Out of The Bag Podcast - Ken Scott Cousens

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Out of the Bag podcast with Sean Maguire and guest Kenneth Scott Cousens. Dec 31st 2019.

09:51 (Sean) I’m really chuffed to have you with me. Do I call you Kenneth Scott or do I call you Kenneth
Scott from the family Cousens?

(Ken) You can call me all of the above. Generally I go by Ken. Or Ken Cousens, and what people would
generally refer to as a last name, my last name is Cousens. Actually Justin is from a Polish ancestry as
am I and my father's original last name was Kuznetsky a good polish name and he changed it to Cousens
and that's how I am known but there is a reason why I choose to go by my first and middle name and
not attach the last name so I refer to myself as Kenneth Scott, house of Cousens, family of Cousens and
we’ll get into that a little later in the conversation but you can call me Ken or Kenneth however you

(S) Brilliant I hear that you like to be called Ken so Ken it is. We have an eclectic group of listeners and
obviously there’s some new listeners who have come to the show quite recently and I’ve gathered that
from some of the messages I get but for many years, I mean I’ve been on the radio now for 9 years Ken
and so many incredible people I’ve had on my show also touching on, you know, the need to control
one's own life if you like is the best way of putting it. And to stand in one's own sovereignty and not be I
suppose dominated by the construct that exists. And I’ve had many great guests. I don't know if you've
heard of Rob in the family Page from Canada and the guys that made Esoteric Agenda made a movie
about his life called Ungrip and that is exactly what it was about, ungripping from society from the

(K) I have seen the movie but I didn’t remember his name but I did watch that a while ago.

(S) So that’s the sort of audience I have, a lot of them are educating me on a daily basis, I’m sure that
some will know your information and some will be itching to find out your information they really will.

(K) Briefly what is your background, do you come from a background of focus in health, or in my context
of law and world system or how did you come to wanting to create this show in the first place.

(S) I’m a performing poet and I was a guest on a radio show 9 or so years ago and immediately after the
interview that I had on the show I think it was seven or eight radio hosts on that radio station resigned
and blamed my interview for the reason for them leaving. I was then contacted by the people who ran
the radio station who were not there to reprimand me and tell me off but instead were thanking me for
getting rid of people they were trying to get rid for years. so I ended up being asked would I do a radio
show when I said no I won't and I said it for a while and then little while after I succumbed to their
requests and I said well look if I can interview anyone I want if I’m not edited if I’m not censored in any
way and I can play whatever music I want and do whatever I want on it and they said yes you can so I’ve
basically been interviewing amazing people and the very first show that I did just to put you in the
picture was Ireland is very heavily drugged, sorry, fluoridated in our water and so my big bone of
contention back then was to try and highlight the fluoridation issue and my first guest was 2 hours
talking about removing fluoride from our water so from then on it went to whoever wanted the
platform Ken.

(K) Ok have you had a lot of, now I know it sounds like I’m interviewing you but we’re going to switch
roles in minute, I just want to get the context of your audience so I assume and I will proceed on that
assumption that you have a full spectrum interest range for your audience from health to current events
to history to law to freedom sovereignty etc., so have you have you researched or read to some degree,
a large degree, or anywhere in between subjects we could categorize the subjects I’m going to talk to as
three all-encompassing in interrelated subjects: law; history and money, so do you have a good
background in that at this point.

(S) They are all interlinked of course but my knowledge, I actually amaze myself with my knowledge but
it really is knowledge I picked up over the years, but yes I would comprehend what's going on at the
judiciary and maritime law and the law side of things and then I suppose on the health side of things it
can go from holistic to apolethic. I am a jack of all trades and master of none maybe, I know a lot and
sometimes a lot of knowledge can be dangerous if it's not full.

15:53 (K) We’ll touch on that too a little later as one point of focus, because I come from that
background of what here in the United States and really originated in the United States was the law
movement, or freedom or sovereignty movement. I entered into that just, pretty much exactly, not
quite but almost 30 years. So in the late 80s early 90s when I started it was very few and far between
and the people I connected t and found to study with were what we would consider the grandfathers of
the movement. A few grandmothers but mostly men, who had been bringing this forward in the sixties
through the 80s and so we'll talk about that relative to that point of knowledge, you know the difference
between knowledge and full integration, because there's a lot of people with a lot of knowledge and
what I always sought was a truly comprehensive and integrative, well, the integration of all of that
knowledge and how it all works and how it fits together and where the real solutions are and there's a
lot of pitfalls as many of your listeners who have pursued this I’m sure know. At this point our
organization which I’ll describe a little later as well, we have members, you mention private contractors
association, it's a membership organization based on private contract and we have members probably in
close to 40 countries now so we're worldwide and a lot of those non-us members are in the
commonwealth countries such as the UK, Canada Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and so forth, so
we have been working a lot with the distinction, the commonality of what the us system is and then the
distinction or the differences as it would apply to people in your audience being in Ireland and the UK
and the Commonwealth countries.

18:29 (S) And does it overlap Ken so much of British and maritime law is within the court systems in
America or is that just my ignorance.

(K) No that’s not an ignorant statement and keep in mind every time you ask a question I have a
holographic mind and see things very multi-dimensionally and spherically or holographically so you just
asked one simple question but my mind just went into at least eight different directions how I could
answer that and integrate it and so the answer is yes, no and maybe, because when we get into the
substance of law there are 2 fundamentals that are universal on this planet as it relates to law and those
are contract and jurisdiction and they're really complementary to each other but fundamentally all law
is contract and that establishes relationship to the bounds of a specific jurisdiction. So when you asked
about British law, English common law and so forth and you’ve already mentioned maritime, all of these
things are what I was referring to earlier that it's very important to have a truly integrated
understanding of the comprehensiveness of how law really works and you introduced me with our
organization's website Gemstone University and that is where as a private membership organization
people become members and have access to the private side of the of the site where we have built over
the last 6 years which was built upon the previous 20 or so years of my research and work to integrate it
all we have built a comprehensive and integrative platform for people to self-direct and also working
with others through the membership, to learn how the system really works because a lot of knowledge
as you already mentioned can be dangerous and in fact when I reference those grandfathers who I
studied, who came up in the 70s and 80s and were tremendous minds and research and I had the
benefit of some of the most brilliant minds in the law movement in the early 90s when I started and the
bottom line is they all went to prison almost every single one and so I asked the question why did they
are go to prison? We’ll get into that in a moment too, but the simple answer to that is they all went to
prison because they were so brilliant and they had so much knowledge and they knew so many things
but they were missing one and basically two subsidiary major components of what they didn't
understand and that is the essence of what we teach our members and I want to impart on all of your
listeners and anybody else who comes across this recording that unless you really know who you are
and who you are not, to presume or to proceed on the presumption that you actually do know who you
are, can be fatal and most people presume that “oh I’m a sovereign, I’m a free being and so I can do
what I want and all I have to do is tell the system go away” and so forth and it doesn't work that way
and so the testimony of that is the experience I’ve had for almost 30 years watching as I just described
the most brilliant people in law and history and related things all go to prison. so the question is why did
that happen. so let's hold that as a question, I like to hold a question and work around it and where
we're leading to in this conversation is to, I can in the next hour and a half or so that we have for this
conversation, I can frame out a comprehensive understanding of the what and the why and the how so
that it will give your listeners the foundation to understand the answer to that question and then
proceed more cautiously in their pursuit of moving towards gaining real freedom, because that's what
we're all after. We all know inherently in our being, in our gut that we are supposed to be free and the
nature and character of this world system is absolutely the opposite of that, so to begin that
conversation I mentioned law, history and money. And this is how I’ve defined that over many years,
that history is the sequential unfolding of the creation of a system that we call law for the purposes of
the final phase and creating a globalized system that we call money, for the purposes of binding the
world population and extracting that population’s lifeforce or creator capacity force, to being entrained
and directed and controlled towards the extraction of the wealth of the planet to build a global
infrastructure that is essentially a prison and it is the people building their own prison and then fighting
to get out of it, those who wish to get out of it and not knowing how they got there, because they don't
understand history and law and money.

24:20 (S) And we’re all bonded debt slaves aren’t we, that’s what’s going on and until one recognizes
what's going on one can't I suppose be in a position to recognize our sovereignty and our power.

(K) True and correct, so if I say this phrase I would like you to tell me what it specifically means because
you came close to it, you said bonded debt slaves and that's true, but here's a more expanded context of
precisely how that works in terms of the law, contract and jurisdiction “we are all bonded sureties to a
bankrupt franchise”.

