English Dialog

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XII MIA 4, Member of the group:

- Made Agia Putri Madani (04)

- I.G.N. Bagus Esa Mahaputra (07)
- Kadek Gita Cahyani (12)
- I Made Krishna Vrindavana (17)


Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019
On the breaktime, Gita,Agia, and Krishna gathering together in their class. They want
to go to cinema after back to school and watch a new film together. They are discussing about
what kind of film they want to watch while waiting for Esa who still buy some foods in the

Agia : “Guys, a few days ago,we talked about a new film that released yesterday.
Why don’t we watch that film together?

Gita : “ Eum..are you sure to watch the nun? If I’m correct you never love horror
movie right? And by the way are you free today? I don’t have any schedule after school. How
about you all?

Agia : “WHAT?! We will watch that movie? NO! as you all know I don’t like
horror movie, it’s so scary”

Gita : “ Hahaha, ofcourse I know. Let’s check our schedule before. If all of us are
free, let’s watch it today. For the film let’s we discuss it after esa come back from the

(while krisna searching for the schedule, esa come to the class with his noisy voice and
awkward pose)

Esa : “WAKANDA! ZZZING! Eyo guys, what are doing in here?”

Krishna : “Hi Esa! We are discussing about a film that recommended to watch. Esa,
what are you doing with that pose?”

Esa : “ Do you want to go to the cinema guys? Ah, I did wakanda pose, it’s one of
a famous part in avengers”

Agia : “ Avengers? Is it a film? If I’m right, what kind of film is that?”

Esa : “ Yes you’re right. It’s action fantasy. I got some spoilers about this film. I
think it’s exciting, why don’t we watch that film?”

Gita : “ What do you think about avengers guys? If you are agree with that, let’s
watch it. Fyi, i can watch anything”

Krishna : “ I’m not excited with that film. I think I’m interest with the nun. It’s a
sequel of conjuring, ‘I KNOW YOUR NAME, YOUR NAME IS...’

Agia : “ STOP STOP!! I don’t want to hear that! I’m too afraid Krishna”

Krishna : “Okay, okay I enough. Why don’t we watch dilan 1990? It’s romance film
and it has teenager vibe. ‘jangan rindu, berat. Biar aku saja’

Gita : “ Heol...it’s so cringe Krishna. I don’t want to watch romance because it’s

Esa : “ Agia please, just for this time, let’s watch the nun”
Agia : “hm..Okay okay just for this time okay? Anytime, don’t ask me to watch this
kind of film!”

Gita : “Fix! Let’s watch it! But..wait,wait. We don’t even know when the film
begin right? Why don’t we searching for the time and if it possible, let’s booking the seats for
all of us”

Agia : “ Ahh,almost forget about it. We can search for the schedule on the cinema’s
website. But i’m sorry to said that, I don’t bring my phone. Anyone?”

Krishna : “ No problem,I bring my phone. Let me search about the schedule”

Krishna : “ I’m so sorry guys, but my phone’s battery was low. I can’t be online
because of that”

Agia : “ Would you like to use my phone? My phone’s battery still full too”

Krishna : “Ofcourse, let me search it with your phone”

Krishna : “ Guys I already booking for 4 seats for us. The film will start on 5 p.m.

Gita : “ What a nice timing. So because the film start at 5 p.m we still have some
free times to searching for a food or walk around the mall together.

Agia : “ By the way, guys, would you like to go to the cinema with me? My car
enough for all of us.

Gita : “ If you don’t mind, let’s we go there with your car agia! I’ll treat you
popcorn for the return”

Esa : “ Don’t you want to treat us too gita?”

Krishna : “ Yeah! Don’t forget of us gita! We will watch the film so we need popcorn

Gita : “ Yeaaahh.. okay, I’ll treat popcorn for all of you guys!”

(The bell is ringing)

Esa : “ The bell has rang. Let’s we go to our desk because our teacher will come

Agia : “Okay let’s we back to our desk gita. Boys, for the plan, i will wait both of
you in parking area with gita. Don’t be late guys!”

Gita : “ I Hate waiting. So don’t be late, if you still want a free popcorn from me!”

Krishna + Esa : “ Okay”

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