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1. Magnetism is the ability to attract _____ and ______.

2. Knowledge of magnetism goes back to the __________.

3. Number three realized that a certain rock called _________ attracted pieces of iron.
4. Magnets are named after the town _________, a district in __________ in ______, _________
where the Iodestone was mined.
5. Natural permanents were called ___________ ( magnetic, ________ {chemical formula ito} )
after __________ ( or ___________ ).
6. It was the first magnetic material to be identified and studied.
7. Regions near the ends of the magnet.
8. A property of materials that respond to an applied magnetic field that causes the material to be
either attracted or repelled.
9. Magnet came from the _______ word meaning “________ _______”.
10. It is a natural magnet
11. Artificial magnets
12. Material that produces a magnetic field
13. 4 Magnetic Materials
14. T or F? Magnetism is a contact force. (acts as a distance)
15. Magnetism may be established upon the application of ________
16. What Is the law of magnetic poles?
17. Who discovered that the earth is a huge magnet?
18. Region surrounding a magnet where the magnetic force cann be detected
19. Imaginary lines that indicate the path taken by an independent n pole going from the N to the S
pole of magnet
20. Properties of Lines of force (3):
21. How is magnetic field created?
22. Magnetic field sources are essentially ________ in nature.

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