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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics VI

At the end of 60 minute lesson, the Grade VI pupils are expected to:
A. Find the area of parallelogram
B. Write the formula for the area of a parallelogram
C. Plan all activities before doing them
A. Topic: Finding the Area of Parallelogram
B. Skills: Finding the area of parallelogram
C. Reference: Mathematics for Everyday Use, Textbook pp. 209-212
Mathematics for Everyday Use, Teachers’ Manual, pp. 153-155
D. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Group Activity Sheets
E. Value: Teamwork
a.1. Prayer
Stand up and let us pray. ( The pupils will stand up)

a.2. Greetings
Good Morning class! ( Good Morning sir)
Before you take your seat, arrange your chairs
and pick up pieces of paper. ( The pupils will arrange their chairs and
pick up pieces of papers)
You may now take your seat. - Thank you sir.

a.3. Checking of attendance

Attendance officer will you list down the
names of absent for today. - Yes sir.

a.4. Drill
Class, yesterday I went to the market where I
met my longtime friend. Do you want to know
who this friend of mine is? -Yes sir.

Okay I will give you a clue. She has a short

hair, she is an explorer and finally she owns
this backpack you can see here in front. Now,
who can guess this friend of mine? Yes.
Daniel -Your friend is no other than Dora the Explorer.

That’s right! My friend is no other than Dora

the Explorer. My friend Dora, wants to
challenge you. She wants to know whether
you are mentally ready for today’s discussion
by working on an activity. Do you want to
prove to her that you are always ready class? -Yes sir.
That’s good to hear!
Now class the activity is this, I have here
slides; slides that contains questions and
can be answered by completing the puzzle
As I flash the questions just raise your right
hand if you know the answer.
Do you understand class? - Yes sir.
Let us start!
What do you call a parallelogram with
four right angles?
R __ c __ __ n __ __ e - Sir!
Yes Paula? - Rectangle sir!
Is she correct class? - Yes sir.
Very good!
Next one, it is a quadrilateral with two pairs
of parallel sides? - sir!
P __ r __ l l_ e __o __ r __ m
-Parallelogram sir.
Yes Andrea?
You’re correct!
Next one, what do you call a quadrilateral
with four right angles and four equal sides.
S __ u __ r __ -sir!
Yes Randy? -Square sir.
Is he correct class? -Yes sir.
Next question, what do you call a quadrilateral
which has only one pair of parallel.
T r ____p ___ o ____ d -sir!
Yes Robby? -Trapezoid sir!
You’re correct!
-Last one, it is a parallelogram with four equal
sides and two opposite angles which are
R __ __ m __ u __
- Yes Elaysia? -Rhombus sir.

Very good! It is a rhombus.

Class you’ve done a great job! Because of that -(pupils will do the Dora clap)
let’s do the Dora Clap!

a.5. Review
Last meeting we discussed about the “Area of
Isn’t it? - Yes sir!

For me to check if you really understand our

previous topic I have prepared here an
Find the area of rectangle to complete the
1 12 cm 11 cm __________ 1 12 cm 11 cm 132 cm²
2 9 cm 15 cm __________ 2 9 cm 15 cm 135 cm²
3 20 dm 15 dm __________ 3 20 dm 15 dm 300 dm2
4 23 m 10 m __________ 4 23 m 10 m 230m²
5 8 cm 7 cm ___________ 5 8 cm 7 cm 56 cm²

Okay, so it seems that you are now ready for
our next topic.

a.6. Motivation
Class I have here a problem. I will read it first
and then afterwards you will read it too. Is it
clear class? -Yes sir.

But before we proceed, what are the things

that we should remember while someone is
reading? -Listen carefully sir!

You’re right! What else? Yes, Jose -Read it with your eyes and understand sir.

Very good!
-Justin is making a mosaic for tiles that are
one centimeter in area. Before he starts on his
mosaic, Justin draws a diagram of what he
plans to do. How many tiles will he need for
the parallelogram design he made? ( The pupil will read the problem)
Will you read the problem Danilo?

Thank you! -Justin is making a mosaic sir.

What is Justin making? Yes Andrea.

