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CSR Cover 13/8/08 2:45 pm Page 3


002 Contents 13/8/08 1:07 pm Page 2

002 Contents 13/8/08 1:07 pm Page 3



Chelsea’s Chief Executive outlines the progress made in
the club’s second Corporate Social Responsibility Report


An overview of what we achieved in the 2006/07 season


The club’s CSR model and how it operates

Chelsea’s CSR audit figure and a breakdown of how the
club’s community investment for 2006/07 was calculated


A look at our FITC department and how it has developed

K E Y P A R T N E R S H I P S >>

Our continuing partnership with our Global Charity Partner

A look at the club’s work with our National Charity Partner

L O N D O N & G L O B A L I N I T I A T I V E S >>


Chelsea has continued its community work on key projects
at home while forming unique partnerships abroad

C E N T R A L I N I T I A T I V E S >>

How Chelsea is using the experiences of our current and
past players to spread the anti-discrimination message

Working with the Asian community to
further their participation in football

The education and anti-crime initiatives we support


A look at our relationship with the Prince’s
Trust and other youth projects

G E N E R A L I N I T I A T I V E S >>


A glance at our environmental awareness and
other commitments made by the club

Working with our past players, staff and supporters


Chelsea helped raise money for over
120 charities during the 2006/07 season

Printed by Pureprint Group using pureprint® their environmental print

technology on Oxygen 50:50 a paper made from 50% recovered fibre and
50% virgin fibre certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

004 Peter Kenyon 13/8/08 12:58 pm Page 14


elcome to Chelsea Football Club’s Corporate our local and global community. However, this was just than 350,000 people annually, a large increase on the
Social Responsibility (CSR) Report for the beginning and it was important for us not to stand still. previous year. Their programmes, especially in areas of
2006/07. This is the second CSR report by We had set ourselves a benchmark for the future and a social deprivation, are innovative.
Chelsea FC and I am delighted to say we have made challenge to build on our schemes and their influence. For example we began working in the year covered by
significant strides since we launched the first one at the It is particularly appropriate that we are launching this report on weapons awareness, particularly knife
House of Commons in January 2007. this report as our new Academy crime in our local area, which has
That event was attended by virtually all our first-team and Community Pavilion has just Our work with charities now become a key concern across
squad, management and board as well as a number of opened at our training ground in
has gone from strength the country.
Cabinet ministers, MPs, dignitaries from football, Cobham, Surrey. The new buildings at Cobham
charities, our local community and the media. This will give our Football in the to strength and we have also represent an ongoing
It was a unique event. We believe it was the first time Community team, who continue to
raised over £3 million commitment by Chelsea to the
a top football club had presented all of its work under do outstanding work in London, environment. The design and
the CSR banner and it demonstrated Chelsea’s total the Home Counties and abroad, a in three years construction of both buildings has
commitment to this area. permanent home in a building that taken into account the importance
More importantly it also highlighted the power of rivals that of the first team. of the local area and broader “green” issues.
football and its ability to draw people from different Our FITC team is at the heart of our CSR programmes. The House of Commons launch also saw us announce
walks of life into common causes that will only benefit Their schemes and related facilities now cater for more a six-year Global Charity partnership with Right To Play

004 Peter Kenyon 13/8/08 12:58 pm Page 15

F O R E W O R D >>P E T E R K E N Y O N 5

quantify everything financially and we have not

W H Y C H E L S E A I S C O M M I T T E D T O C S R >> counted every possible penny that we could under the
Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of our various models available in order to inflate our figure.
vision for Chelsea. That vision is that by 2014 we want to We have not produced the figure in order to compete
be recognised internationally as the world’s number one
football club. in a “league table” with other clubs nor does it take into
Not only do we want to be a successful team on the account the large amount of private work and charity
field, but we also want to make a difference off it.
We want Chelsea to be seen as a social leader, as well
fund-raising done by our players away from Chelsea.
as an industry leader, through an identifiable series of For us this is an exercise in demonstrating our
programmes that create a legacy at home and abroad. commitment, the transparency of our business and to
Cynics might say that CSR is a way of self regulation to
ward off Government interference, a way of picking up set ourselves standards for the future.
cheap PR points or that it is expected that football should What we can say is that we comfortably meet, and
do “good”.
But at Chelsea we do it because we believe exceed, two established models of measuring CSR.
fundamentally that it is the right thing to do, not because The United Nations want western Governments, or
it is expected.
big business, to contribute 0.7% of their GDP or turnover
We believe football clubs, of all corporates, have a
unique power through their global reach and their ability to good works. In our case turnover for 2006/07 was
to act as role models in key areas such as health, fitness, £190.5 million (£152.8m in 2005/06).
the environment and education that are critical to the
development of society generally. Similarly the highly respected organisation Business
It is easy to forget that business and society are in the Community has the Per Cent Club, in which
interdependent, the wellbeing of one is dependent on
companies strive to achieve the 1% standard of total
the wellbeing of the other.
Our social responsibility is not driven by profit. Activity pre-tax profit or turnover committed to community
is carried out and supported by the club, the investment. This year’s audit represents 2.3% of our
management, the players and the fans. All key
stakeholders are engaged. turnover, and although this has dropped 0.5% since last
Programmes are not geared to earn recognition, year, this is not a surprise because of the absence of the
although this can be a positive offshoot, but to stand
alone should the 'conscience' of the club be scrutinised Linford Christie Stadium project funding and because
or examined externally. group turnover at Chelsea increased by 25% in a single
Chelsea has committed to producing a CSR report in
Uniting for a good cause financial year.
Peter Kenyon, Frank Lampard, line with our last financial year end accounts. We have
Claude Makelele, Petr Cech, done this because we are proud of the work we have One other significant area to mention is our
former Minister for Sport Richard already done and we want to communicate that to all re-engagement with the history of Chelsea, most
Caborn and José Mourinho at our stakeholders; because we strive for best practice in
the CSR House of Commons
every area of our business; and because we want to set notably its past players. Before Roman Abramovich took
launch in January 2007
benchmarks for ourselves for improvement year on year. over the club this aspect of Chelsea was almost non-
existent. In fact many of the players were unwelcome
(RTP) whose work with children in the field of HIV/AIDS inspiration to everyone at Chelsea. We set ourselves a at Stamford Bridge.
awareness, poverty and conflict prevention is entirely target of £500,000 to be raised directly over the initial This changed after the summer of 2003 and by the
based on sports programmes. This led to the club’s first two-year partnership. This was beaten in the first year. 2005/06 season the ex-players were integral to the club’s
humanitarian visit to Africa to visit RTP projects in In total, Chelsea has helped raise £1.3 million directly Centenary celebrations. This stakeholder commitment
Ghana in May 2007. The trip was a fantastic success and and indirectly for CLIC Sargent over the two-year period. moved on again when the Past Players’ Trust was formed
the pictures were beamed around the world for many In this report we have again attempted to financially in 2007, a charitable organisation that helps those former
weeks after. quantify all of our work using industry-standard players and staff who have hit difficult times.
Our work with charities generally has gone from formulas or guidelines. So on nearly every level we have moved forward in
strength to strength and we have now directly raised We call this our “CSR audit”. This figure can be the area of CSR.
more than £3 million for charities in the last three years. broken down into various areas but also provides us Please take the time to read this report as we are
Only a tiny fraction of this was donated. We believe with a minimum total of our CSR “investment”. proud of our work but will strive to improve each year.
the power of our name, and the time of our players and The total figure for the season 2006/07 was £4.39
management, are far more effective money-raising million (£4.34m in 2005/06). This represents a fantastic
tools than just a straight donation. achievement as it exceeded the previous year’s audit
We are particularly proud of our National Charity which contained a one-off project at the Linford Christie
partnership with CLIC Sargent, a wonderful children’s Stadium of nearly £1 million.
cancer charity in the United Kingdom whose work is an By the nature of this type of work it is impossible to

006 Projects Breakdown 13/8/08 12:56 pm Page 14


Investing in the community

Football schemes for youngsters,
such as this one in the grounds of
the Tate Art Gallery, are a key
feature of what the club does

006 Projects Breakdown 13/8/08 12:57 pm Page 15



• Chelsea invested a minimum of £4.39 million in • 84,000 children took part in the football event Kick
CSR in 2006/07 for CLIC Sargent in summer 2007, promoted by
Chelsea Football Club
• That figure was 2.3% of Chelsea’s annual turnover
of £190 million • Chelsea’s Football in the Community schemes and
facilities had more than 350,000 participants in
• This audit separates into two figures, our London and the south-east
‘community investment’ of £3.25m million and
money directly raised or leveraged for charity of • Chelsea’s players and first-team management
£1.14 million made 235 visits (individual or as a squad group) to
CSR related schemes totalling 605 hours
• This is the third consecutive year that Chelsea has
raised more than £1 million for charities • Chelsea has re-engaged with its old players and
now assists those in difficulty after launching the
• Chelsea launched its first-ever Global Charity Past Players’ Trust
Partnership, with Right To Play, in January 2007
• Chelsea is committed to CSR;
• In May 2007, Chelsea embarked on its first - because we understand the social, economic and
humanitarian visit to Africa working with RTP environmental impact of our business
in Ghana
- because we believe it is the right thing to do
• £240,615 of the total charity figure was raised for
Chelsea’s National Charity Partner, CLIC Sargent. - because we strive for best practice
This means Chelsea has helped raise more than
£1.3 million for CLIC Sargent in the first two years - because we consult, communicate with and
of the partnership engage our stakeholders

• This money has directly helped 800 families who - and because we want to set benchmarks for the
have children with cancer or leukaemia future

008 Pyramid 13/8/08 1:05 pm Page 8

8 C S R >> T H E M O D E L


When we first began discussing how to improve and

develop Chelsea’s CSR four years ago we wanted to
make the strategy simple to understand and to execute.

