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Southern Luzon State University

Judge Guillermo Eleazar

College of Teacher Education
Tagkawayan, Quezon


Prelim Examination
2 Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019


Name: ___________________________________ Score:

Course & Year: __________________________ Date_______________

1. 11. 21. 31.
2. 12. 22.
3. 13. 23. 32.
4. 14. 24.
5. 15. 25. 33.
6. 16. 26.
7. 17. 27. 34.
8. 18. 28.
9. 19. 29. 35
10. 20. 30.


36. 41. 46. 51.
37. 42. 47. 52.
38. 43. 48. 53.
39. 44. 49. 54.
40. 45. 50. 55.

Southern Luzon State University
Judge Guillermo Eleazar
College of Teacher Education
Tagkawayan, Quezon


Prelim Examination
2 Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019


General Instruction:
1. Read and follow the directions carefully.
2. Strictly no erasures – Any form of alteration on the answer will be considered
3. Answer all the given questions on the ANSWER SHEET provided.
4. You may detach the answer sheet from the questionnaire.
I – MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE. Carefully read and analyze the statements below.
Afterwards, answer the questions or complete the statements by writing the letter of the
correct answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. The testimony of anyone who is not an eyewitness - that is, of one who was not
present at the events of which he tells.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source C. Manuscripts D.

2. The history of history is called

A. Historical Analysis B. Historical Criticism
C. Historiography D. Historical Method

3. The process of critically examining and analyzing the records and survivals of
the past.
A. Historiography B. Historical Analysis
C. Historical Method D. Historical Criticism.

4. The following are examples of primary sources, except;

A. Textbooks B. Artifacts C. Memorabilia D. Eyewitness

5. History comes from the Greek word Historia, which means _________.
A. Knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation B. Learning from
the past
C. Telling Story
D. None of the above

6. These are the uses or importance of History, except;

a. bridging the gap between the present and the past
b. explaining causes of things and events
c. projecting the past
d. promoting nationalism and patriotism

7. It deals with the study of man’s past events relating it to the present for us to
have a glimpse of the future.
A. Positivism C. Historiography
B. History D. Postcolonialism
8. The following are illustrados who wrote history, except;
A. Isabelo delos Reyes B. Teodoro Agoncillo
C. Jose Rizal D. Pedro Paterno

9. Those sources produced as the same time as the event, period,or subject being
A. Primary Sources B. Secondary Sources
C. Tertiary Sources D. None of the choices

10. He debunked the authenticity of the Code of Kalantiaw due to anachronism and
lack of evidence to prove that the code existed in the precolonial Philippine society.
A. William Leary Scotch B. William Henry Scott
C. Jacques Le Goff D. Fernand Braudel

II - IDENTIFY ME. Identify the term, person, or event described by the

statements given below. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided for.

11. The examination of the truthfulness of the evidence as well as the credibility of
the writer.

12. A written source of historical information as contrasted with oral testimony or

with artifacts, pictorial survivals, and archeological remains.

13. The process of analyzing the authenticity of the evidence and the credibility of
the writer.

14. She functioned as the symbol of the restoration of democracy and overthrow
the Marcos dictatorship in 1986.

15. Italian nobleman who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan in his fateful

circumnavigation of the world.

16. The historian’s tool of understanding and interpreting the past.

17. Portuguese navigator/explorer who went to Spain to offer his services to the
Spanish king to reach Moluccas known as the Spice Islands .
18. One of the most important primary sources in the study of the precolonial

19. An island in the Visayas which was named Islands of Thieves.

20. The practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its physical

21. A place in Humunu Island (now Homonhon) where Pigafetta wrote that they
found the first signs of gold in the island.

22. A long boat full of people in Mazzava/Mazaua which Pigafetta recounted that
they saw on March 25, 1521.

23. The first king of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua).
24. The largest and the richest island in Visayas as recounted by Pigafetta in his

25. Chieftain of Mactan who refused to recognize the King of Spain as his sovereign.

26. Magellan’s slave and interpreter who betrayed them and told the king of Cebu
that they intended to leave as quickly as possible.

27. The elected new captain when Magellan died in Mactan.

28. The complete name of the most important organization formed in Philippine

29. It can be treated as the Katipunan’s code of conduct and contains fourteen rules
that instruct the way a Katipunero should behave.

30. He was the commander of the Katipunan in Northern Luzon and wrote the
Katipunan’s code of conduct.

31. He was known as El Rey de Ilocos (The Kig of Ilocos).

32. An agreement signed between Spain and the United States of America regarding
the ownership of the Philippine Islands and other Spanish Colonies in South America.

