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11, NOVEMBER 2019 8521

Cross-Switched Multilevel Inverter Using Novel

Switched Capacitor Converters
Tapas Roy, Member, IEEE, Pradip Kumar Sadhu, and Abhijit Dasgupta , Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a novel structure of switched ca- age sources. MLIs provide lower voltage stress on switching
pacitor converter (SCC) is proposed. First, the basic unit devices, lower electromagnetic interference on output wave-
of the proposed SCC is presented. After that, a general- forms, they require smaller output filters, they have capability
ized structure of the proposed SCC is discussed. The pre-
sented SCC uses one dc source, several switches, diodes, of handling high power levels as compared to the classical two-
and capacitors to produce multistep dc boosted output level inverters. Conventionally, MLIs are classified into three
voltage. The capacitors in the SCC can be charged in tri- categories: neutral point clamp, flying capacitors, and cascaded
nary asymmetrical pattern. A detailed comparative study H-bridge. Although these conventional MLIs have proven their
between the proposed and other recently developed SCC
unique features and have become viable conversion topologies
structures is presented. It is shown that the proposed SCC
can produce an output voltage level with lower total stand- in different industrial applications, these topologies suffer from
ing voltage and lower maximum switch stress voltage as the requirement of large number of components to produce out-
compared to most of the suggested SCC structures. Fur- put voltage with higher levels. In addition, the capacitor voltage
ther, a switched capacitor multilevel inverter (SCMLI) based unbalancing problem and self-voltage boosting inabilities are
on cross-switched multilevel inverter has been developed
other major limitations of conventional MLIs [5].
and analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric dc source con-
figurations. For fair comparison with the existing SCMLI To overcome the limitation of large component requirements
structures, the overall cost of the structures is compared in conventional MLIs, different innovative “Reduced Device
based on a cost function (CF). The proposed SCMLI pro- Count” (RDC) MLI topologies have been proposed in the lit-
vides lower cost function/output voltage level (CF/NL ) in erature [6]–[9]. But these RDCMLIs do not possess the self-
comparison with most of the other SCMLI structures for
voltage boosting capability to achieve a desired output voltage
both symmetric and asymmetric dc source configurations.
Extensive experimental studies validate the operation and from lower input voltage supplies such as photovoltaic cells.
performance of the proposed SCMLI structure. To meet the challenges of capacitor voltage unbalance prob-
lem, auxiliary circuits or complex control algorithms have been
Index Terms—Boosting, multilevel inverter (MLI),
switched capacitor (SC), total standing voltage (TSV),
introduced in the literature [10]–[12]. Further, to incorporate
voltage balance. the self-voltage boosting capability to conventional MLIs, aux-
iliary circuits such as front-end boost converters or impedance
I. INTRODUCTION networks are connected with the inverters [13], [14]. It may be
N RECENT years, to meet the challenges of producing high noted that these solution methodologies for solving the capacitor
I quality output voltage waveform, the demand of multilevel
inverters (MLIs) has increased significantly in different fields of
voltage unbalance problem or self-voltage boosting inabilities
enhance the size, cost, and complexity of overall conversion
applications such as motor drives, electric vehicles, distributed systems.
generation systems, renewable energy conversion systems, flex- In recent years, switched capacitor multilevel inverters (SCM-
ible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS), uninter- LIs) have become one of the popular solutions to the above-
rupted power supply (UPS) systems, induction heating systems, mentioned challenges of conventional MLIs due to their unique
etc. [1]–[4]. In a general sense, MLIs are able to synthesize features. SCMLIs can produce near sinusoidal output voltage
stepped output voltage waveform with a better quality of har- waveform using capacitors as alternate dc power supplies. In
monic spectrum using switches, diodes, capacitors, and dc volt- addition, capacitors help to boost the input voltages at the out-
put terminals. Another one of the major advantages of SCMLIs
Manuscript received April 20, 2018; revised August 6, 2018 and Octo- is that they do not require any auxiliary circuits or complex algo-
ber 11, 2018; accepted December 6, 2018. Date of publication January rithms to balance capacitor voltages. The concept of SCMLI was
3, 2019; date of current version June 28, 2019. (Corresponding author: first proposed by Mak and Ioinovici by implementing a switched
Tapas Roy.)
T. Roy and A. Dasgupta are with the School of Electrical capacitor (SC) basic unit (BU) consisting of two switches, two
Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar 751024, India (e-mail:, diodes, and one capacitor in 1998 [15]. In this paper, the authors; proposed a 31-level SCMLI based on these SC BUs. However,
P. K. Sadhu is with the Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004, India (e-mail:, the proposed structure required a large number of semiconductor devices and a relatively complex control algorithm to balance
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available the capacitor voltages. Axelrod et al. [16] have proposed an
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2018.2889632 SCMLI structure based on a boost converter and an H-bridge