Chelsea already had an excellent Football in the
Community scheme led by Shaun Gore. Together with
his dedicated team, he ran one of the most extensive
programmes in the Premier League.
But we needed more than this, more investment into
other unique Chelsea schemes and a more defined
charitable strategy to make as much difference as possible.
THE CONCEPT OF OUR CSR STRATEGIC We wanted our key partnerships to be unique to
MODEL AND THE WAY IT OPERATES CAN BE Chelsea and provide a focus in terms of commitment
and resource especially in our immediate community
DISPLAYED IN THE “PYRAMID” DIAGRAM and London. This would be in addition to, not at the
expense of, the work the club already did.
The areas to target seemed simple enough. For a
football club the greatest synergy and impact comes
from working with children. And the logical spheres to

pposite this page you will see a diagram that our Global Charity Partner, which is Right to Play. These
do this in are those through which the club, its players
illustrates Chelsea’s CSR strategic model. are our most high profile partnerships. and management can act as role models in line with
We think it is a simple concept and everything The second section (coloured red) is what we call dominant national issues. So health, fitness, the
environment and education were identified.
we do can be contained within it. “London and global initiatives”. These are schemes On charities, Chelsea already contributed to many
The “pyramid” represents all the various programmes that are unique to Chelsea, such as our Breakfast Club good causes with signed merchandise for auction but
there were no formal involvements around which to
and initiatives we are involved with. project in local schools or our commitment to help
base a strategy.
The “circle” around the pyramid represents our promote the Asian Confederation’s Vision China We wanted to work with two children’s charities, but
Football in the Community department and our major project. not ones that already had a high national or global
profile or established football relationships.
stakeholders such as the club, players, management, The third section (coloured blue) are the “central Our rationale was that a charity partner who was an
staff, fans, our immediate community and the wider initiatives”. These are schemes that most, or all, emerging player in that sector would leverage their
profile and awareness to the greatest extent through
football family. Premier League clubs engage in from Kick Racism Out
an exclusive relationship with Chelsea. We would grow
As you can see the pyramid touches the circle at every of Football, to the Prince’s Trust, to Playing for Success. holistically together. Our main aim was exposure for
one of its points. This is because we attempt to engage The fourth and last “general” section (coloured grey) the charity, money raising was an important secondary
our major stakeholders in, or with, one or more of these covers a myriad of less high profile but nevertheless Lastly, in terms of other global initiatives, these
programmes. important activities such as donated merchandise for would also be based around a unique approach. Unlike
most football clubs, we were not looking to take the
The pyramid is divided into four sections, these charities, small monetary donations, environmental money and run in key business markets.
represent the different categories of our CSR work. issues, partner/sponsor commitments, stakeholder We would seek legacy partners locally, this would
The first section, the apex (coloured gold), is what we engagement such as fans and ex-players, staff help our business generally, but also ensure we left
something tangible behind.
call our “key partnerships”. These are our National volunteering, company employment commitments and The following pages will show how this model is
Charity Partner, which is currently CLIC Sargent, and so forth. translated into action.

008 Pyramid 13/8/08 1:05 pm Page 9

C S R >> T H E M O D E L 9

010 Audit 13/8/08 12:53 pm Page 10



here are two industry CSR audit also quantifies how much
formulas for calculating money Chelsea has leveraged
‘community investment’ directly for charity, schools and
One is provided by Deloitte, who use other good causes, through events,
their ‘Template for costing donations of merchandise and
community investment’ to assess facilities and how much this
the total Premier League (FAPL) merchandise raised for the
investment in the FAPL’s individual charity. This can be seen
Community Report. in table 2. T A B L E 1 >>
This is similar to Business in the The two figures combined give us
Total of community investment £3,255,769
Community’s PerCent Club model. our total minimum CSR audit of
The Chelsea CSR audit makes a £4,393,536. MAIN BREAKDOWN:
calculation of our ‘community We attempt to track every piece of FITC programmes and associated costs £1.13m
investment’ using these templates merchandise or facilities donated by The Hub education programme £260,000
and this can be seen in table 1 (right). the club in terms of how much it and associated costs
Funding/sponsorship of CFC schemes £270, 271
This takes into account the raised. We request that charities
Donations of cash, facilities, £556, 546
following areas: the money submit a letter on their headed merchandise, tickets (at cost)
committed to our FITC, education notepaper to confirm the amount. Gift in Kind support/marketing £182,625
and other CSR programmes plus That way we also know which (Kick for CLIC Sargent and others)
associated costs; the cost of donation charities we have helped in the past. 5% of total communication/promotion £155,036
above line spend
of services, facilities, resources, This tracking is not definitive, nor
merchandise and tickets at cost; does it take into account the work The total community investment figure above also includes
direct charitable donations; cash our players do in their private time calculation of player/management and staff time, cost of anti-
leveraged via cause related or the money they raise, and racism marketing and promotion and other contributions.
marketing; allocation of therefore the figure below is not a
T A B L E 2 >>
player/management time. total reflection of everything we do
Money directly leveraged or raised £1,137,767
However, because of the amount as a club so we regard the figure as a for charities and good causes
of charity work we do, the Chelsea minimum.

010 Audit 13/8/08 12:53 pm Page 11


C S R R E P O R T E N D O R S E M E N T S >>

Andy Burnham, MP, Secretary of State

for Culture, Media and Sport:
‘Sport is a wonderful vehicle to
engage young people and to
promote health education and more
cohesive, safer communities and I
congratulate Chelsea for their
impressive work in this vital area. It’s good
for the game that more clubs are taking their social
responsibilities so seriously and Chelsea’s report is a
clear testament to their achievements in developing a
comprehensive programme of community
engagement and activity.’
David Cameron, MP, Conservative
Party Leader:
‘Chelsea Football Club has once
again showed its commitment to the
importance of Corporate Social
Responsibility with this second annual
report. The club's community work locally,
nationally and abroad displays an impressive
understanding of the part all successful organisations –
especially one as big and influential as Chelsea FC –
must play in a responsible society. I congratulate Peter
Kenyon, the players and staff on the continuing
progress made over the last year.’
Nick Clegg, MP, Leader of the Liberal
‘I am delighted to give my support to
the Corporate Social Responsibility
work that Chelsea Football Club
carries out. It is fantastic that Chelsea
raises money for worthwhile charities
such as CLIC Sargent. I am particularly impressed with
the excellent initiatives such as Football in the
Community that engage young people in sport.’
Alan Keen, MP, Chairman of the All Party
Football Group:
‘It was a pleasure to launch the first
Chelsea CSR report at the House of
Commons and I’m delighted the
club has continued to develop this
important aspect of their work. The
levels of investment show how importantly
Chelsea take Corporate Social Responsibility. I hope their
groundbreaking work will act as a spur for other clubs
and businesses to follow their example.’
Richard Scudamore, Premier League
Chief Executive:
‘The Premier League and our
member clubs take their community
responsibilities very seriously; for
many it is now a fundamental part of
what being a football club is all about.
Chelsea’s work in this area is a fantastic
example of what can be achieved across a broad range
of initiatives and programmes, from the local impact of
their Football in the Community scheme right through to
their global sports development work with Right to Play
Investing in young people
and Vision Asia. The extent and nature of what they have
Ashley Cole plays football with achieved demonstrates the power of football to engage
youngsters in Battersea as part of and help make a difference.’
the club’s work with the Positive
Futures social inclusion programme

012 FITC 13/8/08 1:04 pm Page 12


Meet and greet

Paulo Ferreira and FITC director
Shaun Gore host a community
department course



t Chelsea Football Club we are incredibly proud underprivileged organisations while running soccer
of our Football in the Community (FITC) schools and offering free coaching to local schools.
department and the work they do. The following pages of this report will demonstrate
In 2006/07 more than 350,000 participants from all how our FITC department is engaged with nearly all the
social classes and backgrounds participated in, or charitable, community and other social responsibility
attended, the wide variety of schemes, programmes programmes and commitments Chelsea has made. The official partners of Chelsea’s Football in the Community programme
and facilities connected to our dedicated FITC coaches Our FITC team is critical to the club’s vision of being
and staff led by director Shaun Gore. seen as a social leader, not just an industry leader. Also as Chelsea continues to develop globally, so
In isolation, this is already a big achievement. But at As well as its core schools coaching programmes in do our FITC programmes.
Chelsea, the FITC department does not work on its own. London, Cobham, Surrey and Sussex, it works in the The FITC team will be involved in those communities
As each year goes by it is becoming more integrated areas of social inclusion, bullying, crime prevention, job targeted by both our global partners and local partners
into every aspect of the club. creation, car crime, drugs and weapons awareness and in countries like the United States and China. In the
Most importantly it is now a core element of the anti-social behaviour. Most of this work is done in summer of 2005 and 2006, FITC joined the first team on
club’s CSR strategy as demonstrated by the strategic highly deprived areas of London, such as inner-city our US tours.
model elsewhere in this report on page 9. housing estates, where these issues are most acute. Chelsea, our players and our management, are totally
Chelsea FITC formed in 1992 and built up its contacts Funding is sourced from a variety of national and committed to promoting our FITC team and the
in the local community initially becoming involved local schemes, as well as from Chelsea and sponsorship, fantastic work it does. But the work does not stop and it
with physically and mentally handicapped children and leading to a turnover of £1.13 million. will continue to develop and grow.

012 FITC 13/8/08 1:04 pm Page 13




Haringey Redbridge
Hillingdon Kensington Havering Expanding the community
The club’s FITC department works
Brent & Chelsea Hackney Barking
in inner-city London, as well as
Camden Islington & Greater London, Surrey and Sussex

Hammersmith Westminster Tower


& Fulham City

Southwark Greenwich


Buckinghamshire Hertfordshire Essex


upon Bromley
Thames London

Elmbridge Croydon

Surrey Kent



T H E W O R K O F C H E L S E A F I T C >>

The core programme of our FITC team is based in and • soccer schools, which were awarded the FA Charter disability programme split into two projects.
around local schools in London, the borough of Standard Mark Football+ is run in association with the Limbless
Elmbridge in Surrey near our Cobham training • mini-kickers caters for 4-5 year olds who are not old Association and works with primary and secondary
ground and Sussex. It has now expanded into other enough for the soccer schools school children who have emotional behavioural
areas of Surrey. • Saturday morning clubs at parks/sports centres and difficulty (EBD) and special needs, while the Chelsea
In total, Chelsea FITC works with 148 schools in these schools Disabled Football Club has three senior and two
areas, delivering the following: • activity days, including attendance at school fetes junior teams taking part in highly competitive
• in-school coaching which is carried out free of charge • leisure centre programmes disabled leagues.
• after-school coaching in a six-week programme – • partnerships with local youth clubs by providing All full-time and part-time staff are fully Criminal
there is a minimal cost but the schools receive free coaching Records Bureau checked regarding child protection
coaching and/or equipment in return • school tournaments, both regional and national issues before they are allowed to work for Chelsea.
• addressing school assemblies is a unique vehicle for events, such as the Railtrack tournament
getting across issues like health and bullying. • residential camps, not only do these involve coaching • Information about Chelsea FITC can be found at
These are often delivered by the Chelsea mascot, but also advice on social issues such as healthy eating.
Stamford the Lion The best players from these are often offered trials at
our elite development centre or even the Academy. B R E A K D O W N O F S C H O O L S >>

Total: 148 London: 72

These core elements are supplemented by an Hammersmith
Westminster & Fulham
extensive social responsibility programme focused 9 6
primarily on inner-city and deprived areas of London Kensington
& Chelsea
with funding and partnerships sourced from 17
Government-backed agencies, local authorities and Wandsworth
other central agencies such as the Metropolitan Police. Elmbridge/
These schemes include Positive Futures, Kickz and the Surrey
Prince’s Trust and details of this work can be found on Sussex
subsequent pages.
In addition to these schemes, FITC also runs a

014 RightToPlay 13/8/08 4:45 pm Page 14


A sporting message
Michael Essien and Academy
manager Neil Bath enjoying
Chelsea’s humanitarian visit
to Ghana with Right To Play