(S) That’s much better put.

(K) Tell me what it means.

(S) That’s where the knowledge kicks in as well. It means that we have been fooled and our parents have
been fooled and we're part of a corporation and we’re part of a company that we didn't ever want to
belong to.
25:30 (K) We didn’t and at another level we did and that gets into the esoteric and the spiritual side of
things which is an entire other half of my entire life’s pursuits and I will weave that into the conversation
as well but I used 4 keywords and so you responded in a generalized way, you touched on one key point
a corporation, but specifically that 4 words bonded surely bankrupt franchise do you know what those
precisely mean?

(S) Well I know what each individual word means, but put it together in context, what are you trying to
get at Ken.

(K) Ok so let me ask you another question, how many corporations do you think exist in the world?

(S) It could be ultimately one I suppose but many.

(K) Yeah there is only 1 corporation. All the other corporations are corporate subdivisions of the one
corporation and that corporation is called the Crown Corporation and that crown is held as I’m sure you
know in the City of London, which is part of a tripartite or a triple crown construction of three
component parts which are the sovereign city-states of Vatican City, City of London and Washington DC.
Subsequently there are more sovereign entities including the Universal Postal Union, Cern, the UN and a
couple of others but those are the three primary ones and it's called the triple crown or triregnum which
basically was initiated and created or started as a testamentary trust in 1302 pursuant to the papal bull
called the Unam Sanctum or the holy singularity or the sanctified unity, whatever you want to call it, but
that’s a postulation that was projected into this reality in this world and that has been put into place
over the last 700 years, but it is only a projection of an offer to contract based on law history and
eventually money and it created a testamentary trust. Underlying that trust is a global estate and it
created a way to structure hold and manage all of that and the primary purpose was expressed as that
the Papacy, the holder of the so-called seat of Peter, the Pope, claimed that he owned sum absolute all
land, all flesh and all souls. But it's simply a contract, it's a postulate and it does not necessarily mean it's
an absolute because there's universal law that underlies that and ultimately it lead to one key point
which was that we've all voluntarily contracted into that and we do have the power to rescind those
contracts and remove ourselves and the key is understanding exactly how it was constructed so we
know how to do it properly and we don't get ourselves into trouble. So back to the corporation as I said
it's called ////29:15//// the tri-regnum, which means the triple crown, three times royal and the City of
London holds the Crown Corporation, that was there to hold all the land within the context of what I just
described, it also is there to hold within the City of London the control of the global monetary and
banking system, as well as the system of law and on the esoteric side because I was born a mystic so to
speak, I always just gravitated, even before I was like 6-7 years old, to mystical things and esoteric things
and I pursued it my entire life so well over 60 years and so I understand the esoteric extremely well and
the esoteric is the hidden, obviously, by definition but it's the flip side of what is seen in the public and
there is a purpose and a function for that in legal terms as well as energetic and spiritual terms and so
what I knew a long time ago and as I started studying law and history and so forth and integrating it I
knew that if one only understood one half of the equation, meaning the physical storyline of history and
the physical, tangible reality we can research and study and come to know in terms of law and legal
systems and codes and statutes to your political structures and the money system and all that and if you
ignore, don’t even see that it's valid, the esoteric with the hidden, you miss the entire other half that
controls the first half as described and therein also you will not find your way out of the labyrinth and
vice versa, there are many people who pursue the esoteric and they eschew the physical, with the, you
know, “oh I’m not in this world and it says be in this world, but not of it, but I’m not going to be in it”
and they fool themselves “oh I’m a spiritual being and I’m free, no matter what you say”, well not really.

31:40 (S) Should we not be in a position where, you know, this imposed system of deceit that is upon us.
Can we not I suppose together, as a group consciousness change that?

(K) Absolutely and that's the whole point. That's why we need to educate our self because when our
mind can penetrate through the veils and the obfuscation and the distortion of the facts that were
talking about, when the consciousness directed by a being who is directing his or her will into that
consciousness, because consciousness creates and it has substance, so if we ignore it, it still has its effect
on us but we are not, you know, in a standing position of awareness and therefore we are at the effect
of it. If we penetrate our consciousness into it we now start shifting the balance to where we are
becoming the cause, we start shifting what we are creating in a controlled hologram through the matrix,
if we start directing that via directive will into creating a different reality and so the substance of what
created the matrix starts dissolving which it is real rapidly doing now at this time and so we are
redirecting the substance of creation into what we want to create as a world that works for everyone,
every being, every living system and all the rest of it and that's what it's all about, that's why education
is not just for the sake of facts, but we are really engaging it on that basis.

33:32 (S) I mean I’ve listened to a few of your videos and I do recommend that people go to your
Gemstone University YouTube channel, you mentioned or you talked about being a master puzzler and
you’ve got over 40-50 years of research to call upon. I’m wondering have you found in all those years
that actually it was far more simple than you thought originally, because what I’m finding is that a lot of
people are trying to go down the way of them deregistering from the birth certificate and deregistering
from voting and all that type of stuff and they’re making mistakes and they're doing it in a very
complicated hyphenated way and I’m just wondering, have you found that it's actually quite simple or is
it that labyrinth you talk about.

34:30 (K) Well it’s really both. There is no getting away from the fact that it is complex and it's obviously
purposefully so, you know back to the esoteric there is an overarching maxim that those familiar with
that arena of esoterica will recognize and that is the statement “it’s hidden in plain sight”. So it's all out
there but it's hidden, so that kind of reflects back to that phrase “for those with eyes to see”, so it is a
journey of inner process, inner work, as well as using the mind to penetrate into that complexity and as
one does that, it does become simpler and simpler, because you have integrated it, you’ve integrated it
into your being and you’ve grounded into your being and at some level that we all exist at, as a much
more expanded, much more powerful capable being, that we already know this this detail, it is the
dumbing down, you mentioned fluoride that your first show about fluoride and so forth. It’s the use of
chemicals from fluoride to chlorinated water to all of the stuff in the food, in the water, in the air and so
forth. Yes we have to deal with that, yes that has been done to dull the mind and create a sense of the
apathy within the body in order to prevent us from breaking through that, but even with that, the power
of our ability to heal ourselves, to cleanse, to detox using physical modalities as well as consciousness,
that is there and so in the Panterra society, in the Gemstone University, we approach it comprehensively
as a whole being, the physical, the health, the detoxification, all of those sort of things along with the
mental activity. So but to answer your question those things you mention are important and essential,
you know, the issue you call it deregistering and we'll talk about, that's not quite what we do and this is
going to lead us back to the bonded surety and the bankrupt franchise in a moment and I’ll explain
exactly how it works, but, it is complex, it does require study, it does require moving through our
resistance, that we don't want to do that, some have a great affinity for doing it, others are much more
resistant. But that's also why for what we created, we being my wife and I created 20 years ago based
on my work preceding that for 10 years and based on our life and work together and before we met the
20-30 years that we both pursued a lot of this kind of thing, that the essential ingredient that we knew
which is why we created as this society, is as the collective, that we can work together and in a unified
field that a group of people with a common purpose and common grounding and foundation, it does
create a field that makes it easier that when you're isolated by yourself it's, except for the very few can
really break through it all, it's nearly impossible, so working together as a collective body and that's what
we've been doing with Panterra for many years now and we have many hundreds of members and we
have created and we're holding a unified field and towards the end of the conversation I will share a bit
more of where we are at as a society and where we are about to launch into this new year, that is going
to really expand what we doing and open it up for many people to get involved and build that unified
field to a global scale that will in turn accelerate the influence and the impact on the consciousness,
which is also as I said a bit ago, that we are shifting that consciousness and that creator capacity away
from recreating the matrix continually moment by moment, to directing that energy to creating the
world that we want.

39:30 (S) That sounds really, really exciting Ken it really does and I know you've been at Panterra for
quite a while as you say. What's the difference between a private society and a trust?

