5 Effectivenessofadvertisementsinsocialmedia

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Article  in  Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary · January 2017


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Kathiravan C.
Annamalai University


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AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Asian

Academic Research Associates



Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University,
Chidambaram, Tamilnadu E-Mail: kathirc@gmail.com

The article tries to find out the effectiveness of advertisements in social media. One

objective of this study is reached through proper methodology. Sample size was 400. Multi-

stage sampling technique was adopted. One way ANOVA analysis was used for data analysis.

It is found that the all age group of respondents having a moderate agree with the variables

such as informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news. The face book

text ad has moderately agreed with informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and

relevant news. In that, Attention and entertainment doesn‟t impact the text advertisement in

face book. Based on the findings, it is concluded that entertainment and attention is less

impact for the text advertisement. The researcher suggests that the text content created for the

face book text ad can have some unique and familiar words to get better attention to the users.

Key Words: effectiveness advertisements, social media, Multi-stage sampling technique

informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news.

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801


According to Advertising Association of the UK, Advertising is defined as

communication with the users of a product or service. Advertisements are message paid for

by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them.

Internet marketing is nothing but marketing done via internet, also known as web

marketing, e-marketing or online marketing. It is mainly meant for its cheaper form of

medium to reach mass people at a time without spending more money when compare with

other forms of media. It is also famous for its uniqueness of receiving immediate responses

from public even if it is good or bad. It has a wider scope such as e-mail, wireless media. It

also manages customer data digitally as well as ECRM systems.

Website marketing is having its own choice of media, design, planning, development

of advertisement, choosing type of advertising as well as increase in sales. They are not

meant for promoting a product/website by posting ads on particular web pages. It also need a

effective strategy and technique to improve their sales and to reach their goals by means of

fixing a right form of design, media and advertisement.

Online/website advertising is termed as a form of promotional method which uses

internet as a vehicle/medium to reach or communicate their messages to a mass public.

Online advertising nowadays includes various advertisements in social networking sites such

as facebook, YouTube, twitter. Other types of online advertisements are banner ads,

classified advertising and e-mail marketing.

One of the major benefits of website advertising is its un-limitation in coverage of

geographical area and time. It can help to reach global audience at a time all over the world.

It also helps the advertiser to spend less investment on these advertisements to reach global

audience. It allows advertisers to give advertisements customized form in posted websites.

Some forms like yahoo search marketing like that induce advertisements to shown on their
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

web pages when searched by people on particular web pages. Even they can allow the

advertisements along the search results of related keywords. Internet marketing not only post

banner advertisements on their websites but also makes people to enrich their knowledge,

about products/services and also it helps in improving the brand image of a particular


More frequently used methods of internet advertising are as follows.

1. Banner ads: These are simple ads. They usually appear

either at the top portion or bottom side of the screen. The name itself shows that it

covers nearly 75% of screen space. The size of these advertisements is measured in


2. Tickers: These advertisements are not only appears on a

particular area of screen it will move all around the screen. It appears like a dialogue

box with buttons. It usually appears on the screen as an alert message.

3. Superstitial: It looks like an animated advertisement. It

usually appears like a TV advertisement thus it uses flash, 3D images or videos to

make it itself like Television advertisements.

4. Interstitial: If we are searching anything in a particular web

page, it will sometimes take time to load. To fill the loading time, these interstitial

advertisements are appear on the web page. Once clicking it, it will automatically

redirect you to the actual website.

5. Pop-up advertisements: Pop-up advertisements appear front

of popular web pages at the time of loading. Without viewing these ads, one can‟t

access the particular site. Mostly these ads are nowadays sold for independent

entrepreneurs who used these popular company sites to increase their business. Best

example for this type of advertisement is Amazon.com

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

6. Pop-under: These advertisements are not appear front of any

web pages they usually appears behind the actual website page.

7. Transactional ads: These advertisements are popular among

advertiser nowadays because of its nature of not making oneself to leave the site but

still explore the advertised offer.

8. Roadblocks: Roadblocks are compulsion advertisements

make people to view compulsory before moving into a actual website page.

9. Rich media ads: These ads will move, talking ads, it will

beep or flash. These kinds of ads require more capability for processing and will be

like a filmed commercial.

