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Maintaining strict temperature under + 2 ° C / +8 ° C, maximizing payload, minimizing weight

and preparation time are the cornerstones of Sofrigam cold chain shipping solutions. During
two months, Sofrigam analyzed the performances of the passive insulated packaging
available on catalog by taking into account real air freight and road freight logistics circuits
according to the AFNOR B and D and ISTA 7E profiles.
The results of this comparative study of equivalent temperature-controlled packaging show
that Sofrigam insulated solutions help reducing global cold chain logistics costs.
Let’s see how.

Payload, the winning ratio

Payload denotes the ratio between the quantity of

shipped products and the total weight of the cold chain
packaging. For a given outer volume and equivalent
performance, the study revealed that Sofrigam insulated
shipping solutions are offering 20% more payload and
reduces the weight by 30% thanks to the use of a high-
value added insulated material : the polyurethane.

212 avenue Paul Doumer 92508 RUEIL-MALMAISON Cedex FRANCE – Tel.: +33 (0) 1 46 69 85 00 – Fax.: +33 (0)1 47 25 98 44 | Follow us on Twitter @Sofrigam
Polyurethane, the efficient insulating material

Sofrigam containers are designed on the basis of a

highly efficient insulating material: polyurethane.
Polyurethane has low thermal conductivity (0.023
W/mK). Highly efficient and inexpensive, it ensures that
products are kept safe in long-distance and
international consignments, without the need to pack
the container with large numbers of eutectic gels in order to maintain the temperature. As a
result, the payload is greater and the total weight of the container is lower. This is why
Sofrigam insulated containers are, on average, 30% lighter than other commercially-
available products.

Moreover, polyurethane is a flexible material, easier to handle than polystyrene. It can be

formed into virtually any shape to suit specific requirements, so that polyurethane can be
used for manufacturing individually-designed insulated packaging solutions. This is of
particular benefit in the search for ways of optimising the payload of packages. In addition,
the accessories supplied with the insulated packaging in order to make them easier to use
(compartment for storing the eutectic plates, etc.) can reduce preparation times by up to
50%. Another step toward optimising cold chain logistics!

Three-way collaboration, a deciding factor in cold chain

logistics management

In order to ensure that packaging solutions are adapted to suit actual logistical
requirements, Sofrigam recommends three-way collaboration between laboratories,
logisticians and the suppliers of temperature-controlled packaging. “It is up to the
logistician to ensure that the package is delivered in satisfactory condition within 48…

212 avenue Paul Doumer 92508 RUEIL-MALMAISON Cedex FRANCE – Tel.: +33 (0) 1 46 69 85 00 – Fax.: +33 (0)1 47 25 98 44 | Follow us on Twitter @Sofrigam
… hours. We also encourage the laboratories to place sensors in their containers in order
to ensure that the temperature profiles they have requested from us are consistent”, notes
Laëtitia Perche, Marketing and Communication Director at Sofrigam.

New! Cooling solutions on the shelf

and ready to use!
Sofrigam have developed a standard
range accessible to the greatest number
and immediately available. These new
insulated solutions are pre-qualified in
strict +2 ° C / +8 ° C. They meet the three
keys Sofrigam: maximizing payload,
minimizing the weight and preparation
time. Key assets representing the solution
of choice for optimising logistical costs.

Products to be discovered in advanced preview at Cool Chain Europe

event (27 /28 February, Frankfurt, Germany).

212 avenue Paul Doumer 92508 RUEIL-MALMAISON Cedex FRANCE – Tel.: +33 (0) 1 46 69 85 00 – Fax.: +33 (0)1 47 25 98 44 | Follow us on Twitter @Sofrigam
About Sofrigam

Founded in 1979, Sofrigam is the leading European manufacturer of temperature-controlled

packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. Sofrigam offers a complete range of
temperature-controlled, pre-qualified and individually-designed packaging solutions for the
biopharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnological and food processing industries. Following its
recent expansion, the design and manufacturing facility for Sofrigam insulated packaging
solutions, located in the North of France, is the largest plant in the world to be solely
dedicated to the production of temperature-controlled packaging solutions.

Laetitia Perche
Marketing Director
+33 (0) 1 46 69 85 43

Vanessa Dinclaux
Communications Officer
+33 (0) 1 46 69 85 02

212 avenue Paul Doumer 92508 RUEIL-MALMAISON Cedex FRANCE – Tel.: +33 (0) 1 46 69 85 00 – Fax.: +33 (0)1 47 25 98 44 | Follow us on Twitter @Sofrigam

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