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Advanced Field Experience Final Assessment

Student Teacher Name: Molly Moar ID Number: 1481528

Course: EDFX 425 Term: Fall 2019

Mentor Teacher Name: Mellissa Smith University Facilitator Name: Lorraine Lastiwka

School Name: Keheewin Elementary School District: Edmonton Public Schools

Subjects: Elementary General Grade Level(s): Grade Five

Grade: It is recommended the student teacher Date: December 10, 2019

receive a grade of: CREDIT

Description of the school and context of teaching: Suggested areas include school size, urban/rural
location, special programs, student demographics, class composition, size, etc.
Suggested length is 150 -200 words. If possible do not exceed this page.
Molly has been teaching in a regular Grade Five classroom with 27 students at Keheewin Elementary. The
students range in skill level from Grade Two to Grade Six. The classroom makeup consists of students with
learning disability coding, ADHD, ELL, high anxiety disorder, social service issues, with integrated
gifted/talented and autistic students. In general, the group is kind and try to work to the best of their ability.
Keheewin School is a south Edmonton neighbourhood school, with 350 students from K to 6 as well as three
interactions program classrooms. The families are low to mid income. Our Parent Council and community are
very supportive.

NOTE: Prior to completing this document, please carefully review the instructions for
completion found in the appendix. The TQS is also available in the appendix.
Competency 1: Fostering Effective Relationships
A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parents/guardians, peers and others in
the school and local community to support student learning.
(Note: For reference, the sample indicators associated with this competency are available in the appendix.)
Areas of strength: mentor teacher to complete
Molly quickly created a positive classroom atmosphere by engaging students in discussions about their interests
and lives outside of school. She effectively carried out activities to enhance our classroom growth mindset.
Molly demonstrated a sincere interest in the well-being of her student’s social, emotional and academic
learning. Molly effectively set clear expectations for student behaviour and standards. Throughout her

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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placement, Molly ensured positive student behaviours were noticed and recognized. She provided consistent
and fair consequences for negative student behaviours and followed with private discussions to help the
students reflect on how to make better choices in the future. Molly demonstrates respect through all student,
parent and colleague interactions.

Supporting evidence/examples of areas of strength: student teacher to complete (with guidance from
mentor teacher)
When I first arrived in the classroom, I did an introductory activity where I could learn more about the students
and they could get to know me. I taught lessons about self-regulation in order for students to have a clear
understanding of expectations. This lesson reinforced existing behaviour expectations while providing me the
opportunity to ensure we had a mutual understanding of how we would be respectful to each other in the
classroom. I provided positive verbal feedback to students when appropriate and awarded group points to
encourage teamwork. In my time in the classroom, I have developed a positive teacher-student relationship by
taking time to speak with individual students about their interests and lives.

Areas for growth: mentor teacher to complete

Molly has clearly recognized the many factors which can affect students-teacher relationships. Continued
experience with various student personalities will give Molly the opportunity to further refine proactive and low
key ways to deal with classroom management. Her deep commitment to helping students be their best, will
drive Molly to continue to seek out engaging and effective teaching strategies.

Strategies for ongoing growth: student teacher to complete (with guidance from mentor teacher)
Going forward I plan to incorporate classroom wellness strategies into daily plans such as weekly class circle
discussions to share and learn about each other. I plan to collaborate with other teachers to find other effective
strategies for building a positive classroom environment.

Competency 2: Engaging in Career-Long Learning

A teacher engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to improve teaching
and learning.
(Note: For reference, the sample indicators associated with this competency are available in the appendix.)
Areas of strength: mentor teacher to complete
Throughout her placement, Molly actively sought resources and feedback on how to best support inclusive
student learning. She was open and willing to try different strategies and reflected on their effectiveness.
Through collaboration with staff, she ensured she was able to meet the needs of students with ADHD, autism
and ELL students. To further develop her understanding and skill in teaching our First Nations, Metis and Inuit
students, Molly took part in several professional development opportunities. She applied these new activities
and information into her classroom lessons. At all times, Molly exemplified growth mind set to the students by
noting when she did not have an answer for a questions and searching for the answer with them.

Supporting evidence/examples of areas of strength: student teacher to complete (with guidance from
mentor teacher)
I attended professional development sessions regarding Indigenous peoples. Through the professional
development, I have expanded my understanding of the importance of addressing history and culture in a
respectful environment. I worked on learning more about effectively using a variety of technologies to increase
engagement, such as pickers, google classroom, YouTube, student made videos, and other online applications.

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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Areas for growth: mentor teacher to complete
Molly has shown commitment to increasing her own general knowledge and understanding in all areas of
teaching. With further teaching opportunities, Molly will be able to continue to enhance and refine her use of
various teaching strategies.

Strategies for ongoing growth: student teacher to complete (with guidance from mentor teacher)
I am excited by the opportunity to continue learning about programs, which can enhance student understanding.
I am particularly interested in learning more about assistive technologies and student directed applications. I
plan to pursue further learning on ways to meet diverse student needs.

