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(UNIT - V)

2 Marks:-
1. What is an under reamed pile? (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. What are the different types of slope failure? (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. What are different types of slopes? (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. Define the use of Culmann’s Construction. (Nov / Dec 2011)
5. What is meant by infinite slope? (Apr / May 2012)
6. State the assumptions made in Rankine’s earth pressure theory. (Apr / May 2012)
7. Why the retaining walls are designed for passive earth pressure rather than active earth pressure? (Apr / May
8. Why the back fill drainage is quite essential? (Apr / May 2012)
9. Define coefficient of earth pressure. (Apr / May 2012)
10. Give the criteria of design of gravity retaining walls. (Apr / May 2012)
11. What is earth pressure at rest? (Nov / Dec 2012)
12. Define the term ‘critical height’ in slope. (Nov / Dec 2012)
13. If Poisson’s ratio of soil is 0.4, find its coefficient of earth pressure at rest. (Nov / Dec 2012)
14. What are the different types of failure of slopes? (Apr / May 2013)
15. Differentiate active and passive earth pressure. (Apr / May 2013)
16. State the direction and magnitude of wall movement required for the mobilization of active and passive earth
pressure respectively. (Nov / Dec 2013)
17. The critical height of an embankment having an angle of slope of 40° and constructed soil having
c’=30kN/m2, ɸ=20° and effective unit weight = 18kN/m2. Find the allowable height of the embankment if Fc =
Fɸ = 1.25. (Nov / Dec 2013)
18. Define area ratio. (Nov / Dec 2013)
19. List the methods of estimating the stability of finite slopes. (Apr / May 2014)
20. Give two examples of actual structures with stratified backfill. (Apr / May 2014)
21. How do you check the stability of retaining wall? (Apr / May 2014)
22. Write down the assumptions made in the coulomb’s theory. (Apr / May 2014)
23. Define stability Number. (Apr / May 2014)
24. What is meant by plastic equilibrium in soils? (Apr / May 2014)
25. What is a slip circle? (Nov / Dec 2015)
26. Sketch active and passive earth pressure exerted by a cohesion-less soil. (Nov / Dec 2015)
27. What are the types of slope failure? (Nov / Dec 2015)
28. Define coefficient of earth pressure. (Nov / Dec 2015)
29. Differentiate between the infinite and finite slopes. (Nov / Dec 2015)
30. What is meant by tension crack? (Nov / Dec 2015)
31. What are the probable types of failure of a slope? (Apr / May 2016)
32. How Bishop’s method of stability analysis is different from Swedish Circle method? (Apr / May 2016)
33. Differentiate between finite and infinite slopes. (Apr / May 2016)
34. What is earth pressure at rest? How is it determined? (Apr / May 2016)
35. Define Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure. (Apr / May 2016)
36. Define Stability Number. (Apr / May 2016)

