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Class 8
Topic: Respiration And Circulation
Reinforcement Worksheet


Q1. MCQs.

1) Which type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?
a) Veins b) Arteries
c) Capillaries d) Arteries and veins

2) What part of the blood carries minerals, vitamins, sugar and other foods to the body’s
a) Plasma b) Platelets
c) Red cells d) White cells

3) Which of the following can best be compared to soldiers?

a) Capillaries b) Red blood cells
c) White blood cells d) Platelets

4) Oxygen moves from the lungs into the blood stream through,
a) A nerve fiber b) A large artery in the heart
c) A small blood vessels in the lungs d) A tube in the lung

5) What body structure protects the lungs from physical injury?

a) Cartilage b) Tiny sac
c) The rib cage d) Diaphragm

6) Which of the following disease is unlikely to be caused by smoking:

a) lung cancer b) tuberculosis
b) bronchitis d) heart attack

7) Inhaled air contains about 78 % nitrogen. What is the approximate percentage

concentration of nitrogen in exhaled air?
a) 8% b) 10%
c) 78% d) 16%
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8) When we inhale,
a) our intercostal muscles contract and our ribs move down
b) our diaphragm muscles contract and the ribs move up
c) our diaphragm muscles contract and the ribs move down
d) our intercostal muscles contract and the diaphragm muscles relax.

9) Inhalation and exhalation of air is called

a) breathing b) diffusion
c) respiration d) gaseous exchange

10) Which statement is not correct when comparing respiration and burning a fuel?
a)respiration is fast and not controlled, burning is rapid and controlled
b) both respiration and burning produce water and carbon dioxide
c) both respiration and burning use up oxygen
d)both respiration and burning release heat energy, but only burning gives out light too

Q2. Complete the sentences.

i) Glucose + _______________  _____________ + Water

ii) The function of blood platelets is to _________________________________.
iv) The function of heart is to ________________________________________________.
v) Arteries and veins are joined together by thin walled vessels called ________________.

Q3. Fill in the blanks.

1) Another name for the wind pipe is ___________________.

2) Lungs are made up of tiny sac like structures called _________________.
3) Blood vessels are of __________________ types.
4) ______________ are responsible for blood clotting
5) Pulmonary artery carries _______________ blood.

Q4. Write True or False. Rewrite the correct statement.

1) Blood turns dark red when oxygen in it is replaced with carbon dioxide.
2) Pulmonary vein contains oxygenated blood.
3) Upper chambers of human heart are bigger than lower chambers.
4) Oxygenated blood flows through veins.

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5) Exchange of gases takes place through thin walls of capillaries.
6) The Blood circulatory system is made up of lungs, blood and blood vessels.
7) Human heart has five chambers.
8) The right side of heart receives oxygenated blood.

Q5. Match the following arteries with the organs in which they supply blood & write the
correct answer in Column ‘C’.

Column A – Artery Column B - Organs Column C

i) Pulmonary a. Head and arms
ii) Renal b. Lungs
iii) Hepatic c. Legs
iv) Carotid d. Kidney
v) Sciatic e. Liver

Q6. The list gives some structures in the blood and circulatory system.

heart artery red blood cells ventricle capillary

plasma vein white blood cells platelets

(a) Which of these structures

(i) Can destroy bacteria?........................................
(ii) Carries carbon dioxide?..............................................
(iii) Carries blood to organs?.......................................
(iv) Carries blood from organs?...............................................
(v) Carries oxygen?...............................................................

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Q7. Compare the following. (Give two differences in each)






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Q8. Diagram 1 below shows the lungs and the trachea, the airway leading to the lungs. One of
the lungs is drawn in section.

a) Name, in the correct order, the structures that incoming air would pass through between
the nasal cavity and the alveolus.

b) In the wall of the trachea, there are pieces of a stiff material called cartilage.
Why is this stiff material necessary in the wall of the trachea?

c) What happens in the alveoli?


d) How is the structure of the alveoli help it to perform its function?


e) The diagram below shows a ciliated cell from the lining of the airway.
(i) What is the function of this cell in the airway?
(ii) This cell is affected by substances in cigarette smoke.
What effect does cigarette smoke have on the cilia?

(iii) Name the substance present in cigarette smoke, which causes addiction to smoking.

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f) On the diagram;
(i) Write letter X where oxygen enters the blood;
(ii) an arrow showing the direction the diaphragm moves when we breathe in.

Q9a. Read the following information.

During the process of respiration, chemical reaction takes place.
These chemical reactions:-
 Use up oxygen and glucose
 Produce carbon dioxide and water
 Release energy
Use this information to complete the following diagram.



b. What is the function of the rings of cartilage in the respiratory passage?

c. Describe the role of cilia and mucus in the Respiratory System.
Q10.In what two ways will the blood coming from the Pulmonary Artery differ from the blood
going into the Pulmonary Vein?

Q11. Lactic Acid is produced in muscles cells after a period of exercise.

(a) Name the process which produces lactic acid.
(b) Write the word equation of the above process.
(c) How is this process different from respiration.
(d) Explain why the blood flow to the muscles increases during exercise.

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Q12.The diagram shows a plan of part of the circulation.



(a) Name the blood vessel labeled:

(i) C..................................
(ii) D...................................
(iii) B.......................................
(b) Which of the four blood vessels contains most oxygen?......................................
(c) What happens to the amount of oxygen in the blood as it passes through the body organs?
(d) What is the chamber of the heart labelled X?..........................................

Q13. The table gives a list of statements concerned with arteries, veins and capillaries. Tick
(√) the correct box to indicate which statement applies to which type of blood vessel.


Pick up oxygen from the
alveoli in the lungs
Carry blood at high
Are in close contact with
cells of the body
Have valves

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Q14. Look at the diagram of the human heart and answer the questions.

a) Describe the relative oxygen content of the blood at points X and Y on the diagram.
b) What is the function of D in the heart?

c) Part labeled as A is the pulmonary artery. How is different from other arteries in the

d) Identify F and E parts in the heart diagram. Explain why does part E exert more pressure
than F?

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Q15. Three students measured their pulse rates before a game of squash. They measured
their pulse rates again after the game every minute for 3 minutes. The table shows their

a) Which student had the highest pulse rate after the game of squash?

b) Which of the three students was the fittest? Give two reasons for your answer.

c) What is the function of heamoglobin in red blood cells?


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