You’re right! He is making a mosaic.

Was he right in planning for the things he
wants to do? -Yes sir.
Why? -Because if we plan first the things that we
want to do we can be able to see the
negative and positive side of it.
Exactly! We need to plan everything before
doing it so that we can be able to assess the
strength and weaknesses of the plan. And a
good plan today is better than a perfect plan
Is it clear class? -Yes sir.
If you were Justin how would you find the
number of tiles needed for the mosaic?
Yes Angela? -Sir I will make a diagram first and then I
will measure it.
Very good!


b.1. Presentation
-Class I have here the illustration of what
Justin plans to do.


What is the measurement of the base? Yes
Michael. -Sir the base measures 5 cm.

You’re right! How about the height? - Sir the height measures 3 cm.

I have here another illustration.

If I’m going to cut one end of the

parallelogram and slide it to the other end is
there a change in the measurement of the base
and height? -There is none sir.
I have here another illustration. This is a
rectangle with the same base and height as the


Is there a change in the measurement of the -There is none sir.
base and height?
So Justin’s mosaic measures 3 cm and 5 cm
Based on the illustration done, what is the
formula for the area of parallelogram?
-Multiply the length of the base and the
Yes Liz?
length of the height sir.
You’re right!
b.2. Discussion
For better understanding let us define what a
parallelogram is. What is parallelogram again
class? Yes Franklin? -It is a figure with two pairs of parallel lines.

Very good!
So for us to be able to find for the area of a
parallelogram multiply the length of the base
and the length of the height.
Area of parallelogram = base x height
Or A = b x h
Will you repeat it class? -Area of parallelogram = base x height or
Class remember this, the area is measured in
square units like m², cm² and dm².
Will you read it again class? (The pupils will read.)

Based on the problem a while back, can we

now solve the problem?
By using the formula, let us solve the problem -Yes sir.
of Justin.
What are the given class?
Yes DK?
Very good! -b = 5 cm, h = 3 cm
So we have:

= 5 cm x 3 cm
= 15 cm²
So Justin’s needs 15 tiles to form his mosaic.
Do you get it class?
Let’s have another example. -Yes sir.

h = 5cm

b = 12cm
What is the base? Yes Dave? -12cm sir.

Very good!
What is the height? Yes Paula. -5 cm sir.

Let us now solve.
= 12 cm x 5 cm
A = 60 cm²
Did you understand class? -Yes sir.

b.3. Fixing Skills

Write the formula then solve.



Class who wants to try the first one? Yes -A = b x h

Allan. = 12 cm x 6 cm
A = 72 cm ²

Let’s check his answer class.

Is the answer correct class? -Yes sir.
Very good!
How about number two? Yes Danilo?



6m -A = b x h
= 6 m x 2.5 m
A = 15 m²

b.4. Generalization
How do you find the area of parallelogram? -To find the area of a parallelogram multiply
Yes Charles. the length of the base by the length of the
height (A = b x h).
Very good!

Class let’s have a group activity. But before
we proceed, always bear in mind class the
What do we mean by KFC class? -Keep quiet, Focus, Cooperate

That’s right! I hope you behave that way

I will group you into four. This will be the
Team Dora, Team Swiper, Team Diego and
Team Boots. Choose your leader because the
leader will present the work of the group later.
Each team will be given an envelope, you
need to solve the problem given. Use the
formula and show your solution. If you are
done just say the Dora’s clap? Is that clear? -yes sir.

-I will give you 3 minutes to do your activity

and then afterwards post your work on the
board and the leaders will present it later on.
Is it clear class? -Yes sir.
Okay you may now start. ( After 3 minutes the pupils will present their
-Very good! Let’s do the Power clap! (Power Clap)
Direction: Find the area of each parallelogram.

1. 2. 3.
26cm 6.2cm 32yd

50cm 10.3cm
4. 5.

Solve the following:
1. A garden is in the shape of a parallelogram with a base of 12 cm and a height of 11 cm.
What is its area?
2. What is the area of a parallelogram whose base measures 29 m and the height is 20 m.

Okay ! That’s all for today. Goodbye class !

God bless! - Goodbye sir.


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