10. Floating ad: These ads are float across the user‟s screen

space above the viewed content.

11. Expanding ad: These ads can change size and web page


12. Polite ad: These ads appear not as a large one. Instead it

breaks into small pieces to avoid user to disrupt to content he/she viewed.

13. Wall paper ad: It changes web pages background.

14. Video ad: Here, instead of using non-moving or cartoonist

like images, actual videos are displayed. These kind of advertisements mostly used in

TV. Now many advertisers used it for online advertising too.

15. Map Ad: Like text messages or in a graphic form appears in

Google maps while searching for a location.

16. Mobile ad: Nothing but similar to a SMS send to the user. It

may be either text or multi-media message.

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

Apart from these types of advertisements, advertisements contain audio or streaming video is

very popular.

Social media is a user centered networking and social interactions which provides

connection between manufacturers and consumers by offering personal channel and currency.

According to Cha (2009), Social networking experiences has great significance as it

influences attitudes towards shopping for virtual items, which gives hedonic experience for

users. Cha also suggests that to combine social interaction, hedonic experience and emotional

involvement SNS acts as Venues.

Review of Literature

Abd Aziz, et al. (2008) state that publicity is pleasurable and entertaining in attracting

and maintaining attention given to customers‟ wants and desires.

Consumers like and like to visualize advertisements that have additional diversion and

gratifying parts, the additional the pleasure the higher it's (Alwitt and Prabhaker 1992; Pollay

and Mittal, 1993). Exploitation associate degree intercept survey conducted publicly areas in

any town; Ducoffe (1996) tested a hypothesized model during which advertising worth

perceived by customers through 3 dimensions (informativeness, irritation, and diversion)

affects consumers‟ attitudes toward web advertising.

Informativeness refers to the degree to that a SNS publicity provides customers with

capable and useful data [Aaker, et al. 1996]. Advertising plays a crucial and bonafide role in

delivering data (Rotzoll, Haefner and Sandage, 1986). Ducoffe confirmed that perceived

informativeness is that the indispensable predicators of publicity worth [Ducoffe,R.H, 1996].

According to MacKenzie and Lutz (1989), publiciser believability is outlined “the

perceived honesties or honesty of the sponsor of the ad”. In their structural model of

perspective toward the ad formation, publicize believability ends up in advertising

believability, which, in turn, affects perspective toward the add In step with MacKenzie &
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

Lutz, publicity believability refers to the perceived honesties and quality of publicity

[MacKenzie,S.B. and Lutz,R.J, 1989]. The term "ad source" is employed to confer with traits

of the human (whether a personal or a company), and includes experience, trait,

attractiveness, and power. Mackenzie and Lutz (1989) found that believability powerfully

influences perspective toward the publiciser that successively is a crucial predictor of

perspective toward the add Supported the model tested by Ducoffe (1996), Brackett and Carr

(2001) extended Ducoffe‟s original model by adding 2 further variables (i.e., believability

and relevant demographic variables). The researchers found that informativeness,

entertainment, and believability had an instantaneous, positive impact on each advertising

worth and attitudes toward web advertising.

Research Design

Descriptive study is based on surveys, panels, fact finding enquiries, observations or

secondary data‟s in a quantitative manner (Malhotra, et.al. 2004). It is possible to collect

detailed information from a sample of a large population in survey research.

Research Problem

In this competitive world, taking a product in to market is not an easy one. In earlier

days, the penetration becomes a challenging job. Whereas, sustaining in the market become a

crucial tasknow a days. In this way, advertising plays a major role in marketing process. The

corporates are fighting in the world with well-prepared advertisements through which

corporates are trying to maintain a constant sales rate and sustain in the market.

Objective of the Study

 To study the effectiveness of advertisements in social media among SNS users.

Hypothesis of the Study

 There is no significant difference towards informative, attention, credibility,

entertainment and relevant news with respect to Age group of the SNS users.
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

Sample Size Determination

To determine the sample size for the study, Yamane – (1967) formula was used. The

resulted value from the formula has been considered as the sample size for this study.

Where n is the sample size, N is the population size and e is the level of precision. A

95% confidence level and P = 0.5 are assumed. When this formula is applied this study,

Thus, the total sample size of 400 numbers is decided as final sample for the study from

above formula.