(K) Ok very good, hold that question because now I’m going to go back to bonded surety. So as we have
established. Let’s take it as an established fact there is 1 corporation. That corporation, over hundreds
and really thousands of years, but we’ll deal with the last 3 or 400 years, created a context called a
nation-state and that nation state was defined in the 1700s primarily by a work called the Law of
Nations. That work came out around the same time as the United States of America was founded as a
separate entity, but not necessarily absolute separate country from Britain, but we’re talking about the
1770s and thereabouts, so it established the Law of Nations and how nations were established in how
they were and are still, how they interact and operate within the context of a nation-state. Well then in
the 1800s and into the 1900s all of the established nation-states were transmigrated to becoming
corporations and each one of those corporations was a subdivision of the Crown and the primary
subdivision became the United States starting in 1871. That created a new corporation and proceeded
from there. That cooperation was put into bankruptcy on March 9th 1933 a few days after FDR was
inaugurated and certain key foundational things were put in place and tied back into other things that
were established in law from the 1860s through into the 1900s and from that point forward the United
States as again Washington DC was the completion of that triple crown and the purpose of the United
States as a corporation that was then put into bankruptcy was to create the binding legal monetary
system to bind all flesh. Remember we’re talking about the declaration of Unam Sanctum to declare and
put into implementation owning all land, all flesh and all souls. So the binding of the flesh happens with
the legal and the monetary system and something called commerce, or a uniform commercial code that
creates one specific thing. I’m sure you've heard of the UCC correct?

42:00 (S) I have indeed yes.

(K) Yeah ok, so many people pursuing freedom try to use the UCC and different ways and most don’t
actually know what it is. What it is very simply, it’s a mechanism to define the relationship between
three things: secured parties; debtors; and collateral. So in a normal course of commercial affairs
throughout the world, people have debt obligations whether it's a mortgage on a house or car loan or a
consumer loan or whatever. Most of that is filed in UCC recordings, not all of it. But a UCC recording is,
the first one is called a UCC-1 financing statement and it establishes who is a secured party, meaning
who's the creditor and it's secured against a debtor who is the obligated party, as well as the collateral,
so if I sell you my car and you give me a thousand down and you owe me 4000 remaining, I can take the
car, put it on the UCC-1 financing statement, list the details of it as the collateral and your obligation
under the performance of the contract and you as the secured debtor. So expand that into the
generalized universal monetary system and every single event that takes place in our life through a
commercial vehicle or commercial vessel creates securities, securitized debt and after the United States
was put into bankruptcy in March 1933 the corporate congress, now a managing administration, or an
executor of a bankrupt estate, started creating rules of administration, that's why the presidents are
called administrations because they're administering the bankrupt debtor in possession. In possession
means it gets to hold and use the collateral but it is secured against the interests of the creditor and so
in 1934, 1935 they pass administrative procedures acts, securities and securities exchange acts, banking
acts and so on and so forth and essentially gave the authority of the securities exchange commission the
authority to manage, control and regulate all securities. And then of course if you’re talking about a
security you're talking about a debtor a debt servicer and the collateral. So essentially from that point
forward all living beings who were birthed into this world of commerce essentially had their birth event
converted to a franchise. It converted it to a vital record that created something called a birth certificate
and a certificate is evidence of a debt and is also a form of a bond. And so the system of vital records at
the county, state, national and up to the international level, created the inventorying of all of the
franchises that were by definition bankrupt entities, because either already up to 1933 or from 1933
onward into the 1950s, virtually all nation-states were converted into national corporations that were
put into bankruptcy. And so that birth record and so forth created a franchise and that franchise had
privileges and benefits and it had burdens and obligations. And the benefits were that you can operate
your franchise, that’s your all capital letter name in the birth certificate, as most people know and you
can operate in commerce and every single thing that happens in that name is creating a security; it’s
creating a form of a trust; and it’s creating a form of monetized debt. And all of that debt is bonded and
it's certificated as a certificated record and those records are what are used both in the public and in the
private to create circulating medium, or currency that is in the form of monetized debt, to create what
you said earlier is the perpetual enslavement system. So the living being was put in a position to be the
surety, which means the guarantor, which is equivalent to the debt servicer and that's one of the
privileges and the benefits, you get to use the system, you get to live off of it to the extent that it
provides. But the burden of it is that you must service the debt, whatever it is, you must show up
whenever you're summonsed to appear or any other variation of that and you are bonded to it, you are
attached to it you are in bondage because a bond is the evidence of a debt that's certificated whether
it's a primary certificate as the birth certificate, or all the derivatives from that point forward, from
traffic tickets, to driver license, to court cases, judgements, tax bills, utilities and all the rest of it. And
every single time one of those things happens and it happens every single day, a new security is created
and the securities exchange has control over it and because those securities are going to be exchanged;
they’re passed back and forth. I have Federal Reserve notes in my pocket. I go to the store. I exchange
them for basically a receipt and attached to the receipt is some commodity like bread and milk and eggs,
but the receipt is the commercial instrument that the corporate entity called ABC Grocers is exchanging
for my Federal Reserve notes. So it's an exchange and all secondary exchanges are taxable. Primary
creation of a security is not taxable. That’s one of the key things, so every time you go to court, the court
creates all kinds of new securities, every day. Bonds, charges, all kinds of things. The IRS does the same
thing; Inland Revenue does the same thing; Canada Revenue; all the tax entities. They are creating a
primary issue of a new security and then once you accept it as the bonded surety and the debt servicer,
that means then it becomes a secondary that's going to be exchanged and that makes it taxable. And
that taxability is for the use of using that security within the system of commerce. That's why they have
income tax. It is not really income tax, it is a use tax, which gets into how trusts and equity and
something called usufruct operates which we’ll go over in a moment but this is where that bondage
occurs. And the other level of it is that for the initial instrument, there are layers upon layers of auxiliary
bonds that are created that are exchanged and traded on the off-book or the private system of
exchange through the major exchange houses going through New York and then going through London
and Beijing and Hong Kong and everywhere else on the planet. And they’re trading those and they’re
making gazillions of dollars off of it, that have nothing to do with real economy. Real economy is the
creation of value, when a resource is extracted and it’s value-added by being manufactured or
whatever, or intellectual property. That's real economy, that's the creation of value, so you've got this
house of cards that creates this perpetual enslavement bondage system because even if you go pay your
traffic ticket for $50 or something, there is millions of dollars of bonds that were created off of that
initial traffic security.

51:00 (S) So it’s usury in the biggest way possible really isn't it. It's a fiat currency based with usury as its
foundation. I mean surely any economy should be based on trust and equality.

(K) Well a real economy is what I call a parity economy. Parity monetary system. Parity based on the
word par and par means equal value. So a real parity monetary system is one in which a unit of value is
represented by a unit of measure. So the units of measure that we are familiar with are dollars, pounds,
euros and so forth. But of course those are not 1 to 1, there is no parity in it because each one of those
dollars that is created is attached to that whole complexified system that I just went over in just a simple
synopsis, but it's even way more complex than that. It's so complex that it boggles the mind when you
really understand it and it is abstracted into a realm of fiction that only exists in the mind, in the minds
of those who created it. And the creator behind those minds, which gets into a whole other level of

53:00 (S) We are all creators Ken aren’t we?

(K) Absolutely, but hold that thought, we'll get to that later. So there is no parity in the current monetary
system it’s completely abstracted from the substance of real creation, you know, the food coming out of
the ground, the minerals out of the ground, the water flowing, the things we create and all those things.
That’s real value. Services are real value, even if it's not tangible. If I do a service for something it's my
labor that has tangibility but it doesn't create a product. So natural resources, products, manufacturing,
services, intellectual property, those are all real value. And if we had it true real world economy and
monetary system we would have a parity, where each time that value is created it would be reflected by
a unit of measure. A monetary unit that can be circulated as a form of currency to exchange our value in
a diverse system or a diverse economy, and it wouldn't have all these things that create a circular
recycling system that essentially creates equity that is pushed to the top, to be owned by the few and
creating a monetary burden of debt bonded surety position, that pushes the burden of all this
monetized debt on to the mass of the people. That is not at all parity and that’s not how creation works
and so when I refer to that we are now removing our focus, the entrainment of our minds to be
focalizing to recreating a holographic reality called the matrix that that operates on something called
Babylonian money magic we are redirecting to creating a real world and the imminence of something
that's about to be able to be birthed and that's part of the work of Panterra , which is a parity monetary
system and an open-ended creational capacity unlimited. Because the current system limits what can be
monetized. It's limited by those are franchised, who are given the privilege to create debt and take the
benefits from the commercial arena, as you know billions are disenfranchised and they’re living on the
edge of starvation and poverty and so it is a very simple mechanism that the creates this disproportion
where are the equity goes to the top and all the debt goes to the masses and in simple terms in the
current monetary system you have taxation, inflation and interest and those are incremental but very
inexorable and insidious mechanisms that never stop, that when monetized debt is issued the debtor or
the obligated party, like a Federal Reserve note, is a form of debt, it's a note which is by definition is a
debt issued by the Federal Reserve. But it never has to pay that because the interest, inflation and
taxation retires it in this endless cycle of issuance and then the burden of taxation and everything and
that creates the ever inflating the evermore fictional, abstracted separated from life and separated from
value creation system that was designed to create this endless perpetual debt enslavement system. So
that's the problem. That’s how history, law and money created this world prison and all of that. We
could talk for days about that, but what I want to do because we're at the end of the first hour, is spend
the second hour focusing on the solution. This is all well and good and most of you listeners probably
know a lot of this perhaps not as precisely as I explained it but where's the solution. So I’m a bonded
surety attached to a bankrupt franchise, how does that work, why does that work. Is it legal? Is it lawful?
Is it constitutional? Is it in accordance with universal law?

