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Instructor: Jeevan Jaidi
Chapter: 2
Pressure Force on Plane Surface
 Prob # 1: A circular plate of 2.5 m diameter is submerged in an oil of
specific gravity, S = 0.8. The minimum and maximum depths of the
plate are 1 m and 2 m, respectively from the free surface. Calculate
the following; [Ans: 1.5417 m; Fig (1) to be drawn by the student]
(a) Hydrostatic pressure force on one face of the inclined plane surface
(b) Depth of the center of pressure from free surface
Pressure Force on Plane Surface
 Prob # 2: For the system shown in Fig (2), calculate the height, H of
the oil (specific gravity, S = 0.8) at which the rectangular hinged gate
will just begin to rotate in counter clockwise direction. Take width of
the gate as 0.6 m. [Ans: H = 4.16 m]
Pressure Force on Curved Surface
 Prob # 3: Calculate the force, P necessary to hold the 4 m wide gate
in the position shown in Fig (3). Neglect the weight of the gate. [Ans: P
= 63.57 kN]
Linearly Accelerating Fluid Body
 Prob # 4: An open tank 5 m long, 2 m deep and 3 m wide contains oil
of relative density, RD = 0.9 to a depth of 0.9 m. If the tank is
accelerated along its length on a horizontal track at a constant value
of 3 m/s2, determine the following; [Ans: PA-PB = 13.47 kPa; Fig(4) to be
drawn by the student]
(a) Free surface location of the oil after acceleration
(b) Pressures at the left and right bottom surface of the tank

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