Sampling Technique

“Multi-stage sampling is a further development of the principle of cluster sampling.

Ordinarily multi-stage sampling is applied in big inquires extending to a considerable large
geographical area. If we select randomly at all stages, we will have what is known as multi-stage
random sampling design”. Here, the researcher identified the 62 groups which are Chennai base
by its operation. In that, five groups have been selected based on active groups. The five groups
are Chennai green friends (1123), Chennai vaasi (12697), Chennai runners (1518), Boutiques and
malls (4945), Chennai online shopping (7813).
Sampling Method
The Face book groups namely Chennai green friends, Chennai vaasi, Chennai sales,
Chennai runners, Chennai boutiques malls and Chennai online shopping has been taken for
samples. All of these five groups are very active and daily updating in Social media. Also,
groups are regularly arranging events, activities in a common place to make good relationship
with their members.

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

Tool for Data Analysis

One way ANOVA analysis has been used to identify the mean difference towards
informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news with respect to age group
of the SNS users.
Table 1: One way ANOVA Showing Age and informative, attention, credibility,

entertainment and relevant news

Variables Age N Mean SD F p DMRT

Up to 30 Years 64 3.4844 .60072
31 to 40 Years 144 3.5764 .59078
5 Vs
41 to 50 Years 112 3.5513 .65169
Informative 2.583 .037 4 Vs
51 to 60 Years 36 3.7222 .40434
Above 60 Years 44 3.8182 .69123
Total 400 3.5944 .61288
Up to 30 Years 64 3.2969 .80287
31 to 40 Years 144 3.6389 .70076
5, 2
41 to 50 Years 112 3.2857 .58688
Attention 5.604 .000 Vs
51 to 60 Years 36 3.4167 .96362
Above 60 Years 44 3.6591 .70110
Total 400 3.4675 .73270
Up to 30 Years 64 3.4375 .87866
31 to 40 Years 144 3.5833 .78198
41 to 50 Years 112 3.2351 .76148
Credibility 3.127 .015 Vs
51 to 60 Years 36 3.4444 1.02043
Above 60 Years 44 3.5152 .54491
Total 400 3.4425 .80345
Up to 30 Years 64 3.8125 .50127
31 to 40 Years 144 3.6056 .64773
41 to 50 Years 112 3.3857 .66181
Entertainment 5.481 .000 Vs
51 to 60 Years 36 3.6000 .71554
Above 60 Years 44 3.4727 .33713
Total 400 3.5620 .62412
Up to 30 Years 64 3.8125 .64550
31 to 40 Years 144 3.4167 .70214
Relevant 41 to 50 Years 112 3.4777 .57789 1 Vs
4.646 .001
News 51 to 60 Years 36 3.5556 .68429 5,4,3,2
Above 60 Years 44 3.5909 .43499
Total 400 3.5288 .64461
Source: primary data
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

The one way ANOVA is conceded for the sample of 400, to confirm the significant

difference among the social network site users‟ age groups with respect to independent

variables. Independent variables such as informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and

relevant news, age of the social network site users „separated into five groups‟ viz., up to 30

years, 31 to 40 years, 41 to 50 years, 51 to 60 years and above 60 years. Frequency

distribution, mean, standard deviation, F ratio, p value and DMRT are calculated.

Null hypothesis Ho: Social network site users‟ opinion does not differ towards

independent variables with respect to different five age groups

Alternate hypothesis HA: Social network site users‟ opinion differs towards

independent variables with respect to different five age groups

Age of the social network site users‟ has influence on the independent variables,

informative (F = 2.583 and p = 0.037), attention (F = 5.604 and p = 0.000), credibility (F =

3.127 and p = 0.015), entertainment (F = 5.481 and p = 0.000) and relevant news(F =

4.646and p = 0.001). Hence, the p values are less than 0.05; so the null hypotheses are

rejected at 5% level of significance. From this one way ANOVA result, it is identified that

age of the social network site users‟ has significant differences with the independent variables

towards effectiveness of advertisements in social media.