58:00 (S) Is it ethical.

(K) Well, ethics is another question.

(S) That's why I asked it.

(K) Ok, well we are a planet, that planet is in a system called a solar system, that solar system is in a
larger system, which is in a larger system, eventually it gets to a galaxy and that galaxy is in a multiplicity
of galaxies in a universe and that universe is interconnected to other universes which is a multiverse and
then we could call it all a cosmos, so we’re in this cosmic reality and we're and one celestial planetary
body and so we, by definition, of what I just said we must be, we have to be hardwired to universal law.
So what my wife and I in our work because we do a lot of inner work and a lot of personal work where
we're constantly scrubbing ourselves so to speak unveiling the layers, we’re removing them and it has
opened up our consciousness, our awareness and capacity the integrate ourselves at a multidimensional
level while still being very clear and very grounded in this 3d matrix reality and you referenced earlier
that I have called myself the master puzzler and I am a master puzzler, because my entire life, I’ve had
the capacity to consume for lack of a better word, I have a voracious appetite to consume data and
books and materials and so forth, knowledge, but knowledge without integration is, to me, doesn't get
you anywhere you can be a talking head on a radio or tv show, or you can get a job in a niche or
whenever, but it's integrative wholeness that I’ve always been after and that's what I want to impart to
others to work together for us all to help each other break out of this matrix and so I do have an
extremely expanded level of capacity to remember a lot of the pieces whether I read something 40
years ago or yesterday, if it's relevant to the master puzzle of who we are, why we are here, what's
really going on and how do we get out of this mess, that's been the thrust in my life and so I’ve always
had the capability to gather all those pieces and to integrate them and I have described that at various
points of saying, imagine you have a big complex jigsaw puzzles, you know, 10000 pieces each and you
have a dozen of them and you take them and you just throw them all up in the air and they're just
floating all up there. They’re in plain sight you have the ability to see every piece up there, but they’re
hidden because you don't have the ability to integrate those pieces and they have to integrate at
multiple levels, because there's one puzzle that has 10000 pieces you have to know where each of those
pieces go to create the whole picture of that one layer of the multi-layered /////1:01:55///// system.
Then you have say 9 or 10 or 11 another of those layers each with its 10000 pieces and you have to
know how those pieces in the pictures of each of those layers interconnect to each other and that for
my process has been the process of decoding the matrix in terms of the historical, legal, monetary,
esoteric, multi-dimensional, spiritual wholeness that we are in and so let's get back to universal law,
because it relates to what I just said. What we have determined and feel that is absolutely true, this is
our truth, if it resonates with you or anybody else let's go with it. That this particular universe we’re in
its foundational law is that all living creation is endowed inherently with sovereign free will. So when we
speak of sovereignty we speak of will, because we have, when we're truly balanced and integrated we
have a directive principal and it is something we would call a masculine principle, because the nature of
a masculine principle, not having anything to do with gender or any of that, but just in universal terms
masculine principle is directive, it's what we would see is in this world we are in, is the electrical current
of things. If you look at religion, money, politics, socializing, mind control, media and all the rest of it, it
is all designed for one primary purpose which is to break the will of the living being and the collective
whole and look at religion, what is the primary Judeo-Christian construct it’s to get people to say and
believe the phrase “it is my will that thy will, a higher being above us, thy will be done”. But is it a real
divine principle that we’re seeing up there? Or is it an artificial godhead that's been created by an
artificial intelligence that is what drives this matrix, created it in its complexity and its seeming
perfection of all these things like numerology and astrology and astronomy and all the rest of it that
people are fascinated with when they get into metaphysics and so forth, it's this perfect creation but it's
artificial because it lacks the substance of a living creational being who is whole as well as part of the
greater whole of creation itself. So we have been purposely misdirected to subjugate our will, ok and
when we bind ourselves to the legal monetary system we do it absolutely because we don't have a will
within that system, we are subjugated to the codified bonding nature of the legalized system that we
voluntary contracted to.

1:05:18 (S) it’s like it’s our own fault Ken, I mean we’re consenting to these contracts.

(K) Well I wouldn’t use the word fault I mean we're born blank so to speak even though we come from a
lineage of the ancestral genetics as well as our own life stream that has lived many places, many times,
but we’re born into amnesia we’re born into forgetting so we didn't know the day after we were born
that our mother was acting as an informant to put our substance of a being into a containment structure
called a form and she acted as an in-form-ant to put this into a registration and the act registration is to
pledge property to the royal registry, which is where the word registration, Regis as in royal or regal,
where it comes from. So our mothers ignorantly informed us and pledged us as property into that whole
bonded franchise system that I’ve described.

1:06:29 (S) In a way Ken our parents received a receipt for us.
(K) Well exactly, that’s a very interesting point because you use the phrase usury and the word usury
people think “oh that’s interest”. Well it is interest but it's really a use payment to use something that
doesn't belong to you. It comes from the Latin usus and there is another Latin word called fructus, you
hear fruit, fructose, that’s where those words come from, so usus fructus means the use of fruit, the
creation or the bearing of fruit from labor or some form of property value creation and that gives us the
word usufruct. Usufruct means the ability to use something that doesn't belong to you, or that the title
belongs to somebody else and so usury is actually just simply a use tax and when you call it interest on
money it's really paying a use tax for the use of somebody else's money and that’s actually what we pay
when we pay income tax because we are using their private script that is actually issued under a form of
both bankruptcy and military occupation which we haven’t touched on yet, but it’s all usufruct and the
whole system is set up that we are operate our franchise, our name, Kenneth Scott Cousens or Sean
whatever you middle name is Maguire is you have a commercial entity which is a commercial vessel that
you get to float upon on the sea of commerce and when you use that you create property, you create
something that is attached to that name but that name is a franchise that belongs to the United States
and even if it's Ireland or the UK or Australia, they are all corporate subdivisions that are listed under the
securities registry of the SEC of the United States, or under something called the Companies House in
the City of London. So there’s two places of corporate registry and Australia as a corporation is listed
under the SEC. Canada is a corporation it’s the same thing and on and on. So we get to operate the
franchise we are bonded to it as the surety which means we must service the public charges attached to
the franchise but we don't own anything of it, but we get the right of usufruct, or the use of the fruit of
somebody else, we may labor to create that but they own it because we had the privilege of using their
franchise to operate within their bankrupt commercial corporate system, it's all about being bound or
bonded to it.

1:09:36 (S) It seems to be that they’re using like obviously I look in the courts of law and their use of
legalese but across the board with Latin, there’s a language battle, one has to get your head round what
these real meanings are.