0278-0046 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

circuit. The boost converter with SC can generate multilevel dc

voltage and the H-bridge is used as a polarity generation circuit
at the load terminals. However, for achieving higher voltage
levels, the topology requires significant number of capacitors,
active switches, and diodes. To reduce the capacitor require-
ment in [16], Chan and Chau [17] have proposed an SCMLI
structure which can realize multiple voltage levels by utilizing
the partial charging of capacitors. However, the topology re-
quires significant number of switches to establish the concept
of partial charging of the capacitors. Based on the SCMLI pre-
sented in [15] and the Marx inverter, a novel SCMLI structure
has been proposed by Hinago and Koizumi [18]. The presented Fig. 1. BU of the proposed SCC.
structure in [18] is capable of synthesizing the different output
voltage levels and can maintain the capacitor voltages at the de- uration. The structure sustains high TSV as the output voltage
sired values by switching the capacitors in series/parallel mode level enhances. A novel SCMLI structure with reduced switch-
with respect to the input source. However, the topology requires ing devices has been presented by Barzegarkhoo et al. [26]. The
an H-bridge circuit which enhances the total standing voltage BU of the structure is able to produce nine output voltage levels
(TSV) of the inverter structure. In addition, for enhancing the using one dc source, two capacitors, one diode, and 10 switches.
output voltage level, the requirement of semiconductor devices Further, an extended general SCMLI structure has been devel-
and capacitors increase significantly. A novel SC BU utilizing oped and analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric dc source
two switches, one diode, and one capacitor has been proposed by configurations. However, the structure sustains higher TSV as
Babaei and Gowgani [19]. Based on these SC BUs, two hybrid the output voltage level enhances.
MLI structures have been presented in [19]. Both the presented One of the major limitations of SCMLI structure is the high
structures require H-bridge circuits which enhances the TSV of stress voltage across the semiconductor devices when the boost-
the proposed inverters. A cascaded MLI based on an SC BU ing factor of the inverter increases. This drawback enhances
as presented in [19] for high-frequency ac distribution system the cost of the inverter structure significantly. Hence, for cost-
has been presented by Liu et al. [20]. The presented structure in effective solution, the SCMLI structure should not suffer from
[20] has been analyzed for symmetric dc source configuration. higher device count and higher TSV of the structure. In this
Each SC BU is incorporated with an H-bridge circuit which en- paper, the BU of a novel SCC is proposed first. After that, a
hances the TSV and component count of the circuit as the output general structure of the proposed SCC has been developed. A
voltage level increases. With a little modification of SC BU of detailed operating principle, such as how it produces dc multi-
[19] and [20], Ye et al. [21] have proposed an SCMLI which level voltage from a single dc source has been presented. After
reduces the number of required switching devices. However, the that, the SCC structure is compared with recently published
topology requires an H-bridge circuit which enhances the TSV SCC structures with respect to different aspects. Further, a cross
of the structure. A novel structure of SC converter (SCC) has switched MLI (CS-MLI) structure has been developed based on
been proposed by Zamiri et al. [22]. The proposed SCC can pro- the proposed SCCs. The SCMLI structure has been analyzed for
duce fixed dc to multilevel boosted dc voltage levels by charging symmetric and asymmetric dc source configurations. The selec-
and discharging the capacitors in binary asymmetrical pattern. tion procedure of SCs has been explained next. A comparative
Using these proposed SCCs, Zamiri et al. [22] have proposed study of the proposed SCMLI with other SCMLIs is discussed.
an MLI structure. Further, Barzegarkhoo et al. [23] have pre- At last, the merits and effectiveness of the proposed SCMLI is
sented an SCMLI structure based on the same SCC structure as verified by extensive experimental studies.
presented in [22]. Both the MLI structures have been analyzed
for asymmetric dc source configuration and have the ability to
generate a great number of voltage levels using reduced number II. BASIC UNIT (BU) OF THE PROPOSED SCC
of switching devices. However, the SCC and the MLI structures Fig. 1 shows the BU of the proposed SCC circuit. It consists
of [22] and [23] suffer from the high voltage stress across the of one dc power supply Vin , two capacitor legs L1 and L11, and
switching devices and diodes which significantly enhances the one charging leg CH1. L1 and L11 consist of two unidirectional
TSV of the structures. A step-up MLI structure with multiple power switches (S1 and S1  for L1 and S2 and S2  for L11) and a
number of simultaneously charging and discharging possibili- capacitor (C1 for L1 and C11 for L11), as shown in Fig. 1. CH1
ties of capacitors has been proposed by Taghvaie et al. [24]. is formed by a power switch S1c along with a series-connected
However, the topology requires large number of bidirectional power diode D1 . The mid-points of L1 and L11 are connected
switches to increase the charging possibilities in the circuit and to positive and negative terminals of Vin , respectively. Further,
TSV of the structure significantly increases as the output volt- L1 and L11 are connected in series by CH1. The switch S1c
age level increases. Based on the developed H-bridge and the of CH1 will be in ON state only when the charging state of the
SC BU as proposed in [19] and [20], Shalchi Alishah et al. [25] capacitors (either C1 or C11 ) is initiated.
have presented a high step-up MLI structure. The structure has Fig. 2 presents the equivalent circuit and current flow paths for
been analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric dc source config- the proposed BU corresponding to the different voltage levels