014 RightToPlay 13/8/08 4:45 pm Page 15



he launch of Chelsea’s first-ever CSR report in
C H E L S E A A N D R I G H T T O P L A Y >>
January 2007 also marked the beginning of the
club’s six-year relationship with our new Global Right to Play is a unique international
humanitarian organisation because it uses
Charity Partner Right To Play. sport alone to deliver its message of HIV/AIDS
That announcement was welcomed by the Sports and health awareness, conflict prevention and
poverty prevention. It works with major
Minister at the time, Richard Caborn and the
international organisations like UNICEF, UNHCR
Conservative Party leader David Cameron. and the International Red Cross.
This report covers the first six months of that Chelsea chose Right To Play as its Global
Charity Partner because of its approach to
relationship and it is safe to say that few of us at Chelsea global citizenship. It is also a “recognised
were prepared for the emotional and amazing scenes organisation” by the International Olympic
Committee. It works not only with
that greeted us in Ghana in May 2007 when the club
disadvantaged communities and countries
visited RTP projects there. around the world but also with those who can
This was Chelsea’s first humanitarian visit to Africa use their position in society to become
advocates of the charity’s aims and raise
and was led by the then manager José Mourinho, awareness about them by using the positive
Ghanaian international Michael Essien, younger power of sport.
The six year partnership coincides with the
players from our Academy along with Academy
London Olympics in 2012 and it is our aim
manager Neil Bath and a number of his staff, as well as that by then Right To Play programmes will
other Chelsea personnel. reach 5 million children worldwide and help
deliver on the London 2012 promise to inspire
The trip had a dual role for Chelsea. As well as being children around the world through sport.
a major initiative in the club’s CSR programme, it also For more information on Right To Play go to
served as part of our young players’ education in what

014 RightToPlay 13/8/08 4:46 pm Page 16


‘Chelsea's commitment and support to the importance of using

sport as a tool for the development of children, health prevention
and conflict resolution is truly commendable. The important
impact of Right To Play’s partnership with Chelsea is felt
throughout the world as together we reach out to provide regular
activity to children in the most disadvantaged countries’

is expected of them as first team players of the future. sparked chaotic scenes and brought the session to a assessed the impact in the country itself:
The abiding memory of the trip were the masses of halt. It never started again as the crowd broke ranks ‘I believe the Chelsea visit created extensive
locals in the remote northern town of Tamale who around all the Chelsea party and the coach almost left awareness about Right To Play’s work, especially in
turned out to see a training session with a local club led without Academy player Jack Cork who became Ghana. But more importantly it brought to the fore a
by Essien – the country’s most famous player – something of a local celebrity when he started to give better understanding of the relevance of the work that
announced by a local radio station as the “president”. away the kit he was wearing, including his shoes. we do, that is the power of sports and play as a tool for
The crowd which was around 1,000 when the party Young defender Sam Hutchinson summed up the development of children,’ she said.
arrived had swelled to more than 5,000 by the time the everybody’s feelings. ‘The other important impact it had on our project in
session started on the dustbowl pitch. People were said ‘We went to the heart of Ghana, the poorest areas and Ghana is the credibility and the enhanced image it gave
to have come from 60 kilometres away just to capture a it was really good working with kids and putting a smile Right To Play in the country and got government
glimpse of Essien and the Chelsea contingent. on their faces. It has been one of the greatest authorities and other key development agencies
An impromptu walk around by the midfielder experiences of my life. I’ll never forget it,’ he said. approaching Right To Play to seek to partner with us,
Away from the emotion of the trip, the benefits were some of which are yielding good results.
clearly tangible. As well as coaching kids and holding ‘Children and coaches trained by Right To Play were
T H E R E D B A L L >>
play sessions Chelsea coaches held “masterclasses” for also greatly inspired by the trip and we believe this has
A regular feature of Chelsea’s trip to Ghana was
the RTP red ball supplied by adidas, who are now local RTP coaches. enhanced their commitment to continuously work with
also a partner of the charity as well as the official RTP UK director Chris Robinson said: ‘The media Right To Play.’
partner and sportswear supplier of Chelsea.
coverage from the week was huge – in the UK, in Closer to home, other initiatives involving Chelsea
The "Red Ball Campaign" was launched in
June, and has achieved great results. At 260 Europe, throughout Africa and even further afield. were also undertaken. Stamford Bridge was donated to
adidas retail stores all over the world, including Through Chelsea TV, IMG (a RTP partner) got footage RTP so they could hold a fund-raising event, the
the Chelsea Megastore, adidas created
awareness for RTP and sold more than 100,000 for a TransWorld Sport feature documentary which has Corporate World Cup, a day long football tournament
mini red balls with all proceeds going to RTP’s been shown regularly ever since – including featuring involving ex-Chelsea players, followed by a black-tie
on Lufthansa in-flight TV! It has been estimated that dinner, which raised more than £100,000.
In addition, 100,000 full-size footballs were
donated to on-site programs in 23 countries this week was the largest ever media event for Right To The club also donated corporate hospitality during
around the world. These balls are the key tool Play worldwide.’ the season for RTP to host and cultivate potential
that RTP uses to teach and develop children
through sport. Joyce Ashun, Right To Play Country Manager, Ghana partners and donors.

014 RightToPlay 13/8/08 4:46 pm Page 17


Biker boys
Academy player Jack Cork with local
youngsters in Ghana and Essien is
front page news in Ghana as
reserve-team player Nana
Ofori-Twumasi points out (left)

018 CLIC 13/8/08 2:48 pm Page 18




he second of Chelsea’s key partnerships is of staff, fans and senior personnel from our shirt sponsor In December 2006, Jose Mourinho agreed to become a
our relationship with CLIC Sargent, our Samsung undertook various activities in aid of the patron of CLIC Sargent and launched their Smile Shop, an
National Charity Partner. charity such as running the London Marathon and a bike online store where people could buy Christmas presents.
This report covers the second year of that partnership, ride down the Nile river in Egypt. ‘The children I see who are
following the initial year in which we far exceeded There are now certain landmarks ‘There are now certain fighting the disease show so
the targets we set together. in the Chelsea calendar involving much courage and determination,
The true impact of the relationship between CLIC CLIC Sargent.
landmarks in the I am always amazed at their
Sargent and Chelsea is not just in the money raised itself Once again many of our players Chelsea calendar strength,’ he said at the time.
but in the help that has been given to the families of visited University College Hospital in ‘Through my support for
children with cancer or leukaemia and the profile central London at Christmas to boost
involving CLIC Sargent’ CLIC Sargent I want to help
leveraged through Chelsea. the spirits of those children in the cancer wards who would every child and young person fight their cancer
The partnership is evident throughout the club. Not only spend the holiday period in hospital, while our Junior and live life to the full.’
do first team players and management get involved with Blues fans inundated the club with designs for the Chelsea In the spring of 2007, Jose, John Terry, Petr Cech and
activities for CLIC Sargent, but in 2006/07 many members official Christmas card which is also sold to raise money. Salomon Kalou launched the charity’s annual football

018 CLIC 13/8/08 2:48 pm Page 19


Raising awareness
Lord Attenborough and Bernie Ecclestone in
conversation at a CLIC Sargent fundraiser at
the Zuma restaurant in Knightsbridge, while
Shaun Wright-Phillips (below) visits CLIC M A D E A D I F F E R E N C E >>
Sargent patients at University College Hospital
By Dr Carole Easton, CLIC Sargent
Chief Executive
The original direct fund raising target
for the partnership was £500,000 over
two years. This was smashed in the first
year when £572,870 was raised. In
2006/7 Chelsea raised an additional
£240,615, making a total for the initial
two year partnership of £813,485.
Chelsea’s promotion and support of
Kick for CLIC Sargent has raised indirectly
£485,000, taking the overall total of
money raised directly and indirectly to
Having a ball
José Mourinho kicks off the £1.298 million. That is enough to fund
Kick for CLIC campaign, the following posts in London hospitals
supported by FITC coaches for an entire year:

• 11 social workers
• 6 CLIC Sargent nurses
initiative, Kick for CLIC Sargent. More than 84,000 • 5 CLIC Sargent family support workers
children took part in the event through their schools. • 2 CLIC Sargent youth specialists
• 2 CLIC Sargent play specialists
Since Chelsea has been involved promoting the initiative
through the media and on all promotional collateral Chelsea has also raised enough to
300,000 children have taken part. Participation in this enable CLIC Sargent to fund holidays free
of charge to 300 families looking after
scheme doubled following Chelsea’s involvement. children with cancer and immediate care
More unusually Chelsea Chief Executive Peter Kenyon grants to 500 families to help with the
increased costs of looking after an ill child.
and Jose hosted a dinner at the fashionable Japanese The partnership with Chelsea has been
restaurant Zuma in Knightsbridge for CLIC Sargent. The enormously fruitful for us as an
organisation. In addition to raising money
idea behind the dinner was to cultivate key individuals
and what this can fund they have made it
who might donate money or help the charity, all of possible for a number of children to
whom were Chelsea supporters. attend matches, meet the players and
enjoy an exciting day out away from the
CLIC Sargent patron and Chelsea season ticket holder pressures of the hospital ward. Gestures
Eddie Jordan helped identify the people which included like these make a real difference to
families affected by cancer. We are
Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone. Lifelong
delighted the partnership has been
Chelsea fan Lord Attenborough also attended the dinner extended for another year.
which was a huge success and several of the people who • For more information about CLIC
Sargent go to
attended are now involved with the charity.

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CHELSEA’S VISION ASIA he second section of this report, which financial support, although sponsorship is not the main

PROJECT IS WORKING TO corresponds to the red section of our CSR thrust of the partnership.

DEVELOP THE GAME AT ALL pyramid details what we call “London and AFC President Mohamed Bin Hammam said: ‘We are

LEVELS ACROSS THE GLOBE, global initiatives”. delighted to build this official partnership with Chelsea

WHILE OUR UNIQUE WORK These are schemes that are unique to Chelsea in terms and what we will be able to achieve in the future is

BACK HOME HAS BENEFITED of either creation, funding or promotion. certain. This is the first time a European club came to

MANY LOCAL COMMUNITIES When we were developing our strategy we believed it Asia to give and not take from us.’
was important to actively create schemes separate to Chelsea Chief Executive Peter Kenyon added:
those which the majority of Premier League clubs were ‘Chelsea’s philosophy abroad is to help develop football
involved with. from top to bottom. So while we will take our first team
These focus primarily on our immediate local to tour and play professional opposition in important
community but also reflect our interests globally. They markets, we also want to create a legacy that sets us
should also reflect core issues that a football club has a apart from other clubs.’
synergy with, such as children’s health, fitness and the By the end of 2007 Chelsea was involved in the setting
development of the sport generally among the young. up of leagues in four cities of the 15 planned. These
were Wuhan, Qingdao, Chengdu and Nanjing.
In March 2007, Chelsea signed an official contract with >>A LONDON AMBASSADOR
the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) to become the Running alongside our involvement in Vision China
exclusive Football Development Partner of their Vision was the invitation to host the Chinese Olympic team,
Asia grass roots programme. known as Team China, for a training camp at Chelsea in
The signing confirmed and extended a Memorandum February 2007.
of Understanding between Chelsea and the AFC from This invite had been extended to the Chinese Football
the previous year – the first time a top European club Association (CFA) when Chelsea had been appointed as
had ever partnered with one of the major football an official Ambassador for London by the Mayor Ken
confederations in FIFA. Livingstone to help represent the capital during his trip
The Vision Asia programme builds local leagues in to China in 2006. During that trip Chelsea had also held
cities in Asian countries, primarily around schools, from talks with the CFA about a co-operation agreement and
Under 6s age groups through to Under 20s. the invite was the first initiative in line with Chelsea’s
Chelsea’s initial involvement is in the Vision China philosophy outlined by Peter Kenyon earlier in this
project, providing education in football training, section. The CFA are also a partner in Vision China.
coaching, sports science, administration and some Team China spent two weeks in London, coinciding