(K) Yeah and that gets into the roots of words which is referred to as etymology and where that comes
from and understanding how it’s used and as an example of that and this gets back to your question
what's a society what's a private society, so let's take a moment to talk about that. So I referenced the
Law of Nations that came out in the 1770s that created the nation-state, out of which was created the
national corporation, out of which was created the commercial function of creating commercial
securitized paper issued against subdivisions known as franchises or smaller corporations that created
capitalization that was all securitized debt and then eventually what we call money and so all of those
national corporations that all became bankrupt were put into a holding structure called the Union of
Nations or the United Nations, which itself is a corporation, which itself is also bankrupt and all of them
have central banks and those central banks were the mechanism to issue the monetary mechanisms to
bind the flesh of the people so that they would be contained within the commercial monetized debt
system and each those central banks were pledged to something called the International Monetary
Fund, so you have a super central bank and there you go to the global international debt system post
World War 2 and out of that something called the Bretton Woods agreement was created from 1944
when the UN and the IMF were birthed and by 1947 or 1948 something called Bretton Woods agreed to
create the United States Federal Reserve note dollar as a reserve currency for every other central bank,
so every central bank uses the Federal Reserve note as it's reserve currency and then of course they
created the petrodollar for the consumption of energy, attaching the energy consumption to the rest of
the national and domestic economies, but when I said in March 1933 was when it was all put into
bankruptcy, that day which was the first day of the 73rd Congress the first act that congress issued was
something called the Emergency Banking Relief Act and in that act all necessary administrative
management of the bankrupt entity known as United States was put under the executive branch or the
office of the executive through which the President operates as the executive administrator of the
bankrupt estate of the United States and all corporate divisions thereunder and so in that act it also said
it said that basically all person's within the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof
////1:13:25//// were under the control of that act and the office of the executive and everything that
needed to be done to maintain the banking and the monetary integrity of the United States through
something called public policy for the issuance of something called public funds and all of that translates
to your monetized debt bondage system that we’re talking about. The key is that it says all persons
subject to the jurisdiction thereof of the United States which is attached to the Federal Reserve note, so
if the Bretton Woods agreement put Federal Reserve notes as a reserve currency in every single central
bank on the planet and each one of those central banks issued a domestic currency that became bonded
monetized debt attaching to the living flesh of every living being then they are all essentially through
legal contract attached to the jurisdiction and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and so this
is your one world currency, your one world system of monetized debt and how this entire system was
constructed to create a global bonded population.

1:14:50 (S) And why it looks like the New World Order are planning on Catholicism being their main

(K) Well yes because again it all goes back to the Pope and that’s a whole story we definitely can’t go
into this first session together.

(S) And we’ve got countries with different histories. Obviously I want what you're doing to be global
obviously I want everybody to take it onboard because I’ve looked at it and I think it's a fantastic way we
need to change things, but we've all got different history, I’m aware of the UK with the fire of London
and various other situations there and the Magna Carta and in Ireland you have, you know, the Papal
Bull that Pope Adrian the first English Pope gave the Irish people to Henry V as a present, how the fuck
that happened, excuse my French, but you know that type of history going along with the fact that in
1918 when we held a referendum in this country a 32 counties sovereign republic of Eire was actually
ratified by the Irish people and the British should have left but instead obviously George V just took
them all out and shot them and now we've got a provisional government, but a lot of people I know all
through my life and previous generations only recognize the 32 county sovereign Republic of Eire
because it's only been a provisional government since.

1:16:25 (K) And there’s a solution to that and there’s a technical reason why they justify why they can do
that and as abstracted and absurd and duplicitous or whatever term you want to apply to it as it is, let's
get into the power of accepting it as fact, rather than polarizing it, polarizing with it and creating
separation, because this is where the inner work comes in and this is where my work has led me and
what we're doing with Panterra and the Gemstone University and things to come out of that soon.

(S) Sorry Ken when you say inner work do you mean spirituality?
(K) Yes spiritual work, personal work but some people shy away from calling it spiritual, what does that
really mean, you know and so yes I make reference to it as spiritual as I’m a living eternal spiritual being
in this body I can give you legal and lawful context of how that operates because we reference things as
a commercial vessel when we talk about the franchise, a vessel floating on the sea of commerce and all
the water and maritime metaphors and the maritime jurisdictional law system and all of that, it all
interconnects, remember you're talking to the master puzzler and any one piece that you throw at me I
can go off in 25 or 500 different mutations.

1:18:02 (S) I’d best not send you on any tangents then.

(K) No, no, it's ok because I also have the ability to track those and bring it back to the center point
which I am bringing us back to. But the point is that whether you call it personal work, interpersonal
work, dealing with the inner landscape, spiritual, metaphysical, whatever. It's the same thing, it has to
do with who we are inside this body as an inner being. The reason I bring up the sea of commerce,
commercial vessels and stuff is because technically what they say is the bonded flesh is a vessel floating
on the sea of commerce in which the cargo that it's carrying, which is the spirit is under an attached bill
of lading and for as long as it's not on dry soil land and it's still on the sea then they still control it under
proper jurisdictional attachment of maritime and admiralty jurisdiction and when there is a bankrupt, a
bankruptcy is under admiralty jurisdiction and therefore it is controlled by something called civil code,
which is an adjunct of admiralty and civil code controls the civitas, or the civil body, which we would call
the public body and this goes back to Roman civil law and this is where the legal binding of you the living
being in living flesh gets converted to a dead fiction and has the attachment of all these codes, because
they're all civil codes and under international law, civil codes of procedure are exactly what all these
nation-states that I described earlier, how they operate relative to the management of the conquered
territory and people under all the military occupation of the global planet, because Washington DC is
two things that I mention, one is the commercial code in the attachment to the legal monetary system,
the other is the military, because we are all globally under military occupation, so we’re under military
rules of occupation and other things that relate to international law and certain treatise that were
entered into in 1899 and 1907. Those treaties were called the Rules of War on Land and the regulations
thereof and they described how everything that I just described as maritime rules of war on the sea was
brought and to the land and how these rules will now apply to people and territory and property on the
land. And in 1907 in the second one of those, article 55 says /////1:20:58///// that an occupying force
must apply the rules of usufruct to the conquered people and provide a method of management of the
civil body and the civil body is lifted into this containment field called Roman civil law and the civil code
and the civitas and you mentioned that the birth certificate is a receipt and one of the five rules of
usufruct is that a receipt must be given for the property taken, this is where they're following their
international rules so the real key is, ok we've been lifted off the land we are presumed to be a ghost
apparition floating in a vessel of commerce on a sea of commercial debt basically, because when we are
in debt we are underwater and all these water metaphors and so forth, so the key is getting back onto
the land. How do we do that? How do we sever the attachment as bonded surety to a bankrupt
franchise, because as a bankrupt, and we are bankrupt if we are the surety attached to the franchise, in
all those rules I just covered a bankrupt has no standing in a court of law or a court of equity. If you have
no standing you cannot state a claim. If you can't state a claim you cannot stake a claim, staking a claim
means to putting four stakes in four corners on the land and if you can't stake a claim then you have no
standing on the land and the law of the land is law, that's why they called the law of the land, that's
where your substantive rights are, not your watered down civil rights that are privileges that can be
taken away. So if you cannot have standing on the land then you have no law, if you have no standing to
state a claim on the land in law then you cannot claim what is rightfully yours which is the estate that
underlies everything, you asked way back, what’s the difference between a society and a trust. We'll get
to that in a moment but that's the key that we must change our status, we must remove the
presumptions of consent that have attached us by the appearance, by our actions every single day that
we're consenting to this arrangement, because in universal law and the principal law being and we are
sovereign free will beings, then the only way a sovereign being can engage with anything else is through
contract and in law contract makes the law, so we have volunteered to be contracted to this entire
system that I have described briefly and we can agree that we can rescind a contract, we can declare
that we made a mistake, that we were not aware that when our mother registered us and bonded us as
a ward of the state and the surety and everything, that we did not know because even though it was
hidden in plain sight and it’s all out there in the law books and everything. But we're not educated, we
didn't know this, we didn't know that at the age of majority we could have chosen to claim our estate
and have standing in law and claim the equitable interest and beneficial rights in that estate and have
that equity or equitable interest revert back to us and remove ourselves from the attachment of being
that bonded surety and the debt servicer of the franchise.

1:25:02 (S) And what do you say to people who would just I mean a lot of this system that we're living
under is based in fear, you know, fear I suppose ultimately of the system not being there but to protect.
You ok? You alright there?

(K) That was actually the cat running across the floor. We have a very spunky little cat that likes to run.

(S) But status correction, people are worried about changing their status incrementally because and I
think that's the way you have to do it, because you can be attacked by the system. Is that true or not, I
mean that’s the feedback I’m getting from people who have gone down this route and have tried to do
that type of thing.

