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1. Discuss the Internal and External noises related to the receiver in detail.
2. Derive noise figure of a combined system when n stages are cascaded in series.
3. Discuss in detail about generation of VSB modulation with neat spectrum.
4. With neat diagram, explain the operation of Balanced Modulator circuit and derive its output.
5. Draw and explain the necessity of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in FM receiver.
6. Explain the Foster-Seeley Discriminator with neat diagrams and derive its output.
7. Draw the block diagram of PCM transmitter and receiver with detail.
8. Discuss about rate distortion theory.

9. Outline some important factors about noise and explain the classification of noise.
10. Explain in detail about finding noise equivalent resistance.
11. Explain the DSB wave generation using a Balanced Modulator.
12. With neat diagram, explain the operation of collector modulator.
13. Discuss about the method used for generating FM .
14. Explain about the frequency analysis of angle modulated wave.
15. Discuss the generation and detection of Pulse-amplitude modulation
16. A discrete memory less source has an alphabet of seven symbols whose probabilities of
occurrence are as described here

Symbol S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Probability 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.0625 0.0625

Compute the (i) Shannon code for this source.

(ii) Huffman code.
(iii) Calculate the ƞ using any of the above two coding technique.
17. Compare Internal & External noise? Explain any three noises in each type.
18. Describe the following terms i) Noise figure ii)Signal to noise ratio and equivalent noise
19. Discuss in detail about the operation of ring modulator.
20. With neat diagram, explain the operation of SSB-SC.
21. Explain about reactance tube modulator for generation of FM.
22. Explain with neat diagram the operation of ratio detectors.
23. Explain with the block diagram of Stereophonic FM Multiplex system in detail.
24. A discrete memory less has 6 symbols S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,and S6. With probabilities 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1,
0.1 and 0.1 respectively . construct a Shannon Fano code and also Calculate its ƞ.
25. Discuss the different types of noise sources in transmitter and receiver section.
26. Discuss the External noises and noise performance associated in receiver systems.
27. Explain the operation of emitter modulator with the help of a circuit diagram.
28. a) Give the comparison between low and high level modulation.
b) Write the working operation of square law modulator with neat sketch.
29. Discuss about the indirect method for generating frequency modulation.
30. Discuss the principle of operation of slope detector using for FM detection?
31. Discuss about Pulse modulation with diagram.
32. State the properties of mutual information.

33. Derive noise figure of a combined system when n stages are cascaded in series?
34. Give short notes on i)Thermal agitation noise ii) shot noise iii) Noise figure.
35. Discuss in detail about generation of VSB modulation with neat spectrum.
36. With neat diagram, explain the operation of Balanced Modulator circuit and derive its output.
37. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of FM superheterodyne receiver.
38. Explain the Foster-Seeley Discriminator with neat diagrams and derive its output.
39. Draw the block diagram of PDM and explain in detail with input and output waveforms.
40. Describe the Data compaction and Mutual information capacity with relevant diagrams.
41. Outline some important factors about noise and explain the classification of noise.
42. Explain in detail about finding noise equivalent resistance.
43. Discuss in detail about the operation of ring modulator.
44. With neat diagram, explain the operation of SSB-SC.
45. Discuss about the indirect method for generating frequency modulation.
46. Discuss the principle of operation of slope detector using for FM detection.
47. Draw the block diagram of PDM and explain in detail with input and output waveforms.
48. A discrete memory less source has an alphabet of seven symbols whose probabilities of
occurrence are as

described here

Symbol S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Probability 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.0625 0.0625
Compute the (i) Shannon code for this source.
(ii) Huffman code.
(iii) Calculate the ƞ using any of the above two coding technique.
49. Compare Internal & External noise? Explain any three noises in each type.
50. Describe the following terms :i) Noise figure. ii)Signal to noise ratio and
equivalent noise resistance.
51. Explain the operation of emitter modulator with the help of a circuit diagram.
52. a). Give the comparison between low and high level modulation.
b).Write the working operation of square law modulator with neat sketch.
53. Draw and explain the necessity of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in FM receiver.
54. Explain the Foster-Seeley Discriminator with neat diagrams and derive its output.
55. Draw the basic elements of Pulse Code Modulation and explain in detail .
56. Discuss about rate distortion theory.
57. Discuss the different types of noise sources in transmitter and receiver section.
58. Discuss the External noises and noise performance associated in receiver systems.
59. Discuss in detail about generation of VSB modulation with neat spectrum.
60. With neat diagram, explain the operation of Balanced Modulator circuit and derive its output.
61. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of FM superheterodyne receiver.
62. Explain the Foster-Seeley Discriminator with neat diagrams and derive its output.
63. Discuss the generation and detection of Pulse-amplitude modulation.
64. A discrete memory less source has an alphabet of seven symbols whose probabilities of occurrence
are as described here

Symbol S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Probability 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.0625 0.0625

Compute the (i) Shannon code for this source.

(ii) Huffman code.
(iii) Calculate the ƞ using any of the above two coding technique.

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