whereas C11 can be maintained in the charging state by turning

ON S1c in CH1, as shown in Table I. It is assumed that the mag-
nitude of charging currents for both C1 and C11 are equal and
the charging current path (blue line) are shown in Fig. 2(b) and
(c), respectively. The diode D1 is connected in series with S1c
in CH1 to avoid the unwanted discharging of C1 or C11 into the
supply voltage Vin .
When S1 and S11 are in ON state, C1 and C11 are connected
in series with Vin as depicted in Fig. 2(d). Hence, the capacitor
voltages are added with Vin and appear across the output termi-
nals. This voltage magnitude is approximately equal to +3Vin .
In this circuit condition, both the capacitors are in discharging
mode as shown in Table I.
The following points can be concluded regarding the features
of BU for the proposed SCC:
1) the BU can boost the output voltage three times of the
input voltage Vin . Hence, the boosting factor of BU is 3;
2) the capacitors can be charged and discharged simultane-
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit and current flow paths of the proposed BU ously. When C1 is in charging state, at that instance C11
when V A O is (a) +Vin , (b) +2Vin (C1 in charging state), (c) +2Vin (C1 1 is in discharging state and vice-versa;
in charging state), (d) +3Vin (both C1 and C1 1 in discharging state).
3) the switches in a capacitor legs are complementary to
TABLE I each other. Hence, the stress voltage across switches in
SWITCH AND CAPACITOR STATES FOR BU L1 or L11 are equal to the capacitor voltage, i.e., nearly
Vin ;
4) the voltage stress across the charging leg CH1 is equal to
Vin . Hence, the TSV of the BU is equal to 5Vin .


In this section, the general structure of the proposed SCC is
described. Fig. 3(a) shows the proposed SCC when two capac-
itor legs L2 and L22 and a charging leg CH2 are connected
with the BU of the proposed SCC which is shown in Fig. 1.
generated at its output terminals A and O. Further, the different This structure is called proposed SCC with n = 2, where n is
switching and capacitor states for the BU are tabulated in Table I. the number of capacitor legs connected in one side of Vin . This
Where “1” and “0” stand for ON and OFF state of switches and structure is able to produce nine positive output voltage lev-
C, D, and NC indicate charging, discharging, and not-connected els. Fig. 3(b) shows the equivalent circuit and current flow path
state of capacitors, respectively. Fig. 2(a) shows the equivalent when the output voltage level is equal to +3Vin . In this circuit
circuit and the current flow path (in red line) when VA O is equal condition, the capacitors C2 and C22 are in NC condition.
to +Vin . This voltage level can be achieved by turning ON the The capacitor C2 or C22 can be charged to 3Vin when the
switches S1  and S11  and turning OFF the switches S1 and S11 , output voltage level is equal to +6Vin . Fig. 3(c) shows the
as shown in Table I. At this instant, C1 and C11 are in NC state equivalent circuit and current flow paths when C2 of L2 is in
that means they are neither in charging nor in discharging state. charging state whereas C22 of L22 is in discharging state.
+2Vin output voltage level can be achieved by connecting Similarly, Fig. 3(d) depicts the equivalent circuit and current
one of the capacitors in series with Vin . Fig. 2(b) shows the flow paths when C2 and C22 are in discharging and in charging
equivalent circuit and current flow paths when C11 is in series state, respectively. It can be noted that during +6Vin output
with Vin by turning ON S1  and S11 . Hence, C11 is in discharging voltage level, C1 and C11 of BU along with Vin pump their
state as indicated by “D” in Table I and the output voltage is stored energy into output (VA O ) as well as charging either C2
equal to the summation of the voltages of C11 and Vin which is or C22 .
approximately equal to +2Vin . At the same instant, by turning An output voltage level of +8Vin is generated by adding Vin ,
ON S1c in CH1, C1 can be connected in parallel with Vin . Hence any one capacitor voltage from BU and the capacitor voltages
C1 stores energy from Vin and is in charging state as depicted of L2 and L22. In this voltage level, any one of the capacitors
by “C” in Table I. from BU can be maintained in charging state as the BU cir-
Similarly, +2Vin output voltage level can be produced across cuit contributes 2Vin voltage to the output. Fig. 3(e) shows the
the output terminals by maintaining C1 and C11 in discharging equivalent circuit and current flow paths when the output volt-
and charging state, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2(c). For dis- age level is equal to +8Vin and the capacitor C1 is in charging
charging C1 , the switches S1 and S11  are maintained at ON state state. In this circuit condition, the capacitors C11 , C2 , C22 are