Lamps lights up London

Frank Lampard and Wang Dalei
switch on the lights for Chinese New
Year, while (left) the Olympic football
team enjoy the sights in the capital

020 Global 13/8/08 2:42 pm Page 22


with the Chinese New Year. A party celebrating the receive a free membership to the Chelsea Junior Blues
incoming Year of the Pig was held at which Chelsea club for a season.
announced a tour of China in 2008 and later that week Cllr Minnie Scott Russell, Mayor of Hammersmith &
their star goalkeeper Wang Dalei, along with Frank Fulham, said: ‘Breakfast Clubs are a great way to help
Lampard and the Mayor, ended the trip by switching on ensure children attend school regularly and on time.
the Chinese New Year lights in Regent Street, the They mean pupils are getting a healthy start to the day,
largest celebration of its kind in the world outside of which improves their well-being and learning. The
China which received huge coverage back in China, council's food-in-schools team works with the schools to
where it was shown live on national television. run the Breakfast Clubs, which are already proving a
One of the Mayor’s most senior advisers, Director of great success. Chelsea’s support for this initiative is
Economic and Business Policy, John Ross said: ‘They helping us to make a real difference to families in
(Chelsea) are the best possible ambassadors we could Hammersmith & Fulham.’
have for London.’
Ke Yasha, the Culture Minister for the Chinese Embassy, >>>LONDON YOUTH GAMES
added: ‘I have been told by Mr Li Xiaoguang (Team China For the second successive year, Chelsea joined up with
manager) that they do believe they have learned a lot the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
from the two weeks of training. I was very happy to learn Sports Development team to fund 500 kits for young
that Chelsea are going to take your team to China.’ people in the borough who competed in the London
Youth Games.
>>BREAKFAST CLUBS Chelsea hosted a presentation evening for some of
For the second year Chelsea ran its Breakfast Clubs the young participants from the LBHF team. Chelsea
programme in Hammersmith and Fulham. The scheme and England winger Shaun Wright-Phillips was on
was extended to four more schools from the initial hand to present certificates, medals & trophies to over
project, which began in 2006. 50 of the competitors.
The highlight was an awards ceremony at Stamford
Bridge for local children who had the highest >>THE MAYOR’S BALL
attendance in the first year of the project. Since moving into the Cobham area in Elmbridge,
Michael Ballack joined Chelsea Chief Executive Peter Surrey, Chelsea sponsors the Mayor’s Ball on an annual
Kenyon and the Mayor of Hammersmith & Fulham, basis. This helps a number of charities and community
Councillor Minnie Scott Russell, in November 2006 to groups in the area.
meet 10 children from 5 local schools. The children’s
visit included a stadium tour, lunch and an afternoon of >>EARL’S COURT FESTIVAL
educational activities in the new Chelsea education Having rescued a local community festival in the
centre, The Hub. London borough of Kensington and Chelsea the
The Breakfast Clubs were originally set up to provide previous year when one of the main sponsors pulled Ballack to school
Young award winners with Breakfast
a balanced meal each morning, based on the Chelsea out, Chelsea supported the Earls Court Festival again in Club co-ordinator Lynne Truss (back
first-team diet. The children are offered a selection of the summer of 2007 and has pledged to do so on an row, left), Peter Kenyon (back row,
middle) Mayor of Hammersmith and
cereal, yoghurt, fruit, toast and milk each morning. As ongoing basis as the festival has a long history in the Fulham Cllr Minnie Scott Russell
(back row, second from right) and
well as providing a healthy breakfast, the clubs are also local area. Our Football in the Community team provide Michael Ballack (back row, right)
helping families who for professional, personal and football coaching for the festival as well.
financial reasons cannot always be around in the
mornings or provide healthy breakfasts. The clubs have
shown a marked improvement in the attendance,
energy levels and concentration of the 160 participants.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that educational
attainment is starting to improve in the children.
Michael Ballack said: ‘It is really good that Chelsea is
involved with a project like this, it is important not only
for children but also adults, to have a nutritional
breakfast to help maintain our concentration levels
throughout the day.’
Chelsea funds the entire Breakfast Club project,
which is rewards based. Children receive a Chelsea-
branded sticker book, which logs their attendance.
Those who attend more than 60 per cent of the clubs

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wo significant landmarks were reached in the Where the black footballer pioneers like Laurie comforting words from my manager that made
2006/07 season in Chelsea’s ongoing commitment Cunningham and Cyrille Regis in the Seventies suffered me continue playing football.’ He later faced death
to fight discrimination in football. racial abuse from opposing fans, in the early Eighties threats sent by Chelsea fans.
In May 2007, the club were awarded the Preliminary Canoville was probably unique in that the horrendous Ultimately his skill on the field won them over, a
Level of the Racial Equality Standard (RES), a set of abuse he endured was from a significant minority of testament to his own courage and strength, but after
guidelines, parameters and best practices set by the his own fans at Chelsea. retiring Canoville dropped out of contact with football,
Premier League and Kick It Out for all Premiership Recalling his Chelsea debut back in 1981, he said: and Chelsea in particular. He suffered serious illness,
clubs to meet. Chelsea is currently working towards ‘It hurt, it really did hurt me. I came on for the last three drug and financial problems.
the next level of the RES. minutes at Crystal Palace and I had to sit down in the As part of Chelsea’s re-engagement with its ex-players
Of far greater significance in many ways, though, changing room afterwards because I couldn't believe it following Roman Abramovich’s takeover the club made
was the rediscovery of Paul Canoville, Chelsea’s first ever was coming from my own supporters. It was just some a concerted effort to find Canoville as he represented a
black player in the late summer of 2006.
If ever there was a story in football that highlighted the ‘The diversity at Chelsea now is obvious to all. The religious
fight against racism it was Canoville’s, but it had not been
background of our fans, directors and owner all illustrate our
told for many years and not as part of an anti-racism
campaign. vision as a multi-racial club which we are very proud’ P E T E R K E N Y O N
024 Central - part 1 13/8/08 1:11 pm Page 25


to mark the tenth anniversary of the high- both work closely together. There is also a
profile anti-racism educational campaign, section in the Stewards Handbook on
Show Racism The Red Card. identifying and dealing with racism. In
Ged Grebby, Show Racism The Red Card addition, all Stewards as part
Project Coordinator, said: ‘Between Paul of their Certificate in Event & Matchday
playing for Chelsea Stewarding (CEMS) are trained specifically on the
and Ashley signing for Chelsea, there has been a subject of racism.
dramatic change, not just at this club but throughout the Every match day programme includes a half page
whole of the game in the UK.’ poster giving details on how to report racism, which are
Chelsea Chief Executive Peter Kenyon added: ‘Chelsea also displayed around the stadium on poster sites. These
is proud of its record in tackling racism. Paul’s story is a include internal hotline numbers, an email address for
lesson to us all that this should never return. reporting incidents, as well as the various national
‘The diversity at Chelsea now is obvious to all. The campaign numbers and websites. For European
players José Mourinho has brought together on the field matches these posters are also displayed in the away
of play, the fans watching them in the stadium, and the area in the language of the visitors.
religious background of some of our directors and owner We continued an anti-racism campaign in the main
all illustrate our vision as a multi-racial club of which we bar at Stamford Bridge, the Shed Bar, which included
are very proud.’ a poster campaign.
Chelsea practices a zero tolerance policy towards The Employee Handbook, which meets industry
discrimination. During last season there were 17 standard best practice sets out Chelsea’s policy on
court bans imposed on Chelsea fans, the majority in racism and discrimination and warns that both are
Spreading the word
Ex-Blues star Paul Canoville holds an relation to racist behaviour. unlawful and unacceptable and subject to Chelsea
audience with youngsters on a school
visit, telling them about his experience In total there were 320 ejections from the ground disciplinary procedures. All staff, members, supporters
of racism during the Eighties for a variety of offences. and applicants for employment will be regarded
There is no written common strategy between stewards equally and be given equal opportunities irrespective of
major part in the club’s history, albeit one Chelsea fans and police on the subject of racism. The Statement of their race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin.
at the time should have been ashamed of. Intent between Chelsea
In the summer of 2006 Canoville was finally tracked and the police mentions
down and was delighted to be reunited with Chelsea. crime in general (which
‘So much has changed at Chelsea since my playing includes racism) and
days,’ he said. ‘It’s unbelievable to be back here.’ ground regulations (which
Canoville agreed to front the club’s Kick It Out also includes racism).
Week of Action and tell the story of how he fought the It confirms that
racists on the terraces. Kick It Out then asked him to be stewards should deal with
one of the key ambassadors for the campaign across the breaches of ground
country and the national media queued up to hear his regulations and that
story. Amid emotional scenes at Stamford Bridge he was police should deal with
given a rapturous reception by Chelsea fans when criminal offences, but
Giving racism the boot
he came back to a game for the first time. there is no strictly defined
Canoville with the winners of the
With Ashley Cole, one of the club’s anti-racism delineation between Kick It Out poster competition

ambassadors for 2006/07, he kicked off a season of events stewards and police as

024 Central - part 1 13/8/08 1:11 pm Page 26



n recent years Chelsea has been an avid backer and first Asian player for Chelsea.’ thrilling final after a tense penalty shoot-out.
promoter of participation in football by the Asian Chelsea hosted the Asian Community Special guests on the day included London
communities in London. Cup final for a fifth consecutive season Assembly Member for Sports, Murad
In the 2006/07 season the club continued to at Stamford Bridge in May 2007. Queshi and Mayor of Tower Hamlets
introduce innovative schemes to further this goal, most There were over 2,500 participants Shahid Alam.
notably Chelsea sponsored a community award at the and spectators during the three-day Before the main final there was a
GG2 Leadership and Diversity Awards, the leading event aimed at raising the aspirations cup match between the finalists of
ethnic awards in the country. of Asian footballers across the the London United Football league
The first winner of what will now be an annual award country to play professional football. between Westferry and Brick Lane,
was the founder of the highly successful London Tigers This is one of the few partnership areas where there is a large
football team, Mesba Ahmed. projects in England where a Premier proportion of Asian community.
Ahmed said: ‘To win the award for football in the League club is supporting the This was another project
community shows that all our hard work is being development of Asian footballers. supported by Chelsea FITC.
valued. I would like to thank Chelsea for supporting us The 2007 final was between London The London Tigers Under-
with all our football initiatives, in particular the work APSA of Essex and FC Smethwick 18s also took part in the Chelsea
with the Asian Community Cup. Maybe the partnership from Birmingham. London APSA Community Cup, a competition
between the two organisations can help develop the (pictured celebrating, above) won a created by Chelsea for its social inclusion programmes,

024 Central - part 1 13/8/08 1:11 pm Page 27



Anti-semitic behaviour has been an historical problem been endorsed by the major anti-discrimination bodies
at Stamford Bridge, most notably when Chelsea plays and the Football Association. During the 2006/07
Tottenham Hotspur, although the club is pleased to say season this approach continued and the number of
it is now in significant decline. Since the Abramovich incidents are declining dramatically.
takeover the club has been involved in a number of pro- In September 2006 Chelsea also supported an
active initiatives around Spurs matches to raise influential panel of Members of Parliament from across
awareness and make clear anti-semitism will not be the major political parties in calling for action to tackle
part of the current or future Chelsea. This approach has anti-semitism in the UK.