16 Marks:-
1. Discuss briefly the culmann’s graphical method to obtain active earth pressure. (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. A retaining wall is 4m high. Its back is vertical and it has got sandy backfill up to its top. The top of the fill is
horizontal and carries a uniform surcharge of 85kN/m 2. Determine the active pressure on the wall per meter
length of wall. Water table is 1m below the top of the fill. Dry density of soil = 18.5kN/m3. Moisture content
of soil above water table = 12%. Angle of internal friction of soil = 30°, specific gravity of soil particles =
2.65. Porosity of backfill = 30%. The wall friction may be neglected. (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. a) What are different types of slope failures?
b) Write short notes on taylors stability number.
c) Explain slip circle method of stability analysis. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. a) Define the use of Rebhanns Construction.
b) Draw the variation of various earth pressure with the all movement.
c) (i) State assumptions made in Rankine’s earth pressure theory. (Nov / Dec 2011)
(ii) A 4.5 m high gravity retaining wall that is restrained from yielding retains sand of angle of internal
friction of 30°. The water table is at a depth of 3 m from the top of the backfill. The unit weight of sand above
and below water table is 16kN/m3 and 19.81kN/m3 respectively. Find the total force on the wall.
5. A retaining wall, 4 m high supports a backfill having cohesion 22Kpa, angle of internal friction 29°, and bulk
unit weight 19.25 kN/m3 with horizontal top flushes with top of the wall. The backfill carries a surcharge of 25
kN/m2. Draw the lateral earth pressure distribution diagram and compute the total active and passive earth
pressure on the wall and their point of application. (Apr / May 2012)
6. Describe in details about
a. Taylor’s stability Number.
b. Assumptions made in Coulomb’s wedge theory.
c. Culmaan’s graphical method.
d. Stability analysis of retaining wall. (Apr / May 2012)
7. a. What are the different types of failure?
b. Explain friction circle method of stability analysis? (Apr / May 2012)
8. a. Differentiate active and passive earth pressure.
b. A wall with a smooth vertical back 9 m high supports a purely cohesive soil with c = 10 kN/m3 and Y = 18
kN/m3. Determine the total Rankine active thrust per meter run, the position of zero pressure and the distance
of center of pressure from base. (Apr / May 2012)
9. a. How will you calculate the factor of safety of an infinite slope in a C-ɸ soils?
b. A canal having side slopes 1 to 1 is proposed to be constructed in a cohesive soil to a depth of 5m, below
ground surface. The soil properties are given below:
ɸ = 15°, C = 12kPa, e= 1.0, G = 2.65
Find the factor of safety with respect to cohesion against failure of the bank slopes,
i) when the canal is full of water.
ii) when there is a sudden draw down of water in the canal. (Nov / Dec 2012)
10. a. What are the limitations of Rankine’s earth pressure theory? How are these limitations overcome in
Coulom’s earth pressure theory?
b. The height of a retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 4.5 m. The backfill sand has a horizontal
surface in level with the top of wall and carries a uniformly distributed surcharge of 20kPa. The unit weight
and angle of internal friction are 19 kN/m 3 and 30° respectively. The water table is at an elevation of 2.0 m
below the top of the fill behind the wall. Calculate the total active thrust per unit width and locate its point of
application. Assume the submersed unit weight of soil as 11 kN/m 3. (Nov / Dec 2012)
11. a. Briefly explain the different types of slope failures.
b. A proposed cutting in a homogeneous cohesive soil is 5.0 m deep with slope angle of 30°. Using Taylor’s
stability chart, determine the factor of safety against shear failure for the following soils. (i) C u=50kN/m2, unit
weight = 18kN/m3 and ɸu = 0° (ii) Cu = 35kN/m2, unit weight = 16kN/m3 and ɸu=15°. (Nov / Dec 2012)
12. a. Briefly explain the factors that influence the design considerations for retaining walls.
b. A retaining wall 5 m high is retaining a soil mass having Cu = 35kN/m2, unit weight = 18kN/m3 and
ɸu = 15°. What is the total Rankine active pressure, if the horizontal surface of the soil carries a surcharge of
100kN/m2? Locate the point of application of resultant thrust. (Nov / Dec 2012)
13. Explain friction circle method of stability analysis. (Apr / May 2013)
14. a. Derive an expression for factor of safety of an infinite slope in c-Ǿ soil.
b. How can earth pressure be determined graphically by Culmann’s method? (Apr / May 2013)
15. a. Explain the method of analysis of a finite slope made of purely cohesive soil by slip circle method.
b. A 4.5 m high gravity retaining wall that is restrained from yielding retains sand of angle of internal friction
of 30°. The water table is at a depth of 3 m from the top of the backfill. The unit weight of sand above and
below water table is 16 kN/m3 and 19.81 kN/m3 respectively. Find the magnitude and the location of the total
force on the wall per unit length. (Apr / May 2013)
16. a. Prove from the first principles that the factor of safety of an infinite slope made of cohesionless soil is
independent of height of the embankment.
b. Sate the assumptions in Rankine’s earth pressure theory. What are its limitations? How are these limitations
overcome in Coulomb’s earth pressure theory? (Apr / May 2013)
17. Explain Coulombs theory of earth pressure in detail. (Nov / Dec 2013)
18. A smooth vertical wall of height 4m, retains a cohensionless backfill with an angle of internal friction of 30°,
void ratio of 0.62 and specific gravity of solids of 2.7. Draw the active earth pressure distribution diagram if
the soil is i) Dry, ii) Saturated, iii) submerged. (Nov / Dec 2013)
19. a. An embankment slope of height 5m and inclination 50° made of cohesive soil with C=25kN/m 2 and unit
weight 20kN/m3 is analysed with a trial circle through toe with radius 11m and the centroid of the slip zone is
located at 3.85m from the centre of rotation. The circular arc is 16.52m long and the weight of the wedge is
1010kN, Determine the factor of safety.
b. Explain friction circle method of slope stability analysis. (Nov / Dec 2013)
20. a. A wall 6 m high has smooth vertical back and it retains a non-cohesive leveled backfill with γ=18 kN/m 3,
ɸ=30°. Determine (i) total lateral pressure in the active state (ii) total active pressure if the backfill is
submerged (γsat=20kN/m3).
b. Explain Culmann’s graphical method of determining lateral earth pressure. (Nov / Dec 2013)
21. A smooth vertical wall 5m high, retains soil with c=30kN/m 2 and Yb=16kN/m3. The backfill is inclined at 15°
to horizontal and ground water table is at 3.0m below the top of backfill. Draw the passive pressure
distribution diagram. Also determine the magnitude and location of its resultant. (Apr / May 2014)
22. a. Explain the role played by factors that induces or influences instability in slopes.
b. Explain the Swedish slip circle method of investigation of stability of finite slope with necessary sketches.
(Apr / May 2014)
23. a. With sketches, explain different techniques adopted for back-fill drainage.
b. Determine the active earth pressure on the retaining wall shown in Figure.1 by Rebhann’s graphical
method. Take angle of repose as 30°, angle of friction between soil and wall as 25° and unit weight of soil as
(Apr / May 2014)

