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Session 1

Environment, Climate Change and the Maritime Regime

1. Aakash Aggarwal – Truncating Green House Gases’ Emissions from International

Shipping and its impact on Marine Environment and Impacts of Climate Change: An
approach towards Sustainable Development.
2. Dr. Sohini Mahapatra - Climate Change and threat to marine life: the void in Indian
legal canvas.
3. Dr. M.P Chengappa - A study of the legal framework governing deep sea bed mining:
special focus on sustainable mining vis-à-vis protection of marine biodiversity.
4. Harshal Shah & Jyoti - Marine Environmental Protection and Impact on Climate
5. Swetha Sethubaskaran - International trade and protection of marine environment:
challenges and adaptations.
6. Atul Alexander - An analysis on the expanding environmental jurisprudence in United
Nations Convention on Law of Seas: Voices from the South China Sea Arbitration.
7. Sahiba Vyas & Gaurav Jairaj - The International Whaling Regime.

Session 2
Challenges to Maritime Security: Piracy and other Offences

1. K.A. Dhananjay - Indian Ocean Maritime order: an alternative prospective for maritime
security in the Indian Ocean region.
2. Suranjana Chatterjee & Shalini Ghosh – Maritime Piracy: Role of Pirating Youth and
Exoneration – A lack of Strong Political Will or Insufficient Domestic laws?
3. Amanya Shree Gangawat & Anshu Singh- An analysis of maritime piracy and armed
robbery against ships in areas of Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden, South China Sea, and
4. Sakshi Jain- The Real Baywatch- Legislative tools in Coastal States to tackle drug
5. Harshita Sharma - International nautical boundaries delimitation- collision and other
offences with various effectual measures.

Session 3
Technology, Autonomous Ships and E-Navigation

1. Akash Dubey & Siddharth Shukla - Jurisprudence of vessel unseaworthiness; the future
of legality of fully autonomous commercial vessels in 21st century.”
2. Anshuman Sahoo & Aditi S. Shirpurkar - Maritime Privacy: An analysis of vessel data
protection regime in the Post-GDPR Era.
3. Sagnik Sarkar & Ashish Singh - A peek into the future: unravelling the legality of
Autonomous Ship.
4. Lipsa dash & Biplab Ku. Aich - Technology outreaching into water: an impact analysis
in the maritime industry.
5. Tarun Ghai & Nilanjan Kumar - “Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vessels: the
issue of liability fixation in view of Doctrine of Personification”.
6. Toshaar Trivedi - Legislation on Ship Recycling: unveiling an unexplored territory.

Session 4
Contemporary Developments and their effects on the Maritime Regime

1. Syed Owais Talib & Sai Rishikesh Reddy Yenumula - Innocent passage and transit
passage with special reference to the maritime cold war in the Strait of Hormuz.
2. Sanjana Hoque – The role of investment law in the offshore energy sector: lessons for
the Bay of Bengal region.
3. Antarnihita Mishra - The crisis at sea and need to reform the United Nations convention
on the law of the sea.
4. Kaushik Das - Asylum seeker and their rights under international law of sea.
5. Kapil Sharma - World trade organization and maritime transportation: a need for
6. Devika Radha - Comparative analysis of International rules relating to Cargo Disputes.
7. Sudatta Barik - Privatisation of Port Sector in India.

Session 1
 Tony George
 Rishka Khare

Session 2
 Ashok Mahapatra

Session 3
 Shiv Iyer

Session 4
 Hari Narayan
 Sheela Rai

Technical Session

1. Foreign Direct Investment in the Shipping Industry

2. Protection of Life at Sea: A Duty on the Coastal States
3. Resolving Maritime Jurisdictional Issue by International Cooperation
4. Marine Environment Protection and Impact of Climate Change
5. Rapid changes in technologies and its impact on maritime law

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