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Sample/practice Exam, Questions and Answers

Forensic Investigations (Texas A&M University)

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Chapter 10----------------------------------------------------------

Which of the following types of ridges are “counted” in the primary Henry classification of a set
of prints?


The police official who developed a fingerprint classification system still used in Central and
South America is:

Juan Vucetich

A radial loop

Opens toward the thumb side of the hand


A type of automated searching system for fingerprints

Level 3 fingerprint data includes:

The positions of sweat pores along fingerprint ridges

Ruhemann’s purple is:

Formed from the reaction of ninhydrin with fingerprint residues

Which of the following is not a type of whorl pattern:

Tented arch

If the primary Henry classification of a set of fingerprints is 1/1, which 2 fingers have whorls?

No fingers have whorls

If the primary Henry classification of a set of fingerprints is 17/1, which finger has a whorl?

Right thumb

Alphonse Bertillion was famous for:

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Developing a system of body measurements to identify people

When AFIS searches its database of fingerprints it searches for which types of patterns:

Ridge endings and bifurcations

Iodine fumes adhere to what type of fingerprint residue:

Lipids and fats

Ninhydrin reacts with what type of fingerprint residue:

Amino acids

Three dimensional footwear evidence can be preserved by:


Tire impressions are important because:

They can be matched to a specific tire


Whorl - One type of fingerprint that has two deltas

Loop - One type of fingerprint that has one delta

Arch - One type of fingerprint that has no deltas

Plastic Fingerprint - A visible fingerprint impression in a soft solid

Patent Fingerprint - A visible fingerprint left behind due to residue on the finger such as blood,
grease or paint.

Latent Fingerprint - A fingerprint invisible to the naked eye

Rhodamine 6G - A liquid fluorescent dye used to enhance fingerprint

Cyanoacrylate - The active ingredient in Super Glue which reacts with fingerprint residue
forming a white precipitate

Silver Nitrate - One of the oldest chemical methods of fingerprint visualization

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Sublimation - Change of phase from a solid directly to a gas

Ch 11-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Make sure you check your answers with the ones on the quizlet link i found:

1.) Which of the following is NOT a good practice in taking requested handwriting exemplars?
D; Dictate the requested exemplar.

2.) Which of the following is NOT an example of a questioned document?

E; All of the above are examples of a questioned document (forged passport, stolen
traveler's check, a copy of a $10 bill, a threatening message in spray paint on someones

3.) Which of the following is NOT true of a questioned document examiner?

A; They can learn their craft solely by getting a college degree in questioned document
4.) Which of the following is NOT an acceptable method for revealing indented writing?
A.) Oblique lighting.

5.)Which of the following methods is used for the comparison of ink samples?
B; Thin layer chromatography.

6.)In the Mormon will case, one of the characteristics of the will that indicated that it was not
Howard Hughes writing was
A; Written in forced, halting manner.

7.) Which of the following is NOT true of handwriting?

B; It is not affected by drugs or alcohol.

8.) Which of the following practices of collecting exemplars will help to minimize the chance of
the writer deliberately altering his handwriting?
C; Dictate long passages

9.) The ESDA is used mainly for

D; Reading indented writing.

10.) Which of the following is most likely to develop individual characteristics when it is used a
B.) Photocopiers.

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11.) Over Writing can always be detected by oblique lighting. TRUE

12.) Identification of the writing on a charred document depends upon the observation that ink
and lead burn slower than paper. TRUE

13.)The age of a document can be estimated by determining the degree of chemical

degradation of the ink used to write it. TRUE

14.)It is not possible to determine if writing has been mechanically erased. FALSE

15.) Specialized lighting such as infrared or ultraviolet can be used to uncover attempts to alter
a document by addition of extra numbers or letters. true?

16.) A nonrequest exemplar is one that already exists at the time of the questioned document
case. True? (non request exemplar- already exists; written by the subject for purposes other
than the questioned document case).

-handwriting is a subconcious behavior

-drugs, alcohol, and age all effect handwriting.

Chapter 12------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rifling of a barrel refers to

The lands and grooves in the barrel

Which markings will not be found on a cartridge casing fired from a revolver?

Extractor markings

Which of the following is a class characteristic of a fired bullet or cartridge casing?