24. A smooth vertical retaining wall of 9m high retains for a top 4.5m soil with cohesion 0 and internal friction
30°; the unit weight of soil is 19 kN/m2. For the bottom 4.5m, the soil has cohesion of 0 and internal friction
36°, the unit weight of soil is 20 kN/m 2. Top surface of the soil is horizontal. Find the resultant pressure and its
point of application. (Apr / May 2014)
25. Discuss briefly, the Culmann’s graphical method to obtain active earth pressure. (Apr / May 2014)
26. a. Give a critical comparison of the coulomb and Rankines earth pressure theories.
b. Compute the active earth pressure on a smooth vertical wall 10m supporting a cohesive back fill with
horizontal surface with cohesion 10kN/m 2 and bulk density of 20 kN/m 3. Also determine the position of zero
lateral earth pressure and distance of centre of pressure above the base. (Apr / May 2014)
27. a. Explain the friction circle method for stability analysis of slopes.
b. Explain the different types of slope failure with neat sketches. (Apr / May 2014)
28. A smooth vertical wall 4.6m high, retains soil with c=33kN/m 2 and Yb=18kN/m3. The backfill is inclined at
10° to horizontal and ground water table is at 1.50m below the top of backfill. Soil above the water table is
saturated with capillary rise of water. Draw the passive pressure distribution diagram. Also determine the
magnitude and location of its resultant. (Nov / Dec 2015)
29. Describe the friction circle method of investigation of stability of finite slope with necessary sketches.
(Nov / Dec 2015)
30. A gravity retaining wall retains 12m of back fill γ=17.7kN/m 3, ɸ=25° with uniform horizontal surface.
Assume the wall interface to be vertical. Determine the magnitude and point of application of the total active
pressure. If the water table is at a height of 6m how far do the magnitude and point of application of active
pressure changed? Draw pressure diagram. (Nov / Dec 2015)
31. Explain the Culmann’s graphical procedure for determining the lateral earth pressure with neat diagram.
(Nov / Dec 2015)
32. a. What are the different types of slope failure?
b. Explain friction circle method of stability analysis. (Nov / Dec 2015)
33. a. What are the assumptions made in Rankine’s earth pressure theory?
b. Explain Culmaan’s graphical method of earth pressure theory? (Nov / Dec 2015)
34. Explain with neat sketch the Swedish Slip Circle method. (Apr / May 2016)
35. Discuss about Bishop’s method of stability analysis of slopes. (Apr / May 2016)
36. Explain in detail the slip circle method of stability analysis. (Apr / May 2016)
37. a. State the assumptions made in Rankine’s earth pressure theory.
b. A retaining wall with a vertical back 6m high supports a cohesionless backfill of unit weight 19kN/m 3. The
upper surface of backfill rises at an angle of 10° with horizontal, from the crest of wall. The angle of internal
friction for the soil is 35°. Draw the active earth pressure distribution diagram. (Apr / May 2016)