(K) Well yes and no and maybe and it depends how it's done and we left off a little bit ago about talking
about the inner work and I operate on a few various central maxims that we derived in our inner work
over a period of time and going through all the levels of things that we had to go through and believe
me, at the level that I can speak of all this now with a very ease of integration and all the rest of it, that it
took me literally 50 years to figure this all out. Remember this 10000 piece puzzles up in the air in
suspended animation and because of being the master puzzler I could hold all the pieces and eventually
they all fit together. And every layer that I went through, all those layers and all those teachers I
mentioned earlier who all went to prison and they went to prison and here is why, because they didn't
understand the nature of status, they were doing all these things and they still had not corrected their
status and so for as long as you are still attached to that whole system I’ve described, you are bound to
follow all the rules, all the codified rules, that control the 100 million in the US and many tens of millions
in every other country that require you to, because you have accepted the privilege and benefits of
operating your vessel in commerce and you do get the benefits you get the benefit of being able to call
911 and have the police or the fire truck show up if you got a problem. You have the benefit of many
things, but the commensurate or the parallel is you must carry the burden, which means you must pay
your taxes, you must pay all your bills, you must service all of your debts and you must follow all of the
rules and so my approach has always been to follow the rules and know if I’m doing something that, for
most people, they would say well you're not following the rules now you're not paying your taxes or
whatever; to know the reason why and be able to stand on it and defend it and in the course of all this I
came up with these few very key maxims to understand this. And this is at the quantum level, at the
spiritual level and who we really are in these bodies, in these lives and in this matrix. And the first one is
this, which we’ve already talked about, but here's how it said in a simple statement “that which is
broken can never be fixed” the matrix is broken, we all know it, we can see it it's a broken system, it
doesn't conform to true universal law and it’s breaking apart rapidly. But most people think we should
fix it, but the fact is it's broken and that which is broken cannot be fixed, but that which is real can never
be broken, so that which is real in true universal terms or spiritual terms, creational terms. It never was
broken, it can't be broken. We've only been entrained to believe that what is projected out in this
hologram is something that's real and it's not.

1:29:50 (S) And what's real. What's actually real will replace this broken system won’t it.

(K) Well let's not say replace, because that which is not broken can’t be fixed and that which is real
cannot be broken, it's not a matter of replacing, it's a matter of dissolving or withdrawing our consent,
dissolving our directive principal that's been focused on creating this false reality and focusing on what's
real, well what is real? Life is real, well what is life? Life is the totality of all being in harmony and
balance and equity, where all life is honored, all life-force is honored in every living being of the any
nature and that creation is unlimited, it can’t be controlled, it does have to harmonize with all of life, but
that's not control that’s simply harmony, that’s balance.

1:39:59 (S) It sounds good to me.

(K) And then the third part is “focus on what’s real and the rest will fade away”. Because we are the
creator, we are creating this reality so it’s a reality that we have up to now consented to participate in, is
it the one we want to continue to create, so then people say “ok fine, well that sounds good, that
sounds like some sort of idea but where does the rubber meet the road, how do we do that in real
terms”. And you know what, we're going to leave everybody in suspense until the new year because
that's too big of a subject, so we'll leave people to contemplate that and we’ll have to do round two and
talk about that because that is what my life's work has been about, is creating solutions, understanding
every component part of how the matrix works and understanding that it's an obverse or reversed
image of true reality, so that all this externalized projected structure of artificial intelligence, artificial
technology, everything that has inevitably been co-opted into a war machine of violence and destruction
and death because the entire matrix world system is nothing more than a cult of death and I could take
you through 5000 years of esoteric detail going back to Egypt and Sumer and Babylon and Roman
history and biblical history and it's all there and it's all very definable and decodable and it is all based on
one thing, it's based on a cult of death it's all out there, everything is about death and so now what we
are living is the ultimate conclusion of a cult of death, which is the complete destruction of life and so
ultimately we have an absolute responsibility to remove the presumption of consent, sever the
attachment that we have allowed by consent of our life-force to be entrained and projected into this
false reality of death and destruction and we have that power because we are sovereign free will beings
and so if you do not see the system is your enemy and that gets into the second maxim that we have
worked with for years which is “there are no enemies, only opportunities”, because the enemy
construct is something that is actually internal. We have a polarization by many, many mechanisms, by
our own creation through our ancestral lineage as well as our karmic lineage of our lineage of our own
lives and then the ancestral genetics of the body we are being in and so forth and then there's a whole
lot of external manipulation. We're subject to vast amounts of unseen levels of things, such things as
holographic inserts, genetic manipulation, genetic inserts, all kinds of things that have created a split in
our being that creates a polarization internally and when it is unconscious it is automatically projected
into the holographic field of this matrix reality. And how does that define itself? It defines itself in
separation and it creates an outside enemy, whether that enemy is your ex-wife or ex-husband or the
guy you got pissed off with on the road, or the banks, or the Pope, or religion, or the Catholic church, or
the Queen, or the money system, or Russia versus the United States, the UK versus the Falkland Islands
and Argentina, it's all been used to create projection of that internal split so that the population can be
entrained through religion, or race, or politics and patriotism to create the mobilization of the resources.

(S) With as much division as possible I think, that's what they want. And the word enemy itself, it's quite
interesting isn't it if you’re looking at words and their construct. I mean your name is your En-Am-Ee. It's
just interesting stuff, are you back with us, how's your cough.

(K) I just muted for a second.

(S) No worries, I’m just letting everyone know Ken has very kindly come on my show for the New Year's
day show, this is actually Christmas Eve and he's kindly given 2 hours of his time, well a bit more
obviously with a bit of a chat beforehand for this show so you know massive thanks to so Ken.

(K) Well you're welcome it's my pleasure and a bit of a cough and cold so I did pretty good so far.

(S) You've been doing fantastic, so you have.

(K) Thank you, so if we start from that universal principle that we are the creator, we are a sovereign
free will being and the primary method of engagement, so they speak, in the creational field with other
beings is the sovereign and absolute right to contract, so there is many levels where that operates, but
getting back to the fundamentals of law that we started with an hour and a half ago, was that I said that
all law is contract and contract creates jurisdiction and the word jurisdiction is 2 Latin words - iuris which
means law and dicere which means the word. So it establishes it as the word of the law, or what we bind
ourselves to by contractual agreement and that agreement creates an oath and the word iuris has
another layer of definition, which means oath and we can follow this all the way back to the origins of
the set-up to create the Crown Corporation, to own all of the land, because how did that get set up? It
got set up with the landed gentry, with the aristocracy, all of whom were regional essentially warlords.
They were counts and barons and earls and so forth and the feudal system in which an oath of fealty or
an oath of loyalty, in which the sovereign, the king, who held the land and the count who owned a
county of his landed estate and he would create a contract or an oath of fealty establishing a bond of
jurisdiction oath and so forth with the king and that became the structure of a landlord and those who
hold the sovereign title, but still connected to the crown, holding the lording of the land, or the landlord
and then lifting the serf off the land or the civil body as I said to become landless peasants, or serfs
without land and hence no law because they had no standing, because they're not on the land. But
originally those who have, let’s say basically everybody I’m sure listening to this conversation through
your radio show and millions and millions of others in this world who have that sense of justice and
equity and the sense that things are not right here and especially in terms of the destruction of the
environment, destruction of animals and plants and oceans and rivers and trees and forests and the
subjugation of women and the destruction of the innocence of childhood through all the stuff that is
now emerging to be known as sacrifice and ritual and all that nasty stuff. All that can be summarized in
one simple statement which is that we had a co-creational resonance with this world, with this earth.
That means that if you feel that in your heart and your being, you actually have a proper contract with
this world because in a sovereign free will universe, to come onto a planetary body does actually require
a contractual relationship.

1:40:12 (S) Everything is contract isn’t it I mean you contract whether you want to smoke or have a cup
of coffee.

