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Fraction Assessment Review 1. Drawa picture to show each fraction. (K) Your Oictuces may lock « Ith Afferent Tk chold be dived int Five Eighths *: Same nivhber oF eqpl Four Fifths pevts, ond hue de Same le ° wchs shaded ei Kw ‘Two Halves VM) Vs Three Quarters I HL cA 2._ Sort the fractions below that is closer to 0, 1, and +? (T) One Fifth Three Eighths Two Quarters Nine Tenths Six Eighths Two Ninths Four Sixths } ATT 2 wet 5 MTT Pag + Vow me “yok ie 2 ia_ & ee 5 EL) Closer to 0 Closet 2 Closer to 1 + 5 i22 4 | a $4 | io TA is helfiny between % and Ly 0 st tan yew beth 3. Explain how these two fractions are equivalent. Draw a picture and explain your ideas in detall. (C) Even ough or alent. Y. Three Sixths = One Half both Fractions have differsnt numbers, thy are ee thet bod £ cack bik Yee Saree circles ace divided ate dere amoust of spat is Colaced (lll) 4. Find the fraction of each set, draw a picture to show your answer. (A) bore= 6 Foros 1 ®@® 06 ® ° oe oe °° oO 0 o Oo = 3 = § ta0- % Zr 6 oo oe 0° oo 608 oO se eo © CO 2S oye

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