2 Marks:-
1. Name the different types of raft. (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. What are the various causes of settlement? (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. Define immediate settlement. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. Under what circumstances mat footing is adopted. (Nov / Dec 2011)
5. Furnish the situations under which trapezoidal combined footing will be recommended? (Apr / May 2012)
6. Calculate the efficiency of nine member square pile group as per Converse Labarre’s formula if the centre to
centre spacing is 2.5 times that of diameter of pile? (Apr / May 2012)
7. What are the major reasons for time dependent settlement? (Apr / May 2012)
8. How uniform earth pressure is achieved under raft foundation carrying non-uniform load? (Apr / May 2012)
9. What are the causes of settlement? (Apr / May 2012)
10. Define contact pressure. (Apr / May 2012)
11. When you provide rectangular combined footing? (Nov / Dec 2012)
12. Write the values of permissible settlements for raft in sandy soil and in clay as per BIS. (Nov / Dec 2012)
13. Mention the specific situation where strap footing is adopted. (Nov / Dec 2012)

16 Marks:-
1. a. Compute the settlement of rigid footing 2.6m x 2.6m carrying a load of 1800kN, supported on a sandy soil
if a plate load test gives a settlement of 8mm under a load of 320kN/m 2. Size of plate 30cm x 30cm.
b. Plate load test was performed on dense sand. Size of plate is 0.2m x 0.2m Find the settlement of a footing
of size 3m x 3m under the pressure of 20kN/m2 if the plate settles by 5mm under this pressure.
(Nov / Dec 2011)
2. Briefly explain how proportioning and structural design of trapezoidal footing is done with diagram.
(Nov / Dec 2011)
3. a. Specify maximum permissible settlement for isolated and raft foundation on sand and clayey soil.
b. What are the various causes and remedial measures of settlement?
c. Soil profile at a building site consists of dense sand upto 2m depth. Normally loaded soft clay from 2m to
6m depth and impervious rock below 6m depth ground water table is at 0.4m depth below ground level. Sand
has a density 1.85t/m3 above water table and 1.9t/m3 below water table. For clay w=50%, LL=65%, G=2.65.
Calculate the settlement resulting from a uniformly distributed surface of 4t/m 2 applied over an extensive area
of site. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. a. Under what circumstances, a strap footing is adopted.
b. Brief the design procedure of isolated footing.
c. Briefly explain the structural design of spread footing. (Nov / Dec 2011)
5. Critically discuss the choices of different shallow foundation with different site conditions. State the merits
and demerits of each foundation type. (Apr / May 2012)
6. Two adjacent columns are to be supported by a trapezoidal combined footing. The heavier column carries a
load of 5000 kN and size of 500mm x 500mm. The lighter column carries a load of 3500 kN with a size of
350mm x 350mm. The columns are 5.30m c/c. Take allowable bearing capacity as 320kN/m 2. Assume the
heavier column is on the property line. Proportion a suitable foundation. (Apr / May 2012)
7. a. What are the causes and effects of Settlement?
b. A saturated soil has a compressive index of 0.25. Its voids ratio at a stress of 10kN/m 2 is 2.02 and its
permeability is 3.4 x 10-7 mm/s.
(i) Change in voids ratio if the stress is increased to 19kN/m2
(ii) Settlement in (i) if the soil stratum is 5m thick and
(iii) Time required for 40% Consolidation if the drainage is one-way. (Apr / May 2012)
8. a. What is Contact Pressure? And draw the pressure distribution diagrams for the rigid footing.
b. A square column of size 500 x 500 mm carries an axial load of 1200kN including its weight. The safe
bearing capacity of the soil is 120kN/m2. Design the square footing. (Apr / May 2012)