Competency 3: Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment
practices to meet the learning needs of every student.
(Note: For reference, the sample indicators associated with this competency are available in the appendix.)
Areas of strength: mentor teacher to complete
Molly consistently prepared for lessons with a clear plan and materials ready. She effectively utilized the
program of studies to guide her long and short-term plans. Molly selected textbook teacher guides, EPSB
resources, teacher resources and sought out extra internet resources to meet lesson objectives. Molly worked
towards pacing lessons to maintain student interest. Molly took the time to review student understanding and
used this to direct her following lessons. She consistently planned to meet the wide range of levels in our
classroom. She was flexible when planning for Educational Assistant time. Molly used well-planned digital
technology activities to further engage and improve student learning. For all assignments, Molly provided full
support by creating rubrics and checklists with her students. She provided oral and written feedback, specific
examples and set clear expectations for the quality of student work. To generate evidence of student learning,
Molly utilized formal tests, class discussions, group projects, hands-on activities, games and quizzes for
formative and summative assessment.

Supporting evidence/examples of areas of strength: student teacher to complete (with guidance from
mentor teacher)
When planning to accommodate for diverse student learning I provided scaffolded supports, altered the amount
of work assigned, and provided challenge work for some students while pulling small groups to work at a
slower pace, in a more directed way. I ensured that I was knowledgeable of content prior to lessons and
searched for engaging activities. To develop my confidence further, with a variety of assessment techniques, I
used peer assessment, self-assessment, project-based learning, checklists, and technology based assessment. I
included a balance of both formative and summative assessment to direct my teaching.

Areas for growth: mentor teacher to complete

Going forward, Molly can continue to refine her ability to utilize various support strategies.

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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Strategies for ongoing growth: student teacher to complete (with guidance from mentor teacher)
I look forward to increasing my repertoire of assessment strategies through self guided learning, professional
development days and collaboration. I will focus on creating long-range plans.

Competency 4: Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments

A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and
every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.
(Note: For reference, the sample indicators associated with this competency are available in the appendix.)
Areas of strength: mentor teacher to complete
Throughout her placement, Molly was diligent in maintaining a classroom of respect, responsibility and
inclusion. By including both universal and targeted supports and interventions, Molly was able to ensure that
students were learning at their appropriate level. Molly supported students by reviewing prior to tests and
ensuring clear communication between school and home about homework, assignments and tests. During tests,
Molly took time to read through questions and made arrangements for scribes as needed. She planned for small
group accommodations for students with slower processing or distractibility. Molly was mindful of student’s
self-esteem and confidence when giving feedback. She encouraged students to put forth their best effort.
During classroom discussions, Molly guided students to reflect upon their viewpoint as well as the viewpoint of
others. Molly ensured that all students could develop their skills and talents by integrating relevant physical
movement and art in-class activities. Molly ensured that students who seemed to be upset or withdrawn had an
opportunity to talk with her or our school wellness coach. When possible, Molly took part in inter-classroom
visitations to experience other grade levels and our interactions program.

Supporting evidence/examples of areas of strength: student teacher to complete (with guidance from
mentor teacher)
I provided reading materials for different reading levels during research. I used targeted small group
intervention to ensure student success. I provided extension activities for students who needed challenge.
Helping students understand that we all have different abilities and we need to be respectful of one another and
help each other grow. Through discussion, I modeled for students how to carry out polite and constructive

Areas for growth: mentor teacher to complete

Given further experience, Molly will be capable of seeking support, interventions and programing strategies for
students she encounters. With experience, she will further develop her skills to quickly recognize when and how
she can modify assignments to meet individual student needs.

Strategies for ongoing growth: student teacher to complete (with guidance from mentor teacher)
I will use professional literature to continue learning about strategies, interventions and supports for students in
both academic and social areas. I will collaborate with other teachers to discuss successful targeted strategies.

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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Competency 5: Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit
A teacher develops and applies foundational knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit for the benefit of
all students.
(Note: For reference, the sample indicators associated with this competency are available in the appendix.)
Areas of strength: mentor teacher to complete
Molly has demonstrated a substantial responsibility in increasing her understanding and skill for teaching
First Nations, Metis and Inuit students and for teaching history. She has taken steps to attend extra
professional development classes to expand her own understanding. She has taken part in several teacher
sessions, which focussed on ways to incorporate indigenous knowledge into all subject areas. During Social
studies, Molly ensured that students learned about the Indigenous peoples in each part of Canada. She
integrated Indigenous stories and art into her lessons. Molly sought out appropriate and recommended

Supporting evidence/examples of areas of strength: student teacher to complete (with guidance from
mentor teacher)
I incorporated indigenous knowledge by integrating relevant literature into my social studies and language arts
lessons. I also created an extension activity about Indigenous groups in the regions of Canada. I lead class
discussions about understanding and being conscious of different points of view.