W O R K I N G W I T H T H E D I S A B L E D >>

The 2005/06 season saw a dramatic step forward for side that play in tournaments all over Europe. Chelsea has
A footballing community
The 2007 Asian Community Cup
disabled supporters at Chelsea and this was continued a dedicated Special Needs and Disability officer.
proved a huge success with London APSA in 2006/07.
winning the final at Stamford Bridge Chelsea revamped its disabled policy in full CHELSEA DISABLED FOOTBALL TEAM:
consultation with its disabled fans and the National For the more competitive, the Chelsea Disabled football
Association of Disabled Supporters (NADS). team has been established for many years and has been
which culminates with a game at Stamford Bridge. The new disabled policy was fully endorsed by our fans hugely successful with a large percentage of the players
and NADS. The full details relating to it can be found in competing at international level. The team won a
In addition, the Tigers’ Children Development officer the Disabled section of prestigious European five-a-side tournament during the
joined the Chelsea FITC coaching team for eight months In summary, the main points were: 2006/07 season and were presented with the trophy for
• all disabled fans, and their carers, attend matches at the home match against Tottenham.
to offer mentoring and additional support to hard to
Stamford Bridge for free
reach groups in south Westminster housing estates and • the setting up of a Chelsea Disabled Supporters
schools, while ex-national football players of Bangladesh Association
Chelsea endorses the aims of the Level Playing Field
visited Stamford Bridge for a stadium tour in a Campaign and will continue to have positive dialogue
partnership project between London Tigers, Chelsea FITC with NADS and CDSA.
Chelsea also works with a number of disabled related
and the PFA of Bangladesh (Dhaka Akadosh). They also
played a match against the London Tigers’ veterans side
and have expressed their desire to play the Chelsea Old FOOTBALL+
The Football+ project is a partnership between the
Boys team in the future. Limbless Association and Chelsea FITC, which works with
Chelsea FITC also got match tickets as incentives for disabled, Emotional Behavioural Difficulty (EBD) and
special needs players through primary and secondary
youngsters involved in London Tigers’ projects who have
school level.
previously been in gang related activities. The tickets We run coaching sessions on a regular basis during A level playing field
school time and after school with the Surrey Special Our revamped policy allows
were used to promote positive behaviour and reward all disabled fans and carers to
Schools Sports Association. We have a senior and junior
those who were striving to make a change. attend games free of charge

028 Central - part 2 13/8/08 2:38 pm Page 28



he Chelsea education department, based at “The
Hub” – the purpose build centre on the Stamford
Bridge stadium site – consistently supports
national and Premier League initiatives, as well as
developing projects which respond to local needs.
We continue to build successful links with schools,
libraries, hospitals and the community. Over the course
of the 2006/07 season, over 1,500 children and 150
adults benefited from our initiatives, taking part in
in-school and after-school projects, talks, workshops and
holiday programmes.
‘Hundreds of children have improved their learning ability and
Education partnerships use the power of football to confidence by attending the study centres. These are fantastic
inspire, motivate and re-engage learners and to improve
attitudes to learning. Chelsea’s rich history, the
partnerships between the football clubs and the council.’
provide plenty of material to capture learners’ attention.
Projects are particularly successful at raising literacy, numeracy and ICT skills during special after- hosted the special end of project celebration event,
achievement and levels of confidence among reluctant school sessions. Local pupils benefit from working in where 50 pupils were delighted to meet and receive
learners and provide support and opportunities for small groups and enjoy learning at the football-themed, certificates from former player and now CSR
learners of all ages and abilities. well-equipped and colourful study centre. The Hub is Ambassador for the club, Graeme Le Saux, and current
The Hub is an exciting and inspiring learning run by our Education Manager Suzi Raymond and goalkeeper Carlo Cudicini.
environment. It is part funded by the national Playing for Education Officer Wendy Buddin.
Success initiative, which helps pupils to develop their >>KICK IT OUT
>>PLAYING FOR SUCCESS As usual, Chelsea education department played a key
The Playing for Success after-school study support role in Kick It Out week, which coincided with Black
programme saw its first full season in operation at History Month in October.
Chelsea and 240 local school pupils completed the 10- Paul Canoville, whose story is told on pages 24-25 of
week course. The project provides targeted support to this section, played a full role in this and was an
pupils in primary, secondary and special schools within inspiration to the 250 pupils he met at local library
the LBHF. sessions where he helped raise awareness of the history
During the summer term, pupils also took part in a of racism in football and taking part in class debates.
unique joint study programme together with projects at Paul also took part in a special family learning day at
two neighbouring centres at Fulham and QPR football The Hub and took children and their families on a tour
clubs. Each centre focused on one of the key Playing for of the Bridge. Paul’s lively personality and infectious
Bright young things
Paul Canoville and Roy Bentley with winners Success curriculum areas; Chelsea focussed on literacy, enthusiasm, as well as the serious message of his story
of the Kick It Out poster competition
Fulham on ICT skills and QPR on numeracy. Chelsea had a lasting impact on the young people he met.

028 Central - part 2 13/8/08 2:38 pm Page 29


autobiography “Totally Frank” and Francesca Simon’s

children’s book “Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend”.
Premier League Reading Stars was launched in 2003
and is a partnership between the the Premier League,
the National Literacy Trust and the Football Foundation
that aims to encourage an enjoyment of libraries and
This season the club linked up with three local
libraries, giving families from six local primary schools
the opportunity to take part in this successful project.


Promoting a love of reading and encouraging families
to access their local libraries was an additional focus for
the 2006/07 season. The Chelsea Reading project was A N T I - W E A P O N S C A M P A I G N S >>
delivered as a family learning opportunity at the
As this report was being written knife crime was
Chelsea library. grabbing the headlines as one of the leading social and
A free book-swap was launched at the Chelsea Hub on political issues in our society today. In 2006/07, there
had also been some terrible teenage tragedies that
World Book Day, with a special author event for adult prompted Chelsea to support anti-weapons initiatives,
learners. A high-tech approach was used to capture the which have been continuing ever since.
Chelsea’s Football in the Community team, Positive
interest of young children, who produced a short
Futures and Battersea Early Intervention Team (BEIT),
computer animated film using the theme of football to launched a new initiative in July 2006, which aimed to
encourage their peers to visit their local library. reduce crime and promote well-being in the
The education department linked up with the Eighty young people aged between 11-18 from the
Bridging the learning gap Battersea area met at the Sir James Barrie School to
Reading Agency to host a national conference to help
Wayne Bridge was Chelsea’s
Premier League Reading Star
take part in a football coaching session, as part of
promote libraries and to showcase partnerships which
for the 2006/07 campaign Chelsea’s FITC Estates Programme.
can have a positive impact on young people. Staff from BEIT, which is part of the Wandsworth
Youth Offending Prevention (WYOP) Team, joined
coaches and a WYOP police officer, to run a one-hour
>>EDUCATION THROUGH FOOTBALL >>ALIVE AND KICKING weapons awareness workshop aimed at stopping young
The Education Through Football project in partnership Chelsea’s valued senior learners, all aged 70 and over, people from using weapons.
The interactive workshop used discussion groups,
with Westminster City Archives, is going from strength have enjoyed taking part in weekly computer skills case studies and a DVD presentation to inform young
to strength and continues to be extremely popular with sessions at the Hub through the innovative ‘Alive and people about the dangerous consequences of carrying
weapons – for themselves, the victims and the
pupils, teachers and parents. This season over 1,000 Kicking’ project delivered in partnership with the local
community generally.
pupils took part from across 21 schools in the boroughs Open Age charity. This project encourages senior fans The programme is part of a larger project of
of Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, to develop new skills and to record their memories and preventative work involving Chelsea in Wandsworth
to reduce the number of young people involved in
Wandsworth and Westminster. The project uses stories using digital technology. crime. Future sessions in this series would focus on
Chelsea’s past to bring 20th century history to life and Chelsea legends Roy Bentley and Peter Brabrook drugs, sexual health, dangerous dogs, car crime and
anti-social behaviour.
supports delivery of the history, literacy and citizenship presented the learners with awards and certificates at a
Chelsea Chief Executive Peter Kenyon said at the
curriculum to primary school pupils in Years 5 and 6. special discussion group event, which was a particular time of the launch: ‘Recent terrible incidents have
This season, Chelsea worked in partnership with the highlight for many fans. brought knife, and other weapon crime, back into the
public consciousness and we should all do what we can
Unicorn theatre to offer pupils taking part in the project to increase awareness about stopping these crimes.
the chance to see the story of “Billy the Kid” brought to >>SPECIFIC COMMUNITY NEEDS Chelsea is committed to helping the local community
on this very important issue.’
life in a theatre production. A huge photographic mural This season’s programmes linking in with the FITC
of pupils at the stadium was displayed in the theatre team have continued to address specific community
foyer as part of a collaborative art project. needs and support harder to reach groups, through
A special Christmas project was also launched, inspired partnerships with a number of local community
by the truce during the Great War in 1914 that formed projects.
the basis for a book by the famed children’s author The Keep it Up project used booster sessions at The
Michael Morpurgo and illustrator Michael Foreman. Five Hub to target 24 young people who were under-
senior management from Chelsea volunteered to help performing and at risk of exclusion from school and
the children with their reading skills. encouraged them to examine their behaviour and
develop strategies for coping with learning.
>>PREMIER LEAGUE READING STARS Tailored education workshops, interview practice
Wayne Bridge was Chelsea’s reading champion for and CV writing workshops were also delivered to young
2006/07. His chosen books were Frank Lampard’s learners from Street League and the Prince’s Trust.

