The Experience of The Disciples in The Storm Can Be An Encouragement To Us

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The experience of the disciples in the storm can be an encouragement to us

, when we go through the storms of life. When we find ourselves in the

storm , we can rest on several assurance.

1. He brought me here .
The storm came because they were in the will of God.
Did Jesus know that the storm was coming ?
Did He deliberately direct them into the storm ?

2 kinds of storm

1. Storm of Correction – when God discipline us for our disobedience.

2. Storm of Perfection – when God helps us to grow, the disciples were
in a storm because they obeyed Christ and had to be perfected.

Many Christians have the mistake, idea that disobedience to God’s will
produces smooth sailing. “But this time it is not true.”

John 16:33 says : “In the world you shall have tribulation.”

When we find ourselves in the storm because we have obeyed the Lord , we
must remember that He brought us here and He can care for us.


This entire scene is a dramatic picture of the church and the Lord today,
God’s people are on the sea in the midst of the storm. Yet Jesus Christ is
in heaven “making intercession” for us.

Romans 8:34
Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than
that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding
for us.
MARK 6:48

He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because they were roaring against the
wind; sometime between three and six o’clock in the morning , he came to them
walking on the water. He was going to pass them by.

He saw the disciples and knows their plight. Just as He sees us and knows what
we are going through.

“He will come to Me”

Jesus always comes to us in the storms of life.” When you pass through the waters
I will be with you (Isaiah 43:2)

He may not come at the time we think . He should come because He knows when
we need Him the most. He waited until the ship was as far from land so that all
human hope has gone. He was testing the disciples that the very thing they feared
( the sea) was only a stair case for Him to come to them.

Often we fear the different experiences of life, only to discern that those
experiences bring Jesus Christ closer to us.

Why did they not recognize Jesus ?

Because they were not looking for Him . Had they been waiting by faith, they would
have known Him immediately.

Fear and Faith cannot live in the same heart for fear always blinds the eyes to the
presence of the Lord. Fear disrupt faith and becomes the biggest obstacle in rusting
and obeying God.

4. He will help me grow

This was the whole purpose of the storm to the disciples grow in their faith.
Jesus would one day leave them and they would face many storms in their
ministries. They had to learn the most of Him even though He was not
present with them and even though it looked us through He did not care.

What caused Peter to sink?

Began to waves because he look his eye off the Lord and began to look at
the circumstances around him.”
3 Things happened while Peter walked in the Water:
1. Focus of attention shifted from Jesus to the wind.
2. Shifted attention to new sets of thoughts and feelings and focused on
panic and inadequacy, he became frightened
3. Jesus wanted Peter to learn from this experience so he could grow.

This experience was difficult for Peter but it helped him to grow in his
knowledge of himself and of the Lord. The storms of life are not easy, but
they are necessary. They teach us to trust Jesus Christ alone and to obey His
word, no matter His circumstance. It has well been said: “Faith is not believe
of evidence but obeying in spite of consequences.”


If Jesus says “Come, then that word is going to accomplish its
intended purpose, Since He is the “Author and Finisher of our
Faith (Heb. 12:2) Whatever He starts , He completes.
We may fail along the way , but in the end , God will succeed .
Jesus and Peter walked on the water together and went to the ship.
Peter’s experience turned out to be a blessing to the power of Jesus
Christ in only faith down and worship Him. When Jesus calmed
the first storm (Matt. 8:22-27) the disciples said “What manner of
man is this ? But now their clear testimony was “ Thou art the Son
of God.”

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