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Sexual Harassment Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL) Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism and Sexual Harassment

Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL) Centre: Practice of Compassion or Cruelty?

Tibetan Buddhist monks teach about high moral ethics, equanimity, compassion,
bodhicitta, nirvana, freedom from suffering, and enlightenment amongst other
topics. Unfortunately, they fail to practice what they preach.

The monks, management, and others at CKSL (Choe Khor Sum Ling) and FPMT failed to practice moral
ethics and compassion at a time when it was most needed. Even Lama Zopa Rinpoche failed in his
Buddhist practice.

Right from the beginning of the sexual harassment case in July 2016 and up until now (2020), CKSL
refused to abide by the law of the country. They resorted to lies, deceits, betrayals, victim isolation,
defamation, and harassment and mental torture to the victim.

Where was the practice of compassion? Yet, they say that they practiced compassion.

What about moral ethics? Even the least of it was missing. How do you call repeated lies, deceits,
betrayals, mental abuse to the victim, grouping up against the victim, etc. as morally ethical?

What about equanimity? Oh, but the Director, after consultation with the four regular monks and the
management of the Centre, gave in writing "We believe in equality..." in an email to victim. "Believing in
equality" and "practicing equality" are two different scenarios. If indeed they practiced equality, then
how would the monks and management answer the following questions:

1. Why did you refuse to collect and share the sexual offender Natarajan's details? You repeatedly
collected the victim's details, including the victim's professional history and bank (money)
details, and shared with others.
2. Why did you not isolate Natarajan in the exact same manner you isolated the victim - telling
everyone not to talk to the victim? Yet, not a single word against Natarajan.
3. Why did you not verbally abuse Natarajan in the exact same manner you did to the victim over
phone or at the CKSL Centre? You treated him with loads of care and respect.
4. Why did you refuse to share Natarajan's details despite having his record in the CKSL database?
5. How can you say you "do not have the record of Natarajan", who visited the Centre for over 10
years, and "have the record of the victim", who visited the Centre for only eleven months? How
is this equal treatment?
6. Why did Rashmi Krishnan, her mother and others not have to follow the "6-month Rule", which
you made the victim follow right from December 29, 2015? The victim followed the "6-month
Rule" for eight months.

Sexual Harassment Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL) Tibetan Buddhism

7. Why did you not make Natarajan bedridden the way you made the victim bedridden with your
cruel behavior?
8. Why did the monk Tenzin Namjong (Matthew Timothy Pasion) refuse to help the victim for
eleven months with the name of a book, etc. while he readily helped others? How does this
amount to equal treatment?
9. .... many more questions.

The true Dharma practice is observed in difficult times. In this case, the Dharma practice itself was
missing in the monks and their coterie. Instead, they practiced everything worldly and materialistic.

It is unfortunate that the monks teach "these are the precious teachings of the Buddha". It is, indeed,
unfortunate that these behavior are the teachings of the Buddha, what the Buddha taught to attain
nirvana and enlightenment.

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