Fig. 4. General structure of the proposed SCC.

terminals x and y. The ON state switches in the legs and the

capacitor states in the capacitors legs corresponding to the dif-
ferent output voltage levels of the proposed SCC are tabulated
in Table II. It should be noted that the proposed SCC is unable
to charge the upper leg capacitor and the corresponding lower
leg capacitor simultaneously, as shown in Table II. However,
as n is enhanced, the possibility of charging the capacitors in-
Fig. 3. (a) Proposed SCC for n = 2; equivalent circuit and current flow creases significantly in a half cycle of the SCC output voltage.
paths when V A O is (b) +3Vin , (c) +6Vin and C2 is in charging state,
(d) +6Vin and C2 2 is in charging state, (e) +8Vin , and (f) +9Vin . For an example, for n = 1, the charging possibility for C1 or
C11 is one (at +2Vin output voltage level). For n = 2, C1 or
C2 can be charged at +2Vin , +5Vin (3Vin + 2Vin ), and +8Vin
in discharging state. When all the capacitors are in discharging (3Vin + 3Vin + 2Vin ) output voltage levels. Hence, the possibil-
state, the output voltage is the summation of all the capacitor ity of charging for C1 or C11 increases to three. Table III presents
voltages and Vin which is equal to +9Vin . The equivalent circuit the number of charging possibility of different capacitors in the
and current flow paths for the output voltage +9Vin are shown generalized proposed SCC with respect to n. In addition, the
in Fig. 3(f). possibility of capacitor charging as well as capacitor voltage
The general structure of the proposed SCC is shown in Fig. 4. balancing of the proposed SCC can be enhanced when a num-
It comprises of 2n number of capacitor legs and n number of ber of SCC circuits are connected together to form a inverter
charging legs. The capacitor legs L1, L2, L3, . . . . . . , Ln are structure which is discussed in the next section.
connected with the positive terminal of Vin whereas the capac-
itor legs L11, L22, L33, . . . . . . ., Lnn are connected with the
negative terminal of Vin . The n number of charging legs CH1, IV. COMPARISON OF THE PROPOSED SCC WITH OTHER
CH2, CH3, . . . . . . . , CHn are used to connect the capacitor legs SCC STRUCTURES
in series, as shown in Fig. 4. Further, a simplified equivalent In this section, the proposed SCC is compared with
structure of the proposed SCC is shown in Fig. 4. The capacitor the SCC structures presented in [18], [19], and [21]–[24].
legs L1 to Ln are together represented by LU whereas the capac- Table IV shows the comparison for number of required switches
itor legs L11 to Lnn are together represented by LL . Similarly, (Nsw (scc) ), diodes (Nd(scc) ), and capacitors (Ncap(scc) ), per unit
the charging legs CH1 to CHn are together depicted by CHs. TSV (TSVpu(scc) ), the per unit maximum switch stress voltage
The capacitors associated with the capacitor legs in both the (Vsm pu(scc) ), the maximum number of switches in the conduct-
sides of Vin can be charged in trinary asymmetric pattern and ing path (Np(scc) ) for two values of output voltage level, NL(scc)
the voltages of the capacitors can be expressed as follows: for the proposed SCC, and the suggested SCCs. The TSVpu(scc)
and Vsm pu(scc) can be defined by the following equation:
VC i = VC i i = 3i−1 Vin , for i = 1, 2, . . . . . . . . . , n. (1)

With these capacitor voltages, the proposed SCC is able to TSV Vsm
TSVpu(scc) = ; Vsm pu(scc) = (2)
produce 3n number of positive voltage levels across its output Vxy(m ax) Vxy(m ax)