9. How will you estimate the settlement of a pile group? Explain the procedure with necessary sketch. (Apr /
May 2012)
10. Explain the friction circle method of estimating the stability of slope. (Apr / May 2012)
11. a. A reinforced concrete pile weighing 30kN is driven by a drop hammer weighing 40kN and effective fall of
0.8m. The average set per blow is 1.4cm. The elastic compression is 1.8cm, α=0.25, F.S=2. Determine the
ultimate bearing capacity of pile.
b. Explain the classification of piles based on their function. (Apr / May 2012)
12. a. Explain under reamed pile foundation.
b. What are the different components of settlement? Explain. (Apr / May 2012)
13. a. Explain under reamed piles.
b. A pile is driven with a single acting steam hammer of weight 15kN with a free fall of 900mm, the final set
is 27.5mm. Find the safe load using the Engineering News Formula. (Nov / Dec 2012)
14. a. Explain classification piles.
b. Brief the assumptions in coulomb’s wedge theory. (Nov / Dec 2012)
15. a. What is settlement? Describe its components.
b. What is differential settlement? Explain the methods of minimizing differential settlement.
c. Draw the shape of contact pressure distribution diagrams for a rigid footings resting on sand and clay
respectively. (Nov / Dec 2012)
16. a. What is mat foundation? What are its types?
b. Proportion the dimension of a trapezoidal combined footing for two columns of size 600mm x 600mm
carrying loads of 3500kN and 2000kN. The face of the heavier column is at a clear distance of 0.20m from the
property line. The distance between the columns is 4.5m. Take the allowable soil pressure as 250kN/m 2.
(Nov / Dec 2012)
17. a. Explain the measures normally taken to control differential settlement.
b. A square footing 2.0m size is placed at 1.80m below the ground level in normally consolidated soft clay.
The soft clay stratum is 4.80m thick and is underlain by dense sandy stratum. Determine the safe bearing
capacity of the footing and also compute the settlement that would result due to the safe bearing pressure if
allowed to act on the footing. Water table is at the ground level. Take Cu = 50kN/m2, Liquid Limit = 36%,
Natural mois

(UNIT - I)

2 Marks:-
1. What do you mean by soil exploration? (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. How will you reduce the area ratio of the sampler? (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. Find the area ratio for the soil samples with outer diameter 60mm and inner diameter 40mm. Comment on the
nature of sample. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. What are the requirements of a good foundation? (Nov / Dec

16 Marks:-
1. Define SPT number. Explain the standard penetration test and also write down the equations for corrections.
(Nov / Dec 2011)
2. Briefly explain Geophysical methods of soil exploration. (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. a. Find the area ratio for the soil samples with outer diameter 51mm and inner diameter 35mm. Comment on
the nature of sample.
b. What are the objectives of soil exploration.
c. Explain standard penetration test? (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. a. What are the requirements of a good foundation?
b. List the various types of foundations. Explain.
c. Explain various methods of soil exploration. (Nov / Dec 2011)
5. a. What are the objectives of soil exploration?
b. Explain the Geophysical methods of soil exploration. (Nov / Dec 2011)
6. a. Compute the safe bearing capacity of a square footing 2m x 2m located at a depth of 1.5m below the ground
level in a soil of average density 20kN/m 3, ɸ=20°, Nc=17.7, Nγ=5. Assume a suitable factor of safety and the
water table is very deep, Also compute the reduction in safe bearing capacity of the footing if the water table
rises to the ground level.
b. What are the assumptions related to Terzaghi bearing capacity theory? (Nov / Dec 2011)


