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This questionnaire is part of a study, which seeks to determine the impact of teacher’s use
and students’ experience of work teams on the students’ level of engagement. You are requested
to answer the questions sincerely.
Please be assured that your responses will be dealt with utmost confidentiality and will be
solely used as part of the data needed to realize the objective of this study.
Thank you very much.
-Jayson S. Digamon, MAEd-ELT
Ma. Florecilla C. Cinches, Ph.D.

PART I. Student Level of Engagement in Work Teams

The following items may be answered using the following responses made below. Please
check which corresponds to your answer.

1 - Always 100% of the time (about 9 out of 10)

2 - Usually 75% of the time (about 7 out of 10)
3 - Frequently 60% of the time (about 5 out of 10)
4 - Sometimes 30% of the time (about 4 out of 10)
5 - Never 20% of the time (about 2 out of 10)

Statements Always Usually Frequently Sometimes Never

(Authentic Engagement)
1. I see the activity
personally meaningful.
2. My interest is high that I
never stop doing it until it
is done well.
3. I find the task challenging
because I can sense its
meaning to me as a
4. My goal is for me to
perform and get the
activity right.
5. The activity attracts me to
do it.
6. I enjoy as I do the work.
(Strategic Compliance)
7. I do the work because I
want to get high grades.
8. I do the task because I
want the teacher to
appreciate me.
9. I do the task because I
want my group mates to
recognize my presence in
the group.
10. My interest in doing the
task decreases if the
teacher doesn’t give me
grades after the activity.
11. I want to feel I belong
with the rest of my group
12. I do the activity because I
am tasked to do it by the
(Ritual Compliance)
13. Just following and doing
the task is OK for me.
14. I follow the activity
because I don’t want my
teacher to reprimand/scold
15. I do the task because I
don’t want my group
mates to get mad at me.
16. I am looking forward to
the end of the activity and
finish the task.
17. I don’t want my group
mates to think I’m useless
in the activity.
18. I want to feel I have
something to contribute to
the group in the activity.
19. I think about other things
during a group activity
20. I don’t think the activity
helps me in any way.
21. I feel I can’t do the
22. I don’t see any relevance
of the activity.
23. I don’t attempt to disrupt
or disturb my group mates
in the activity.
24. I let my group mates do
what they are doing. I just
observe them.
25. I don’t like to do the
activity given by the
26. I do another thing other
than what the teacher
gives the group.
27. I don’t follow the
teacher’s instruction.
28. I don’t want to do the
work of the group.
29. I choose to derail or
destroy some of the work
during the activity.
30. I learn little or nothing
from the task assigned
because I did something

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