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HAS ALLOWED THE CLUB TO MAKE A POSITIVE A number of Chelsea schemes are funded via the

IMPACT ON THE LIVES OF YOUNGSTERS IN LONDON Positive Futures social inclusion programme. In
April Chelsea’s England and Cameroon internationals
Ashley Cole and Geremi helped kick-off a scheme

helsea’s long standing relationship with The The club provides behind-the-scenes tours, to divert young people from the dangers of drugs,
Prince’s Trust continued throughout 2006/07. motivational talks, signed merchandise and player guns and anti-social behaviour at a five-a-side
Chelsea and England captain John Terry faced appearances to attract young people to complete football tournament at the Sir James Barrie Primary
one of the toughest interviews of his career in October The Prince’s Trust programme. School, in Battersea.
when he met a group of young people on The Prince’s For the second year Chelsea also ran one of The Prince’s The programme will see football coaching
Trust Football Initiative (above) at our training ground. Trust ‘Get Into Hospitaliy’ schemes to help unemployed and workshops being delivered at four venues
The unemployed 16-25 year olds, who are on a 12-week young people bridge the employability gap. Three across Battersea.
programme, interviewed the Chelsea star on his dreams young people were appointed into roles as a result Ashley Cole said: ‘In London, especially at the
as a youngster, being a professional footballer and how he of the scheme across Chelsea including within Football moment, there are many problems with crime and
stays focused and healthy. in the Community and the Megastore. young people. It is up to the individual as to how they
John Terry said: ‘It's good for young people to get The previous year Chelsea had been one of the want to live their life, but I hope by me coming here
involved in football. When I was growing up I played first football clubs to pilot the scheme when eight having fun with them as a group it will help them to
for the local youth club and it kept me off the streets. young people worked in the Megastore. During their enjoy each other’s company.’
Football is a good way to motivate young people.’ time in the Megastore they were introduced to Geremi added: ‘These events have a great impact on
Later in the year more youngsters met new signing potential employers and mentored after young people as some of them don’t have the
Khalid Boulahrouz and did a similar Q and A with him. completion of the course. opportunity to meet footballers face-to-face, it might
Kate Freeman, The Trust’s football development even change their lives. Many footballers did not have a
manager for London, said: ‘The day at the training great life when they were growing up but football can
P R I N C E ’ S T R U S T C A S E S T U D Y >>
ground was fantastic and the kids couldn't believe that change the life of a person, whether you play for a
>> Ricky Dewey
they found the confidence to ask the Chelsea and England professional club or just with your friends.’
One of the success stories of the
captain their questions let alone have a kick about with scheme is Ricky Dewey. Having left The tournament included 100 young people from the
him. John was so down to earth and it was a real boost to education at 16 with a poor attendance Battersea area, forming eight teams from each of the local
record and lacking motivation, Ricky joined the Team
their confidence and self esteem, this underlines all that programme and was invited to volunteer with Chelsea estates. Winstanley Estate won the U14s tournament and
the Chelsea Princes Trust scheme is about.’ FITC. After impressing with his work in local schools, the Patmore were victorious in the U16s group.
club invited him to do a FA Level 1 coaching badge
The Prince’s Trust Football Initiative aims to improve which he passed and he now works for FITC. The event also offered the opportunity for young
the motivation and confidence of youngsters who are ‘I am a massive Chelsea fan and this has really got me people to look at stalls set up by the RSPCA, Fire Brigade,
going,’ says Ricky. ‘I doubt I would have been into the
unemployed, young offenders, underachieving or out Met Police, drugs and sexual health agencies.
course if it wasn’t for the football element.’
of care so they can find work or go back into education. As well as weekly football coaching sessions which

028 Central - part 2 13/8/08 2:39 pm Page 31


offer young people the opportunity to qualify as FA programme is funded with the help of a
Level One coaches, young people attend the grant of £114,269 from the Football
informative workshops which look at a range of issues, Foundation, the UK’s largest sports charity.
such as gun crime, knife crime, sexual health, drugs Lampard joined over 50 young people to
awareness, dangerous dogs, driving offences and arson. kick off the scheme and said:
‘It’s important that football and the players
>>KICKZ put something back into the game and I’m
Following a successful pilot, Chelsea is now one of 22 really happy to be able to play a part in
clubs involved in the national Kickz programme helping launch this project and thank the
launched by then Prime Minister Tony Blair. Football Foundation and other partners for
Chelsea’s projects have been rolled out on the all their hard work and support. I’m delighted
Henry Prince and Longstaff housing estates in to support this vital work.’
Wandsworth with potential to expand to other parts
of the borough in the future. >>CHELSEA’S NEW DEAL
The scheme is funded by the Football Foundation In November Chelsea teamed up with North issues to become more proactive and to look at their
and Chelsea works with the local police and council in Fulham New Deal for Communities to form health in the long term.’
Wandsworth to deliver programmes that reduce crime Chelsea New Deal FC. The project aims to improve
and anti-social behaviour, encourage volunteering the health and fitness of local residents by establishing >>LINFORD CHRISTIE STADIUM
and break down barriers between the communities and a football team. This was a major funding project of the 2005/06 season,
the police through football. Twenty young men from North Fulham housing accounting for nearly £1 million in our CSR audit for
estates, who signed up to play for the team, were that year, the majority of the money coming from the
>>GIBBS GREENER SCHOOL presented with their new kits by Chelsea goalkeeper Carlo Football Foundation, Barclays Spaces for Sport, and
In September Chelsea and England star Frank Lampard Cudicini (above) while on a visit to Stamford Bridge. The Hammersmith and Fulham Council which could not
continued the club’s connections with Gibbs Greener newly formed squad took the opportunity to ask Carlo have been possible without Chelsea.
School when he kicked off a new community initiative to questions about what inspired him to become a footballer The 2006/07 season saw the west London site start to
give children with emotional behavioural difficulties at and how he keeps himself motivated in the sport. host a significant number of community intiatives both
the special school access to new football facilities and the Chelsea New Deal FC will receive regular coaching through Chelsea FITC and other bodies. From a Chelsea
opportunity to develop their self esteem through sport. through Chelsea’s FITC coaches and they aim to go on FITC perspective courses hosted there included Street
In addition to offering personal development to compete in a London league. The project has been League sessions, William Morris School training
programmes to the Gibbs Greener pupils, the facilities funded by the central government. sessions for the Chelsea New Deal team.
will also be used by five local primary schools, increasing David Bowler, Programme Director from North
the provision of sport within Hammersmith and Fulham. Fulham NDC said: ‘NDC are delighted to be working >>WESTMINSTER CCHUT
After school sessions and holiday coaching sessions will alongside Chelsea. It is great that local men will enjoy This was the second year of the Westminster Chelsea
also be held at the site for the local community. the benefits of regular physical activity delivered by and CityWest Homes United Team project based on
The Gibbs Greener project is a partnership between Chelsea’s FITC. By using the power of football we can estates around Pimlico for the six to 16 age groups.
Chelsea, The Football Foundation and HSBC Bank. The get young men who are reluctant to address health The sessions cover Saturday and midweek as well as
in school sessions received by 10 schools.

The Connexions programme is based in the borough of
Kensington and Chelsea.
The programme was funded by Positive Activities for
Young People, a Government sports development fund,
which is a targeted programme aimed at vulnerable
and at risk young people aged between 8-19.
The coaching programme was delivered by Chelsea
FITC and focussed on skills development, building
self-esteem and teamwork through skills drills,
practices, challenges and competitions.
There were more than 50 participants from local youth
clubs. At the end of the programme a Connexions team
played in a tournament at Stamford Bridge against the
Social call other Government funded FITC programmes such as
Geremi with a group
from the Positive Futures Positive Futures and Gibbs Greener Goals. The tournament
social inclusion programme
is used as an incentive during the programme.

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G R E E N I S T H E C O L O U R >>

Part of the environmental commitment at

Cobham has been the planting of trees and
One tree absorbs one tonne of CO2 in its
lifetime. In order to offset our carbon
emissions Chelsea has planted 225 mature
trees, 330 immature trees and hedges and
2000 shrubs. The training ground has 48
hectares of grass, much of which is new. One
hectare of grass absorbs between 6.5 and 8.5
tonnes of CO2 in its lifetime.

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his section, called “general” and coloured grey in driving a particular car. That is just unrealistic, not just
the pyramid, covers a whole host of activities for us, but for many businesses.
which are not necessarily unique to Chelsea or However that does not mean we cannot make some
part of the central initiatives. significant changes that can have a real impact. This is
From a community investment perspective it also just the start of that effort.
covers the vast amount of non-partner charity work The 2006/07 season saw the opening of our new
the club does. training ground at Cobham.
The majority of this is through the donation of signed The architectural design, building and
merchandise for auction but also covers the fulfilment environmental requirements of Cobham were
of general requests and community visits, school inextricably linked from the start of a challenging and
donations and pitch events. stringent planning process, not just from an aesthetics
In addition this section covers the commitments of perspective in a green-belt area, but also from the point
being a good corporate citizen, generally and within of view of ongoing environmental sustainability.
football. These are wide and varied but would include The building is 3,338 sq metres. It covers three floors
pledges on financial transparency, good governance, but the bottom floor has been dug into the ground to
fan consultation, economic development, ensure the building is no higher than any of the
environment, employer commitments and also the surrounding structures.
positions of our major partners as well as general Overall the building services installations/
football requirements such as the publication of a club management system, and the building as a whole, is
charter and adherence to health and safety designed to meet an “Excellent BREEAM” rating –
requirements. achieving by design the minimum impact on the
environment locally and globally.
>>HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT BREEAM (The Building Research Establishment
As a responsible business, Chelsea wants to make a Environmental Assessment Method) provides
genuine contribution to the environment as it is crucial authoritative guidance on ways of minimising the
for the future of us all. adverse effects of buildings on environments.
We will do this within the everyday requirements of Perhaps the most distinctive architectural aspects of
our business. We are not going to stop flying by plane, the building are the curved “living” roof and the brass
or travel by coach to matches, or tell individuals to stop cladding that dominate the exterior. These ensure the

032 General - part 1 13/8/08 1:14 pm Page 34


concept of a building in harmony with its setting. Air-handling units supplying the East and West
The sedum type roof system (live controlled-growth
‘Chelsea continues to develop a Stands have heat recovery coils which reclaim the waste
grasses) was not selected solely for green “aesthetic” wide range of environmentally heat from the extracted air and inject the heat back into
issues. It also provides sustainable benefits that include the supply air at certain times of year.
producing oxygen to improve air quality and reducing
sustainable policies in terms of We also take advantage of free cooling. This is when
carbon dioxide levels, the primary contributor to global energy saving and recycling’ the temperature drops below 12-14 degrees centigrade.
warming; the retention of a high percentage of As the air-handling units normally provide air into the
rainwater; the restoration and establishment of of its overall height below ground level which also A/C System at these temperatures we can, via the
sustainable habitat for particular types of plants and minimises heat loss. control, use the waste heat from the exhaust air to bring
wildlife; protection from heat, noise and air cooling. More generally, Chelsea continues to develop a wide the temperatures within the internal spaces up to the
The brass cladding has been adopted as the principal range of environmentally sustainable policies in terms required temperature using minimal energy input.
surface material on the following environmental grounds. of energy saving and recycling across all its buildings. Proximity switches turn lighting on when people are
It is corrosion resistant and has longevity; brass is a readily We have a company-wide policy of using energy- present and switches off when people leave an area,
recycled material without any loss of inherent properties; saving lighting, aside from where there are life safety taking the human element away.
the material naturally oxidises to interesting hues and issues. All lamps when disposed of are sent away to a Water usage is controlled in a number of ways. These
textures and requires zero maintenance. recycling plant. Any lamps used that contain heavy range from presence detector/solenoid valves
Particular attention has been given to power and metals and toxic compounds are treated as hazardous controlling men's urinals to spray and foaming nozzles
energy requirements of the main building to enhance waste and duty of care certificates are available. on taps to reduce the volume of water without
the natural environment. Through the building Lighting around Stamford Bridge is controlled in two appearing to slow the flow.
management system the objective of optimum energy ways via a central control system (Trend BMS) and Waste from Stamford Bridge is taken to a waste
usage through minimum power input and hours of proximity switches, which minimises energy use. We transfer station where the waste is sorted and plastics,
operation will be achieved. will be extending the use of proximity switching to glass, paper and metals are recycled.
The existence of large glazed areas, externally shaded further reduce energy usage. Our waste now goes to the White City Waste Station,
to reduce direct solar gains, will provide day lighting to The BMS times lighting on and off around the which is one of the most technically advanced facilities
the majority of internal areas. The provision for day stadium, including the floodlights on match days. of its type in the UK. We currently aim to convert 80 per
lighting is extended to the lower ground level via light All plants on the site are controlled by our Building cent of all waste from Stamford Bridge into recyclable
wells and external reflective water feature (the moat). Management System. This controls the timing of the product, a four per cent increase on last year.
The building is recessed by approximately one third temperatures in all areas. The remainder is mainly food waste, which currently
goes to land fill composting. Other uses for food waste
are being looked at but due to current legislation all
Shedding some light
The lights around the stadium, composted materials arising from food waste are going
including floodlights, are set to a
timer in order to conserve energy to land fill so there is no advantage to be gained in
processing the waste apart from using more energy.
Staff are reminded regularly through internal media
about the importance of conserving energy by turning
off their computers and screens.
The energy-saving and waste-recycling programme
at Stamford Bridge has also been extended to our new
training facility at Cobham and we would hope in next
year’s report to have an overall set of conclusions.