(K) Exactly but we also are very clear that there are millions of people who are very parasitic especially
those at the top and those parasites came on to this planet without a contract, they came under rules of
war, conquest and engagement and if you look at the entire legal history of this world for 5000 years as I
have, you see fundamentally that it's a cult of death and it's based on a system of war and all of their
current laws based on war and military conquest. But that military conquest is actually an improper non-
contractual intrusion of a parasitic consciousness, whether artificial or biological, because it's both. But
it’s a parasite that had no contractual right to be here and it brought a whole lot of other beings who
didn't have a contractual relationship to this planet and entered into contracts with those beings and
that’s what you might call the first Faustian contract with the devil and all these beings you see playing
things out now …coughing interruption... So those beings who we see playing things out now, you know
the absurd show going on in Washington DC and what goes on in London and what you described as a
proper lawful referendum of 32 counties in Ireland a hundred years ago that the right of might that’s in
their coat of arms, you know that the British Crown comes along and says “well you may do that, but
we’re just going to come in and slaughter you by military conquest” and that’s what has been done
worldwide and that's called, from the Unam Sanctum, you go on to the 1400s and 1500s into other
Papal Bulls that all told and all together create something called the doctrine of discovery that said that
if a crowned sovereign meaning someone that the Pope coronated, which is the ring around the sun
that the Pope who declares that he has some sort of absolute right to be the vicar of the so-called “sun”
that has been “religified” into “son”. If he has the coronation authority to put it on the head of the king
and the king has a flag and he gives the right to a captain of a ship to go across the water and claim any
other land, or board other vessels and create prize and booty to bring back to his sovereign and the
captain gets to keep some and gives some to his crew, that that doctrine of discovery says it doesn't
matter if there is hundreds of millions of living men and women and children in the Americas, they were
not coronated under his so-called Christian authority and therefore the doctrine of discovery and if you
read those Papal Bulls in the 1400s or 1500s they say it right there, they say that those king have the
right to subjugate all of those beings who are considered non-civilized because they were not as yet put
into the civil containment field to be bonded sureties, to be attached to the system we’ve been talking
about and they had the full right to subjugate and if they didn't cooperate just murder them and then
actually charge them a fee for having to murder them, because they didn’t play by the rules. Those are

1:44:38 (S) So is this why we have attorney-generals and all military sort of.

(K) Exactly, but the keys is it's parasitic, we’re dealing with a parasite on this planet. But the good news is
a parasite has no way to actually create, it only mimics the life template of the living creational being.
Those of us who resonate with life, with the earth, with the beauty of creation in this world and all of its
abundance of life, we are here by rightful contractual authority with this planet and we in large part,
those beings listening to this discussion, to your show, for the most part are beings who probably came
here a long time ago to help this world cleanse it of the parasite. And so what we did is we took on the
clothing of the realm, we turned ourselves upside-down, inside-out and ass-backwards and we took on
the dysfunctionality of this world system and we went through a vast amount of time in lineal descent
and ancestry and lifetimes and so forth, so that we can penetrate our consciousness into the fabric of
this entire matrix, which is why I said earlier, why the study and the integration of what we're talking
about is very important for us to break the hold of this matrix and do those things to correct status,
sever the attachments, remove the presumption of consent and all those contractual elements, so that
we can literally break apart or dissolve this matrix system, which is not actually real, it's only a mirror
image of the real living substance of life in our being and the planetary being and the cosmos and
everything in between. So we have that power and we are now taking it up and that is what Panterra is
about, that's what our education through Gemstone University is and something we can talk about next
time is that we are actually in the beginning stages of birthing a new monetary system that's based on
parity based on real value creation and we are jurisdictionally very sound and very private and we have
been recognized as such and they do actually leave us alone because they follow the law. And they leave
me alone because I’ve corrected my status. I’ve had IRS agents come and try to do things with me. I’ve
had the SEC, the FBI and probably many more who don't show up but they all look at us, they all look at
me and there’s one thing that distinguishes us which they can't touch, which is that we've declared
peace and if you look at our website Panterrapca.org, there is various components, our foundational
documents and something called public notices and you'll see there that years ago we presented a
notice of a declaration of who we are to all the world administrative bodies, from the Pope, to the King,
to the Crown, to the Lord Mayor and the President and said this is who we are, do you have the
authority or right or a prior existing basis to say we can't do that. And they never showed up, so we
stand on that and they have always honored that and then individually when you correct your status
you essentially do the same thing and they can't touch it because the whole system was based on the
adherence to that sovereign free will of universal law, that as long as you’re contracted and you’re
voluntarily in that contract, they can do with you as they will, you’re part of their club, you contracted
into it, so they can do with you as they will. But when you say “ah, wait, mistake, I made a mistake, you
didn't tell me everything about it all and now I know it and I remove myself”. It’s a very simple
statement of the steps you have to take, but it is actually pretty simple and as you walk through the
steps, you actually learn and as you learn you expand your awareness and that penetrates your
consciousness into this matrix that has held you in its claws and fed off you for millions of years and
many lifetimes and you break those bonds and you start resolving the karma. And when we came in
upside-down, inside-out and ass-backwards we took on the clothing of the Realm, because we are so
powerful as we transmute that by becoming aware of it and taking the steps in this physical reality and
the legal and the monetary reality, it starts transmuting the matrix itself, because we are the source of
its creation and so we can literally uncreate it and that's what we must do and that's what we are doing.

1:49:56 (S) So it doesn't leave the individual who has corrected their status, it doesn't leave them, you
know, not floating in commerce anymore, but floating elsewhere on their own with no connection back
to that system that maybe has fed generations.

(K) Well, there’s several components of that. One is that phrase “be in the world but not of it” so we can
change and say be in the matrix but not of it, so let's go to the movie The Matrix. What happened when
they were floating around in the real world in the Nebuchadnezzar, they could project an avatar into the
matrix and they could operate in the matrix, we can do the same thing, the matrix is made up of legal
fictions, so we can create legal fictions and project ourselves through that, we can also set it up so that
we can transit through the matrix under a principle of safe harbor.

(S) It’s absolutely brilliant that you mentioned that we can actually use to matrix that we can actually
use the system and that we can actually with knowledge make sure it doesn't damage us.

(K) And this gets into many aspects that we don't have time for today we can pick up next time which
has to do with the state law, trust law, what a society is, I want to end our conversation and discuss that.
You asked that question earlier and I’ve been holding that back and we’ll finish up with that. But it gets
into understanding and again for everybody listening it sounds very complex, but I can assure you that it
becomes simpler as you take it in and you start breaking the pre-programmed mind control construct of
what you thought was real and it only requires a willingness to let go. And when you’re willing to let go
you start animating your free will, you start making choices and you start solidifying your being with
your directive principle which is your will and you start grounding it into your physical body which is the
materia mater, or the mother of the material of our physical environment which is the feminine
principle. And the feminine in a universal sense is regenerative, it is continually regenerative moment-
to-moment, birthing and rebirthing ourselves continually in life, so where the healing, internally, when
we say inner work or spiritual work, has to do with healing what has been broken apart, the feminine
regenerate principal. Healing the schism, which is a split of the masculine principle to put our mind into
a binary system, because we are controlled by an AI binary computerized system and it controls our
mind and so we see everything through the lens of a polarized binary reality construct, that’s the
Machiavellian principle of divide and conquer and internally that’s the enemy construct, so when we
start removing our self from the field of battle, which commerce is a field of battle, we remove ourselves
from that militarized, polarized, war machine and what do we do, we go to peace. So Panterra Society
declared itself to be at peace. We sent an offer of peace and treaty to the Holy See and they accepted it.
How do we know that? Because they didn't send it back and say we don't accept and so that’s on the
Panterra site that people can read and so we declared peace, we go to peace. You must do that
internally and a lot of people like you mentioned Julian and that you had interviewed him and he was
here visiting us when he told me about a week and a half ago.

1:54:07) (S) Justin do you mean.

(K) I mean Justin, so Justin was visiting us and that’s when he introduced me to you and you know one
night he was actually watching a video of some Irish man on the street screaming at a policeman “no
you don’t have a right” and this and that and he was totally going to war and this is the hook, this is
where they catch you, because the minute you engage in their military field, they control it and they
win. And we have had vast amount of experience trying to convince people who’ve been in this law
movement, to go to them and say you know what, if you stop the fight, if you pull back and you go to
peace you have a billion times more power than what you’d think makes you powerful because what
you’re really doing is when you're in rage, you're expressing your sense of impotence and you have no
power there and you can go to court and do all these things but you're in their military field of battle
and you have no power there, you are conquered people and so it all actually makes sense and it is
simple and to answer your question about how does one live their life. Well this is what we've been
building in Panterra for many years solutions for how to remove yourself from the field battle, how to
set up avatars and other constructions so you can operate in the matrix and hold assets or hold accounts
and so forth and be able to live because in the United States in my 30 years experiences there are a lot
of people who “are free” who didn't go to battle so much and they figured it out and they didn’t go to
prison, but most of them have nothing going in their life, they are completely ineffectual. They’re free,
they get pulled over and the cop can’t give them a ticket, they don’t pay taxes, all those things but they
have no real force and effect in the world.

1:56:27 (S) I’ve plenty of friends like that yes.

