s Got Talent
Kaun Banega Crorepati Emotional

 Do you think there is too many Reality programmers’?

Yes No
 Do you think there’s an even balance between Reality TV and other genre type programmers’.
Yes No
 Do you think Reality TV is purposely aimed towards a specific audience?
Yes No
 What is their impact on the society?
Positive Negative
 If Positively, how?
Knowledge wise Emotionally economically
 If Negatively, how?
By spoiling the culture increased voilence Wastage of precious time
 Do u think few reality shows are creating vulgarity?
Yes No
 Does Reality shows acts as a platform for new talents?
Yes No
 Do you prefer voting for reality shows?
Yes No
 Is SMS voting system fair in Reality shows?
Yes No

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 Do you think the concept of children participation in reality is correct?
Yes No
 Reality shows are better means of entertainment?
Yes No
 Which channel televises best Reality show?
Colors Sony
Star Plus MTV
Zee TV Channel V
 Do you think the morals and values of reality shows are good or bad?
Good Bad
 Should these Reality Shows be
Banned Encourage

STATEMENT Strongly Disagree Neither agree Strongly

disagree yes nor agree
1. I enjoy watching reality TV shows.
2. When I watch reality TV shows, I get so
involved I don't change the channel.
3. I like 2 share/talk about reality TV shows with
people I know.
4. I enjoy trying to guess what will happen on
reality TV shows.
5. I like reality TV because it puts me in a good
6. I hate when I miss an episode of a popular
reality show and everyone’s talking about it.
7. I like it when something unexpected occurs on
reality TV shows.
8. Watching reality TV makes me think that
appearance is often more important than

 Name: ____________________
 What gender are you?
Male Female
 What age group are you?
Under 18 23-26
18-22 27-30

Thank you for sparing your valuable time for filling this questionnaire.

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