2 Marks:-
1. Compare General shear and local shear failure. (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. What are the methods to improve bearing capacity of soil? (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. Give the Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation of square footing. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. Define bearing capacity of soil. (Nov / Dec 2011)
16 Marks:-
1. A column carrying a load of 750 kN has to be supported by a square footing with its base at 1.5m depth. What
is the required size of the foundation, which will provide a factor of safety against shear failure? Assume
cohesion c=10kN/m2, ɸ=30°, γD=18kN/m3, Ysub=10kN/m3. Water table at 1.5m depth, use Terzaghi’s equation.
(Nov / Dec 2011)
2. A footing has a size of 1.8 x 3m has to transmit the load of a column at a depth of 1.5m. Calculate the Safe
load with the factor of safety = 3. Soil has the following properties porosity = 10%, specific gravity = 2.51,
cohesion, c=8kN/m2, ɸ=35°. Use IS code equation. (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. a. Give the Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation of strip footing for local shear failure.
b. What are the factors governing location and depth of foundation.
c. Compute the safe bearing capacity of a square footing 1.5m x 1.5m located at a depth of 1m below the
ground level in a soil of average density 20kN/m 3, ɸ=20°, Nc=17.7, Nq=7.4, Nγ=5. Assume a suitable factor
of safety and the water table is very deep, Also compute the reduction in safe bearing capacity of the footing if
the water table rises to the ground level. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. a. Define the term net ultimate bearing capacity of soil.
b. Explain foundation in expansive soils.
c. Explain plate load test and its limitations. (Nov / Dec 2011)
5. a. What are the various causes and remedial measures of settlement?
b. Soil profile at a building site consists of dense sand upto 3m depth. Normally loaded soft clay from 3m to
7m depth and impervious rock below 7m depth ground water table is at 0.5m depth below ground level. Sand
has a density 1.85t/m3 above water table and 1.9t/m 3 below water table. For clay w=50%, LL =65%, G=2.65.
Calculate the settlement resulting from a uniformly distributed surface of 6t/m2 applied over an extensive area
of site. (Nov / Dec 2011)


2 Marks:-
1. Define negative skin friction? (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. Draw the lateral earth pressure diagram for fully saturated soils depend on active condition. (Nov / Dec
3. Define negative skin friction. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. Define group efficiency of piles. (Nov / Dec 2011)

16 Marks:-
1. In a 16 pile group the pile diameter is 0.4m and centre to centre spacing of piles in the square group is 1.5m. If
C=50kN/m2, determine whether the failure would occur as a block failure or when the piles act individually.
Neglect bearing at the tip of the pile. All piles are 12m long. Take m=0.7 for shear mobilization around each
pile. Also determine the safe load on this group taking factor of safety as 3. (Nov / Dec 2011)
2. Explain the Classification of piles with neat sketches. (Nov / Dec 2011)
3. a. State various situations under which negative skin friction is developed.
b. A 450mm wide square concrete pile 15m length is driven in deep deposit of uniform clay. Take
C=37.5kN/m2, Nc=9 and α=0.7. Find the capacity of the pile.
c. In a 16 pile group the pile diameter is 45cm and centre to centre spacing of the square group is 1.5m. If
cohesion is 50kN/m2, determine whether the failure would occur with the pile acting individually or as a
group? Neglect bearing at the tip of the pile. All piles are 10m long. Take m=0.7 for shear mobilization around
each pile. (Nov / Dec 2011)
4. a. Define group efficiency of piles? Can it be greater than 1?
b. Explain the classification of piles based on their function.
c. A reinforced concrete pile weighing 30kN inclusive of helmet and dolly is driven by a drop hammer
weighing 40kN and having an effective fall of 0.8m. The average set per blow is 1.4cm. The total temporary
elastic compression is 1.8cm. Assuming the co-efficient of restitution as 0.25 and a factor of safety of 2,
determine the ultimate bearing capacity and the allowable load for the pile. (Nov / Dec 2011)

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