33. It was widely recognized around the world for its peaceful character, installed
Corazon “Cory” Aquino in the presidency, and put the Philippines in the international
spotlight for overthrowing a dictator.

34. It became an effective tool of publicizing opinions through heavy use of

symbolism, which is different from a verbose written editorial and opinion pieces.

35. The martyred native priests whose innocent blood was shed through the
intrigues of those so-called religious orders.

III - CLASSIFY ME. Classify the following practices as External Criticism or

Internal Criticism.

36. Checking the credibility of the author or writer.

37. Examining the language used in the materials

38. Analyzing the agenda of the author or the agenda behind its creation

39. Looking at the intended purpose of the writer.

40. Examining the quality of paper used

41. Checking the author’s handwriting and signature

42. Analyzing the author’s mental processes

43. Checking the ability of the writer to tell the truth

44. Looking at the anachronistic styles (idiom, words, punctuation)

45. Looking at the content of the source and examining the circumstances of its

IV - TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise, write

FALSE in the answer sheet provided.

46. History is the study of the past.

47. Historical sources that were not written should not be used in writing history.

48. The subject of historiography is history itself.

49. History is limited to the story of a hero versus a villain.

50. Only primary sources may be used in writing history.

51. The historians are the only sources of history.

52. The assassination of Ninoy Aquino is an important historical event that fueled
people’s anger and condemnation of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

53. Andres Bonifacio penned the Kartilya ng Katipunan.

54. The proclamation of Philippine Independence reflects the social and economic
discontent of the masses about land ownership and other agrarian issues.

55. The enmity between Aguinaldo and Bonifacio did not affect how the former’s
revolutionary government credited Bonifacio to the beginnings of the Philippine

V - ESSAY. Explain the meaning of the following. (5 points each)

A. “Facts cannot speak for themselves”.

B. To the honorable man, his word is sacred

C. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree
without a shade, if not a poisonous weed.
KEY TO CORRECTION: (Chapters 1 & 2)

1. B. Secondary Source 2. C. Historiography 3. C.

Historical Method

4. A. Textbooks 5. A 6. D. Promoting Nationalism and patriotism

7. B. Historory 8. B. Teodoro Agoncillo 9. A. Primary Sources

10. B. William Henry Scott

II. 11. Internal Criticism 12. Document 13. Historical Criticism

14. Corazon Cojuangco Aquino 15. Antonio Pigafetta

16. Historical Sources 17. Ferdinand Magellan 18. Pigafetta’s Travelogue

19. Ladrones Islands now Marianas Islands. 20. External Criticism

21. Watering Place of Good Signs or Archipelago of St. Lazarus

22. Ballanghai or balangay 23. Raia Siagu 24. Cebu

25. Silapulapu/ Lapu-Lapu or Rajah Si Lapu-lapu 26. Henry

27. Duarte Barbosa 28. KKK Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang

Katipunan ng
mga Anak ng Bayan

29. Kartilya/Kartilla 3o. Emilio Jacinto 31. Diego Silang 32. Treaty of Paris

33. The People Power Revolution of 1986 OR The EDSA People Power

34. Political Caricature/Cartoons 35. GOMBURZA

36. Checking the credibility of the author or writer - INTERNAL

37. Examining the language used in the materials - EXTERNAL

38. Analyzing the agenda of the author or the agenda behind its creation - INTERNAL

39. Looking at the intended purpose of the writer - INTERNAL

40. Examining the quality of paper used - EXTERNAL

41. Checking the author’s handwriting and signature - EXTERNAL

42. Analyzing the author’s mental processes - INTERNAL

43. Checking the ability of the writer to tell the truth - INTERNAL

44. Looking at the anachronistic styles (idiom, words, punctuation) - EXTERNAL

45. Looking at the content of the source and examining the circumstances of its
production. (INTERNAL)

46. History is the study of the past. - TRUE

47.Historical sources that were not written should not be used in writing history.

48. The subject of historiography is history itself. - TRUE

49. History is limited to the story of a hero versus a villain. - FALSE

50. Only primary sources may be used in writing history. - FALSE

51. The historians are the only sources of history. - FALSE

52. The assassination of Ninoy Aquino is an important historical event that fueled
people’s anger and condemnation of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos. - TRUE

53. Andres Bonifacio penned the Kartilya ng Katipunan. FALSE

54.The proclamation of Philippine Independence reflects the social and economic

discontent of the masses about land ownership and other agrarian issues. - FALSE

55. The enmity between Aguinaldo and Bonifacio did not affect how the former’s
revolutionary government credited Bonifacio to the beginnings of the Philippine
Revolution. - FALSE

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