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The Importance of Computer to the Academic Performance

of the Grade 11 ICT Students of Rizal High School

A Research Study
Presented to the faculty of

In partial fulfilment
Of the requirements for the course


Computers are now a fact of life. Computers have created a very effective information
system to help streamline the management of an organization. This makes it a much
needed tool for every business, banking, government, entertainment, daily life, industry,
education, and administration. It can be said of all large organizations, whether the
department government or private, use a computer for a variety of their daily business
and it is the fastest growing industries in the world today. Each organization usually has
one or more large computer systems and a number of microcomputer. The system is a
great computer for data processing tasks, while many small microcomputer to use as
word processing. Computers have become part of our lives is essential. In general, the
use of computers can be divided into several groups.

The first extensive data processing in order to avoid abuse of the workload while
increasing the effectiveness of trade and industry. Both as a prediction for decision-
makers on the planning, development, and growth based on past data. In addition, it
also as a means of control and non-power electric system based on our needs, such as
closing the air conditioner if the temperature is lower and save energy, connecting the
parts and so on. It is also a link to link data around the world in a short time. For the
fields of use mentioned above, the programs needed to be developed, tested, and
implemented on a computer. The various programs should be written and linked to form
a system for specific tasks. In general, the system means that the software and
hardware. As the system -the system used to process the data or information, call our
information systems.

Now in this era of science and technology become more advanced, the computer may
take over the role of books in the store and disseminate knowledge to the public. In
other words, the computer will change the way we learn and the way we store
knowledge. Hal-related matters such as student registration, class scheduling,
processing of examination results, students ‘and teachers’ personal storage can be
implemented by a computer with a fast and effective in helping the administration. Now
exams results were processed by computer. The IPT also the duties of office
automation, processing, scientific research results and also use the computer. In fact,
cataloging books in libraries also apply to computer use. Last but not least is used for
teaching and learning process is not only at institutions of higher learning in the schools,
both for teaching and studying computer-assisted education on computer is very
emphasized that in the field of education for helping in the administrative process,
research is what is important is the ease and help students and teachers in the teaching
and learning.
Background of the Study

Technology has struggled to find its way into the classroom in all sorts of ways, from
projectors and televisions to computer labs and student laptops. Along with improving
the way students are taught, it is also vitally important that students learn to use
computers to improve their own work and prepare for careers in a world where
computers have become as common as the pencil and paper.

Education has benefited from the inclusion of technology and computers by making it
easier for students to keep up while helping teachers by improving the way lessons can
be planned and taught. Students who use computers learn to use word processors for
work, and subsequently they learn computer jargon and strengthen grammatical skills.
Students can also look up lessons on websites or through email rather than lugging
heavy textbooks with them every day.

Students who use computers have been shown to attend school more steadily and
perform better than students who do not use computers. Along with getting higher
grades on exams, students also stated they felt more involved with their lessons and
work if they used a computer. Using computers gets students to become more focused
on their work at home, in collaborative projects with other students and on their own.

Computers make the learning process a lot more simple and efficient, giving students
access to tools and methods of communication unavailable offline. For example,
students can check their grades or lesson plans online, and also communicate directly
with their teachers via email or educational platforms such as Blackboard. Students can
also send work to their teachers from home or anywhere else, letting them finish work
outside the constraints of school hours and teaching them about procrastination and
personal responsibility.

The researchers want to conduct a research about the importance of computer on the
academic performance of Grade 11 CSS Students of Rizal High School.

This study is to figure out why computer is important in academic performance of of

Grade 11 CSS Students of Rizal High School.

See for full

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to find out the importance of computer to the academic

performance of the Grade 11 CSS Students of Rizal High School by mean of the

following questions:

1. How computer help students on their academic performance?

2. What are the signs that would let us know if computer helps students on

their academic performance?

3. How computer affects students academic performance?

Significance of the Study

The findings which this study will reveal, may benefit certain groups and the
benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:

Students – this group may be use this study as an example to bear in their mind
they are more luckier, even life is struggling because of economic problems, they are
still send in the school to learn by their parents, thus will challenge to them and enabling
them to perform well in class, study harder to upgrade their knowledge and intelligence
so that the difficulties experienced by their parents in sending them to school to attain
their goals will not be in vain.

Future Researchers / The Researchers themselves – The findings of this

study will be serving as a good source of accurate and useful information for them.

The cost of educating a child is tremendous, it matters not so much, how much
our government spends for every child provided that the child finishes the school year
successfully. What is deplorable to not is the enormous number of school leaves every
year. When a child leaves school before attaining functional literacy , much of our effort,
time and money go down the drain.

He do not acquire the neeed skills for a productive and favorable life.

To all Parent - So that the parents will be able to know that they should
have a sense of dedication and devotion to duty as parent in implementation of some
strategies for the development of their kids.

To all community organizations. It is imperative for them to know the

characteristics of a children and youthin the community it enables them further to adopt
precautionary measures or remedies to forestall their unfavorable behavior.
Scope and Delimination of the Study

The focus of this study is to determine the importance of computer in the academic

performance of Grade 11 CSS students of Rizal High School.

It delimits that the study may not be generalizable to other populations or students who

no longer attend school.

This study focuses only to Grade 11 CSS students of Rizal High School who are using

computer. Each student will be given some set of questionnaire.

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