Number of lands and grooves

Which of the following is true of distance-of-firing determinations of shotguns?

The same weapon and ammunition must be used to determine the distance of firing

Which of the following is true about the stria in a barrel of a gun?

They are initially made by the tool that makes the barrel

The major propellant used in firearms today is?

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Smokeless powder

Which of the following is not a rifled weapon?


Today, “caliber” is defined in the United States as:

The diameter of the base of the cartridge in thousandths of inches

Which of the following is true about serial number restoration?

The metal below a stamped serial number is strained, making it faster to dissolve in an
etching solution than the surrounding metal

In the Sacco–Vanzetti case discussed at the beginning of the chapter, the jury based its guilty
finding mainly on:

The fact that the type of ammunition used in the killings was very rare and only the
defendants had any of it

Determining the path of a bullet is considered to be part of the study of .


Which of the following weapons does not have rifling in the barrel?


True or False

When a manufacturer rifles a barrel of a gun, it uses a broach tool to cut grooves into the metal


Once a toolmark has been impressed upon a surface, the tool making the mark never changes.


If a perpetrator sands down a serial number to the point where it is no longer visible, it is beyond
the point of restoration

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Chamber marks on cartridge cases are considered individual characteristics.


Stippling on a surface is caused by metal shavings exiting a gun barrel.


Chemicals dissolve the unstamped area of a metal more rapidly than the stamped area, causing
obliterated serial numbers to appear.


Extractor marks, breechface marks, striations, and serial numbers are all examples of


Chapter 20-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Windmark curve is on y-axis

Which of the following is not a metabolite of ethanol?


Most drugs and ethanol are eliminated from the body mainly by:

Metabolism followed by excretion in the urine

Synergism takes place when:

Two drugs are taken at once and their effects magnify each other

When a person builds up tolerance to a drug it means that:

He must take larger doses to continue to realize the same effects

Which of the following is not used in field sobriety testing?

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Count backward from 100

Which of the following would not affect the rate of absorption of ethanol into the blood stream?

How soon before drinking you exercised

The Widmark curve displays:

The blood alcohol level as a function of time

Synergism is:

The magnification of the effects of two or more drugs that have similar actions

Tolerance is:

The need for ever-increasing amounts of a drug

The most common surrogate for brain alcohol measurement in drunk driving cases is:


True or False

Stopping use of an addictive drug will bring on symptoms of withdrawal.


If you are stopped for driving while intoxicated and you refuse to take a sobriety test you can
lose your drivers’ license anyway.


The LD50 of alcohol is about 0.4 g/dL.


The half life of a drug is the time it takes to reduce its concentration in blood by 50 percent.


The LD50 of a drug is the concentration of the drug that causes death in half the people who
take that amount.

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The amount of alcohol in the bloodstream that constitutes being under the influence in drunk
driving cases is 1.0 g/dL.



Toxicology - Study of harmful effects of drug and poisons

Pharmacology - Study of all effects of drugs

Metabolism - Action of liver on drugs

Acetaldehyde - Substance that liver converts alcohol into

Half-life - Time it takes to decrease drug concentration by 50 percent

Chapter 21----------------------------------------------------------------

Which of the following fibers does not have a natural origin?


Which of the following fibers is animal in origin?


Which of the following fibers is partially natural and partially artificial?


Which of the following fibers is not animal in origin?


Which of the following tests can individualize fiber evidence?

Tear Matching

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Which of the following tests can individualize paint evidence?

Color layering

A fiber is examined under the microscope and it has a twisted appearance. The class of this
fiber could be:


A polymer constructed with two or more monomers is called:


Chapter 22------------------------------------------------------------

When the temperature of a liquid is raised

Its refractive index decreases

A piece of glass has a refractive index of 1.53 when measured with 400 nm wavelength light. If
the same piece of glass is analyzed with 600 nm light its refractive index


If a beam of light travels through a piece of glass at 90,000 miles per second, the refractive
index of the glass is:


Most labs do not analyze soil because

All of the above

Adding boron to molten glass

Makes it more stable to rapid temperature changes

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6. What is the definition of glass? 7. What properties does glass have in common with a liquid?
A solid? 8. Define refractive index and refraction? 9. What is a Becke line and what causes it to
form? 10. What is soil? What are the two major fractions of soil?

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