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Project Reference WBS/Funding Reference Activity Budget Type of engagement

2070/A0/05/001/004 2070/A0/05/001/004/020 USD 24,500 (daily National Contractor/Consultant
rate and travel) International Contractor/Consultant

Grant: GL Account: Fund ID:

SC80215 SC
Purpose of Activity/Assignment (Link with AWP/ MYWP or IMEP)
Technical support to West Papua local government around maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) issues
Title of the position:
MNCH Health Officer
The maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) programme plays a pivotal role in contributing to the UNICEF-
Government of Indonesia Country Programme Action Plan as well as national priorities, including the attainment of the
Sustainable Development Goals. Working in a vibrant environment, under the direct supervision of the Child Survival &
Development (CSD) Specialist in Jayapura and with the technical guidance from the CSD team in Jakarta, the Health Officer
will be responsible for the field implementation and monitoring of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) activities
in West Papua. The incumbent will: (1) Provide quality technical assistance to the Provincial Health Office (PHO) and
District Health Offices (DHOs), ensuring integration with other key programmes; (2) Monitor the delivery of MNCH
services with a focus on equity considerations; (3) Analyze provincial and district level data, aimed at tracking progress
towards key programme deliverables; (4) Conduct advocacy efforts for women and children; (5) Support innovation and
pilots, ensuring their rigorous documentation with a view towards subsequent scale up

Work assignment overview:

Within the delegated authority and under the given organizational set-up, the incumbent may be assigned the primary,
shared, or contributory accountabilities for all or part of the following areas of major duties and key end-results.

1. Facilitating capacity development of health workers in providing essential newborn care and case management of
possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI), including when referral is not possible
2. Ensuring compliance to standard protocol of essential newborn care and management of sick young infant with PSBI,
including when referral is not possible.
3. Facilitating capacity development of health workers in providing integrated prevention of HIV/AIDS from mother to
children (PMTCT) and early infant diagnosis and treatment of neonates born from HIV positive mothers
4. Facilitating capacity improvement of maternal and child health program management, including fostering innovation
5. Facilitating maternal and child health quality improvement implementation.

Timing/duration of contract: 7 Months (June – December 2018)

Budget Year Requesting Section/Issuing Office: Reasons why tasks cannot be done by staff
2018 Child Survival and Development Recruitment is underway for this position, but given submission
Cluster, Jakarta to PBR, it will take another eight months – commitments to the
government and partners need to be met in the meantime
Consultant selection method
Competitive Selection roster

Extension/ Amendment

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Workplace of Consultant Rate Professional fee for Justification or Refer to NFR (Note for Record- for
(Duty Station): categorization and negotiation by extension/ amendment)
Manokwari HR; proposed to have lump sum DSA
Estimated local travel
(Please note that
consultants will not be as determined appropriate by
assigned a desk or be Supervisor.
provided with a UNICEF
laptop/computer. They
will be hot desking.
Please contact IT and
Admin for details.)

Consultants will be selected from the existing roster

Consultants will be selected in a competitive sourcing process (advertising in TMS & interview)

Supervisor: Start Date: End Date Number of Days (working)

CSD Specialist Jayapura 1 June 2018 31 December 2018 152 days (7 months)

Work Assignment Overview (SMART)*

Tasks/Milestone: Deliverables/Outputs: Date Amount
(final amount
to be agreed
by HR)

Ensuring compliance to standard protocol of Document that indicate addendum of 30 June 2018
essential newborn care and management of the essential newborn care and IMNCI
sick young infant with PSBI, including when protocol in West Papua Province
referral is not possible – revised essential
newborn care and IMNCI case management
to include PSBI case management when
referral is not possible
Facilitating capacity development of health Mentoring and monitoring tool
workers in providing integrated prevention documents submission
of HIV/AIDS from mother to children
(PMTCT) and early infant diagnosis and
treatment of neonates born from HIV positive
mothers – Development of mentoring and
monitoring tools for PMTCT and EID capacity
development in West Papua
Facilitating capacity development of health
workers in providing essential newborn care
(ENC) and case management of possible
serious bacterial infection (PSBI), including
when referral is not possible through
1. Technical assistance during refreshment Technical assistance report on 31 July 2018 10%
provincial and district trainers’ training; ENC/IMNCI training of trainers
2. Supervised On-the-job training Supervision report 31 August 2018 20%
(kalakarya) on essential newborn
care/IMNCI implementation in
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Facilitating capacity development of health Supervision reports on PMTCT and 31 September