(K) And the matrix is happy to say ok you're free but you're inconsequential. Well I came into this world
to actually change it and make an impact so that we could rebuild or re-animate and bring it into the
real world, so that the false world that's broken would dissolve and to do that we must have the
substance of the world, we must have money, capital, the things that move real things in this world and
that’s what we’ll talk about next time what we have arrived at with things that are quite extraordinary
offering a quantum scale solution, meaning that we're not going to have to do “onesies-and-twosies”,
we’re going to be able to start moving large numbers of people through this process to return, to
remove themselves from being lost at sea, to get onto the land, to have standing on the land, to hold
the law and to have the ability to state a claim to claim their living substance, their inherent right to be
living here totally and absolutely free as a sovereign free will being and to actually be functional in
building and healing this world.

1:57:55 (S) Well I think that's why we're all here at the moment, you know Ken and honestly fantastic to
know that you exist, I didn't know Panterra existed before Justin Zaleski told me about you, I didn't
know about the Gemstone University, I want everyone to check out the two websites Panterrapca.org
and of course gemstoneuniversity.org as well. I really want to get involved at some stage, so maybe
that's why Justin put us in contact with each other Ken, I’m absolutely thrilled that you've come on the
show and I want to thank you so much. As I said I’m a poet and it's my New Year's day show and I was
asked by a friend of mine to read a poem, so I thought the best way to do that was to ask my wonderful
guest would you like to hear a poem? Have anything else to say?

(K) Yes and also I’m a poet too, so I would love to hear a poem from you and I would like to share a
poem from me, ok, and I would like to definitely set this as the first of an un-numbered amount of
future conversations because I feel very connected with you, I enjoyed this and we can continue to
expand on it and get into more detail for your listeners and we'll put it on the Gemstone University
YouTube channel and so forth and there is a lot more, not only in the detail, history, law, money and all
of the rest of that but more importantly actually is where we are at and what we are about to enter into
because we are definitely entering into a new level of acceleration of the healing of this world and
ourselves and the removing of this parasitic overlay.

2:00:00 (S) I hope so, so much.

(K) So the last thing just to wrap it up you asked at the very beginning, you asked it in the form of what's
the difference between a private society and a trust. Well I’m not really going to answer the trust part
because we will leave that for next time, but trusts are a part of equity and there is something in the law
of equity called the 20 maxims of equity and we can start next show talking about the maxims of equity
and when I speak of universal law I’m speaking of universal equity. Equity is balance, equanimity,
harmony and all the rest of that. And it is hardwired in the world system of law but it has been removed
from access of almost everybody on the planet, because for as long as you are a bonded surely to that
bankrupt franchise, the only legal system you have available is the civil code and the civil code is only
about mariners, merchants and their property and in that UCC civil code system, who you all are is
property, so when you go into court all they're doing is adjudicating for the public policy and the public
funds under bankruptcy and military occupation the property that is pledged as collateral to that
bankrupt estate. So if you don't want to be property of this parasitic system, this Marshall warring
destructive cult of death, then your only choice is to remove yourself from that and walk back into the
living real world. So that gets into equity and trust law and all that, we’ll talk about that next time, but a
society all aggregations or gathering of beings together is considered a society all secular systems of
government and national identity are set as societies. I talked about the Law of Nations and the very
first clause in it starts by saying a nation is a group of men as a society who come together for a common
purpose. Of course men excluded women 200 or so years ago, but it is established that a nation is a
society. All religious entities are a society, the church calls itself a society. There are corporate societies
that are public entities like the American Cancer Society or the Society of Retired Persons, or things like
that, many, many societies, but they are all set up as corporations, they are given tax exemption so they
are given that benefit to be a corporate commercial entity and they're called a society or a foundation or
501 C-3, things like that. But there can also be a private society, there is no rule that limits people from
coming together as a private society and this goes back to the origins of their entire Judeo-Christian geo-
political ////2:03:09//// construction and it's called an ecclesia and the word ecclesia is the root of the
word ecclesiastical, of course we think of that in religious terms and the word religion in Latin means to
bind again, so we have been talking about bondage. So when you come into a religion you are accepting
a contract to be bound to it and there are many forms of religion, not just Catholic and Hebrew, Jewish
and Islam and so forth, the medical system is a religion, they are priests. The judicial system is a religion,
so on and so forth, so that's all on the public side, those are religious or secular societies, but we have
the right to form an ecclesia which means in the root of the word in Greek it means a body set apart, or
a body of the congregation, congregation does not have to mean religion, it just means two or more
come together and form a larger whole and create a body, a living body of two or more. So that's the
esoteric meaning of that phrase attributed to Jesus in the Bible, when two or more come together in my
name, but has nothing to do with the overlay of the religious construct that was created by the Catholic
church to create savior messiah complex that everybody's entrained into binding themselves to and thus
giving jurisdiction to that church. It meant esoterically that when you set yourself apart, you remove
yourself from the Roman civil system, the Babylonian money magic system, or the bonded commercial
debt system of mariners and merchants, that you remove yourself from it, you walk back into light out
of the system or the cult of death and now you become, when you come together with others, you
become an ecclesia and so we have the right to form a society and then a society has the right to create
its own court, its own law form, its own jurisdiction, its own treasury and its own form of self-
governance. That's what we have done with Panterra for almost 20-years and out of that we did form a
court and that court is called the Panterra d’Oro court of the ecclesia, the ecclesia being the living body
of those living beings who have walked into life, who have removed themselves from the cult of death
and are standing in life and all the rest of what we talked about and so then we have standing on the
land to establish our law and this is where we're going with this and out of the court of the ecclesia we
are continually birthing more private societies. So you can form a private society even if you haven't
corrected your status and you can hold in the jurisdiction of Panterra the substance of what you create
with the layering of avatars and other entities that we have done and that's all in our education and the
guidance that we provide for our members so that's what a private society is.
2:06:55 (S) Very good and it's brilliant and so the Gemstone University is really a networking site I
suppose full of information.

(K) We have members in probably at least 35 to 40 of the US states and almost all the Canadian
provinces and all the major commonwealth countries and probably total of about 35 to 40 countries and
next time we come together we'll talk about equity, the maxims of equity, how to understand this more
and we'll talk about what the Panterra and gemstone is launching to expand our capacity to provide this
education and solutions for anybody who wishes to take this step as we’ve described.

2:07:45 (S) Fantastic and I’m honored you’re on my radio show Out Of The Bag. I’ve been on People's
Internet Radio for the last 9 years, recently joined with Healing Oracle Radio. the People's Internet
Radio’s catchphrase really is that we are seeking solutions and that's exactly what you've been giving us
and possibly are giving to every individual that checks you out that, you know, basically we need to do
this individually but obviously as a group globally wouldn't it be wonderful if we can become a power
and have a currency that's bigger than the dollar for example.

(K) Absolutely, nothing in our way.

(S) I don't think so, I really think we should just go for it. Ken it's been absolutely amazing and brilliant
and I didn't realize that the two hours would fly by so much. I know the you're not well so we're going to
knock it on the head of course until the next time you come on, which I hope is only going to be maybe a
month down the road, or whenever you're free and we can do it again. Can I hear a poem from you or
would you want to hear one from me before we go.

2:09 (K) I’m looking for looking through my computer, I just switched things over to a new computer, ok
I found what I’m looking but go ahead and you read yours

(S) Ok what I want to do for you is a bit of numerology, astrology, karma the whole bloody lot, let's use
it, synchronicity. Would you be willing to pick a number between 10 and 90 and not let it mean anything
at all just let the universe give you a number between 10 and 90.

(K) Ok 77.

2:10 (S) Ok well I’ve got a little book called Out of the Bag a selection of poems by myself and I’m going
to page 77, I’m going to read you the poem. Wow well I wrote this many years ago it starts on page 76
and it goes on the page 77 and it's called “It looks like evil’s won” and it goes like this.

2:10:11 Poem.

(K) I actually rarely have the opportunity to read poems out loud and I haven't really written much
poetry in probably 30 to 40 years so I’m going to read 2 poems and both of these were written between
30 and 40 years ago. So the first one is called today.

2:11:30 Poem.

(S) Great stuff, that's lovely, I love it and you’ve got another one for us.

(K) Yes, one more, this is called The living light

2:14:00 Poem
2:17:11 (S) Wonderful stuff, I’m humbled so I am Ken thank you finishing off with a bit of poetry as well.
I mean, what more can the listeners ask for on this New Year's day show, I want to say thank you Ken
Scott from the family Cousens, thank you

(K) Ok, thank you Sean and will be in touch very soon

(S) Absolutely, thank you very much

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