Areas for growth: mentor teacher to complete

Molly recognizes that ongoing learning is necessary to continue to develop her own understanding of First
Nations, Metis and Inuit perspectives. She is open to seeking out information from the Indigenous community
in order to meet her student’s needs.

Strategies for ongoing growth: student teacher to complete (with guidance from mentor teacher)
I will continue to seek out information from Indigenous communities and Elders. I plan to consider how I would
implement indigenous knowledge into my classroom.

Competency 6: Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies

A teacher demonstrates an understanding of and adherence to the legal frameworks and policies that provide
the foundations for the Alberta education system.
(Note: For reference, the sample indicators associated with this competency are available in the appendix.)
Areas of strength: mentor teacher to complete
Throughout her placement, Molly has proven to be quick thinking and pro-active. She ensured that she was
informed of all school rules, procedures, expectations and safety plans. Throughout units, Molly included
formative assessments to ensure students understanding and to direct her instruction. She assisted during first
term report cards and was keen to ask questions as she reflected on assessment practices. Molly attended
teacher conferences and took part in conversations about student successes and needs. Molly maintained order
and discipline in a confident and kind manner at all times. When issues arose, Molly took time to talk and
reflect with students about how to resolve the situation. Molly treated all students, parents and staff with
respect. She was professional in conduct at all times.

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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Supporting evidence/examples of areas of strength: student teacher to complete (with guidance from
mentor teacher)
From the beginning, I took time to ensure I understood the expectations and responsibilities that come with
being a teacher. I embraced the challenge of being in charge of routines, procedures and documentations, which
are part of being a professional staff member. I fulfilled duties as a supervisor and led extracurricular intermural
activities. I took part in reporting student progress with parents during conferences.

Areas for growth: mentor teacher to complete

I am confident that Molly will quickly learn and implement any necessary documents and routines that may be

Strategies for ongoing growth: student teacher to complete (with guidance from mentor teacher)
I understand my responsibility to ensure student safety and privacy. I intend to seek out detailed information
about various school policies, and safety plans for any school setting that I may be part of.

Final Comments
Mentor teacher summative comments: Considerations include organizational skills, ability to work with
others, ability to self-reflect and self-assess, extra-curricular involvement, ability to engage students,
adaptability, work ethic, resilience, etc.
Molly has demonstrated an exceptional ability to carry out the multitude of tasks required to be a successful
teacher. She has clearly shown an aptitude for working with children in a kind yet caring manner. She is open
to suggestions and seeks ways to further refine her teaching skills. Molly effectively plans, reviews and alters
lessons as needed in order to best engage students and use time effectively. She has willingly taken on extra
tasks in and outside of the classroom. Molly would clearly be very capable to take on any teaching assignment
with a positive energy and attitude.

Student teacher reflective comments: Considerations include what you feel you can contribute to a learning
and teaching environment, what created dissonance and how you overcame it, how you implemented
feedback and/or professional development opportunities and their results, ways in which this field experience
shaped your evolving philosophy of education, etc.
This practicum has flown by and yet it’s hard to believe that everything I have learned and done has
occurred in a mere nine weeks. My time at Keheewin Elementary has been an entirely positive and rewarding
experience. My mentor teacher provided me with useful feedback that I was able to implement promptly and
effectively to improve my teaching practice.
The challenge that I had encountered was designing lessons to accommodate the literacy abilities in my
classroom. In my grade five class, there was reading and writing abilities that ranged from grade two to grade
six, this posed as a challenge to me, however, I felt that it was very important to give the supports necessary to
help all students thrive in the classroom. I used a variety of literature that was accessible to every student. I
helped my students using text to speech software. I also incorporated collaboration in smaller groups as a way
to use more targeted strategies.
Throughout my experience at Keheewin, I was supported and encouraged to find and develop my own
teaching style. The advice, support, and guidance from staff members was always valuable, but in the end, I was
encouraged to foster my own approach. Having the support of staff members, I have gained an abundance of
knowledge and strategies. I practiced independence by making autonomous decisions, it has helped me become
a stronger teacher and gain confidence in my practice. This experience has made it clear to me how forming
relationships with students, staff members, and working as a team is a vital part of being a successful educator.

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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In my experience, there has been many opportunities for growth that I sought out including feedback
from other staff and professional development days. I enjoyed and saw improvements in my own practice after
implementing new approaches. This invaluable experience has helped me grow tremendously in my confidence
as an educator. Along with my confidence my teaching philosophy and been growing and changing. I have
come to understand the importance of creating a positive relationship with the students. I believe that in order to
create a strong and effective relationship with students I need to be fair, firm, and respectful.

Distribution: Students need to retain a copy of the final assessment for their records. Undergraduate Student Services retains a copy according to the
faculty’s retention schedule. Copies will not be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators, or employees of the University of Alberta without
written permission of the student teacher.
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