A G R E E N R E P O R T >>

Chelsea demonstrates our commitment to the

environment by acting responsibly within the print
supply chain. This report is printed on Oxygen 50:50, a
paper with a mixture of recycled content and fibre that
meets the criteria of the Forest Stewardship Council.
We see the above as a start and intend to continue
taking the most environmentally credible option on all
our print and publishing output.
In partnership with Pureprint Group, currently placed
fourth in The Sunday Times Best Green Companies 2008,
Chelsea has produced a number of publications that
embrace the latest environmental print technology.
The Forest Stewardship Council logo on page three of
this report guarantees the paper comes from forests
which are well managed according to strict
environmental, social and economic standards.

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T E R R Y ’ S R A Y O F S U N S H I N E >>
In August, goalkeeper Petr Cech and Peter Kenyon joined
the Mayor of Elmbridge to open one of the country’s In October, as Chelsea said goodbye to Peter Osgood, school in the area. The coach now has Ossie’s famous
leading sports centres in Walton-on-Thames, which is John Terry joined special needs pupils and staff to hand Number 9 shirt painted on the door alongside his
over the keys to a new minibus dedicated to the memory nickname.
expected to attract over 1 million visitors every year. of “the King of Stamford Bridge”. Collingham Gardens Child Unit caters for 15 children
Cech, an Elmbridge resident, said: ‘There can be no The Royal Variety Club Sunshine Coach, which was aged five to 14 years. The children have a wide variety of
donated by four supporters – Steve Frankham, Tony mental health issues including autism, ADHD, obsessive
excuse for not joining in and getting into sport. I know
Jiminez, Antonio Zoccola and Dan Truss – has been given compulsive disorder, eating disorders, conduct disorder
how important it is to provide people, particularly to the Collingham Gardens Child Centre in South and chronic fatigue syndrome. The coach will take the
children, with good and safe facilities and I think these Kensington. children on trips including horse-riding, swimming,
The group wanted to honour Osgood by supporting a museums, parks and to other hospitals.
are some of the best I’ve seen.
‘Since I moved here I have always felt part of this
community and I know the other players feel the same.
‘As a local I’m glad I could come here today as it is a big
day for Elmbridge and everyone who lives and works here.’

In October 2006, Chelsea funded a new sensory
garden created at a council-run play centre in Fulham,
with the help of a green scheme run by Groundwork
West London.
Fulham Play Project secured the £3,000 Green Grant
with Chelsea’s backing to revamp a disused garden area
at the back of the centre, which provides after-school
and holiday activities for local children aged four to 12.
The sensory garden features paved areas to make it
fully accessible for disabled children and adults and
raised beds for growing flowers, shrubs, herbs and
vegetables. The Fulham Play Project will run a
gardening club for the children to grow their own herbs
and vegetables, which will then be used to make
healthy meals for them at the centre.


After suffering a serious head injury in a Premier League
game at Reading’s Madejski Stadium in October 2006,
Petr Cech was treated at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
and Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital. To thank those
who helped him on his recovery, the goalkeeper donated
£1,000 to the neuroscience units of each hospital, as well as
a further £1,000 to the Headway Brain Injury Association.
The money donated was raised from sales of photographs
of Cech following his recovery from the injury.

Late in 2006 was the one year anniversary of the death
of young Chelsea fan Liam Hannon, 11, killed in a hit
and run accident outside his school in north London.
Ashley Cole (left) unveiled a tribute bench to Liam when
he joined children from Child’s Hill Junior school and
Hampstead Comprehensive.
The Child’s Hill children decided that a bench for the
playground could represent Liam’s personality and love of
playing football with his friends. Cole signed the bench and
Chelsea also donated a shirt signed by the team for auction.

036 General - part 2 13/8/08 2:34 pm Page 36



n any football club it is difficult to argue against the Director Chris Alexander and Chelsea Company
fans being the main stakeholder, along with the Secretary Alan Shaw.
club’s staff, and details about our commitment and CPPT will be registered as a charity with the Charity
consultation with these groups follows. Commission and will be independent of CFC. It has
However during the 2006/07 season there was major already helped several past players and employees.
progress with another key stakeholder, the club’s ex- The season 2006/07 also saw the commemoration of
players, which deserves to be mentioned first. one of Chelsea most famous players, Peter Osgood. The
club marked his death with a tribute before the match
>>PAST PLAYERS AND PAST EMPLOYEES against Tottenham the previous season and in the
Under the club’s previous regime, former players of the autumn of 2007 marked his passing by burying his
club from its history were effectively persona non grata. ashes under the penalty spot at the Shed End of
Following the takeover by Roman Abramovich, a re- Stamford Bridge. A plaque is placed nearby alongside
engagement and emphasis on the history of Chelsea the pitch to mark the spot. A permanent bust or statue
was central to the club’s philosophy. memorial will also be commissioned.
Chelsea underlined that commitment in November
2006 when it set up a new charity to raise money for >>FAN RELATIONS
former players and employees to help with medical and The 2006/07 season was the third year of the
financial assistance. Chelsea Fans Forum.
The Chelsea Past Players’ Trust (CPPT) was inspired by This is a group of 18 independently
the late Tony Banks, who tirelessly raised funds for and randomly selected fans from all the different fan
former players – particularly the 1955 First Division groups who attend matches, from fanzine groups to The ones to trust
The Chelsea Old Boys, who play with their
championship-winning team. corporate to season-ticket holders. ages on their shirts, are now affiliated with
the club, while (below) Tony Reeve, Chris
Chelsea Chairman Bruce Buck said: ‘Since Roman There are four main meetings per year, Alexander, Alan Shaw, Richard King, Alec
Abramovich took over Chelsea we have helped a supplemented by smaller meetings between the Stewart, Bruce Buck and Ray Wilkins form
the first Past Players’ Trust committee
number of past players who were in need of medical or club and individual
financial assistance. This was done on an ad hoc basis representatives of the forum.
but Tony and the club wanted to do more. The whole process is overseen
‘Discussions had already started before Tony’s passing by Electoral Reform Services to
and his death served as a further impetus to set up the ensure best practice and
trust. Not only will the trust directly help past players independence. Three club
and other employees in need, but it will also ensure that directors, including Chief
these players maintain their rightful place as a crucial Executive Peter Kenyon,
part of the club’s soul.’ regularly attend all meetings.
The trust will have seven members and include Buck, Other directors attend
Richard King (chairman of Chelsea Pitch Owners), depending on the agenda
former Chelsea captain Ray Wilkins, former England relevant to their area of
cricket international and Chelsea fan Alec Stewart, expertise. This forum has been a
long-time supporter Tony Reeves, Chelsea Finance great success. Through dialogue

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Blue day out

Our official “fans day” in 2006 saw
supporters take part in one
of the biggest team photos ever and
this shot from the day was displayed
on the wall behind the West Stand

‘In the 2006/07 season

time, which include Childcare Vouchers and a Cycle to
non-corporate fans Work scheme.

satisfaction increased The pilot Personal Development plan of last year was
rolled out to all staff in the group this year.
to 64.9 per cent’ Eight supervisors participated in a pilot management
development scheme which resulted in them being
with the forum, fans have had an input into a number Chelsea also holds at least one “fans day” to watch the awarded with the nationally recognised Institute
of significant developments on ticketing, concessions, players train at Stamford Bridge and this season fans Leadership and Management Level 2 award.
ground improvements and disabled policy, all of which took part in one of the biggest team photos in the world The employee recognition programme was
are detailed elsewhere in this document. in conjunction with adidas and the Chelsea first team. redeveloped this year to be named “Excellence Awards”
All minutes of the meetings are posted on the club This was mounted on the wall opposite the West Stand. in line with company values.
website, and several other fan Our talent management strategies continue to have a
websites. The composition of the forum is refreshed >>LOOKING AFTER OUR STAFF positive impact on staff development in the club with 52
every other year, so for the 2006/07 season half of the At Chelsea our internal staff Mission Statement is: members of staff (representing 11 per cent of the
forum had new members. ‘We are a service driven football club that values people.’ workforce) were either transferred or promoted to
For the third year, Chelsea commissioned a Fans So we have developed a strategy towards our staff different roles within the business and our labour
Satisfaction Survey aimed at assessing current that not only seeks excellence but also rewards turnover has steadied at 26 per cent.
satisfaction and setting targets for the future. performance, commitment and loyalty. We also The staff handbook is reviewed and revised every six
This survey was independently commissioned by The actively seek to integrate those people in the months to ensure that all our policies and procedures
Leadership Factor. It took findings from more than community with less chance of employment are in line with current legislation, statutory
2,000 randomly selected non-corporate and corporate opportunities into our staff. obligations and best practise.
supporters. The results were presented to the Fans Enhancements were made to staff benefits this year An induction day is conducted every month led by
Forum and they will continue to monitor progress, year by extending the Maternity and Paternity leave the HR Department, but run completely by the Senior
on year. A summary of the findings are available on the entitlements beyond the statutory minimums. We also Management Team. This ensures that all new
club website, extended the entitlement to benefits of Private Medical starters are integrated as efficiently and professionally
Between the three surveys, Chelsea undertook a Health and the pension scheme to include more as possible into the company culture and specific
number of initiatives as a result of the ‘priorities’ categories of staff. This almost doubled the staff who are business expectations.
highlighted with the result that 75 per cent of the now included in these benefits. During induction day all staff receive specific training
priorities listed have registered a significant increase in Voluntary benefits have also been offered for the first on the club’s Equal Opportunities policy, which covers
satisfaction across both surveys. all areas of the legislation including race and disability.
In 2006/07 non-corporate fans satisfaction increased Additionally, this year we have piloted a half-day
to 64.9 per cent, the highest figure since the survey training specifically on diversity and a half-day training
began. In the Corporate Fans Satisfaction Index, the specifically on disability training.
2006 figure of 72.6 per cent improved again to 73 per A second staff audit was commissioned this year,
cent. This is an extremely good result, in fact it is the conducted by external facilitators. Feedback from these
highest corporate rating of any sports organisation on sessions has been fed into the company’s staff
The Leadership Factor’s database. engagement strategies.
The independent FA Premier League National Fans In conjunction with its partner CLIC Sargent, the
Survey has been running for more than 10 consecutive club supported 15 members of staff in training for
seasons and researches the behaviour attitude and and completing the London Marathon. Other staff
experience of fans from all clubs in the Premier League. volunteered for various CSR schemes featured in
For the 2006/07 season Chelsea rated ninth overall for Developing our staff this report.
Eight supervisors took part in the club’s
matchday experience, while facilities rank 12th. pilot management development scheme Staff feedback also brought improvements to the