workers in providing integrated prevention EID mentoring in Manokwari and 2018
of HIV/AIDS from mother to children Sorong Districts, and Sorong
(PMTCT) and early infant diagnosis and Municpality in West Papua 15%
treatment of neonates born from HIV positive
mothers – Supervise and monitor mentorship
activities on PMTCT and EID
Report on (1) province and district 31 October 2018
data review of ENC and IMNCI service
provision, including PSBI case
Facilitating capacity improvement of management when referral is not
maternal and child health program possible; (2) Report on effort to
management, including fostering innovation improve recording and reporting of 15%
– strengthening monitoring of health facility ENC and IMNCI case management,
service provision including PSBI case management
when referral is not possible in
Manokwari and Sorong Districts in
West Papua
Facilitating capacity development of health Supervision reports on PMTCT and 30 November
workers in providing integrated prevention EID mentoring in Sorong district, 2018
of HIV/AIDS from mother to children Sorong Municipality and Manokwari
(PMTCT) and early infant diagnosis and district in West Papua 10%
treatment of neonates born from HIV positive
mothers – Supervise and monitor mentorship
activities on PMTCT and EID
Final report on (1) PSBI case 31 December
management implementation in two 2018
selected districts, including when
referral is not possible (the report
should include # of sick young infant
with PSBI identified, # treated with
antibiotics, % of HWs trained, % of
PHC & hospital provided recording &
reporting on PSBI case management);
Final report on bring PSBI case management (2) integrated PMTCT and EID
when referral is not possible and integrated services implementation in West 20%
ANC/STI/HIV services to scale Papua (the report should include
information on number of trained
HWs, facility performing integrated
services on PMTCT and EID, number
of PW screened for HIV/AIDS, number
of HIV positive PW on ART treatment,
number of newborn born from HIV
pos mother undergone HIV diagnostic,
received prophylaxis and treatment
(when positive))
Total 100.00%

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*) Ref CF.AI.2013-001 Amend 2, work assignment should be: measurable, attainable, results-based and time-bound (“SMART”) and include:

(a) tangible and measurable outputs, objectives and targets of the work assignment, as well as specific activities to achieve these;
(b) specific delivery dates and details as to how the work must be delivered (e.g. electronic submission, hard copy), subdivided into “milestones” where
(c) indicators for evaluation of outputs (including timeliness, achievement of goals, and quality of work)

Minimum Qualifications required: Knowledge/Expertise/Skills required

Bachelors Masters PhD Other - please describe  Medical doctor with master degree in Public Health,
Global/International Health, Health Policy &
Management, Environmental Health, Family Health,
Health Research, Biostatistics, Socio-medical
Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Education, Health
Promotion and Disease Prevention, Educational
Interventions in Health Care, Demography, Social
Sciences, Nursing, or a field relevant to
international public health development assistance
 Minimum 3 years of professional work experience
in maternal and child health programme.
 Familiarity with Government planning,
programming, monitoring and evaluation and
experiences in HIV/AIDS programme are an asset
 Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English
Additional information or attachments: Prepared By: Request Authorised By:
Please provide any additional info.

Bobby Marwal Syahrizal Paul Pronyk, Chief CSD

Endorsed by HR: Name:

HR Remarks:
Approval of Deputy Representative (for all programme clusters)/Chief of Operations (for Operations and PFP)


*Approval from Deputy Representative is required should the Consultancy is not in the SSA (Supply) Plan
Checklist for Individual SSA:

Request as per SSA Plan

Evidence of Competitive selection process & matrix (minimum 3 CVs)
CRC approval for fee of US$ 50,000 and more
CV & P11 of candidates valid for 12 months
Completed Health Statement form
Proof of Health Insurance
Written Clearance from Government if consultant is government staff
Relevant approving body’s approval if consultant is former staff member or retiree (DHR/RO or CO)
Consultant Declaration for Retiree
MAIP form
Accidental Death & Dismemberment and Accident Medical Coverage UNICEF insurance form for IP consultant
Consultant has not exceeded the maximum duration of service i.e. 11.5 months in any 12 months period, up to a maximum
cumulative duration of 46 months in any 48-month period

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