TABLE III and [24]. However, the proposed SCCs in [19] and [21] can-
not produce capacitor voltage more than the input voltage, the
TSVpu(scc) and Vsm pu(scc) of these SCCs are lower as compared
to the proposed SCC. The SCC presented in [24] sustains higher
TSVpu(scc) and Vsm pu(scc) as compared to the proposed SCC.
As seen in Table IV, the proposed SCC requires higher num-
ber of switches and capacitors, and lower number of diodes for
generating an NL(scc) as compared to SCCs proposed in [22] and
[23]. However, the proposed SCC provides significantly lower
TSVpu(scc) and Vsm pu(scc) as compared to that proposed in [22]
and [23]. In Table IV, TSVpu(scc) and Vsm pu(scc) for the pro-
posed SCC producing nine output voltage levels are 2.22 and
0.33, respectively, whereas the same parameters for the SCC
presented in [22] and [23] which generates eight output volt-
where Vxy(m ax) is the maximum output voltage magnitude age level are 2.62 and 0.5, respectively. Further, the variation of
produced by the SCCs. TSVpu(scc) and Vsm pu(scc) with respect to NL(scc) is shown in
As Table IV indicates that for producing nine output voltage Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively.
levels, the proposed SCC requires significantly lower number
of switches, capacitors, diodes as compared to the SCCs pre-
sented in [18], [19], and [24]. Further, the SCC presented in [21]
requires more number of diodes and capacitors for producing
nine output voltage levels as compared to the proposed SCC. For In this section, CS-MLI [9] with the proposed SCC is de-
generating 27-level output voltage by SCCs presented in [18], veloped and discussed. Fig. 6 shows the CS-MLI with m num-
[19], and [21], and 24-level output voltage by the SCC presented ber of the proposed SCCs. Output voltages of SCCs are vo1 ,
in [24], the requirement of components is significantly higher vo2 , vo3 , . . . . . . ., vom . Table V presents the switching states to
as compared to the proposed SCC. This comparison signifies generate the output voltage (vo ) of CS-MLI in terms of SCC
that the proposed SCC requires lower components for realiz- voltages. The maximum value of vo is the summation of all the
ing a specific output voltage levels as compared to [19], [21], SCC voltages.



NL = (2 m3n ) + 1 (8)
vom ax = m 3 Vdc (9)
13(3n ) − 5
TSV = m Vdc . (10)
With n = 1 and m = 2, the proposed MLI can produce 13
output voltage levels. Fig. 7 shows the proposed SCMLI with
Fig. 5. Comparison of the proposed SCC with the SCCs presented in n = 1 and m = 2. Table VI presents the switching and ca-
[22] and [23] in respect of (a) per unit TSV and (b) per unit maximum pacitor states of the proposed 13-level SCMLI. The switching
switch stress voltage.
states are selected in such a manner that the minimum switch-
ing transition will occur. Further, in every output voltage level
The required number of switches (Nsw ), gate drivers (Ndr ), except maximum voltage levels, at least one of the capacitors
capacitors (Ncap ), diodes (Nd ), and dc sources (Ndc ) in terms of will be either in charging (C) or in not-connected (NC) state
m and n for the proposed MLI can be expressed by the following condition.
Nsw = Ndr = (5n + 2)m + 2 (3) B. Asymmetric Configuration
Ncap = 2 nm (4) For generating higher voltage levels using minimum number
of switches, asymmetric configuration has been proposed
Nd = nm (5)
Vin1 = Vdc (11)
Ndc = m. (6)
The proposed MLI does not possess the capability to gen- Vinj = 3j −2 (3n + 1) Vdc , for j = 2, 3, ........, m. (12)
erate the output voltage levels equal to the summation of even In this configuration, the dc sources for the proposed MLI are
or odd position SCC unit output voltages. For example, the selected as (11) and (12). For n = 1, the dc sources for SCC 1,
proposed topology cannot produce output voltage equal to SCC 2, . . . . , SCC m are Vdc , 4Vdc , 12Vdc , 36Vdc , . . . . , 3(m –2)
(vo1 + vo3 + vo5 ) or (vo2 + vo4 + vo6 ). To avoid this, the pro- 4Vdc , respectively. With n = 1 and m = 3, the MLI can produce
posed MLI is analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric dc source 103 voltage levels utilizing 23 switches and three sources. NL
configurations. and vom ax of the MLI with this configuration can be expressed
by the following equations:
A. Symmetric Configuration   
In symmetric configuration, all the dc sources for SCCs have NL = 2 3n 1 + {(3n + 1)(3m −1 − 1)} + 1, for m ≥ 2
same voltage magnitudes as shown in the following equation: 2
Vinj = Vdc , for j = 1, 2, 3, . . . ....., m. (7)
1 m −1
With this configuration, the generated output voltage lev- vom ax = 3 1 + {(3 + 1)(3
n n
− 1)} Vdc , for m ≥ 2.
els (NL ), the maximum output voltage magnitude (vom ax ), 2
and TSV of the inverter can be expressed by the following (14)

Fig. 6. Proposed cross-switched SCMLI structure.


Fig. 8. 13-level output voltage waveform (inverted negative cycle) with

LDT for different capacitors.

