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Division of City Schools


Numancia St., Binondo, Manila


Name: Florante L. Esperanzate Grade and Section: 12-HUMSS(Faith)

Author/s Year Exact Text Copied Quoted, Paraphrased or Bibliography in APA

Published Summarized Format
Christian 2011 Internet memes are Internet Memes are a phenomena Bauckhage, 2011,
Bauckhage phenomena that rapidly gain that evolves through time. It often Insights into Internet
popularity or notoriety on the addresses social and cultural Memes, Fifth
Internet. Often, modifications issues and spreads rapidly by International AAAI
or spoofs add to the profile of adding modifications and editing on Conference on
the original idea thus turning it the original meme to provide weblogs and Social
into a phenomenon that progress and originality. Media
transgresses social and Furthermore, its origin couldn’t be
cultural boundaries. It is traced directly due to lack of
commonly assumed that scientific evidence.
Internet memes spread virally
but scientific evidence as to
this assumption is scarce.
Heidi 2013 Internet memes are a form of Internet Memes are a platform used Huntington, 2013,
Huntington representational discourse to discuss issues in dominant Subversive Memes:
that subverts dominant media media websites to form a new Internet Memes as a
messages to create a new meaning. form of Visual
meaning. Rhetoric
Ryan 2013 Memes – both in the pre- On the pre-digital and digital era, Milner, 2013,
Milner digital and the digital age – Memes became an instrument to International Journal
closely related to the process provide norm standards and a tool of Communication, p.
of norm formation. The for norm formation. However, it 7-8
memetic practice is not merely does not merely dwell on these
an expression of existing things, but also obtain social
social cultural norms, it is also cultural norms.
a social tool for negotiating
Nooney et 2014 While any specific meme The meaning of a specific meme Nooney et al, 2014,
al. might carry profound meaning varies from the specific community One Does Not
within a specific community at it came from, and may change as Simply: An
a specific moment, we time goes by. This mechanism of Introduction to the
ultimately made the editorial meaning found on memes made it Special Issue on
decision that this issue should relevant to the ever-changing Internet Memes,
play the critical long game, by society, and the status quo.
interrogating the mediatic
mechanisms of memes along
with their content.
Alice 2013 An Internet meme is a piece of An internet Meme is a piece of Marwick, 2013,
Marwick culture, typically a joke, which cultural information, provide norm Memes
gains influence through online standards and passes from time to
transmission.” Limor Schifman time though time to time through
defines them as “cultural online transmission.
information that passes along
from person to person, yet
gradually scales into a shared
social phenomenon.” The
availability of social media
means that any piece of
Internet content has the
potential for an enormous
Thov 2012 As internet culture developed Online communication has been Reime, 2012, Memes
Reime through OC, the first online made possible by the use of as Visual Tools for
Memes appeared. The term memes, a piece of information Precise Message
‘Meme’ means in simple mainly used to communicate a Conveying A Potential
terms, a piece of information specific information, depending on in the Future of
that replicates and evolves who is asked. Online
according to environment, yet Communication
maintains a core principle. If a Development
random person was asked
what a ‘Meme’ is, answers are
likely to be quite different,
depending on who is asked.
David 2003 Beauty is an abstract There are no definite Sarwer, et al, 2003,
Sarwer, et construct. We all have our manifestations of beauty. All Beauty and Society
al. own ideas about what is and inidviduals has their own definition
is not beautiful--a particular of beauty. We must not dwell on
song or painting, a man or something set by the society.
woman. Accurately describing
what exactly" it" is that makes
the song, painting or person
beautiful, however, is a
daunting task.
Stephanie 2008 Gender norms and There are specific norms set by the Seguino, 2008,
Seguino stereotypes that perpetuate society and one of those are the Evidence on global
inequality are deeply gender norms. There are instances trends in gender
embedded in social and where underrepresentation norms and
individual consciousness and, happens regarding gender. The stereotypesevidence
as a result, are resistant to gender stratification theory states on global trends in
change. Gender stratification that key institutions had been one gender norms and
theories propose that of the variables constituting to stereotypes.
women's control over material having a marginalized society
resources can increase where equitable norms are not a
bargaining power to leverage priority.
change in key institutions,
prompting a shift to more
equitable norms.
Robert 2005 Suggests that cultural norms Cultural norms regarding female Silberstein et al,
Silberstein and female sex-role sex roles, stereotypes and attitudes 2005, Women and
stereotypes and attitudes have produced a major impact on weight: A normative
provide a context for women’s health and understanding. discontent.
understanding women's This means that standards and
preoccupation with thinness stereotypes regarding women have
and their pursuit of beauty. In provided a negative impact on
this society, obesity is a women, thus impairing their
strongly stigmatized condition confidence and self esteem.
and is met with punishment Obesity, for an instance, became a
(psychological, social, and major problem for women with
economic). regards to the standards set by the
Susan 2013 In examining biological Physical attractiveness is a major Brownmiller, 2013,
Brownmiller aspects of weight reduction, it component of beauty, when it Femininity
is suggested that the comes to the standards set by the
contemporary beauty ideal of society. Since this is major
"thinness equals component of beauty stereotyping,
attractiveness" prescribes a it provided negative impact to the
body weight that is mental health of women.
unrealistically low due to
developmental milestones that
tend to increase fat (e.g.,
puberty, pregnancy,
menopause) and women's
metabolic systems. It is
argued that women's
preoccupation with their
appearance comes out of
shame and social pressure
and leads to psychological
consequences such as
decreased self-esteem,
distorted body image, and
feelings of helplessness and
frustration in response to
unsuccessful dieting efforts

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