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Technology is a terrible Master

This chapter summarises the current scenario of life, how much we are addicted to our mobile phone in
home and to the Computer in Offices. We bacame the slave of these technologies, we have no time to
smell roses of our lives. We have to move out of this situation by:

1. Answering only 4% of the important mails and leave all other mails to autoresponder.

2. Create "zones of silences" in day to day life, turnoff all notification for an hour or two.

3. Unplug all the technology for a day, to recharge our mental batteries.

18. Slice and Dice the Task

The author marks the human psychology by saying that we ignore the big or important tasks just
because it appears big. The author gives a solution to cut big task into small and eat only the small piece
instead of the whole elephant at once. This completed task gives motivation to persist towards the final

There is one more technique, take one bite of frog and then take rest or do something else. With this
you became energise and enthusiastic. You feel internally motivated, until the whole task completed.

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