Fig. 7. Proposed SCMLI structure with n = 1 and m = 2.

capacitors is shown in Fig. 8 (in red color). During LDT, the
capacitor discharges maximum amount of charge. The amount
VI. SELECTION PROCEDURE OF CAPACITANCE FOR SCS of discharging charge depends on the load current and LDT du-
ration. The amount of discharging charge for the utilized SCs in
This section presents the selection procedure of capacitance 13-level SCMLI can be expressed as
for the SCs used in 13-level proposed SCMLI. For evaluat-  T /4
ing the capacitance value, the longest discharging time (LDT)
QC 1 a = QC 1 1 a = QC 1 b = QC 1 1 b = 2 × io (t) dt
for each capacitor over a fundamental output voltage cycle is t5
to be calculated [18], [22], [26]. The 13-level output voltage  3T /4
with inverted negative cycle is depicted in Fig. 8. Based on the =2× io (t) dt. (15)
switching state as presented in Table IV, the LDT for different t1 8

The variation of optimal capacitance value for different φ an-

gles and percentage of voltage ripple p is presented in Fig. 9(b)
for Iom ax = 3 A, Vdc = 30 V, and f = 50 Hz. It can be ob-
served that as the φ increases the value of required capacitance
decreases for a constant voltage ripple. Similarly, as the voltage
ripple increases, the required capacitance value decreases at a
constant φ.

Fig. 9. Variation of optimal capacitance w.r.t. (a) load resistance (R L )

and (b) phase angle (φ) for different percentage of capacitor voltage In this section, the proposed SCMLI has been compared with
ripples (p).
the SCMLIs presented in [20], [22], [23], [25], and [26] with
respect to different points of view such as required components
Considering the maximum allowable voltage ripple is p per- and TSV of the structures. Further, the topologies are compared
centage of steady-state capacitor voltage, the value of optimal based on a cost function (CF) [26] as shown in the following
capacitance for the SCs can be expressed as equation for a fair comparison:
QC 1 a or QC 1 1 a or QC 1 b or QC 1 1 b CF = (Nsw + Ndr + Nd + Ncap + βTSVpu ) × Ndc
Copt ≥ . (16) (22)
p × Vdc
where β presents the weightage of the TSV. The comparison
For resistive load (RL ) condition, the load current during the study is presented in the following sections.
LDT can be expressed as
5 Vdc A. Comparison Study Based on Symmetric DC Sources
io (t) = , for t5 ≤ t ≤ t6
RL Table VII presents the comparison study with symmetric dc
6 Vdc T sources. It can be noted that for NL = 13, the proposed topology
= , for t6 ≤ t ≤ . (17) uses two dc sources and 16 switches (n = 1 and m = 2) whereas
RL 4
the topology presented in [20] requires three dc sources and 18
Considering fundamental switching frequency scheme, the switches. The topology presented here produces 37 output volt-
time t5 and t6 can be evaluated as age levels using less number of dc sources, switches, drivers, and
sin−1 (9/12) diodes as compared to the 33-level topology presented in [22].
t5 = s Further, the topology in [22] provides significantly higher cost
function/level (CF/NL ) for both the values of β as compared
sin−1 (11/12) to the proposed topology. As compared to [25] and [26], the
t6 = s. (18)
2πf proposed topology requires higher component count and TSV
By using (15)–(18), the optimal value of capacitance for at lower NL ; however, as NL enhances, the component count
resistive load condition can be expressed as as well as CF/NL decrease significantly.

8 B. Comparison Study Based on Asymmetric DC Sources

Copt ≥ . (19)
2π × f × RL × p
Table VIII presents the required component counts, TSV, and
From (19), it can be noted that the optimum capacitor value is CF/NL for all the topologies for asymmetric dc sources. Based
inversely proportional to the load resistance, output frequency, on this table, it is observed that the proposed structure with
and the percentage of voltage ripple. Considering 50 Hz as the asymmetric dc sources is not significantly beneficial as com-
fundamental output frequency, the variation of optimal capac- pared to the suggested topologies for producing lower output
itance for different percentage of capacitor voltage ripple is voltage levels. However, for large voltage level generation, the
shown in Fig. 9(a). As the capacitor voltage ripple increases, proposed topology requires lower dc sources as compared to
the required capacitance value decreases at a constant load others. Further, the proposed topology provides lower CF/NL
resistance. as compared to the suggested topologies at high NL for both β
For resistive–inductive (R-L) load condition, the load current values. The asymmetric structure of topology presented in [25]
during the LDT can be expressed by a sinusoidal function with a requires significantly high component counts to realize high NL
maximum current amplitude of Iom ax lagging the fundamental as compared to the proposed topology.
output voltage by φ as shown in the following equation:
io (t) = Iom ax sin(2πf − φ). (20) VIII. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES
This section presents the experimental studies for 13-level
The optimum capacitance value for R-L load condition can
(n = 1, m = 1) and 37-level (n = m = 2) proposed SCMLI
be achieved by solving (16) using (15), (18), and (20). The
structures. A laboratory prototype of the proposed SCMLI with
optimum value of capacitance can be represented as
n = 1 and m = 2 has been developed first, as shown in Fig. 10.
Iom ax After that the same structure has been extended for n = 2 and
Copt ≥ [cos(0.8481 − φ) − sinφ]. (21)
2π × f × p × Vdc m = 2. MOSFET has been selected as the switching devices for