Therefore the result of DMRT, informative shows highest mean (mean = 3.8182, SD

= 0.69123) is for the social network site users‟ age group of above 60 years and lowest mean

(mean = 3.4844, SD = 0. 60072) is for the social network site users‟ age group of up to 30

years; attention shows highest mean (mean = 3.6591, SD = 0.70110) is for the social network

site users‟ age group of above 60 years and the lowest mean (mean = 3.2969, SD = 0.80287)

is for the social network site users‟ age group of up to 30 years; credibility shows highest

mean (mean = 3.5833, SD = 0.78198) is for the social network site users‟ age group of 31 to

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

40 years and the lowest mean (mean = 3.2351, SD = 0.76148) is for the social network site

users‟ age group of 41 to 50 years; entertainment shows highest mean (mean = 3.8125, SD =

0.50127) is for the social network site users‟ age group of up to 30 years and the lowest mean

(mean = 3.3857, SD = 0.66181) is for the social network site users‟ age group of 41 to 50

years and relevant news shows highest mean (mean = 3.8125, SD = 0. 64550) is for the social

network site users‟ age group of up to 30 years and the lowest mean (mean = 3.4167, SD =

0.70214) is for the social network site users‟ age group of 31 to 40 years. It is clearly

identified from the one way ANOVA result that there is much difference among the social

network site users‟ age groups. Further, the standard deviations also show that there is much

difference among the social network site users‟ age groups towards effectiveness of

advertisements in social media.

The social network site users‟ of five different age groups show significant difference

through the variables such as informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant

news. It is noted that one way ANOVA result moderately influence the variables informative,

attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news with respect to age of the social

network site users‟ towards effectiveness of advertisements in social media.

Findings of the Study

 The social network site users‟ of five different age groups show significant difference

through the variables such as informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and

relevant news.

 It is noted that one way ANOVA result moderately influence the variables

informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news with respect to age

of the social network site users‟ towards effectiveness of advertisements in social


Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801


All age group of respondents having a moderate agree with the variables such as

informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news. The face book text ad has

moderately agreed with informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news.

In that, Attention and entertainment doesn‟t impact the text advertisement in face book.

Based on the findings, entertainment and attention is less impact for the text advertisement.

The researcher suggests that the text content created for the face book text ad can have some

unique and familiar words to get better attention to the users.


The article tries to find out the effectiveness of advertisements in social media. One

objective of this study is reached through proper methodology. Sample size was 400. Multi-

stage sampling technique was adopted. One way ANOVA analysis was used for data analysis. It

is found that the all age group of respondents having a moderate agree with the variables such

as informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant news. The face book text ad

has moderately agreed with informative, attention, credibility, entertainment and relevant

news. In that, Attention and entertainment doesn‟t impact the text advertisement in face book.

Based on the findings, it is concluded that entertainment and attention is less impact for the

text advertisement. The researcher suggests that the text content created for the face book text

ad can have some unique and familiar words to get better attention to the users.


Aaker, D. A. (1996) Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California

Management Rev. 38(Spring): 102-120.

Abd Aziz, N., Mohd Yasin, N., & Syed A. Kadir, B. S. L. (2008). Web advertising beliefs

and attitude: Internet users‟ view. The Business Review, Cambridge, 9(2), 337.
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
AARJMD VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 (JULY 2017) ISSN : 2319 - 2801

Alwitt, Linda F. and Paul R. Prabhaker (1992), "Functional and Belief Dimensions of

Attitudes to Television Advertising: Implications for Copytesting," Journal of

Advertising Research, 32 (5), 30-42.

Brackett, L. A., & Carr, JR. B. N. (2001). Cyberspace advertising vs. other media: Consumer

vs. mature student attitudes. Journal of Advertising Research, 42(5), 23-32.

Ducoffe, R. H. (1996). Advertising value and advertising on the Web. Journal of Advertising

Research, 36(1), 21-35.

MacKenzie, S. B. and Lutz, R. J. (1989) An empirical examination of the structure

antecedents of attitude toward the ad in an advertising pretesting context. Journal of

Marketing 53, 48± 65.

Pollay, R. W. & Mittal, B. (1993). Here‟s the beef: Factors, determinants and segments in

consumer criticism of advertising. Journal of Marketing, 57(7), 99-114.

Rotzoll, K. B., Haefner, J. E., & Sandage, C. H. (1986). Advertising in contemporary society,

West Chicago, IL: South-Western Publishing Company.

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary


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