036 General - part 2 13/8/08 2:35 pm Page 39


A M B A S S A D O R L E S A U X >>

During this season Chelsea

announced that Graeme Le
Saux would be the club's CSR
Ambassador. The former
Chelsea and England player is
Roadrunners the first representative in what the
Chelsea staff members ran club hopes will be a more wide-
the London Marathon in ranging Ambassador programme across
support of CLIC Sargent a number of club areas.

monthly staff newsletter, while the intranet has >>BEING PART OF THE FOOTBALL FAMILY reduced by five per cent on the previous season.
become a greater source of club information for staff Chelsea takes its position within the football family very Chelsea has made a public commitment that it is
that is vibrant, up to date and meaningful. seriously. We are a proud member of the FA Premier aiming to break even at operating profit level by the
A lucky draw of 10 tickets for every home game was League and recognise the social and economic year end June 30, 2010.
introduced this year, which ensures that staff can have responsibilities and impacts that come with that. We
some access to first-team matches. fully participate in Premier League activities and >>WOMEN’S FOOTBALL
believe we play a role in the promotion and success of The Chelsea Ladies team is a fully integrated part of
>>CUSTOMER SERVICE AND the Premier League at home and abroad. Chelsea FITC and is supported by the club.
CHARTER COMMITMENTS Underpinning the success of the first team, who are in
In line with all Premier League clubs, Chelsea produces a >>FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY the FA National League Premier Division is a
Customer Charter outlining its commitments on Chelsea FC plc is the company which owns Chelsea development programme comprising a young reserve
ticketing, merchandising, customer service, complaints Football Club. squad, three linked academy programmes in
procedure, consultation and other issues such as fighting The ultimate parent company of Chelsea FC plc is partnership with strategically located schools and
racism that are dealt with elsewhere in this report. Chelsea Limited and the ultimate controlling party of colleges and a Football Association licensed female
Clubs also produce a report on the previous year’s Chelsea Limited is Roman Abramovich. Centre of Excellence.
charter and give an assessment of whether those The Chelsea FC plc board is chairman Bruce Buck and For more information on Chelsea Ladies please go to
commitments have been met and improvements for directors Peter Kenyon and Eugene Tenenbaum.
the future. This can be obtained from the Premier Even though we are not a
League or from publicly quoted plc, Chelsea
In terms of general customer service, Chelsea believes presented its annual accounts at a
it has met its charter commitment from last year but press conference in February 2008
continues to strive for better service all the time. for the year end June 30, 2007.
If employees enjoy a greater experience they are Chelsea is external debt free.
more likely to deliver a greater customer experience. The accounts presentation
So managers and staff are participating in various confirmed Chelsea’s transfer
programmes to communicate better, develop roles and spend net of sales for the
reward performance. following seasons:
2004/05 = £126.7 million
>>COMMUNITY CONSULTATION 2005/06 = £ 85.4 million
There are meetings, regular contact and good relations 2006/07 = £11.7 million
with more than 10 local resident groups, the Mayors, These figures demonstrate
local politicians and MP’s in our immediate communities that Chelsea has reduced its
of Hammersmith and Fulham and Elmbridge. These are transfer spending year on year.
also fostered through the local councils, with whom the Our turnover for the last financial
club are involved on several projects. There has been year reported was £190.5 million Ladies first
Our ladies team plays in the
direct consultation with local residents on several issues. and our salaries as a percentage Premier Division and is supported
by a reserves and Academy set-up
of turnover was 71 per cent,

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Kitted out
Michael Essien, Salomon
Kalou and Carlo Cudicini
model our first adidas kit,
sporting the Samsung brand

“For the Betterment of All” is the founding ideal Chelsea partnered with adidas in July 2006. The adidas FMC is the bespoke catering partner of Compass Group.
of Samsung Electronics and the company is the Group, which includes the brands adidas, Reebok and Compass, and its purchasing arm Sevita, has distinct
main partner of Chelsea FC’s Football in the TaylorMade in its portfolio, is committed to acting in a policies on purchasing, fair treatment of suppliers, ethical
Community programme. socially responsible way. This is a key part of the trading and commitments to using healthy products.
Samsung’s corporate responsibility principles are corporate philosophy and adidas strives to maintain As part of the largest food service company in the
embodied in the Samsung Code of Conduct and the highest standards in terms of environment, our world, Sevita recognises that it has a significant impact
publication of a global Green Management Report. employees, our business partners and the communities with customers, suppliers and the public in general.
More information on Samsung’s CSR can be found at we work in to ensure sustainable practices. Sevita acknowledges that it has both a legal and For more information on adidas’ CSR go to moral responsibility to consider social impacts at all levels of business.
reports_to_download/default.asp For more information on CSR at Compass go to

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Although Chelsea has two official charity partners, CLIC
Sargent and Right To Play, this does not preclude us
from working or helping countless other charities and
good causes as the following will illustrate.
Once again the priniciple here is not to make cash
donations, but to use the Chelsea name in order to
leverage fundraising. You’re hired!
Ashley Cole and John Terry
The donation of signed merchandise and facilities is appeared in a charity version of
The Apprentice in aid of Comic Relief
the main way in which we assist charities. In the season
2006/07 we helped more than 120 charities or good
causes to raise more than £1 million. Stars in their eyes >>PITCH EVENTS
Charity matches regularly feature
Much of this work former players such as Gavin Peacock One of our major fundraising activities is the
also goes unrecorded. donation of the Stamford Bridge pitch and
Chelsea players do a stadium to selected charities to stage matches.
huge amount of In May 2007 we staged an event for
charity and PiggyBankKids, the charity set up by Sarah
community work in Brown – the wife of Prime Minister Gordon
their private time for Brown, who was, at the time, Chancellor of
which they do not the Exchequer.
seek praise or Brown took time out from running The
publicity. They also Treasury to pop into Stamford Bridge that day
donate merchandise, to support the event.
which is not recorded While talking to Chelsea FC staff he
in our audit either. congratulated them on the FA Cup success
Both they and the previous day.
the club host many disabled and ill children before Another pitch event is also worth a mention.
and after matches in the Stamford Bridge dressing Oil Aid is an event that grew out of the most
room and at Cobham through our Matchday awful family tragedy. This touched everyone at
Wishes programme. Chelsea as it involved someone intimately
A number of players are involved personally with associated with the club, Lord Richard
individual charities and causes. The following is not a Attenborough, our life vice-president.
definitive list. Joe Cole with BeatBullying and Cystic In the Asian Tsunami of 2004, Lord
Fibrosis; Frank Lampard with Teens United; Didier Attenborough lost his daughter and grand-
Drogba with United Nations Development Programme; daughter, while Michael Holland, his son-
Michael Ballack with UNAIDS. in-law and another lifelong Chelsea fan, lost
his mother.
>>RED NOSE FUN Together Michael and Richard somehow
John Terry and Ashley Cole made cameo appearances summoned the strength to organise Oil Aid, in
on television in support of the BBC’s Comic Relief and which companies from the oil industry pay to
Red Nose Day when they visited a funfair for the play in a tournament at Stamford Bridge to raise
charity’s “Does the Apprentice”, a special celebrity money for the Tsunami fund, other charities
version of the show fronted by Sir Alan Sugar. Celebrity they support in Africa and also CLIC Sargent.
teams battled it out to build businesses which raise All for a good cause Chelsea committed to hosting Oil Aid as an
Gordon Brown and wife
money for the charity, one of which was running Sarah at a pitch event held annual event. In its three-year history it has
in support of PiggyBankKids
fairground attractions such as dodgems. raised nearly £1 million for charity.

042 charities 13/8/08 2:46 pm Page 28



ACS Cobham International School Community Sports & Keiton Knight Charity Rays of Sunshine
Education Trust
Active Hearts Charity Kick Out Racism Research Autism
Crossroads – Caring for Carers
Age Concern KIDscan Roger Taylor Charity Auction
CRY Campaign
Alzheimers Society King’s College Hospital Leukaemia Rowley Lane Recreational Trust
Cystic Fibrosis Charity Research
Andrew Flintoff Benefit 2006 Royal Berkshire Hospital
Cystic Fibrosis Trust Kingston Hospital Born
Anthony Nolan Trust Royal College of Nursing
Too Soon Charity
Damilola Taylor Fundraising
Charity Gala Dinner Lauren Page Trust
Arthritis Research Campaign Scot Banks Memorial Fund
DEBRA charity Fundraisiing Event LBH&F Action on Disability Charity
Barnardos Kids Sebastians Action Trust
Derby Hospital Baby Unit Leukaemia Research Fund
BBC Children in Need SHINE Charity
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Charity MacMillan Cancer Relief
Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice Show Racism the Red Card
Duke of Edinburgh Awards Make a Wish Foundation
Bobby Moore Memorial Fund Sickle Cell Auction Ball
Earl Mountbatten Hospice Marie Curie Cancer Care
Breakthrough Breast Cancer Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation
Earl’s Court Festival Mayor of Bromley's Charity Appeal
Breast Cancer Care Skincare Cancer Appeal
English Schools Cricket Association MENCAP/BCC
Breast Cancer Research Smart Risk
Evelina Children's Hospital Meningitis Research Foundation
Brent Council Fostering Services Sparks
Everyman Campaign Mind Charity
British Amputee Association Sport Relief
Fairbridge National Charity Motor Neurone Disease Association
British Chamber of Commerce Sportaid
Football Aid Mount Vernon Hospital
British Heart Foundation Charity Auction St Kentigern’s Hospice
Friends of Chelsea &
British Red Cross Westminster Hospital Muscular Dystrophy Charity Stephanie Marks Appeal
Business In The Community Friends Of The Animal League Naomi's House & Surrey Caring Trust
Cancer Research UK GG2 Asian Media Marketing Group Blanford Community Group
Teckels Animal Sanctuary
CANtreat Great Ormond Street National Ballet
Teenage Cancer Trust
Children’s Hospital NSPCC
Chase Hospice care for Children Teens Unite in Fighting Cancer
Guide Dogs for The Blind Oil Aid
Chelsea & Westminster The Autism Trust
Hospital Auction Headway Charity PACT Children's Charity
The Children's Medical
Chelsea Pensioners Help a London Child - Capital Radio Paul Thomas Charity Fund & Research Foundation
Chernobyl Children's Lifeline Helpng Hand Children's Peer Centre for Children The Children's Trust
Charity Scheme
Chicago Fire (Hispanic Heritage Night) Peter Osgood Memorial Fund The Haemophilia Society
200 Tickets Highland Hospice Charity
Physic Garden Fair The Princess Alice Hospice
Child Victims of Crime International Childcare Trust
Piggy Bank Kids The Royal Marsden
Childline Isle of Wight Hospice
Places for Children Wellchild
Children in Need Jack Brown Appeal
Playing For Life Wildlife Aid
Children’s Medical & Jeans for Genes
Research Foundation Prince’s Trust Wish Upon a Star
Jewish Chronicle
China Earthquake Disaster Fund Charity Auction Project Make A Real Difference World Wildlife Fund
CLIC Sargent John Radcliffe Hospital Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Minds Children's Charity
Comic Relief Kala Thould Foundation Rainbow Trust Zionist Federation Charity

042 charities 13/8/08 2:47 pm Page 29


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Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2006/07

Published August 2008

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