dc voltage sources is chosen as 30 V each. The capacitance

value for the SCs is equal and selected as 2500 μF each. This
capacitance value has been calculated based on 15% voltage
ripple of steady-state capacitor voltage (as shown in p = 0.15 in
Fig. 9(b) with φ = 16.8° lagging load condition and peak load
current is considered as 3 A).
Fig. 11(a) shows the experimental waveforms for output volt-
age vo (t) and load current iL (t) when the inverter is loaded with
R-L load (R = 52 Ω and L = 50 mH). It can be observed that
the output voltage waveform consists of 13 voltage levels. From
the fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis of output voltage, it is
found that the peak magnitude of fundamental voltage and total
Fig. 10. Experimental test setup for the 13-level proposed SCMLI. harmonic distortion (THD) of output voltage are 163.1 V and
7.57%, respectively. Similarly from the FFT analysis of load
current, the peak magnitude of fundamental current and THD
the practical setup. As in the structure, the switches S2U and S2L
of load current are found as 3.01 A and 3.26%, respectively.
have to withstand the highest voltage stress, IRF 840 (500 V,
Under this load condition, the output power of the inverter is
8 A) has been chosen as the switching device for them. The
evaluated as 226 W whereas the total losses of the inverter is
rest of the switches in the structure are IRF640 (200 V, 18 A).
evaluated as 19.25 W (conduction loss = 13.5 W, capacitor
Fundamental frequency switching scheme is employed. The
ripple loss = 6.25 W, switching loss = 10 mW). The experi-
different switching pulses are produced by dSpace controller
mental efficiency of the inverter is 92.1%. Under the same load
(DS-1104). IR2110 IC is chosen as the gate driver integrated
condition, the steady-state capacitor voltages and their voltage
circuit for driving the switches.
ripples are depicted in Fig. 11(b) and (c), respectively. It can be
observed that voltage for C1a , C11a , C1b , and C11b are 26.5, 26,
A. Experimental Results for 13-Level Proposed SCMLI 27, and 26 V, respectively. The voltage ripples of the capacitors
This section presents the experimental results for 13-level are within 5.5 V. Fig. 11(d) presents the source and capacitor
proposed symmetric SCMLI structure. The magnitude of the currents for this same load condition.

Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms for (a) steady-state 13-level load voltage and load current (100 V/div and 2 A/div), (b) capacitor voltages (20 V/div),
(c) capacitor voltage ripples(5 V/div), and (d) source currents (10 A/div) and capacitor currents (10 A/div) for R-L (R = 52 Ω and L = 50 mH) load

Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms of stress voltage for different switches and diodes of the 13-level proposed SCMLI (n = 1, m = 1) under R-L
(R = 52 Ω and L = 50 mH) load condition.

Fig. 12 shows the stress (block) voltage across the different current. Hence, for the other SC cell switches, the current can
switches of the 13-level inverter structure under R-L load con- be expressed as
dition. The maximum stress voltage for S1a , S1a , S11a , S11a ,
  iS 1a = iS 11a = iS 11b  = iS 1b = iL (t) + iC (t)
S1b , S1b , S11b , and S11b are equal and within 30 V [as shown in
the left side of Fig. (12)]. The maximum stress voltage for the dvc
= iL (t) + C . (24)
switches S2U and S2L are equal and within 200 V [as shown in dt
the middle of Fig. (12)]. Further, the maximum stress voltage for However, the spike current for all the switches are due to the
the switches SlU , S1L , S3U , and S3L are equal and within 100 V. capacitor charging current. The magnitude of the spike current
Furthermore, the maximum stress voltage for the switches S1ca will be more if the capacitance of the SC is increased as well as if
and S1cb are equal and within 30 V. Similarly, the peak in- the rate of change of capacitor voltage increases. Further, as the
verse voltage of the utilized diodes D1a and D1b in charging power level of the inverter increases, the spike current through
legs are equal and within 30 V [as shown in the right side of the switches becomes higher. With the load current of 3 A and
Fig. (12)]. the capacitors of 2500 μF, the spike current for the switches
After R-L load, the 13-level inverter structure has been tested   
S1a , S11a , S11b , and S1b is around 10 A whereas the spike
for resistive load (R) of 60 Ω with same magnitude (30 V) of current for the rest of the switches is around 13 A. These current
dc voltage sources and the same SCs (2500 μF). The experi- spikes can be reduced by selecting optimum capacitor values
mental output voltage and load current for this load condition and increasing the voltage rise time of the capacitor voltages.
are depicted in Fig. 13(a). It can be observed that the top level Further, Fig. 13(d) shows the source and capacitor currents for
of the output voltage waveform is damaged and decaying with this load condition.
time due to the discharging state of all the SCs in this voltage In addition of R-L and R load conditions, the 13-level inverter
level. As the load current is increased, this effect becomes more structure has been successfully tested for the inductive (L) and
prominent. sudden step change load conditions. Fig. 14(a) shows the output
Fig. 13(b) and (c) depicts the current through the switches voltage and load current waveforms for L = 275 mH. It can be
associated with the SC cells. From these figures, it can be ob- observed that the load current lags the output voltage by 90°.
served that under resistive load condition, the current through Fig. 14(b) shows the load current and capacitor voltages for
the switches S1a , S11a , S11b , and S1b are passing through body sudden step change in the load resistance. It can be observed that
diode and the current is only the charging current for the SCs. the load current and capacitor voltages are stable after sudden
Hence, the current through these switches can be expressed as increment/decrement of load. Further, the performance of the
inverter has been tested when one of the dc source is suddenly
iS 1a  = iS 11a  = iS 11b = iS 1b  = iC (t) = C . (23) blocked out. For this test, the supply voltages are selected as 20 V
each. From Fig. 14(c), it can be observed that after blocking out
Similarly, the rest of the SC cell switches carry the current one of the supplies, the output voltage waveform consists of less
which is the summation of load current and capacitor charging number of voltage levels and the capacitors which were charged

Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms for (a) steady-state 13-level output voltage and load current (50 V/div and 2 A/div), (b) current through the SC
cell switches in SCC a (10 A/div), (c) current through the SC cell switches in SCC b (10 A/div), and (d) source currents (10 A/div) and capacitor
currents (10 A/div) for R (R = 60 Ω) load condition.

Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms for (a) steady-state 13-level load voltage and load current (100 V/div and 2 A/div) for L (L = 275 mH) load,
(b) load current (1 A/div) and capacitor voltages (20 V/div) under sudden load change condition, and (c) load voltage (50 V/div) and capacitor
voltages (20 V/div) when one of the sources (Vin 2 ) is suddenly blocked out.

Fig. 15. Experimental waveforms for (a) steady-state 37-level load voltage with load current (100 V/div and 1 A/div), (b) load voltage with stress
voltage across S 1 a , S 1 1 a , and stress voltage across charging leg 1 (CH1) (20 V/div); load voltage with stress voltage across S 2 a , S 2 2 a , and stress
voltage across charging leg 2 (CH2) (50 V/div); stress voltage across S 2 U and S 2 L (50 V/div), load voltage with stress voltage across S 1 U and S 3 L
(50 V/div).

by the blocked supply previously discharge their stored energy 

can be observed that the maximum stress voltage for S1a , S11a ,
and the voltage across the capacitors become zero. and charging leg CH1a are same and within 15 V whereas the
maximum stress voltage for the switches S2a , S22a , and charging
B. Experimental Results for 37-Level Proposed SCMLI leg CH2a are same and within 40 V. Similarly, the stress voltage
across the switches S2U and S2L are equal and within 200 V,
In this section, the experimental results for the 37-level pro-
as shown in the middle of Fig. 15(b). Furthermore, the stress
posed symmetrical SCMLI structure (n = m = 2) are presented.
voltage across the switches S1U and S3L are equal and within
The laboratory prototype has been implemented by incorporat-
100 V as shown in the right side of Fig. 15(b).
ing the other two additional capacitor legs in each SCCs of the
13-level SCMLI. The selected capacitors for the structures are
2500 μF for C1a , C11a , C1b , and C11b whereas 1880 μF for C2a , IX. CONCLUSION
C22a , C2b , and C22b . The magnitude of supply voltages is se- At first, a novel SCC structure was proposed in this paper. The
lected as 15 V each. With these dc supplies, the structure is able proposed SCC showed the ability to produce boosted multistep
to produce a 37-level output voltage waveform of peak voltage dc voltages from an input dc source. The capacitors used in the
level of 200 V as shown in Fig. 15(a). Further, Fig. 15(a) shows SCC structure could be charged in trinary asymmetrical pattern.
the load current for R-L load condition (R = 200 Ω, L = 50 mH). Further, the SCC showed the lower TSV and lower maximum
The stress voltage across different switches for the 37-level switch stress voltage as compared to other recently published
inverter structure are shown in Fig. 15(b). The stress voltage SCC structures. After that an SCMLI structure was developed
for the switches S1a 
, S11a , charging leg CH1a, S2a , S22a , and and analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric dc source config-
charging leg CH2a are shown in the left side of Fig. 15(b). It urations. The SCMLI structure was able to produce a specific

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